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Jul 21, 2008 11:54 AM

Jun 2008
How old are those kids??? o_O

Anyways..... another ok arc... but they don't seem to be as long as the arcs in the first season ^_^

Sig WILL change soon~
Sep 25, 2008 7:49 AM

Feb 2008
Middle school I'm guessing. Although I don't know...that's a bit young to be thinking having your first time on Hawaii O.o

I think they're going at the same pace as the last season tbh.

That Tae-pon is weird. I couldn't stand having someone as obsessive as that liking me.
Mar 29, 2009 5:53 PM

Jan 2009
umm that ending was kind of odd. how was there another kei-chan living there when he just died? can someone explain that to me. i don't like how they left they open.
Apr 7, 2009 5:51 AM

Feb 2009
Well I think she moved somewhere else and there lived a boy who looked like kei (although it wasn't him, of course, because real kei was dead. :D), and so she was happy... and it looks like she found new "object".

I think this episode was mostly sad. And weird, of course. But sad. I was feeling really sorry for tae until the other kei came... They shouldn't end it like this. But it's some kind of inner message often found in jigoku shoujo endings, something telling you that "people never learn" or something like that. But it's just my opinion and how I see it... :D
Apr 18, 2009 4:20 PM
Dec 2008
I really didn't like tae-pon. She was just to wierd, and creepy. There must be something wrong with her! O.o
Even though we burn all memories, the ashes will always remain.
Jul 19, 2009 10:16 PM

Jul 2008
hey does anyone know if what Ai says before she drags someone down to hell is the same as the first season?

cause i can't figure out if its the different translator or if the anime staff wanted to mix things up a bit for the second season?
Jul 25, 2009 9:13 AM

Oct 2008
Really creepy episode...o.o
Tae-pon didn't have all her marbles or maybe she was that in love with Kei
>.> I don't know.
But, it was a really weird episode. Loved it all the same.
Sep 2, 2009 12:39 AM

Mar 2009
LoL /agreed. The girl was a bit off her rocker I think. Although it's understanfable that a relationship can change things between you and your friend, I think letting love pass you by as you try to fight against it can be an even worse idea. Take a chance in my opinion = )
"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." Oogway
Sep 25, 2009 4:44 PM

Aug 2009
Damn that girl was sick, and who was that doll-like child that told that girl doll of Ai that she's really old.

and wtf, Kei-chan died from a window accident. Sucks eh?
Jan 2, 2010 9:43 PM

Nov 2009
the ending made it soooo confusing!!! but any way kei-chan didnt deserve 2 die!!! an the way he died was horrible... i would have attempted 2 at least grab his hand or do somthing... i guess i would have helped some how maybe me dieing in his place but idk... still i cant believe he died...
Mar 5, 2010 9:14 PM

Apr 2009
Great episode,that girl is obsessive and creepy but i kinda liked her despite that.
lol @ img bbcode not working, mal is such a great site
Mar 18, 2010 11:04 PM

Mar 2010
i quite liked tae-pon! she was obsessive, but rather unselfish about it ... maybe she didn't love /him/ so much as his /company/, but i still found it weirdly romantic. i was inwardly screaming at her to open the window.

i think if she could have put aside her fears, they would have been great together. poor kei-chan... so sad!
Apr 29, 2010 2:26 PM

Aug 2008
This episode is ridiculous.
Aside from the fact that Tae is weird and downright creepy, I also disagree with her views on 'love'. I couldn't wait for the episode to be over.
Jun 22, 2010 1:42 PM

Dec 2009
That taepon girl is really crazy , obsessive , and stalkerish . i hated her . :D she was one crazy girl . and it was all her fault that kei died but she didn`t even feel bothered by it and now she found a new kei . BS BS BS BS .

Jul 27, 2010 7:10 AM

Jun 2008
Oh my. That girl was really strange. The ending was confusing wasn't it? I'd love to know why Kei was there again...

btw Hone Onna looked great ^^
Sep 25, 2010 4:02 PM

Nov 2009
Besides the fact that she was stalker-like, i sort of liked her character. Without really restricting his freedom she preserved even though he was in a relationship. Of course when she started freaking out about getting to close... =/

Was wondering about the end scene as well, which is why i came onto the old forum, but i guess a new Kei look-alike makes sense.
Oct 21, 2010 8:25 PM

Jul 2008
i dont think the last scene happened , she went psycho and imagined Kei being in the next house
Oct 29, 2010 4:56 PM

Jul 2010
@ Doomsday_Yomi, it was real, she moved and her neighbour just looks like "her" Kei-chan.

I don't get it why she calls him -chan and why he calls her -pon? But that's prob just me :P I liked Kei-san a lot, his char was great and it's too bad he died :( and in such a awful way :( At least he realized his love for her... sad episode but good
Dec 26, 2010 8:38 AM

May 2010
I hated Tae and the fact she got a "new" Kei. Mostly it was a normal Jigoku Shoujo ep.

From the beginning of this season, I really enjoyed seeing more about the three "dolls".
Feb 18, 2011 10:39 PM

Oct 2008
Obsessive much?
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Feb 20, 2011 8:51 PM

Sep 2009
Who is that creepy little girl that appears randomly?
when it showed up behind the lady just so I was like
what... teh fawk 0.0
Apr 5, 2011 4:41 PM

Apr 2008
omg... i even don't know what to say... I got very stron emphatic feelings of pain when that boy felt, then a very sad one...

I think I'll leave voting for this episode away... i really can't tell... though i probably hated it...

i fell sad for him... (T T)
Sep 5, 2011 9:01 AM

Mar 2010
Wait, what?
She moved into a house that looks just like her old one? With the same little side window close to her own? With a boy that looks almost exactly like Kei living next store? Well that's a bit too convenient...

Regardless of what everyone's saying I quite liked Tei! She was cute and very loyal, and straight forwardly honest to her affections. She just wanted to love him as a mother would, which is so rare these days!

Jan 19, 2012 4:26 AM

Dec 2011
disco said:
i quite liked tae-pon! she was obsessive, but rather unselfish about it ... maybe she didn't love /him/ so much as his /company/, but i still found it weirdly romantic. i was inwardly screaming at her to open the window.

i think if she could have put aside her fears, they would have been great together. poor kei-chan... so sad!

I would call this episode romantic, too. Poor, poor kei-chan. When he died, I thought for a moment that tae-chan was going to curse herself. 5/5 I could date someone like tae-chan... I think such obsession is cute.
Feb 17, 2012 8:08 PM

Apr 2010
contrary to what most are saying about Tae, i feel that she was much more mature, for her age, about the way she handled her feelings and the determination to preserve the friendship which she holds dear. most would see it as being weird because normally one would act on their emotions instead of holing them up; instead Tae kept Kei at a freind zone distance which would seem incomprehensible for those who truly 'love' someone and to keep themselves from expressing that love. i respect that, but yes, it is quite sad to see it happen.

the only issue i have is how she responded to his feelings when he confessed... to completely shut him off didn't make sense since it would contradict what she was preventing in the first place.
Feb 24, 2012 4:02 PM
Jul 2009
That was retarded. It was practically her fault he died, so she sends the other girl to hell? Wtf.

And what are the odds she would move in next to someone who looks almost exactly like Kei-chan?
Apr 15, 2012 7:29 PM

Jul 2011
that chick was a total creeper
Aug 8, 2012 1:11 PM

May 2012
What a weird and fucked up episode! Having someone you like seeing to die right before you eye's must be horrible, especially when in those events!

Weird but great episode!
Aug 29, 2012 1:20 PM

Jul 2009
I think that they took the names of the characters straight out of Gantz. There is a girl and a boy named Tae and Kei too. Kei gets called Kei-chan there too xD

The episode was pretty interesting and I liked it! :>
Sep 16, 2012 10:26 AM

Apr 2011
What weird episode we have, the victim is like a stalker. She very obsesses to maintain good relation with her childhood friend, enough to allow him to use her room to have sex with his girlfriend...

Personally I did not like Tae, but not to the extend of calling hell girl on her. The girlfriend was mean, but that didn't flag off "hell girl killing" for me, but we later found out, that she's a cheat. The boyfriend/childhood friend dies, because his hormones were acting up and wanted to release some on Tae, but fell between the buildings.

Tae moved to another area, but found a new toy to be obsesses about. Some poor sap, who looks bit like the old childhood friend...

The female doll was in contact with the mysteries loli.. O_O who is she
Sep 20, 2012 2:54 PM

Jan 2012
pussy's a hell of a drug
Nov 26, 2012 9:50 AM

Jan 2012
the ending was really sad, just because she was saying basically 'i don't want to ruin what we have and our friendship' and the way he leaned over and was just like ' pfft no like that would ever happen, please talk to me' and then she realised and opened the window, so so tragic, but yeah Tae was a little too weird for me and there is the obvious issue of their age but.....

all in all it is just a typical Jigoku episode really, I think I can tell already this episode is going to go the same as the first, but I don't really mind, i think i've grown more patient and non-caring since I watched the first season and I'm just going to sit back and enjoy some Enma :)
Jan 12, 2013 2:14 AM

Aug 2012
i kinda like her character. I guess her love for kei chan is platonic and she's very dedicated. Too bad she's too afraid to change their relationship. and poor Kei chan, that was an awful way to die.

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Feb 25, 2013 9:55 AM

Oct 2012
If anyone didn't already know she went crazy at the end of the episode and saw Kei chan LOL...this show never lets me down.
Jun 21, 2013 5:40 PM

Jun 2012
strange episode and again a stupid reason to sent someone to hell. I wonder how Kei came a live again although the person above me has a pretty good explanation but it never is said she went crazy so i am not to sure about that.
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Jul 26, 2013 3:35 PM
Aug 2012
at first tae creeped me out with all that stuff she said. but honestly by the end i think i find her to be incredibly sane more than anything. she views things differently, that doesnt make her wrong. in fact, id say shes more right. i like how her love for him goes further than being satisfied with dating that person. usually people just want others for themselves, but she really did operate in kei's best interest and in the interest of their relationship.
Aug 2, 2013 6:20 PM

Feb 2012
What a fucking loony. The point of contacting Hell Girl is to, at the very least, make your life on Earth better before an eternity in Hell. But she somehow made her life on Earth worse, too. Whoops.
Aug 16, 2013 7:05 PM

Mar 2013
am I the only one who though ai cutting her toenails was the weirdest, randomest part of the episode? ._. XD

oh the silly things you find on the internet
Sep 13, 2013 10:09 AM

Aug 2013
aww this episode was so sad TT_TT
Aug 26, 2014 1:00 PM

May 2014
oh what the heeeeccckk.... this episode was so sad.... like i know Tae seems creepy and all, but it sounds like she had genuine feelings for Kei and in the end was just to scared to ruin what they had which is understandable. But right when it seems she was coming around and opened the window... omgsh it was just too sad... the ending I think it's suggesting that she might've gone crazy? & like might start hallucinating or something.. but wow this was just a really good episode.

I also really like how they're showing Ai's helpers getting personally involved in these cases. I hope we'll be learning about their background stories soon.
Oct 5, 2014 10:56 PM

Nov 2013
makezh22 said:
umm that ending was kind of odd. how was there another kei-chan living there when he just died? can someone explain that to me. i don't like how they left they open.
Tae moved to another apartment. Her new neighbor looks almost exactly like Kei. Quite a coincidence isn't it?

Oct 5, 2014 10:59 PM

Nov 2013
Good episode. Tae really made me think of Gasai Yuno due to how overly protective she was of Kei. That crazy bitch had some really twisted logic. Nice to see Hone get some more screentime this episode. She's really beginning to grow on me. That punishment scene was brief but was really good!

Oct 5, 2014 11:00 PM

Nov 2013
Salmissra said:
Who is that creepy little girl that appears randomly?
when it showed up behind the lady just so I was like
what... teh fawk 0.0
Totally forgot about her. I have no idea why she was even there. I wonder if she will have some significance later in the story?

Oct 5, 2014 11:00 PM

Nov 2013
blupengu said:
am I the only one who though ai cutting her toenails was the weirdest, randomest part of the episode? ._. XD
I thought it was adorable ♥

Oct 12, 2014 11:23 AM

Apr 2014
makezh22 said:
umm that ending was kind of odd. how was there another kei-chan living there when he just died? can someone explain that to me. i don't like how they left they open.

Sorry for the super late reply.. Just watched Jigoku Shoujo because I was told that it was good (and true enough it didn't disappoint)!

Anyway, of course Kei-chan died and the one in the end was another "Kei" for Tae-pon because he looks like him.. (Of course, it's needless to say that this new "Kei" could've had another name and he's definitely another different person).. Yes she's that attached to Kei that it was a joy for her to be able to find a new "Kei" in her life..

Yeah it's weird but imo, it's kinda sweet because even after Kei died, Tae-pon still longed for him..
Sep 22, 2015 8:05 AM

Aug 2014
Firstly, why Enma didn't come to her, right when she made the call at the website? Did she have somithing better to do? And secondly, this wasn't as good as the previous ones.

Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness.
Thy actions cause men pain and suffering.
Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins.
How would you like to see what death is like?
-Enma Ai
Nov 4, 2015 6:47 PM

Jan 2014
Well...that was weird..
Mar 25, 2017 10:12 AM

Apr 2009
Probably the most stupid episode and way to die.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 2, 2017 7:32 AM

May 2015
At least Kei-chan didn't die as a virgin.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Nov 1, 2017 5:08 AM

Sep 2012
StabbyPWNS said:
How old are those kids??? o_O

Anyways..... another ok arc... but they don't seem to be as long as the arcs in the first season ^_^
LolitaDecay said:
Middle school I'm guessing. Although I don't know...that's a bit young to be thinking having your first time on Hawaii O.o

I think they're going at the same pace as the last season tbh.

That Tae-pon is weird. I couldn't stand having someone as obsessive as that liking me.

they seemed to be in high school
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