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Mar 7, 2013 4:38 PM

Nov 2009
I finished the series in two nights, and i must say, in scale of 1 to 10 in sadness, it's at 11. I cried as much as i did when i finished Clannad.
Mar 17, 2013 4:35 AM

Oct 2012
at start I had feeling they are kinda hurrying things, story kinda reminded me Tears to Tiara,but with less importance on becoming king and more imporatnce on things after that, also near end (ep 19+) it got bit confusing but well, I guess I understood most of it and Ill go read Hakuoro character on MAL also

anyway, story was great, seems like he even came back in the end .. now I just feel bad for Yuzuha and Kuuya ..

Also, Oboro went for a journey so that when he comes back he can become king or so didnt he ?? wont it be epic fail if he comes back to find Hakuoro on throne ? :D:D::D:D

1 more things, the opening song .. it was EPIC ... as far as I remember, this is ONLY anime, where I listened to opening at almost every episode (I skipped it maybe 2-3 times from 26, and I watched anime in 2,5 day)

I've got a bad habit of clicking spoilers too fast, then regret it ..

"The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed."
Apr 30, 2013 3:09 AM

Aug 2010
I loved this series and loved the game. I'm excited to watch the extras that I didn't know came out and learn more about the story and or characters. :)
Jul 15, 2013 1:59 PM

Sep 2012
this was an unexpected enjoyable series..really...I did not expect it to be this good...and that ending jeez...too sad I will miss this.
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Jul 17, 2013 2:29 PM
Jan 2012
For those who are still a bit confused like me, here is a super interesting read about the backstory and explanations of many things left open in the game and the anime.

Also check out the Wikipedia page for an overall explanation of things...
karekareJul 17, 2013 2:44 PM
Aug 16, 2013 5:39 AM
Aug 2010
Glad that i rewatched it ^^
Sep 2, 2013 7:20 PM

Nov 2011
Damn, I felt the impact of the second half. Dat confession and kiss <3. Ofc it just wasn't the contract!

The ending is somewhat of what I predicted. I think he might come back someday. I haven't played the games yet so no idea if he will or not. Anyways, 6/10 for this series (:
Jan 27, 2014 11:53 PM

Oct 2013
It made me little teary at the end.
7/10 for the series.

Now, I'm off to watch the OVAs.
Jan 29, 2014 6:10 AM
Jan 2014
T^T It's make me cry, But It's Good. Nope Good Is Not The Right Word, Then It's Awesome ... Wish It will have second season ... 9.5/10 For This Series. If You Guys know something about another anime with romance + action + drama please tell me ^_^ ( Note: I dont want Ecchi / Hentai on it )
Mar 25, 2014 9:56 AM
Apr 2009
This is how all the anime should be.
I definitely need more anime like this.
May 11, 2014 9:26 AM
Jun 2013
This was a wonderful anime from begging to end.Great cast of characters and I felt most of everything was nicely wrapped up.They still kinda left the bite mark incedent unexplained.why are humans always dicks in these things and why does the love interest always wait till the last moment to confess her love.

Why did yuzuha have to die dang it.I was hopping she would have been cured somehow.Imma go with the opinion that Hakuoro did return in the end going by some characters reaction and the last scene with eruruu smilling and looking towards the screen.Though I wish we could have seen it.
May 14, 2014 2:55 PM

Dec 2013
Great ending to a great series. Very sad though. It was nice to see Touka and Karura being friends, I wish they had more screen time. MAL desription says
So Eruruu was Mikoto, eh? That scene was great. It was nice to see Oboro move on after Yuzuha's death.

souledge94 said:
Though I wish we could have seen it.

Yeah, it would have been great.
AizixMay 14, 2014 3:00 PM
Jun 2, 2014 6:21 AM

Aug 2013
The last couple of episodes confused me but overall it was a good show. I didn't really find the ending sad except for when Yuzuha's grave was shown. I kind of hoped she would be cured and be happy with Aruruu and Kamyu but :(
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Aug 24, 2014 8:53 PM

Apr 2011
Honestly they shouldn't have wasted so much time with the fantasy medieval setting cuz that wasn't what this series was all about lol.
Dec 17, 2014 5:30 AM

Nov 2014
I loved this show. Was going to drop at first but held on. Glad I did. Reminds me of Magna Carta 2. Amazing! :)
Jan 13, 2015 4:43 AM

Sep 2013
Thankfully everything got explained. I really liked this anime. It had some weak episodes, especially after ep 18, but the ending was great. The last 3 episodes redeemed the bad part (18-22) for me. Overall really decent show. 8/10.
Mar 26, 2015 3:08 PM

Feb 2013
I have to say when I first picked this up I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as did. It started out really strong, but did go a bit weird there towards the end. Still, for the most part I really did enjoy this series.

The best part of this show for me was the characters. I just found most of them to be really interesting and likeable. I think it'd be pretty cool if they made a spinoff series featuring one of them, my vote would be for Karura <3. I personally think that would be pretty damn entertaining =p

I give it an 8/10 overall, it was a really enjoyable watch!
Shape430Mar 26, 2015 4:17 PM
Aug 30, 2015 12:56 PM

Apr 2015
Wow that was a really epic Anime :) the characters were all loveable and the story was interesting.

The Ending was soo sad... Why does Yuzuha have to die ? :/

Personally I think that Hakuoro has returned because there are 2 hints.
1 Camus and Aruruu looked suprised towards the forest ( maybe they saw Hakuoro)
2 Eruruu looked very happy to someone (that might be Hakuoro)
Sep 18, 2015 6:20 PM

May 2012
So, who was this other god, Onvitaikayan?
Oct 5, 2015 1:57 AM

Sep 2010
Great series, I liked the first more normal part better but the second half was good as well. There was also a clear ending to the story and pretty much everything was resolved. Sure I would like a little explanation how the facility where Iceman was, but that would going really deep, and the important parts were there.

Still, the ultimate sacrifice ending... no matter how many I see it, most of the times it turns out to be great ending, just like here, and yet every time I ask WHY? NO!!!!!!

Another thing to mention is that this is truly a great adaptation. Well I can't say for sure as I didn't play the VN but the thing is that this anime doesn't really feel like an adaptation of VN as while I do see the possibility of splinting this story into heroines routes and ETC, Anime stays to stay away from romance as far as it can and it's probably possible only because of protagonist, as Hakurou isn't your typical idiot protagonist from VNs that we see nowadays everywhere (not only in VNs). He keeps his cool all the time and doesn't give in to the temptation, although as a man he should have done that at least once. In the end for the romance part we only get that one kiss at the very end for which I have waited the whole series but unfortunately there was no they lived happy ever after.

One last thing let's not forget about the glory of the Opening, that song is so good!!

All in all, I watched this anime in one go, and the last time I did the same was few months ago. I am really happy that I picked it up after seeing the first episode of new Utawarerumono series that is coming out this season. I wonder how much those two will have in common. All in all whatever happens there happens there and I am happy that I will have the chance to experience more of that world.
Oct 6, 2015 4:52 PM

Aug 2013
Well i too watched in one go after watched the first episode of second season(actually in 2 days).

This is good because i already understand now something from the episode of second season, but i am not confident with the new MC, i hope he can live the expectations from the first.

eso18 said:

All in all, I watched this anime in one go, and the last time I did the same was few months ago. I am really happy that I picked it up after seeing the first episode of new Utawarerumono series that is coming out this season. I wonder how much those two will have in common. All in all whatever happens there happens there and I am happy that I will have the chance to experience more of that world.

I hear than the second season is 10 years latter, but i am not sure.
Oct 7, 2015 5:02 PM

Jun 2008
Sorry but am not as satisfied as others here and that is mostly because no decent explanation was given.
So many things left unanswered. So who was the main guy? How did he end up with the mask? Who shoot him? How did he have those powers? Who was Onvitaikayan if both Dii and Hakuoro were the same God and none of them being Onvitaikayan? How did humanity end up under ground in a lap. What is it in the air that they need to wear protective suits going outside. Did the earth became radioactive or something and those humanoid animal ear people are tolerant to radiation?
Seriously what was the talk about missing links etc?

The only thing explained was basically that that all this animal hybrid people were created by humans in their labs and nothing more.

And don't tell me about reading description or reading one and the other. Look the fucking show should be able to stand by itself. Not expecting me to read the info missing. If info are missing then the anime failed at giving them. The anime is gonna get evaluated on what it showed not on other things that are not included in it.
Oct 13, 2015 9:53 PM

Sep 2013
Okay so Im really trying hard to make sense of the plot of this anime because they really suck at explaining things and some parts just dont add up.

From what I understood, Hakuoro is actually the god witsuteabdhdjskak. He was originally a scientist pressumaby an archeologist who got shot after finding out about the "missing link". His blood splattered on the fossil making somehow become one with it or something like that and his dead body grew a mask which the scientist saw and froze him as a sample. He was awakened again probably after many years but he cant remember his past. The Earth is not habitable anymore due to unexplained reasons(pollution maybe) that's why scientist are looking for a way to make humans able to live on the surface again. Scientist created artificial lifeforms who are probably hybrids of humans and animals, and when Hakuoro was freed together Mikoto and the other artificial lifeforms they inhabited the earth so the ancestors of the people in the show with animal ears and tails are actually artificial lifeforms. Humans have become extinct after Hakuoro turned the scientists, who are probably the last humans on earth, into slimy blobs. Mutsumi whose origins is NOT EXPLAINED IN THE ANIME but I pressume she is also an artificial lifeform with some kind of power because the writers can do whatever the hell they want, blew the whole facility with the use of an orbiting space laser cannon and as a result Hakuoro's soul was split into two. From this point I have no idea what happened anymore but it seems it was implied that Eruru is Mikoto's reincarnation, but I also think she is Hakuoro and Mikoto's descendant because of the ring in her hair which Hakuoro originally gave to his daughter. Well we will never know.

Things they forgot to explain:
1.) Who the heck is Rakshain and why did he kill his wife and children? in the flashback it was clearly Hakuoro and that's the only explanation why he was found injured.
2.) It was revealed in the anime that the Angel people are descendants of Mutsumi (how was she able to bear children?) but they didnt really explain how she got her supernatural powers.

3.) In a previous episode, Camus sucked Aruru's blood. Why?

4.) What did Dii meant when he said to Hakuoro they should return to sleep, did he mean to be reincarnated? or sealed? or maybe literally sleep? sigh, I dont fvking care anymore.

Well overall this anime was actually pretty enjoyable, some characters are downright stupid and the plot is really messed up, but its forgivable I guess. I only watched this because of the new Utaweramono series this Fall 2015 anyway.
AsianKungFuOct 13, 2015 10:07 PM
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Oct 24, 2015 7:45 PM
Mar 2012
Watched in 2 weeks since I got intrigued by ep1 of the 2nd season.
It started quite slow & pacing felt dated, & had to remind myself it's a 2006 so kept my patience. Absolutely adore the characters. First half felt like Oda Nobunaga variant, & from middle started to hint at the mask mystery & origins from the lab. They didn't explain everything & felt a bit messy, but I really liked the bittersweet ending & hint, so rare to see a similar storytelling style in recent shows. Mechs suddenly appearing came as a real shock, but later made sense in the overall anachronism theme, from origin of hi-tech lab with dna cloning & guns, to the current world of more animal-like humans & magic.
So both Mutsumi & Mikoto are Iceman/Witsa's "children". Mutsumi was explained, the father part, and how her immortal soul would embody one of the winged descendants in each generation (Camus). But they never mentioned how Mikoto test subject was created in anime (read wiki/mal character). Everything else in mal spoiler was already implied/explained in show.
Oh... that means Mikoto is both Hakuoro's child & mother (of Eruruu), and Eruruu is both their child & love interest. That's like double incest... Also cool to see as a non mc character, Oboro's harem is alive & well, even though not really girls? I've a lot of respect for him, starting as a reckless hothead, to building patience & learning from his former enemy. Characterization & relationships is so amazing in Utawa.
Rakshain fake backstory I think might've been just a manipulation by Niwe, as he mentioned the usefulness of magic spells when the misunderstanding at the cliff was cleared (and Karula switched sides). Dii probably helped hypnotize them to believing the Rakshain story, plausible since he can even make zombies.
Music overall is quite nice & fits the pacing of a classic war story. Kimi ga Tame during the kiss scene, omg I've heard this so many times for 9 years on random radios without knowing the name or source. Feelz hit hard...
Oct 24, 2015 8:26 PM
Mar 2012
Xynic said:
3.) In a previous episode, Camus sucked Aruru's blood. Why?

Reading animesuki & tvtropes, apparently the game never explains Camus going vampire.
Every full moon Camus gets weird near the lake, shown in several episodes. Her eyes goes red in vampire mode, same as Mutsumi's. Also Mutsumi's 3rd of 3 abilities shown is the bloody blobs, likely inherited from her father Witsa. My guess is these full moon sequences show the gradual awakening of Mutsumi from Camus (she's chosen as the current generation body to house the ancestor soul). And the blood sucking likely is the nutrient/activation Mutsumi needed. When Hakuoro died in front of the stone Witsa, his blood splatter, as if "sacrifice for Witsa", activated the god and bound them together. I find this similarity fascinating, and mirrors the activation of JoJo's stone mask.
Oct 30, 2015 10:56 AM

Dec 2013
Might be the biggest piece of trash I watched. How awful show's story composition can be? Alternating between dull, monotonous, overdone battles scenes with some evil lord laughing in the background and absolutely cringeworthy, jarring and disconnected harem SOL comedy goofing.

I would describe show's story as antonym of interesting. It's set in a pretty decent fantasy setting but doesn't even try to build its world, not even a little. The closest we got was the second episode with the tiger, which honestly was this show's best episode. Instead the show focuses on quite a large cast of characters but even with such a large amount of time dedicated to them, none of them got properly fleshed out, not even the main characters. I mean, at the end of the show the only way I could describe most, if not all, female characters would be quite literally Hakuoro's harem. Whole show, it's either dull, uninteresting battles or completely out of place harem shenanigans.

Character relationships don't really make sense either. A random man is found, some hospitality is given to him, he gets introduced with the household. Literally few days later - "You are family to me!". How is this supposed to not look retarded when we are not shown any sort of believable bonding between the characters, Hakuoro and Eruruu, Aruruu. Even with some sort of meaningful character interactions, it's improbable and just dumb, feels like some chunk of a story was just cut out. Not even going to comment on Aruruu and her "Father!". I'm also not sure how Hakuoro became a leader of the village, it's either I slept through the show, or it was not shown and established properly. He is literally just a random, mysterious at that, person who came into their lives just a few days, weeks at best, ago. How is he suddenly in charge of everything and how is everyone so friendly with him, how do they trust him so much, calling him brother and whatnot. He most certainly didn't have any character traits that stood out enough for all that to happen. Once again, it feels like huge chunks of story is cut out or done poorly and rushed.

And that's just a small part of poorly and untastefully done things, I forgot most of them as I dragged myself through the show. The twists and reveals at the end didn't really mesh with the established world at all, aside from watafak factor, it's really just... not good.

I would have dropped this show and stopped my suffering if I wasn't convinced that it is absolutely a must watch if you want to watch Itsuwari no Kamen. Well having watched the first four episodes of Itsuwari, aside from a bit better understanding of some clear references to the prequel, all my knowledge of the original Utawarerumono does is just reminds me what a piece of shit it was, it really hinders my enjoyment of Itsuwari, even though it's definitely superior at the moment. Complete waste of time.
goodshitgoOdshitOct 30, 2015 11:01 AM
Nov 7, 2015 11:12 AM

Nov 2007
I saw first 8 episodes when it originally aired (9 years back). Put it on hold and probably would never have given it a shot until they said it's a prequel to Itsuwari no Kamen. And now having done with watching this show, I just want to say that it was probably


6/10 because I am game for cute and sexy kemonomimi girls. Otherwise I wouldn't have given this anime more than a 4/10.

Edit: Okay, having seen episode 6 of Itsuwari no Kamen, I hope watching this season pays off. The sequel has better pacing of the story so far.
shanimebibNov 8, 2015 8:22 AM
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Nov 23, 2015 4:43 PM
May 2014
This is officially going on my #1 favourite.
Dec 1, 2015 8:43 AM

Jul 2015
I've start Itsuwari no Kamen and i really like it, so i watched this series to know the universe and what happened before, but i couldn't"t expected that this anime would be that great, the ending almost make me cry, it was so sad, 8/10 for me, i'm really happy to have watch this anime !
Dec 21, 2015 9:40 AM

May 2008
Gosh what an ending! these last few episodes were bloody confusing I had to literally pause sometimes and re-read what was being said as all this futuristic thing was a complete suprise to me.

Didnt expect him to have been one of the gods and man I felt so bad for Eruru and Aruru but for Eruru finally they get to kiss! Ive been waiting for that. I also feel sad that Yuzuha passed away :(

Im not sure if in the end what happened when Aruru, Camus and Eruru turned their face to the center of the screen, perphas was it Hakuoro that came back??

Theres so many things left unexplained and i think it made it even more difficult when the futuristic thing was introduced I wasnt expecting something like this with this series and . One final note is that from the beginning I didnt really like how Hakuoro was like "family" with Eruru and Aruru in like a matter of days and then head of the village which then lead to this rebellion and being emperor, I just feel it was wayyyyy too quick?

Still enjoyed it and LOVE the subordinates, would have been nice to have had more backstory on them.

7.5 would have been my final score but since that doesnt exist ill give it a generous 8/10 still very good anime but with some flaws. now on to the OVA!
FabriceMar 30, 2016 1:26 PM
Dec 26, 2015 11:13 AM
Sep 2014
There is a lot of unanswered questions.

How did they get mechs (Avu Kamu)?
Why can humans not live on the surface?
How did magic come about without scientists knowing?
Who is the god that Kuya believed?
Where are the ruins of developed human civilization?
Dec 26, 2015 12:14 PM

Jul 2007
aimglitchz said:
There is a lot of unanswered questions.

The anime greatly rushed a lot of everything starting with Karura's story arc.

How did they get mechs (Avu Kamu)?

Dii provided them. Most likely engineered based on either Witsurinemitea's form or the humanity's research(since Onvitaikayan refers to the slimes)

Why can humans not live on the surface?

Some sort of cataclysm on earth, either via humans themselves or via outside force. The air on surface is filled with poisonous elements that would kill any human.

How did magic come about without scientists knowing?

Science experiments. Onkamiyamukai have access to some sort of power from Witsurinemitea since they are descended from a test-tube baby based upon him. The laser beam Kamyu used is from a satelite system in earth's atmosphere. Other magic is just psychic powers most likely resulting from experimentation.

Who is the god that Kuya believed?

Onvitaikayan is a cursed name for the slimes, humanity. Since it is the beings that Witsurinemitea cursed, they are viewed as evil and through ages the story shifted into them being viewed as some equivalent of a devil.

Where are the ruins of developed human civilization?

It has been hundreds of years. Most of it degraded and fell apart(That is if the cataclysm was not some nuclear war or asteroid, which would wipe it out on its own). THERE ARE ruins of human civilization, but most of them are underground, destroyed by natives(since humans are the devil, etc) or very high up
Jan 1, 2016 12:34 PM

Jan 2013
Alright ending, too rushed though.
Jan 31, 2016 10:36 AM

Sep 2013
I watch this anime because Itsuwari No Kamen. And I enjoy it.
Because I have watched Itsuwari until 15 episode. Utawarerumono answer some question in my mind when I watch Itsuwari 8/10
Feb 8, 2016 9:46 PM

Jul 2009
Xynic said:
Things they forgot to explain:
1.) Who the heck is Rakshain and why did he kill his wife and children? in the flashback it was clearly Hakuoro and that's the only explanation why he was found injured.

I believe the entire Rakushain story was fake. The flashback was just to depict what Orikakan thought/believed he saw. It was mentioned right after Niwe killed him and ran off with Dii that illusions are special things or something.

So basically Dii brainwashed, gave Orikakan an illusion of all that happening so that he'd go after Hakuoro and give him trouble. (and probably had his sister and niece/nephew killed to make it believable OR maybe there was actually a person named Rakushain and they just made an illusion to make him look like Hakuoro)
Feb 21, 2016 5:43 AM

Sep 2014
Eruruu and Hakuoro finally kiss!!! dem feels ;-;
Damn those bastard scientists doing that to Mikoto ;-;, at least they got what they wanted hehe.
Made me teary when I saw Yuzuha's grave, didn't even get to see her eyes open like in the opening T_T
Karura and Touka getting along well I see xD
Great to see Oboro maturing.

Eruruu's smile at the end <3
I sure hope Hakuoro will return for Eruru, Aruruu and everyone else!

Ending song was really good ;-;
Good times and sad times, I really enjoyed this series. I will also play the game most likely~
Now I can continue with the 2nd season.
nerfxMar 22, 2016 2:48 PM
Mar 11, 2016 6:05 PM

Sep 2012
Really interesting story, but I can't deny the writing goes bad at times and some things are just left unexplained, such as why was Iceman frozen, what happened to the surface that humans couldn't live in it anymore, how can Eruruu be Iceman's descendant (she's got that ring, after all) if his child got dissecated... That kind of stuff.

Overall a 7/10 for its good plot but also its downfalls.
Mar 13, 2016 5:20 AM

Jul 2007
Fenryr19 said:
such as why was Iceman frozen,

The scientist that was shot activated the fossil with his blood and the two merged into one. The lead scientist had them be frozen to do experiments then.

what happened to the surface that humans couldn't live in it anymore,

Chances are meteorite impact since we know the planet's magnetic poles have shifted. The current atmosphere has slightly different chemical structure with elements that are toxic to humans.

how can Eruruu be Iceman's descendant (she's got that ring, after all) if his child got dissecated...

She is not iceman's descendant. She just has the ring by sheer and absolute coincidence.
Mar 19, 2016 8:08 AM

Oct 2012
It's a lie if i say i don't enjoy this series. One of few anime which turn out affecting my daily life.

Nice feeling (Oyaji-san's death, and Final Farewell)
Comedy (Aruruu and Mukkuru)
Concept (Post-apocalyptic things)
Great Supporting Characters (Touka, Karura, Benawi, and others.) And

I have no regret for trying this series (and game too). I just hope eruruu will come back in final game. (feel so sorry for her)

*It's kinda funny. i tried this season after watching itsuwari no Kamen till ep 18 lol. The score is so miss leading lol


Tomzkk said:
1 more things, the opening song .. it was EPIC ... as far as I remember, this is ONLY anime, where I listened to opening at almost every episode (I skipped it maybe 2-3 times from 26, and I watched anime in 2,5 day)

ryshinMar 19, 2016 8:28 AM

Apr 14, 2016 3:50 PM
May 2010
Fai said:

how can Eruruu be Iceman's descendant (she's got that ring, after all) if his child got dissecated...

She is not iceman's descendant. She just has the ring by sheer and absolute coincidence.

Actually she Is Iceman's decendant. Makoto was the one that was Dissected, not the child that was born from the union between iceman and Makoto.
Apr 14, 2016 11:43 PM

Jul 2007
Viper_607 said:
Fai said:

She is not iceman's descendant. She just has the ring by sheer and absolute coincidence.

Actually she Is Iceman's decendant. Makoto was the one that was Dissected, not the child that was born from the union between iceman and Makoto.

Mikoto and the child both were dissected. The child was dissected first actually and then the mother.
The only "genetic descendants" of Iceman are Onkamiyamukai and that's because of genetic clone Mutsumi being their ancestor.Its why they have their magic.

If Eruru was in anyway related to him she would have a whole lot more supernatural about her instead of being a completely normal person. As shown with
Apr 15, 2016 8:24 AM
May 2010
Fai said:

Mikoto and the child both were dissected. The child was dissected first actually and then the mother.

What is your basis for this claim? The scientist never mentioned the child being dissected in the big reveal episode, only Mikoto. Not to mention that would also remove the reason for why Eruru has that ring that is shown worn by the child of Hakuoro and Mikoto.

Not to mention that the one wearing the ring is the exact same species type as Mikoto herself.
Apr 16, 2016 12:46 AM

Jul 2007
Viper_607 said:
Fai said:

Mikoto and the child both were dissected. The child was dissected first actually and then the mother.

What is your basis for this claim? The scientist never mentioned the child being dissected in the big reveal episode, only Mikoto. Not to mention that would also remove the reason for why Eruru has that ring that is shown worn by the child of Hakuoro and Mikoto.

Not to mention that the one wearing the ring is the exact same species type as Mikoto herself.

There's enough visual indication towards that and it is outright stated in the visual novel.

The ring is simply something that Eruru came to have, it is a coincidence/fate/whatever. The only thing closest to a descendant for Iceman is Mutsumi and the onkamiyamukai, because Mutsumi was an imperfect clone of iceman.
Aug 11, 2016 9:28 PM
May 2009
Fai said:
Viper_607 said:

What is your basis for this claim? The scientist never mentioned the child being dissected in the big reveal episode, only Mikoto. Not to mention that would also remove the reason for why Eruru has that ring that is shown worn by the child of Hakuoro and Mikoto.

Not to mention that the one wearing the ring is the exact same species type as Mikoto herself.

There's enough visual indication towards that and it is outright stated in the visual novel.

The ring is simply something that Eruru came to have, it is a coincidence/fate/whatever. The only thing closest to a descendant for Iceman is Mutsumi and the onkamiyamukai, because Mutsumi was an imperfect clone of iceman.

Wiki says Eruru is a reincarnation while this interview says Aruruu inherited her power to talk to animals from Mikoto.
Aug 12, 2016 2:02 AM

Jul 2007
BBundaegi said:
Fai said:

There's enough visual indication towards that and it is outright stated in the visual novel.

The ring is simply something that Eruru came to have, it is a coincidence/fate/whatever. The only thing closest to a descendant for Iceman is Mutsumi and the onkamiyamukai, because Mutsumi was an imperfect clone of iceman.

Wiki says Eruru is a reincarnation while this interview says Aruruu inherited her power to talk to animals from Mikoto.

Reincarnation is a pure speculation since they look similar. Its in no way confirmed.

How she got the ring will most likely be revealed in the prequel VN focused on young Tuskuru's participation in the previous cycle of conflict between the two halves of Witsurinemitea.

The inheritance thing is incorrect - She inherited the animal whispering but she is not directly related to Mikoto. Its most likely because of Mikoto's species, a sort of side effect since Mikoto had it too. Mikoto and her child were both dissected. Their line ended there.

AhenshihaelAug 12, 2016 2:06 AM
Aug 16, 2016 12:49 PM
May 2009
I'm sorry I was not aware I did not link anything.

Karekare above linked:

Source of translation is apparently a guidebook from the PS2 game from an interview with director. According to the translation, Aruruu inherited her powers from Mikoto

I found another translation.

This translation of the same source also restates that the powers are passed down genetically and it was inherited from Mikoto. This translation also included that the ring Eruruu has is THE original ring Mikoto had and it was passed down generation to generation as direct descendants of Mikoto.

I haven't played the VN so I don't know how close the anime is to the game.
Sep 2, 2016 9:34 PM

Feb 2014
At first they showed Mikoto, a baby and Hakuoro, well... I deduced the baby was Mikoto and Hakuoro's daughter.

Hakuoro gives the baby a ring.

Eruruu uses the same ring.

So I thought: "Oh...! so Eruruu is Hakuoro's daughter!"

But then they're kissing.

Then in the end people are telling the ring is simply a coincidence... seriously? -.-"

The anime got really confusing from the second half so on, and many things were left unexplained. I'm specially disappointed about not knowing about Aruru so well, or there's nothing to know about her and that was all? And seriously that in the end Yuzuha died...? She was there all the time to die in the end...? That is it?

Anyway, 6/10
Vi-Sep 2, 2016 10:00 PM
Sep 3, 2016 11:35 AM

Jul 2007
Viteracf said:

Eruruu uses the same ring.
So I thought: "Oh...! so Eruruu is Hakuoro's daughter!"
But then they're kissing.
Then in the end people are telling the ring is simply a coincidence... seriously? -.-"

Its a coincidence that she got it. We don't know how and when Grandpa Tuskuru got it.

I'm specially disappointed about not knowing about Aruru so well, or there's nothing to know about her and that was all?

There's not much to know about her here I mean she is literally a toddler?

And seriously that in the end Yuzuha died...? She was there all the time to die in the end...? That is it?

Yuzuha was ill after all. She never would have lived long. Yuzuha plays a very important role in the story but pretty much entirety of it was cut in the anime.
As for why she was there, well the anime omitted it but it is still canon -
Sep 6, 2016 10:32 PM

Feb 2014
Fai said:

And seriously that in the end Yuzuha died...? She was there all the time to die in the end...? That is it?

Yuzuha was ill after all. She never would have lived long. Yuzuha plays a very important role in the story but pretty much entirety of it was cut in the anime.
As for why she was there, well the anime omitted it but it is still canon -

Thanks for the answer.
Vi-Sep 6, 2016 10:41 PM
Oct 3, 2016 7:06 AM

Jun 2011
Such a bittersweet ending, ended great but it doesn't excuse the poor second half of this series. I didn't enjoy the last 2 arcs for the most parts, they were so rushed and not many were shown, but rather said. I also dislike the super long name or titles for a clan/God/religion or whatever it is, it's hard to remember them. This is so disappointing to me, mainly because I really thought that it had potential, and thought that 26 episodes would be enough for the series.

The first half was on the border of boring/good, it wasn't boring for me to drop it, but neither was it good enough to get me hype about it. Second half was where it really started to rush things and I stopped caring most of the time. There are also issues like Yuzuha's illness that got ignored and taken out of the story (almost) just to make things more convenient or flow smoothly, and only got addressed by the end of the series, which didn't really sit all that well for me. I would have preferred that Yuzuha continue to survive, given that she kept fighting/stayed alive throughout the series.

I will still miss certain characters, wish some of them would appear in the sequel.
ToG25thBaamOct 3, 2016 7:11 AM
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