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Mar 10, 2009 10:44 AM

Feb 2009
This was quite an episode of a lot of flash backs. It's interesting to see why Layfon did not want to join the military arts in the beginning of the season.

The ending was a bit disappointing that Nina did not want him in Platoon 17 anymore.She did accept his way of thinking.
Mar 10, 2009 11:58 AM

Aug 2007
My motivation for watching this show keeps slowly dropping more and more. Even Felli can't help out this trainwreck.
Mar 10, 2009 12:27 PM

Feb 2008
Beave said:
This was quite an episode of a lot of flash backs. It's interesting to see why Layfon did not want to join the military arts in the beginning of the season.

The ending was a bit disappointing that Nina did not want him in Platoon 17 anymore.She did accept his way of thinking.

well she just doesn't know the whole story. she is drawing her own conclusions based on incomplete information. she depended on him so long as he was noble and now she is dropping him? a bit childish.

by the end of this show, layfon's shins will be a pile of dust.
Mar 10, 2009 12:50 PM

Dec 2007
I stood up and raised my hands in joy when Nina suggested that they shouldn't be in the same platoon, she's really been annoying me these past weeks.
Mar 10, 2009 12:59 PM

Sep 2007
So does this mean Layfon can finally beat the crap out of Nina if he were to join another platoon!?
Mar 10, 2009 1:09 PM

Jun 2008
Yaaay there was no engrish in this episode!
Anyway who thought that Layfon would do that, for living.

Wasabi said:
So does this mean Layfon can finally beat the crap out of Nina if he were to join another platoon!?

Yes :D
Mar 10, 2009 1:26 PM

Dec 2007
I'm honestly surprised how good this show is turning out.
I had only moderate expectations but now I wait anxiously for each episode.
A great cast of characters and a lot of potential for this to evolve into a really good story.

We finally get some more hints about Layfon's past. now when are the two stories gonna combine?

oh and Felli is win =D
Mar 10, 2009 1:33 PM

Aug 2008
kie_ said:
Yaaay there was no engrish in this episode!

I kinda missed it xD
- Signature Removed -
The signature seriously lacked "It's a Sony" qualities.
Mar 10, 2009 1:44 PM
Jun 2007
Tekky99 said:
I'm honestly surprised how good this show is turning out.
I had only moderate expectations but now I wait anxiously for each episode.
A great cast of characters and a lot of potential for this to evolve into a really good story.

We finally get some more hints about Layfon's past. now when are the two stories gonna combine?

oh and Felli is win =D
Mar 10, 2009 1:53 PM

May 2008
Hell Yea, Nina's out.. Feli is in :), Feli understands Fon-Fon but nina is being a bitch about it... nice!
Mar 10, 2009 1:57 PM
Mar 2008
Wasabi said:
So does this mean Layfon can finally beat the crap out of Nina if he were to join another platoon!?
Lol that would be awesome.
Really liked this episode, good pacing and the revelations were cool. I think it would be dumb if Fonfon joined another platoon, since he rapes. Also he should at least just open up to Felli.
Mar 10, 2009 3:47 PM

Aug 2008
Wow, when did this show become so popular? :D

It was a confusing episode with lot of random things happening, but funny faces are funny.

However, I have to say: Not enough Felli!
The ending was nice though..but SCREW YOU NINA FOR RUINING THE MOMENT! Don't want to be in the same platoon with Mr. Fon-Fon Wolfstein Alseif, huh? The door's that way..

I kinda missed the engrish.

kie_ said:
Wasabi said:
So does this mean Layfon can finally beat the crap out of Nina if he were to join another platoon!?

Yes :D
Too good to be true

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Felli is to be deified!
Mar 10, 2009 4:57 PM
Nov 2007
nina's such a bitch.. i hope he does move to another platoon or something cuz nina's been annoying me... but then, he wouldn't be in the same platoon as felli.. nina should leave the 17th platoon
Mar 10, 2009 5:28 PM

Oct 2008
I really liked this episode; no engrish is win and I liked Savaris as a character. Also we finally found out why Layfon had to leave the Heavens Blade. The mystery around Leerin deepens, but I don't really like the fact that she is some "destined child", it seems to stereotypical - well, we'll wait and see how it turns out.
Layfons attitude is awesome, although the reason he doesn't tell the truth about why and how he beat up that guy is not clear, it just seems to be there so there's some extra drama and confusion with Nina.
Felli is awesome as always and he grows apart from Nina, so we might actually have Fon Fon x Felli; the only obstacle seems to be Leerin. I'm guessing the storylines will converge in the next few episodes (which might clear up some loose ends like the engrish and that near-theft of zuellni incident)

Mar 10, 2009 5:49 PM

Sep 2008
Weeeeee, Nina & fon-fon won't be in the same squad anyone, meaning Nina will (hopefuly) get less screen time to ruin this (so far) great show...
I want more Felli....way more...

Go go, Nina out...
Mar 10, 2009 6:46 PM

Jul 2008
Gah, I'm so sick of Nina. I'm glad she kicked Layfon out, because it's not like he'll be out of the Military Arts department, since Jade Felli's brother needs him, we'll hopefully just see less of Nina.
This probably won't last long though, unfortunately.

I liked this episode since it focused more on Grenden, and I really liked Savaris too.

It feels a little weird without the Engrish though.
Mar 10, 2009 7:41 PM
Jul 2018
I'm beginning to think I'm the only fan of Nina, lol.

Sure she's being silly at the moment, because she's got some strict sense of honor (refer back to the filth monster attack on the city and not heeding Layfon's warnings), but I think she'll learn the real reason he did what he did soon enough and all will be well.

I find Felli to be the most annoying of the squad with her childish inability to come to grips with her own emotions and resorts to forcing someone to call her by a more friendly name while beating the crap out of their shin if they don't--which if it was me, she'd get a quick dite restored in the face.
Mar 10, 2009 8:59 PM

Jun 2007
Nina is annoying but I wouldn't call her a bitch. She's just trying to look out for her group is all. I'm guessing the next few eps she'll learn more about his past and come to realize that he's not as "bad" as he seems. Their on a mission so it's not like they wont be around each other for another few eps anyway.

I'm a bit interested in the orphanage conflict. From what I gathered the people running the orphanage may have been forcing him to pay once he became a heavens blade master. Why he didn't just leave is beyond me.

The destined child thing was kind of obvious since the queen/princess mentioned something about it when they first met. What Leerin really is, is still a mystery. My guess is she has power similar to a Dite that allows her to communicate with bugs or something. This explains why that monster guy ran away when the lion came out. I can see Leerin being used as a Regios shield in the future while everyone's frighting bugs.
Mar 10, 2009 9:19 PM

Dec 2007
DeathfireD said:
Nina is annoying but I wouldn't call her a bitch. She's just trying to look out for her group is all. I'm guessing the next few eps she'll learn more about his past and come to realize that he's not as "bad" as he seems. Their on a mission so it's not like they wont be around each other for another few eps anyway.

I'm a bit interested in the orphanage conflict. From what I gathered the people running the orphanage may have been forcing him to pay once he became a heavens blade master. Why he didn't just leave is beyond me.

The destined child thing was kind of obvious since the queen/princess mentioned something about it when they first met. What Leerin really is, is still a mystery. My guess is she has power similar to a Dite that allows her to communicate with bugs or something. This explains why that monster guy ran away when the lion came out. I can see Leerin being used as a Regios shield in the future while everyone's frighting bugs.

So she can sing speak to the Vajra Filth Bugs using the Fold Waves Dite?
Mar 10, 2009 9:33 PM

Sep 2008
i enjoyed this episode, i sorta expected a bit more of an interesting back story but of course theres still more to come. Layfon seems to be alot darker than we think though which i actually quite like out of a main character like him. its unique. Also we can now see Felli's feelings for him alot better :P lets hope it keeps progressing that way since felli is just pure win! :)

also gotta say we may finally get to understand leerin more which is about time, aswell as some of the other heavens blade wielders. Sadly was no engrish scene in this one, i really want to know how its gonna connect!!
Mar 10, 2009 10:28 PM

Jul 2008
I dont think the engrish is ever going to connect. I think its just something they throw in there cause its cool and funny. The guy with the guns is badass and funny as shit!!!
Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment
Mar 10, 2009 11:48 PM

Apr 2008
No Engrish scene. That's good. Besides that, the storry seems to be progressing along steadily. Nothing great, but nothing terrible either. Worth to continue watching.
Mar 11, 2009 2:06 AM

Nov 2007
It almost felt unnatural to not have the random engrish scene in an episode. Nina continues to be annoying with every passing episode. Felli is still <3 as usual though.
Mar 11, 2009 4:45 AM

Sep 2008
Nina always says she wants the best for her team. Well how does kicking out strongest guy in the town and one of the strongest guys (around all places) around bode well for team? I mean, it was HIM who told her to fight on, it was HIM who told her she needs to survive, it was HIM who told her how to train, it was HIM who told her to take command, it was HIM who did EVERYTHING for her...just to be kicked out because she can't accept the truth that it takes everything to survive.

For crying out loud, you are against filth monsters, of course you will do anything it takes to kill them, you will do anything to survive in world when you don't have cash, even fight in underground fights...why is it so bad?

Someone needs to kill Nina...unfortunately it won't happen, and I am afraid Fon-fon might get in trouble protecting her, since she is inexperienced and naive. She just refuses to listen to a guy who went through God knows how many fights, and survived, and not only that, he was also one of 12 HBW, this guy knows what he is talking about.
Mar 11, 2009 6:37 AM
Aug 2008
nina4life said:
Nina always says she wants the best for her team. Well how does kicking out strongest guy in the town and one of the strongest guys (around all places) around bode well for team? ...
For crying out loud, you are against filth monsters, of course you will do anything it takes to kill them, you will do anything to survive in world when you don't have cash, even fight in underground fights...why is it so bad?

I think Nina has an obsession with honor and chivalry and sportsmanship and so on.

Whereas Layfon has seen a lot of dead bodies and doesn't want to become one.

I don't think Layfon is really dark. He was probably fighting to get money to save the orphanage or something.

Nina:"You're a dirty dishonorable criminal for getting that money!"

Layfon:"Yeah, well I needed that money to keep living at the orphanage."

Author:"He means, he saved the orphanage but he's too humble to say it that way."

It's a good thing Felli is so desirable because having a totally clairvoyant girlfriend would seriously strain the normal semi-dishonesty that keeps romance alive.
Mar 11, 2009 7:36 AM

Mar 2009
Haha finally no english this week, the joy =D
It was kind of nice seeing some development from Leerin's side, through im wondering what that glowing deer is o.o;;
And really Nina, she was the one who forces Fon-Fon to join, then kicks him out? xD
Mar 11, 2009 10:05 AM

Oct 2008
Good riddance to Nina hopefully, although i doubt he switches squads, but it would certainly be a nice change.
Felli is complete win in this episode. Needs more of her.
Leerin is interesting enough though i didnt really care for the emphasis on that fight.
Mar 11, 2009 12:14 PM

Aug 2008
Eveonde said:
im wondering what that glowing deer is o.o;;
You mean Aslan?
Mar 11, 2009 3:07 PM

Jun 2007
Tekky99 said:
DeathfireD said:
Nina is annoying but I wouldn't call her a bitch. She's just trying to look out for her group is all. I'm guessing the next few eps she'll learn more about his past and come to realize that he's not as "bad" as he seems. Their on a mission so it's not like they wont be around each other for another few eps anyway.

I'm a bit interested in the orphanage conflict. From what I gathered the people running the orphanage may have been forcing him to pay once he became a heavens blade master. Why he didn't just leave is beyond me.

The destined child thing was kind of obvious since the queen/princess mentioned something about it when they first met. What Leerin really is, is still a mystery. My guess is she has power similar to a Dite that allows her to communicate with bugs or something. This explains why that monster guy ran away when the lion came out. I can see Leerin being used as a Regios shield in the future while everyone's frighting bugs.

So she can sing speak to the Vajra Filth Bugs using the Fold Waves Dite?

Ya, that's kind of what I mean but I don't think the Lion is a Dite per say. I think it's more like a mystical beast/being similar to what the fairy's are that run Regios.
Mar 11, 2009 4:54 PM
Jul 2018
Eveonde said:
And really Nina, she was the one who forces Fon-Fon to join, then kicks him out? xD

I'm pretty sure Nina didn't force Layfon to do anything, the school pres did that, she only got there first to ask him to be part of her group because she realized what a badass he was AND that he now had military arts clothes on.

Also, it's not so much as a "kick out" as it was to say, "you know what? we've got conflicting fighting standards, maybe you should look to joining another group that will work better for you." Which is way more mature than what would happen in most animes.

I'm more interested in how the other Heaven's Blade holders feel about Layfon, wouldn't you think Layfon would be beaten into dust by 11 other HB holders if they disagreed with him? Also, they are protecting his #1 supporter.
Mar 11, 2009 5:40 PM

Mar 2009
bbrcher said:
Eveonde said:
And really Nina, she was the one who forces Fon-Fon to join, then kicks him out? xD

I'm pretty sure Nina didn't force Layfon to do anything, the school pres did that, she only got there first to ask him to be part of her group because she realized what a badass he was AND that he now had military arts clothes on.

Also, it's not so much as a "kick out" as it was to say, "you know what? we've got conflicting fighting standards, maybe you should look to joining another group that will work better for you." Which is way more mature than what would happen in most animes.

I'm more interested in how the other Heaven's Blade holders feel about Layfon, wouldn't you think Layfon would be beaten into dust by 11 other HB holders if they disagreed with him? Also, they are protecting his #1 supporter.

I meant how she kept pushing him to join her platoon.
Mar 11, 2009 8:15 PM

Nov 2007
bbrcher said:
Eveonde said:
And really Nina, she was the one who forces Fon-Fon to join, then kicks him out? xD

I'm pretty sure Nina didn't force Layfon to do anything, the school pres did that, she only got there first to ask him to be part of her group because she realized what a badass he was AND that he now had military arts clothes on.

Also, it's not so much as a "kick out" as it was to say, "you know what? we've got conflicting fighting standards, maybe you should look to joining another group that will work better for you." Which is way more mature than what would happen in most animes.

I'm more interested in how the other Heaven's Blade holders feel about Layfon, wouldn't you think Layfon would be beaten into dust by 11 other HB holders if they disagreed with him? Also, they are protecting his #1 supporter.

But it looks like Savaris still holds a grudge against Layfon...He didn't protect Leerin as ordered....

I agree, Nina is not kicking him out, she's saying that their views conflict and make it hard to work as a team....
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Mar 11, 2009 9:13 PM
Jul 2018
wakka9ca said:
But it looks like Savaris still holds a grudge against Layfon...He didn't protect Leerin as ordered....

I agree, Nina is not kicking him out, she's saying that their views conflict and make it hard to work as a team....

Yeah, that's what I was wondeirng about myself, I'm new to posting and this little box at the bottom of the page bugs out on me for no reason so I cut my yabbering down :)

I wanna know where he was when Leerin was attacked... although he did seem to have a plan to take out the infected dude.

Mar 11, 2009 9:19 PM

Nov 2007
wakka9ca said:

But it looks like Savaris still holds a grudge against Layfon...He didn't protect Leerin as ordered....

I agree, Nina is not kicking him out, she's saying that their views conflict and make it hard to work as a team....

I think that was more of Savaris having a care free do what I want attitude which is why the Queen kinda looked irratated as if he pulls this kinda stuff often.
Mar 11, 2009 9:25 PM

Aug 2008
Was I the only one utterly confused about what was going on? Was the stuff with Leerin in the past or present? What is so wrong about what Layfon did? How is it even perceived as bad?? All he did was fight for money. The other guy in the Heaven's Blade was fighting too, yet, since he died, no one cares about his dirtying the name? Nina's a cunt. Layfon tells her everything straight, says, "you're my captain," follows all of her stupid orders and whims, and now she dumps the person she wanted so badly in the first place. I'm tired of her and her shower scenes. Someone needs to die, stat.

With that said, overall, they need to work on how they are presenting the story. Things that don't seem to be very important and/or fanservice take the front seat to useful exposition and proper introduction of characters and ideas. Still don't know what this fated girl is. Still don't know what these electronic fairies are all about, still don't know the main plot (all of this is just set up for some big mastermind), and we still don't know exactly what's going on with this Layfon business.
Mar 11, 2009 10:37 PM

May 2008
noteDhero said:
Was I the only one utterly confused about what was going on? Was the stuff with Leerin in the past or present? What is so wrong about what Layfon did? How is it even perceived as bad?? All he did was fight for money. The other guy in the Heaven's Blade was fighting too, yet, since he died, no one cares about his dirtying the name?

I got the impression that the fight was to _become_ a Heaven's Blade wielder. So, the other guy already had one, but was too weak to hold onto it. To hold a Heaven's Blade is a position of great honor, so Layfon supposedly only wanting the position to have the money to survive was a huge slight to the prestige of the position.

That could very well be incorrect though.

(The scenes that had Leerin watching Layfon fight were in the past. The scenes that had Leerin writing the letter and being groped by the queen were in the present or, at least, in some kind of near simultaneity to what Layfon has been doing with his platoon.)
Mar 12, 2009 5:35 AM

Aug 2008
So then everyone was angry at him for basically being strong enough to beat another Heaven's Blade weilder? Why did he leave then? Was that not explained? I thought this episode was the explanation from the get got, or maybe I was just forcing that thought from the beginning and that's what confused me.

Ok, that's what I thought about Leerin, so then where did she run off to?
Mar 12, 2009 12:29 PM

May 2008
noteDhero said:
So then everyone was angry at him for basically being strong enough to beat another Heaven's Blade wielder? Why did he leave then? Was that not explained?

I'm not really sure. I don't think there's been enough explanation.

Leerin makes it out like the rest of the orphanage was pissed at her for siding with Layfon, so they also don't seem to like him anymore. AFAIK, we haven't actually seen the orphanage or anyone from it. Is it literally an orphanage? Then, there are the queen's subordinates. Are they Heaven's blade wielders? If so, they don't seem too upset about Layfon or the fact that they're being made to protect Leerin. Really the only ones who seem genuinely pissed is the mutated former blade wielder who gets defeated and then his brother in the other platoon, though even he is able to keep in control about it most of the time. This is disregarding whatever was going on with the monkey girl and creepy dudes with masks, which may or may not be connected to Layfon being around. Ultimately, it seems like the show has said that a lot of people are mad at Layfon, but it really hasn't shown this yet -- outside of mutation-dude -- which might be why we're having so much confusion.

Likewise, I don't think his exact reason for leaving has been fully explained. Just that some people were pissed because he competed in underground matches and that, at some point, he left. Like I said, I'm not sure whether Layfon was already a Heaven's Blade Receiver during the underground match or not. It was just my impression that he would become one as a result of that match since the other guy had one. (Reconsidering, I don't think the match itself was to become a Heaven's blade receiver because then why would it be called an "underground" match? It wouldn't.)

I think it could really help if we could figure out the order of the past events. Here's a list of some of the major ones I can think of:

(1) Layfon spends time in an orphanage (because he is an orphan) and meets Leerin (perhaps via #2)
(2) Layfon trains with Leerin's father (this seems to be implied)
(?) Layfon cuts the arm off the other heaven's blade receiver in underground match, trying to make some money
(?) Layfon becomes a heaven's blade receiver (because he inadvertently beat the other guy)
(3) Layfon trains to become a better wielder (strings in forest scene in that one episode)
(4) Layfon participates in battle shown at opening of series
(?) Other heaven's blade receiver mutates and goes insane
(5) Layfon leaves Heaven's Blade Receivers
(?) Leerin sides with Layfon and cuts ties with the orphanage
(?) Queen puts a substitute on her throne
(6) Layfon goes to school / Queen starts running around and groping Leerin

So, that's based on the idea that Layfon got pretty strong on his own, enough to defeat the Heaven's Blade Receiver. Then, consequently, was made a Heaven's Blade Receiver, while the other guy was probably kicked out. Layfon, desiring to get as strong as possible so that he can continue to live, has no complaints because now he has even more strength (a Heaven's Blade) and money (from the match and probably being a part of the group), which was his original object. Then, some time passes as Layfon trains more (actually with other blade receivers such as the dude in the forest) and ultimately fights some big ass bugs. At some point, the guy he defeated ends up mutating and Layfon somehow or another feels regret or otherwise just gets fed up with always fighting (i.e. big yet unexplained personal drama). So, he leaves the Blade Wielders, but not tactfully. This makes him basically a deserter and pisses most of them off, but not so much that they absolutely hate his guts. Now, in the present, the mutated dude's brother (in the other platoon) understandably has a vendetta against Layfon for what he has done to his family -- shamed their honor and ruined his brother. To add insult to injury, this was all originally because Layfon just wanted to make some extra cash.

A bit of that, especially at the point in which Layfon leaves is speculation, but, to the best of my understanding, that's how I think what the past looks like. The big point is that the only people that hate Layfon for making his money are the brothers. The rest just dislike Layfon for selfishly abandoning them, i.e. the idea of what good is possessing strength if one doesn't use it (in a world like theirs)?

noteDhero said:
I thought this episode was the explanation from the get got, or maybe I was just forcing that thought from the beginning and that's what confused me.

That's definitely its intention, but I don't think it's a full explanation. I mean this is episode 9 / 24. It's a partial reveal so that they can bring in more characters and start progressing whatever mythology they're trying to push between Leerin being a destined girl, the fairies, and (I assume) all that Engrish they've been showing. Layfon obviously is going to be an integral part to all of this, so they're using his history as a way to begin expose the roots of these elements.

noteDhero said:
Ok, that's what I thought about Leerin, so then where did she run off to?

She's in her room writing her letter. The wind blows. She gets groped. She gets a premonition. She runs to her father's house. Her father is engaged in battle with the huge mutated dude. They fight a bit. Her father passes out. She goes destined child on the monster. It runs away. Queen's dude beats down on it on the rooftops.

Prior to all that, she's in the library studying for school, first reading the letter, thinking about Layfon. Then, she's at her father's dojo, hanging out. Then, another slight time skip and she's in her room, as above.
chicanerousMar 12, 2009 2:06 PM
Mar 12, 2009 12:56 PM

Aug 2008
Ok, I think I maybe got confused about what you said in your initial post, because that is all what I got from the episode when I viewed it. Timeline wise, this is what I think.

1. Battle with filth we saw in first episode.
2. Training in forest.
3. Layfon is at the Orphanage on Queen's orders to protect Leerin (guess)..
4. Layfon trains with Leerin's father.
5. Layfon receives Heaven's Blade
6. Layfon starts underground battles to pay for Orphanage.
7. Heaven's Blade finds out sends other guy to fight/get him to stop.
8. Layfon cuts off other Heaven's Bladers arm.
9. Layfon cuts ties with the orphanage.
10.Queen puts in a substitute and gropes Leerin.
11.Layfon goes to school.
Mar 12, 2009 1:23 PM

May 2008
noteDhero said:
Ok, I think I maybe got confused about what you said in your initial post, because that is all what I got from the episode when I viewed it. Timeline wise, this is what I think.

1. Battle with filth we saw in first episode.
2. Training in forest.
3. Layfon is at the Orphanage on Queen's orders to protect Leerin (guess)..
4. Layfon trains with Leerin's father.
5. Layfon receives Heaven's Blade
6. Layfon starts underground battles to pay for Orphanage.
7. Heaven's Blade finds out sends other guy to fight/get him to stop.
8. Layfon cuts off other Heaven's Bladers arm.
9. Layfon cuts ties with the orphanage.
10.Queen puts in a substitute and gropes Leerin.
11.Layfon goes to school.

That could be correct, I guess.

I remember that there were a bunch of people standing back with the Queen during the first episode's filth battle. So, it could have been some kind of test for Layfon -- working with Heaven's Blades (or others), despite not having one himself. He passed, so he started training in preparation to receive a Heaven's Blade. However, that leaves kind of a weird time lapse in your list, where the queen kind of sidetracks Layfon and there isn't any real explanation as to why he would earn the position of a Heaven's Blade receiver.

(If this is not the case though and it is not a test, it doesn't make sense for Layfon to be there at all and not be a Heaven's blade receiver. They've pretty well indicated that going against a full grown filth monster is absolute suicide for anyone but a blade wielder. Layfon even says something to this effect and there's no indication that he is exempt from his own remark. He half-thinks he's going to die when he goes off to defeat the one monster and may have even if the others hadn't shown up.)

A couple other problems though:

- Leerin isn't an orphan, so why put Layfon in the orphanage at all, especially under the queen's orders? Why not set him up closer to her, especially if protection is the goal? (I realize you're guessing about this.) A possible way out would be if it seemed like her or her father run / had run the orphanage, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
- the way Leerin puts it, she and Layfon seem to be no longer on good terms with the orphanage; why would this be if Layfon had started the underground battles just to help the orphanage? It seems like they'd be indebted to him instead. (My ordering doesn't really answer this either though.)
- I didn't see any indication that the Heaven's Blade dude was trying to get Layfon to stop; it seemed more like it was Layfon that was challenging him

I'll have to rewatch those parts of the episode.
chicanerousMar 12, 2009 1:42 PM
Mar 12, 2009 1:50 PM

Mar 2009
Hi! I'm from animesuki and i been reading your posts about about this anime and how your confuse of why being why. Usually i try not get involve but your speculation and reasons about this episode and what Layfon did prompt me to join this discussion.

Why i'm about tell is spoiler.Due to months of talking and info searching about the series including plots from the light novels, the 4 manga adaptions, anime and light novel side story, i well verse in Chrome Shelled Regios thanks to my friends in animesuki.

So here's the story of what Layfon did to shame the name of the Heavens Blade.

I hope this will explain everything.
Mar 12, 2009 1:57 PM

Aug 2008
edit: I did this before I saw the guy above me's explanation...though I'm afraid to look at it for fear of being spoiled...

So maybe he was being scouted from his home of G---- and then he trains in the forest first? So switch 1 and 2?

I'm going to assume it was some kind of test, because Layfon seemed smaller in that first battle than he does now. Also it's kind of a parallel: Layfon starting as a Heaven's Blade member, and Layfon starting school.

I totally assumed that Leerin's father either worked at or was in charge of the orphanage, with Leerin either working there or just having relationships with the people there. Didn't Layfon say that he had to pay to stay at the orphanage once he became a member of the Heaven's Blade? If so, then I'm guessing it was the people at the orphanage being assholes and jealous of him, forcing him to pay, and thus he joins that underground fight club to pay. Now, this is where a lot of my confusion stems from, because they stated that Layfon had Heaven's Blade while he was doing the fights, thus tarnishing the name of Heaven's Blade, but that other guy was there and fought Layfon. That is the part that I can't seem to understand. I'm guessing that they were both tarnishing the name, but because Layfon seriously injured half-filth guy he gets most of the blame.
Mar 12, 2009 1:59 PM

May 2008
MrTerrorist said:
I hope this will explain everything.


I didn't realize that Gahard and Gorneo were master/protege, not brothers, though. I also thought Savaris was Layfon's brother. Haha. I'm pretty sure that was my translation's fault, though I'll need to recheck.

noteDhero said:
edit: I did this before I saw the guy above me's explanation...though I'm afraid to look at it for fear of being spoiled...

Yeah. I just read it. Major spoilers, though I don't think it will detract from my enjoyment.

noteDhero said:
I totally assumed that Leerin's father either worked at or was in charge of the orphanage, with Leerin either working there or just having relationships with the people there. Didn't Layfon say that he had to pay to stay at the orphanage once he became a member of the Heaven's Blade?

I didn't notice that, but probably.

noteDhero said:
If so, then I'm guessing it was the people at the orphanage being assholes and jealous of him, forcing him to pay, and thus he joins that underground fight club to pay. Now, this is where a lot of my confusion stems from, because they stated that Layfon had Heaven's Blade while he was doing the fights, thus tarnishing the name of Heaven's Blade, but that other guy was there and fought Layfon. That is the part that I can't seem to understand. I'm guessing that they were both tarnishing the name, but because Layfon seriously injured half-filth guy he gets most of the blame.

I think it might be our translation. The other guy seems to not have a heaven's blade, at least according to the other dude above.
chicanerousMar 12, 2009 2:13 PM
Mar 12, 2009 2:09 PM

Feb 2009
Those people with the queen in the first episode are all Heaven Blade holder. There's a total of 12 Heaven Blade holder excluding the queen. Layfon is the 12th one, but the position is currently empty because he was exiled from Grendan. Layfon already receive the title of Heaven Blade when he was fighting that fifth beast with Lintence and Savaris. Also, heaven blade holder receive a title and a heaven blade. The title Layfon receive was Volfstein.
Mar 12, 2009 6:19 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
Ok, I think I maybe got confused about what you said in your initial post, because that is all what I got from the episode when I viewed it. Timeline wise, this is what I think.

1. Battle with filth we saw in first episode.
2. Training in forest.
3. Layfon is at the Orphanage on Queen's orders to protect Leerin (guess)..
4. Layfon trains with Leerin's father.
5. Layfon receives Heaven's Blade
6. Layfon starts underground battles to pay for Orphanage.
7. Heaven's Blade finds out sends other guy to fight/get him to stop.
8. Layfon cuts off other Heaven's Bladers arm.
9. Layfon cuts ties with the orphanage.
10.Queen puts in a substitute and gropes Leerin.
11.Layfon goes to school.

Here's the order I believe things happened.
1) Layfon travels to this particular Regios and joins the Orphanage.
2) Leerin and her father worked at Orphanage.
3) Layfon gets trained by Leerin's father.
4) Layfon starts doing underground battles to get further experience and money to pay for the Orphanage.
5) A strong fighter requests that Layfon compete against him in the Heaven's blade competition to determine who's stronger.
7) Layfon cuts his arm off and wins the whole competition.
9) Queen sees something in Layfon and makes him a Heaven's Blade Wielder.
10) Orphanage finds out about Layfon's underground fights and a dispute happens between the Orphanage, Layfon, Leerin and her father.
11) Layfon, Leerin and her father agree to cut ties with the Orphanage.
12) The kid that was training under the guy Layfon beat hates the fact that a underground fighter beat his master and became a Heavens Blade Wielder. He forms a grudge and swears to kill/beat Layfon someday.
13) Layfon trains in forest with heavens blade members.
14) Battle with bug from the first episode.
15) Guy that was beat by Layfon in the tournament starts killing people (bug took over his body).
16) Layfon leaves....

The order is probably a bit off but I think that's the general jist of it. I guess we'll have to wait for more episodes to fill in the blanks.
Mar 13, 2009 5:38 PM

Oct 2008
How sad... So, it is wrong to survive?

I wonder...

Will Felli start to ignore Fon-fon now that she knows he had survived at costs while utilizing the power of his Heaven Blade abilities? Hmm..
Mar 13, 2009 7:55 PM

Feb 2009
Kira01 said:
How sad... So, it is wrong to survive?

It's just a difference of beliefs and opinions.
Mar 13, 2009 9:59 PM

Jan 2009
zomg rewatch the first episode again. Its much better to watch now that you understand everything! =D
Mar 13, 2009 10:57 PM

Aug 2008
Now I understand, and don't feel that the story is spoiled at all, really. But Nina's attitude has really annoyed me since the first inter-platoon match. Whereas Felli has only gotten better; I cannot adequately extol her awesomeness. /ran out of creative words

A little study of Layfon:
What is making CSR so great IMO (other than Felli, o/c) is that Layfon isn't a typical protagonist. He is already badass, and he knows it. His weak, subjective, sometimes-nearing-typical-angsty side is just an act, an attempt to lower himself to fit in. CSR isn't going to be a journey of discovery for the main character, Layfon. Instead, it is a journey for the people surrounding him — I think he will stay fairly consistent, the supporting pillar almost of the story and the other characters.

Fist anime I've come across like this. Hope it stays good :)
脱ぎません!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Mar 14, 2009 1:53 PM

Nov 2007
I think by the end of the series Layfon will be asked to weild a heavens blade again, whether he takes it or not I can't predict.
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