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Dec 22, 2013 12:09 PM

Aug 2008
RIP Chiffon.

How far are the manga ahead of this last episode?
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Dec 22, 2013 1:11 PM

Jan 2011
Paled compared to S1. An unfortunate flop. The storytelling was quite poor for the majority of episodes this go around which is unfortunate. I guess maybe a S3 some months down the road? Hopefully some improvements will be made.
Dec 22, 2013 2:34 PM

Nov 2009
So what was up with Ticy and her angry face at the end?
Dec 22, 2013 4:41 PM

Sep 2011
Not trying to be a dick but Chiffon could have stop all this before it had gone this far meaning she would still be alive, but she decided to try and make them ignoring what they told her that was going on and even if she had stopped them back then this was inevitable end result to the crazy shit those scientist where doing.
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Dec 22, 2013 5:49 PM
Jul 2013
Nice end Chiffon made ​​a great and beautiful sacrifice.

* RIP Freezing Vibration*
Dec 22, 2013 6:41 PM

Aug 2013
Stark700 said:
What a shitty season. 4/10. Finale felt rushed. Chiffon was badass as I had thought especially in the beginning there at least. The OST matches I guess. Poor Amelia and those E Pandora though...*sigh*

There's probably not going to be another season for awhile if ever.

Yes I agree, it was rushed because as the anime was released this october, they also released the freezing season 2 of the manga. So season 3 will be up when they made enough chapters in the manga, with the story of Ticy phenyl's dictatorship within the school. Which she taught she's doing it like Chiffon, but she's overdoing it.

And so, that's our Freezing Vibration, wow. I didn't expect it to be this boring / lame.

I taught season 2 will be new to my eyes, but I already read this in manga. ohhh, there goes my expectations again.

Expect the Unexpected
Dec 22, 2013 7:36 PM

Feb 2013
I guess it was an OK end. At least the music was epic and Chiffon was awesome.

4/10 (below average) overall. While I'm glad this season didn't have the sexualized nudity like the first season did... but it also wasn't as good :(
Dec 22, 2013 8:03 PM
Dec 2013
PrimeX said:
-Luis' acts and the death of some was a silly and pathetic attempt to make the show "dark"
-Luis was easily forgiven for all the shit he did
-No concrete reason as to why Luis did all that shit
-Where the hell is our MC all throughout the series?
-Still no baptism
-Chiffon died

everything is half-assed so 5/10

I agree 100% everything seemed so... Not really thought out or rather trying to fit on a time schedule.. (Maybe it was the 12 episode limit that caused it.. which means they should have pushed for 25 or so...) but other than that I'm not sure what was in their minds.

As far as the ending is concerned I'm hoping everyone saw it to the end but what exactly is that little (Note) or (Billboard) hinting towards? It said "Permanent Discontinuation /Freezing". Am I being hysterical or does that mean we don't get a season 3? Either way... 5/10 just because Chiffon made a noble sacrifice.
Dec 22, 2013 8:14 PM

Nov 2013
I don't even know any more who is the main character ... -_-
Dec 22, 2013 8:18 PM

Nov 2013
SykoEffect said:
PrimeX said:
-Luis' acts and the death of some was a silly and pathetic attempt to make the show "dark"
-Luis was easily forgiven for all the shit he did
-No concrete reason as to why Luis did all that shit
-Where the hell is our MC all throughout the series?
-Still no baptism
-Chiffon died

everything is half-assed so 5/10

I agree 100% everything seemed so... Not really thought out or rather trying to fit on a time schedule.. (Maybe it was the 12 episode limit that caused it.. which means they should have pushed for 25 or so...) but other than that I'm not sure what was in their minds.

As far as the ending is concerned I'm hoping everyone saw it to the end but what exactly is that little (Note) or (Billboard) hinting towards? It said "Permanent Discontinuation /Freezing". Am I being hysterical or does that mean we don't get a season 3? Either way... 5/10 just because Chiffon made a noble sacrifice.

It is The E-Pandora Project , I dont know about the S3 though
Dec 22, 2013 9:21 PM
Sep 2011
BurningFlame08 said:
This whole season was a mish-mash of shit. Not only did they include the Luis arc in this season (which could have been an OVA), they also tried to cram everything into a 12 episode season. This should have been a 24 ep season.

They completely ruined this arc. In the manga it's so much better. In the manga hardly anybody knows it's Chiffon fighting the Type-Unknown but in this everybody knows? WTF?!

They also had the gaule to include some of 'Season 3?' in there. And that scene was like a quarter of the way into season 3. I really do hope we get a 'First Chronicles' OVA though.

The only redeeming feature of the show is the OST.

Overall 4/10.

Yeah, If we don't get our OVA like we should I am gonna kill a Mably; not to point any fingers on who's fault this is.
Dec 22, 2013 9:48 PM
Jun 2012
Wow this really broke new ground! First time I can remember the end boss being completely taken out by someone other then the main character(s).

The whole thing was a mess and hearing people talk about the manga just makes it all the worse. The end scene is probably their vain hope at getting another season even knowing how badly they screwed it up. Either that or they already know there won't be a S3 so they figured they'd throw that shot in to say sorry to everyone.
Dec 22, 2013 10:45 PM
Feb 2011
i think my major concern with this season is the lack of involvement that Aoi has init especially this episode
Dec 23, 2013 1:27 AM

Apr 2009
Wow the haters.
Dec 23, 2013 6:37 AM

Jan 2011
A lot of loopholes I realised. Like how could Amelia even have survived that?
Seriously needs a 3rd season to cover more stuff.

Woah Ticy just became super serious at the end there.
I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
Dec 23, 2013 6:38 AM
Nov 2009
Seta19 said:
Wow the haters.

ikr? and so many people posting spoilers too without any warnings smh....

Really though I don't read the manga but my problem with the whole season is the lack of character development with certain characters like the american girl, maybe even Chiffon. I felt like she died too quickly even though I almost shed man tears, I feel like we could've had more backstory around her and her limiter.

The new girl who's supposed to replace Chiffon has the same haircut as her and she looks mad for some reason lol. Looking forward to season 3 of this if there ever will be.
Dec 23, 2013 7:30 AM
Mar 2013
chiffon died well im ok with that i didnt like her to much also i wanted to see some other die like Satellas brother and charlotte .-. anyway i liked the last episode but i was disapointed because Aoi was invisible in this season and in the end i was hopeing to see him do something usefull and all he did was watch the whole thing..well i did enjoy the fact that lots of pg were presente and considered but stil main is main i want to see them more then others
Dec 23, 2013 8:58 AM

Feb 2013
This season is pretty bad compared to the first. I doubt Freezing would get another season, but if it does, I don't think I would watch it.

Dec 23, 2013 10:36 AM

Jan 2010
Meh, I enjoyed this season just as much as the first one. If a 3rd season was made I'd definitely watch it.
Dec 23, 2013 1:00 PM

Dec 2008
I can think of quite a few other characters that should have bitten a great big chunk of dust instead of Chiffon. Oh well... See you in season 3!

Sent with Mal Updater
Dec 23, 2013 1:45 PM

Feb 2012
Haters gonna hate I suppose. Season was enjoyable for me.
Dec 23, 2013 3:40 PM

Jul 2009
this episode made me realize that freezing has a pretty legit plot with all the nova, tower of babel stuff. it reminds me of evangelion. if only there was less boobs and more plot. i guess it's time to restart the manga, since i pretty much left off where chiffon dies.

and to all the manga readers, iono bout you guys but probably cause i read the chapters awhile ago, i thought this adaption was okay. it wasnt great, but hey, im one of the guys who enjoyed the luis arc in the manga (not as much in the anime), so what do i know. :3
KurogashiDec 23, 2013 3:43 PM
Dec 23, 2013 5:01 PM
Dec 2013
Yvese said:
Haters gonna hate I suppose. Season was enjoyable for me.

Didn't hate the season so much as was just frustrated that there was lack of MC involvement. Unless there was a shift in the MC's to supporting which is what it quite looked like to me. Just one of those seasons ^.^
Dec 23, 2013 8:19 PM

Jan 2011
this was better than season 1 but thats not saying much
Dec 24, 2013 3:59 AM

Jun 2008
xchee said:
I tried separating the anime from the manga just so I could enjoy the anime more but...ugh. The manga isn't exactly well written or anything with the amount of asspulls Im Dal Young did for every arc but at least he made it look like it was an awesome asspull lmao.

That exactly how i feel about Im Da Young and Freezing manga. That is decent but could be even more epic. If i made a Freezing anime i would change a tone of shit to make it a lot more awesome but they did exactly the opposite with this adaptations. That's why i say that people thinking that all of us are just complainers that want everything to be like the manga are wrong. We don't want everything to be like the manga we just wanted something better than this horrible rushed shit.

Golden_Darknezz said:

I have not read the manga nor do I ever intend to but I can tell a lot of you are pretty pissed at the adaption. What the crap did they do? XD

Just about everything. Important conversations left out, important character and event building left out, rush tone down fights with many elements missing, weird personality changes to characters like the German chick being a lesbo that craps boobs at every corner, dramatic scenes that lack impact etc. It will be easier trying to find what crap they didn't do.
MonadDec 24, 2013 4:11 AM
Dec 24, 2013 12:07 PM

Sep 2010
What's up with anime this season... All of them are having weak endings... :(

Ending was so anti-climax and so so....

Final Episode - 3/5
Series - 7/10
Dec 24, 2013 1:48 PM

Jan 2013
This season wasn't as good as the 1st and WHERE the fuq is the "pandora mode?" I didn't see them use it at all :|

I prefer the old tsundere Satellizer, this one (sorry but) sucks.
Poor Chiffon T^T, she was so badass, damit.
Ticy goes beserk, biotch >:D
If they adapt the nexr arc, I hope they not gonna fuq that up like this one.
Dec 24, 2013 4:31 PM

May 2012
R.I.P. stupidly strong plot-armoured character we hardly knew about.

Well, this season was definitely better than season 1, I'll give it that. It still sucked though, but I can't blame the anime when the source material sucked to begin with. Quite frankly, I'm not even sure why I bothered to continue watching the anime series.

Final rating: 4/10.

If they make a season 3 and they completely take Kazuya out of the show by killing him off, I would be inclined to give such a season a passing grade. Kazuya sucks donkey balls and you all know it!
Go ***k yourself.

Polite as usual,
Dec 25, 2013 1:02 PM

Apr 2011
*ignores all the whiners*

Loved this second season of FREEZING. Poor Chiffon, rest in peace Ms Fox-eyes. I do wish they'd explained exactly what the hell she was ... was she another Maria clone, but this time a successful one? She pretty clearly said that she wasn't human. Ah well, FREEZING is often a bit lacking in their explanation of terms. That would take time away from all the glorious bare boobies :P

Hope there's a third season, they still haven't even done more than hint about the true nature of the Nova, and I want to see Satellizer become a true world-class Pandora, not to mention what Ticy can do. Especially since Chiffon hinted that Ticy is even stronger than she is ...

Dec 25, 2013 1:51 PM

Apr 2011
BurntJelly said:
I guess it was an OK end. At least the music was epic and Chiffon was awesome.

4/10 (below average) overall. While I'm glad this season didn't have the sexualized nudity like the first season did... but it also wasn't as good :(

You were clearly watching a different version than I was, as the boobs are very much still present. Not to mention Satella got raped by her brother ... if anything this had a lot MORE nudity in it (which pleases me).
Dec 25, 2013 7:10 PM

Sep 2010
For those who wish to continue onto the manga. It only gets worse but then gets slightly better.

Dec 26, 2013 4:25 AM
Sep 2013
Dreyc said:
For those who wish to continue onto the manga. It only gets worse but then gets slightly better.

Sounds like a pretty butchered story. The idea behind this whole series is pretty cool, and the characters are decent (besides kazuya, wtf is his fucking issue? he's practically just irrelevant). Oh well, I doubt the sales on the anime are good enough for it to continue, and from what you just described the manga seems pretty horrible past this point as well. How unfortunate.

Final episode was probably about a 2/5. Felt rushed. Entire season felt rushed and shoulda probably been 24 eps.
Full series = 6.5 (highly based on that I just enjoy the show, objectively it's probably more like a 4).
Dec 26, 2013 7:17 PM
May 2011
I don't understand, if Chiffon was so strong then why the hell did anyone else have to fight and get butchered?

She seemed strong enough to one shot everything, especially all the weak novas in the beginning that got stomped by even weaker pandoras.

Is she stronger than Kazuha?
Dec 26, 2013 11:23 PM

Jul 2010
Regardless of how well or poorly they adapted the manga, I still cried when Chiffon died, mostly in anticipation of Satela's line. It was a powerful moment. For a fan service fest like this to actually be touching is impressive.
Dec 26, 2013 11:25 PM

Sep 2010
Tylerr said:
I don't understand, if Chiffon was so strong then why the hell did anyone else have to fight and get butchered?

She seemed strong enough to one shot everything, especially all the weak novas in the beginning that got stomped by even weaker pandoras.

Is she stronger than Kazuha?

I think she died because she chose to absorb the blast and protect everyone instead of completely decimating everything around her. Her body is not capable of sustaining Anti Nova mode for very long and the cost is very high which is why she couldn't just bust out all the time.

Also I think she wants humanity to struggle and become stronger which is why she takes more of a backseat and observes. She just decided to pull a Zordon this time.

amazingsil said:

besides kazuya, wtf is his fucking issue? he's practically just irrelevant

DreycDec 26, 2013 11:32 PM
Dec 27, 2013 2:46 AM

Jun 2011
2nd season really wasnt as good as the 1st one. This season had me disappointed a lot. 6/10
Dec 27, 2013 6:29 PM

Sep 2012
I didint read the mangam but from my view it was really really good!
The art was very good, the fight scenes, the sound effects and ofcourse the ost!
It was really sad what happend to Chiffon. Hope there will be season 3!
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Dec 27, 2013 7:54 PM

Oct 2013
i never read the manga, but where i can bring some bad points are here

1-The Mc is really missing all along the second season
2-The Mc was pretty useless all the second season(sorry, but i dont like when a Mc is so useless, and by useless, i dont say he need to be overpower, only Jesus, do something, i dont mind if he is weaker, but seriously in the second season. its was so dissapointing
3- the main flaw that im seeing since sometime with ending anime is, the end is always rushed.... and im pretty sure people are agree on this with me, i mean i understand that they want do a open ending for a new season if neccesary, but Seriously? ending a show like this? there is WAY better open ending that this

p.s overall its was not a terrible show, i could say im dissapointed(and i dont even read the manga) im only comparing it with the first season that was better(my opinion). i hope they will do a third season about the valkyrie thing arc... anyway let see later!!!
Dec 27, 2013 11:04 PM

Jan 2012
I didn't really think it was a big downfall for this one and i don't know weather it was better than the manga since i just rushed through the pages for that part. But overall it was okay-good, they did still stick to the main stuff from the manga. The first season was totally better in terms of progress and action AND more use of the MC. Just hate how they created the Main so useless, they could have just left the limiters at school and only brought the Pandora if all they wanted was just have test battles.)>
Dec 28, 2013 6:00 PM

Jul 2009
Huh, so this episode was ... pretty intense O_O Chiffon is FREAKISHLY STRONG ... that's really crazy lol. Stopping the Nova's blast just like that?! Holy crap D: I actually got kinda sad when she sacrificed herself to save the others T_T Aww, I quite liked her! Must've been the music and her talk with Amelia ... everyone else was fine huh? D: Just Chiffon gone now :(
WOAH TICY CHANGED ... Wearing the ribbon from Chiffon though! I suppose that's hinting at a third season ... maybe? :O

Overall ... like the first season, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. However I thought it was kind of rushed - maybe 24 episodes would've been better? I liked the focus on the other characters, but then you realize Satellizer and Kazuya are barely in this show lol O_O Elizabeth and Chiffon totally made it for me :P Great animation as always and I really enjoyed the music too (just not as much as the first season for OP/ED). So yep, awesome battles and some "plot" (also fanservice LOL) makes me give this a 7/10
Dec 30, 2013 12:38 AM

Mar 2012
Kazuya is a little bitch. He is the most irrelevant MC in the history of anime. Fuck you Kazuya.
Dec 30, 2013 1:25 AM

Nov 2012
Man the haters are strong with this one. I guess this show is my guilty pleasure because I loved it. I guess I need to read the manga now to see why everyone is whining so much.
Dec 30, 2013 8:07 PM
Aug 2013
Hmmm... Now that I think of it, Season 2 was a bit all over with nothing really focused on more than anything else. It was like everything got its own slice, which means much was left out or you couldn't fit it all, then the whole thing with Louis now seems to have been just a waste of time.

I mean, I still enjoyed this anime, at least its better than Infinite Fail 2.

Someone else made a comment about Pandora mode...

Now that I remember, didn't they use that shit in only like the first 3 episodes of season one and then all of a sudden its just gone? Cause you never see them use it ever again.

As for the main characters, their screen time seemed too scattered, I mean, aside from Satelizer (and only because of the Satelizer and Louis arc), for the most part, no one was focused more so then the others it felt like, while Kazuya (spelling?) was like... left on the backseat adding the odd comment)

Oh and great job listening to Chiffon, Ticy, she said smile, not look like someone stole your cookies.

Well, I guess I am going to have to read the manga sometime, which is fine by me, I have been going on a manga spree the last week lol, Ive read like 400+ chapters of various mangas since the 22nd maybe... not even exaggerating...
dasichriDec 30, 2013 8:10 PM
Jan 5, 2014 7:40 PM
Jan 2014
What was the epic piano soundtrack from 05:45 to 07:30 in Episode 12 ?
Jan 9, 2014 7:02 AM

Nov 2010
Grand finale, Chiffon had some really impressive transformations and attacks
The soundtrack enhanced even more the entire episode

It ended with a bad taste though with her leaving like pein

RIP Chiffon
Jan 9, 2014 8:54 AM

Aug 2013
My Candies:
Jan 27, 2014 2:36 AM

Jul 2013
I must admit Satellizer and Aoi were just side characters in this, They didnt do anything at all. Satellizer and Aoi forgiven Louis too easily,should have been a punishment or death sentence.

5 strongest pandoras, funny because all you need was chiffon and the job is done
Chiffon is badass and R.I.P so shes one of my favourite character in this series.

Overall: 1st season was way better compared to 2nd and it was just a recipe of diaster(skipped scenes,felt rushed,no main characters/shown much) I always believe the echhi was slashed to minimal + no Satellizier tsundere compared to S1.
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Feb 3, 2014 4:33 PM

Dec 2010
They left out a bunch of details, but the ending wasn't so bad compared to the rest of the season. Like everyone said, overall, very poorly adapted.

Chiffon will live forever..., in my heart.
Feb 10, 2014 12:57 AM

Jun 2008
She died for our sins....

Not as good as the manga, but I still think it's a solid 7/10
Mar 18, 2014 9:33 AM

Jan 2012
womp womp...

borderline garbage

MC sounds like a faggot as always...

that incest bit helped a little but not much

6/10 + 1 for mamiko = 7/10
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