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Was anyone else pissed off that Shinichiro chose Hiromi Yuasa?
May 31, 2012 5:57 PM
May 2012
Was anyone else pissed off that he chose Hiromi Yuasa? D:

And is it odd that I wanted brother and sister to be together at the end because she couldn't have Shinichiro?
It has been awhile since I have seen the anime, but I never had anyone to discuss it with. :3
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May 31, 2012 6:00 PM

Mar 2012
As MAL's number one True Tears fan, I would have to say I was quite pissed off. Noe was the better choice in every way except perhaps aesthetic beauty, but I guess we shouldn't blame a high-schooler for being shallow. But...

"There's a roach on Shin'ichiro's head. There's also a roach under Shin'ichiro's shoe. Inside Shin'iciro's heart is.... Yuasa Hiromi."

Fuck. That.
JoshMay 31, 2012 6:04 PM
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
May 31, 2012 6:06 PM

Sep 2011
No, Hiromi was the right choice. (of course, opinions may differ)

Actually to be honest, I didn't care who won, they were both good to me. Loved the anime. =p
May 31, 2012 6:21 PM
May 2012
Post-Josh said:
As MAL's number one True Tears fan, I would have to say I was quite pissed off. Noe was the better choice in every way except perhaps aesthetic beauty, but I guess we shouldn't blame a high-schooler for being shallow. But...

"There's a roach on Shin'ichiro's head. There's also a roach under Shin'ichiro's shoe. Inside Shin'iciro's heart is.... Yuasa Hiromi."

Fuck. That.


Why do you think Hiromi was the right choice, OriginANIME?
May 31, 2012 6:22 PM

Jul 2010
nope, noe was one weird ass girl.

May 31, 2012 6:25 PM

Mar 2012
Angel_Beats said:
nope, noe was one weird ass girl.

While I probably wouldn't date Noe in real life (is anyone over 12 even like that though?), and least she wasn't a complete bitch like Hiromi.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
May 31, 2012 6:26 PM
Jul 2018
Post-Josh said:
Angel_Beats said:
nope, noe was one weird ass girl.

While I probably wouldn't date Noe in real life (is anyone over 12 even like that though?), and least she wasn't a complete bitch like Hiromi.

Bitch, and also extremely boring.
May 31, 2012 6:28 PM

Mar 2012
jpem said:
Post-Josh said:
Angel_Beats said:
nope, noe was one weird ass girl.

While I probably wouldn't date Noe in real life (is anyone over 12 even like that though?), and least she wasn't a complete bitch like Hiromi.

Bitch, and also extremely boring.

Yeah, haha. She was like, kinda good at basketball, I guess.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
May 31, 2012 6:48 PM
May 2012
Angel_Beats said:
nope, noe was one weird ass girl.

That's what I loved about her!

Hiromi was indeed a total bitch. xD
Jun 1, 2012 10:33 AM
Sep 2011
First of all I like both Hiromi and Noe equally and I can understand people not liking hiromi but how or in what way is she a bitch ?..If anyone is a bitch in this series ,it's Shin's mum.

I just don't understand the whole ' a character is emo so she's a bitch ' it's not like Hiromi stole him from Noe and then slept with him behind her back and it's not like she did anything with Noe's brother either so how can people classify her as a bitch ?
Jun 8, 2012 12:23 AM
Nov 2011
I'm glad Shin chose Hiromi as well. I really liked Noe though. I think she helped Shin a lot with his emotions and she really made him mature. I think that in his confusion he probably couldn't figure out if it was love or he just deeply cared for her because she became his friend. He never stopped loving Hiromi, even when she could have been his sister! lol. I can't blame her for telling Noe at the festival to please leave her and Shin alone, of course its selfish but protecting your heart and the person you love I think we would all be selfish. Noe's brother, wow what the hell is all I can say about that guy lol I'm glad even Noe thought it was no good for him to have feelings like that. Maybe I look at things different because I've been married to my best friend going on 11 years and I know how much I love her so I can sympathize with Hiromi... She to was just a kid and had to mature enough to be able to come out and tell Shin she loved him. I'm glad she fought for him and won. Damn, this turned out to be a long ass post but oh well! haha
Aug 16, 2012 6:16 AM

Aug 2012
jonathonpatrick said:
Angel_Beats said:
nope, noe was one weird ass girl.

That's what I loved about her!

Hiromi was indeed a total bitch. xD

See I don't understand why she was. I mean her being upset and hostile towards Shin at the start is fairly justified because of the difficult situation she faced living with Shin's mother and the moral conflict she has with potentially being Shin's sister and the way Shin pushed her towards Noe's brother.

The part at the festival was maybe a little more bitchy but I think at that point it was really just confirmation, she wasn't really lying was she? And she did feel bad which is something.
Aug 16, 2012 7:13 AM

Jul 2011
Why would anyone want him to end with that immature and irritating kid ?
Aug 19, 2012 6:46 PM

Jul 2008
I was super pissed, dragged down the score from a 9 to a 7 for me.. Hiromi is a bitch.

Even Aiko would have had me more satisfied.. I just can't believe he did not chose Noe though.. the second to last episode made me believe he would but then, nu-uh.. he chose the bitch.
Sep 23, 2012 10:58 PM
Jul 2012
dont see how she was a bitch either, was just in a bad situation, and i agree that the real bitch in this show was his mom, but even she changed her ways an was nicer, tho one meal of stew and a few words wouldnt change all the torment she put hiromi through, also, if you want to see real bitches, as opposed to this show, kimi ga and school days are nice examples lol compared to the chars in those shows, hiromi is a saint lol

i found myself sayin in the first few eps, to distance himself from noe, cuz she was going total stalker on him, but oh well
Hito420Sep 23, 2012 11:42 PM
Oct 28, 2012 2:53 PM

Sep 2012
Yeah I was a little bit disappointed with him choosing Hiromi. It should have been Noe :(
Dec 30, 2012 5:16 AM
Nov 2012
Kingsblade said:
I'm glad Shin chose Hiromi as well. I really liked Noe though. I think she helped Shin a lot with his emotions and she really made him mature. I think that in his confusion he probably couldn't figure out if it was love or he just deeply cared for her because she became his friend. He never stopped loving Hiromi, even when she could have been his sister! lol. I can't blame her for telling Noe at the festival to please leave her and Shin alone, of course its selfish but protecting your heart and the person you love I think we would all be selfish. Noe's brother, wow what the hell is all I can say about that guy lol I'm glad even Noe thought it was no good for him to have feelings like that. Maybe I look at things different because I've been married to my best friend going on 11 years and I know how much I love her so I can sympathize with Hiromi... She to was just a kid and had to mature enough to be able to come out and tell Shin she loved him. I'm glad she fought for him and won. Damn, this turned out to be a long ass post but oh well! haha

I agree totally, like I read from some website, it was like Hiromi was shin's love interest, but Noe was his intellectual interest, thus causing the conflict until the end when Shin's thoughts cleared up
Dec 30, 2012 2:07 PM

Nov 2011
Yeah, I was pretty mad as well. Just finished re-watching the show for the first time in like a year, and I understood it a bit better this time around.

In my opinion, Noe would have been the better choice for Shinichirou because she helped him the most with his emotions as some have already said; she seemed to interact with him the most throughout the show and whenever she was in the dialogue there always seemed to be a good mood, at least for me while I was watching. Hiromi on the other had was depressing, all she did was mope around and complain and get jealous. Banking on shit that happened in the past won't change the future, Hiromi, quit being a helpless bitch.

I'm sure some people would even agree with me that Aiko could've even been a better choice than Hiromi. I'll go as far to even say that I want a sequel/spin-off where a series of events occured that cause Hiromi's death, just so she's out of the fucking picture. But of course, we all know if someone came out with a sequel that wouldn't be the case.

In any case, I may or may not be misinformed, but to each their own I suppose.
Michael D. Gillis - Mayor of Scrubsville
Dec 31, 2012 9:57 PM
Sep 2012
It was the darn wrong choice...For a second at the end , when Shin cried and yelled the roach song , i waited for him to yell "Inside Shin'iciro's heart is.......Isuriki Noe"...but he picked Hiromi instead...

Another stupidty is the sh*t Shin gave about Ai-chan...

"She is my childhood friend , i can't think her that way"...

WTF was Hiromi?She was your childhood friend too...

It was suppose to be NOE!Actually sorry but it had to be NOE!

Instead of giving beautiful tears for loneliness...She had to give them for the joy of being picked and loved by Shin....
Dec 31, 2012 10:04 PM

Sep 2011
It was a surprise. I think that's why they made it that pick.

From what I remember, that girl had absolutely no personality. Just a bland girl.
"Cheer up, you’re never alone! There is probably at least 1 bug in your room."
Dec 31, 2012 10:09 PM

Aug 2012
Was actually glad they picked the less "interesting" girl since most anime usually pick em.

Also +1 for childhood friend victory.
Dec 31, 2012 10:16 PM

Dec 2012
MellowJello said:
Was actually glad they picked the less "interesting" girl since most anime usually pick em..

kinda agree .
this was the first romance anime that i didn't know who the MC was gonna pick.
Jan 10, 2013 5:17 PM

Nov 2011
matrax2002 said:
Another stupidty is the sh*t Shin gave about Ai-chan...

"She is my childhood friend , i can't think her that way"...

WTF was Hiromi?She was your childhood friend too...

Michael D. Gillis - Mayor of Scrubsville
Jan 20, 2013 6:11 AM
Aug 2009
Jan 20, 2013 9:00 AM

Jun 2011
Damn i was so surprised he picked Hiromi. I really liked Noe a lot and i was hoping for him to pick her... T_T

When i just saw her slowly limping away from Shinchiro i was so mad at him for not running after her...

*Tries to hold back tears*
Jan 26, 2013 1:53 PM

Oct 2012
i think hiromi was the right choice because although he liked noe, she was the one that inspired him to actually go and express his love to hiromi after all those years

it also made a a good ending that atleast was not predictable and evening going into the last episode u had no idea who he was going to pick
Mar 15, 2013 12:44 PM

Jan 2013
EliteFlare said:
matrax2002 said:
Another stupidty is the sh*t Shin gave about Ai-chan...

"She is my childhood friend , i can't think her that way"...

WTF was Hiromi?She was your childhood friend too...


Make it 1MILLION and one
The real world is past the virtual world is future.

Mar 15, 2013 12:46 PM

Mar 2013
I was mad indeed. Noe is way better. I WANT A REMAKE OF THIS ANIME.
Jul 2, 2013 4:57 AM

Jan 2013
I don't think Noe helped Shin mature emotionally; if anything, I think she only helped bring out how shallow he really was. This girl was nothing but supportive to him, and Hiromi was nothing but cold and distant right up until the moment where she kissed him. I'm fine with the ending and glad Shin chose Hiromi, if only for the fact that Noe will be much better off without him.

That said, I have no right to criticize. True Tears to me is about how stupid teenagers are. At that age I'm sure I would've said if I'd found a girl like that I'd leap at the chance to date her, but I would be lying if I said I never rejected a girl who did support me like that. I know there was one - I was too stupid to realize it at the time. Teenagers are stupid. I was stupid.
Dec 2, 2013 3:35 AM
Jan 2011
The only bad thing Noe had was her freakshow brother. But Hiromi seems like she will be similar to Shinichis mother. Just an all around boring character.
Dec 2, 2013 3:43 AM
Jan 2011
tsudecimo said:
MellowJello said:
Was actually glad they picked the less "interesting" girl since most anime usually pick em..

kinda agree .
this was the first romance anime that i didn't know who the MC was gonna pick.

It was obvious from the beginning he was going to pick her since she was the main girl. Shuffle actually had a surprising pick.
Dec 11, 2013 12:01 AM

Jan 2012
I didn't really like Hiromi as an anime character but I think (key word: think, because I don't know for sure) love is about who you are comfortable around and sometimes, about being near someone you "need" to survive in this harsh, cold world. I would've picked Hiromi in that situation too if I was forced.

Honestly, I'm not a fan of "autistic," weird, cute attitude girls (ex: Mashiro from Sakura no pet no kanajo etc) and this situation, he barely met her so I'm not one to throw away a known relationship for a mysterious one.
Dec 13, 2013 5:13 PM

Aug 2008
I actually wanted the main character to end up forever alone haha.

I don't really care who he picked because regardless I would feel bad for them for going out with such a lame guy.
Jan 19, 2014 6:46 PM
Jan 2014
I would have preferred Noe over Hiyomi; but, that's only because Noe had a much larger participation in Shin's development. It felt like Hiyomi was just on the sideline watching Shin and Noe undergo hardships and development. It just didn't seem fair. At least I was content with how Shin ended his relationship with Noe.
Jan 22, 2014 8:59 PM

Mar 2013
Noe inspire shinichiro to draw but he never really truly love Noe. If any the ending should just be nobody choose nobody.
Jan 22, 2014 9:24 PM

Oct 2013
I know shin would never pick her, but Ai was totally my favorite. Honestly I wasn't surprised by the ending only somewhat saddened by the fact that he never tried to get his and Noe's relationship past a certain stage.
"A cruel world is not without it's beauty, and many times a select few find it by mistake. Only then do those select few see the world for what it is... A disastrous masterpiece." ~ 7thVoid

"Hates a river that only flows down." ~ 7thVoid
Mar 5, 2014 1:40 AM

Dec 2011
matrax2002 said:
"She is my childhood friend , i can't think her that way"...

WTF was Hiromi?She was your childhood friend too...
I thought he only had a few experiences with Hiromi growing up while Aiko was someone he was around all the time.

I probably should rewatch the whole series sometime.
Mar 16, 2014 6:14 AM
Jun 2013
Yeah they weren't childhood friends IIRC.

I think this anime is great, but if Noe had of been picked, it would have been a solid 10 from me.
Mar 22, 2014 7:34 AM

Jan 2013
I was TOTALLY PISSED THE HELL OFF! I don't care what no body says! He should've chose Noe, yes she was a bit wacky but with a boring MC like Shin he needs a little fun in his life, i agree with the post that he is a shallow high schooler I mean Come On! if his child hood friend was not as attractive as( they tried to shove down our throats Hiromi) he still would have chose the tsun pretty girl, it all comes down to looks in my opinion. Noe was a genuine girl she didn't hide anything and she was super cute she wasn't ugly. I think made the wrong choice. Noe for the win, to me the show ended when he and Noe said I love you in the dirt (I think, i don't remember which ep it was lol)
mizu25Mar 22, 2014 7:47 AM

Mar 22, 2014 7:37 AM

Jan 2013
IAmTheMinozaSR said:
Yeah, I was pretty mad as well. Just finished re-watching the show for the first time in like a year, and I understood it a bit better this time around.

In my opinion, Noe would have been the better choice for Shinichirou because she helped him the most with his emotions as some have already said; she seemed to interact with him the most throughout the show and whenever she was in the dialogue there always seemed to be a good mood, at least for me while I was watching. Hiromi on the other had was depressing, all she did was mope around and complain and get jealous. Banking on shit that happened in the past won't change the future, Hiromi, quit being a helpless bitch.

I'm sure some people would even agree with me that Aiko could've even been a better choice than Hiromi. I'll go as far to even say that I want a sequel/spin-off where a series of events occured that cause Hiromi's death, just so she's out of the fucking picture. But of course, we all know if someone came out with a sequel that wouldn't be the case.

In any case, I may or may not be misinformed, but to each their own I suppose.

i completely agree I HATED the Hiromi route bad show I say

Mar 22, 2014 7:39 AM

Jan 2013
matrax2002 said:
It was the darn wrong choice...For a second at the end , when Shin cried and yelled the roach song , i waited for him to yell "Inside Shin'iciro's heart is.......Isuriki Noe"...but he picked Hiromi instead...

Another stupidty is the sh*t Shin gave about Ai-chan...

"She is my childhood friend , i can't think her that way"...

WTF was Hiromi?She was your childhood friend too...

It was suppose to be NOE!Actually sorry but it had to be NOE!

Instead of giving beautiful tears for loneliness...She had to give them for the joy of being picked and loved by Shin....

yeah F**K that! she should have told Hiromi to go F**k herself when she said "leave us alone" what? you scared bit*h? you should be!

Mar 22, 2014 7:40 AM

Jan 2013
tsudecimo said:
MellowJello said:
Was actually glad they picked the less "interesting" girl since most anime usually pick em..

kinda agree .
this was the first romance anime that i didn't know who the MC was gonna pick.

we knew who he was gonna pick lol
he LIVES with the Bit*h

Mar 22, 2014 7:43 AM

Jan 2013
CVArk said:
I don't think Noe helped Shin mature emotionally; if anything, I think she only helped bring out how shallow he really was. This girl was nothing but supportive to him, and Hiromi was nothing but cold and distant right up until the moment where she kissed him. I'm fine with the ending and glad Shin chose Hiromi, if only for the fact that Noe will be much better off without him.

That said, I have no right to criticize. True Tears to me is about how stupid teenagers are. At that age I'm sure I would've said if I'd found a girl like that I'd leap at the chance to date her, but I would be lying if I said I never rejected a girl who did support me like that. I know there was one - I was too stupid to realize it at the time. Teenagers are stupid. I was stupid.

Well said
I cried the roach song at the end of this anime and At the end i said "in my heart is a better ending to this shit"

Jun 2, 2014 4:53 PM

Oct 2013
xsilicon9 said:
tsudecimo said:
MellowJello said:
Was actually glad they picked the less "interesting" girl since most anime usually pick em..

kinda agree .
this was the first romance anime that i didn't know who the MC was gonna pick.

It was obvious from the beginning he was going to pick her since she was the main girl. Shuffle actually had a surprising pick.

Exactly, every single romance anime I have watched the MC chooses the main girl always. I define main girl as the girl on the Anime picture here on mal. Oh well, It was still nice but this show would have gotten a 9 had he chose the girl that was right. IMO of course

Jun 2, 2014 8:31 PM
Mar 2014
he should of picked the girl that works at the restaurant, shes like totally dead inside dating the best friend.
Jun 5, 2014 12:27 PM

Apr 2014
he should of picked the girl that works at the restaurant, shes like totally dead inside dating the best friend.

MC just didn't know how to picked, but even when he picked at the end it was the wrong decision.poor little noe.
I'm done chasing my dreams because I know I'll only wake up to reality. That reality will soon become my dreams.
Sep 5, 2014 11:09 AM
Sep 2014
He chose the right one. Noe was way too childish and outright annoying.
I thought he was going to choose Noe though. I was very relieved when he picked
Yuasa Hiromi.
Sep 8, 2014 8:55 PM

Jun 2014
ruinfx said:
he should of picked the girl that works at the restaurant, shes like totally dead inside dating the best friend.

MC just didn't know how to picked, but even when he picked at the end it was the wrong decision.poor little noe.

he just didnt pick your bet, not the wrong one
Jan 16, 2015 7:03 PM

Jul 2014
I love ShinxHiromi <3
Jan 26, 2015 5:53 AM

Dec 2014
Imo, MC should end up with noone. He's indecisive, hurts everyone along the way. Maybe he needs to mature the f up, take this whole thing as a lesson in life and get a new girlfriend when the proper moment comes.
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