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Oct 11, 2013 6:02 AM

Nov 2010
Argh, they've added an Evanglion look-a-like that has bombed up her hair
It's not bad, but I'm afraid this will turn into a special Princess Lover version we all want
After all of this has aired
Oct 11, 2013 6:19 AM

Jun 2011
Watching this made me remember that from now on it looks like the author picked Houki as his pet and will look to be the winner of the harem. Really now introduce a wide range of nationality girls and he still ends up with the Japanese childhood friend who was the first one he laid eyes on, if he was determined to have him with the childhood friend he could of at least made the 2nd childhood friend Rin fight it out for him but nope Ichika has to end up with one of the most dull girls (if not most dull). If going by the fan base and let alone who had the best relationship with Ichika from season 1 Charlotte is the obvious choice.

Also prepare for more school events/tournaments that get interrupted and never get finished from what i remember from reading the novels i do not think he has ever finished one tournament. They spend half the novel preparing for them but then nope antagonist show up or something happens and they just always get thrown out.

Tatenashi did become one of my favorites when she got introduced in the novels but for being the strongest IS user in school she came across underwhelming in the fights but that was so Houki the authors pet could do something.

Ranking the girls would be Charlotte > Laura > Rin > Cecilia > Houki
Rin and Laura are probably tied for second place and Charlotte stands up at the top by far. It is not like Houki is horrible but because of the writer i have grown to like her less and less that she ended up under Cecilia.
Tatenashi might be above Laura/Rin or below i can not decide really.
Oct 11, 2013 6:25 AM

Sep 2012
The "training interrupted by surprise enemies" trope is strong in this one for sure. It is very old, the combining/transforming mecha series of the '70s and '80s did this all the time... but that's OK, Ichika wouldn't fulfill his role if he actually won something.

How many doors has Houki cut through now?

Mizugi apron is a new fanservice combo. I hadn't seen it before anyway.
Oct 11, 2013 6:55 AM

May 2012
YES!!! The seitokaichou is now animated! XD

Ichika's IS went into the next level at the end of the first season... So how come it's looking like it's old version but with the Setsura claw/cannon/shield on his left arm :S Did the animation company draw it wrong or did i miss out some details when reading the novels
Oct 11, 2013 7:03 AM
Dec 2010
nervshatter said:

Stark700 said:

change her hairstyle and personality, then she'll become Rei

I'm getting FCKING CHILLS from this
Oct 11, 2013 7:41 AM
Feb 2012
Maybe this show is more enjoyable when watched all at once? Or maybe I just don't like the franchise anymore? I mean back when I watched the first season, the concept was new and refreshing to me, but now, seeing the same stuff all over again with the addition of one new girl doesn't really make for an entertaining series. And you sure as hell know that something's off once you start counting the minutes till the episode's end. You may sell like hot cakes for some reason, IS, but for me, that's the end of our short relationship. Dropped.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Oct 11, 2013 7:44 AM

Aug 2008
That new character is awesome.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Oct 11, 2013 7:53 AM

Sep 2012
GuiltyKing said:
Maybe this show is more enjoyable when watched all at once? Or maybe I just don't like the franchise anymore? I mean back when I watched the first season, the concept was new and refreshing to me, but now, seeing the same stuff all over again with the addition of one new girl doesn't really make for an entertaining series. And you sure as hell know that something's off once you start counting the minutes till the episode's end. You may sell like hot cakes for some reason, IS, but for me, that's the end of our short relationship. Dropped.
I recently marathoned the first season and it was great viewed over 2 days. I am enjoying season 2 but not as much so far.
Oct 11, 2013 8:43 AM

Feb 2012
Great ep.

Am I the only one who doesn't mind Ichika at all? I mean, this is a harem series. We came here expecting that.
Oct 11, 2013 9:06 AM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
HauntingShock said:
Great ep.

Am I the only one who doesn't mind Ichika at all? I mean, this is a harem series. We came here expecting that.

I think we all expected it to a certain extent. The problem is, is that they bumped up the idiocy and asexualism of the Ichiko to ridiculous levels for the series, which believe is why there are some many of us whining about it :-).
Oct 11, 2013 9:29 AM

Feb 2012
elkensteyin said:
HauntingShock said:
Great ep.

Am I the only one who doesn't mind Ichika at all? I mean, this is a harem series. We came here expecting that.

I think we all expected it to a certain extent. The problem is, is that they bumped up the idiocy and asexualism of the Ichiko to ridiculous levels for the series, which believe is why there are some many of us whining about it :-).

Really? I personally think it's still the same as usual :3
Oct 11, 2013 9:36 AM

Oct 2008
Harems are a total sh! ridicules me.

Oct 11, 2013 9:46 AM

Feb 2012
matias067 said:
Harems are a total sh! ridicules me.

No one's forcing you to watch it tho.
Oct 11, 2013 10:48 AM
Feb 2013
Oh new member of the harem has arrived.
Oct 11, 2013 10:48 AM

May 2010
Well.. the new girl looks pretty good, to be honest. But for some reason I feel she doesn't fit in with the rest. She's the first that looks really untypical. But I'm really not a fan of the character itself. I quite like that they're working on Ichika and making him improve now, that's really about time. But I dislike what her appearance is doing to the other girls, Houki in particular. It feels like a step back from the small development they had received.

Oh well, still liking this more than S1. For some really unknown reason.

~ Love knows no boundaries ~ -- Thanks to -Luzifer- for the signature.
Oct 11, 2013 11:34 AM

Jan 2013
Average episode.
The harem seems too big past 4 girls
Oct 11, 2013 11:57 AM

Apr 2010
Well this was a major improvement after the terrible episode of last week but still nothing fancy the annoying main got to much screen time and can't call the new character exciting.
And looking to the preview next week we get maids, i find those rather boring but i guess there are people who like them.
For now this anime needs improvement.
Oct 11, 2013 1:17 PM

Oct 2011
Wow, I REALLY can't stand that new character at all. The kind that takes what she wants and pisses everyone off because she knows she's stronger. I also don't find her special at all, really typical character honestly. Don't know why everyone is so gaga over her.

And the harem is just way too big now to be enjoyable. Much preferred last week's episode because of how darn adorable Charlotte and Laura were. And Ichika can just not be in the anime and I wouldn't notice.
LuxtressOct 11, 2013 1:20 PM
Oct 11, 2013 1:26 PM

Jul 2010
It's been awhile since I heard "Ichika no ecchi~".
Because we shall not forget:
Oct 11, 2013 2:01 PM

Dec 2011
We finally got more of Tatenashi... although I can't wait for the other blue haired girl.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 11, 2013 3:52 PM

Oct 2011
Did Ichika thought Tatenashi was a guy...Lol he got punched XD.

Laura's blushing : 0

Houki was in his dream?

Whoa she defeated everyone so easily.

Can't wait to see Ichika get better at using his IS!!!!
Oct 11, 2013 5:46 PM

Jul 2008
Ichika's denseness would bring a black hole's density to shame.
Oct 11, 2013 9:39 PM

Apr 2013
Is the new girl the antagonist :/ I have a bad feeling
Oct 11, 2013 11:17 PM

Sep 2007
Tatenashi has suddenly taken the role of best girl in one episode flat.
Oct 11, 2013 11:33 PM

Oct 2013
Tatenashi has a really strong personality,but! She still doesn't beat Charlotte in my book. Though she is at number two as of now. I've also seen many harem anime where the guy was dense so, I guess that's why Ichika doesn't bother me all that much.

The anime itself seems to be trying to add some kind of plot with Tatenashi"which isn't bad", though I don't see where it's going as of yet. Aside from taking the other girls spotlights.
"A cruel world is not without it's beauty, and many times a select few find it by mistake. Only then do those select few see the world for what it is... A disastrous masterpiece." ~ 7thVoid

"Hates a river that only flows down." ~ 7thVoid
Oct 11, 2013 11:47 PM

Apr 2012
very nice episode, I like the new girl :3
Oct 12, 2013 12:52 AM

Aug 2010
Did I just see Pika-tan out of her pajamas? MAXIMUM HERESY!

Oh Charlotte, still being the best girl, the first one to console your love interest, and the only one to actually notice he had passed out. It upsets me to no end that Houki will win because loljapan.

I like the new girl too. Needs more CharxLau though! 3/5.
Oct 12, 2013 2:43 AM

Jul 2008
Good episode, Tatenashi is refreshing to watch :D glad they cut down the other girl's screentime to focus on her :)
Oct 12, 2013 3:14 AM

Mar 2013
Aww yeah, we have a second strongest girl now! :D
Besides Onee-chan, of course. :P
Oct 12, 2013 4:03 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Oh, IS2, what are you doing?

Those fighting sequences were pathetic. How did he even make it through season 1 when he can't hit a moving target with his slow-as-f pistol thing? They could've thought of a better way to get some training done. That said, the new girl is quite cool.




[H+] ³  
Oct 12, 2013 8:50 AM

Aug 2008
Oh, Ichika you.. I lost count of facepalms by the end of this episode.
Oct 12, 2013 9:13 AM

Feb 2013
holy shit tatenashi is perfect, looks like ichika is going to get stronger :3
Oct 12, 2013 9:21 AM

Jul 2011
I'm still watching it, because girls are cute xd' (or maybe I have come here only because of Charlotte is voiced by Ruri's Seiyuu), but I can't overlook the fact, that action scenes looks like shit, compared to most nowadays anime.
Oct 12, 2013 9:44 AM

May 2013
DAMN !! Tatenashi omg <3 suddenly changed my ranking to Tatenashi,Laura,Charlotte she's such a badass and so hot! Ichika you lucky bastard! stop being dense and get a grip!! I just can't wait for the next episode.
Oct 12, 2013 11:35 AM

Feb 2008
That was a bad episode.

Can we just, for once, have a girl that doesn't automatically fall in love with Ichika? There's no value in a harem that requires no effort or challenge whatsoever.
Oct 12, 2013 6:02 PM

Jun 2011
Veronin said:
That was a bad episode.

Can we just, for once, have a girl that doesn't automatically fall in love with Ichika? There's no value in a harem that requires no effort or challenge whatsoever.

Tatenashi does not love Ichika yet she was pretty much messing with him for most the episode it was rather obvious since she kept putting on acts, she was just messing around and a little manipulation to get him to go along with her a bit easier.
Oct 12, 2013 9:57 PM

Aug 2013
Barion-Zara said:
Charlotte being the only girl noticing that Ichika went to sleep. And not just going on with the sleep in my room BS was nice. Sasuga MY WAIFU :D

And she even offered him tea to help him feel better instead of forcing herself on him. Charlotte is the best. Period.
Oct 13, 2013 4:07 AM

Aug 2013
Char : let's begin, Rafale..
Ichika :fukou da....!!
(most funny moment on ep2)
Oct 13, 2013 11:44 AM
Sep 2013
ImDigital said:
Antearion said:
Dat pose.
Little bit of action in this episode and also one of the characters. Tatenashi is so bad ass and sexy. Can't wait to see more of her. Fun episode.
Some need to take a picture of the girls when they were looking at Ichika sleeping.

You're welcome.


As for the show, damn the Student Council President is fine! what an introduction!
Shes bumped up in my fav girls list of the series, along with Charlotte and Laura.

Ichika is one lucky MC but he really has no flipping clue what so ever...

Can't wait till next week!

I am sorry you are all wrong the best one is .....

She is my hero :)
Oct 13, 2013 2:51 PM

Jun 2009
After the fall out on twitter with fans and the result of the studio dropping IS I never thought I would see the 2nd season (although I am unsure if it is following the manga or not). Surprised in a bittersweet way I guess. I do see a couple of nice gifs in this episode though so I will hang on since it is 12 eps.

Dat Charles
Oct 13, 2013 5:50 PM

Mar 2013
Ichika wants the Student Council President for dinner in the bath :D
Oct 13, 2013 6:08 PM

Feb 2013
Cecilia's Blue Tears... still looks awesome.
Oct 13, 2013 9:34 PM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
Slicer22 said:
Veronin said:
That was a bad episode.

Can we just, for once, have a girl that doesn't automatically fall in love with Ichika? There's no value in a harem that requires no effort or challenge whatsoever.

Tatenashi does not love Ichika yet she was pretty much messing with him for most the episode it was rather obvious since she kept putting on acts, she was just messing around and a little manipulation to get him to go along with her a bit easier.

None of the girls loved him at first, but they eventually all fell for him for some masochistic reason.
Oct 14, 2013 6:01 AM

May 2010
Tatenishi's "Ichika no ecchi", Charle has a rival... just kidding xD Jealous Laura is so cute. I still don't get what's so good about Ichika that all the girls are all over him, he has the looks but personality-wise, he is dense and boring... Poor Houki, got ignored this season; don't worry Houki, he dreams about you only :p

Charle proving to be the best girl again by pointing out how Ichika has fallen asleep, she is such a cutie.
Oct 14, 2013 6:26 AM

May 2013
the Student Council President is Over Power and Beautiful
She Deflected Laura's Attack Using Only a Fan
Oct 14, 2013 6:26 AM

Jul 2008
Ichika is gonna be thick-headed until the finale :P
Oct 14, 2013 7:55 AM

Apr 2013
Ichika remains a thick-headed mecha-jarhead! :D

I for one love his dense characteristics. It so hilarious that he's so socially unaware it make me wanting to stay dense so I can laugh :D
Yahari <3
Oct 14, 2013 10:38 AM
Jun 2012
is it me , or the control for the IS look like mobile suit controller , and where the heck they hide the control . i thought they pilot the IS , like their own body without the controller...???
Oct 14, 2013 8:00 PM

Jan 2008
Tatenashi has just beaten most of the girls in a single episode.
Oct 14, 2013 11:20 PM

Feb 2009
Haro2haro said:
is it me , or the control for the IS look like mobile suit controller , and where the heck they hide the control . i thought they pilot the IS , like their own body without the controller...???
In this training with the Shooter Flow technique, Ichika is suppose to control the IS with those manually rather than automatic. At least that's what the novels say.
Best not think about it really.
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