I delete from my list shows that I did not complete in at last 30% before dropping. There is no reason to remember them anyway.
How I rate shows:
I Start with
"7" - This is "Default rating" for every show I watch (I choose to watch it, so it should be at least "good" right?) Then I lover the when it disappoints me, or increase the score when I really liked some aspect of the show.
2-6 and
8-9 Rating could be pretty random actually. It generally mean that the show either disappointed or exceeded my expectations, and the number tries to represent "how much"
Then I count the following as a "Special Ratings":
1- Something That was especially painful to watch and I hated it. It might even be a decent show, but I could be enraged by the ending.
10 - Something that I truly, truly enjoyed. I love this show and like to get back to it just to watch some scenes or listen to the music.
It might not even be that good, but I had REALLY great time because of it (I have few weird "10" on my list due to some nostalgic memories)
I also tend to overrate or underrate Military/Mecha anime, and I know it.
My rating distribution:
My achievements :
All Comments (14) Comments
rzuc zuk i seksij sie ze nno w czoko w stroju aniola zjabanym jakiemus dziecku
Why thank you ! :3