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Oct 4, 2013 4:41 AM

Jun 2013
Looks decent so far, I expect future episodes to be better.
Art style was also pretty good.

Also Kana Hanazawa, just sayin'.
Oct 4, 2013 4:54 AM

Jul 2008
Nice visual and animation :) The colours remind me of K which is understandable :D
Oct 4, 2013 6:10 AM

Jan 2010
Excellent animation! Seriously, I did not like much of GoHands K, but this first episode had beautiful scenery, the theme of the anime also pleases me, though the characters do not look so charismatic and differentiated, it may be extracted something good this series, I can only judge correctly after about three episodes. For now I'll keep watching.
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Oct 4, 2013 6:14 AM

Aug 2010
I like it so far, nice visuals and promising setting. The writing could be better, but I'm not going to complain, 4/5.
Oct 4, 2013 6:22 AM

Oct 2009
That was surprisingly really good! Gorgeous backgrounds just like K, the colours really fit the tone of this series. The whiny girl is a little annoying but I am hooked! And that ED! angela <3
Oct 4, 2013 6:46 AM
Jan 2012
hm idn about this the art is really good but it seams like it will be mediocre at best, and they spoiled the wolf thing with the ending :/ and why are they in SCHOOL UNIFORMS???
Oct 4, 2013 9:27 AM

Jun 2011
The backgrounds are really beautiful, but I didn't like the character animation. Their movement was pretty bad, should be smoother. I don't mind thick contours, though they don't suit the backgrounds imo. And the fact that main characters look veeery similar kinda irrates me. And yeah... Why school uniforms? Like, for real?

As for now, the story seems to be kinda interesing, BUT-! Heroines' presonalities... ARRRGH! Their behavior is sooo shallow. Like, Meganekko, Genki Girl and Cool Type? Hope they'll change somehow, cause I'm not planning to watch anime with so plain characters.
btw. Overall was kinda boring... And the ending is really nice. 3/5
Oct 4, 2013 9:51 AM

Jun 2011
I've always liked METRO-esque settings so this one's definitely a keeper. The only thing I find somewhat annoying is the unbelievable cast of lead characters. One would think that any team of "super-humans" genetically engineered to survive in abnormal levels of radiation would at least have the proper training and equipment to begin with. You don't send all-female rescue teams into irradiated ghost towns wearing high school uniforms.

But I suppose that's Japan for you...
Oct 4, 2013 10:57 AM

Nov 2010
Even when the world ends these three beauties would be still around

as my Harem :P

Impressive first episode, the visual were great
and they didn't beat around the bush what Coppelion means

It's like the aftermath of Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 and the setting of Tokyo Jungle

The lead character resembles the one from Setokai Yakuindomo
Very cool when shooting the wolf with a tranquilizer
Oct 4, 2013 11:04 AM

May 2010
Klimat said:

Toucanbird said:
Why are they so unprepared from an equipment standpoint to do this?

It's not like they were sent to war or something. Their mission is basically to walk around the ghost city most of the time with not a single other person nearby, the most dangerous thing there is radiation (at least that's the initial judgement), yet it is virtually harmless to our heroines.

They don't know that it's completely deserted. In fact, they were sent into find people, so chances are there are things other than people. Like mutated monster things. If Fallout and STALKER has taught me anything, a deserted nuclear wasteland is not deserted at all. At the very least they should have some common survival gear. They might be resistant to radiation, but I don't think a seifuku would protect them from the elements or ambushes. And why didn't everyone get outfitted with a rifle and pistol? You're walking into a nuclear wasteland ffs.
Oct 4, 2013 11:23 AM

Sep 2012
The blue-tinged color palette really reminds one of "K".
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Oct 4, 2013 11:54 AM

Apr 2009
wrenchbread said:
They don't know that it's completely deserted. In fact, they were sent into find people, so chances are there are things other than people. Like mutated monster things. If Fallout and STALKER has taught me anything, a deserted nuclear wasteland is not deserted at all. At the very least they should have some common survival gear. They might be resistant to radiation, but I don't think a seifuku would protect them from the elements or ambushes. And why didn't everyone get outfitted with a rifle and pistol? You're walking into a nuclear wasteland ffs.

Please, mutated radiation monsters are so fiction-y. In this regards here we have a slightly more realistic setting. Like in real-life Chernobyl there really are no deformed monsters running around trying to kill people. Occasional mutants are at best a goat with a pair of extra dysfunctional legs that do not get in the way or at worst something completely non-viable, unable to move around and support itself, pretty much dead on arrival.
In case of some non-friendly people Coppelions have at least one pistol handed to the most capable of them, super-human strengths of the main girl (normal person would not survive a jump from a bridge that she performed in the first episode) and an order to observe yet not to engage in contact with anyone. That guy on the chopper got mad at Ibara for approaching a radiation victim on her own for a reason. Also we have no idea what other equipment is hidden in girls' enormous handbags they carry around.
As for school uniforms, that is of cause kinda silly, but that is Japanese anime for you.
Oct 4, 2013 12:51 PM

Dec 2012
What the heck is with the school uniform murmur. Kill La Kill made an awesome frigging mecha of them and no one complains! :) Not that a specific justification is needed, but the girls come from a school, right?

5/5 for me; till Sidonia no Kishi appears, probably the best aired so far. Set my expectations low, but I am more than happy to have it watched and I hope it will get more exciting. Love the girls.
Oct 4, 2013 2:17 PM

Oct 2011
Interesting series this year
Oct 4, 2013 2:45 PM

May 2010
Klimat said:

Please, mutated radiation monsters are so fiction-y. In this regards here we have a slightly more realistic setting. Like in real-life Chernobyl there really are no deformed monsters running around trying to kill people. Occasional mutants are at best a goat with a pair of extra dysfunctional legs that do not get in the way or at worst something completely non-viable, unable to move around and support itself, pretty much dead on arrival.
In case of some non-friendly people Coppelions have at least one pistol handed to the most capable of them, super-human strengths of the main girl (normal person would not survive a jump from a bridge that she performed in the first episode) and an order to observe yet not to engage in contact with anyone. That guy on the chopper got mad at Ibara for approaching a radiation victim on her own for a reason. Also we have no idea what other equipment is hidden in girls' enormous handbags they carry around.
As for school uniforms, that is of cause kinda silly, but that is Japanese anime for you.

>so fiction-y.

Well, gee, I wonder what kinda genre this series is part of. I'm leaning less toward mutant animals attacking and more toward feral creatures attacking on sight.

And this series is REAAALLY realistic, huh. You got a Luger that can somehow fire tranq rounds using gunpowder without the tranq blowing up in the chamber and that can also serve as a medigel gun when it uses the same firing pin.
You also wouldn't stash your weapons in a bag. If you had a rifle on you, it would most likely be slung over your shoulder or held at a combat ready position like so: and your secondary firearm in a holster.
It's more for protection than active engagements. You don't see modern day soldiers going on recon missions with almost nothing but a walkie-talkie. You plan for contingencies. You don't just outfit one member of the squad with just a pistol and leave everyone else with no means to defend themselves if and when the situation arises. Which really begs the question, are these guys really military? They don't seem trained for the job, especially if they're raising a gun at their CO, which is grounds for death or court-martial.

You talk about how it's more realistic, but you're ok with schoolgirls in uniform walking ill-equipped into a nuclear wasteland. I hope you see the hypocrisy in that.
Oct 4, 2013 4:04 PM

Oct 2012
Not bad. Though I find it fault that they are going there only in their skirts. And that they are unexperienced, two of them are unable to surive in this "harsh jungle" (from what I got they are heavily modified test subjects that had to be very expensive to make) and I wonder why they send there just girls (or no boys with this radiation immunity?) At least they are pale from lack of sunlight (or are they even human?)

I simply don't want to answer those question by phrase: "It's only an anime, don't find any logic in there". I want to believe there are some reason why it had to be this way. Maybe they are just testing their behavior who knows. I think we get more of the story when they return to their base in ep3.

Edit: Oh, and ED song is super great!
Other than that, I like this first ep, the mood it set was very scary sometimes and seeing Tokyo after nuclear catastrophe is something you can't see everyday. I will definitely stick to this, I wonder what comes next.
Mich666Oct 4, 2013 4:17 PM
Oct 4, 2013 4:55 PM

Dec 2010
The animation and environment is nice but the anime is too preachy.
Oct 4, 2013 10:01 PM

Jul 2008
PS3 (The Last of Us): Coppelion Style :D
Oct 5, 2013 3:29 AM

Nov 2012
..... No intensity at all. The show is like 'oh my 3 school girls went picnic to a ghost town while others can't' And two of them have no stamina nor charisma to be protagonists.

The only one that caught my attention is their mini skirts.
Well, lets give it a chance.
Your so-called peaceful world makes me bored, so don't blame me if I destroy all of it.
Oct 5, 2013 3:51 AM

Apr 2009
wrenchbread said:
>so fiction-y.

Well, gee, I wonder what kinda genre this series is part of. I'm leaning less toward mutant animals attacking and more toward feral creatures attacking on sight.

And this series is REAAALLY realistic, huh. You got a Luger that can somehow fire tranq rounds using gunpowder without the tranq blowing up in the chamber and that can also serve as a medigel gun when it uses the same firing pin.
You also wouldn't stash your weapons in a bag. If you had a rifle on you, it would most likely be slung over your shoulder or held at a combat ready position like so: and your secondary firearm in a holster.
It's more for protection than active engagements. You don't see modern day soldiers going on recon missions with almost nothing but a walkie-talkie. You plan for contingencies. You don't just outfit one member of the squad with just a pistol and leave everyone else with no means to defend themselves if and when the situation arises. Which really begs the question, are these guys really military? They don't seem trained for the job, especially if they're raising a gun at their CO, which is grounds for death or court-martial.

You talk about how it's more realistic, but you're ok with schoolgirls in uniform walking ill-equipped into a nuclear wasteland. I hope you see the hypocrisy in that.

Ok, lets switch "so fiction-y" with "so American comic book-y". Coppelion is not The Incredible Hulk to have radioactive mutants with superpowers created by an accident. You are missing the point.
And I repeat, the ghost town is not a war zone, is it so hard to understand? IRL rescuers working in wild woods usually are not military. Also it's funny how you yourself presumed Coppelions are military, then decided they don't look like soldiers and got upset. Well, girls don't look like military because most likely they are not, surprise-surprise.
Also it's 20 years in the future, they can have all kinds of modified weapons, so picking at the Luger is kinda pointless.
Oct 5, 2013 4:46 AM

Mar 2013
Wow, I didn't expect to like this so much. Great animation and beautiful backgrounds and the pacing seems to be a huge step up from K. I haven't read the manga so I can't compare but this episode still seemed somewhat slow, lol. But that's okay since it gives time to introduce a new world I guess.

But I'm not too sure about the philosophizing of dolls/puppets...? It looked like they were trying too hard to be deep. The characterization of the MCs was so far removed from that of emotionless personalities of what dolls/puppets are meant to be, so that part felt as if it came out of nowhere. I'd have assumed the girls came to investigate the wasteland of their own free will if it hadn't been for that.

By the looks of the preview Taeko and the dog were attacked by rabid wolves but it looks like the dog will be okay (I've got my priorities sorted). Can't wait for next episode ^-^
Oct 5, 2013 6:01 AM
Jan 2010
brave new world x chernobyl + a little bit of the good ol' NUCLEAR REACTOR JUST BLEW UP IN TOKYO, SEND 3 TEENAGE GIRLS TO INVESTIGATE
Oct 5, 2013 6:10 AM

Apr 2009
All the background stuff is so gorgeous! I just really like the artwork in general, the way characters stand out quite a bit from the background is done really well. + the music's cool
The characters are likable too, and it seems like it could be a good story. All in all, I like it.
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Oct 5, 2013 6:52 AM

Mar 2013
i would really love to see such a post apocalyptic anime, but NOT with retarded school clichee characters in it..-.- the artsyle of the anime however, was quiet good
Oct 5, 2013 9:22 AM

Jul 2010
Wow, those thick outlines but they don't bother me that much.

Anyway, fabulous backgrounds, great atmosphere, decent OST, and most for all DAT ANGELAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA's OP&ED.

So is the megane girl already dead?
Oct 5, 2013 11:12 AM

May 2010
Klimat said:

Ok, lets switch "so fiction-y" with "so American comic book-y". Coppelion is not The Incredible Hulk to have radioactive mutants with superpowers created by an accident. You are missing the point.
And I repeat, the ghost town is not a war zone, is it so hard to understand? IRL rescuers working in wild woods usually are not military. Also it's funny how you yourself presumed Coppelions are military, then decided they don't look like soldiers and got upset. Well, girls don't look like military because most likely they are not, surprise-surprise.
Also it's 20 years in the future, they can have all kinds of modified weapons, so picking at the Luger is kinda pointless.

I sure as hell didn't mean American comic book fiction either. If you're gonna keep pointing to extremes like that then we're done here, but I'll humor you. Have you played STALKER, Fallout (3), Metro 2033? Those places aren't warzones either, but your main equipment aside from food, water, and other necessities is most likely (and should be) a weapon. You'd never know what you'd encounter and I'd rather be safe than sorry. Considering Coppelion takes place in a dense urban area, you'd never know what's hiding in the next building.

And yes they're military. They're genetically modified humans with high radiation resistance created for the purpose of exploring the nuclear wasteland. Usually the government, if not the military, handles stuff like this. It'd make more sense to keep your investments alive by giving them a weapon instead of just sending them in cold to an area they never been to before. Not to mention the Vice-Principal Mishima is often called Commander Mishima by his subordinates. If that ain't military, I dunno what is.
Oct 5, 2013 11:25 AM

May 2011
I've just randomly stumbled upon this anime, going into it without the slightest idea of what to expect. And I was pretty pleased - the atmosphere was great, with both the art and music complimenting theempty and bleak mood perfectly. Still not quite sure what to expect from the story - but this was an interesting start, at the very least.

As for the characters, HanaKana's was definitely the most noticeable one. I like her so far, but it'll only také a few to send her straight into the "annoying" category - let's hope that doesn't happen! Ibara seemed to be a cool "tough" MC - but that dialect, seriously... :D As for the last girl, can't really talk much. She didn't get much screentime.

All in all, I will definitely check out the next episode. Let's see which direction it takes.
VokocaOct 5, 2013 11:34 AM
Oct 5, 2013 12:21 PM

Apr 2009
wrenchbread said:
I sure as hell didn't mean American comic book fiction either. If you're gonna keep pointing to extremes like that then we're done here, but I'll humor you. Have you played STALKER, Fallout (3), Metro 2033? Those places aren't warzones either, but your main equipment aside from food, water, and other necessities is most likely (and should be) a weapon. You'd never know what you'd encounter and I'd rather be safe than sorry. Considering Coppelion takes place in a dense urban area, you'd never know what's hiding in the next building.

And yes they're military. They're genetically modified humans with high radiation resistance created for the purpose of exploring the nuclear wasteland. Usually the government, if not the military, handles stuff like this. It'd make more sense to keep your investments alive by giving them a weapon instead of just sending them in cold to an area they never been to before. Not to mention the Vice-Principal Mishima is often called Commander Mishima by his subordinates. If that ain't military, I dunno what is.

Have you ever been to real-life Chernobyl? Protip: it is nothing like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. except for geography.
For some reason you assumed Coppelion as a sci-fi show should not be based on reality with changes only deemed necessary by the author, yet on other post-apocalyptic sci-fis you are familiar with. That is a wrong assumption from the start.
Also if you are so interested, I've played Fallout 1 and 2 to death, played Fallout 3 and New Vegas, also played all S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. Yet it has nothing to do with the show at hand.

Guys in the chopper are military of cause. Coppelion girls are clearly students/cadets from National Defense Academy of Japan where Mishima is a lecturer among his other duties. As far as I'm aware cadets are classified as service civilians, they can't be court-martialed, they are not actually part of the military before they successfully graduate from the academy and actually enroll to The Japan Self-Defense Forces.
Oct 5, 2013 12:24 PM

Aug 2012
Interesting start, the animation was pretty good
Oct 5, 2013 2:17 PM

May 2010
Klimat said:

Have you ever been to real-life Chernobyl? Protip: it is nothing like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. except for geography.
For some reason you assumed Coppelion as a sci-fi show should not be based on reality with changes only deemed necessary by the author, yet on other post-apocalyptic sci-fis you are familiar with. That is a wrong assumption from the start.
Also if you are so interested, I've played Fallout 1 and 2 to death, played Fallout 3 and New Vegas, also played all S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. Yet it has nothing to do with the show at hand.

Guys in the chopper are military of cause. Coppelion girls are clearly students/cadets from National Defense Academy of Japan where Mishima is a lecturer among his other duties. As far as I'm aware cadets are classified as service civilians, they can't be court-martialed, they are not actually part of the military before they successfully graduate from the academy and actually enroll to The Japan Self-Defense Forces.

You say based on reality, yet regardless of whether or not there are scarrrry mutated monsters in the zone I don't think the gov't would send in a ragtag team of schoolgirls in uniform in there with barely anything to defend themselves with. This is where the immersion breaks, especially since it's so apparent. No sane organization would dare send in such a misfit group of teenagers. I'm not sure why the mangaka went with this design decision and I don't think it's an inappropriate question to ask, "why schoolgirls in uniform?" For a series that takes itself so seriously with questions such as "what is a human?", this just serves as a jarring contrast that doesn't add any greater meaning or insight.

Also, my reasoning for mentioning those games is not that I came in expecting super mutants, bloodsuckers, etc., but because I wanted to point out that pretty much in all post-apocalyptic situations (not exclusive to the properties I mentioned above) has the basic equipment of food, water, necessities, and weapons. They have food and the like, but they're not dressed for the occasion, nor properly geared for the unexpected.

The schoolgirls being considered as civilians doesn't pardon them from daring to aim a gun at a military personnel. Either way, punishment is called for.

I sound like a broken record at this point, so I'm out.
Oct 5, 2013 2:48 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Angela music! I didn't expect that. I like what I've seen so far, I hope they make the most out of the story.




[H+] ³  
Oct 5, 2013 2:51 PM

Feb 2013
Not a bad start.

Pretty interesting post-apocalyptic world.
Oct 5, 2013 3:01 PM

Apr 2009
I've read a couple of manga volumes and I can tell you about relations between Coppelions and Mishima. As non-spoilery as possible.
Oct 5, 2013 11:41 PM

Jan 2011
the plain characters look so contrast with the detailed bg, a weird style... still waiting for the robot in the trailer to appear

btw I would bet everything that the glasses girl is not dead^^
Oct 6, 2013 1:28 AM
Sep 2013
I have to agree. Background is amazing, but the characters are in huge contrast with the quality of the scene in the rear... The storyline looks fine so far, I'm curious about this catastrophe. But I hope it won't be a typical trio of smart girl, good-but-weepy girl ang brave girl...

klaymore said:
btw I would bet everything that the glasses girl is not dead^^

Oct 6, 2013 2:10 AM

Dec 2012
uhh, i was waiting for that anime to air *u*

my first impression is really, really good.
the animations look so great! there was that one scene where the helicopter was flying over the ruins of that city and it looked so amazing. there were so many details. the city in general looks so awesome. i love that apocalyptic feeling you get.
i also love that whole "we changed their dna when they were younger" thing. you can do so many great things with that! i'm excited to hear more about it.
the colors are a bit unique. everything seems a bit paler than usual, but imo it fits the mood. a colorful ghost town wouldn't be a great idea.

i enjoyed every second of it and i can't wait for the next episode :)
Oct 6, 2013 3:11 AM
Jun 2009
Kuroharinezumi said:
I have to agree. Background is amazing, but the characters are in huge contrast with the quality of the scene in the rear... The storyline looks fine so far, I'm curious about this catastrophe. But I hope it won't be a typical trio of smart girl, good-but-weepy girl ang brave girl...

klaymore said:
btw I would bet everything that the glasses girl is not dead^^

Yep, one of the more stupid move of the show. Build up a lot about how that megane girl is in danger yet some seconds later, she is shown totally fine in the ed. It sucks.
Oct 6, 2013 4:34 AM

Aug 2012
totally fell in love with the visual style. Detailed post-apocalyptic BG, interesting color palette and thick outlines of the characters = pretty good combination.

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Oct 6, 2013 10:16 AM

Jan 2013
This was my most anticipated anime of the season. I hope it does well, and this first episode did a decent job of introducing our three main girls.

I absolutely loved K-Project (no, I am not a yaoi fan, I actually liked it for it's story, artwork, soundtrack, and characters but not just their looks) and I'm really excited to see what the director gives us this year. This has a very similar vibe to what K had, which I think you have to watch K more than once to get the entire impact of the show and understand it better. If this turns out to be something similar I will be very pleased.
Oct 6, 2013 3:30 PM

Aug 2012
This looks interesting, i will keep watching it.
Oct 6, 2013 3:56 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
And it's finally here. Art is great and as for the thick outlines, after SnK, I'm already used to them.


I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Oct 6, 2013 4:23 PM

Jul 2013
Interesting first episode. I haven't read the manga so I'm pretty excited on the events that are about to unfold in this series.

The bolded outline of the characters is definitely and interesting style that I haven't seen too much of and the detail on the scenery is extremely well done. The first couple of seconds felt like it was a high production animated movie of some sort.

Oct 6, 2013 6:04 PM
Jan 2013
I hope aoi dies next.
Oct 6, 2013 6:57 PM
Feb 2008
Incredibly boring first episode
Oct 6, 2013 6:59 PM

Oct 2009
The premise of the show is weird, why didn't they use robots instead for this kind of tasks?
Then again, although it is catastrophic, it's only on a scale of a city, not the entire world isn't it?
To bio-engineering human dna just for this is really unthinkable, unless there is a catch..
(after all, it looks like they were kept as secret to the entire world)

I had a feeling of a hidden plot in play, I hope I'm not overreaching my expectations.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Oct 6, 2013 7:38 PM

Jan 2012
The scenery is amazing but everything else is just alright.

The characters are cliche and the episode was boring as shit.

However, I am curious about somethings and its not bad. Just got off to a boring start, in my opinion.

azzuRe said:
The premise of the show is weird, why didn't they use robots instead for this kind of tasks?
Then again, although it is catastrophic, it's only on a scale of a city, not the entire world isn't it?
To bio-engineering human dna just for this is really unthinkable, unless there is a catch..
(after all, it looks like they were kept as secret to the entire world)

I had a feeling of a hidden plot in play, I hope I'm not overreaching my expectations.

I think its the world, I'm not sure. The Vice Principal did say "Citizens of Jap- no The world" when he was talking about Pandoras Box or whatever.

It seems like its 20 years or so into the future since Ibara pointed out that the cars are a couple decades old and they look like cars that are made today.

Im hoping it will be better, characters, plot, and everything.
Oct 7, 2013 4:08 AM
Dec 2012
Decent first episode. Looking forward to the next episode.
Oct 7, 2013 5:03 AM

Jun 2011
Started out decently, and heading toward the end, it becomes so much better! To be honest I cannot feel that Aoi girl's despair, she was happy go lucky, then it all came too suddenly. Other than that this feels great. Why does it have to end there? ):

As for the ED, I like it, but I hated the fast singing some where in the middle of the song. It ruined it for me.

In normal cases, I would've liked those characters who speak differently from tokyo accent, but in this case, I don't know why I feel nothing special out of the female that speak kansai-ben.

Edit: I don't like the style of animation, even the blushes are in black -.-

soluuloi said:
Kuroharinezumi said:
I have to agree. Background is amazing, but the characters are in huge contrast with the quality of the scene in the rear... The storyline looks fine so far, I'm curious about this catastrophe. But I hope it won't be a typical trio of smart girl, good-but-weepy girl ang brave girl...

klaymore said:
btw I would bet everything that the glasses girl is not dead^^

Yep, one of the more stupid move of the show. Build up a lot about how that megane girl is in danger yet some seconds later, she is shown totally fine in the ed. It sucks.

This! The preview ruined it to be honest. They should not have shown that girl in the preview -.-
mugimugi said:
Yup, the setting is fairly decent but the characters suck and the plot was too boring for what it could be.

>Make humans immune to radioactive environment and send them to retrieve people and whatever
>Make it a group of three school girls
>Make them wear school uniforms with magical no-pantsu-flash skirts.
>Give the wobbly and lively kawaii animations

Before I start watching this, I had the same thought as yours,
>Why make it 3 f-e-m-a-l-e-s, but not m-a-l-e-s
but after I watched this, none of these came to mind. To be honest I don't really mind, as long as it's not excessively shown.
ToG25thBaamOct 7, 2013 5:11 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Oct 7, 2013 5:45 AM

Nov 2011

Episode difficult to assess, at first sight can be an extraordinary series, but also a silly crazy! Only thing that I find safe beauty is the context in which the story takes place, albeit with well-designed environments of weak colors. Cute character design, but the key visual art, it took me around a bit, the lines are too thick and not very harmonious for a female body! : (
Interesting texture, but not explosive, for now. Narrative a bit too slice of life and boring. For now my vote is low because I do not believe too!
terrablu2003Oct 7, 2013 5:48 AM
Oct 7, 2013 9:22 AM

Jul 2013
Dog bait OP, dat suspense though
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