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Welcome to my profile! I dont accept random friend request without stating any reason! If you think we have similar taste, like my reviews or just want to be friends, feel free to send me a friend request, with the reason attached to it. About me: I think a quote that speaks to me, my experience with anime and the internet in general is Shakespears famous verse in Hamlet: “Brevity is the soul of wits”, which basically means “don’t waste my time”. I like shows more that are shorter (from 10-26 episodes), I actually prefer movies (because they are shorter, more compact and normally have higher production value) and I try to write my reviews on point and not waste too much time. If you think I ever did babble on too much in one of my reviews, excusez-moi, that was not my intention. Also: don’t take the tags in my anime list too seriously, I guess they are supposed to be a bit funny and since they are quite old they may not reflect the current view I hold. ______________________________________________________________ How do I rate anime: I would say 50% subjectiv 50% objectiv, but ofc enjoyment plays a big factor into my rating as well, which means when the overall enjoyment of the show is very low I will give the show a very bad score, even though I might find some of the shows aspect to be nice. Subjective things are: setting, artstyle, soundtrack, character likeability, story etc Objectiv things are: Plotholes (contradictions), originality (or if something is cliché), convinience of storytelling, realism and logic of story and characters; so overall efford made in writing the story plus efford in the arstyle and soundtrack. Though subjective and objective goes hand in hand. I mean, score itself is about preferences, so it is by all means subjective, but people tend to judge things better with certain measurable quailities. Can you call these qualities objectively good or is it just the subjective agreement of the majority? But then again, isnt our subjective opinion formed by our life experiences so determined objectively by our suroundings? So maybe everyones opinion is objective and there is no subjective opinion? As you can see defining these kinds of things is quite tricky and very open to ones own interpretation. Thats why setting a fixed set of rules for judging a show seems quite naive for me. The way i think it, I try to judge shows in a way that i like objective efford more than lazyness, in all aspects of a show, which would probably be the reasonable approach, or do you disagree? the scores: 1-4.... shit 5.... already kinda recommended everything above 5 has at least something to it Nowadays I try to model my ratings after a bell curve which is basically the ideal rating system. However, some of my ratings are a bit old and I dont feel like going over everything. Normally with a rating system from 1-10 a 5.5 as a mean score would be ideal, but I also drop a lot of shows and then rate them which screws my rating system a litte. And I also think it would be a little unfair to rerate all my shows without watching them again. my anime ratings: ______________________________________________________________ What anime do i like in general? I like anime a lot more that try to include deeper messages or philosophical questions. Very good examples for that would be "Casshern Sins" and the first "Ghost in the Shell" movie. A deeper message inside a story is something I would recommend ANY storyteller since it makes the audience care about the story more, especially when they can connect to the idea. Ofc you could say that every show has a deeper message, or at least every show can be interpreted in a way to have a deeper message. So ofc it is important that this deeper message appeals to me for me to like it and wont like a show because it has, for example the message that friendship can overcome any problem (looking at you shounen genre). I think it is probably hard to define what kind of messages appeal to me, but I tend to like shows that deal with consequences a lot and like bad or bittersweet endings in shows more than good ones. I also like many horror aspects, especially the nihilistic ones, such as the cosmic horror, dealing to some extent with the irrelevancy of the human existence. A second thing I really like to see in anime is the psychological aspect of characters. A very good example for this is Evangelium with Shinji and Ping Pong the animation (where they even added some very well done character development). All this makes the character way more likeable. When they show weaknesses, regrets, motivation, emotions.. all this makes them more realistic and more relatable to me. The exact opposite are the most character used in the shounen genre or the slice of life genre, which mostly consist of clichés. The thing that mostly bothers me about them is the fact that characters in those shows (and in most anime in general) don't feel like real people, or people who would act if they were in the situation they are. That is the main reason why I drop anime so fast, because they are often alienating me. I appretiate music and good artstyle a lot, but good music and good arstyle is very rare. High quality is especially rare in anime. The anime with one of the best artstyle there is, is for example Redline, with incredible detailed background and characterdesign (everything is very well drawn anyways) and very fluid animation. Redline is also a good example for action movie without much deeper meaning which i can enjoy as well. That is also connected to the music it plays. Why I think the music and soundtrack are very important is a lot written in my blog (there are also many interesting things what I think about certain things written) Other than that, I also enjoy some comedy or romance from time to time, especially when they have very well written character (Like "Kaguyasama", "Paradise Kiss" or "Vision of Escaflown"). So that's basically it, if anything is unclear, just ask. :) ______________________________________________________________ My favourite anime: My 3by3: My favourite anime tv-series: extended list: 1. Ping Pong the animation 10/10 2. Serial experiment lain 10/10 3. Casshern Sins 10/10 4. Mushishi 10/10 5. Escaflown 10/10 6. Madoka 9/10 7. Kaguya-sama: love is war (only season 1) 9/10 8. Paradise Kiss 9/10 9. Azumanga 9/10 10. Monster 9/10 11. Berserk 9/10 12. Fullmetal Alchemist 9/10 13. Ghost in the shell SAC 8/10 14. Neon genesis 8/10 15. Cowboy bebop 9/10 16. Samurai Champloo 9/10 17. Haibane renmai 8/10 18. Showa rokugo 8/10 19. Vinland saga 8/10 20. 12 kingdoms 8/10 21. Gungrave 8/10 22. Hellsing ultimate 8/10 23. Record of lotos wars 8/10 24. Non Non Biyori 8/10 25. Aoi Bungaku 8/10 26. Princess Tutu 8/10 27. Kinos journey 8/10 28. Claymore 8/10 29. Fate/Zero 8/10 30. Ghost stories (English dub) 8/10 31. Sailor Moon 7/10 32. Ultimate survivor Kaji 7/10 33. Made in Abyss 7/10 34. Shiki 7/10 35. Kaiba 7/10 36. X 7/10 37. Wolfs rain 7/10 38. One Punch man 7/10 39. Welcome to the nhk 7/10 40. Nobungaga concerto 7/10 41. Shigurui 7/10 42. Usagi drops 7/10 43. Clannad after stories 7/10 44. Guardian of a spirit 7/10 45. Sousou no frieren 7/10 46. Ergo proxy 7/10 47. Onihei 7/10 48. Hellsing original 7/10 49. Death note 7/10 50. Tengoku Daimyakou 7/10 51. Kusuriya no hakugari 7/10 52. Texhnolyze 7/10 53. Paranoia agent 7/10 54. Hibike euphonium 7/10 55. Otona Joshi no anime time 7/10 56. Yami shibai 7/10 57. Psycho pass 7/10 58. Mob Psycho 100 7/10 59. Ga rei zero 7/10 60. Pluto 7/10 My favourite anime movies : ______________________________________________________________ Some examples of anime soundtracks I like: If you are interested in good anime soundtrack (or moviesoundtrack) i can recommand you many more. And if you have any soundtracks (if movie or tv-series, anime, or whatever) you like feel free to recommand it to me, im gonna listen to it. :) Thoughts about some of my recently finished/ dropped /rewatched anime: FINISHED Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction , Score: 5/10 A bit of a weird one. Started of interesting, but became more and more dull. The whole stroy progression felt like everyone is a teenager.. and not a smart one. From the goverment, the aliens and many of the side characters. Only the main characters felt a bit mature (even though they are the teenagers). It felt like a dumbed down version of District 9. The ending was also a let down with the shitty parallel universe scape goat instead of actually showing what will happen to the characters. Some characters I liked though. Episode 0 was kinda weird... for one it doesnt fit as the beginning and it kinda made it seem like the anime will focus more on the post-apocolyptic part, which maybe it should have and maybe the manga did. FINISHED 365 Days to the Wedding , Score: 6/10 Average. I like the setting of the workspace and also like the characters to some extend. Some moments are sweet, but others are cringe, and others are boring. Rika is cute though. Kinda reminds me abit of Wotaru, but with more characters (which is a positive) and less about otaku culture... also better. FINISHED Dandadan , Score: 6/10 Ep 1 was probably the best and most funny one (especially the aliens), its to some extend very typical to another very wakey, the characters are ok and I somewhat like the romance, the cliffhanger ending was dissapointing. Some of the jokes I think only work one time. Like the Jin guy, it was quite funny how over the top he is... but the joke gets a bit annoying over time. FINISHED My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU , Score: 2/10 quite uninteresting, typical highschool garbage, I think it would need more romance to make it more interesting, you can see it building up but it goes way too slow. I can see some potentials in the characters, but also a lot of clichee stuff. Had they focused on the unique aspects it would have been better and the ending was boring and unfullfilling. The whole school festival part lost me completely (was skipping through episodes at that part). DROPPED (after 9 ep) Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! , Score: 1/10 Clichee story with uninteresting character. All character interactions are all cringe and boring. FINISHED Nana , Score: 6/10 I am a bit conflicted on the show. I found the beginning to be a bit hard to get into, but I liked the story progression and was interested in the characters more and more (not all of them though). Some parts still felt a bit boring however and my general interest in it wasnt too high (which is why i watched it with 1.5x times speed mostly, sometimes even in the background). The ending felt mature and fresh, but also confusion and unfinished. The whole show is more about the characters than about the music, some of them I liked others I find lacking. Nana (Hachikos) relationship with Takumi was one of the confusion, maybe even strange parts. Like the show definitly tried to portrait it in a realsistic light with Hachiko fully realizing she is just one of many girls he has and knowing what kind of type he is. Then later it becomes more like a fairy tale story of the bad womanizer being a dream boy (to some extent), with the reality of their relationship probably getting worse kinda looming in the background. But then the anime ends without any resolution. Maybe its resolved better in the manga, dont know. Similarly the relationship of the other Nana with Ren and Yasushi also is quite open ended with her realizing that Ren is probably not the right one for her and Yasushi being maybe a better choice. However Yasushi having a stronger bond with Ren than he has with her makes everything more complicated. In both cases it feels more like the woman just accepted their fate despite knowing that they might not be happy in their situation. And instead of any change they just keep going with the flow and what makes them happy in the moment. Probably not the take home message I prefer in a show, but sure something unique and maybe realistic to some extent. Other than that I didn’t really care about the Shinichi/ Layla relationship… that one also didn’t have any resolution. It also would have been nice to see Nobuo relationship with Miu grow. I don’t know if it is because the manga isn’t finished or because Nana is not that kind of story, but I probably prefer a romance to have a clear resolution at the end, with them either being together or walking their separate ways. The reason I watch Nana was because a few weeks ago I stumbled on Paradise Kiss (Also a manga from Yazawa Ai with an anime adaptation also from Madhouse… don’t know if you have seen it). I ended up really liking Paradise Kiss a lot, especially because I find all the characters so likeable (I guess in most romance shows the likeability of the characters is the most important thing). I also like the artstyle more than in Nana, which has one that I needed to get used to.In both shows I like the music. Nana could have focused more on the music aspect, but it really didn’t and had a bigger focus on the characters. Over the duration of 47 episodes a larger number of songs would have maybe been nice, but overall they few we got were good. DROPPED (after 1 episodes) Ao no Hako , Score: 2/10 Quite uninteresting setting. I dont know if its the highschool aspect of it or the characters but this feels so clichee and boring. I mean I watched a bunch of romance anime, some also show highschools, but I guess most of them focus on activities outside school. Anyways dont feel like continue with this one, even though im in a mood for some romance, so that tells me that it is probably not worth watching this one. Art is sometimes nice, but the cgi used for the background is quite distracking and garbage. Music is also pretty generic. FINISHED After the rain , Score: 6/10 Liked the artstle and the concept is interesting. The characters feel pretty real and the anime treads the concept somewhat seriously. However would have wished for more at the end, because it ended somewhat abruptly and unfullfillingly. With that I mean more development in both the MCs recovering process and maybe even in their relationship. In fact their romance was quite forgotten in the later episodes. I also found funny that the premise was, that the manager is this uninteresting middle aged man and she still falls in love with him.... but then later they give him an interesting and unique backstory, which kinda goes against the premise. Sure it makes it a bit more believable and interesting to watch. FINISHED Paradise Kiss , Score: 9/10 For me Paradise Kiss was such a hidden gem. I almost cant believe I have never heard about it before. I mean I am not the biggest watcher of josei, but almost everytime I do watch one I enjoy it. Should really watch more of them.^^ It has so relatables and realistic character, is sometimes really funny, and has a quite unique and interesting story (basically revolving around the characters). This is the romance I have been looking for. I love it. The MC is quite complex and feels realistic. Her contradictory stands towards her mother, with kinda hating her but at the same time needing her praise was very interesting. Also the moment she came home to talk to her mother about the modelling was such a touching moment. I feel like every character in Paradise Kiss has a lot of depth to them. Like even George, who has this chauvinistic attitude, show that he cares about his friends and loves Yukari, even though he ultimately views is carrier more important than his relationship, but he also thinks other people should act in that way with accepting that Yukari chooses her modeling carrier over him. I also get the feeling that a lot of the chauvinistic things he says are more of a joke than his true thoughts and maybe he puts up some façade, although there is definitely some influence he got from his father. I kinda like the ending of the anime more than of the manga. While in the manga yukari gets together with hiro, in the anime her fiancé at the end feels so intentionally cut out to show that he is some unknown person. While I was wishing during the watch that yukari ends up with hiro, this bittersweet kind of ending is much more impactful in my opinion, because it feels more realistic and hits closer to home. FINISHED Sing "Yesterday" for Me , Score: 2/10 The story overall was fine but, oh boy, that ending must have been one of the worst endings I have ever seen. This is almost FMA brotherhood level of bad ending. The MC all of the sudden fell in love with the highschool raven girl was just utter ridicoulus. The whole season there was no connection, no chemistry between them. It was almost like the MC just was too much of a nice guy to tell her to fuck off, and he just wanted to get together with his crush. Imo the raven chick should have come together with the photographer who confessed to her. The show just wanted to be contrarian for the sake of it. FINISHED Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway, Score: 5/10 The premise is interesting and it started quite good, but I think the story deteriorated more and more. I found it especially silly that they made almost all female side character fall in love with the main guy, especially the girl who dumped him. That inclusion into the story was just idiotic. They should have maybe only focused on the highschool girl and the rookie office worker. The ending was at least samewhat nice (from a moral perspective), maybe a bit drawn out. Also the highschool girl constantly asking for sex just to show how much of a good guy the MC is was kinda overdone. FINISHED Uzumaki, Score: 6/10 I dont really understand the low rating. Especially the first episode was pretty good, maybe on par with the manga (some parts look better in the manga, like the father being twisted into a spiral, but the girl with the spiral face is in my opinion better animated than a still image). I havent finished the manga so I dont know if they cut some important part out, but the story of the anime seemed pretty cohesive without any wholes. Overall I also dont get why people think that the Uzumaki manga is one of the best horror mangas. Its creepy and disgusting and all, but lacks any deeper message for what I can tell or any interestingly written story or characters.Its basically an ok story with a lot of gore, so mostly body horror. I guess its not my favourite type of horror. Still worth a watch though. REWATCHED Mushishi, Score: 10/10 The rewatch made me realize how good this show is. Its a episodic show with each episode being a different topic, but each and everyone of them was interesting. Some of them very tragic and thought provoking. Its very hard to pick a favourite episode, but I like the tragic ones more. Like the one where the woman used the white bamboo to give birth to a baby which is then half human and half mushi might be one of my favourite, or the one where the man on the beach cant let go of his wife who was lost in the fog. Or the one where the woman who was blind started to see the future and past and wished she was blind again. All just so good. For the second time I watched the english dub and I like Ginkos voice a lot more... he is too emotionless in japanese. I also rewrote my review about it which I made 10 years ago... so read that if you want to know more Regarding season 2. Part 1 was not as good as S1 since most of the episode didnt have the same level of tragedy and impact for me. S2 part 2 on the other hand had some real banger episodes. The one with the time loop, the one with the shadows swaping people, the one where the boy turns into water, the thunder boy episode and the last one with the big tree are all really good. REWATCHED Samurai Champloo, Score: 8/10 Opinion didnt change too much. Still like it. It is mostly goofy but has some nice emotional moments. I think I started to dislike Mugen and Fu more. Only Jin is a really likeable character to the 3. FINISHED Yuru Camp, Score: 8/10 Very nice and realxing anime about camping. Really makes you want to go camping, especally around Mt Fuji. Its quite realistic and wants to teach a lot. The characters are all likeable. ED song was very nice (especially the one of season 2). The movie I didnt like too much. It didnt focus so much on camping and more about building and it had situations in which threads and stakes were introduced... really dont need that in my laid back relaxing anime. FINISHED Sousou no Frieren , Score: 8/10 Nice fantasy anime, the beginning was probably the best part. There were some annoyances already, like the constant belittleing of Heiter by Frieren, but overall the start felt refreshing. It added more and more action, which was a bit unecessary and it was obviously just done to make the show more appealing to a younger, shounen liking fanbase. The mage arc at the end took the cake with how much mindless action it put into the show, but at least it ended on a good note. Characterwise I like Frieren. Fern was ok at the start but became more and more annoying.. especially her interaction with Stark are the worst parts of the show (its like a highschool rom/com... and not the good kind). From the original party I only dislike Himmel, he just felt like the typical shounen protagonist and not very interesting. The german names are very weird (and also funny) to say the least. Hearing names like Denken, Laufen, Übel and Lernen is just so unfitting for a show to be taken serious, but the show had lots of comedy so it just made it more light hearted. FINISHED The Apothecary Diaries , Score: 7/10 Felt unique and interesting, especially Maomaos character. Maybe a bit repetative and its also kinda weird how Maomao is so much smarter than everyone else. So i cant take it too serious, but for a light hearted relaxing experience it was nice. REWATCH The vision of Escaflowne , Score: 10/10 Basically the epidomy of fantasy and its an isekai too.. lets you think about how much this genre has been dragged into gutter with all the garbage videogame shit. That a masterpiece like Escaflowne has a mean score of 7.67 while the human waste that is Re:Zero is above 8 is the best prove that democracy doesnt work and most people are just mindless sheep consuming trash without the slightest hint of critiqual thinking. Its a shame. To watch Escaflowne was very refreshing.. you have actually believeable character for a change, a well thought through world, good romance (very rare for anime), interesting villains and villain-main character dynamics and one of the best OSTs in anime making every emotional scene that much more gripping and the action scenes that much more exciting. My favourite part is probably when Duke Freid died and he remembered his dying wifes last word... hits very hard. The part when Van kills all of Dilandaus men was also very nice (first time the song "Eclipse" was played). I have to say though that I usually watch the german dub, because it is by far superior to the japanese (the english is an insult, with hitomis voice actress being an emotionless brick).. I made a blog about the difference between the japanese and german dub and why the german one is better. FINISHED Mushoko Tensei , Score: 6/10 Nice isekai anime, like the worldbuilding and the progression. The MC being a pathetic loser reincarnated is a little weird and wishfullfillment. The fanservice and sex references were a bit much as well. Part 2 had some nice episodes (like the Roxy visiting her home town) but also some stinkers. Season 2 was not so good, the whole a acadamy arc is like a highschool romance and the MC gets more stupid by the episode. FINISHED Sakamoto , Score: 6/10 Over the top comedy anime with some nice moments. A bit repetitive maybe but overall a nice watch. FINISHED Yurikuma Arashi , Score: 3/10 I remember starting it back when it came out in 2015 but never makeing it past ep.3, because the story is weird as hell and the fan service is borderline softporn. Finished it now with 2x speed and was exactly that: weird shit happening with lesbian soft porn sprinkled in. Artstyle is nice though, especially some of the industrial background shots. FINISHED Re:Zero , Score: 2/10 One of the most unlikeable main characters, he is both pathetic and arrogant at the same time. The show is basically a harem with him as the center and like 90% of all scenes have him in it with dialog. It has a bunch of cute waifu characters though. Got one for every taste. And the action somewhat distracts from these god aweful characters. Maybe I missed the part where this whole show is suppost to be a comedy, with the dimwitted jackass surrounded by a bunch of cute waifus, a little bit like Konosuba. But unlike Konosuba there are no jokes in Re:Zero and Konosubas MC is at least somewhat capable. At least you see the MC of Re:Zero die a lot and scream in aggony, that part was nice. FINISHED Baki 2018 , Score: 4/10 Pretty much an unintended comedy. Everything is so stupid and over the top that is somewhat funny again, but other than that its quite repetative and drags out too long. A positive side note it is unpredictability and leaving the typical shounen formular of the MC beating the bad guy.. but I guess only for this season, not sure about the rest FINISHED Spy X Family Season 2 , Score: 6/10 A bit better than season 1, especially the cruise ship part was nice. Basically evertime the focus is on Yor its nice, and everytime the focus is on the school its boring. Yor is just the most funny and interesting character. Anja also sometimes has her moments. FINISHED Kaguya sama: Love Is war Season 1 , Score: 9/10 Hilarious comedy anime. The dynamic between Kaguya and Miyuki is unrivalled, especially their imaginations of each other are priceless. Kaguya with her inner monologues is one of the best characters I have ever seen, but Miyuki comes right after her. But Kaguyas evil stare is just so funny. The side casts are also quite nice, especially Ishigami was great in that season. Personally I prefer the English dub, because they added a ton of new really good jokes and almost all deliveries of the jokes are better, but the Japanese dub also has its moments, especially Kaguyas cuter moments are maybe nicer in Japanese, while her more evil moments are definitely better in English. Fujiwara was probably the only part I didnt fully like about S1. She has her good moments and servers her purpose of being the setup to a joke (especially the boob jokes) but the moments focusing on her are rather uninteresting and unfunny (like the ramen part in episode 11 was a bit cringy). FINISHED Kaguya sama Love is war Season 2, Score: 7/10 Not as good as season 1. The newly introduced side character Miko IIno is neither interesting nor funny. Ishigami became more and more bland and the focus on Hayasaka was also unnecessary (if she was just an unimportant side kick to Kaguya as in S1 it would have been way better). The only really good part was more of Miyukis father (who is even better than in season 1) and the shoujo episode. It overall became less comedic and more romantic, especially Kaguya lost a bit of her edge and became more of a romantic in this season. I know its supposed to be her character development to become more normal, but as a character she is very interesting unique and funny in S1, making her more of a normal romantic lessens her as a character. FINISHED Kaguya sama Love is war season 3, Score: 6/10 It became even more bland than season 1 and 2. Focused more about romance, less about comedy, and it’s a pretty generic kind of romance. The ending was pretty drawn out and could be a lot faster FINISHED Kaguya sama Love is war movie Score: 7 Better than the ending of S3, characters got more depth. REWATCHED Another, new Score: 6/10 Found the mystery build up nice. All the puppet shots were a bit annoying, also the beach episode was a bit unnecessary and so was the dance scene, so it sometimes ruined the atmosphere it build up. Maybe I wasn’t in the mood for horror since I watched a lot of comedies recently, but couldn’t really get into it anymore. I remember liking this show a lot back when it came out but now it was a bit of a let-down. FINISHED Liz and the blue bird, Score: 2/10 One of the most boring movies I have ever seen. I am not sure if you are required to watch Hibike euphonium before that, because the movie didn’t make any effort of making the characters interesting or likeable. FINISHED Spy x Family, Score: 5/10 The show is ok. I actually have not that much to say about it and I think most of the conversations online revolve around that Anja is so cute. I found her ok cute, Yor was probably cuter. Since there are a lot of comedy elements in the show with character being batshit stupid, and the whole premise being so silly its hard to see it anything but a comedy, but for that they included too little funny elements in my opinion. FINISHED Konosuba, Score: 6/10 Nice comedy, gets better the further it goes. A bit too much fanservice maybe. Season 2 was a bit better with the hotspring town and the crazy aqua followers. DROPPED (after 6 ep) Nichijou, Score: 1/10 The show tried so hard to be funny that it made it so unfunny. I think I didn’t even giggle a single time I watched the first 6 episodes. It deserves a 1 even though the artstyle is nice, because it fails so hard in its main objective, being a comedy. This is the most unfunny thing I have seen in a long time. The thing is I am watching a lot of comedies recently, so I cannot give it the excuse that I am not in the mood for comedy. REWATCHED In this corner of the world, new score: 10/10 Wrote a review about it now, also a discussion entry with my new thoughts about this movie REWATCHED Koe no Katachi, new Score: 5/10 Them including suicide twice felt a bit overdone and creativly bankrupt. If it at least had some lasting consequences from the fall, but no .... Ending was pretty unfullfilling as well since they didnt get together and it only revolved around him now "being able to look people in the eyes"... i dont know but he was doing that with his 5-6 friends for the largest part of the movie anyways. I dont get what people see in this movie. FINISHED My happy marriage, Score 3/10 This is so bland my face melts when I watched it. Every character is so zero-dimensional, they create a time rift. The main character constantly feels sorry for herself, the evil sister and step mothers only existence revolves around hating her out of jealousy. The only conversation topic they have is how much they hate the MC… I mean wtf? Even Cinderella made they it more believable (probably, cant remember). FINISHED Wotaku, Score: 4/10 Its nice and all (especially since its not a high school comedy), but since it only revolves around otaku culture and doesn’t develop the characters all too much it became a bit boring towards the end (and it only has 10 episodes)… it only as like 4 real characters anyways, so it doesn’t go anywhere. FINISHED The 100 Girlfriends who really love you, Score: 3/10 Beginning was a little funny, but it became a bit repetitive and boring from the middle. There was not much thought put into the comedy and they just resulted into a ton of ecchi jokes and clichees. FINISHED Non non biyori Season 3, Score: 7/10 Pretty similar to S1 and S2, just with improved visuals. I like the first two episodes the most with the frog moment with Renge and in episode two the train moment of Hotaru. FINISHED Pluto, Score: 7/10 Nice. Monster is better. The whole connection to astroboy I didnt like. 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- Plan to Watch56
- Total Entries916
- Rewatched150
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Days: 17.2
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Feb 26, 2024 12:37 PM
· Scored
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (8)
Manga (3)
Character (9)
Hayasaka, Yukari
Paradise Kiss
Duke Freid
Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Shinomiya, Kaguya
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Urano, Suzu
Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni
Vinland Saga
Souryuu, Asuka Langley
Shinseiki Evangelion
Kazama, Ryuuichi
Ping Pong the Animation
MacDowel, Harry
Miki, Sayaka
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
All Comments (764) Comments
I really am sorry.
I'm watching Dandadan too it's a good anime, I seem to remember you were watching Nana, is it a good anime for you?
I think so too, it was nice talking to you too.
As for Gon and his maturity, I think I was wrong in saying that word and not explaining myself well, it would really be his “lack of maturity” because he is practically just a 13 year old boy. Well, as he started out as a child focused only on meeting his father and throughout the anime he faces various situations that challenge him to grow emotionally. While you are right that Gon has always cared for his friends, the complexity lies in the way he deals with his goals and his relentless pursuit of the title of the hunter, I think it is essential to his identity. However, as soon as he makes the decision to focus on helping his friends he shows that he is maturing (even if only a little) in a way that transcends his selfish desires (to meet his father and be a hunter), this change in motivation could be seen as a sign of emotional growth: < Gon begins to recognize the importance of his bonds with others, not just in his personal ambition. >
And the anime places less emphasis on Gon “becoming” something different than on how his values, though still immature, are evolving as he interacts with others. Friendship, sacrifice, and loyalty are the values that Gon embraces, and that is a form of growth. It's not that the protagonist changes drastically, but that his priorities broaden and become more nuanced as his journey progresses.
Well the mafia and the assassins, I understand what you mean by referring to the lack of a direct explanation about his unfamiliarity with the Nen. But I think this is a deliberate choice by Togashi to highlight the complexity of the world building. The fact that the mafia, despite their power and influence, know nothing about the Nen emphasizes how vast and intricate the HxH universe is. It also speaks to how even the most dominant forces in the world can be blind to certain facets of reality, showing how knowledge and power are not always synonymous. So this lack of compression about the Nen creates a tension that makes the Nen system all the more intriguing and emphasizes how knowledge itself is a form of power.
And similarly, the concept of assassins morphing into something more morally complex rather than simply being traditional killers is a theme that runs throughout the anime. By showing that not all assassins are ruthless killers and that some have their own codes or moral dilemmas, the anime presents a more nuanced view of what it means to be an assassin, which enriches the characters and the story. It's not about breaking expectations for the sake of it, but exploring how different individuals view morality and their own roles in society.
The money arc, about gambling and the lack of understanding about how certainty in gambling that leads to exponential growth of money, well Gon and Killua may be brilliant in many ways besides Kurapika and Leorio who are adults, but Gon and Killua are still just kids and are inexperienced in the world of business and strategy for adults. But I think their lack of understanding about gaming is a subtle way of highlighting their naivety and this leads to further development as they learn more about the intricacies of the world they are entering. (Though I agree with what you mentioned about this).
I think the subversion of expectations in HxH, I think, is not just about surprising for the sake of surprising, but about creating a more thoughtful and layered narrative. The anime's willingness to break with traditional narrative conventions allows it to explore deep emotional and philosophical themes, which is part of what makes it so appealing to many viewers. I understand that for some this may be frustrating if they are expecting a more straightforward and traditional shounen story.
In addition the meaning of being a “hunter,” the anime not only subverts the traditional concept of what it means, but also questions the world in which these characters live. Instead of offering a simple and predictable path it presents us with moral dilemmas, complex characters and situations where things are not what they seem, it is not about doing things differently just to surprise, it is about giving a new expectation of what it means to be a “hunter” and how those ideals can transform as the characters face more stark realities. For example: < The nen system is not only a tool to face enemies, but it is related to emotions, desires and the very nature of people. >
And another example related to the nen would be: < When Gon was so angry and felt so much hatred for Neferpitou (Chimera ant that killed Kite), Gon's nen aura increased more and more, because Gon practically sacrificed all his aura through his body and killed Neferpitou, and after this Gon almost died but Killua asked Alluka (Killua's Sister) to save Gon so he wouldn't die, he survived but as a consequence of this Gon was left without nen. >
I can understand your point that the characters didn't change nor did their personality, related to character development your observation about Gon is valid, when you say that his personality doesn't change after Kite's death, but I think that's part of the depth of HxH and its approach towards personal evolution, not every change has to be monumental nor instantaneous. HxH characters don't follow the linear growth pattern that typical shounen characters have but that doesn't mean there is no development.
For example, Gon does undergo a significant change when he faces his own darkness in the Chimera Ant arc, the way he confronts his own limits, sacrificing his well-being for a goal, shows a kind of evolution that is not necessarily obvious or explicit. And so it is with Killua, who demonstrates a great deal of internal progress related to the struggle between his desires for freedom and the expectations of his family. Killua doesn't have a sudden transformation, but a maturity that slowly develops throughout the anime.
HxH does not always seek to give a resolution to character arcs in the traditional way. Often more complex characters and their stories are not resolved in a clear or finalized way, which can leave a sense of stagnation. However, this does not mean that there is no growth, but rather that the anime offers a more nuanced and realistic view of the maturation process, where characters do not always change completely, but evolve at their own pace.
You are right when you say that HxH is very far from the typical and it also chooses random elements so that it looks different in relation to shounen anime.
I agree on what you say about the chimera ants arc, although for all HxH fans that's the best one, from my point of view it's good but not that good I just enjoyed the fights although the design of the ants seemed a bit strange and exaggerated at the first moment I saw them. In HxH there are many things that are unresolved and have no explanation “Where do the chimera ants come from?”, “What are they?” Among so many other questions that are without an answer, many say they come from the “Dark Continent” (It's the last arc in the manga that is just developing) but it's just a theory.
I would really like to know your opinion about what you think about the Dark Continent arc, if you think it's good or something, although I doubt you want to know anything about it because you don't like HxH. https://youtu.be/KRFm1ajmiGc?si=OAZg4kUrw58dAkM2 (It's a video about a summary of Dark Continent)
Well I respect your opinion about the anime, and I'm sorry if I write too much.
Although the animation quality of the anime that already depends on the tastes of each person, regarding the pace of the anime I can accept that at the beginning it is quite slow, but each arc leads to the development of each of the characters and their world.
In the first arc Gon's motivation is mainly to become a hunter and find his father Ging, as he follows in his footsteps, although you are right when you say that Gon's motivations change but this shows the development of his maturity, plus he faces several situations that put him in approval, Gon's motivations do not disappear but evolve as he faces great challenges and his perspective of seeing the world changes.
Assassins are not only stealthy characters who kill without being seen, but they have physical abilities that allow them to survive big situations, which gives them a different representation to the typical “assassin” figure. In the mafia is depicted more as a group of people with power and resources, but also with flaws, the anime tries to show us that if you have a lot of money or influence you are not invincible or perfect, which adds complexity to the narrative.
The arc related to money (Greed Island), serves a purpose within the story, it was a means for Gon and Killua to advance in the search for information about his father. Although it is not such a “serious” arc, but it serves in some way as an important contribution. It is true that some of the situations in Hunter x Hunter can be compelling but the anime uses them in a thoughtful way, the author uses plot twists and random elements to emphasize the unpredictable nature of the world the characters live in, the “coincidences” can be there to emphasize the unpredictability and chaos of the characters' adventures.
The video game arc may not be there to be an extra part of the plot, because there things like control, survival and even human emotions in the face of extreme situations were explored there and the fact that Gon goes into a video game that seems to make no sense but can be seen as a way for him to highlight his lack of understanding of the gravity of the situation, which also makes it a point of reflection on his own personal growth.
I can also consider that some arcs do not have an immediate impact on the main story, it is important to recognize that Hunter x Hunter has a more complex narrative structure, as it is obvious, where each arc is designed to build the development of the characters and their evolution, as I said at the beginning. You can't expect each arc to come to an end, that the anime explores themes such as aspects of life, morals and relationships. Even I know that some arcs can be more boring than others, but the anime has been acclaimed for its psychological depth and the way it defies the expectations of the shounen genre, for as the story progresses, the characters and plot become more complex, leading to a narrative that is neither predictable nor linear. It's natural for a long and multifaceted story like this to have lulls or arcs that don't focus on the main mission, but that also gives it room to explore other themes.
Regarding the scale of power and character abilities, it is true that Hunter x Hunter plays a narrative in which the characters' abilities are not always presented in a linear fashion, but this does not mean that the anime lacks structure or hierarchy, rather than following a simple scale of power where the strongest characters are clearly defined from the start. Togashi, the manga's creator, opts for a more flexible and dynamic approach. The characters' abilities are strongly influenced by strategy, intelligence and circumstances, which makes the story focus more on the evolution and growth of the characters than on a rigid power scheme.
A clear example would be when: < Gon and Killua start as relatively weak children compared to the other hunters, but as they progress their skills develop and show that strength is not always defined only by physical level. >
Well as I mentioned above the creator (Togashi) uses plot twists and random elements, this “randomness” you mention could be interpreted more as a narrative approach where abilities develop organically depending on the context of each situation, rather than being determined by a rigid system of power.
The Chimera Ant arc, well the vast majority of Hunter x Hunter fans love this arc and many of the people consider this to be one of the best and deepest in the series, as it introduces moral dilemmas and explorations on humanity and sacrifice, and an intense evolution of the characters, such as the case of Gon. Admittedly, from this point on, the anime takes on a more somber and reflective tone, which may not be what some expect from an action anime, but this is one of the criticisms the anime has given, as it defies conventional expectations of what an adventure anime was meant to be.
The transition to a more philosophical and moral approach in Chimera Arc also has to do with the idea that the world of Hunter x Hunter is complex and that characters cannot always be classified as simply good or evil, weak or strong. The anime focuses on exploring the motivations, decisions and consequences of each character in context.
The design of the chimera ants is not “stupid”, as it is a reflection of the contrast of the brutal nature of the ants and their anthropomorphic characteristics, the idea of characters like the penguin and the pink panda being with the ants is not a contradiction, but a way to show how absurd and unexpected the development of a being can be, well and the scale of power as I said before, does not always follow a simple logic, the abilities can evolve quickly and be more unpredictable than other works of the same genre. Ants were created to be a great threat, and the way their strength develops is well explained within the context of their world.
The last arc (13th President Election Arc) I accept that it is somewhat boring and slow because for me it was.
Hunter x Hunter is not similar to Naruto would be that Naruto copied or was inspired the hunter exam (HxH) as chunin exam (Naruto), and Sasuke with red eyes and his clan killed being the last member, as Kurapika.
Well as a HxH fan I'm not angry with your review, in some points you were right but in others you were wrong, but we all have different tastes and we can say what we want.
Good review :)
I am flattered I am so important to you, that you created this account just for me. Also some parts of your comment read so AI generated, with these generic excuses as if I read them from a fanwiki, so I wont even argue with them since they are mostly self-interpretation BS without concrete examples. I mean what is the point of saying my opinion is subjective and some people might disagree? You don’t seem to know what a review is buddy…It details what I think about the show and if someone should watch it or not, which in the case of HxH you shouldn’t, because it’s a garbage show.
Is Hunter x Hunter Just Another Shounen?
Hunter x Hunter does have shounen elements like friendship and perseverance, but it also delves into complex themes like morality, power structures, and sacrifice.
The later arcs explore darker and more mature territory compared to the beginning.
Pacing and Quality
You acknowledge the good pacing in the initial arc but feels it drops later. Pacing is subjective, and some might enjoy the complexity of later arcs that delve into character development and world-building.
Animation quality is a matter of preference. The simpler style is praised by some for its clean lines and focus on character expressions.
Story and World-Building
You criticize the logic behind characters' motivations and power levels. Hunter x Hunter's power system, Nen, has clear rules, but characters can strategize and use it in unexpected ways.
You find the "money arc" pointless, but it introduces a power dynamic within the Hunter world and Gon's limitations.
The "video game arc" serves as training and character development for Gon and Killua.
Character Design and Scale
Character designs are subjective. Some might find the chimera ants' designs interesting, while others might not.
You criticize the strength of some characters, but Hunter x Hunter emphasizes strategy and teamwork over raw power. Weaker characters can contribute significantly with clever tactics.
Chimera Ant Arc
The reviewer finds the arc's villain motivations nonsensical. The arc explores the concept of humanity and the potential for good and evil within any being.
The reviewer criticizes the emotional manipulation. Hunter x Hunter tackles the emotional impact of war and loss, even for "villainous" characters.
Tactics and Fights
You find the fights in the later arcs boring due to excessive talking. Strategic planning is a key element of Hunter x Hunter battles, and some viewers enjoy the intellectual aspects of the fights.
You find the main character, Gon, generic. While Gon embodies shounen archetypes, his development throughout the series is a highlight for many fans.
You criticize The reviewer criticizes the lack of originality in side characters. Hunter x Hunter has a diverse cast with unique personalities and motivations.
Music and Art Style
Music taste is subjective. While you fing the music forgettable, others appreciate its emotional impact and thematic relevance.
The art style is again a matter of preference. The simpler style allows for clear action sequences and expressive characters.
Ultimately, whether you enjoy Hunter x Hunter depends on your preferences. It offers more than a typical shounen experience, but if you find the pacing slow or the art style unappealing, it might not be for you.
I hated Malenia. Shamelessly used mimic ashes after a couple of hours. There's only so many phase 2's and AIDS all over the screen I can take before I go the cheap route. She's an aggregate of good ideas made into a bad boss fight. Halved HP or just one phase or one less combo, etc., would have improved the fight for me. There's too much going on and it comes after going through all the other bosses that get similar complaints from me. The one thing about hard bosses in other FromSoft games is that I didn't have something as strong as the mimic ashes in my pocket to easily use if I got frustrated. I know I could abstain from using it but I never felt as frustrated with the non-Elden Ring bosses as I did with Elden Ring bosses. My achievement for Isshin is a couple of days after the previous boss - that's how long it took for me to defeat him. There's a different feeling to Isshin and other difficult bosses (Kos, Manus, Nameless King) to the feeling of difficult ER bosses. It's hard to explain. I didn't watch the Youtubers you mentioned but I did watch 'theDeModcracy' for a video on ER bosses which I mostly agreed with.
I have high hopes for the ER DLC though. The DLC that FromSoft makes has been at times better than the base game.
What made you play Thief, btw? Is it a game from childhood?
I have to check out the JJK movie first actually. You reminded me. Demon Slayer is something I'll watch when it over's done airing since it's supposed to be a short season.
I heard lots of great things about Yuru Camp but I never got around to watching it because I was already watching less anime by the time I would have had time for it and I developed a habit of throwing into a watch list rather than actually watching.
Minus One is a stand alone movie. I think it's an easy-to-watch Godzilla movie, meaning it doesn't go too in depth on what Godzilla is or the lore behind it. It's just recognized as a folkloric monster. I have seen 12 Angry Men - a classic. The Big Short is a movie my brother recommended to me but I never got around to watching it. Now that two people have mentioned it I should put it up on in priority to watch.
Also, I started playing Elden Ring again and dusted off my old character to finish whatever is leftover before the DLC. I'm reading what we wrote two years ago and we were being harsh critics. Still, we both concluded that we liked the game despite some flaws. Have you played it recently? I still hold most of my complaints but perhaps being away from gaming has eased the edge and I can appreciate ER without bashing it for lack of mini-boss diversity or the mimic tears. I did make a new character but retired it because the open map and paths you can take put me off on the idea of doing it all over. One thing I like about previous games is that the character changes but everything else stays the same. While everything does literally stay the same in ER too, it does become a bit overwhelming having to rediscover things across the big map. You can switch up a path here or there but in ER, you can do lots of exploring before even hitting the next boss.
I did like Escaflowne, but it's been so long since I've watched it that only remember surface level information, so I wouldn't be able to discuss it at any depth. I do remember the music was great. I may rewatch it, but the list of anime I want to rewatch might as well be half of my completed list. I guess one "fear" I have is that my taste may have changed and a series I remember fondly, because I remember only the good, will be ruined on rewatch.
Some characters and relationships in AOT near the end were so off-putting that simply having it end was a positive. It was a bit sad seeing characters that I first saw when getting into anime turn into characters I stopped caring about.
So that's how it is with the German in Frieren. I thought there were puns or jokes only Germans would understand, but it's just using the German word to name someone. Our thoughts on it are the same. Fern and Stark It was also the first anime I completed after quite some time. Before it, I had finished Insomniacs after School in June 2023, which was actually nice, and endearing at times. I'm sure someone has or will make a video researching its popularity boom. Not even the fanboys of other top 10 series could put a dent in it.
I plan to watch Demon Slayer's new season and there's a couple of others like Jujutsu Kaisen I'll check out since I've already watched the previous season. If I were to watch a calm anime it would have to be something I've already watched like K-On or Non Non Biyori.
I did watch a movie recently though - Godzilla Minus One. It was great. Have you watched it? I'll also watch Monkey Man soon.