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Mysterious Girlfriend X
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Apr 30, 2012 1:22 PM

Jul 2010
akutasame94 said:
supermegasonic said:
glitchhunter said:
This series is pretty good so far. It's not usually the type of anime I like. The drool consumption is still grossing me out though...

i feels the same way exactly, kinda glad im watching this week by week, i dont think i can handle this in a marathon run.
akutasame94 said:
Well I don't understand what is so nasty... Ever heard of french kiss? The one where you put your wet slimy tongue into your partners mouth... You pretty much exchange some saliva, this is just different method...

thats during the kiss though. you dont go putting ur saliva in a test tube so someone could save it for late.

True, but generally speaking, isn't it the same?

not necessarily. when you kiss, the saliva goes from one mouth to another. there's no third party or anything in between that

May 7, 2012 1:03 AM

Jun 2009
TheLazySloth said:
Dropped at the moment she put saliva in the test tube.

That is rather disturbing I have to say... I mean... come on...
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May 20, 2012 11:26 PM

Jul 2010
Funny, weird and unpredictable i like it. An anime revolved around drool lol
Jun 25, 2012 6:39 AM

Aug 2010
I was fine with the first 2 episodes but this drool concept is finally starting to gross me out. Guess I'll give it another episode or two.
Other than that I find this series quite enjoyable.
Jul 2, 2012 2:07 AM

Sep 2011
Gawd this anime is something else. :)
Jul 4, 2012 5:39 AM

Jan 2012
i guess if people can't get past the drool, you may as-well just drop it now....

the ending to this had me in tears, although she kinda got me annoyed when she went through the process with the other kid, it didn't feel like she likes him at all, and the only thing that stopped her from saying no was the compatibility issue, really felt for him

other than that though, loving this anime, totally unique.. although not for everyone by any means!
Aug 10, 2012 3:21 PM

Jan 2012
saliva fetish anyone?

dem jap and their creativity.... I swear

Voice and saliva still doesn't sit well with me.. but tolerable... will keep going as long as I could
Aug 19, 2012 12:46 PM
Aug 2012
Guess I'm the only one who thinks the saliva thing is kinda hot (minus the test tube part. Even that was a bit much for me) but no matter how you look at it that dream Tsubaki had was pretty cool lol
Aug 27, 2012 3:40 PM

Nov 2011
Haha, this anime is really interesting! Looking forward to what it has to offer ^^.

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Aug 30, 2012 3:48 PM

May 2012
Great and funny episode though quite cheating imo as their only thing as bf and gf "the drool bond" she tried it with someone else...

Well not a bad episode, up to the next one!
Sep 1, 2012 5:34 PM

Jul 2012
Got used to the saliva part by now. But this anime is definitely something else then any other one's I've watched ⊙ω⊙
Sep 8, 2012 9:35 PM

Mar 2009
It seemed like she rejected him just because he didn't react in the "right" way.
Sep 17, 2012 5:36 PM
Sep 2012
Why am I watching this, in icant stop lol.
Oct 1, 2012 1:31 AM
Oct 2012
I also like the Episode 3 of Nazo no Kanojo X and my fav character is KajiKaji, and it's true that episode is getting better and better day by day i just love to watch the episodes and I'm waiting for the next episodes.
Locksmith Mount Laurel
Locksmiths Cambridge
Dec 12, 2012 1:01 PM
Nov 2012
So let me get this straight, she wanted to see if this bond she shared with the MC wasn't exclusive, so she tried to see if she could share it with someone else as well?
Is that about right?
Feb 7, 2013 8:02 PM

Dec 2012
Eh it was predictable
Feb 25, 2013 2:38 PM

Sep 2012
randompadley said:
i guess if people can't get past the drool, you may as-well just drop it now....

the ending to this had me in tears, although she kinda got me annoyed when she went through the process with the other kid, it didn't feel like she likes him at all, and the only thing that stopped her from saying no was the compatibility issue, really felt for him

other than that though, loving this anime, totally unique.. although not for everyone by any means!

i agree totally, & also with MC, she is hes GF so she shod have say no straight away when this guy confessed!!! MC shod have given her his drool so she cold feel what he dose, the drool thing works both ways
Sugram22Feb 25, 2013 4:19 PM
Mar 8, 2013 3:13 AM

Sep 2012
drewzm said:
So let me get this straight, she wanted to see if this bond she shared with the MC wasn't exclusive, so she tried to see if she could share it with someone else as well?
Is that about right?

i think its more like that she wanted to prove that this bond she shared with the MC is exclusive & she cant share it with someone else as, but also u mite be right, in this EP she pissed me off
Jun 30, 2013 10:59 PM

Nov 2012
heh.. so ueno has a girlfriend? he.. oka pretty too.. but urabe is prettier :p

lol XD in the end they are (urabe and tsubaki) not kissing XD
she is just giving her drool.. just like usually.. but this one with some "flavor" LOL

btw got some fanservice in this episode XD urabe take a shower XD
Jul 11, 2013 7:48 AM

Jun 2008
The vial full of saliva was a bit gross, even more than in the manga.

And... he kept her panties :D

Jul 11, 2013 8:05 PM

Apr 2007
I tried my BEST to watch this anime but after 3 episodes, I decided it isn't worth it. The characters are impossible to like, the plot is trash, and even the ecchi scenes leave much to be desired. My brain isn't so far gone that I could put up with any more episodes. I'd like to preserve my precious brain cells so I have DROPPED this garbage. Score: 3/10.
LoliconJul 11, 2013 8:13 PM
Aug 19, 2013 3:08 PM

Feb 2013
this anime is odd as hell
Dec 8, 2013 9:48 AM

Sep 2011
tigerz said:
TheLocalHentai said:
it was weird to watch her "test" her compatibility with some other guy. It sorta looked like cheating to me.

jayyg said:
Good ep. although i found it disrespectful when she went through the process of testing this other guy out......why is that even necessary when you already have a boyfriend idk, would she had left him if she found someone more compatible ? IDK but from her actions is sure looks that way

Yes, agree with both. The only thing that ties the two together is their drool. It has a special meaning for both of them. Therefore, if she shares her drool with another guy it is pretty much cheating.

kwills88 said:

She wasn't trying to be disrespectful it wasn't about testing that guy but more so testing their bond, she wanted to see if their relationship was truly unique and special by testing it on another guy.

So by that logic, your girlfriend can go around kissing other guys because she is doing it to see how strong the bond is between the two of you and whether or not the sparks can be replicated with another person? Good intentions doesn't make an act okay by itself.

kiz-chan said:

I don't see what is so weird in leaving someone if you find some other person more compatible to you. She even told him she was going to do it, so she didn't betray him at all. If he didn't like her behavior he should have said it clearly, or ended it there.

The thing is, they are in a relationship and not just dating. Saying you are going to cheat on someone and then cheating on them doesn't make it okay. You can't just leave a relationship because someone else is more compatible. Otherwise you are just using the guy until you find something better. That is very bad in my book. She should be the one to dump him if she is having doubts and wants to play the field.

Thank you for that. Babe I told the girl who confessed to me I'll give her a answer tomorrow. Babe I'll only kissed her to test if our bond was truly unique after that I told her no. Stop lying to yourselves doesn't that sound like cheating to you? Would you be cool if you girlfriend did this no. So don't try to pretty up what Urabe did because it's a anime. Urabe cheated plain and simple.

Also just cause it was drool and not a kiss doesn't mean anything, they share their bond by swapping drool and she knows that.
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Jan 20, 2014 7:57 PM

Jul 2012
Drool drool drool, drool is the bond (x4)
Don`t you know, about the drool, everybody knows that the drool is the bond!
(sing it with "bird is the world theme)

I was LMAOing at the end, that epic nosebleed!
Mar 17, 2014 12:39 AM

Jul 2009
Wow what a great episode :D

Lol is best friend already has a GF, yet he hid it from him :P

I really enjoyed Urabe's scissor attacks XD

I think Tsubaki's dream when Urabe surprise kiss her and said they shouldn't do it out of the blue is a reflection on what would happen to him later that day. Funny thing is they did went to a park and Urabe asks Tsubaki if he wants to kiss out of nowhere. Good thing he didn't succumb to his desires and instead should take their moment one at a time.

I think it's clear that Urabe understands Tsubaki and she's glad that he too understands her as well.

As for the saliva testing on another boy. She only wanted to know if her feelings to Tsubaki are real and not some random by choice. And please tell me how was she cheating? She only gave her saliva and nothing more, they didn't kiss or did anything that backstabs Tsubaki. Some say it's indirect kissing, well why is indirect kissing considered cheating? So if a girl drinks a bottle and a stalker manages to snatch it and kissed it does that mean the girl was cheating? Does giving your used water bottle to the opposite sex when your already in a relationship is considered cheating?

Applying Western mindset of relationship is different from an Asian point of view. It almost NEVER works. What you see here is a representation of a more subtle approach and not direct. Western relationships are always have to be direct and straight to the point. Urabe just wanted to know how special her relationship with Tsubaki.

For all we know she may have done this to other guys back then.

This show definitely showed some interesting points about on how to carry a relationship. The drooling parts are just a unique way to represent their love and trust to one another. People are just being distracted by erotic nature of it and are missing the point of the show.

Wearing nothing throughout the school day can make your heart beat faster for sure! Tsubaki nose bleeds once more after seeing that ass :D

Really enjoying the series so far!!! I hope to see more of these kind scenes for sure!!
Jul 8, 2014 1:28 AM

Oct 2013
lol thought it was a little weird that she didn't reject him right away but i guess she had to be sure that her's and Tsubaki bond was special . it was cute in its own way
I though she was wearing black panties XD
haha great show so far
Jul 10, 2014 9:35 PM
May 2014
this show is pretty weird but its growing on me. The drool bond is gross.
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Dec 11, 2014 5:29 PM
Dec 2014
One of the weirder shows I've seen latily.

I am a little bummed out. Can't believe she tested that other guy the way she did.
Apr 15, 2015 3:39 PM

Dec 2013
weirdest romance animu ever confirmed
Aug 8, 2015 2:19 AM
Jul 2015
gnosyks said:
What a fucking SLUT.

Holy shit, Urabe went from pure maiden to fucking slut in just 20 minutes. Dropped so hard.

Totally agree when she put the fucking drool into that dude mouth
Apr 2, 2017 3:55 PM
Jan 2017
This show would be deadly to someone with a spit fetish😐
Sep 23, 2017 12:36 PM

Aug 2011
I love strong heroines but hate henpecked men. This chick has too much control, just waiting for Tsubaki to man-up.

Hypocrite that I am, I do like this series so far and yes... the drool is gross.

Dec 24, 2017 8:48 PM

Feb 2014
> Drinking "stale" spit out of a test tube.
This show just keeps getting more and more gross with each episode.

But that's quite a handy and a foolproof test for finding the person you're most compatible with.

And that UFO tag thingy on her bag makes me wonder if she's an alien, because she sure doesn't seem human with her lightning fast that could even generate a tornado.
Feb 18, 2018 12:20 PM

Sep 2012
she almost doesn't understand hes feelings at all, if she does things that trigger certain emotions guy just wants to hug hes GF & she should let him (asking awry time if u want is just weird) lol, hugs are always spur of the moment things

SomaHeir said:
Wow what a great episode :D

Lol is best friend already has a GF, yet he hid it from him :P

I really enjoyed Urabe's scissor attacks XD

I think Tsubaki's dream when Urabe surprise kiss her and said they shouldn't do it out of the blue is a reflection on what would happen to him later that day. Funny thing is they did went to a park and Urabe asks Tsubaki if he wants to kiss out of nowhere. Good thing he didn't succumb to his desires and instead should take their moment one at a time.

I think it's clear that Urabe understands Tsubaki and she's glad that he too understands her as well.

As for the saliva testing on another boy. She only wanted to know if her feelings to Tsubaki are real and not some random by choice. And please tell me how was she cheating? She only gave her saliva and nothing more, they didn't kiss or did anything that backstabs Tsubaki. Some say it's indirect kissing, well why is indirect kissing considered cheating? So if a girl drinks a bottle and a stalker manages to snatch it and kissed it does that mean the girl was cheating? Does giving your used water bottle to the opposite sex when your already in a relationship is considered cheating?

Applying Western mindset of relationship is different from an Asian point of view. It almost NEVER works. What you see here is a representation of a more subtle approach and not direct. Western relationships are always have to be direct and straight to the point. Urabe just wanted to know how special her relationship with Tsubaki.

For all we know she may have done this to other guys back then.

This show definitely showed some interesting points about on how to carry a relationship. The drooling parts are just a unique way to represent their love and trust to one another. People are just being distracted by erotic nature of it and are missing the point of the show.

Wearing nothing throughout the school day can make your heart beat faster for sure! Tsubaki nose bleeds once more after seeing that ass :D

Really enjoying the series so far!!! I hope to see more of these kind scenes for sure!!

its not cheating & yet it is in a way, would u like if ur GF goes & kisses another dude to test is ur bond good enough or not? i think not u would be pissed at her


-Quasar said:
Back when I was reading the manga.

I got a bit pissed as well when Urabe did it with another guy. Anyway, it didn't work and I'm pretty sure she will reject him anyway even if it did work because she only just tried it out of curiosity if some other guy will respond to it.

Well, Urabe didn't try anything or something close to this after this scene so all is forgiven. Tsubaki on the otherhand however...
zensunni said:
-Quasar said:
Back when I was reading the manga.

I got a bit pissed as well when Urabe did it with another guy. Anyway, it didn't work and I'm pretty sure she will reject him anyway even if it did work because she only just tried it out of curiosity if some other guy will respond to it.

I recall being a bit upset, until I realized what she was doing was confirming for herself that tsubaki's bond with her is special, and not something that will happen with just anybody. She is new to this type of thing, and, though she has that mysterious voice telling her that Tsubaki will be "the first", and he reacted to her drool, she hadn't really shown much affection for him up to this point. Sure, she was happy when he asked her to be his girlfriend, but having another person ask her out, and finding that her connection with Tsubaki is special and unique seems to have pushed the two of them together a bit more. At least they are holding hands, and she initiated it!

About the part I put in spoilers.... DUDE! Bad form! Put spoilers around stuff like that!

To the haters that feel a need to not only put down the show, but suggest that people who like it are "clinically insane" and other such phrases:

If you have so little immagination that you cannot appreciate a supernatural love story because it is "too unrealistic" then I can't imagine how you enjoy any anime! Do you really have that little ability to suspend disbelief? Or are you unable to tell that it is a supernatural story, not a realistic one? This is no more far fetched than the "Girl in a world that has ended" part of Clannad, which is really the thing that brought Tomoya and Nagisa together

endlessabyss said:
So is Urabe's drool supernatural or something?

Yes, yes it is...

manga had happy ending & that's what matters

i know this are old posts so i don't expect response cause who would remember stuff from this way back, but new ppl who watch this may learn something from this

Sugram22Feb 19, 2018 9:07 AM
Apr 26, 2018 6:07 AM

Mar 2018
merurin said:
Ok, Urabe's a bitch. I thought she had some more 'mysterious' reason for waiting than wanting to 'test' the guy. I feel like she doesn't like Tsubaki at all, but just the drool they share.

Tsuyu_no_Inochi said:
I love strong heroines but hate henpecked men. This chick has too much control, just waiting for Tsubaki to man-up.

I like the characters, AND I also agree with both these posters. I am very much hoping to see both characters mature. Tsubaki is very nice, but also incredibly weak. I want to see him grow some confidence.

Urabe, meanwhile, is very cold and condescending. It's as if her view of their relationship is completely clinical: "He responds to my saliva. The voice tells me we will boink. I guess I should date him, then." She rarely shows any indication that she actually cares about how he feels or even likes him. I want to see her show more affection.

That said, I enjoyed the scene where Urabe mumbled to herself: "Why does the wind have to be so strong today?" That shows that she is able to be vulnerable and isn't the ice queen she might seem at first glance.

I also enjoyed the part where she held his hand at the end. That was nice, especially since she knew it was something he wanted.

deactivated10325 said:
So is Urabe's drool supernatural or something?

In my understanding, the drool is not supernatural; it's Urabe herself that has paranormal powers. Remember that she can also read minds through other people's saliva.

Rodness said:
Haha, did Tsubaki's sister think he was masturbating, or something? She looked happy and said something like: "I'm glad he's growing up". xD

She definitely thinks he is fapping. Those scenes were hilarious. :D

ColdXClue said:
Thank you for that. Babe I told the girl who confessed to me I'll give her a answer tomorrow. Babe I'll only kissed her to test if our bond was truly unique after that I told her no. Stop lying to yourselves doesn't that sound like cheating to you? Would you be cool if you girlfriend did this no. So don't try to pretty up what Urabe did because it's a anime. Urabe cheated plain and simple.

Dude, there are no universal rules for what consistutes cheating. That is up to each individual couple to agree amongst themselves.

In my opinion, the way Urabe tested Ogata was not completely nice, because it was obvious that Tsubaki was not comfortable with her doing it. She should have asked him whether he was OK with it instead of just dictating their relationship rules all on her own.

Still, she's young. She is allowed to make mistakes. I forgive her, and clearly so does Tsubaki.
Jan 8, 2019 9:42 AM

Jan 2015
She really is the best.
Mar 28, 2019 11:23 PM

Aug 2017
KingCez said:
i like how she started walking back to class as the dude took the trash
Haha! I liked that part too.

Strange show here. I wish female MC were more pretty.

Yeah I didn't really like how she tried bonding with soccer guy.
May 22, 2019 6:45 AM
Jan 2018
Three episodes in and this is my least favourite episode and hopefully of the entire series. I don't understand why they entertained the idea of Urabe testing to see if someone else is more "worthy" than Tsubaki, what if Ogata is actually more worthy? The fact that she decided to test someone else implies she had doubts about Tsukbaki. I know what they're trying to prove, which is the fact that Urabe and Tsubaki's bond is very strong, unable to be surpassed by Urabe's bond with anyone else, but I really wished there was a better way to demonstrate that.
Jun 23, 2020 2:43 PM

Mar 2016
Almost drop this.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Apr 15, 2021 1:45 PM
Dec 2018
Tsubaki showing what a spineless waste of space he is again. His 'girlfriend' tells him that she gave her drool, the only thing she gives him, to some other guy to prove that their feelings were special, and he is happy like the hopeless simp that he is. If he had a backbone, he would have left, there and then. She won't hold his hand, she doesn't like him to put his arms around her, she doesn't kiss him and, yet, it is ok for her to put her stupid drool in some other guy's mouth, just proving that Tsubaki is the one for her, while wearing no pants. Anyone who falls for that deserves what they get. She actually told the other guy that she would think about it. Just pathetic. And, for people who are saying she is just trying to prove something, the fact that her drool has supernatural qualities means she is potentially showing the guy that she has no pants on.

Whenever I see a plot like this, it is the weak one who is annoying. The other person can do whatever they like, but to be that weak is unforgivable. MC is past the point where he can be redeemed now, total loser.
Gab5Apr 15, 2021 1:57 PM
Aug 1, 2021 4:07 PM
Dec 2017
i get so much ara ara energy from this show.

Sep 1, 2021 9:42 AM
Dec 2018
nolani said:
Gab5 said:
Tsubaki showing what a spineless waste of space he is again. His 'girlfriend' tells him that she gave her drool, the only thing she gives him, to some other guy to prove that their feelings were special, and he is happy like the hopeless simp that he is. If he had a backbone, he would have left, there and then. She won't hold his hand, she doesn't like him to put his arms around her, she doesn't kiss him and, yet, it is ok for her to put her stupid drool in some other guy's mouth, just proving that Tsubaki is the one for her, while wearing no pants. Anyone who falls for that deserves what they get. She actually told the other guy that she would think about it. Just pathetic. And, for people who are saying she is just trying to prove something, the fact that her drool has supernatural qualities means she is potentially showing the guy that she has no pants on.

Whenever I see a plot like this, it is the weak one who is annoying. The other person can do whatever they like, but to be that weak is unforgivable. MC is past the point where he can be redeemed now, total loser.

it actually pissed me off when Urabe did that but she didn’t know some guy was gonna confess to her while she wasn’t wearing any pants. Even if she was, she still had to know if Tsubaki really was the right one for her, and she’d only know because of her drool.

I think there are serious issues if a boyfriend or girlfriend needs to keep 'proving' that the person they are with is the right one. Even if she doesn't know, the drool business is virtually a kiss for them. So, she's kissing the other guy to prove that he's the one for her. If someone needs to do that, it is almost certain that the person they are with is not for them.
Sep 2, 2021 5:05 AM
Dec 2018
nolani said:
Gab5 said:

I think there are serious issues if a boyfriend or girlfriend needs to keep 'proving' that the person they are with is the right one. Even if she doesn't know, the drool business is virtually a kiss for them. So, she's kissing the other guy to prove that he's the one for her. If someone needs to do that, it is almost certain that the person they are with is not for them.

Urabe let the guy taste her drool in the beginning, not too long after she entered a relationship with Tsubaki, and she didn’t exactly know that Tsubaki was right for her at the time. She only tried to ‘prove’ it once, although she does let Oka taste her drool sometimes, but Urabe prefers to express herself with her drool to people she’s close to rather than actually talking. And don’t forget that Tsubaki has lied to Hayakawa about Urabe, so technically they’re both at fault here. However the story just progresses, and they get over what they’ve done, most likely because Urabe’s drool bond is so strong with the one that was meant for her.

Hmmm, not sure about the lie being as serious as her testing things out with this other guy. If someone is going to be as demanding as she is, I would hope for better than her testing other guys to prove to herself that I was suitable. But Tsubaki brings it all on himself and really need to get a backbone. Even his lie is because he is weak.
Sep 2, 2021 7:15 AM
Dec 2018
nolani said:
Gab5 said:

Hmmm, not sure about the lie being as serious as her testing things out with this other guy. If someone is going to be as demanding as she is, I would hope for better than her testing other guys to prove to herself that I was suitable. But Tsubaki brings it all on himself and really need to get a backbone. Even his lie is because he is weak.

testing one guy**

Why do you seem so offended that Urabe did that? Hayakawa faked a bruise and pretended her ex was abusive so Tsubaki would feel bad. Tsubaki is pretty dumb, but so are most male mcs in anime. Most of the characters in the anime have done something that I don’t agree with.

Hayakawa is the third party with no obligation to anyone else.

I don't like the fact she did that because she has been pretty demanding of him and I think people who are that demanding ought to be a bit more reliable than that. But, as I said, he brings it on himself by being so weak.
Sep 5, 2021 3:54 PM
Dec 2018
nolani said:
Gab5 said:

Hayakawa is the third party with no obligation to anyone else.

I don't like the fact she did that because she has been pretty demanding of him and I think people who are that demanding ought to be a bit more reliable than that. But, as I said, he brings it on himself by being so weak.

He’s stupid, but he’s just an average male mc who’s scared of Urabe’s scissor attacks. Urabe is quite demanding, but she does wear the pants in the relationship. She is the one with the drool powers after all.

Yes, totally correct. He's pretty powerless. Anyone in his position needs to be a bit more sure of themself. Yes, definitely, most MCs are as bad as this. Makes me wonder if this is how these writers view themselves.
Oct 2, 2021 4:01 PM

Mar 2010
I was lowkey pissed she shared her saliva, I'm lowkey inserting myself as the mc. Oh boi

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dec 3, 2021 10:40 AM
Dec 2021
Dec 19, 2021 12:54 AM
May 2020
goated episode. every relationship is different and has its pace. thats what i like about dat
Jan 2, 2022 3:22 PM

Aug 2018
rsc-pl said:
akutasame94 said:
Well I don't understand what is so nasty... Ever heard of french kiss? The one where you put your wet slimy tongue into your partners mouth... You pretty much exchange some saliva, this is just different method...

I thought exactly the same. I don't really understand why so many people find it disgusting and even dropping the series because of this. Whatever, their loss.

Yep, agree. I see lots of people grossed out by this anime who have literal hentai on their lists.
Jan 3, 2022 8:00 PM
May 2020
I am not a big fan of this "magical drool" that they are displaying in this episode.
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