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Fairy Tail
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Dec 8, 2012 12:08 PM
Nov 2012
Does anyone know the song at the end of the episode?
I been looking for it and there is no response </3

But seriously Ul shouldn't have done that :l The battle between Jura and Jellal was so freaking interesting and she ahd to kill that.
Dec 8, 2012 12:54 PM

Nov 2012
That was one of the best fights I've seen in a while. I always loved Mystogan's magic (out of the few times we actually got to see it lol), so I'm glad Jellal copied it and was using it, seriously that fight was epic, not to mention hilarious! Everyone's reation to what Ul was doing to Jellal was so funny xD Great episode!
Dec 8, 2012 4:49 PM

Aug 2011
This would be thousands of times more epic if jellal was let to complete the last spell -.-
Dec 8, 2012 5:17 PM

Nov 2012
Oh noez, I saw this coming. I just know that Jellal would loose >.<
But he actually is really strong oO He would have kicked Jura's butt, he fucking would :/

Fuck you Ultear, just fuck you one more time :<

I dare you Natsu <.< Next time.. you.. :<
Dec 8, 2012 7:40 PM

Nov 2011
anjpantz said:
oh jellal. why you so cute.

Getting a little bit frustrated at how pathetic Fairy Tail is right now. They are SO much better than this >.< Loving the arc!

They are good of course, just that there were outside forces during the battles.

Except for Gray's, that was a legitimate and embarrassing defeat :3
Dec 8, 2012 8:24 PM

Jan 2011
Talukita said:
LanceC said:
Mirajane: "I don't even know if Erza and I working together could beat him"


Lie detected :P

Well not that big of a lie, Jellal/Jura are placed on one tier higher than Erza and Mira, while it's not certain that he can beat them both at the same time, it's sure as hell that either Jellal or Jura can wreck them easily one on one.

Erza did defeat Jellal in the Tower of Heaven arc though. He wasn't going all out, but so wasn't Erza, and at least in the tournament he can't go all out, while Erza could. And with Mirajane "uprades" in the last arc and so, having Jura, who had trouble fighting against Oracion Seis and is the weakest of the Wizard Saints (with Jellal already being a former member when that was said, but given his great range of spells, and his history, he's most likely stronger), win against Erza *and* Mira would be plain stupid.

Also, i hope the stop interrupting the ultimates. It's annoying, especially if the rest of the fight isn't all that good. *True* heavenly body magic sounds interesting, as it kinda implies it's on a different level from his usual stuff, ordinary heavenly body magic so to say. Hope we see it again.
Dec 8, 2012 10:58 PM
Jan 2011
NwAurion said:

Erza did defeat Jellal in the Tower of Heaven arc though. He wasn't going all out, but so wasn't Erza,

He was at 50% of his power at that time, and even then he still wasn't serious (didn't even use heavenly magic) because he needed to keep Erza alive for the sacrifice, probably just a set up so that he could put Bind Snake on her in the first place.

having Jura, who had trouble fighting against Oracion Seis

What trouble? Jura instantly stomped Brain in several panels in the Manga, Angel on managed to get him via a sneak attack thanks to Gemini (think about Erza getting back stabbed by Cobra). He was only defeated by a trap which is a plot device so that Natsu can shine.

and is the weakest of the Wizard Saints

So if someone says himself being the weakest that automatically means that he is the weakest? Jura has been shown as a very humble and nice guy, him being humble here is nothing out of ordinary.

To make you have a better view on how power tier works now, here is a note that released at that point of time when this battle happened in the Manga.

Jellal's true strength lies within spells like Abyss Break (a forbidden spell which was hyped to be able to destroy half of Magnolia instantly) and Sema. The fact that he keeps being cockblocked every damn time may show that Mashima wants to save those and use him as a trump card later.
By the way, Sema has the same name with one of the move from Shakuma Ragegroove, the most powerful mage from Rave, subtle hint is subtle...
TalukitaDec 8, 2012 11:15 PM
Dec 9, 2012 12:52 AM
Nov 2012
Zubo said:
This would be thousands of times more epic if jellal was let to complete the last spell -.-

That's pretty much how i felt these past 2 episodes with Urano Metoria and Jellal's giant magic of doom. When both of their spells ended up failing it made me sad on the inside. I like big explosions.

Although it's surprising that no-one would've though it suspicious about the spells failing considering the power than gets felt before they go off. Maybe i just want to see Raven Tail kicked out for cheating. Also Meldy.
"Feelings of love are just a temporary lapse in judgement. Like a kind of mental illness."
- Suzumiya Haruhi
Dec 9, 2012 1:00 AM

Mar 2012
Cwag said:
Zubo said:
This would be thousands of times more epic if jellal was let to complete the last spell -.-

That's pretty much how i felt these past 2 episodes with Urano Metoria and Jellal's giant magic of doom. When both of their spells ended up failing it made me sad on the inside. I like big explosions.

Although it's surprising that no-one would've though it suspicious about the spells failing considering the power than gets felt before they go off. Maybe i just want to see Raven Tail kicked out for cheating. Also Meldy.

No one supicious because they already see Fairy Tail as a weak guild.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Dec 9, 2012 5:02 AM

Nov 2011
Cwag said:

Although it's surprising that no-one would've though it suspicious about the spells failing considering the power than gets felt before they go off. Maybe i just want to see Raven Tail kicked out for cheating. Also Meldy.

To be honest Fairy Tail is sort of cheating as well, they let a former Wizard Saint who's a non-member as one of their participants. Since Jura is the only one who figured out, he probably thinks of it as a desperate move.

And then later on :

Dec 9, 2012 5:03 AM

Apr 2008
LanceC said:
Cwag said:

Although it's surprising that no-one would've though it suspicious about the spells failing considering the power than gets felt before they go off. Maybe i just want to see Raven Tail kicked out for cheating. Also Meldy.

To be honest Fairy Tail is sort of cheating as well, they let a former Wizard Saint who's a non-member as one of their participants. Since Jura is the only one who figured out, I'm sure he thinks of it as a desperate move.

And then later on :

Dec 9, 2012 5:10 AM

Nov 2011
Darklight0303 said:

Dec 9, 2012 5:11 AM

Oct 2012
Baka baka baka!!! why did she have to use spices against Jellal and stop the fight

It was getting so good, really wished we could have seen the rest of it :(

Dec 9, 2012 5:17 AM

Apr 2008
LanceC said:
Darklight0303 said:

Dec 9, 2012 5:27 AM

Dec 2011
LanceC said:
Cwag said:

Although it's surprising that no-one would've though it suspicious about the spells failing considering the power than gets felt before they go off. Maybe i just want to see Raven Tail kicked out for cheating. Also Meldy.

To be honest Fairy Tail is sort of cheating as well, they let a former Wizard Saint who's a non-member as one of their participants. Since Jura is the only one who figured out, he probably thinks of it as a desperate move.

And then later on :

Dec 9, 2012 5:38 AM

Nov 2011
WolfWoods said:

Of course I know the reason why Jellal is joining, his intentions are pure and for the better, but no matter what angle you look at it it's against the rules of the competition. It's one of the reasons why:

Same for Jellal, he's not an FT member. The reason why Ultear got mad is not because Jellal is trying to win, but because he's compromising his cover and revealing his identity. This may not only result to him getting captured again but also the disqualification of Fairy Tail on the competition and possibly, the arrest of FT members for hiding a criminal.

Jura didn't understand it though. From his perspective, Makarov just lied to him about Crime Sorciere and FT is hiding a criminal, that's it. There's no way he could have figured out Jellal's intentions and why he's participating.

LanceCDec 9, 2012 5:48 AM
Dec 9, 2012 5:49 AM

Apr 2008
LanceC said:
WolfWoods said:

Of course I know the reason why Jellal is joining, his intentions are pure and for the better, but no matter what angle you look at it it's against the rules of the competition. It's one of the reasons why:

Same for Jellal, he's not an FT member. The reason why Ultear got mad is not because Jellal is trying to win, but because he's compromising his cover and revealing his identity. This may not only result to him getting captured again but also the disqualification of Fairy Tail on the competition and possibly, the arrest of FT members for hiding a criminal.

Jura didn't understand it though. From his perspective, Makarov just lied to him about Crime Sorciere and FT is hiding a criminal, that's it. There's no way he could have figured out Jellal's intentions and why he's participating.

Dec 9, 2012 6:19 AM

Nov 2011
Darklight0303 said:

But anyway, my point for the whole thing is that Fairy Tail is also using strategies that can be considered cheating starting from the recruitment of Jellal. But at least they don't resort to directly interfering with the fight ala Obra absorbing Lucy's magic.
LanceCDec 9, 2012 6:34 AM
Dec 9, 2012 7:06 AM
Jan 2011

I go around and it seems that Sema in Rave is a Meteor Shower that covers a massive area of destruction (which coincidently quite fitting for Jellal's magic as well). So if someone is so butthurt and wants to see this spell you can imagine what it may look like now =(.
Dec 9, 2012 7:11 AM

Apr 2008
Maybe because Zeref was on her island until then
Dec 9, 2012 3:45 PM

Oct 2012
i got my hopes up for jellal
Dec 10, 2012 10:56 AM

Sep 2009
Lucy...and now Jellal as well?! It was going to be epic! And they cut it off lamely...=.=
Dec 10, 2012 1:31 PM

Nov 2011
I found the first two fights (especially the one involving Sabertooth) kinda lame but the rest was amusing and entertaining to watch.

I lol'd @ Jellal with a mouth of chili peppers as result of Melody's Lost magic XD. Too bad, I was cheering for Fairy Tail as well. Oh well, maybe next time lol
Dec 11, 2012 7:22 AM

Apr 2009
Woah they did that to Jellal so his cover won't be blown? Man, I feel for Jellal.

The ending narration by Levy makes me dread the events in future episodes. >_<
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Dec 11, 2012 6:05 PM

Mar 2010
Talukita said:
LanceC said:
Mirajane: "I don't even know if Erza and I working together could beat him"


Lie detected :P

Well not that big of a lie, Jellal/Jura are placed on one tier higher than Erza and Mira, while it's not certain that he can beat them both at the same time, it's sure as hell that either Jellal or Jura can wreck them easily one on one.

Not really , Mirajane had showed her 2nd demon form which is Demon Halp , which is on higher tier than S-class Wizard , and she have not yet revealed her 3rd form which surpass Demon Halphas form .In short , she could beat Jura easily~
(i know coz' im a mirajane fan xD)

For this episode , well , I was expecting Jeral to win even though they make Jura like strong-wizard-dude. But its a good thing Jeral DID NOT lose to Jura (or else Im gonna sulk in the corner D:) , it was all becoz' of meldy xD .

Should he used that magic , Sabertooth gonna get shocked like crazy :b and jura gonna get toasted for sure haha xD

Nice episode ! I really like it :D
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Dec 11, 2012 6:12 PM

Mar 2010
LanceC said:
Zangetsu94 said:
Wow this arc is terrible. Who in their right minds wants to watch their favourite characters get the shit beaten out of them and then get laughed at by a totally retarded crowd for 20 minutes a week?

The whole part where everyone has forgotten about Fairy Tail is bullshit aswell. They have been gone for... seven years? not 700 years. How could anyone forget Laxus and Natsu and everything Fairy Tail did in seven years? When i started this arc and everyone was making fun of Fairy Tail i told myself: "Just wait until the fights start, the other guilds will get owned..." Ummh, I guess i was wrong about that...

Yeah i know Fairy Tail will probably get their reputation back at the end of the arc, but this shit is to frustrating to watch so i don't know if I'll even get there.

It's for the sake of character and story development. If they win everything since first day what happens to Sabertooth being an unbeatable guild? Or Jura being one of the strongest mages? Or Raven Tail being a threat with their underhanded methods? It's all to create an atmosphere that the guilds are somewhat on equal footing at the games (yeah, right).

They're losing for only 3 episodes so far and we have around 20-30 more to go, so you're totally exaggerating.

True , this arc was not bad , its very fun and enjoyable , I think this is the best arc of fairy tail so far , and I second to tenroujima arc.
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Dec 11, 2012 6:37 PM
Jan 2011
Sebastian333 said:
Talukita said:
LanceC said:
Mirajane: "I don't even know if Erza and I working together could beat him"


Lie detected :P

Well not that big of a lie, Jellal/Jura are placed on one tier higher than Erza and Mira, while it's not certain that he can beat them both at the same time, it's sure as hell that either Jellal or Jura can wreck them easily one on one.

Not really , Mirajane had showed her 2nd demon form which is Demon Halp , which is on higher tier than S-class Wizard , and she have not yet revealed her 3rd form which surpass Demon Halphas form .In short , she could beat Jura easily~
(i know coz' im a mirajane fan xD)

Not sure if serious. Mira is actually featless even in Sitri, one shotting some fodders doesn't really help her here.
Dec 11, 2012 8:33 PM
Mar 2011
Dec 11, 2012 10:10 PM

May 2010
PervisumChaos said:
IchigoHollowfi said:

I don't remember them changing anything and don't remember Lucy coming out this episode, unless you mean the shower scene which was in the manga. Or maybe I watched a cut down version? ><

In the end of the episode, Lucy come back out to everyone all dressed in her old battle outfit (guess thats what you would call it, the outfit with longsleeve top, short skirt, black thigh high socks and boots with pig tail hair style. *is too lazy to go get pic atm, sorry XD*)
In the manga, that did not happen.
Dec 12, 2012 12:23 AM

Mar 2010
Talukita said:
Sebastian333 said:
Talukita said:
LanceC said:
Mirajane: "I don't even know if Erza and I working together could beat him"


Lie detected :P

Well not that big of a lie, Jellal/Jura are placed on one tier higher than Erza and Mira, while it's not certain that he can beat them both at the same time, it's sure as hell that either Jellal or Jura can wreck them easily one on one.

Not really , Mirajane had showed her 2nd demon form which is Demon Halp , which is on higher tier than S-class Wizard , and she have not yet revealed her 3rd form which surpass Demon Halphas form .In short , she could beat Jura easily~
(i know coz' im a mirajane fan xD)

Not sure if serious. Mira is actually featless even in Sitri, one shotting some fodders doesn't really help her here.

OMG now you've said that , I really hope Mira's Sitri Form does not disappoint me D:
(since I have high expectation on Mira)
But Mavis probably do not know about Mira's taboo , even halphas xD
So I'm not worry much :p

So my thought of Mira like this :

Satan soul = S-Class Wizard
Demon Halphas = SS-Class(probably the same par with guild master)
Sitri = XXX ??? xD

haha can't wait to watch Mirajane's battle , since I have already stopped reading the manga on edolas arc , and continue on the series only :b
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Dec 12, 2012 12:26 AM

Nov 2011
Talukita said:

Not sure if serious. Mira is actually featless even in Sitri, one shotting some fodders doesn't really help her here.

Actually I think Erza isn't as far away from Jura's level as you might think. Jura admittedly says that he's the weakest of the 10 saints, which is nothing wrong, considering he is one of the youngest there and not much experience compared to say Makarov or Jose. Jellal is really just an extreme kind of genius so he's an exception.

Back in Tower of Heaven Arc wasn't there a scenario where Erza died and the council eternally awarded her with a spot for the 10 saints? I know that's just Erza's dream and all but the fact that Mashima even hinted it means the reality isn't very far off.

Mira is just a few notches below, if not completely on par with Erza. There's no way the 2 of them together can't take out Jura. Although battle wise they do have a disadvantage since they're both close range fighters while Jura is a long-range type.

Dec 12, 2012 1:55 AM
Jan 2008
IchigoHollowfi said:
PervisumChaos said:
IchigoHollowfi said:

I don't remember them changing anything and don't remember Lucy coming out this episode, unless you mean the shower scene which was in the manga. Or maybe I watched a cut down version? ><

In the end of the episode, Lucy come back out to everyone all dressed in her old battle outfit (guess thats what you would call it, the outfit with longsleeve top, short skirt, black thigh high socks and boots with pig tail hair style. *is too lazy to go get pic atm, sorry XD*)
In the manga, that did not happen.

Cheers, yeah, thanks for the reminder, I remember now.
Dec 12, 2012 7:45 AM

Jul 2009
Ohh I wanted to see Jellal's badass magic.
Dec 13, 2012 2:53 AM

Apr 2008
Gaaaah anti-climax in the fight, meteor speed + 7 stars combo was nice though, Jura's magic was also awesome to see again.

One thing that just bothers me the most about fairy tail though... seems this arc AGAIN will wind up with Lucy in the main spotlight of it all, just like last one... and dont even remember but probably the one before that as well, just too many Lucy centered arcs !
Dec 13, 2012 2:55 AM

Apr 2008
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Gaaaah anti-climax in the fight, meteor speed + 7 stars combo was nice though, Jura's magic was also awesome to see again.

One thing that just bothers me the most about fairy tail though... seems this arc AGAIN will wind up with Lucy in the main spotlight of it all, just like last one... and dont even remember but probably the one before that as well, just too many Lucy centered arcs !

Edolas arc, Oracion Seis, Tenrou Island arc were not Lucy centric at all.
Dec 14, 2012 12:46 AM

Mar 2010
Darklight0303 said:
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Gaaaah anti-climax in the fight, meteor speed + 7 stars combo was nice though, Jura's magic was also awesome to see again.

One thing that just bothers me the most about fairy tail though... seems this arc AGAIN will wind up with Lucy in the main spotlight of it all, just like last one... and dont even remember but probably the one before that as well, just too many Lucy centered arcs !

Edolas arc, Oracion Seis, Tenrou Island arc were not Lucy centric at all.

Probably because of starry arc , people would thought Lucy appearance might get too many already . fufu :p
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Dec 16, 2012 9:59 AM
Jul 2012
They changed it up at bit. Not really a problem though.
Dec 17, 2012 7:11 PM
Jul 2018
Darklight0303 said:
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Gaaaah anti-climax in the fight, meteor speed + 7 stars combo was nice though, Jura's magic was also awesome to see again.

One thing that just bothers me the most about fairy tail though... seems this arc AGAIN will wind up with Lucy in the main spotlight of it all, just like last one... and dont even remember but probably the one before that as well, just too many Lucy centered arcs !

Edolas arc, Oracion Seis, Tenrou Island arc were not Lucy centric at all.

It would be nice to see her having a decent fight for once, without being against weaklings, being helped, or getting her butt kicked
Dec 18, 2012 12:28 AM

Mar 2012
OH MY KLDFSJ GOD that fight with Jellal I couldn't stop laughing
Jan 1, 2013 5:14 AM

Aug 2012
lucky mavis was there with that cute expression of her to redeem my anger..
sigh ultear...
dieromanticJan 1, 2013 5:20 AM
Jan 15, 2013 8:46 AM

Oct 2010
Meh. It's like they're going out of their way to punish Fairy tail and make them look bad this arc.

I am disappoint with the results.
Feb 8, 2013 7:41 PM

Oct 2012
haha..... can't stop laughing

Apr 12, 2013 12:08 PM

Mar 2011
I'll just copy this from my post on episode 159, it's exactly the same any way.
Treekodar said:
This is exactly why I consider Fairy Tail to be boring now. Not only do they cry in every single episode, they also lose all the time, only to win by the end because of "power of friendship". When a character finally seems to do well (which was surprising), it gets completely ignored because of piss-poor writing.
What a Goddamn tedious series.
Mr. Wonsworth, you may NOT eat my scones!
Jun 10, 2013 5:29 PM

Sep 2011
Omg that was so damn funny! Such an epic battle too, damn. Haha
Jul 23, 2013 6:47 AM

May 2012
Damn why did they stop Jellal but woh that last thing sure was hmm something different... I feel sorry for both Meldy and Jellal! Well some awesome fights but Fairy Tail is still at the bottom :s
Aug 10, 2013 6:30 PM
Oct 2010
wow. so ul/melty?? can beat jellal? scary

the fuck was up wirh the end though
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Oct 6, 2013 11:22 PM

Dec 2012
Mavis is shaping up to be my favorite FT character, a ghost that has to go to the restroom, talk about wacky.

Poor Jellal, complete and utter humiliation at the hands of his own.
Oct 9, 2013 3:49 AM

Feb 2012
I hate Mashima for doing this to fights.
Jan 30, 2014 9:36 PM

Aug 2013
That was hilarious. The way Jellal was after he lost had me in stitches. XD
Mar 16, 2014 4:13 PM

Oct 2013
Poor Jellal he got humiliated in front of all that crowd,fairy tail still has 0 points but that doesn't matter beacuse Natsu is going to be in the next episode,i'm sure that he will turn thing around.And only 15 episodes to go :)

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