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Oct 14, 2012 7:56 AM

Jul 2011
Slow paced but good episode.

I'm glad that I don't read the manga, and it will remain for a while in my PTR list.
Oct 14, 2012 9:33 AM

Jan 2012
Another great episode. I wonder why she doesn't burn.

Oct 14, 2012 9:52 AM

Jun 2012
Great episode slow moving but I liked it. Funny how she always yells at him in front of lots of people.
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Oct 14, 2012 9:58 AM

Nov 2007
Shaduge said:
If it's so wrong to kill them, then how about you give us a better solution to deal with them you annoying girl?
I hate these kind of people

So the option to to execute them arbitrarily. Sure, nice solution :/

It's not that I am defending Sakura but it annoys me that people always find her annoying because she is actually trying to be voice of reason for normal people in the manga (although she is as abnormal as the code:breakers themselves if not morel). There are serious ethical implications involved with this system. You will see that the system can be exploited and the judgment are often arbitrary (i.e. who decides who to kill is merely a political decision).

Sure, you might find the Code:breaker system promising but that's because it's fantasy. It won't work in real life even if those power exist. That's why they are all working undercover from the public eye. Otherwise it will degenerate into something like in Freesia.

Then again, Code:breaker (manga) was never about the ethical concerns. It's more a battle shounen from the same author as SDK (Samurai Deeper Kyo).

Also, they should be deploying Psycho-Pass instead. At least that system reads your mind and personality first. Not that it doesn't have ethical implications though.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Oct 14, 2012 10:47 AM
Jan 2011
Whoa, Sakura has rather a very unique parents, she has a step mom that still does cosplay and a young at heart stepdad, too bad that she hasn't notice that she is immune to Ogami's fire and that she is capable of kicking his ass.
Oct 14, 2012 11:31 AM

May 2012
Yup. Ogami sends chills down my spine. xD

Can't wait to see the red dude in action properly!
Oct 14, 2012 11:34 AM

Dec 2011
As usual, Ogami is so badass.

I didnt remember that Hitomi and Yuuki fight!
I expect an awesome fight even though it will be one sided.
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Oct 14, 2012 1:01 PM

Jan 2012
If next weeks episode doesn't impress me i'm dropping this series.
Oct 14, 2012 1:07 PM

Mar 2010
The first part of the episode made me laugh a little xDDD
Oct 14, 2012 2:03 PM

May 2012
I'll follow you no matter what to make sure you pay me back for my bicycle...i mean dont kill anyone.
instantly thought of pokemon lol

Oct 14, 2012 3:31 PM

Jul 2010
They really changed some things.I didnt expect to see Yuuki so early :o not that im sad, but to be honest i prefered it in manga.Oh, and what in the hell is Mewton?!...why no Nyanmaru >.>
Anyway, it wasnt a bad episode, but im kinda confused at moment, since some events shouldnt take place now.Well, we will see how it turns out.I just hope they wont ruin anything.

Oct 14, 2012 3:47 PM

Jul 2010
I say the episode was beast!! Don't mess with Rei man those goregeous blue eyes are to freakin die for...... <3
I love Rei in color , this shows me I got to read the manga!!
Rei is boss throughout this whole episode,yet funny too,it's weired how it goe all serious to funny Rei making the cherrie cheeks thing!! He can't burn her for some reason hmmm??? Boy I got to read the manga!!!
Oct 14, 2012 6:57 PM

Jul 2011
animeruler1 said:
Great episode and it was very good to see that they kept sakura;s rare kind powers and the flash back bit in her memories were kept meaning that they aren't straying to far from the plot in these 13 episodes and will hopefully lead to more episodes or a second season.

yes! i'm loving this anime already! cant wait to see what she is and what her past holds!
Oct 14, 2012 7:14 PM

Jul 2012
this show is soooo good :) sakura is so cool i wish i had her hair & OMG was that scene a baby sakura with all those dead people?!?! i hope she develops her power and seriously beats rei up, hes kind of cute..but so much of a douchebag !
Oct 14, 2012 9:10 PM

May 2010
What the heck?! Yuki wasn't suppose to come in yet. :|||||||
Oct 14, 2012 9:37 PM

May 2012
I can't wait to see her true powers, if she has any.
Oct 14, 2012 9:43 PM

Jul 2011
-Yuuki!!! <3

-Sakura is really stupid.. -_-'

IchigoHollowfi said:
What the heck?! Yuki wasn't suppose to come in yet. :|||||||

Good thing I stopped reading the manga Early time xD

I'll read it after the Anime since it's only 13 episodes :3
Oct 15, 2012 12:44 AM

Nov 2011
Okay, i'm liking this MC, a cross between lelouch and light

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Oct 15, 2012 12:59 AM

Sep 2012
iLostReason said:
They really changed some things.I didnt expect to see Yuuki so early :o not that im sad, but to be honest i prefered it in manga.

I guess if the anime is not just 1 cour long (13 eps?) it would have been done differently. Given its short length, it makes sense to introduce the characters earlier.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Oct 15, 2012 2:06 AM

Oct 2011
Oct 15, 2012 2:41 AM

Jan 2011
I'm loving this show, the MC is so badass.
And seriously, what the hell is up with her mother? Father likes lolis or something?
I'm looking forward to more.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Oct 15, 2012 3:04 AM

Aug 2010
While I consider mistaking the mother for the elder sister to be an overused cliché, I think in this case mistaking her for the younger one would be an understandable mistake...

Anyway, the episode had some funny moments, and unfortunately some of them were not intentionally funny. It's like they can't decide which direction to proceed in. 3/5.
Oct 15, 2012 6:58 AM

Feb 2012
Zee530 said:
Okay, i'm liking this MC, a cross between lelouch and light

That's exactly what I think. I like him too.
I was wondering why he didn't kill Sakura and now we now that he couldn't... I'm curious why. I'm pleased with the appearance of the blackhaired guy who is voiced by Miki Schinichiro, I liked him already when I've seen him in the OP :D
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Oct 15, 2012 8:32 AM

Nov 2009
It's a pain to watch this dumb + dense sakura girl .... oh man shes type I hate in those ani/manga, annoying as hell, plz stop yelling "Ogami, Ogami" all the time. It gave me a chill whenever she called his name ...

And Rei, I didn't see anything cool in him, if it wasn't for running around and burning pp alive, or his look. Story plot? Progress a little bit, but nothing much at the moment except for the encounter last minute. Looks like she's gonna around and try to stop him burning pp on the next ep, is she stupid or what?

Is this show really good? I think it's boring as hell, comedy in this didn't make me laugh even a bit, they seem to be silly ...

Might give it several episodes to see if it's really improved ... This episode was a meh.

Takana_no_HanaOct 15, 2012 11:44 AM
Oct 15, 2012 9:43 AM
Apr 2012
Takana_no_Hana said:
Is this show really good? I think it's boring as hell, comedy in this didn't make me laugh even a bit, they seem to be silly ...

...I don't even see any comedy in it so far though. I mean, I think the comedic things in CB only starts when Toki comes, then Yuuki comes. Before that, I don't even consider anything in it as being comedic in any sense at all. (And tbh, even after Toki comes, the comedy only comes after another couple of chapters in the manga too...I'd say, no real comedy started until around chapter 15, or about episode 5-6 of the anime, I think...if they don't cut that out first. -_-")

2/5 for me, btw. The anime staff did a good job ruining the entry of my fav character. I usually don't read the subtitles, but if sage is the one who call Nyanmaru Mewton, then I'll blacklisted them for this entire series. I'm not going to watch ANY releases by them EVER.

Oct 15, 2012 1:39 PM

Feb 2012
It was nice,but the first episode was better.
Oct 15, 2012 2:06 PM
Jul 2010
wakka9ca said:
Code:breaker (manga) was never about the ethical concerns. It's more a battle shounen.
True enough, the manga was always hypocritical anyway.

Minor spoiler -->

The whole issue is that bad people get killed, but because of free will we can only be good people if we have the choice of being either good or bad. Bad people that are killed can never have the choice of being good anymore -- so it is more an issue of "what is evil?".

Gash_V-D_Hetchum said:
In my opinion, the entire story before Seekers arc can be entirely rewritten, it just needs to keep all the main plot points and not remove any major character(s)

Major spoiler -->

So the Seeker arc can get a major re-haul and actually become better. I mean that whole thing with the nuclear plant -- wtf was that? It was just ignored and didn't really play a role at all.

Gash_V-D_Hetchum said:

- Was that really Shibuya?
If it was him, that's very good.
No, listen to the voice again. That was MAJOR SPOILER ---->

Gash_V-D_Hetchum said:

- The only minor thing so far is that Sakuras other friends still haven't interacted with her. I saw all of them, minus Uesugi so far, in the background.
Uesugi doesn't show up until chapter 7 and oddly enough they chose to not show him in the background in the anime either. So him showing up is no biggie... I'm more concerned with Tsubomi and Momiji not being there. Momiji got one of Aoba's lines in the first episode but Tsubomi wasn't used at all. I guess might be because they plan on making Aoba's love for Sakura more obvious?

27CansOfTuna said:
The blue flames are beautiful.
The flames were badly done CG that was too different compared to the other animation IMHO.

GOAT_San said:
I can't wait to see her true powers, if she has any.
Sakura is 3rd dan in Aikido 3rd, and a 4 dan in both karate and Judo! Her grip strength is 51kg

So yeah, Sakura should be able to beat up Ogami.

Takana_no_Hana said:
Is this show really good? I think it's boring as hell, comedy in this didn't make me laugh even a bit, they seem to be silly ...
Other characters that are introduced later will make it better. You will just have to suffer through the fact that THEY aren't the main characters instead of Ogami.

Really, you will probably go:

Why are they showing Ogami and Sakura again??? Why aren't they showing these other far more interesting characters again??? Why are they using these other more interesting characters in a weak attempt to make Ogami look cool? ect ect ect

Still, those other characters more than make up for Ogami IMHO.

Ju-da-su said:
That is what you get when translators are too literal in their translations I guess. Its sort of like when you translate character names you know? Its a wonder that they didn't call Sakura "Cherry" and Rei "Zero".

Saturate said:
It was nice,but the first episode was better.
I disagree. It was the other way around IMHO.
Oct 15, 2012 7:11 PM

Oct 2011
code:breaker, psycho pass, btooom!

3 ingredients for 1 great coffee.

God i love this season.
Oct 16, 2012 7:00 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Who does her mom look younger than her? lol

I have to say that I'm a little disappointed that she survived (didn't check main characters). It added to Rei's aura of "I don't give a damn about anyone or anything".
I'll take a guess, Sakura is Touma's relative haha

Better than the first ep. Keep it up.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Oct 16, 2012 7:35 AM
Feb 2012
Not a bad ep, I liked it despite the major changes.

A bit shocked were seeing Hitomi this early on and especially Yuki who's going to face off against him? lol...well it should be an interesting fight either way.
Toki should have been introduced first off imo, would've been better...but oh well.

And Mewton....well I prefer Nyanmaru...but guess it's down to translators there~
And I did think that guy in the costume was the school president for a minute LOL.

Look forward to the next ep now~
Oct 16, 2012 10:52 AM

Sep 2009
Just as I thought, she can't be burn. She have this kind of power like nullification. Go sakura! :)
Oct 16, 2012 10:53 AM

Sep 2009
Ogami is getting on my nerves. I hate him just like the way I hated Yagami Light from Death Note. ><
Oct 16, 2012 1:24 PM

Jul 2012
Lol this dude is the real deal the only problem is the person he tried to expose can't be killed lol meaning he already tried lol no remorse what so ever.

Finally a character that actually makes himself seem like a believable villian I get this death note vibe from him
Oct 16, 2012 2:06 PM

Jan 2008
Strangely, I can say I dislike every character shown so far.
Oct 16, 2012 3:21 PM

Jul 2010
Nope, for some reason this show just isn't for me. Too frustrating in a way I can't really explain. I'll stop here.

Oct 16, 2012 7:19 PM
Mar 2012
I didn't read the manga but I'm liking this so far! and the guys are pretty cute too.
Oct 17, 2012 6:32 AM

Feb 2011
This character sure is badass
Oct 17, 2012 6:36 AM

May 2012
Great episode imo, far more entertaining than the first. My main problem is that Sakura strikes me as a Mary Sue. And wtf is with her mom?

Does Aoba's voice remind anyone else of Yuno Gasai?
Oct 17, 2012 10:13 AM
Jul 2010
lolwutfool said:
Toki should have been introduced first off imo, would've been better...
Speaking of Toki, as I understand it he will make his first appearance in the next episode. What happens is:

MAJOR spoiler -->

lolwutfool said:
And Mewton....well I prefer Nyanmaru...but guess it's down to translators there~
No, Nyyanmaru is a NAME of a character. Sure enough they translated "Inu" into "Dog" in the show... but this would be more like translating "Sakura" into Cherry and "Rei" Into "Zero". Saying it is okay for a translator group to do this is terrible.

DearlyStars said:
Does Aoba's voice remind anyone else of Yuno Gasai?
Not really. Her voice actress DID do "Tsubaki Kasugano" from the same show as Yuno... maybe that is why the voice reminds you of Mirai Nikki?
Oct 17, 2012 11:14 AM

May 2012
Yeah, I checked her page and saw that. tbh I didn't pick up the voice of the MN character she did at all.
Oct 17, 2012 12:36 PM

Jul 2012
Generic as fuck.
Oct 18, 2012 1:31 AM
Apr 2012
Yavie said:
That is what you get when translators are too literal in their translations I guess. Its sort of like when you translate character names you know? Its a wonder that they didn't call Sakura "Cherry" and Rei "Zero".]

Literally? No, it's actually another way around. "Nyanmaru" is more "literal" than "Mewton". Literal means everything inside contexts are too strictly kept in the translation, and most of the time, make it sound extremely unnaturally in the target language. Because "Nyanmaru" is the direct romanization of the Japanese name, I'll consider that to be more literal than Mewton...which sounds like an extremely terrible pun of meow and Newton to me (if that's what they're getting at), aka kinda creative in a way. Now, if any group translate that as "Meow-circle", THAT I'll say is the literal translation (and I'll personally go to smack whoever does that...-_-")

Sage is nowhere near to being literal...On most part, I think they did a better job that Hadena and Ani-DL (when they're alone) as well. But it's just that...there's always time when you NEED to keep things as it is and stop being creative. Translators need to know when to be creative and when not to be. The people working on this series probably have no idea about the significance of the name, and how it'll ruin the anime even more than it already is, but I seriously hate their "creativity" with this. Thus, I'm not going to watch any of their release again even though their other stuffs are OK. I don't want to see the anime to get worse than it already is just because of some shitty translation (and to add to that, from the group that said crap about this series).

MAJOR SPOILER! If you don't read the manga (up to around chapter 80 or so) and don't want to get spoiled, don't read the part after this!
Ju-da-suOct 18, 2012 3:01 AM
Oct 18, 2012 6:00 AM
Feb 2012
Yavie said:
Speaking of Toki, as I understand it he will make his first appearance in the next episode. What happens is:

MAJOR spoiler -->

Mmk...I look forward to how that goes down then.

Yavie said:
Saying it is okay for a translator group to do this is terrible.

Didn't word what I said correctly. I'm not saying it's okay but it's gonna be what ever the translators take it as. Though what they are doing is wrong but not much you can do. As Ju-da-su mentioned above, they probably have no idea about the importance it has. Though not much you can do about it really.

Ju-da-su said:
MAJOR SPOILER! If you don't read the manga (up to around chapter 80 or so) and don't want to get spoiled, don't read the part after this!

That's considering the angels are shown and they don't do a complete rework of the events that really happened.
13 eps is definitely not enough time. Unless they do something like Zetman with time skips and big gaps between events....which I pray they don't.
Though considering how it's looking it probably will be a rework of sorts.

Zel_Ezl said:
Ogami is getting on my nerves. I hate him just like the way I hated Yagami Light from Death Note. ><

It should be the other way around...and Sakura who gets on your nerves lol :P
-Deactivated-Oct 18, 2012 6:08 AM
Oct 18, 2012 8:00 AM
Jul 2010
Ju-da-su said:
Literally? No, it's actually another way around. "Nyanmaru" is more "literal" than "Mewton". Literal means everything inside contexts are too strictly kept in the translation, and most of the time, make it sound extremely unnaturally in the target language.
Nyan = Japanese way of writing "meow"

maru = generally is an suffix that in this case would mean "state of being" I.E that its a person being Mew? So Mewman/Catman? Using "ton" would actually be right here even if it isn't? I mean I certainly never would have used it.

Ju-da-su said:
Because "Nyanmaru" is the direct romanization of the Japanese name, I'll consider that to be more literal than Mewton...
I said literal "translation", not romanization. But I agree with you, Nyanmaru is a better "translation" because it is a name.

Ju-da-su said:
Translators need to know when to be creative and when not to be.
I agree, it actually reminds me of the debate about using Japanese terms and specific words in translations. Some translators feels it wrong to use such terms as "senpai" or call a school "gakuen" even when it is a name while others feel something is lost when you translate it.

Ju-da-su said:
The people working on this series probably have no idea about the significance of the name
I agree that calling Sakura "mewton" would sound sort of silly, but I don't see how it ruins anything.

Ju-da-su said:
Well that's...
YavieOct 18, 2012 8:03 AM
Oct 18, 2012 11:36 PM

Feb 2012
Just started to appreciate the series because of this ep. Not that I like it though.
Oct 19, 2012 8:35 AM

Jan 2010
Yuuki is so cute :3
Oct 19, 2012 1:04 PM

Feb 2012
Sakura's mom is a milf.

Also I side with Ogami. His way of disposing of trash I approve of. Why waste tax payer money having these trash in prisons when you could get rid of them permanently without a trace?

I admit though, Sakura pisses me off because she's one of those generic characters trying to stop the hero from doing his job. She needs to just fuck off honestly. Hearing her moralistic drivel is soo annoying. Those guys Ogami killed killed that homeless guy, beat the fuck out of that dog, and were about to rape/hurt her, yet she thinks they don't deserve to die and would rather waste tax payer's money rotting in prison? Fuck that.
Oct 19, 2012 4:50 PM

Apr 2012
What's up with Sakura's mother looking like a younger sister rather than a parent?

Also, I find it frustrating that the main characters never try to clear up the confusion and misconceptions despite being painfully aware of them. Sakura (for lack of better terming) doesn't even have the brain to tell Aoba that she's not romantically interested in Ogami. If she did, she could've avoided acting and sounding like an obsessive bitch.
Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike her. Actually, I think it's great that the lead female for once seems strong-willed and not completely helpless; but she could do with some more thinking. Even after Ogami tried to kill her, she doesn't even ask him about his reasons as to why; she just asks about the gang members. Come on!

I'm sorry to say that I found Yuuki thoroughly ridiculous, but then again, I've never liked the mix of moe and violence, if one can call it that.

A little something that has been bothering me too is the art. It's average at best, but despite being from 2012, it looks like something from the 90s. And Ogami is your stereotypical Japanese badboy with dark hair and cold eyes to boot.

Bleh, this comes off as me doing nothing but complaining. If it wasn't because the anime is still airing, I might not have watched it. But since there are only two episodes so far, I don't mind watching one episode a week, so I guess I'll keep watching.
Oct 19, 2012 11:29 PM
Sep 2011
It's interesting...

I just can't get over the fact the mom looks like a younger sister, and that Sakura never denies liking the main guy...
Oct 20, 2012 7:22 AM

Nov 2008
Even though this is generic as hell, I still like it.
The music is good, too.
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