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Dec 28, 2009 6:21 PM

Mar 2009
It made Kei more human showing his side to the story. I liked it even though it was tragic.

Jan 3, 2010 10:24 PM

Aug 2008
I liked the fist part more than this one
Mar 18, 2010 2:24 PM

Jun 2008
It was as bad as the 1st part, period.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Jun 28, 2010 8:21 PM

Apr 2008
Kei's side was surprising. he looked as a bold and calm individual, but he turned out to be a timid guy. I liked the Hellsing glasses.
Jul 29, 2010 2:59 PM

Aug 2009
I found this so terribly sad. I liked K the best even in the first part.
Sep 3, 2010 10:30 AM

Apr 2010
i still don't get it....
can sum1 tell me wats going on?
[Catchy, cool, insightful quote]
Oct 30, 2010 5:21 PM

Oct 2009
This was amazing. The story here completely diverted from the story in the book though. Let me make this clear, this is not in any way how Kokoro went. They made Sensei way more cynical than he was, and gave K way more emotion than he originally had too. K also didn't kill himself because of Ojosan (Miss in the anime), but because he couldn't live up to his standards. K's last words in the book, in his suicide note, were "Why didn't I do this sooner". This thus implies that Ojosan was but a small step in the direction K had been always following. But nonetheless, even if it isn't canon, this was breathtaking. The anime gave so much emotion to Kokoro!

Dec 31, 2010 12:05 PM

May 2010
Really liked seeing both sides of the story, nice arc!
Jun 9, 2011 9:41 PM

May 2010
I wouldn't have said it about either episode by itself, but when combined these two episodes far surpass No Longer Human as my favorite arc. The subtle way that they changed certain details was simply amazing. The most obvious example, the change in season, telling this episode in the winter and the previous one in the summer, pretty accurately reflects the perspectives of the two characters. I also love how both episodes are an indictment of pure rationality, despite the radically different presumptions and attitudes the two characters have. It's like they're both saying something different yet come to the same conclusion. It's also interesting how they end up, with K rising out of his state while the teacher sinks into a trap of his own arrogance.
“Money can't buy dere”
Jun 25, 2011 4:36 AM

Sep 2009
This is probably by far my favorite arc and, dare I say, the best.

Just to clarify though, the events that happened in K's story were exactly the same as the Teacher's correct? With the only difference being set in Winter of course. The translations that I have may be wrong as I see some people writing things about the episodes that I do not recall.

I think I prefer the first story even though K's was much more sympathetic towards the situation. For that reason I feel I could have been happy with just seeing the first part. Portraying K as timid and shy really bought out the sympathy in me since he is no more experienced in love as a child would be. The Teacher, being from a rich family is very knowledgeable in such situations. The second part to show him as a ruthless, jealous, and spiteful admired which might have been too much. As for the timid and shy K, well that might have been for the sake of exploring into why K took his life in the first part.

lucjan said:
T K also didn't kill himself because of Ojosan (Miss in the anime), but because he couldn't live up to his standards.

That's a very good reason.
I also think it ties into part two where K is more emotional and "mentally immature" if you could. Seeing K act on impulse only to be stopped cold by another, warmer, impulse one might understand why he made the decision he did; not as K the intelligent and worldly peasant in part one but as a lonely person just longing for warmth but after finally finding it he realizes it could never be.
May 6, 2012 9:39 PM

Feb 2011
She DID go black!
May 10, 2012 1:41 AM

Apr 2011
So if this wasn't in the original work does it mean it wasn't made by the original author Soseki Natsume?

For me it felt like this ruined the feeling left by the first part.
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
May 23, 2012 3:17 PM

Oct 2009
K-Shuun said:
So if this wasn't in the original work does it mean it wasn't made by the original author Soseki Natsume?

For me it felt like this ruined the feeling left by the first part.

Ahh, the anime just mixes it all up. This story was clearly written for readers of the original. But for people who haven't read Kokoro, this ark is kind of like a bastardization of the novel. Soseki was never a romantic. Having a paramount character kill himself because of a woman is, like, the exact opposite of everything Soseki is.

Jun 15, 2012 5:39 PM
Jul 2011
So was ojousan in love with K or Sensei?
Or was ojousan just playing K cause she wanted sensei to propose faster?
Cause she wasnt to happy in the wedding photo.
B100dJun 15, 2012 6:08 PM

Jul 15, 2012 12:56 AM

Jan 2012
closetnerd said:
So was ojousan in love with K or Sensei?
Or was ojousan just playing K cause she wanted sensei to propose faster?
Cause she wasnt to happy in the wedding photo.

I don't think she's in love with anyone and was playing K for a fool (out of pity but in a good way)

I don't know about Jap tradition back in those days, but I assume she has no choice but to agree to her mother on whom she will marry (Sensei in this case).

She finds Sensei and her lifestyle too boring and decided to have some fun with K.

I could go into more detail, but you get the idea.

tl;dr - women are evil

Aug 19, 2012 2:51 AM

May 2012
Nice episode I like both sides and much clears up with this episode though some details changed it stills a very nice plot!

Great episode and nice ending of this arc!
Sep 6, 2012 5:59 AM

Mar 2010
really sad ep
she actually made him suicide...
Sep 20, 2012 8:41 AM

Jan 2012
I still don't quite understand why Ojousan told Sensei that she was scared. Could someone perhaps clarify this for me?
Dec 29, 2012 12:40 PM

Feb 2011
I would like to think Ojousan really felt something for K, but some of her actions just made me think she was playing with him. To understand her feelings you would have to read between lines, but that's somewhat confusing because some little things change with each perspective.
Jan 18, 2013 9:24 AM
Jan 2013
I really liked what they were trying to do with this episode, but I think they failed. Things definitely needed to be examined from Kei-san's point of view. The problem I had with this episode were (mostly) the animation quality. I don't mind a little reused footage but I'd say more than half of this was episode 7 recolored, and not well. The other issue I had was that the story in episode 8 was not compatible with the story in episode 7. I feel like this episode was made as an afterthought after episode 7 had been completed and in order to properly convey what they wanted to then the stories needed to work together better.
Jan 25, 2013 9:50 PM

Aug 2011
Episode 7 and this one were absolutely stunning.

ShinokoSensei said:
The problem I had with this episode were (mostly) the animation quality. I don't mind a little reused footage but I'd say more than half of this was episode 7 recolored, and not well. The other issue I had was that the story in episode 8 was not compatible with the story in episode 7.

For me it was the opposite from your thoughts.

The re-used footage is brilliant because like you said both stories aren't matching completely but the use of the same footage reminds us that at the very base of it, it's still the same story.

You said scenes weren't recolored very well but the green undertone to all of K's scenes was perfect in helping us understand his point of view.
With the use of the same color I could feel how trapped he felt in that place/in the world.

The the use of different seasons really solidifies just how different both of these men were.
I think the story is truly about those differences and Oujou-san was simply a plot device.

So to me, asking any questions about who she loved or anything like that are irrelevant.
Mar 1, 2013 3:59 AM
Jan 2011
flaxman85 said:
closetnerd said:
So was ojousan in love with K or Sensei?
Or was ojousan just playing K cause she wanted sensei to propose faster?
Cause she wasnt to happy in the wedding photo.

I don't think she's in love with anyone and was playing K for a fool (out of pity but in a good way)

I don't know about Jap tradition back in those days, but I assume she has no choice but to agree to her mother on whom she will marry (Sensei in this case).

She finds Sensei and her lifestyle too boring and decided to have some fun with K.

I could go into more detail, but you get the idea.

tl;dr - women are evil


This. The story pretty much narrates the famous quote, "all women are whores" in two, 20 minute long episodes. It also illustrates how men turn against each other and do stupid things for a woman. My favorite arc in this series so far, very well done.
Mar 1, 2013 11:10 PM

Nov 2011
129589 ends bloody as hell. I expected this.
May 30, 2013 8:33 AM

Mar 2013
-Nanashi- said:

The story pretty much narrates the famous quote, "all women are whores" in two, 20 minute long episodes.

Really? I guess you'd apply that quote to your mother as well?
Jun 6, 2013 8:10 AM

Jul 2009
Its like on episode 7 K was like the enemy causing all sorts of trouble i.e. like when Ojou said why didn't you call me out i was scared - quote

Whilst on this episode 8 K was in fact being himself, shy and afraid of women and wants to be alone but with an Ojou causing trouble its as if Ojou is trying to break K's relationship with Sensei.

Its a good episode imo, i like it same as No Longer Human, though the Cherry Blossom one was a nice tension reliever though specially when No Longer Human was intense and depressing. Although now i need to relieved my curiousity and find copies of the book used on the series specially No Longer Human and Kokoro.

Jun 14, 2013 4:23 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
It's amazing how much the story changes coming from another perspective. K is a completely different person and so is Sensei as well. The only one who is a badass throughout is a mother.

I would have loved an extra episode from the Ojoousan POV.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jun 20, 2013 9:56 PM

Feb 2012
Oujo-san is kind of a bitch from my perspective.

It seems to suggest she played around with K to get her relationship with sensei moving...? but at the same time it seemed like she was seriously toying with K making him think she is serious? (Like the train station part)
Jun 21, 2013 3:43 PM

Jul 2012
AlucardSensei was awesome lal. I enjoyed the whole show 5/5 for me :D
Jul 4, 2013 7:17 AM

Feb 2012
Here are my thoughts:
the evil mastermind was our teacher,he got concerned when he saw K looks at his girl. thats when he started to test him with his girl's help.
at first,it seems like she was scared from K,but she did what Teacher told her cause she loved him.
as the story continues,the girl starts to understand what kind of man K is,thats when she is starting to develope real feelings for him,and thats why she left him the water in the last scene(I dont care where it was water or not).
in the end of the day,the story tries to say the following:
things are not always as they seem,people can seem goodhearted until you touch their weakspot,then their true colors expose.
Sep 13, 2014 3:52 PM
Jul 2018
lucjan said:
This was amazing. The story here completely diverted from the story in the book though. Let me make this clear, this is not in any way how Kokoro went. They made Sensei way more cynical than he was, and gave K way more emotion than he originally had too. K also didn't kill himself because of Ojosan (Miss in the anime), but because he couldn't live up to his standards. K's last words in the book, in his suicide note, were "Why didn't I do this sooner". This thus implies that Ojosan was but a small step in the direction K had been always following. But nonetheless, even if it isn't canon, this was breathtaking. The anime gave so much emotion to Kokoro!

Thanks for explanation.
This was really confusing story, but i loved it.
Oct 26, 2014 7:48 AM
Aug 2011
This turned out to be good, i loved how they mirrored most of the details and themes like seasons or the angle they've shown K's suicide. This is good stuff. Ojou-san's perspective would be really informative now, tho.

Also, K had the same hair i have so i kinda felt sympathetic towards him ^^.
Nov 19, 2014 11:52 PM

Oct 2014
man, that was tragic but that was beautifull indeed.
Dec 5, 2014 11:45 PM

Nov 2013
What is it with this anime and mindfuck endings? I really am getting tired of your shit Aoi Bungaku

Apr 6, 2015 5:54 PM
Oct 2013
Both stories are the exact same thing, from two different perspectives. the minor details might have changed, but the overall story remains the same. assuming that both stories were completely honest (aside from the chosen season) then i think it'd be safe to assume the biggest villain was the ojou, Sensei was truly in love with her, but too shy to tell her, and from his perspective he not only did nothing wrong, but he truly believed himself to be in the right. in addition, from the final quote of his (about how K not only won, but remained in his memories) he really did consider K as a close friend.

on the other side, K wasn't even really thinking about her (or at least trying not to) until she forced herself onto him claiming "sensei never told me to go this far" she might have been bored with the way she lived, but she took his emotions and used them for her own amusement.

I wish we'd gotten a story side from her and her mother, but from what we have, i believe it's safe to conclude "them hoes ain't loyal" until further notice.
yep. I Have no idea what I'm doing, but I enjoy my life all the more because of it.
Apr 19, 2015 2:04 PM

Jul 2012
Oh wow, I liked how they went with this. The first episode in this arc made us believe K was in the wrong but then the second episode showed it from K's side and showed that he was only acting human about it.
Apr 27, 2015 5:43 AM

Jun 2008
I love the music that's been playing throughout the arc but i found it interesting and questionable that it's played during the dark scenes too >.> it's just that the music is so opposed to the scene shown....what a contrast....
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May 11, 2015 3:06 PM

Oct 2014
Wow this arc was great, it's my favorite. It was nice to see the two perspectives, had they eliminated one the story would be incomplete.
" Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future. "
Cloud Atlas
Jun 17, 2015 6:44 AM
Nov 2014
Great arc, better than the second arc. K is actually a pretty cool guy :o
Jul 1, 2015 10:27 PM

Jan 2010
Two sides of the same story. No, they had the setup, but the events were different. Or perhaps the events were exactly the same, but interpreted different ways. No, that's not right either. They were different stories with the same characters. Wait, no, damn this was twisty in a weird way. It seems straightforward enough, but while the key events are the same, the details and conversations differ slightly. There's no way two interpretations could be that different, unless stress somehow changed up perceptions. Still, wow.
Jul 11, 2015 10:53 PM

Jul 2011
Seems like ojou got cold feet that day. What she told K may have been her true desires, or they may have been impulsive words.

I wish they went with the original novel though, because I think that would've been more interesting. I really wanted more context and background on the characters. This just seemed like a terrible love triangle to me...
Sep 3, 2015 1:37 PM

Aug 2014
Last two stories aren't as good as No longer human, but still not bad.
CogitoErgoSum23Sep 3, 2015 1:43 PM
Oct 11, 2015 5:51 AM

Jan 2012
Poor K...
Oct 30, 2015 7:57 AM

May 2011
Personally, I feel that this is an interesting reinterpretation of Natsume's Kokoro. While the idea of a 'love-triangle' is definitely not what said master author's intentions were; his main message clearly was how the two characters' ego and suspicions towards each other resulted into animosity and a devastatingly misunderstood 'betrayal', Aoi Bungaku took a romanticised way to read between the lines of Kokoro...which is a pleasant interpretation. Although I would still, ultimately, feel that what Natsume-sensei was trying to bring across was the power of identity and its impact on other people. So for those who have not read Kokoro...please do not misunderstand this episode as canon, as it is, amongst many, a different interpretation of Natsume's masterpiece: Kokoro.
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Nov 7, 2015 2:03 PM

Apr 2014
I feel so bad for them both :'(. The first guy was in love with her first but K & Ojou were in love/made love so i feel like he should have had the chance to be with her. T-T Poor dudes..
Dec 27, 2015 9:22 AM

Mar 2014
This was good. It was really interesting to see the story from both people's perspectives, and how each of main characters were perceived by the other.

It's an interesting message, actually... how we can sometimes perceive others as bad people if they get in the way of our desires... yet, they really just have good intentions.
::End of Transmission::

Dec 31, 2015 9:54 PM

Nov 2014
The reoccurring theme of all three stories so far seems to be that women are trouble.

This adaptation and No Longer Human are my favorites so far.
Jan 8, 2016 7:12 AM

Nov 2012
This arc is great and quite confusing. Really need the part for Ojou's perspective but that could also have spoiled our imagination about what is unclear in this series. Might as well read the book.
Apr 19, 2016 11:35 AM

Nov 2011
Such a great arc, I really loved seeing it from Kei's POV as well. It's so interesting how their actions varied as well, even though they were essentially the same timeline. It makes me wonder how differently people perceive things...evidently driving them to believe their doubts rather than truth.

I felt like that "Sorry" from Kei in this episode was very much sympathetic and guilt while Sensei took it as a sorta "lol, i got your girl ayyyy". All in all, Kei gets left with nothing again but still appreciates the "fake" warmth from Ojou and dies without succumbing to what Sensei became, ahhhhh... ><
Apr 22, 2016 2:44 AM

Apr 2015
Wait, I don't really understand the "This Summmer was Beautiful" paper in episode 7 and "This winter was warm" in episode 8. What was that word really mean if it's put in an unmetaphorical way? And also, what did Ojousan did with the promise of 'runaway marriage' at the end?
Apr 23, 2016 6:22 AM
Jan 2016
So.. she really loved him(because she left him a heater in the ending), but Sensei loved her, and K was loyal to Sensei, so he decided to kill himself?
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