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Jun 25, 2012 12:01 PM

Nov 2011

The final gunshot is fired as this series concludes.

Meh not bad although not the highlight of the Spring Season.

Jin struggles to fight against you-know-who from last time as he continues taunts him about his duty of "defeating the players". Kouga later comes and decides his own justice.

Justice served? Tsh.

Stark700Jun 25, 2012 1:51 PM
Jun 25, 2012 12:38 PM

May 2010
whats witht the endign straight from batman the dark knight?????

avrage anime with predictable ending
Jun 25, 2012 12:49 PM
Aug 2009
Kerozinn said:
whats witht the endign straight from batman the dark knight?????

avrage anime with predictable ending

It took itself waaay too seriously.
Jun 25, 2012 12:59 PM
Jan 2011
Kerozinn said:
whats witht the endign straight from batman the dark knight?????

avrage anime with predictable ending

I agree.
Jun 25, 2012 1:00 PM

Mar 2011
Zet became Batman for a second :D
Jun 25, 2012 1:24 PM

Nov 2011
That was a bit of a mediocre ending to what started as a promising series. Zet's winged form lasted even shorter than the time it took for Kouga to dispatch Hayami and his accomplices XD. And so our lone hero continues to fight for justice from the shadows in the end...hmmmn wait, this is sounding awfully familiar to me... :P

I really wanted to like this series but the whole anime was bogged down by serious pacing and character development series. It really could have done with perhaps 26 episodes (and a different script writer :P) to allow the characters to grow more and have relationships like the Hanako/Jin one make more of an impact on the audience. I wasn't feeling particularly sympathetic when Kouga ended Hanako's life :|.

One aspect I'd put in the show's favour is that it had decently choreographed action scenes. Haitani made a pretty interesting villain as well with his wits and cunning. The fact that Yusa Kouji voiced him is a plus :D.

Auntie Akemi remains one of my favourite female characters ever for the kindness and loyalty she showed to Jin, and also for dealing with the scar on her face so well, it shows that she's a good adaptable person. A stamp of awesomeness for her :).

Well what a bumpy ride Zetman the anime has been. We say goodbye to ridiculously fast time skips, chest stabbings galore, a female character with a rare case of the braces, a monosyllabic protagonist and psychotic breaks from a white haired man who parades around in a pimped out suit with a cape purely for aesthetics XD. It's been fun...kinda ;).
Jun 25, 2012 1:31 PM

Jul 2010
For a final episode, it was kind of weak... Oh wells... On to the manga.
Jun 25, 2012 1:51 PM
Jun 2011
wow bad ending to avg anime ... i mean he let that fag kill his girl and let him live??? really hate that white hair bitch.
Jun 25, 2012 2:03 PM

Sep 2011
Icebreaker93 said:
Zet became Batman for a second :D

My thoughts exactly.
Jun 25, 2012 2:16 PM

Jan 2012
Kerozinn said:
whats witht the endign straight from batman the dark knight?????

avrage anime with predictable ending

You took the words right out of my mouth. When I saw the ending and heard that monologue The Dark Knight was the first thing that came to mind. Man I am very disappointed with the ending. I give it a 7/10 maybe lower.
NeonzelJun 25, 2012 2:29 PM
❑ Single
❑ Taken
✔ Mentally dating a character that doesn't actually exist
Jun 25, 2012 2:25 PM

Jan 2012
Wow, that ending was just from The Dark Knight, and I also couldn't help but compare Batman more to Kouga since he did have the gadgets and he was the rich guy.
Jun 25, 2012 2:45 PM

Nov 2011
Well, I felt that ending was appropriate for what lead up to it. While I don't care for what happened in the manga, the show did lose its potential near the beginning. Jin had his path laid out for him, and he followed it. Jin's dilemma was simply to choose between isolation or risk people around him getting hurt. Kouga's mental transformation was much more interesting, as was his character, though Jin served as a perfect contrast. While most people here see Kouga and his justice as annoying, for the most part he's been thrown in unfair situations. Save 1 person out of 2 for certain, or try to save both at a lower success rate? It is a morally gray area, and neither is right nor wrong. The is the main dilemma for Kouga in the show, but it is also too simple a concept for praise. Barring the ending scene, I felt Kouga was much more similar to Batman. In the end, Jin and Kouga ended with trauma and a skewed mentality, both useful tools for a hero. It is unfortunate that the series suffered from numerous contrivances and inadequate pacing. While I feel the show should have been longer, I don't feel that would have fixed anything other than minor pacing problems.
MissileSoupJun 28, 2012 3:10 AM
Jun 25, 2012 3:42 PM

May 2010
Where to start, this anime had so many hole and so much unnecessary aspect to it, everything felt rush, kouga became a "hero" with a warp sense of justice, it started out so good then just crashed and burn with everything just being a bad flow chart with a predictable ending.

On a side note Kouga is nothing like batman, batman has limits that he wouldnt cross but this did feel very dark nightish.

Jun 25, 2012 3:44 PM

Dec 2011
Without seeing the manga, I find this ending satisfactory.
I knew Jin would be the hero of the shadows.

8/10 for the transformation and the anime for me!
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Jun 25, 2012 3:49 PM
Mar 2011
damn kouga that bastard he killed hanako, it WAS possible for them to turn to normal after being in the pressence of the ring. haitni was shown in the end, atleast i think it was him. i'm thinking of looking into the manga but does he still end up with hanako or is it that crummy "child hood friend" kougas little sister?
Jun 25, 2012 4:07 PM

Nov 2011
Hydnlife said:
On a side note Kouga is nothing like batman, batman has limits that he wouldnt cross but this did feel very dark nightish.

The phrase was more like Batman, compared to Jin. The most obvious is their wealth and resources. On the surface, both work for justice, but are driven by something else. Everyone has limits they wouldn't cross, including Kouga. It was a minor and relative comparison, but saying they are nothing alike is more of a stretch.
Jun 25, 2012 4:22 PM

May 2011
Meh, I was hoping for better ending here.

I just hope they making season 2 here.

7/10 for me.
Jun 25, 2012 4:31 PM

Jun 2011
SilentTruth said:
Meh, I was hoping for better ending here.

I just hope they making season 2 here.

7/10 for me.

Same here, and the end was kinda predictable.

Jun 25, 2012 5:25 PM

Nov 2010
Haven't read the whole manga, but I'm fairly sure Hanako hasn't died, which would make a S2 that has anything to do with the manga troublesome I would think
Jun 25, 2012 6:06 PM

Sep 2008
hahaha sure, batman, zetman
its a shame, it looked promising, oh well on to the next season
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Jun 25, 2012 6:46 PM

Feb 2012
This was getting a 5 up until the last scene with Jin- now it's a 6. Did not expect those girls to be the Players, lol. And that last line reminded me of Spider Man- pretty damn cheesy.
But oh well, overall it was okay. I don't like it, but i don't hate it that much either. Most of the characters i wished would have perished (KONOHA UGH) but some elements made up for the bad characters. The ending was pretty lame though.
He got wings, a face mask, and tail for about three seconds and then they all (tail excluded) just go away. No point in that really. And Konoha faints and then wakes up one minute later. No point in that either. She's just this random person who doesn't do anything throughout the series but keep that necklace, which ended up not being that important anyway, and be Kouga's defeat every time someone told him she was kidnapped.
I was looking forward to watching my first 'manly' Anime, but this was pretty damn disappointing. Perhaps i should just go read the manga like people said.

I hate Kouga so much.
VyudaliJun 25, 2012 8:35 PM
Jun 25, 2012 6:52 PM

Feb 2012

dat ending

made no sense (didn't read the manga)
Jun 25, 2012 7:24 PM

Jul 2011
And it´s over...
Aside from basically butchering another superb manga adaptation, even as an individual series it had so many shortcomings: The script was a mess, summed up with bad pacing and rushed presentation that made things have less impact than it should have. The plot was full of convenience and implausibility, and a notorious ammount of plot holes can be found with good attention.
Probably the worst part is how they couldn´t give a proper development, much less depth, to the cast, so it wasn´t possible to grow fond of them and seriously care about the hardships they faced (Akemi was the only character I quite liked, and she had the relevance of a fly :-[, the Amagi siblings were irritating from time to time and didn´t care much about the others).
Still, with all its flaws, the animation was mostly decent and good action sequences were displayed, and certain level of entertainment could be get from it.
Looking on its own right, Zetman actually isn´t that bad. Well, it wouldn't be that good either. Sadly for me, when I was originally eager to see this on its own merits I managed to initially like it, but slowly lost interest the more evident it became that nothing eye catching (for me, at least) would happen, so I can only sigh in dissapointment and slight exhasperation.
Aw, whatever. 5/10
PD: Whoelse is eager to wait for the Zetman Ultimate OVAs?
Karura_JiinsaruJun 25, 2012 7:34 PM
Jun 25, 2012 8:01 PM

Oct 2010
was hoping for a better ending, i enjoyed the rest of the series but :/
i will do the same as that guy/gal below
MEsoJD said:
For a final episode, it was kind of weak... Oh wells... On to the manga.
Jun 25, 2012 8:04 PM

Jun 2012
I give it a 6/10. maybe even 5/10
This anime went right out the window as it came and it left me with no real impression. Ending wasn't that great, I felt they could have been more creative with it. And I completely agree with everyone about the Dark knight ripoff ending that they did.

Things definitely didn't turn out how I expected it to. I thought jin would end up with Konoha at the end or something. And I thought Kouga would get punished or killed for going crazy and killing his parents. It was a very odd ending, but honestly, I didn't see it coming. If it's one thing this anime had, it's that you most likely didn't know what to expect for how they would end it and rap everything up.
Never go full retard
Jun 25, 2012 9:07 PM

Jun 2009
Like everyone has said, theres definitely a Dark Knight vibe at the end...

I'm going to give this series a 6.5/10 (so pretty much a 7) .. I thought it was okay overall. I've seen a lot worse. Definitely some issues with pacing and predictability but I pretty much knew those would be problems going in..

It's too bad Hanako had to die, but I also saw that coming (predictability)... lol

Maybe there will be an anime original second season.. Meh
Jun 25, 2012 9:35 PM

Oct 2010
3/10 gave it that low because of Kouga. That pussy is annoying and ruined the whole series.

Kouga = Naruto with dumb ass fake ideas.
Jun 25, 2012 10:13 PM

Jul 2010
Not the strongest of endings but it gets the job done for the most part.
Jun 25, 2012 10:36 PM

Feb 2010
That ending?


Oh well. I enjoyed the mindless ride... 6.5/10
Jun 25, 2012 10:54 PM

Sep 2008
wtf was with that narration at the end? Batman? xD

So glad it's over. 3/10

And yet, if there ever comes 2nd season I'll probably watch it. Some kind of guilty pleasure.

NOTE: I never read manga, so I'm not bitc**** about that :P
Jun 25, 2012 11:29 PM

Oct 2011
Jun 25, 2012 11:42 PM

Feb 2010
poor adaption of a great manga 7/10.
Jun 26, 2012 12:29 AM

Jan 2012
when is saw episode one it thought it would be a masterpiece but it went downhill 7/10

Jun 26, 2012 2:53 AM

Jan 2009
Kerozinn said:
whats witht the endign straight from batman the dark knight?????

avrage anime with predictable ending

The thoughts o thousands in just a phrase.
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Jun 26, 2012 3:04 AM
Feb 2008
Finally it's over.
Jun 26, 2012 3:47 AM

Jun 2011
I'd say...

a solid 6/10.

Off to the manga we go! :D
Jun 26, 2012 4:10 AM

Oct 2011
Without having read the manga, I think it's a decent anime, but clearly rushed (both storyline and character development). The OST were fine, the animation as well. 8/10 from me, and I'm gonna read the manga. Wonder if they'll do a second season.

Also, was that Haitani at the end after Jin killed those players?
Jun 26, 2012 4:14 AM
Apr 2011
abaanda said:
wow bad ending to avg anime ... i mean he let that fag kill his girl and let him live??? really hate that white hair bitch.

But he was right in killing her, she could never change back to a normal form and you should have seen how she was constantly killing most of the humans in the room, Kouga put her down and saved her from killing any others, even that old police officer said he was right in that regard.

Anyway, Kouga was my highlight in this average anime just because of his justice insanity was the most amusing part.
Jun 26, 2012 4:17 AM
Jan 2009
so will there be a part 2 ?
Jun 26, 2012 4:34 AM

May 2009
mikezilla2 said:
so will there be a part 2 ?

First Volume of anime sold lesser 500 copies. So, no.
Jun 26, 2012 4:41 AM

Jan 2012
Killing Hanako killed the show lol. Ending was predictable, not to mention Kouga becoming a hero and Jin living underground is garbage. I seriously doubt this ending had anything to do with the manga. I did like the show, however I didn't like the ending one bit. Would wellcome second season with open hands, becouse I dont even consider this nonsense to be the ending.

Jun 26, 2012 5:12 AM
Jun 2008
Second season, won't be watching .
Jun 26, 2012 6:49 AM

Feb 2008
bastek66 said:
mikezilla2 said:
so will there be a part 2 ?

First Volume of anime sold lesser 500 copies. So, no.

Thank god.

Bad ending for a horrible adaptation. Glad this piece of shit is over.
I hope the director dies of cancer or something equally as bad, like watching the show.
Jun 26, 2012 9:59 AM

Jun 2008
Batman ending uh ?
then i guess that haitani was the joker ? seems like it
Jun 26, 2012 12:05 PM

Mar 2012
Pretty good ending for a pretty bad show...
Jun 26, 2012 12:51 PM

Apr 2010
Disappointing ending, too similar to The Dark Knight.

It started well, but it got exaggerated. Last episode was pure chaos.

6/10 to this series. I'll read the manga someday.
Jun 26, 2012 1:00 PM

Oct 2011
Better ending than I tought, but still overall for this series is 6/10 for me as it wasn't something special.
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Jun 26, 2012 1:20 PM

Dec 2011
Satifsying ending.

Manga one day, so I can hate it like everyone else.

7/10. Better than anything Batman.
Jun 26, 2012 1:37 PM

Jul 2011
Called it with hanako dying and jin and kouga fighting...

It's a good show, just feels rushed at the end, but rushed endings is pretty much the "in" thing nowadays.
The chip in my mind, it summons me.
I gave my life to your machines.
Jun 26, 2012 2:26 PM

Mar 2012
Overall, mediocre ending for a rather poor show.

The only good characters were Jin, Auntie Akemi, and, to an extent, Hanako (she's a much better and more developed character in the manga).

I would have much preferred this episode if Kouga, the worst character by far, had perished, rather than Hanako. Instead, in order to attempt to create some cheap emotional resonance, they pull a terrible twist from nowhere in making Hanako a player, an idea that makes no kind of logical sense, due to her not even being aware that she ever was and the fact that she had a family. Unfortunately, even if her character transformation and ultimate death had made sense, it would have still lacked any emotional weight considering there was hardly any time spent on developing the characters and their relationships with one another.

The other characters that rounded out the show were rather pointless, particularly Konoha. Haitani was a decent, but underutilized, villain.

Despite the occasionally exciting action and intriguing premise, I'd have to rate this show a somewhat generous 5/10, due mostly to the incredibly rushed story, the over-abundance of Kouga, and the woeful lack of character development. This story would have likely been realized much better had it been planned to be told over the course of 26 episodes.
Lelouch22Jun 26, 2012 2:54 PM
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