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Apr 30, 2012 1:21 PM

Nov 2011

It seems that a new type of "players" known as the
is introduced.


Seems that Konaha is in trouble??

Kouga gets tested and has a difficult choice to make. Shit.

Still, can't blame him though, moist people would have a hell of a time making such a choice.

Dat blush:

Jin also gets tested this episode


Stark700Apr 30, 2012 2:03 PM
Apr 30, 2012 2:03 PM
Sep 2011
Jirou and Haitani are stirring things up. However, they are not the only two who are constantly observing Kouga and Jin. It's tragic how these two young men and their loved ones are pulled into a disastrous string of events without having done anything wrong and are merely used as pawns in a game they are not aware of. Even then the most obvious antagonists by now probably have their own reasons for their actions as they have suffered because of the corporation and could be considered victims as well.
Apr 30, 2012 2:35 PM

May 2011
Damn, Konoha is in a PINCH!!

Looks like things are heating up!
Apr 30, 2012 3:04 PM

Aug 2011
I didnt understand why Tanaka started crying when Jin ignored her but it was certainly cute seeing it.
Apr 30, 2012 3:15 PM

Jul 2009
ZET vs sand monsters, Round 2. Should be somewhat interesting with Alphas entering the mix.
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

Apr 30, 2012 3:40 PM

Nov 2011

I'm so glad Jin's ok and the sweeper guy didn't kill him.

Anybody else got a good laugh when Haitani started filing his nails? That's a metrosexual player right there XD.

Just how far along is the anime now in comparison to the existing manga chapters?

Bring on the next episode of fabulousness! :)
Apr 30, 2012 3:44 PM

Nov 2011
Striderfang said:
I didnt understand why Tanaka started crying when Jin ignored her but it was certainly cute seeing it.

Most likely since she might of developed feelings for him. That's what I'm guessing based on this recent episode.
Apr 30, 2012 3:50 PM

Oct 2010
An amazing episode that balanced out love/emotional conflict, fan service and action. Zetman is very much on its way to great balance despite its many take outs from the manga parts it proved itself that it can still be enjoyable and much more at its stage of where things start to move much more and new plot elements arise.

About the beginning, I really liked that Tomomi face in the spoiler
it was so gold in seeing it to tease Konoha. While it was a solid start in seeing her blush at the thoughts on Jin.

About the fan service, Hanako Tanaka in bathroom was nice to see in the spoiler
she is very mature and that ass looks nice. Yeah, she a great body TBH as a male. Mature and young. It also proved Jin is not afraid of going near any girl that is naked and not your average moron male like Issei from Highschool DxD as example. He also takes the damn hit from the bathroom attack. GOOD GUY! Love that serious attitude. Accelerator had something like that in Index too. In the manga they show Tanaka’s breasts with nipples and her whole body. Something I wonder if the Bds will feature.

About the love triangle,I got to admit that Konoha’s face in the following,

Is amazing! I love that appearance! So old school! I grew up seeing those faces in Tenshi in Tokyo and other animus. While I admit that Tanaka’s face in the spoiler
not only showed she wants attention but it looks like love to me towards Jin Thus propelling viewers into a triangle between her and Konoha with Jin. I still go for Konoha, the childhood friend.

About Konoha’s swimming practice, I find it was done as good as in the manga and the whole segment itself but what was better than the manga is how Konoha looked like in the spoiler

seems to have more appeal and fine lines that add to her body’s appeal. Could be just the coloring. Well I find it better than the manga version in terms of that part. That ass.

About the murders, well done minus the censoring. I still ROFL at the random panties in the spoiler
it’s just so out of place and funny. I wonder how nice it will be on Bds? The guy who did kill them can GTFO from existence itself. Shit head KILLED 3 YOUNG GIRLS! What a cunt! Yeah people that kill young girls are shit in my books.

Oh man that is so sick in the following,

Poor Konoha almost being eaten by some crazy sick ass mutant cockroach! YUCK! Kill that shit with its master in the spoiler
Poor Tomomi in the spoiler
bleeding and looks hurt.

That Player in the spoiler
is freaking nasty. Some red devil from hell? Looks like it to me. Quite the most aggressive IMO.

With that new suit he is 100% ready more than before. Let’s hope the suit does not screw up but I loved the launch. So Power Rangers/Thunder Cats like. It was nice. The craft is nice too.

About the preview, OH SHIT! Tanaka in the spoiler
is going to be surrounded by the damn cockroaches Oh the nightmare. Let’s hope Jin blasts them along with their master.

PS: might put up later picture dumb of 720p 10bit stuff of this episode maybe if I have time.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Apr 30, 2012 4:05 PM

Aug 2009
Damnit! That braces bitch is annoying! -.-
Apr 30, 2012 4:16 PM
Mar 2011
bad chpooice koga go die in a ditch.
comon tanaka protect your man.
Apr 30, 2012 4:21 PM

Mar 2011
The best episode so far, but it's all still very weak. It's all incredibly rushed, the characters have had no time for development, and I know that there is loads of content I just haven't seen because there hasn't been enough screen time...

It's fine right now, but I'm highly suspicious as to how good it'll be. I'm still predicting I'll give it a 3 or 4...
Apr 30, 2012 4:36 PM
Mar 2011
true i just looked up the manga and they made such a 360 turn i mean there are more then 100 chapters and they deviated from it so much already, i guess they will wrap it up with their own ending.
Apr 30, 2012 5:16 PM

May 2010
yo damn Kouga is a bitch, i cant stand this fake ass bruce wayne trying to be a hero with his warp sense of justice, couldnt stand him since ep 1...

when Konoha was walking and jin show up with Hanako i was like ol snaps, then Hanako hung on to him i was like yo that messed up, i dont understand why would you try to hang on to someone when you only meet them like 2 day ago talk about straightforward, but i feel for jin that a hard choose to make, i know i couldnt do it i like to have my cake and eat it to haha

seem like everything is a little rushed right not, but hope it get's better

Apr 30, 2012 6:19 PM
Mar 2011
Hydnlife said:
yo damn Kouga is a bitch, i cant stand this fake ass bruce wayne trying to be a hero with his warp sense of justice, couldnt stand him since ep 1...

when Konoha was walking and jin show up with Hanako i was like ol snaps, then Hanako hung on to him i was like yo that messed up, i dont understand why would you try to hang on to someone when you only meet them like 2 day ago talk about straightforward, but i feel for jin that a hard choose to make, i know i couldnt do it i like to have my cake and eat it to haha

seem like everything is a little rushed right not, but hope it get's better

she obviously developed some romantic interest in him after he SAVED her life and chastity from those monsters, most romance animes have that i think. go girl love the guy.
Apr 30, 2012 6:25 PM

Jan 2012
Oh damn, Kouga is finally starting to become a meaningful character.
Apr 30, 2012 6:41 PM

May 2008
So far i dislike Hanako Tanaka she is just a lil kid always whining about getting attention just really makes me want to bitch slap her to bring some sense into her lil stupid brain. *GET AWAY FROM MY JIN*

Omg Kouga hahaha
" before you can call it Alpha, there are some serious flaws on this suit.... ITS MISSING THE CAPE!" ROFL Bruce Wayne/Batman complex hahaha. I love batman.

I feel bad for Konoha she is really trying to reconnect with jin but the situation isnt helping at all.

I hope we get to see some more action next episode see what Kauga is really made of and to see jin kick some ass.

Damn Tanaka she is soo dumb she gets kidnap arrrgggg she is useless no one want a girl like that *Bitch Slap*

This anime is getting better and better. Cant wait for more.
Apr 30, 2012 6:59 PM

Jul 2010
poor konoha, always getting crap for no reason.

i just hated how the censored the deaths of the girls. that kinda pissed me off

Apr 30, 2012 7:06 PM

Nov 2011
supermegasonic said:
poor konoha, always getting crap for no reason.

i just hated how the censored the deaths of the girls. that kinda pissed me off

Ye same :(
Apr 30, 2012 8:11 PM

Dec 2011
I LOLed so much when Kouga mentioned there is no cape on the costume!
A classic. Ahahaha. Now his role is becoming more meaningful.
Cannot wait for more.
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Apr 30, 2012 8:30 PM

Oct 2010
Yall should be glad they rushing the Kouga part. It was boring as shit in the manga they spent like 20 chapters on him and didnt show Jin not once.
Apr 30, 2012 8:42 PM

Feb 2010
Lulexiaa said:
Damnit! That braces bitch is annoying! -.-

haha seriously... more-so though, what's with the "Do you not want her to see me with you?" and "You're ignoring ME again::tears::?" uhhh... he just met you.. chill.

meh episode.
Apr 30, 2012 8:52 PM

Feb 2012
Loved this ep, so excited to see what becomes of Konoha. Some action, a bit of romance, and some serious shit going down. I don't know how he's gonna transform into ZET though, man it's getting good. And of course, I'm pumped to see how Alphas performs in combat. So much is happening next ep, can't wait!

"In both love and octopus-hunting, you have to take the initiative!" - Gintoki Sakata
Apr 30, 2012 9:24 PM

Oct 2008
Cliffhanger again, ffffffuuuu
Apr 30, 2012 9:49 PM

Dec 2011
What?? I had no idea it was about to finish and suddenly... ED :C damn, cliffhanger.
May 1, 2012 12:44 AM

Jan 2009
Seriously, what the hell is happening with TMS, they destroying one of my favorite manga.
What's the point in all the plot with Ichrio when Kouga is already adult? It's totally destroyed he's character development. They also skipped one of the best fight in the series..

People go read the manga, now.
May 1, 2012 12:53 AM

May 2011
Ame_Sama said:
Seriously, what the hell is happening with TMS, they destroying one of my favorite manga.
What's the point in all the plot with Ichrio when Kouga is already adult? It's totally destroyed he's character development. They also skipped one of the best fight in the series..

People go read the manga, now.

I intend to. I have heard so many good things about the manga and I am just not seeing any of its greatness in this adaption.
May 1, 2012 3:00 AM

Nov 2011
Another cliffhanger~
It's like cliffhanger week
May 1, 2012 3:21 AM

Mar 2012
It's way too slow paced... and the facial expressions are silly as hell
May 1, 2012 3:31 AM

Mar 2008
they redesigned the suite that quickly? LOL
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May 1, 2012 3:52 AM

Mar 2009
I dropped this a couple of episodes ago because it looked like they'd skipped the Ichiro arc. But from these posts it looks like they just scheduled it for when Kouga was two years older. Lame, but I might pick this up again for a while. There is going to be a lot of censoring though when (don't read if you haven't read the manga)
May 1, 2012 5:03 AM

Jan 2012
Damn ended in such a thrilling place. Can't wait for next.

May 1, 2012 5:49 AM

Sep 2010
Kouga needs to sort out his priorities. LOL....
It frustrating watching him e.e..

As for the love triangle, rooting for the childhood friend. Brace face can't honestly expect his attention the next day she sees him, psht.
May 1, 2012 7:17 AM

Jul 2010
Kouga was hilarious this episode. Getting all worked up on a missing cape, lol!
May 1, 2012 7:26 AM

Feb 2008
Ame_Sama said:
Seriously, what the hell is happening with TMS, they destroying one of my favorite manga.
What's the point in all the plot with Ichrio when Kouga is already adult? It's totally destroyed he's character development. They also skipped one of the best fight in the series..

People go read the manga, now.

True, this is probably one of the most butchered adaptations I've seen. Which is a real shame, because this could have a truly great series, if it had been properly adapted.
May 1, 2012 10:13 AM

Feb 2009
overal better than the last episode, let's see if the next episode doesn't make me drop this series.
May 1, 2012 10:41 AM

Apr 2011
There's always an annoying female that has to come along and ruin things, and braces girl is trying her hardest to bring the show down. Useless, freeloading, cowardly, and a spoiled brat clinging to Jin like an ugly little rat. Hope she meets a bad end, and soon. Other than her annoying presence, nice episode, we finally meet the villain we've seen in the OP and Kouga is all suited up and ready to kick ass. I wonder if Jin will figure out how to transform without the gum or if Kouga will have to bail them both out. If he does transform I'm almost certain we'll get the usual misunderstood-superhero battle once the heroes slaughter their Evol opponents.

I love how ridiculous the Alphas suit is! He's trying really, REALLY hard to be Batman in a Moon Knight/Iron Man suit, isn't he? I almost feel like I'm watching Tiger & Bunny, LOL. Can't wait to see the combat capabilities of it, I hope he can kick some ass on Jin's level at least.
May 1, 2012 11:05 AM

Feb 2009
Blind_Guardian said:

I love how ridiculous the Alphas suit is! He's trying really, REALLY hard to be Batman in a Moon Knight/Iron Man suit, isn't he? I almost feel like I'm watching Tiger & Bunny, LOL. Can't wait to see the combat capabilities of it, I hope he can kick some ass on Jin's level at least.

lol... it's been a long time since I see someone mention the name Moon Knight. BTW is Tiger & Bunny any good? I know it won a couple of awards, but is it really worth it?
May 1, 2012 11:15 AM
Nov 2010
Good episode...
May 1, 2012 11:32 AM

Jan 2012
Too many interesting things happened just in one episode like Kouga getting his Alphas suit and finally getting into action with it, Tanaka in Jin's house (more like warehouse) and the battle between Jin and that sand Player.
Leaving things with a cliffhanger...Then I can't wait for next week!

May 1, 2012 12:05 PM

Aug 2011
Blind_Guardian said:
I love how ridiculous the Alphas suit is! He's trying really, REALLY hard to be Batman in a Moon Knight/Iron Man suit, isn't he? I almost feel like I'm watching Tiger & Bunny, LOL. Can't wait to see the combat capabilities of it, I hope he can kick some ass on Jin's level at least.

omg just stop. Tiger & Bunny is flawfree.

@Zero_sama: yes you should at least try watching it.

I agree about the annoying clingy braces girl.
When she started crying I almost wanted to slam my face into my desk.
May 1, 2012 2:10 PM

Oct 2010
I rather tolerate that braces girl than Kouga. He the reason i dropped the manga. Hell they show him more in the manga then Jin.
May 1, 2012 4:21 PM

Jul 2009
...My biggest complaint with this show is that I dislike pretty much every character. Jin is an ass, Kouga seems to have a mental age of 5, Tanaka is clingy and irritating, and Konoha is generic girl-who-needs-rescuing #39521. Every other character fits in the category of 'not enough screentime for any emotion but indifference'. =\
If any of my posts seem odd, it's probably because I'm tired. Sorry. I have sleeping issues.
May 1, 2012 5:04 PM

Nov 2008
Seems like "Kouga party" is coming in next episode.
May 1, 2012 5:06 PM
Dec 2007
Phenomenal episode once again. I'm itching to read the manga even more now. Guess I'll do that this week.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 1, 2012 7:59 PM

Feb 2011
Konoha, Y U NO CALL 119? ಠ_ಠ

Kouga's annoying.

The braces girl is annoying.

The little sister is stupid.

Jin has it hard, dumbasses and assholes abound.
May 1, 2012 8:39 PM

Oct 2011
hahah! kouga and his particularities in the alphas suit! XDDDDDD
May 1, 2012 9:43 PM

Jun 2009
I started laughing when Kouga cried after he saw the new Alphas suit.
May 2, 2012 2:14 AM

Dec 2010
Kouga may be a little retarded for his age but he's funny to watch. On the other hand Tanaka is so annoying that she should just die.
May 2, 2012 3:15 AM
May 2012
Well I'll tell you[those who only watched anime] something,like why we hate Kouga so much and do NOT dislike Tanaka,the anime IS NOT a complete adaption of the manga.

Spoilers below.

A ton of schoolgirls was massacred because of Kouga and also a few was raped,one girl was traumatized ,it's approx 10-20 girls FYI.

And Tanaka wasn't that bitchy in the manga,she had more development.
May 2, 2012 6:42 AM

May 2008
Im glad not all of the players are bad. Still Jin made a big mistake by not bringing the gum. Also Tanaka hurt Konoha's feelings which made me feel a little angry at her .

Awesome Sig by Lailide
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