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Apr 15, 2012 10:46 PM

Nov 2011
The series is finally over. After weeks of yandere action from our favorite Yuno as well as the other diary owners and the kick ass Uryu, the series concludes. Well, Sundays won't be the same for me anymore but I've really enjoyed this epic series since I began watching last year.

Yuno's shock @ the original Yuno's own revelation:


Touching conversation between Yuki and his parents.

Seeing all the other diary owners again one last time was also nice in different ways especially Uryu!

And finally...10000 years later....anyways

Didn't like the ending compared to the manga but w/e...also:

And overall great series that I enjoyed watching since last year. Even though again...the ending was a bit different than the manga, I still liked the series.


Stark700Jun 16, 2012 12:36 AM
Apr 15, 2012 10:57 PM

Jul 2007
Where'd the first one go?
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Apr 15, 2012 11:01 PM

Nov 2011
Splitter said:
Where'd the first one go?

No idea. Most likely got removed by a mod.
Apr 15, 2012 11:15 PM

Jan 2012

And actually you guys should quit your bitching, many of you were complaining in the manga discussion that how lame was the HAPPY END ( like the hammer shit) and want the anime to get a different ending. Now they didn't show the hammer, and you guys are fucking bitching ? What the fuck is with haters.

BTW, Long hair= +100.
Kappa-ingApr 17, 2012 12:14 AM
Actually glad that nepal is facing disaster
Apr 16, 2012 12:26 AM

Mar 2010
That was actually a pretty nice ending, but good lord if there's actually gonna be a season 2 >_>
Apr 16, 2012 12:33 AM
May 2009
I liked the way the ending was done in the TV season. The way it's only hinted at how Yuuno comes instead of the HAMMER left a mysterious feeling rather than a WTFISTHISSHIT impression.
Apr 16, 2012 12:39 AM
Jun 2007
Welp, I liked it. Don't know why people are complaining in this thread about a second season If you don't like it, just don't watch it.
Apr 16, 2012 12:46 AM
May 2011
Where's my Deus Ex Machina ending?
Apr 16, 2012 12:52 AM

May 2010
So why apocalypse doesn't occur on 3rd world?
Apr 16, 2012 1:03 AM
Feb 2012
I started crying while I watched it, their goodbye was so sad.

Oddly Yukkii looks good with long hair.

Is there going to be an OVA? I wanted to see her actually appear, instead of just that little bit they gave us at the end.

Or will there be a second season? Whole new round of people? Or what?

Overall, I'd give the entire anime 10/10.
Apr 16, 2012 1:14 AM

Dec 2011
the ending was AMAZING!!!

after all the crazy bullsh*t and mindf*cks, i was so happy to see all the diary holders ending up with such happy lives in the third world, seriously wanted to cry of happiness..... except for the third world yuki ad yuno not ending up together

as happy as it was, it only felt more incomplete that yukkii and yuno ever met again. it wouldve only been right because it WAS their love that saved that world anyways :/

but yuno's cry for yukkii at the end gave me a small gleam of hope

overall, this series was just SO GOOD 10/10

<img src="" />
Apr 16, 2012 1:16 AM
Nov 2008
So everyone lives happily ever after in the 3rd world, and Yuki pouts for 10000 years. It just felt...boring really. I guess this wasn't the kind of series where I wanted to see a happy ending, and watching Yuki look pathetic wasn't satisfying either. Personally, I liked the 2nd Yuno twist, but I would have liked to see the story resolved without the 3rd world. Things just started to get way too convoluted after jumping back in time. Overall, I'd say it was a good series with some good characters and some great moments, but an underwhelming ending. I'll give it an 8.5/10, and round up to 9 since I'd probably recommend the series to most people anyway.
Apr 16, 2012 1:16 AM

May 2011
The ending was a bit uneventful to me. Not too bad though, couldn't see it being great anyways. Other than that, I had a lot of fun watching this. ^^

8/10 for the awesome moments it had early on and for keeping it somewhat exciting throughout the rest.
-Kenshin-Apr 16, 2012 1:22 AM
Apr 16, 2012 1:27 AM

Mar 2009
The first half was decent. Didn't like the second half.
Apr 16, 2012 1:27 AM

Dec 2008
The sense of mystery behind the anime ending was done ALOT better than the utterly disappointing ending that the manga decided to show. Sometimes things left off as a mystery just seems to trigger a better impact.
Apr 16, 2012 1:31 AM

Dec 2009
I have heard that the manga ending was complete shit. Why didn't I see it here?
I thought this was a nice ending and one of the better episodes as of late.
I actually slmost cried when Yuno stabbed herself xD

This was a good show which could have been so much better. Some stupid episodes but overall very enjoyable.
and WTF with the thing after the ED.

5/5 for this episode and 7/10 overall.

Sent with Mal Updater
Apr 16, 2012 1:35 AM

Feb 2010
like the manga the show started pretty good but with every step closer to end the plot dropped more and more and the ending was just lame imo 8/10.
Apr 16, 2012 1:36 AM

Oct 2008
What the fuck even happened in this episode? None of the events that happened made any sense at all.
Apr 16, 2012 1:43 AM

Apr 2011
Wow, this series could of been so much better.... but it was enjoyable
Apr 16, 2012 1:44 AM
Aug 2010
Eh... 2nd world Yuki ended up quite pathetic.

Just read the manga last chapter and wow... it is so bad.
ResourceApr 16, 2012 1:57 AM
Apr 16, 2012 1:52 AM

Sep 2011
good episode,happy ending!!! NOT!!!

Well they did a good job adapting the final part of the manga the keep the emotion of Yuno vs Yuno talk and i really liked how they show every Diary member future change
Good to see everyone again in a way,12th capturing 3th my favorite.

Mur Mur 2 owning Mur Mur 1 still makes me laught of how the author made us now who is witch.....nothing like a big number on the face!!

Well the YunoxYukki last scene was good Yukki was like a boss on that scene and in the end Yuno couldnt do it at the end even so Yuno stabbing herself had for me better emotion in the manga maybe because i knew it was going to happen it wasnt that emotive still was good...YUNOOOOOO!!!

What happen after all in the Third World i really like the way they show what happen to everyone,Minene staying with Nishijima and her weird flying creatures,12th visiting 3th,Tsubiki and her cute sleeping face,5th and his parents,Marco and Ai married and waiting a child,Kurusu happy with his family and the most WTF of all....8th going out with 11th.....just WTF.

Well Yuno got her friends and happy with her family and Yukki have his parent together and dating Makaba...also i want my Mur Mur for my cellphone also!!!

Now...the ending for those who dont know it really wasnt any big difference of the manga....i most say the manga had the same flat ending as the anime did maybe the "Hammer time" but i really it wasnt that big change....still is a big disappointed ending as in the manga.

Well it was a nice run the adaptation was good beyond the rushed 11th Arc but really liked what they did in the third world arc,the animation was ok,the OST not bad really like the OP and ED specially the first OP,the characters are just great specially Arise,Yuno and Minene,and good story...before the end.

Got a solid 9/10 besides the ending will miss my "Yandere Sunday" with epic Yuno,it was a nice run and will be miss T__T

Now lets see WTF are they going to show us in "NEXT PROJECT" Paradox??The Hammer ending???Original Ending??? or...FANSERVICE??? will see....
Apr 16, 2012 2:07 AM
Jul 2008
McCly said:
So why apocalypse doesn't occur on 3rd world?

This is what I want to know. Did they explain anywhere what prevented the 3rd world from ending like the other two? Didn't someone need to take over for when Deus died?
Apr 16, 2012 2:10 AM

Feb 2011
Great episode. Shame the manga ending will be reflected in the upcoming project. I was kinda hoping the ending would have been changed from the manga. The happy ending out of nowhere was pretty lame.

9/10 for the series
Apr 16, 2012 2:10 AM

Oct 2011
strange ending for a very enjoyable series - i guess it all makes a twisted sort of sense though: yukiteru took up yuno's burden of godhead/eternal hell by becoming god because of his love - ain't karma a bitch? incredibly sad i don't have this to look forward to every week, but all things must end, and hopefully the new project will be another anime, although where they'd take that i have no idea...
Apr 16, 2012 2:52 AM
Jan 2012
catt101 said:
I started crying while I watched it, their goodbye was so sad.

Oddly Yukkii looks good with long hair.

Is there going to be an OVA? I wanted to see her actually appear, instead of just that little bit they gave us at the end.

Or will there be a second season? Whole new round of people? Or what?

Overall, I'd give the entire anime 10/10.

I doubt there will be a second season for this show since the anime adaption from the manga are complete and there is no more follow ups on it. And i doubt hat Sakae Esuno will continue with this but if he did it would probably be new characthers and beginning of a new survival game.
Apr 16, 2012 2:53 AM

Jan 2011
well i guess it was kinda a happy ending? in away.. at least he got to see her in the end but you would think he would move on after a few years! but nope

8/10 for a enjoyable series even if it got a dumb in the second half at times wonder what their next project is lol was thinking it was a sequel for some reason.
Apr 16, 2012 2:57 AM
Jan 2012
katsu044 said:
well i guess it was kinda a happy ending? in away.. at least he got to see her in the end but you would think he would move on after a few years! but nope

8/10 for a enjoyable series even if it got a dumb in the second half at times wonder what their next project is lol was thinking it was a sequel for some reason.

I hope the next projekt will be Sakae Esunos other manga that i have read Big Order its pretty good and would like to se and anime of that but its still publishing and probably far from done.
Apr 16, 2012 3:02 AM
Nov 2011
nwizard2 said:
McCly said:
So why apocalypse doesn't occur on 3rd world?

This is what I want to know. Did they explain anywhere what prevented the 3rd world from ending like the other two? Didn't someone need to take over for when Deus died?

The left out the final part of the Manga, it´s not much but it helps to understand the Anime ending.
In the Manga the 3rd World Yuno remembers Yukki because her memories were kept by mur mur,and given to 3rd world Yuno but because Mur mur´s and yuno´s memories were all mixed up it took a little longer. Maybe 2 Years for 3rd world Yuno, 10.000 for 2nd world Yukki, and thanks to Deus and Mur mur she smashes the wall of space-time with a hammer and reunites with 2nd world yukki.Deus tells Yukki that the 3rd world also faces destruction and Yukki and Yuno succed him as god (Well actually Yukki was already god of the 2nd world.)
Apr 16, 2012 3:06 AM

Jan 2011
Oh wow, this final episode was awesome. They adapted this from the manga really well. That scene where Murmur from the 2nd world freezes the bullet and Yuuki catching Yuno in his arms was awesome. Man the music really set the mood, very emotional. Gotta fucking love Yuno in this episode, oh man. <3 I could keep watching that scene over and over again. That kiss, dayum, those tears... I admit I teared up a bit during that part. xD Good to see everyone else's lives in the 3rd world. Lmao @ Uryuu Minene's floating baby. xD Also, I never noticed in the manga but, Murmur from the 1st world survived and is acting as 3rd world's Yuno's keychain? :O

It ended pretty cheesy with the Mirai Nikki diary changing once again with the 3rd world Yuno coming to see Yuki, only hinting it. D: Ah well, it's better than have the more disappointing ending in the manga. xD
Overall, I really loved Mirai Nikki. Giving it a 9/10. Yuno in the final episode was gold. :D

Oh wow, next project?! Could it be an adaptation of Paradox and Mosaic? If so, that'd be awesome, since I haven't read those yet. Or maybe it's about that live-action series. Who knows? At least we're still getting some more Mirai Nikki? :D
Apr 16, 2012 3:38 AM

Dec 2009
This anime started out interesting, became painful due to Yuuki's pathetic behavior, and a few mindfucks later became interesting once again. I'm still not sure what I think about the ending, but these last few episodes have increased my liking of the show since certain episodes around the middle. Overall, still a pretty unique anime, and I'm glad the gore wasn't forced when it wasn't needed.
Apr 16, 2012 3:41 AM

Feb 2011
second season?
Apr 16, 2012 3:44 AM

Oct 2010
Whatever happened to the first world? Was it completely destroyed when the first Yuno (then God of it) left?
Apr 16, 2012 4:04 AM
Mar 2012
We only know that the first world yuno fled to the second after yukki died there...

Perhaps the author just ignored it.
Apr 16, 2012 4:11 AM

Sep 2011
I don't care about the criticisms for this episode, this is just awesome. Mirai Nikki has its own flaws, though major, but still it's a better love story than Twilight. Just saying.
Apr 16, 2012 4:40 AM
Sep 2011
The last episode was good but overall a pretty bad show. Yukiteru must be one of the most annoying male character ever. 6 out of 10 in rating and that is only because i liked Yuno. If she was not in it i would give it a much lower score.

edit: rating dropped to 4 after some thinking....
HellhammarApr 16, 2012 1:55 PM
Apr 16, 2012 4:42 AM

Jul 2008
This dropped from my first to my second favourite, but it's not like that's a massive leap.

I was just a bit pissed that Yuki loved Yuno after being kidnapped by her and being treated like total crap, but what can you do? He's a weak character, and he lost his parents...but he was weak before that too.

If it weren't for Yuki's character and the immaturity of their 'romance' (okay they're like 14 but still), I'd have stuck with giving this a 10, but I still really enjoyed the action, twists and time leaps.

Apr 16, 2012 5:29 AM

Apr 2010
Yuki was just a god damn pussy, Yuno was pretty cool but it got fucking old after a few episodes, direction was ass, animation was okay but started to suck at the end...

I just don't see anything good in this anime.

Apr 16, 2012 5:40 AM

Feb 2012
i cried like a baby 10/10
Apr 16, 2012 5:44 AM

Feb 2008
A fine ending, a bit depressing though.
Apr 16, 2012 5:45 AM
Jun 2008
finally after this yea so much all things indeed most of is still ONORE DECADE yet things sorta end mix-ok of hmm?

yuki still in ball dream world gonig watch star with parents
murmur trying keep it all quite heal 3rd world yuno''s dad & tell yuno get rid of her 3rd version.
yuno looking at 3rd version of self then see she awake then tell harsh future of what could be.
then 3rd yuno said you're wrong give her parents issues one day still care.
yuno more bit confuse about she said then something happening from the dream ball.
where yuki said he can't go cause of something.
meanwhile cops arrive see damage notice someone with 3rd yuno's mom see husband.
murmur all panic tell yuno do it cause random changes.
9th all hurt see 3rd Nishijima wonder have he seen her.
more cameo of 3rd world's 6th & etc notice bomb & stop the evil person, 5th all nappy with parents together, mask 12th caught 3rd, 10th & hinata all together with dogs, big 8th get call to meet mayor 11th, 7th called to check back to nap, & mayor 11th cancel it cause he saw future being "bye-bye" with telling deus yea new idea to work.
murmur more panic to do yet yuno want yuki.
go stab but her 3rd world's dad to save block.
yuki said he got something do cause for that "female".
then yuno see her 3rd world parents together worry on 3rd yuno.
while dream world yuki's parents understand yuki must do.
then after dream world parents saying with go with heart leads.
yuno going what to do go charge 3rd world then yuki scream yuno!!!
3rd world cop shoot then yuki shout YUNO!!! to unleash 2nd murmur?!
to block bullet & save catch yuno.
yea murmur going what is 2nd world murmur who murmur lock-up in ball dream.
so grab & reveal no.1 on bandage on murmur-1.
now all look safe & well then give one more thing to do yuno stab herself to stay.
& get kiss of yuki cause of that game set yuki & murmur 2 return to their world.
give 2nd world is safe still damage give yuki bit sad.

some time later in 3rd world
9th now stuck in 3rd world see world self on the loose now with Nishijima & have kids also fly!!!
random cameos 4th cop calling Nishijima with his kid all ok, 12th visit jailed 3rd, 7th got "bun oven", happy 5th, 6th napping with parents put blanket she all happy happy, big 8th & mayor 11th on a date?! , staredown with kosuda & dog with hinata, mao, akise, & 10th, deus & murmur-3 see all hmm from other world is gone.
3rd yuno showing phone with pic family all good.
then see 3rd yuki with parents all together with female look like yuki's mom.
oh her phone now got murmur-1 on it.

back in world 2
yuki all wonder how 3rd world with murmur 2 all bored for 10000 years with long & look at phone.
then some wonder saying then show phone "new message" & light is shown?!

"next project starting!"

ok now yea after watching is all yea whole series indeed very so hmm-hmm must see dub version of it & yet it "next project" hmm i wonder could be something either continue, spin-off, etc (give live action on the way).

overall yea all this indeed so much ONORE DECADE for this yet worth a watch.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Apr 16, 2012 5:50 AM

Jan 2012
I think I would've preferred actually seeing Yuno over reading it off that diary at the very very very end
Apr 16, 2012 5:56 AM

Mar 2011
not really satisfied 5/10
Apr 16, 2012 5:58 AM

Jul 2010
this end.... is so incomplete
the manga showed more
Apr 16, 2012 6:00 AM

Dec 2010
Can't decide if 8 or 9.
Apr 16, 2012 6:01 AM

Aug 2010
Derp this ending is so much better than the manga in my opinion albeit only few changes (lol hammer)
Flying baby got animated, that's all that matters LOL and all the happy endings I guess well except Akise if you take into account his love
Was hoping Yukiteru meeting with Yuno again was animated but eh it's obvious enough lol
I liked the ride and felt the ending was actually pretty good, 10/10 for me
Apr 16, 2012 6:15 AM

Jan 2012
10/10 for sheer entertainment.

7/10 overall (animation, adaptation, direction, seiyuu voices, etc)

20/10 for trolling the manga readers for 6 months of trolling the anime-only watchers with not-so-subtle insinuations at a "smashing time" or "hammering" jokes.

Apr 16, 2012 6:18 AM

Dec 2010
Prefer the hammer part because was much better for a happy ending but well, this end adaption was not bad at all.

8/10 overall.
Apr 16, 2012 6:19 AM

May 2011
Ah it's over...for now.

Apr 16, 2012 6:20 AM
Jun 2010
nwizard2 said:
McCly said:
So why apocalypse doesn't occur on 3rd world?

This is what I want to know. Did they explain anywhere what prevented the 3rd world from ending like the other two? Didn't someone need to take over for when Deus died?

This is addressed in the ending of the manga.
Apr 16, 2012 6:37 AM

Jul 2011
Ending of Mirai Nikki (TV) now to wait for that so called "Project" <3

In 3rd world Yuno got feeling like she forgotten something important to her.. hmm

Well anyway, it was great to watch such great anime with so many twists and blood :D


"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
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