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Mar 18, 2012 2:13 PM
kenshin90991 said: First off, I hate Louise, it really doesnt matter how you want to spin it she chose to be selfish and send saito away even though saito was probably ready to do what he could (die). She neglected to ask him how he felt and what he wanted to do and instead THOUGHT that it would be better off if he went back home. This is why is effed up 1) someone mentioned time, unless time flows differently there hes been gone for a while, the damage done to those he knew on earth in regards to him going missing has already been done. He likely wont have a home or stuff and nothing to eat so the reality of death still lingers regardless of the world its just in the other one at least he could be with louise until the end. 2) the old saying, sometimes its worse to not be able to do anything at all. well in this case they probably will die and he wont have been able to do anything instead hes just going to have to forget his feelings and experiences in that world... kinda messed up 3) They spent 4 seasons explaining why their bonds were so strong. if louise cant accept the fact that saito would rather be dead with her than forget her it was a great disservice to the people who sat through this and expected to see them work together. Alot of people are going to be like "well she's right she loved him so much that she let him go," and to me thats nothing more than an excuse. If you really love someone then you would want to be with them NO MATTER WHAT why because love is unconditional. Obviously the last 3 seasons ordeals meant nothing since in the end she was ok with sending him back (she was because she did it no matter how sad she was she still did it and that means she was willing to cut ties to him) i do dislike louise now As for taking a military fighter, ha, while i admit it would be cool it would also NOT work. like many have said he wouldn't be able to get close to a jet let alone get it in the air before they blew him out of the sky.... realistically..... but this isnt reality, so i support him getting a cool jet and flying it back, this means he sneaks his way onto a military installation manages to get on the runway while it clear, avoid the jets that are probably diverted from their patrol to deal with him and make it back not to mention the jet probably isnt armed, so hed have to operate something to carry his ordinance to the wing mounts all while being stealthy... this is where the 2nd problem starts Targets for jets are done through a network, a jet cannot just lock onto what it wants. so once it gets to the other world there is no IFF, there are no targets programmed into his targeting pod (unless he plans on using smart bombs not Air to Air Missiles). basically all his ordinance once in the new world would pretty much not fire making it kind of useless.... gg Zero no Tsukaima gg have to disagree ... I mean she did it to save him thats 1 and also .. shes NOT selfish at all as she still loves him but decided to let go of him .. cause she wanted him to live .. rlly louise is the best but she should get him back though but she just cared for his safety only which is the sweetest thing actually... instead of being selfish and keeping him with her for the sake of loving him for a tiny moment |
Mar 18, 2012 2:15 PM
asdf75965 said: I'm not sure how they are going to end this, but all the possibilities seem a little awkward. 1) Harem ending - this would obviously be the worst type of ending, but unfortunately its probably the most likely one. 2) Saito dies addz-sapphire said: Finally is it just me that hopes Saito will make it back help and then die... i want it to end badly. I can't say that I want this to happen, but it is at least than a harem ending. 3) Saito marrying Louise - this ending would be good but there are a few problems with it. Firstly, how are they going to stop the other girls from constantly interfering? I guess one way would be to have the dragon kill them but that's highly unlikely :P. Secondly, where would they live? If they both stayed in Louise's world then wouldn't Saito's parents be sad? (in the light novels it shows that Saito's parents email him everyday and are still looking for him) they can't go between the worlds easily because that uses up Saito's powers. Also, if Louise went to Saito's world then her family would be sad. 4) The dragon winning - judging by the endings from the previous seasons, not likely. 5) Saito gets sent back to his own world after Tiffa erases everyone's memories of Saito and Saito's memory of Louise. - I doubt they would make the ending this depressing. At least I hope they won't. Therefore the most probable ending is Harem ending where Saito stays in Louise's world. They will probably just ignore Saito's parents. oh and also.... Thatsjustpeachy said: Yumekichi11 said: Yeah that is what really got my hear going emotionally but alas I can't believe she let go of Saito's hand! This is a true disastrous move of the studio. I do not see anything else but a miracle but of how and what would be nice to see. I had that emotional outburst at first and then i was like "wait a second". I just think that the World Door can just allow them to rejoin together like when Saito was kidnapped by the elfs. So if Louise is like "hmm I miss Saito, lets have him come back" she can just use the portal again(I'm pretty sure this is possible). This just all feels flawed, maybe im the only that feels this way though. me too!! That part was much better in the light novels. It feels less natural in the anime. doubt it ... as tiffa saw how much they loved each other plus the others as well and saying they would make the same choice ... hoping that they both will go in saitos world so no interferring of the rest or else get their own mansion for rl instead of sharing and ban them from their house |
Mar 18, 2012 2:40 PM
mecha mecha daisuki... demo demo mukatsuku.... last ep next, more sad I won't get to hear this ending song. I really hope I can either purchase and/or at least read ZnT's novels. |
Mar 18, 2012 2:41 PM
Chloe-tsundere said: hoping that they both will go in saitos world so no interferring of the rest or else get their own mansion for rl instead of sharing and ban them from their house Louise can't read Japanese which might cause some problems and don't they already have their own mansion? |
Mar 18, 2012 3:03 PM
LonerGoth said: mecha mecha daisuki... demo demo mukatsuku.... last ep next, more sad I won't get to hear this ending song. I really hope I can either purchase and/or at least read ZnT's novels. You probably already know this, but i'll say it anyways just in case. You can find the first 14 (almost) volumes translated here Enjoy! :) |
Mar 18, 2012 3:23 PM
He goes against whole armies and can hold them off pretty damn well. Gets laid out by three thugs... That's just silly. Shaping up to be a decent ending I think. I wonder what they will do with it, is it going to be an original ending? I mean the light novels are still ongoing so that confuses me. This series is too happy go lucky to be a bittersweet or sad ending. So no worries there. |
Mar 18, 2012 3:39 PM
I bet Saito will travel to russia, steals a plane and somehow penetrates the barrier between the worlds. Probably flying to sun eclipse. |
Do you think this is a motherfucking game? |
Mar 18, 2012 3:57 PM
Chloe-tsundere said: have to disagree ... I mean she did it to save him thats 1 and also .. shes NOT selfish at all as she still loves him but decided to let go of him .. cause she wanted him to live .. rlly louise is the best but she should get him back though but she just cared for his safety only which is the sweetest thing actually... instead of being selfish and keeping him with her for the sake of loving him for a tiny moment Again im not sure if you've gone through it, but how is it fair to make him live while he knows he will never see her again? Is that not torture in itself? Not to mention that just because she put him back in his world doesnt mean things are going to be better. He could end up dying alone in a alley. I guess in the end it gets me because SHE LITERALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT FOR ONE NIGHT if even that... anyone who is willing to make such a large decision in such a short amount of time either had to be thinking about it prior (probably doesnt apply) or is extremely selfish. look at saito, clearly he wants to be with her but did she care about his feelings at all? obviously not |
Mar 18, 2012 4:04 PM
Allow me to gloat with my predictions from the last thread a moment: Unahim said: I thought someone else would've thought about this by now, but... seems not. So, we've got 3 facts to work with: Fact 1: The Pope didn't jump when he easily could have. Fact 2: The Dragon chose to eat the Pope instead of go lazorbeam on him. Fact 3: 'Something' changed in the Dragon when it ate the Pope. From this I draw the following logical conclusions: - The Dragon is able to sense Void Mages.(it was mentioned by one of the knights that something seemed to be attracting it to them... and it was headed for Romalia, where 3 Void Mages were present) - The Dragon either powers up if it eats Void Mages, or -really- likes their taste.(and his eyes either change colour if he powers up, or when he gets his eating fetish fired up) - The Pope knew about this and knew that even if he jumped off, the Dragon would sense it and go after him. Thus pushing Julio off and -not- jumping himself was the only way to give Julie even a remote chance. Also, I'd like to introduce some logics to people who say things like: ahmed_great2005 said: Saito got beat up & here I thought that he has become stronger... Yeah, Saito has become stronger in 2 things: Using his Gandalfr powers, and basic sword-fighting even without it. Please tell me why you think either of those skills would help him win a 3 on 1 fist fight. My prediction for next episode: The news in Japan announces there will be an eclipse, Saito steals a plane and flies into the eclipse, gets transported back to Helkeginia(or whatever it is called), saves the day. |
Mar 18, 2012 5:08 PM
Unahim said: Yeah, Saito has become stronger in 2 things: Using his Gandalfr powers, and basic sword-fighting even without it. Please tell me why you think either of those skills would help him win a 3 on 1 fist fight. My prediction for next episode: The news in Japan announces there will be an eclipse, Saito steals a plane and flies into the eclipse, gets transported back to Helkeginia(or whatever it is called), saves the day. Not that anime really has to follow logic or anything, but I was doing some wiki research and there isn't an actual Japan Air Force base in Tokyo, there is one close by in Saitama though that does have fighter aircraft. Air Support Command is in Tokyo but they mostly deal with helicopters and cargo planes, but it is possible Saito "finds" an interceptor there out of the blue. There is also Hyakuri Air Base 53 miles northeast of Tokyo and an air show is held there yearly. The Hyakuri Air Base also has fighter aircraft, more specifically the F-4EJ and F-15 Eagle. Every other air field is much further away than those two and would likely not be possible to reach quickly, however the US Air Bases would have really badass planes! One way they could get around this is by having an Airshow close by and having Saito hijack a plane after infiltrating as a pilot or something. I agree with you that the eclipse theory is the best one so far, there is no way the World Door could open up far enough to allow a fighter jet through. Personally I kinda hope Saito gets his grubby hands on something badass like a F-22 or F-117A, which would be totally awesome.... but I think it is far more likely they would use something the Japanese are more familiar with like the F-15,which is suitably more badass than the F-4 considering the F-15 has no battle losses (in dogfights). Here's to hoping JC Staff does something wicked for the last episode and battle! |
Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work. |
Mar 18, 2012 5:11 PM
Mar 18, 2012 6:45 PM
I don't understand why JC Staff can't make a GOOD ending. It's gonna be the same harem bullshit like in season 2, he comes back, embraces Louise, mentions big breasts , gets hurt by Louise, and gets seduced by Siesta and Tiffa. God freaking dammit, they need to end it PROPERLY, something that won't hurt the other girl's feelings in the harem too much, but will assure you that Saito and Louise will stay together forever. Man, Saito's gotta resist the boobs, he already said he likes Louise's small ones better, so why does he keep acting like a perv? Fhudge, I better be pleased with the ending, otherwise, they gotta make a 5TH season, DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT IT BEING THE LAST, or a movie, OVA, SOMETHING. It's gonna suck to see this anime go :( |
Mar 18, 2012 6:59 PM
Has the anime caught up with the light novel/passed it, or is it not going by the light novel? |
Mar 18, 2012 7:19 PM
The LN is still ongoing. If this is truly the end to the anime, then it will be an original ending. It seems it has already deviated significantly from the LN based on other comments. Note that time flows differently in Halkegenia--based on the elapsed time since the human migration and the various intrusions of artifacts from Saito's world, it looks like at least a 3 to 1 faster time rate there. Saito won't have been gone nearly as long as he's experienced. I think there is a plot hole if he flies a modern sophisticated jet. He did learn how to pilot a Zero, but I suspect piloting a modern jet requires a little more training. My money is on Tabitha and Henrietta becoming the final two void mages and Saito being summoned as their familiar as well (which would also nicely complete the harem ending). |
Please don't feed the trolls! In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student carrying a piece of toast in her mouth...rodac |
Mar 18, 2012 7:32 PM
Next episode prediction - Bad end + Forever alone ending. They fight the dragon and lose which leads to the destruction of their world. Meanwhile, Saito will still be traumatized by the events. He will never get over the fact that he got locked out of his harem, unable to return. On top of that, his family will have forsaken him for he has been gone far too long. Truly a wonderful end. |
Mar 18, 2012 8:01 PM
CrimsonLight said: Next episode prediction - Bad end + Forever alone ending. They fight the dragon and lose which leads to the destruction of their world. Meanwhile, Saito will still be traumatized by the events. He will never get over the fact that he got locked out of his harem, unable to return. On top of that, his family will have forsaken him for he has been gone far too long. Truly a wonderful end. Not gonna lie, this ending would put Zero no tsukaima on Evangelion status. "It was all a dream" would make a good ending also IMO. How the hell did he plan on getting a plane? |
[center] |
Mar 18, 2012 9:06 PM
How the fuck are they going to smash everything into 1 episode? |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Mar 18, 2012 9:11 PM
Great episode, totally knew Louise was going to let go and leave him in his world. Saito being beaten by 3 street thugs, come on now, that's crazy talk. Worst possible ending. Saito brings a plane back, Louise and Saito are on the plane fighting the dragon. Saitou kamikaze's the plane in traditional Japanese style, both of them die and the world lives happily ever after. I know it's not going to happen, but I've had my string of terrible endings lately :) ME3, MSN, etc. |
Mar 18, 2012 10:16 PM
kenshin90991 said: Chloe-tsundere said: have to disagree ... I mean she did it to save him thats 1 and also .. shes NOT selfish at all as she still loves him but decided to let go of him .. cause she wanted him to live .. rlly louise is the best but she should get him back though but she just cared for his safety only which is the sweetest thing actually... instead of being selfish and keeping him with her for the sake of loving him for a tiny moment Again im not sure if you've gone through it, but how is it fair to make him live while he knows he will never see her again? Is that not torture in itself? Not to mention that just because she put him back in his world doesnt mean things are going to be better. He could end up dying alone in a alley. I guess in the end it gets me because SHE LITERALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT FOR ONE NIGHT if even that... anyone who is willing to make such a large decision in such a short amount of time either had to be thinking about it prior (probably doesnt apply) or is extremely selfish. look at saito, clearly he wants to be with her but did she care about his feelings at all? obviously not If you're Saito then it's easy for you to drag Louise because you've adjusted to both worlds. Louise, however cannot leave because it would be hard to adjust in Saito's world. At least with Saito leaving the world, for now, he will not carry the burden of killing the dragon. I find it kind for Louise to refuse rather than go with Saito. How could Saito die in an alley if he knows where to go home? I bet he wouldn't get lost in the city. Challenge for him is how could he find a plane which would fit into the gate. |
Mar 18, 2012 10:59 PM
I don't even need to be a critic to know that the next episode will be rushed. |
Mar 19, 2012 12:28 AM
See, episode 10 should have been like ... episode 4. Then the season might've been a bit better off. Seriously, wtf was up with those mercenary guys randomly showing up to help all of a sudden? Why were they enemies in the first place again, I don't even remember. |
Mar 19, 2012 12:48 AM
ciddypoo said: Seriously, wtf was up with those mercenary guys randomly showing up to help all of a sudden? Why were they enemies in the first place again, I don't even remember. they got hired by tabitha to help since they are mercenaries to begin with. IIRC they were hired by Joseph back in the previous episodes before to steal some mirror thing and kidnap louise. anyways, i am too confuzzled at how this would end, i have no idea how everything would fit in just 1 episode. though, i kinda predict saito getting a weapon/plane/whatever and teleports back with either the eclipse or louise distress call ending up using that world gate thing. meh, i guess i'll have to wait and find out. |
Mar 19, 2012 2:29 AM
Does anyone have any idea if it is following the novel or fucking it? Well, I liked this series when it started, but I have learned not to take it that seriously. |
Mar 19, 2012 5:32 AM
Mar 19, 2012 7:08 AM
ThePrincessRul3z said: kenshin90991 said: First off, I hate Louise, it really doesnt matter how you want to spin it she chose to be selfish and send saito away even though saito was probably ready to do what he could (die). She neglected to ask him how he felt and what he wanted to do and instead THOUGHT that it would be better off if he went back home. This is why is effed up 1) someone mentioned time, unless time flows differently there hes been gone for a while, the damage done to those he knew on earth in regards to him going missing has already been done. He likely wont have a home or stuff and nothing to eat so the reality of death still lingers regardless of the world its just in the other one at least he could be with louise until the end. 2) the old saying, sometimes its worse to not be able to do anything at all. well in this case they probably will die and he wont have been able to do anything instead hes just going to have to forget his feelings and experiences in that world... kinda messed up 3) They spent 4 seasons explaining why their bonds were so strong. if louise cant accept the fact that saito would rather be dead with her than forget her it was a great disservice to the people who sat through this and expected to see them work together. Alot of people are going to be like "well she's right she loved him so much that she let him go," and to me thats nothing more than an excuse. If you really love someone then you would want to be with them NO MATTER WHAT why because love is unconditional. Obviously the last 3 seasons ordeals meant nothing since in the end she was ok with sending him back (she was because she did it no matter how sad she was she still did it and that means she was willing to cut ties to him) i do dislike louise now As for taking a military fighter, ha, while i admit it would be cool it would also NOT work. like many have said he wouldn't be able to get close to a jet let alone get it in the air before they blew him out of the sky.... realistically..... but this isnt reality, so i support him getting a cool jet and flying it back, this means he sneaks his way onto a military installation manages to get on the runway while it clear, avoid the jets that are probably diverted from their patrol to deal with him and make it back not to mention the jet probably isnt armed, so hed have to operate something to carry his ordinance to the wing mounts all while being stealthy... this is where the 2nd problem starts Targets for jets are done through a network, a jet cannot just lock onto what it wants. so once it gets to the other world there is no IFF, there are no targets programmed into his targeting pod (unless he plans on using smart bombs not Air to Air Missiles). basically all his ordinance once in the new world would pretty much not fire making it kind of useless.... gg Zero no Tsukaima gg I see what ur saying It makes alot of sense Fuck you. Louise is delicate and small girl. You just can't understand her feelings. <3 Louise |
Do you think this is a motherfucking game? |
Mar 19, 2012 10:30 AM
Half of me is wanting a good ending, but then the other half is hoping it will end crap just so i can give it a shit rating lol |
Mar 19, 2012 5:26 PM
KazukiUchiha said: Does anyone have any idea if it is following the novel or fucking it? Well, I liked this series when it started, but I have learned not to take it that seriously. They haven't truly kept it close to the LN since it started, to be honest. It has kept about 50% of the story in place and ditched the other half for fanservice/perverted stuff, basically. The first three seasons were fairly close to the LNs in terms of story but after that they really started skipping ahead fast. Saito was supposed to keep his laptop when he came to Halkeginia and that was the first of many mistakes made. To me the biggest mistake ever made was Saito's heroic sacrifice in Albion and how they botched it in the same episode and had him come back that quickly, the LN is far far better for how that turns out. After getting back to school after the war was over, Monmon told Louise to try the Familiar Summon spell (thinking that if he was alive it would not allow her to summon a new familiar, not realizing his runes had worn off due to his death/resurrection) because that would prove if Saito was alive but the gate opened and she thought he was truly dead, so Louise was going to jump off a tower to "meet Saito" again in death but that was averted and then her and Siesta went to search for him instead of being a crybaby in bed. Then Saito asked Agnes (who went searching for him on Henrietta's orders) and Tiffania (who leads Louise and Siesta to Saito's impromptu "grave") to say he was dead to Louise/Henrietta so he could do his own thing because he was no longer Gandalfr. He ended up saving Louise again when she opened a Summon Familiar portal and was calling out for help after being attacked by Sheffield and he got his runes back after that. They really botched it in the anime big time, it was far more epic in the LN! All in all, it took at least a month, probably close to 2 months before she saw Saito again and he did not magically appear in front of the school either, if she hadn't gone to look for him he would not have come back.. /facepalm In fact, the emails he got from his mother is what spurs Louise to send Saito back in the first place, by having the Pope cast the World Door (not Louise) and having Tiffania use her memory erase void spell on Louise to get rid of her memories of Saito, which is the main plot of Vol 13/14. By now we have skipped to Vol 19 and beyond which is where Lukshana shows up and we are in new territory now. A LOT of plot has been skipped overall in the anime and most of it has been character development. Most of what we got in return was fanservice and many filler episodes that don't exist in the LN. Louise actually says "I love you" to Saito a lot earlier in the LN compared to the anime, and no past tense bs either.. Volume 13 Chapter 2 to be exact, they were about to get it on until Tabitha interrupts.. as usual. Again in Volume 18 she offered to have sex with him but he turned her down for some ungodly reason, who knows what Saito is thinking. I guess the author just likes to ship tease every other chapter and wants to prolong the suffering of the hero/heroine. Blah. Honestly, I am not surprised, JC Staff did it with Toaru Majutsu no Index I/II and Railgun as well and the LNs are what you should read if you want character development, but at least the protag and heroine have actually kissed/gone to 2nd base in ZnT, compared to Index they still haven't done anything at all but have sexual tension. I guess it makes sense, Misaka Mikoto is a bit younger than Louise is after all.. |
styrMar 19, 2012 5:58 PM
Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work. |
Mar 19, 2012 5:33 PM
lol it was totaly not there where the first gate opened, it was in the middle of the street they have no fkn idea what to do with the series rofl |
Mar 19, 2012 5:57 PM
Mar 19, 2012 6:23 PM
styr said: Again in Volume 18 she offered to have sex with him but he turned her down for some ungodly reason, who knows what Saito is thinking. I guess the author just likes to ship tease every other chapter and wants to prolong the suffering of the hero/heroine. Blah. Where can you read volume 18? I can't find it anywhere... :L |
Mar 19, 2012 6:33 PM
who thinks saito find something else instead of a fighter jet? |
Mar 19, 2012 7:32 PM
NewBehtah said: styr said: Again in Volume 18 she offered to have sex with him but he turned her down for some ungodly reason, who knows what Saito is thinking. I guess the author just likes to ship tease every other chapter and wants to prolong the suffering of the hero/heroine. Blah. Where can you read volume 18? I can't find it anywhere... :L Vol. 18 Ch. 1 SPOILERS Can you read Japanese? That's my only advice.. I translated (took me about 5 days to do this as I am still a novice to Japanese) the Chapter 1 part where they were about to do "it" but Saito wants to wait for marriage basically, but they almost did it in a fountain.. lol.. and would have if Saito had not pulled back, literally. Contact had been made (aka he was about to insert it) but not penetration, If you go on BakaTsuki and go to Vol 18 look at the first picture with the naked Louise in the fountain, that is the scene I am talking about. Although the picture shows the early part of the scene and only one of them is naked, she has him wash her in the fountain and they get all deredere to each other. They were essentially as close as you can get to having sex without actually having sex, Louise says something about it being "half in" when gloating to Siesta |
Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work. |
Mar 19, 2012 8:01 PM
prismheart said: I'm predicting that by the end of next episode Saito will be embraced by another girl other than Louise and Louise will get mad and zap him, like always. 100% true |
Mar 19, 2012 9:07 PM
styr said: Vol. 18 Ch. 1 SPOILERS Can you read Japanese? That's my only advice.. I translated (took me about 5 days to do this as I am still a novice to Japanese) the Chapter 1 part where they were about to do "it" but Saito wants to wait for marriage basically, but they almost did it in a fountain.. lol.. and would have if Saito had not pulled back, literally. Contact had been made (aka he was about to insert it) but not penetration, If you go on BakaTsuki and go to Vol 18 look at the first picture with the naked Louise in the fountain, that is the scene I am talking about. Although the picture shows the early part of the scene and only one of them is naked, she has him wash her in the fountain and they get all deredere to each other. They were essentially as close as you can get to having sex without actually having sex, Louise says something about it being "half in" when gloating to Siesta *sigh*.... I'm learning Japanese, it's been almost a year since I started. This is definitely a HUGE reason as to why I started anyway. Reading Japanese books, and watching Japanese TV. Thank you so much for telling me this. Is the novel still being translated? Because so far, it's only up to like chapter 4 in volume 15, and as far as I see, 20 volumes are released... :| There are supposed to be 22 and then the series ends. I just want to be assured if the translation is still continuing, because from what I see, the translations seem to be very far behind... Also, I kinda skipped ahead and started reading at volume 13... are there any other good Saito and Louise moments before that? Would love to know, because so far, it's much deeper than the anime implies :P |
NewBehtahMar 19, 2012 9:10 PM
Mar 19, 2012 10:21 PM
NewBehtah said: *sigh*.... I'm learning Japanese, it's been almost a year since I started. This is definitely a HUGE reason as to why I started anyway. Reading Japanese books, and watching Japanese TV. Thank you so much for telling me this. Is the novel still being translated? Because so far, it's only up to like chapter 4 in volume 15, and as far as I see, 20 volumes are released... :| There are supposed to be 22 and then the series ends. I just want to be assured if the translation is still continuing, because from what I see, the translations seem to be very far behind... Also, I kinda skipped ahead and started reading at volume 13... are there any other good Saito and Louise moments before that? Would love to know, because so far, it's much deeper than the anime implies :P The translation is extremely slow seeing as there is only one person working on it currently. Apparently it was a lot quicker for the first 12 volumes because there was a ton of people working on it but they ended up ditching it to work on Toaru Majutsu no Index and other projects. The current translator is moving at a snail's pace honestly and only 2 volumes have been done in 2 years, so it isn't looking good truthfully. As for other good Saito x Louise moments... Volume 13 is where she finally says the 3 words Saito has been waiting to hear, then promptly has Tiffania memory erase her memories of Saito after seeing Saito crying about emails his mother sent him. This is after she drugs Saito and tells the Pope to send him back via the World Door, but if he had gone through the portal the Pope would have killed him with a pistol. Louise gets all cocky after being memory wiped and being declared a Saint and ends up being saved by Saito again (in a tank) and the power of looove returns her memories back with a kiss. Cliche to the max. The entire arc lasts from Vol 13 until the end of Vol 14. If you really want to see a memorable scene between those two, you will want to read Vol 7 Ch 9/10 and Vol 8, as that involves Saito's sacrifice in Albion after being "married" to Louise and the search for him by Agnes and later Louise/Siesta. It is very touching especially in the later chapters of Vol 8, when Louise/Siesta reach Westwood village. I really hated how they handled this entire situation in the anime, I ranted about it in one of my previous posts in this thread that is full of spoilers. Supposedly the last two volumes are being released this year. And yes the anime totally skips over a lot of things including her Illusion spell that she uses in the LN. |
Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work. |
Mar 20, 2012 1:04 PM
styr said: The translation is extremely slow seeing as there is only one person working on it currently. Apparently it was a lot quicker for the first 12 volumes because there was a ton of people working on it but they ended up ditching it to work on Toaru Majutsu no Index and other projects. The current translator is moving at a snail's pace honestly and only 2 volumes have been done in 2 years, so it isn't looking good truthfully. As for other good Saito x Louise moments... Volume 13 is where she finally says the 3 words Saito has been waiting to hear, then promptly has Tiffania memory erase her memories of Saito after seeing Saito crying about emails his mother sent him. This is after she drugs Saito and tells the Pope to send him back via the World Door, but if he had gone through the portal the Pope would have killed him with a pistol. Louise gets all cocky after being memory wiped and being declared a Saint and ends up being saved by Saito again (in a tank) and the power of looove returns her memories back with a kiss. Cliche to the max. The entire arc lasts from Vol 13 until the end of Vol 14. If you really want to see a memorable scene between those two, you will want to read Vol 7 Ch 9/10 and Vol 8, as that involves Saito's sacrifice in Albion after being "married" to Louise and the search for him by Agnes and later Louise/Siesta. It is very touching especially in the later chapters of Vol 8, when Louise/Siesta reach Westwood village. I really hated how they handled this entire situation in the anime, I ranted about it in one of my previous posts in this thread that is full of spoilers. Supposedly the last two volumes are being released this year. And yes the anime totally skips over a lot of things including her Illusion spell that she uses in the LN. Damn, that's a big bummer... I guess all I can really do is continue learning and buy the novels from somewhere... It sucks that the translators all abandoned, and I was just getting into the story, too :( |
Mar 24, 2012 11:21 PM
Mar 25, 2012 10:45 PM
Mar 26, 2012 5:52 PM
I have a feeling Louise is going to try and fail, Summon saito and that's it he'll save the day, and die the hero, and then the ancient dragon will rise once more, gobble Tiffa, and then Louise will use her ultimate spell which will destroy everything around, herself included. Their world will be saved, but there will be no Void user known left around. |
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day. |
Mar 26, 2012 9:59 PM
For what the sesries have done so far, it is acceptable for such a situation to come like this. It's really ok to me However, I still can't think of how they will end everything in just one more episode. |
Mar 26, 2012 10:21 PM
Saito is obviously going to somehow come back next episode. |
![]() |
Apr 13, 2012 6:01 PM
SergioSource said: lol it was totaly not there where the first gate opened, it was in the middle of the street they have no fkn idea what to do with the series rofl Maybe his memory isn't perfect? =O If it was me, I wouldn't really remember perfectly. |
![]() "I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika |
Apr 19, 2012 8:34 AM
There's a lot of things I'd like to say about this, but I'll settle with agreeing with the guy that rooted for the dragon. |
GuZApr 19, 2012 10:10 AM
Apr 21, 2012 11:17 AM
So, Saito agreed to get a plane from his world? How exactly was he planning to do that? o.O |
Apr 26, 2012 7:33 PM
May 11, 2012 6:29 PM
so uh ... Saito finally gets to go home, and in a super convenient way after all this time. now finally being back in Japan and he gets left on the roof of some random building. how did he even get down? he shows no real reaction about finally being home. doesn't the guy want to see his friends? family? something? isn't he curious about what's happened in Japan while he's been gone? what about school? this seems like a major plothole. I mean I know leaving a cool magic world, where you have powers and your own harem would suck. I can already guess how this will end, and for some reason I doubt he'll even visit anyone he knew. |
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