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Dec 11, 2011 6:53 AM

Oct 2010
Once again another excellent episode. Yuno fans will rejoice at Yuno in this episode. While I knew the 4ths BS coming, it was still rather well adapted. Akise continues to be the bomb. With his role and all, all seems much more fun. Such was the case in the manga. Well as long as Yuno is happy it keeps trouble at bay.

About Minene, if the is another thing to appreciate is how lovely Minene was with her 2 eyes. Her MOE was my favourite in the following,

It is was quite EPIC of Minene to show such a nice cute side of hers in the toilet of all places. ROFL! That’s to include her other faces in the spoiler
and you definitely have another side of her. Minene is totally brilliant in mixing 2 TNT sticks/C4 combo for what looks like maximum explosive discharge method. It looks totally balanced to create the most of an explosion and her serious looks were nice. She looked serious with all these explosives so I assume action will start soon enough with her. It was nice to see third again here and Minene looking all serious running around here as she fights against him with great explosions. One thing right away that is good is that Minene has both of her eyes. While Minene continued to be amazing with her faces having both eyes so she was well expressed here as third did throw that knife. Foolish he was to not know it was never enough to go through the door just partially in. Well it was damn brave of Minene to jump out the window and land down. Sadly she does get handcuffed in the spoiler
damn detective partner of fourth, however that landing did result in some breast bouncing among the many fan services that cheered up male fan of Minene particularly.

In regards to Minene’s fan service in the spoiler
multi shots of panties, her ass, breasts that apparently do have the poking nipple gimmick of ecchi except it’s dark and there is even a breast groping accident whom I made a GIF in the club. So suffice to say it’s more than enough despite most of the darkness around those parts. Probably on purpose. Regardless it was satisfying and Minene is damn bold to wear black panties while being a virgin. White is nicer IMO. Anyway third was cool here in the rain. While it was obvious that Mur Mur along with Deus were looking at past footage in the spoiler
since technically third is dead. I kind of digged the Amagami SS reference that just alludes to it but still the girl looked like one of those from that series. While Minene’s serious face here was nice, the dresses here kind gave away how she ended having one in episode 2. Hilarious it was of having a pipe breaking out to shoot water at Minene while seeing it was the comedy. I can still never get enough of Minene’s face here as her having both of her eyes will never be due to what happened in episode 2.

That being said I loved how she got third in the spoiler
her expression there was good and so it was the same when she did it near Mur Mur. While I do think that something was censored here during Minene’s undressing it might not be the case but it was highly strange to suddenly have that as she undressed in the background. However I did think that she killed that detective here. Only to learn that he got saved by his jacket. Minene in regards to that did have a face that is rather questionable. Regret in part perhaps but what I did regret is the detective not having taken her virginity. It would have been better for Minene to experience it before dying should she die in this dangerous game but for many of her fans I am sure they would prefer to see her dead as a virgin if she dies.

About Yuno/Yuki, well certainly it was nice to see Yuki at first and of course Akise here is some amazingly portrayed. Really amazing how he trolled Yuki and he sure is looking at Yuno here. In fact Yuki should be more positive here to eat when being fed by a girl. Loved Yuno’s face here. One of the interesting part of this arc is the following in the spoiler
fourth’s wife!
Could play some role in the future but I am thinking she could be something to use for Yuno should fourth do something to Yuki like he does at the end of the episode. She does have a nice beauty point and does remind of some other character in another anime. I did laugh with those people here as Yuno/Yuki obviously think of themselves as rich people of old age known as Bourgeois. Loved the granny in the spoiler
much more hilarious than the manga version and too bad Yuki at first was not interested in his tuxedo because I think with his blush that he looks damn fine in the spoiler
and in fact Yuno looks even more amazing with her blush and seeing her cry tears of joy was joyful for a change compared to last episode’s shit she did to Mao. One of the things that were more sweet than anything in the Yuno part was the following,

That kiss on the cheek was the best and far outboasted the forefront one of the theme park. While both blushing and Yuno in her dress in the spoiler
looked damn MOE and gorgeous. Yuno walking down the hall was very nice the way she was portrayed. It was quite something to see and Yuki’s faces here where quite nice to laugh at as he was screwed from last’s episode confession.

In thee end, Yuno actually falls asleep to be carried by Yuki. Most likely due to too much excitement. While it was totally a surprise of Akise to be there in the spoiler
along with exploring the big hole whom most likely got digged by Yuno to cover those bodies yet it’s hard to understand how she did all that with demolishing the room itself. Anyway Yuno’s faces in the spoiler
at that time were scary TBH despite not being so. While Yuki’s face was indeed in panic here. Looking at that picture of their wedding was nice since it gave good whole glimpse. One of my most cherished scenes with Akise so far is when he warns of Yuno to Yuki here and interesting enough a butterfly is here. Butterfly effect? Only those having read the manga in whole will understand this notion. I peeked at the end myself but is it really some form of message/foreshadow? Anyway looks like fourth accuses Yuki/Yuno of tenth’s death in the spoiler
fourth’s face looks really scary there along with proof of the guy who was with Minene being alive here.

Manga VS anime

There were some difference but far less than last episode that’s for sure.
  • They did not include the following part from the manga in the spoiler
    that’s too bad because it was key to knowing why Akise tricked Yuki from the very start.

  • They used the flashback of the corpses when Yuki was thinking of Yuno while in the manga in the spoiler
    it was a little different. So I am wondering about whether they will change that in the BDs or not because that looks lame. They should not reuse old footage but new ones are better,. Maybe in the BDs

  • When compared the 2 marriages in the spoiler
    the manga one looks far better. However the anime tends to make it look far more somber and bad. Makes you think of why exactly less it has to do with foreshadowing itself of something.

  • Because they did not include that missing scene of Akise entering Yuki’s place, the following in the spoiler
    was omitted too. Slight change in that Akise was not surprised when Yuki entered but was more firm. Tends to show Akise being much more sturdy and less fearful. However in the manga alludes to a comedy more.
Those are the only differences I noticed. Still an excellent episode that exceeded many other aspects of the manga itself. Namely Yuno in the wedding dress.

About the special, the special was quite amazing in the spoiler
seeing Minene having that much hairstyles along with her getting angry was great comedy. Afro was good but bald was best.

BTW GIFs with avatars are done in the club:
I will just say that Minene fan service and Yuno MOE is insane. Even made some you can put in the signature.

Image Stitches done in the spoiler
good stuff of Minene and of course Yuno in her wedding gown. Minene being pinned down is nice.
Yumekichi11Dec 12, 2011 4:34 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 11, 2011 8:52 AM

Apr 2010
I didn't expect that they'd animate this part of Mosaic in this episode. Good idea, because I didn't really see them going past the part where Kurusu orders the capture of Yukiteru and Yuno and I was wondering what they'd do with additional time.

Minene parts were definitely a highlight of this episode.
Dec 11, 2011 9:23 AM

Sep 2010
Minene is cute :3
Yuno is also cute, and Muru Muru is really funny.
Dec 11, 2011 9:33 AM

Sep 2009
I taught they'll just adapt 2 chapters from 4th's Arc but to put this flashback from Mosaic here was really good idea especially for later parts of the story. The only thing that bothers me now: most fitting part to end the first half of the story would be the end of Kidnapping arc but I dunno if they could adapt 4th and Kidnapping arcs in just 3 eps which left.
Dec 11, 2011 9:52 AM

Apr 2010
Nachtwandler_21 said:
I taught they'll just adapt 2 chapters from 4th's Arc but to put this flashback from Mosaic here was really good idea especially for later parts of the story. The only thing that bothers me now: most fitting part to end the first half of the story would be the end of Kidnapping arc but I dunno if they could adapt 4th and Kidnapping arcs in just 3 eps which left.

Regarding next episodes.

Dec 11, 2011 10:03 AM
Dec 2009
heiismyhusbando said:
Nachtwandler_21 said:
I taught they'll just adapt 2 chapters from 4th's Arc but to put this flashback from Mosaic here was really good idea especially for later parts of the story. The only thing that bothers me now: most fitting part to end the first half of the story would be the end of Kidnapping arc but I dunno if they could adapt 4th and Kidnapping arcs in just 3 eps which left.

Regarding next episodes.

I haven't watched the the newest episode yet, but it looks like my earlier prediction (on a separate post) on where to make the cuts for each episode were off.

Dec 11, 2011 10:14 AM

Apr 2010
dene323 said:

Yeah, most likely.
Dec 11, 2011 10:26 AM

Nov 2011
Yuno and a wedding scene? LOLWHUT?! XD

I need english subtitles haha ;).

Police dude poised to strike very soon...

Omake with Minene was amusing :).

Akise is <3.
Dec 11, 2011 11:18 AM
Dec 2009
Ok, watched without sub. I love how they added Mosaic! Without that, Nishijima's introduction would be too abrupt (I felt that way when reading the manga).

This episode is mainly dedicated to house-keeping issues, which was quite effective. My earlier predictions were off by one manga chapter, so next episode would be quite action packed, but unlikely to finish 4th arc.

This is clearly the work of a production team not worried about pacing...
Dec 11, 2011 12:12 PM

Dec 2009
I really like MinenexMasumi and hey, I would have never thought to see one of my favourite parts of Mosaic animated this early ^.^

All my favourite characters in one episode was definitely a win for me !

And now I am really excited for the next episode, because the really good arcs are about to start :)

Dec 11, 2011 12:18 PM

Jun 2011
minene and masumi were so cute lol
she's so cuuute

and yukki and yuno were also pretty funny, i loved yuki's face in the photo.

also yuki's shoes really do suck badly
Dec 11, 2011 3:39 PM
Jan 2011
For me, Minene and Masumi stole the show. That's all :)
Dec 11, 2011 4:25 PM

Jun 2011
Is Yuno faking it? o.O
Or is she THAT good?

<3 Yuno, so cute in the wedding dress
Dec 11, 2011 4:55 PM

Sep 2011
Good episode,Minene Tsundere side for the win!
Other good episode,the adaption was ok.

Minene "shoujo" adventure with Masumi was fun one thing i dont remember if in the manga Mur Mur was narrating it but still that part made lol and its a good extra, fanservice was nice also but her faces were made the episode they were soooo cute specially when she went red also we get to see her tsundere side that is nice specially to all manga readers that know her past.....

Yukki and Yuno wedding rehersal was well adapted,Yuno no matter how crazy you are i will marry you crazy yandere anytime specially of how cute she looked in wedding dress.

Back in the house Akise being a badass as always at set them up to explore the house but Yuno win this round by covering the bodies,also i enjoy that part more in the manga since they spoil it at the beginning.

Next episode 4th arc begins and as many people say

Btw Mur Mur and Minene at the end was hilarious.
raxius1230Dec 11, 2011 7:47 PM
Dec 11, 2011 6:09 PM

Sep 2007
Yukiteru now is thinking if it'd be "okay" for him to have a relationship with Yuno if the bodies weren't there... but it seems like he's forgotten about all the other times Yuno has gone batshit insane in front of him. And now Yuno has gone so off the deep end that she completely locked away her memories about the corpses.

And apparently Yuno is totally fine with Akise breaking into her house. The first half of the episode was terrible too. Minene's character is being completely destroyed here. She's turned into a completely cliché tsundere.
WasabiDec 11, 2011 6:13 PM
Dec 11, 2011 6:17 PM

Oct 2010
Wasabi said:
And apparently Yuno is totally fine with Akise breaking into her house. The first half of the episode was terrible too. Minene's character is being completely destroyed here. She's turned into a completely cliché tsundere.
Yeah but that is only one side of her. I cant agree with you on her character being ruined. Because I view and take it as something of Minene being shown not of her ordinary self but is part of it deep down in her.

There is a reason why her past was shown, that is because you the viewer has to know and at most assume that she was the way she was acting all MOE and tsundere perhaps before that event of her past happened. After all we know very little of how she was when her parents were with her. I am assuming for now she was shy and MOE just like this episode showed to us.

Therefore her character is not ruined but on the contrary has something more revealed. A secret side so to speak.

Don't you think so. I do respect that you may not like it the way the showed all.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 11, 2011 6:46 PM

Jun 2010
Minene is my favorite character. They gave a lot of information about her. Her past, her relation to that guy and her girlish side.

Dec 11, 2011 6:47 PM

May 2009
Wow! This episode was full of win.

Minene background story
Yuki+Yuno fake wedding (I wasnt happy about that though)
And at the end with 4th betraying them. (O_O)
Dec 11, 2011 6:49 PM

Aug 2011
good episode! is it me or did the OP and ED have some extra piano to them?
Some more of the 3rd, I always wonder what his diary was, so its called the murder diary huh? i wonder what it actually did? anyways the who wedding this was adorable and the whole return to the house thing was awesome "its yukki first time there!!!(O_O)" and the 4th i guess is blaming yukki and yuno for the 10th's death, this is why i wasn't a fan of his.

lol at dues-ex at the end :D
Potatoboy27Dec 11, 2011 6:59 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 11, 2011 6:51 PM

Sep 2007
Yumekichi11 said:
Wasabi said:
And apparently Yuno is totally fine with Akise breaking into her house. The first half of the episode was terrible too. Minene's character is being completely destroyed here. She's turned into a completely cliché tsundere.
Yeah but that is only one side of her. I cant agree with you on her character being ruined. Because I view and take it as something of Minene being shown not of her ordinary self but is part of it deep down in her.

There is a reason why her past was shown, that is because you the viewer has to know and at most assume that she was the way she was acting all MOE and tsundere perhaps before that event of her past happened. After all we know very little of how she was when her parents were with her. I am assuming for now she was shy and MOE just like this episode showed to us.

Therefore her character is not ruined but on the contrary has something more revealed. A secret side so to speak.

Don't you think so. I do respect that you may not like it the way the showed all.

All I see is pandering to the audience. "It- it's not like I wore it because you told me to" *blush* Seriously? Textbook cliché right there. If that's not complete and utter pandering to the audience, then I don't know what is. Exactly the reason why I never took the last few chapters of Mosaic seriously.
Dec 11, 2011 6:57 PM

Feb 2010
i liked piano OP!

minene part was good for introducing nishijima , but minene tsundere line was stupid.

i dont like that they skiped akise entrance to yuno house wondering about yuno's parents.
Dec 11, 2011 7:05 PM
Dec 2011
i havent read the manga so i was wondering what are you guys talking about when you say "mosaic"?
Dec 11, 2011 7:06 PM

Feb 2010
its another manga about minene.
Dec 11, 2011 7:20 PM

Jun 2011
I really like the Minene flashback. I was really surprised though when she shot that guy even though it seemed he was wearing some kind of vest because the bullet fell off of him? I'm guessing hes not dead.

The piano op and ed were REALLY annoying though, half the time it wasn't even in sync.

edit : herp just re watched.. oh well.
K3ndDec 11, 2011 7:31 PM
I'll reconstruct the pieces of chaos so that you may know the truth.
Dec 11, 2011 7:24 PM

Feb 2010
K3nd said:
I really like the Minene flashback. I was really surprised though when she shot that guy even though it seemed he was wearing some kind of vest because the bullet fell off of him? I'm guessing hes not dead.

The piano op and ed were REALLY annoying though, half the time it wasn't even in sync.

Check again the ending at the police station :P
Dec 11, 2011 7:27 PM
Nov 2011
heiismyhusbando said:

Ehhhhh, I love the current OP / ED. Sad.
Dec 11, 2011 7:33 PM
Nov 2010
Wasabi said:
All I see is pandering to the audience. "It- it's not like I wore it because you told me to" *blush* Seriously? Textbook cliché right there. If that's not complete and utter pandering to the audience, then I don't know what is. Exactly the reason why I never took the last few chapters of Mosaic seriously.

I do see your point. In the original manga (not Mosaic) Minene was pretty heartless most of the way through but seemed to gradually change as events transpired. Adding this part from Mosaic seems to completely kill that progression since they have now established that she can be all meek and girly. She seems less a ruthless killer and more of a tsundere - which is not her role in this at all. Excessive blushing is excessive. I still like her though, she's just become predictable.

I also wish they hadn't shown him wearing that vest - a flashback later on would have been more fitting. For some reason the fact that he had a bulletproof vest on made her act of shooting him in cold blood less relevant - I didn't really feel the impact but thinking that she really was a heartless person. I think that dichotomy would have helped tremendously.

Regardless, I like the episode although I'm slightly worried about pacing still as there is a huge chunk of content starting 3/4 of the way in that they should not rush. Hopefully they will limit the omakes to ensure the meat of the show remains.
Dec 11, 2011 8:06 PM
Nov 2010
Fun episode. Also, I have to wonder what the OP/ED sounds like with just the piano.
Dec 11, 2011 8:09 PM
Aug 2011
The piano opening was a bit too cluttered and rough for me. Overall it was a decent episode, honestly I think it would of been better to leave out that tidbit with Minene. It seems to mess up her progression to me.

Edit: Don't get me wrong though, I love Minene she is my favorite. :3
Tired_SmurphDec 11, 2011 8:18 PM
Dec 11, 2011 8:16 PM

Jul 2010
Minene gained some brownie points with me. She's pure awesome.

Dec 11, 2011 8:19 PM

Apr 2008
Shoulda just went with pure piano or none on the op/ed.
Dec 11, 2011 8:21 PM

Jul 2011
Well that was a unique OP and ED.

On the other hand, looks like it's developing. Episode wasn't really storyline driven, but it's still good I guess, was enjoyable.
mdzDec 11, 2011 8:46 PM
Dec 11, 2011 8:22 PM

Jun 2011
Minene, Minene, Minene. What happened to you, love? I hope that tsundere act was fake to make the guy think you were cute or something. You're such a cool character, don't ruin yourself.

Anyway, nice episode. The fake marriage was lol worthy.
Dec 11, 2011 8:34 PM

Jan 2010
Not sure if the piano was part in from the fansubber group. If it was, fail on their part. If not, then i don't see the point in adding it if no scenes were changed or added.

Decent episode. Nice seeing a sensitive side of Minene Uryuu.
Dec 11, 2011 8:44 PM

Aug 2010
I like Minene with blonde hair lol
Dec 11, 2011 8:54 PM

Sep 2011
Tsundere Minene was so cute.
Dec 11, 2011 8:58 PM

Oct 2010
what up with the heavy piano for the op and ed? Other than that, great episode. I was sorta confused in the begining, but now i get it.
I think they should make a Yuno Wedding Dress figure! I would totally buy it!

also, when akise just came out of nowhere i almost jumped out of my chair and sreamed "What the hell?????". Come on, i read the manga i should have been expecting that.

Akise is just too cool. '///'
Dec 11, 2011 9:06 PM

Sep 2010
I like how they include Mosaic into this.
Dec 11, 2011 9:22 PM
Apr 2010
The piano OP/ED were added by gotspeed subs.

"After further negotiations with the FCC chair, it was concluded that we’d be able to forgo the warning sign if the show was edited to be “classier.” Our efforts led us to piano master TehIshter of YouTube fame. The guy did some background piano for us. Make sure to watch the opening/ending of this episode!"

kinda annoying, but oh well.
Dec 11, 2011 9:31 PM

Aug 2008
I was wondering what everyone was saying about the piano OP/ED. I watched it with Chinese subs, and they had the regular OP/ED. Meh.

Minene parts were good. It was nice to see some backstory on her. The Yuno parts felt like fillers except for the very end... which I didn't really enjoy.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Dec 11, 2011 9:51 PM
Jul 2018
The 4th. o.O'

Akise is bad*** again with exploring the house while the two were gone. I figured he set them both up for a date of some sort, since they were both sent a text message from him.

What is Akise's real identity?
Dec 11, 2011 9:52 PM

Mar 2008
Shit's getting real with the 4th and his conspiracy to arrest Yuno and Yukki.

9th really wasn't kidding when she said the 4th couldn't be trusted. He's planning on taking out Yuno and Yukki while keeping close tabs on 9th to take down 3 in 1 go.
Dec 11, 2011 10:03 PM

Jun 2009
I don't know why, but this was a really weird episode.
“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living." - Dr. Seuss
Dec 11, 2011 11:11 PM

Jun 2009
The piano version of the opening rocked. But it kinda felt like it wasn't part of the ep and was just added by the translators? lol
Dec 11, 2011 11:17 PM

Feb 2010
grandy_UiD said:
The piano version of the opening rocked. But it kinda felt like it wasn't part of the ep and was just added by the translators? lol

yes it was added by subs , i liked it but the volume of the piano part was too high.
Dec 11, 2011 11:33 PM
Jun 2011
In all honesty I thought it was rather annoying. I'd rather watch my OP/ED as they are, and enjoy the YouTube channel separate from that. Ah well. I know some people liked it.
Dec 11, 2011 11:37 PM

Oct 2010
Wasabi said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Wasabi said:
And apparently Yuno is totally fine with Akise breaking into her house. The first half of the episode was terrible too. Minene's character is being completely destroyed here. She's turned into a completely cliché tsundere.
Yeah but that is only one side of her. I cant agree with you on her character being ruined. Because I view and take it as something of Minene being shown not of her ordinary self but is part of it deep down in her.

There is a reason why her past was shown, that is because you the viewer has to know and at most assume that she was the way she was acting all MOE and tsundere perhaps before that event of her past happened. After all we know very little of how she was when her parents were with her. I am assuming for now she was shy and MOE just like this episode showed to us.

Therefore her character is not ruined but on the contrary has something more revealed. A secret side so to speak.

Don't you think so. I do respect that you may not like it the way the showed all.

All I see is pandering to the audience. "It- it's not like I wore it because you told me to" *blush* Seriously? Textbook cliché right there. If that's not complete and utter pandering to the audience, then I don't know what is. Exactly the reason why I never took the last few chapters of Mosaic seriously.
I agree with you but I don't see it that way or should I say I don't let it bother me at all. I can also not assess your thoughts in regards to Mosaic as I have never read it yet. Just the main one I am reading, however you are right about one thing. It was totally something for Minene fans more than anything and me being one went totally jizzz my pants with her fan service and MOE in other words I am very satisfied and happy with it. So I will leave it at that.
7godeohs said:
Wasabi said:
All I see is pandering to the audience. "It- it's not like I wore it because you told me to" *blush* Seriously? Textbook cliché right there. If that's not complete and utter pandering to the audience, then I don't know what is. Exactly the reason why I never took the last few chapters of Mosaic seriously.

I do see your point. In the original manga (not Mosaic) Minene was pretty heartless most of the way through but seemed to gradually change as events transpired. Adding this part from Mosaic seems to completely kill that progression since they have now established that she can be all meek and girly. She seems less a ruthless killer and more of a tsundere - which is not her role in this at all. Excessive blushing is excessive. I still like her though, she's just become predictable.

I also wish they hadn't shown him wearing that vest - a flashback later on would have been more fitting. For some reason the fact that he had a bulletproof vest on made her act of shooting him in cold blood less relevant - I didn't really feel the impact but thinking that she really was a heartless person. I think that dichotomy would have helped tremendously.
Very well said! In this sense I can agree with you fully and I assume that Wasabi was thinking in that sense too?

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 12, 2011 12:26 AM

Nov 2011
Wasabi said:
And apparently Yuno is totally fine with Akise breaking into her house. The first half of the episode was terrible too. Minene's character is being completely destroyed here. She's turned into a completely cliché tsundere.

Exactly that.

Ok episode I suppose, at least compared to the last few. Minene was way out of character. I'm glad she at least shot the guy. I also don't get why Yukii is so obsessed with a few people in that room, when Yuno cut down almost everyone in that cult.
Dec 12, 2011 12:45 AM

Oct 2011
Great episode! Minene's tsundere moment was cute XD. I can't tell if that was an act or if she's really like that deep down. Gonna guess it's the latter.

Dec 12, 2011 1:46 AM

Aug 2008
not to dislike theishter but they should've went with animenzzz (it was his original transcription)
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