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Feb 14, 2011 2:13 PM

Jul 2009
Wow ... intense episode again X_X Glad I'm finally gonna finish this haha
So we find out more about Sunako ... feel kind of bad for her >_< Yea it sucks having to attack your family ... ugh, wow. Megumi was horrible to him gotta say lol >_<
Glad Tohru didn't get into any trouble D;
So Natsuno's against everyone else ... is he special I guess? :S
Stupid Akira ... X_X Well I guess he wouldn't know that the werewolf guy can go out during daytime though ... :S
Mar 3, 2011 11:34 AM

Feb 2009
Woah,just as expected from Natsuno.He has a strong resolve.Although i'd love it if he was to stay alive and form a love nest with Megumi,lol.
...yeah,i know,Megumi is bitch,but she's some hot vampire chick.You gotta admit it.

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Apr 24, 2011 11:54 PM

Oct 2010
I enjoyed watching Nao and Sunako's pasts.

...And I want Tatsumi to die already.
[insert awesome signature here]
May 22, 2011 10:20 PM

Aug 2008
I don't have much to say besides this being another great episode. Megumi has come into her role splendidly and naturally. Even as a villain, she's one of my favorite characters. And she's BEWBY-licious! And getting some of the vampire backstories was very interesting, as well. Sunako was so damn cute as little human girl. She's still kinda cute (in a creepy way if that's possible) as a vampire, it's all very sad. But then again when little girls become the undead it always is.
Jul 4, 2011 10:46 PM

Jan 2008
- Aw, I hope Akira will be able to rise. :(
Jul 10, 2011 1:34 PM

Oct 2010
NOOOO!!!!! AKIRA!!! :'(
Aug 14, 2011 9:33 PM

Mar 2011
It looks like Akira is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Aug 26, 2011 11:24 AM

Jan 2011
Imagine yourself being tied up like that.. It hurts just to think about it.
Dec 27, 2011 6:23 PM
Nov 2007
dammitdammitdammit Akira D: gehh

Hmm, I guess Natsuno is some sort of special Shiki? Doesn't seem like he's a werewolf. Maybe he's like Chizuru's husband? idk what his name is.
Feb 4, 2012 8:55 AM

Apr 2009
guanhian said:
Imagine yourself being tied up like that.. It hurts just to think about it.
and a clock ticking away the time until it gets dark, that's torture.

Seeing Natsuno out during the day was weird... on one side, he was dressed up and in the shade, but the shiki fall in a deep slumber during the day, right? (I recall Tatsumi explaining that to Masao) Well, maybe I'll get it later >_<

And yes, Akira, that was brave but careless of you. Since you still had 'a lot of time' you could have spent some of it on the amulets you were in such a hurry to get earlier.
After all, only the other shiki know that shiki have to sleep during the day, right?
May 12, 2012 4:58 PM

Nov 2011
Aug 1, 2012 8:48 AM

Jul 2009
amazing show :D

we got to know the past of Nao-san and Sunako.

feel sorry for Nao-san and Sunako.

Nao-san all she wanted was a caring family, especially coming from a bunch gamblers.

Sunako suffered the most though, if her little sister already died im guessing it's more than 20 years now.

also how the hell she survived all of that??

she must have been killing every people she can get off??

so Yuuki isn't affected by sunlight?? hmm :

Ozaki seems to be more determine than ever.

no Muroi sesnei???

lol at the rape face at the end.

akira your soo fucked :P

amazing stuff shame there's only 6 episodes left T_____T
SomaHeirAug 2, 2012 1:07 PM
Aug 2, 2012 12:48 PM

Jun 2012
I wonder if Natsuno has fed on anyone yet... o-o

And I hope nothing bad happens to Akira. He's my favorite character in this show :[
Sep 26, 2012 5:45 PM

Sep 2012
Poor Akira...
Sep 30, 2012 5:47 AM
Jul 2012
the end is the most fuck this episode!!
Oct 3, 2012 5:14 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Poor Akira man!

So Natsuno is some kind of special Shiki or what?

And Megumi is an annoying brat but man is she hot and stylish.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 29, 2012 9:41 AM

May 2012
Quite nice backstory of the lil girl, the ending was quite fucked as well hopefully he'll be fine!
Nov 6, 2012 1:00 PM

Sep 2011
Good Fking Game.
Dec 12, 2012 9:19 AM

Nov 2011
Who the crap is Natsuno eating to stay alive? And how come he can be out during the sunlight? O-o

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Dec 29, 2012 7:22 PM

Feb 2011
I get Natsuno's feelings and why he feels he should die too, but if he really is 'special' whether he be werewolf, a special vamp, or even just outside of the Shiki's control, wouldn't he be better alive so he can wipe out other Shiki? The Kirishikis can't be the only vamps floating around the world.

And I was really hoping Akira would survive this mess. Once again, Tatsumi, you've upped my desire to pound a steak through your chest, followed by some silver bullets for good measure. ;)
Feb 4, 2013 11:03 AM

Jan 2013
Good episode
Feb 26, 2013 4:47 AM

Jan 2012
Getting tired of Megumi, she's annoying. I wonder why Natsuno is fine in the sunlight.

Mar 21, 2013 5:04 PM
Jan 2012
Nice to see some of Sunako's backstory. Akira's dad sucking his wife's blood was quite creepy. And poor Akira will die too, I hope he rises at least. Also, Megumi should just disappear, worst character in the show and it doesn't help that her design screams "generic"
May 5, 2013 10:57 PM

May 2012
Stupid boy.. so reckless.. anyway, this is really getting better and better! And I should sleep already since I still have work later. But I just can't stop now.
Jun 16, 2013 5:07 PM

Aug 2012
That last scene was the scariest one yet for me.
Jun 28, 2013 7:41 PM

Aug 2008
Seirously, there are so many annoying character in this series, it pissed me off how it's true that humans are selfish. But here, I really want at leadt one shiki to commit suicide st some point.

I hope Akira is alright, even though he is an idiot, I admire his determination!
KuriniJun 28, 2013 7:57 PM
Jul 12, 2013 5:10 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Akira sure has quite the determination :) too bad it seems like it's going to get him would be terrible for Kaori to be left alone. And I can't believe the shiki father would feed on his own wife. Sure it would suck for someone else to do it, but I would never be able to do it on my family. Well I guess Tohru did it to his best friend, but at least he felt terrible for doing so. And I don't find Sunako's story very depressing or anything. Yes she traveled by herself to look for her family, but she showed almost no regret for killing people, so not sure what she was trying to say to Tohru. Tohru has compassion, and he feels remorse for killing others, but Sunako just does it (even if she may feel regret, it's nothing like Tohru imo).

Anyways, loved seeing werewolf Natsuno, he looks so badass. Is it just some sort of lottery thing regarding if someone rises as a normal shiki or as a werewolf shiki? If so, Natsuno is very lucky, and it's sad to see him say that he will destroy all the shiki, including him. But at the same, it's very him.
Jul 14, 2013 2:31 AM

Apr 2010
Akira got himself in a bad situation. . . really bad.

Like everyone else, I wonder why Natsuno is walking in the sun. . . Hm!
Jul 30, 2013 12:31 PM

Sep 2012
So natsuno is a special shiki and poor AKIRA. Real horror ep(fuck you Another)
Dec 4, 2013 4:23 PM

Mar 2012
Marzan said:
Poor Akira man!

So Natsuno is some kind of special Shiki or what?

And Megumi is an annoying brat but man is she hot and stylish.

Yea she really pisses me off but dat rack O.O
Dec 5, 2013 10:29 PM

Oct 2011
Natsuno is kinda cool. Wonder why he's special and can go out during the day though.
Megumi's boobs are huge.. why they always that big? xD And where does she get all those outfits.. :o
Dec 10, 2013 4:34 PM

Dec 2012
RiukixD said:
Natsuno is kinda cool. Wonder why he's special and can go out during the day though.
Megumi's boobs are huge.. why they always that big? xD And where does she get all those outfits.. :o

They pulled a One Piece on Megumi.
May 18, 2014 3:36 PM

Feb 2013
How did Sunako killed those people in just one bite? I thought that a shiki can only suck a quarter of a human's blood. I guess that she's special or something.
Rest in peace Akira. I don't think he can get out of that.

P.S: Did Megumi's tits grow bigger? Damn, she's so hot.

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
Jun 6, 2014 9:35 PM

Jun 2012
That kid is so manly haha, braving it out.

Looks like a set up for a rape scene at the end :/

Jun 15, 2014 12:49 AM

Nov 2013
Megumi is the ultimate bondage princess

Sep 3, 2014 6:18 AM

Aug 2013
Mmm, Natsuno seem to be of a special kind. Like the blue haired one, he can go out in the sun and doesn't have the same vampire eyes as the others. I wonder also how he survive. I don't think he would have the will to attack people, especially since he hates the vampires.

Dat creepy ending... Poor Akira, there's no way he haven't been contracted. By the end of the show, everyone's gonna be a damn shiki xD
Natsuno managed to get out of the Kirishiki control though. Some other people could do the same.

The atmosphere of that show is so creepy and depressing. People kill each other, some to survive, other to see their family back, other by vengeance. But in the end, no one is truly happy.

We learned more about Sunako, that she have been a vampire for a loooong time. That she also disliked how everyone tried to keep her alive but avoided her. She also seem to be the leader of the family somehow... Who knows, she could have been ''alive'' longer that the two other person that act as their parents.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Oct 25, 2014 3:56 PM
Feb 2013
Oh my gosh, the characters in this anime have got to be some of the most brainless once I've encountered! You know there are vampires/zombies, you know they cannot be easily killed, you know that you are prey and easy to kill, so at least walk around with a weapon of some sort! Put some seals on your body, and wear some kind of holy accesories like a cross if you know it help for pete's sake! Driving me mad seeing how careless they are
Nov 5, 2014 11:45 PM
Dec 11, 2014 6:20 PM
Jul 2018
Welp, it was nice knowing you, Akira.

xAvengerx said:
Marzan said:
Poor Akira man!

So Natsuno is some kind of special Shiki or what?

And Megumi is an annoying brat but man is she hot and stylish.

Yea she really pisses me off but dat rack O.O

Yeah, you can say that again haha
removed-userDec 11, 2014 6:23 PM
Feb 23, 2015 9:06 PM

Jul 2011
Jesus christ, that Tatsumi guy is fucking everywhere.
Jun 26, 2015 10:33 PM

Jun 2011
Damn, what a thing to do to a kid.. Damn that Tatsumi to hell. Hopefully someone come and save the kid.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jun 29, 2015 11:07 PM

Jun 2013
Awww man and I loved Akira's determination and willpower. *insert small tear*

---The End.
Jul 26, 2015 10:44 AM

Oct 2013
The first third was really emotional. :c I felt worse for Nao than for Sunako, though, but both got my feels. Akira and Kaori's father trying to return home answers the question, "Why don't the shiki return to their previous lives after rising?"

I don't really understand what's going on with Natsuno. His eyes aren't black, he can walk out in the sun, and I assume he didn't wake up in that shiki family mansion either, or else they probably wouldn't have let him leave. How's he even surviving?

Aug 16, 2015 7:14 PM

Feb 2013
So Sunako spent all that time on her own presumably feasting on people on the side. I wonder what became of her victims.

Also dem Megumi sweater puppies
Sep 5, 2015 10:20 PM
Oct 2013
Tatsumi in the Shiki Side, and Natsuno in the Human side.. <3

Dec 13, 2015 10:39 AM

Nov 2015
Megumi is the only one happy to be a shiki. It's so funny to see her skipping around in that happy mood.
Feb 22, 2016 9:58 AM

Sep 2012
great episode............
Mar 10, 2016 6:04 AM

Jan 2014
I guess Yuuki is like that blue catboy and the other Kirishiki men.
They're some special kind of shiki or something...
Apr 2, 2016 6:53 PM

Feb 2015
GarLogan78 said:

I don't remember the episode, but I am pretty sure someone referred to him as a werewolf.

the person wasn't himself, that's for sure. he admitted he's a shiki. there's no reason to lie on his part.

Monad said:

I saw this in half the post here. This comment is what is stupid and not Akira.
If he had succeeded in killing that vampire guy everyone would be writing him comments of how awesome he is despite still going in the house alone.
Seriously with who the hell was he suppose to go! With those old farts that only know how to sit there and gossip about things, with his half ded mother or his scary-cat of a sister that would have tried to stop him if he told her, not to mention she wouldn't be of any help even if she was with him.
How was the poor boy suppose to know that stupid old man had the fucking day-walker as his guard. Because other than that his plan was just fine since those guys sleep during the day.
Seriously everyone is calling him in an idiot while he actually did nothing stupid. Hell he was the only one other than the doctor and that old lady who actually tried to do something. Even the supposedly big-shot Natsuno did nothing until now except getting himself killed.
That boy is the most logical person in the village, he dried to save Natsuno, he tried to tell them about the shikis and now it tried to kill one by himself telling his sister how stupid is worrying about everyday life and school at the moment is.
He just has the bad luck being in a village full of idiots and being a child.

we also have to take into account that he is like 12-13yrs old. he wasn't thinking clearly and acting impulsively since he's a child.

Rasco said:
I gotta say that the kid was brave looks like he has no chance of getting out

its funny how some take it seriously when it comes to sucking peoples blood

this has nothing to do with the actual subject...but can people stop saying "sucking blood"? it sounds obscene and vulgar (not that they're not!), and what they're actually are doing is drinking it anyway.

RiukixD said:
Natsuno is kinda cool. Wonder why he's special and can go out during the day though.
Megumi's boobs are huge.. why they always that big? xD And where does she get all those outfits.. :o

was saying the same thing lol
lol, ever since megumi was a shiki she has had these really cute outfits (regardless of her rotten attitude of being a shiki) and now nasuno is decked out with that outfit and his majestic cape/jacket. being a shiki must mean you get decked out lol.

the one thing that confuses me is how on earth is he awake in the morning, though. i can look past that, though, since i desperately wanted him and the doctor to team up. natsuno won't be alive when toshio finishes the job unfortunately. is toru-chan going to join in?
Apr 27, 2016 7:09 AM

Jan 2013
Jeez that face at the end of the old guy though :/

Why and how in the world did Megumi's boobs get so huge all of a sudden ...
I'm sure we'll get to know why Natsuno can stay in the light, maybe he's become a "Daywalker" (Reference from the movie "Blade")
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