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No. 6
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Jul 9, 2011 2:24 PM
May 2011
what ar epeople acting up over, they keep acting like this is a straight up yaoi hentai when there really isnt even any hints at any sort of relationship like that, people are just being homophobic and their going to downa show that has a lot of good promise to it becouse their so immature over the subgect, evne if it did turn out gay why would it matter, its 2011 for christ sakes, it isnt the 1800's shouldnt people be more equal now and not have a bunch of paronoid teenagers screaming faggot like a homophobic machine gun despite the fatc that they have most likley never been in a serious relationship or any relationship for some,

look i dont know for sure if this show would get shounen -ai since the novels are still ongoing though i highly doubt it would, the main charecters are close for obvious reasons, they love eachother but they are not IN live with eachother, if it does get shounen-ai on us and your too immature to handle it then thats your own damn fault not the shows, you cant handle it then dont even vote for it cause you didnt even give it a fair chance to begin with
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Jul 9, 2011 3:01 PM

Apr 2009
I'll put it like this: I'm not a homophobic person (though I'd appreciate all gays/lesbians to keep their orientation in discretion and not parade all over the place showing off, I do not wander through streets screaming "I'm a fucking hetero, just look at me!") and I can hardly see what's this fuss all about. Shounen-ai? Fucking where? Yaoi? Holy cow, I didn't see any male-to-male kissing or intercourse, so what the heck...?

The problem is - people are too immature to accept that when a 12 y/o guy holds a hand of his peer, it may be a bit odd - but how in the world can you see any sexual-related stuff in here? Have you ever seen a couple of guys on their way from a pub at night? They have arms around their friends' necks - and what, is this gay? Well, if you ask me it symbolizes friendship (another thing is that without doing so, they'd trip and fell), not their intimate relationship. A-ah, people - learn to look at the world without overtones - in the first episode we had a 12-years boy taken down with fever who simply held his peer's hand, what supposedly symbolized how in that utopian artificial city people lack the real closeness between each another. Anyone who sees yaoi/shounen-ai stuff here is a moron and needs to stop watching anime for a bit and check out the world behind the windows (not these! don't minimize them! irl windows ffs!),

Jul 9, 2011 3:10 PM

Oct 2007
Blackiris said:
I'd appreciate all gays/lesbians to keep their orientation in discretion and not parade all over the place showing off, I do not wander through streets screaming "I'm a fucking hetero, just look at me!"

Yes you do, by each day walking around freely, not worrying that anyone will beat you up because of your sexuality. Also, novels said hi.

Bones will tone it down, you can be sure, and with 11 episodes it probably won't go this far, so all you insecure people can still watch this!
TixyJul 9, 2011 3:14 PM
Jul 9, 2011 3:25 PM
Apr 2009
I won't speak for others but personally i treasure my free time. Ive little of it and anime is pretty low on my list of priorities. As such, i dont see why i should waste my time with this series because of this.

I dont mind gay characters, as long as there are several other characters around so the show doesnt become centered around a gay relationship. Right now i see this series as having two parts. The plot, and the growing relationship between shion and rat. The latter part is going to become more and more important and quite frankly i cant be bothered to watch the show because of it. Im the same way with fanservice or childish characters(tsunderes amongts others).
Jul 9, 2011 3:31 PM

Sep 2007
BalrogLord said:

I dont mind gay characters, as long as there are several other characters around so the show doesnt become centered around a gay relationship. Right now i see this series as having two parts. The plot, and the growing relationship between shion and rat. The latter part is going to become more and more important and quite frankly i cant be bothered to watch the show because of it. Im the same way with fanservice or childish characters(tsunderes amongts others).

How do you know that? They have 11 episodes to adapt quite a few novels, my guess is that it'll be exactly the other way around. But if you prefer a series that's less character centric (although we don't know yet what No. 6 will be like), there's others airing, though I can't think of any right now.

Or even if naive protagonists annoy you, or - well, whatever kind of protagonist Nezumi will be -, sure. But can't you understand why it's so jarring to see people avoid something that will probably be a plot-focused SF thriller and NOT a BL romance not because they dislike anything about the series or the characters itself, but because it will have homosexual undertones?

Edit: from your list, series with strong homosexual overtones: Berserk, Gankutsuou and Evangelion, rated 8 and higher. At least one of them includes a kiss between two males, and another two a nude shower/bath scene.
KiralyJul 9, 2011 3:38 PM
Jul 9, 2011 3:40 PM

Apr 2009
Tixy said:
Blackiris said:
I'd appreciate all gays/lesbians to keep their orientation in discretion and not parade all over the place showing off, I do not wander through streets screaming "I'm a fucking hetero, just look at me!"

Yes you do, by each day walking around freely, not worrying that anyone will beat you up because of your sexuality.

Err, to beat someone up because of their sexuality? Are you kidding me? I can walk freely and so can homosexuals. It's just a matter of not showing off, but it's not a place to discuss about such matters, really.

As for the picture, I have never said that there won't be shounen-ai in the future events - I only said that such a way of reasoning:
They held hands. -----> MUST BE YAOI
is ludicrous and foolish, and only proves the immaturity of people who base their judgements on things that can be interpreted in many a way.

Jul 9, 2011 3:43 PM

Apr 2010
lol before i even watched the ep i thought it had shounen ai traits (which doesnt bother me) and when i checked MAL's genre's i was surprised that it wasnt listed as being so, i figured whatever and watched it, and it feels like that sort of thing, regardless of the fact that they arent making out or anything it has the feel of a show htat will romance those two characters

"If only if only, the woodpecker cried, the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky" || ♪My mind, heart is broken♫
Jul 9, 2011 4:16 PM
Jul 2007
Sometimes it has to do with culture. Here in the U.S. guy friends do not hold hands. It is considered odd, so do not get mad at people if they seem weirded out, blame culture! I know that it is not queer when guy friends kiss on the cheek or hold hands, because that is the European mindset or culture. So there does need to be the education of different cultures, and how one acts in friendships with the same gender. But yes sometimes that is how immaturity comes across. But a lot of teenagers are experience new things, so give them time, allow them to grow up. I mean we were all immature at some point. Also even though it is the year 2011 that has nothing to do with it. Parents/adults do not educate there kids on certain things until they reach a certain age, which goes back to whole maturity and education bit I was talking about. When I was 12 or 13 I knew about homosexuality. I do not agree with homosexuality, but I do respect that some people choose to live that way. We should be respectful of those around us no matter how they live, whether we disagree or not. That goes on both ends whether you are straight or not. However, I am getting ahead of myself. Sorry if I went on random tangent. But I hope my point came across without offending anyone, or that it was made clearly.
Jul 9, 2011 4:18 PM

Sep 2007
kaleidostar1187, it wasn't guys holding hands, it was children holding hands. Briefly. As a lot of us already said several times.
Jul 9, 2011 4:40 PM
Jul 2007
Kiraly said:
kaleidostar1187, it wasn't guys holding hands, it was children holding hands. Briefly. As a lot of us already said several times.

Oh sorry. My mistake!
Jul 9, 2011 4:41 PM

Jun 2008
ItsSoPringles said:
what ar epeople acting up over, they keep acting like this is a straight up yaoi hentai when there really isnt even any hints at any sort of relationship like that, people are just being homophobic and their going to downa show that has a lot of good promise to it becouse their so immature over the subgect, evne if it did turn out gay why would it matter, its 2011 for christ sakes, it isnt the 1800's shouldnt people be more equal now and not have a bunch of paronoid teenagers screaming faggot like a homophobic machine gun despite the fatc that they have most likley never been in a serious relationship or any relationship for some,

look i dont know for sure if this show would get shounen -ai since the novels are still ongoing though i highly doubt it would, the main charecters are close for obvious reasons, they love eachother but they are not IN live with eachother, if it does get shounen-ai on us and your too immature to handle it then thats your own damn fault not the shows, you cant handle it then dont even vote for it cause you didnt even give it a fair chance to begin with

What the hell are you even talking about? Most posters in the episode where wondering if the show is gonna be a little yaoi because it's not something they prefer and they didn't wanna waste their time.
They know the show hasn't showed anything really gay yet but people ain't stupid they see that it seems to indicate such direction so they want to make certain so they won't be wasting their time.
Are people supposed to keep watching something and say they like it when it's not their thing so you won't call them homophobic? Let them drop it and watch the shows they like. Why are you objecting?
You are free to keep watching and give it a ten if you like it. No one is trying to stop you from watching it or stop the creators from making it. There is nothing homophobic about simply not being your kind of thing.
Jul 9, 2011 4:43 PM

Dec 2010
Monad said:

People can watch whatever they want, but you cannot deny a lot of people in the episode 1 discussion topic were being really homophobic.

They weren't just saying "gay is not my thing". They were openly calling it gay and implying it was bad to be gay.
Jul 9, 2011 4:52 PM
Jul 2007
You might want to read through some of the discussion board on No. 6 more carefully. Some did say they got yaoi vibes, but will continue to watch, and see where it goes. They said they got vibes, but not sure if it will go that way, that's a huge difference from saying, "Eww its gay not gonna watch it". Read through more carefully, instead of pulling out words, and assuming what people are writing. Like I said some not all.
Jul 9, 2011 5:12 PM

Oct 2010
All they did was hold hands.. and he's like 12. If you ask me its a bonding on a future friendship and thickening the plot for further episodes. (( I am really enjoying this series a lot)) :D

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Jul 9, 2011 5:29 PM
Jul 2011
What I think is funny about this discussion is that people seem genuinely uncomfortable with the idea of two guys holding hands, yet in Mawaru Penguindrum a brother kisses his sister and people are excited for it.

I myself am gay, but i'm not drawn to the series for any reason beyond the fact that I enjoy a good dystopian future of intrigue. Like Fractale or Shangri-La.

Relevant to the topic, the "hand hold" was lingering from a previous position in which Nezumi had a spoon to his neck, as to demonstrate his ability to kill Shion easily.

Contrary to what others may think, illustrating the ease of murder isn't a typical come on.
Jul 9, 2011 6:47 PM
May 2011
NikkiKitten17 said:
All they did was hold hands.. and he's like 12. If you ask me its a bonding on a future friendship and thickening the plot for further episodes. (( I am really enjoying this series a lot)) :D
i wouldnt say im enjoying it im just saying its got a shit ton of potential and to see people dropping it after the firts ep cause they think its yaoi is sick, mabey if it was somthing like junjo romantica where it was basicly the main focus ide understand but to drop a show for what if it does go down that route would proboly be the focus of the show for like 10 min in the entire serise
Jul 9, 2011 6:48 PM
May 2011
Tixy said:
Blackiris said:
I'd appreciate all gays/lesbians to keep their orientation in discretion and not parade all over the place showing off, I do not wander through streets screaming "I'm a fucking hetero, just look at me!"

Yes you do, by each day walking around freely, not worrying that anyone will beat you up because of your sexuality. Also, novels said hi.

Bones will tone it down, you can be sure, and with 11 episodes it probably won't go this far, so all you insecure people can still watch this!
wait a min......i recognise that, thats from some sci fi space opera manga my freind is crazy about(its a girl whos crazy about it)
Jul 9, 2011 6:54 PM

Sep 2007
ItsSoPringles said:
wait a min......i recognise that, thats from some sci fi space opera manga my freind is crazy about(its a girl whos crazy about it)

ROFL. Novel saying 'hi', huh? There goes, like, 90% of the argument.
Jul 9, 2011 6:56 PM
May 2011
Kiraly said:
ItsSoPringles said:
wait a min......i recognise that, thats from some sci fi space opera manga my freind is crazy about(its a girl whos crazy about it)

ROFL. Novel saying 'hi', huh? There goes, like, 90% of the argument.
if i remember correctly that person on the left is actually a girl, i cant remember the fuckign name of this thing, it was really retarted like stars of our lives or somthing, its not a anime i know that but damn i cant remember,
Jul 9, 2011 7:03 PM

Sep 2007
ItsSoPringles said:

if i remember correctly that person on the left is actually a girl, i cant remember the fuckign name of this thing, it was really retarted like stars of our lives or somthing, its not a anime i know that but damn i cant remember,


Was she reading it online? Was it still in japanese?
Jul 9, 2011 7:06 PM
May 2011
Kiraly said:
ItsSoPringles said:

if i remember correctly that person on the left is actually a girl, i cant remember the fuckign name of this thing, it was really retarted like stars of our lives or somthing, its not a anime i know that but damn i cant remember,


Was she reading it online? Was it still in japanese?
no our local library actually has manga, yah you heard that right, ive never been to it but they always get manga from there, an by all my freinds do it i mean 3 of them do the rest are smaret enough to just look online since its faster, i mean i could be wrong but i swear to god the one my freind reads looks exactly like that, plus that novel pic doesnt look like shion and nezumi, who knows again it aint concrete till my freind confirms it, and im not gonna call her over at 10:06 at night for her to look at a drawing of 2 guys kissing on my computor screen,

but if it is a real pic im gonna be kinda pissed, that is kinda a spoiler if its real, if its my freind manga i dont give a flying fuck honestly that thing sucked ass,
Jul 9, 2011 7:07 PM

Oct 2007
Novel is still waving at you, it's pretty homolusty as it is. Bottom line is: BL undertones are there but they won't hinder the plot. Too bad you guys have to find source for all crap and now I can't even chase away homophobes with that pic. Thanks guys. Nah, I'm just kidding, just gonna have to stay away from the discussion for this series it seems.
Jul 9, 2011 7:08 PM
May 2011
Tixy said:
Novel is still waving at you, it's pretty homolusty as it is. Bottom line is: BL undertones are there but they won't hinder the plot. Too bad you guys have to find source for all crap and now I can't even chase away homophobes with that pic. Thanks guys. Nah, I'm just kidding, just gonna have to stay away from the discussion for this series it seems.
im staying away from discussions, i dont want to put up with


then you got the other 30% of people bitching that bones has lost it and other BS, i wonder if other websites are more mature about this serise, who knows proboly not its the internet after all
Jul 9, 2011 7:15 PM
May 2011
wait i think i found it, im about 90% certain this was the show my freind liked,.....yah im only basing that off the charecter design i still got no fucking clue actually
Jul 9, 2011 7:18 PM

Sep 2007
ItsSoPringles said:
wait i think i found it, im about 90% certain this was the show my freind liked,.....yah im only basing that off the charecter design i still got no fucking clue actually

Uhh... the style is completely different. Plus, the pic is from a light novel, not a manga - you can see the text on the side. But I agree that it doesn't really look like any of the No.6 characters.
Jul 9, 2011 7:20 PM
Apr 2009
Kiraly said:
How do you know that? They have 11 episodes to adapt quite a few novels, my guess is that it'll be exactly the other way around. But if you prefer a series that's less character centric (although we don't know yet what No. 6 will be like), there's others airing, though I can't think of any right now.

Or even if naive protagonists annoy you, or - well, whatever kind of protagonist Nezumi will be -, sure. But can't you understand why it's so jarring to see people avoid something that will probably be a plot-focused SF thriller and NOT a BL romance not because they dislike anything about the series or the characters itself, but because it will have homosexual undertones?

BL romance? not familiar with the term. Also i may just decide to continue with the series anyways. And im sorry but theres a difference between and undertone and something that is blatant. What i have witnessed i put in the latter section.

Edit: from your list, series with strong homosexual overtones: Berserk, Gankutsuou and Evangelion, rated 8 and higher. At least one of them includes a kiss between two males, and another two a nude shower/bath scene.

Berserk? Griffith was using everyone and everything around him for his own ambition. Thats not romance, thats being a player.
Gankutsuou, i just viewed the main character as incredibly naive, following someone he looks up too. Kinda like when you idolise someone and are suddenly best friends with them.
Eva? Kaworu was an angel, you can tell by the way he acts and speaks. There are many subtleties that he would most likely be unaware of (socially speaking). Thats why hes interpreted as being gay. Hes not even human man, how can it be gay?

I dont recall a kiss between guys, and taking a shower with another guy is perfectly normal dude. Its called being a sports team, you all finish practise at the same time as everyone else so you shower at the same time. I see nothing gay about this.
Jul 9, 2011 7:26 PM

Dec 2010
Nah, Evangelion definitely had gay parts. The whole point was questioning Shinji's beliefs.
Shinji clearly cared for Kaworu. (They even made out in the manga)

Besides, everyone's gay for Kaworu.

And in Berserk, they were really close friends. though, I still question the shower.
Jul 9, 2011 7:29 PM

Sep 2007
You're rationalizing XD And the kiss was in Gankutsuou. BL means, 'boy love', it's the umbrella term that covers shounen-ai, yaoi and everything in-between since the two were deemed inadequate ages ago.

BalrogLord said:

Gankutsuou, i just viewed the main character as incredibly naive, following someone he looks up too. Kinda like when you idolise someone and are suddenly best friends with them.

This is precisely what happened in No.6 too, lol, (but I respectfully disagree over the nature of Albert's cute little crush ^_^ ).

But the homolust was pretty blatant in all three. Granted, the only thing that can't be hand-waved away is Franz being in love with Albert in Gankutsuou and Shinji saying something along the lines of "I really did love Kaworu", but if it were really such a damaging theme you'd have felt it more, no?

And I'm glad you've decided to continue. Although I can't promise it won't get uncomfortable, I'm fairly sure it won't... it just doesn't have enough episodes to. I think.
Jul 9, 2011 7:36 PM
May 2011
Kiraly said:
You're rationalizing XD And the kiss was in Gankutsuou. BL means, 'boy love', it's the umbrella term that covers shounen-ai, yaoi and everything in-between since the two were deemed inadequate ages ago.

BalrogLord said:

Gankutsuou, i just viewed the main character as incredibly naive, following someone he looks up too. Kinda like when you idolise someone and are suddenly best friends with them.

This is precisely what happened in No.6 too, lol, (but I respectfully disagree over the nature of Albert's cute little crush ^_^ ).

But the homolust was pretty blatant in all three. Granted, the only thing that can't be hand-waved away is Franz being in love with Albert in Gankutsuou and Shinji saying something along the lines of "I really did love Kaworu", but if it were really such a damaging theme you'd have felt it more, no?

And I'm glad you've decided to continue. Although I can't promise it won't get uncomfortable, I'm fairly sure it won't... it just doesn't have enough episodes to. I think.
i think the only way it would get uncomfortable would be if they make out and strip naked while they do it,

granted that be annoying for a hetero romance as well if you trying to keep it a serious one,
Jul 9, 2011 8:42 PM

May 2010
I'm gay. I think I should post "Hetero is not my thing" 50% of the time I watch an anime because that's how hetero everything is not even non-romances so I don't see the big deal about one anime with a gay relationship; there's hundreds of heteros.
Real Hell is inside a person-Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae)
Do you know where hell is? Inside your head-Chrona (Soul Eater)

Jul 9, 2011 11:21 PM
Jul 2011
I'm a bit shocked at what i've seen said about this anime so far. It's true that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but really...
Honestly, I really liked the first ep, i've been waiting a while for this anime to come out, and i wasn't disappointed!
i've read up to novel 5 and i can say i really fell for this story, the setting, the characters, it truly is an pretty impressive story. Fair to say, this story is only just starting, i can't wait to see where they (the staff) go with this. There is really so much going for this story, people will really miss out if they just drop this after only watching one episode.
And about that novel pic i saw in earlier posts...
Jul 9, 2011 11:31 PM

Apr 2008
neji64plms said:
I'm gay. I think I should post "Hetero is not my thing" 50% of the time I watch an anime because that's how hetero everything is not even non-romances so I don't see the big deal about one anime with a gay relationship; there's hundreds of heteros.

^ This. Also a gay man speaking here. If I dropped series because, and neji I'm borrowing your dialouge here, "hetero is not my thing," I would probably be left with nothing to watch, lol. But alas, I don't, I'm not as irrational and immature as other people.
Jul 9, 2011 11:34 PM
May 2011
tohru7 said:
I'm a bit shocked at what i've seen said about this anime so far. It's true that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but really...
Honestly, I really liked the first ep, i've been waiting a while for this anime to come out, and i wasn't disappointed!
i've read up to novel 5 and i can say i really fell for this story, the setting, the characters, it truly is an pretty impressive story. Fair to say, this story is only just starting, i can't wait to see where they (the staff) go with this. There is really so much going for this story, people will really miss out if they just drop this after only watching one episode.
And about that novel pic i saw in earlier posts...
i heard theres gonna be two time skips instead of just one, who knows, i do hope that everything gets wrapped up even if its rushed cause rememebr this is bones, theyv done a total of one sequal in their entire animation career, they dont do sequals ever so if we dont egt a conclsuion its just onto the novel which has yet to really been translated so yah,

also damn it that pic kinda does just ruin the whole romance of it doesnt it, wheres the fun of it whe you know they get together :/
ItsSoPringlesJul 9, 2011 11:45 PM
Jul 10, 2011 3:00 AM

Jan 2008
See, here's the thing. Guys don't have to be homophobic in order to NOT enjoy this. The reason most guys don't like BL is because we are unable to indentify with the charatcers, thus making their whole interactions uninteresting to us. We like yuri not because it's homosexual, but because it's sensual (for some reason even I don't get). But watching two guys hold hands and sleep in the same bed is uninteresting to us, because it's something we will (probably) never do, never understand (or want to) and ever care about. The fact that they're gay does not bother me in the slightest, I just don't care to see them BEING gay.

That being said, "I'm dropping it because it's gay" does not equal "I hate all gays". I love playing basketball with my friends, and I'm usually the one who sets it up. But I despise all sports anime, including basketball anime. Just because I don't want to watch a certain thing does not mean I hate it. It just means I don't like watching it. I don't like watching shounen-ai, BL or yaoi. How does that make me homophobic?

PS: That pic of the guys kissig IS from No.6, so stop deniying the fact: No.6 IS BL!
DmonHiroJul 10, 2011 3:08 AM
Jul 10, 2011 3:29 AM

Oct 2007
I agree with you to some extent, I can understand that men don't feel the connection to BL and I find it completely natural. But where my problem lies is that this also has a rather interesting story from what I can conclude and I feel like that should matter a lot more than occasional undertones. As a somewhat asexual person, I generally don't feel connected to romance at all so that would mean I'd be left with nothing to watch in the end. Either way, I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, I just hope that undertones won't be the only thing that we'll discuss regarding this series in the future ( ´_ゝ`)
Jul 10, 2011 3:39 AM

Jan 2008
I think what most people had a problem with was not so much the fact that there were BL undertones, but the way they were presented. Nezumi just assaulted him, and threatened to kill him, yet he trusts him completely because he's so pretty? What the hell? That scene looke dlike it was made for the SOLE PURPOSE of having BL undertones. And this kid is supposed to be super-smart...
Jul 10, 2011 3:54 AM

Oct 2007
Well I personally took it as a young boy fascinated by something mysterious and new, with a decent amount of fujoshi pandering to the mixture. Also this
Jul 10, 2011 5:25 AM
Jun 2009
I agree, there was yaoi undertones. So fucking what? It's far from the first successful series to have that. Umn. Kuroshitsuji? Kuroshitsuji II? And if you're going to somehow say that there wasn't frequent yaoi hints then you're retarded. Nabari no Ou? That's another one. How about Air Gear? Akito KISSED Ikki. They bathed together. In the grand scheme of things did the yaoi-ness derail the entire fucking show? Absolutely not.

Just the same as how my gay ass can somehow identify and empathize with the straight characters in every goddamn harem anime that's coming out lately, some of you straight people can deal with whatever innocent hints this show throws your way. They wont be fucking on screen, and 2 boys holding hands is not going to ruin your life, turn you gay, and account for 10% of the plot at best. There'll be plenty of other story to keep you interested.
domokun1134Jul 10, 2011 6:47 AM
Jul 10, 2011 8:46 AM

Oct 2009
I understand why some people may think like that but you have got to remember (As people have said) it was two children holding hands.

Also I've heard that in Japan it can be okay for a guy to sit on another's lap and it's not classed as gay. Even sometimes the male asian students at my College tickle each other, same as the girls do. I suppose asians are usually much more friendly, perhaps?

Anyway, I'm not a big fan for BL but I do find the two protagonists to already have a pretty cute relationship with each other. I love those sorts of friendships.
Jul 10, 2011 8:55 AM

Aug 2009
Oh gee, people are still discussing this? Okay, if you think it's kinda yaoi-ish, then just don't watch it. I don't get why you guys are STILL arguing about something that won't take you anywhere.

Don't like it? Well, you're so wasting a good anime, but what can I do? Just don't watch, okay? I still want to watch it, so can you guys just, well, stop?

Thank you.
rainsworthJul 10, 2011 9:01 AM
Jul 10, 2011 9:39 AM

Nov 2010
Mobamoga said:
What I think is funny about this discussion is that people seem genuinely uncomfortable with the idea of two guys holding hands, yet in Mawaru Penguindrum a brother kisses his sister and people are excited for it.

I myself am gay, but i'm not drawn to the series for any reason beyond the fact that I enjoy a good dystopian future of intrigue. Like Fractale or Shangri-La.

Relevant to the topic, the "hand hold" was lingering from a previous position in which Nezumi had a spoon to his neck, as to demonstrate his ability to kill Shion easily.

Contrary to what others may think, illustrating the ease of murder isn't a typical come on.

Not necessarily, there is a few comments from people who might or will drop the show due to the incest content.

I haven't got around to watch episode one of No. 6, but I won't be dropping it over implied or actual gay intimate relationships.

Universal_SheePJul 10, 2011 10:12 AM
Looking at posts on the Internet wouldn't bother me so much if people didn't also mix up he and she.
Jul 10, 2011 9:43 AM

Oct 2009
Heh, why are people linking it with Yaoi anyways?

If it shown even the slighest sexual scene, I missed that part.
Jul 10, 2011 5:25 PM

May 2009
Haven't watched this yet, but as soon as I saw this posted I wondered if gg was subbing it and well, what do you know 8D
Jul 10, 2011 6:26 PM

May 2009
lol straight people

If anything we need more gay in anime. There's too much hetero everywhere.

Anyway, I hope all the idiots leave so the rest of us can have nice discussions about this show in the future.
There's a separate stomach for cake~
Jul 10, 2011 6:43 PM

Apr 2011
I don't really mind mingling with homosexuals but if they tried to make a move on me I would freak out.... does that count as being homophobic?
Jul 10, 2011 7:27 PM

Oct 2009
I don't understand why people find it sick when they were holding hold hands. They are just kids they don't know any thing about homosexuals or sex. I used to have crushes on girls when I was in elementary school but guess what? I have no idea what was homosexuals mean back then. Kids at that age are innocents!

I don't know why people is ok with 2 kids ( boy x girl or 2 girls ) doing cute thing for love but it's wrong for two boys? It's not like they going to have sex at any time. I read shota/young teens BL ( without the con ) all see was two boys have feelings for each others and doing cute things.

And those who think No.6 is yaoi ( or more like people should use BL than yaoi ), well it's not all. I read spoilers of novel and yet I never heard of sex in it at all not in the japanese fandom.
All you can get is BL hints nothing all. Asano Atsuko never wrote yaoi in her stories.
I have poorly English grammar, so for give me. I still learning.
Jul 10, 2011 7:34 PM
Jul 2007
I feel like this thread is already getting old.
Jul 10, 2011 7:59 PM

Jan 2011
Blackiris said:
I'll put it like this: I'm not a homophobic person (though I'd appreciate all gays/lesbians to keep their orientation in discretion and not parade all over the place showing off, I do not wander through streets screaming "I'm a fucking hetero, just look at me!")

Yesss you do. All heterosexual people run around the street practically screaming their straightness. Except they do it by holding hands, kissing, and being lovey dovey in public.
However if a gay couple were to do the exact same f-ing thing it's showing off their sexuality and parading around.
You say you're not homophobic, you just want all gays and lesbians to go back into their closets and keep it out of your life. Sounds like an irrational fear/hate/dislike of homosexuals to me. Which PS is the exact definition of Homophobic.

Now, if you're referring to being prideful, buttons/shirts/talking about their sexuality in public, that's completely stupid. Gays are a minority and have a right to be prideful and accept themselves as something not bad.
You wouldn't ask black people not to wear shirts relating to pride in their skin color, or talk about how they're happy to be black, would you?
Jul 10, 2011 8:02 PM

Jan 2011
TeNoriTaiga- said:
I don't really mind mingling with homosexuals but if they tried to make a move on me I would freak out.... does that count as being homophobic?

No because you're straight and you don't like people of the same gender.
Naturally you'd be uncomfortable.
Jul 11, 2011 6:09 AM
Jul 2010
Tixy said:
Blackiris said:
I'd appreciate all gays/lesbians to keep their orientation in discretion and not parade all over the place showing off, I do not wander through streets screaming "I'm a fucking hetero, just look at me!"

Yes you do, by each day walking around freely, not worrying that anyone will beat you up because of your sexuality. Also, novels said hi.

Bones will tone it down, you can be sure, and with 11 episodes it probably won't go this far, so all you insecure people can still watch this!

that are nezumi and shion,chinese and japanese have different art
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