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Nov 25, 2010 9:59 AM

Nov 2007
Ahhhhhhh~~~ so painful~~ so the village is going to be dead in the end??

I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 25, 2010 11:10 AM

May 2007
Great episode, although I didn't remember that Tohru/Muroi scene in the manga?
Natsuno, what are you doing man?!
Poor Kaori and everyone at the clinic!!
Nov 25, 2010 11:13 AM

Feb 2009
Woah, loved the episode! Especially the ending ^^
Nov 25, 2010 11:17 AM

Sep 2008
They got Ritsuko and Ozaki!!!

I still can't get over how they can leave certain plots missing for an episode.
I want to see Akira's fate.
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Nov 25, 2010 11:34 AM

Dec 2007
wow. many people were bitten in this episode O.o even the docter rofl?
Nov 25, 2010 11:50 AM

Jan 2009
Bura said:
although I didn't remember that Tohru/Muroi scene in the manga?

there was it in the original novel. and now, the monk has met Kaori who's a living human, and Tohru who's shiki, then he felt sorry for both of them, but decided to go to shiki's side. that's impressive.

in this episode the staffs omitted some parts and curtailed the story development. I guess this has a good point and a bad point. I mean, tempo of story was better than manga.

and they changed a certain part. kind of important as to Tohru.
Hana-keiNov 25, 2010 12:00 PM
Nov 25, 2010 11:58 AM

Mar 2010
Okay, they have all fucked up. They are all going to die. Who are they going to save when they all are already bunch of shikis.

Btw what happened to Tsunayoshi, woops i mean Akira? :O is he dead now ? or does his sister not know where he is or something ? he was creaming in the previous episode, i didn't see him dying :O
LylaazNov 25, 2010 1:11 PM
Nov 25, 2010 11:58 AM

Sep 2010
Ending spoiler:

Mod edit: Please put all spoilers in spoiler tags.
SaitoeNov 25, 2010 11:22 PM
Nov 25, 2010 12:08 PM

Sep 2009
amagawd, the doctor was bitten!

i sure hope he won't die...he's needed to off these bastards!
Nov 25, 2010 12:25 PM

Jun 2008
Awesome episode;D Lady Gaga is back!
Poor Kaori and Ri~chan;_;
And Natsuno running all the

The monk should die in a fire

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Nov 25, 2010 12:25 PM

Mar 2008
Amazing. But now how do I sleep until next Thursday...

I love this show.
Nov 25, 2010 12:41 PM

Apr 2010
If you can't beat them join them, at least that's the logic the monk came up with.
Poor Kaori being all alone since the rest of her family is presumed death.
And Natsuno being chased be that green haired guy i wonder if Natsuno can avoid him.
Natsuno's shoes are awesome by the way!!
Nov 25, 2010 12:52 PM

Jul 2010
What the HELL, dude? Why did he let himself get bitten like that? Does he want to become one of the Shiki like Natsuno so he has a better chance? Or has he just had enough of everything now that Ritsuko got bitten? He can't do this! I thought he'd be taking care of Rit-chan, but how can he do that if he's burning documents and such under mind control?

I'd really like to know what Natsuno was up to this whole episode. It seems like he's got some sort of plan in mind, so I'm not going to bash for not helping the many victims in this episode.

I hope Seishin's old man also has some sort of plan and they didn't just make him look like a coward and accept death. Everyone thinks he's got something up his sleeve, so for him to just die by invite would be kind of lame.

All the running in this episode, wow. Haha, I don't know why, but it was pretty awesome with all that stuff happening at once.

Anyways, I enjoyed it a lot. Great way to spend Thanksgiving, right? ;)
IiliaNov 25, 2010 12:57 PM
Nov 25, 2010 1:05 PM

May 2007
Hana-kei said:
and they changed a certain part. kind of important as to Tohru.

Nov 25, 2010 1:10 PM

Nov 2009
So, pretty much everybody is doomed, right? Wow, that's awesome. Kaori freaked out, she's the only one left from her family. I'm sad about her, she even dug her own grave! Akira is... finished i assume. Man, i want to know what happened with him. Next episode NOW!
Nov 25, 2010 1:45 PM

Feb 2010
I didn't expect the doctor to get bitten. Exciting though O_O
Nov 25, 2010 3:12 PM

Oct 2010
Kk wasn't expecting that to happen...
Natsuno has got to have a plan for All this shit right??
Badges & VIP Card
Nov 25, 2010 3:13 PM
Dec 2007
Game, set, match for the shikis it seems. Only Natsuno seems to remain on the villagers' side. This seris is getting more and more exciting as the characters lose hope one after the other, and the atmosphere's ever so great.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Nov 25, 2010 3:16 PM
Aug 2009
Kaori went crazy, didn't she? She looks like she jumped off the deep end. I'd love to see her beat Megumi to death with a shovel.
Nov 25, 2010 4:41 PM

Nov 2009
Kaori's scene was the moment i got absorbed into the episode. I was on the edge of my seat thereon.

I love how they never got to fight back. It took me a second to realize that the old lady was a shiki too, and i was waiting for somebody to save Ritsuko. I didn't expect Ozaki to get bitten the next moment though.
I finally got that the husband was a human puppet on their side... and i was expecting Natsuno to get jumped by the slavedriver.
(Excellent 9/10)
Nov 25, 2010 4:52 PM

Apr 2010
Too much happened in this episode that I don't even know what to say anymore.
I hope Seishin's father's gonna do something and didn't just gone to Shikis for his death. Too many were bitten in this episode even Toshio but I have a feeling that he wanted to get bitten. As for Seishin I don't know if he joined the shikis or just went to see if his father is there.
I really liked Kaori in this episode especially how she acted with the shovel in her mouth. This is the triumph of the shikis.
<img src="" border="0" />
Nov 25, 2010 5:23 PM

Sep 2007
Oh God, so now what? I'm curious to see how the situation is going to develop.
Natsuno! Do something!

Nov 25, 2010 5:38 PM

May 2009
Just when I thought it couldn't get any darker... Can't help but feel depressed and angry at the ongoing developments. Looks like the Shikis have all their bases covered. We'll see. Very gripping and good stuff here.
Nov 25, 2010 5:39 PM

Nov 2009
wtf megumi wasnt even in this episode.....and all i got to see of natsuno was his badass shoes. fuck muroi. he suckssssss and im glad the doctor finally died. that was a long time coming. wooo

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Nov 25, 2010 6:05 PM

Feb 2009
Wtf, is ANYONE gonna actually live through this anime?!
Nov 25, 2010 6:06 PM

Jun 2010
This episode was amazing. Quite sad also. Its like he gave up even though he didnt want to. But now that Natsuno is being followed things will en more interesting.get ev
Nov 25, 2010 7:17 PM

Feb 2010
MallyMalMal said:
Wtf, is ANYONE gonna actually live through this anime?!

haha.. honestly.

A brilliantly executed episode nonetheless...

This show keeps me guessing what's next.
Nov 25, 2010 7:40 PM
Aug 2009
Who else was keeping track of the skeletons in the first OP? Once Seishin gets bitten, that'll be it.

According to the first OP, the Doctor and Kaori don't die. But it's not like they could include EVERY death in the OP (they didn't show Akira) - just enough to completely ruin the series for people who pay attention to details. :)
Nov 25, 2010 9:28 PM

Aug 2010
I just want Natsuno to kill some shiki already.
Nov 25, 2010 10:22 PM
Apr 2010
omg omg omg omg. I haven't read the anime or the novel, but it looks so grim!!!! i almost cried D:
Nov 25, 2010 11:08 PM

Feb 2008
Everyone is fucking doomed. Pretty much everyone is gonna be a shiki already, or they already are one. Who ISN'T gonna die, lol?

I feel bad for Kaori, and well, no sign of Akira, but I'm pretty sure he's out too. I guess it's up to Natsuno (and his neon pink shoes ahah) to go on a killing spree I guess.

Can't wait for more.
Nov 26, 2010 12:25 AM

Jan 2010
That did NOT just happen. O.o
Nononononononooooo! Toshio can't die! He was my favourite character alive. ;w;
I really though he was like the only one to live through it all, and why did he not resist? He didn't even try to fight Lady GaGa. O.o It would have been interesting if he did manage to kill her with that stake. Whuh, this is getting so depressing. TTwTT

*runs off to watch Kuragehime*
Nov 26, 2010 12:32 AM

Sep 2009
prismheart said:
I just want Natsuno to kill some shiki already.

same here .....

and the doc ...go down without a fight ... that is a sad ending >.>
Nov 26, 2010 1:12 AM

Jul 2010
WTF? Ritsuko and the Doc got bitten? This is getting really, really interesting.
I'm so glad that I'm still watching this anime. I've always been a sucker for vampire anime. Pun used intentionally. lol
Nov 26, 2010 2:47 AM

Dec 2009
So there is nobody left (that we care about) who has not been bitten... except maybe Kaori, but she was next.... lovely suprises this episode, and I wonder where it's going.

Dying to know whether Natsuno will ever show himself to Tohru
-- those two are set up for a tragedy of Romeo and Juliet epicness (at least in my imagination...)
Nov 26, 2010 3:05 AM

Feb 2010
the village is dommed...
Nov 26, 2010 3:11 AM
Jun 2008
ilikeyouevenmore said:
So there is nobody left (that we care about) who has not been bitten... except maybe Kaori, but she was next....
Seishin the monk .He need some hidden power to save the village this time or maybe he will seduce the loli to help him ><

Uh, Masao is totally left out from this episode. =(
Nov 26, 2010 3:32 AM
Jul 2010
Omg they got Ozaki!! What's gonna happen next??? @_@
Nov 26, 2010 3:46 AM

Dec 2009
MorningGlory said:
ilikeyouevenmore said:
So there is nobody left (that we care about) who has not been bitten... except maybe Kaori, but she was next....
Seishin the monk .He need some hidden power to save the village this time or maybe he will seduce the loli to help him ><
...but Seishin went to visit Sunako, and it looked like he was bitten, the way he was slumped over in that chair....

...and none of that loli shit. don't even go there :P
Nov 26, 2010 4:14 AM

Aug 2009
Great episode.
I'm guessing that next week's episode will be my favorite.
Nov 26, 2010 4:22 AM

Jun 2008
Okay, im gonna put my rational logic working here.

First:Usually the victims only die when the shiki bite them 3 times, so, Ozaki isnt dead yet.

Second: Natsuno was clearly distracting Tatsumi, because he knew that he was being followed. IF Natsuno wasnt afraid of Tatsumi when he was a human, we definitely wont be afraid of Tatsumi now. So guys, to me its obvious that Natsuno has a plan, and the most logical thing is that Ozaki is part of that plan.

Third: To those who pay attention to the details of the new Ending... there are 5 people there: Megumi and Kaori near to Natsuno, and Ritsuko near to Tohru. Notice their eyes. The only one who doesnt have red eyes is Kaori, and she is located near Natsuno. Which may suggest that Kaori might stay alive.

No matter how much Natsuno desires revenge, i want to believe that he will not leave Kaori alone, because she and Akira were Natsuno´s true friends.

This show is made of twists and surprises, we cannot take anything for granted...
The only thing to me that seems clear is that the monk is definitely not going to help humans i think he has a loli complex

So, lets see what happens XD

Anyway loooooved the ep, loved the soundtrack, loooved the development.
And i still believe Humans have a chance ;_;

Natsuno´s pink shoes and leggings are awesomeeeeeeee;D
OrulyonNov 26, 2010 4:30 AM

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Nov 26, 2010 5:01 AM

Dec 2009
Orulyon said:
Okay, im gonna put my rational logic working here.

First:Usually the victims only die when the shiki bite them 3 times, so, Ozaki isnt dead yet.

Second: Natsuno was clearly distracting Tatsumi, because he knew that he was being followed. IF Natsuno wasnt afraid of Tatsumi when he was a human, we definitely wont be afraid of Tatsumi now. So guys, to me its obvious that Natsuno has a plan, and the most logical thing is that Ozaki is part of that plan.

Third: To those who pay attention to the details of the new Ending... there are 5 people there: Megumi and Kaori near to Natsuno, and Ritsuko near to Tohru. Notice their eyes. The only one who doesnt have red eyes is Kaori, and she is located near Natsuno. Which may suggest that Kaori might stay alive.

No matter how much Natsuno desires revenge, i want to believe that he will not leave Kaori alone, because she and Akira were Natsuno´s true friends.

This show is made of twists and surprises, we cannot take anything for granted...
The only thing to me that seems clear is that the monk is definitely not going to help humans i think he has a loli complex

So, lets see what happens XD

Anyway loooooved the ep, loved the soundtrack, loooved the development.
And i still believe Humans have a chance ;_;

Natsuno´s pink shoes and leggings are awesomeeeeeeee;D

Yes, yes! to all except the loli thing. Seishin is depressed that he cannot have Ozaki. Letting Sunako bite him is like slitting his wrists again. lol, I will always choose shounen-ai in these situations.

And you are right, that it usually takes 3 bites to kill, but I wonder if Ozaki and Natsuno have a plan to overcome the mind control.
...Maybe Natsuno can overwrite Chizuru's hypnosis?
Nov 26, 2010 5:30 AM
Jun 2008
ilikeyouevenmore said:
Seishin is depressed that he cannot have Ozaki.

[faint] OTL [/faint]

The only thing to me that seems clear is that the monk is definitely not going to help humans i think he has a loli complex

I believe the loli is in bro-complex .Maybe the loli want to help him
MorningGloryNov 26, 2010 5:37 AM
Nov 26, 2010 7:02 AM

Nov 2008
We are possibly getting an everyone dies ending and the doctor just stood there and took it. why? He could have escaped after stake got blasted.

Nov 26, 2010 8:24 AM

Feb 2009
What the hell was Natsuno doing running around? Would have liked to see some action from him.
And yeah, people hinting things last week about Seishirou really spoiled it about him being human. Not a big deal for me but still... Though I lol'ed at the sparkling teeth after he fired the gun.
Didn't expect Ritsuko and Ozaki to be bitten. If he pulls through here, I'm gonna raise my score for the show.
For now, I feel a bit irritated with the people and the happenings of the episode but still it was done very well.
Looking forward to next episode.

inb4 spoilers and fangirls
Nov 26, 2010 8:34 AM

Aug 2008
Woah I was expecting Chizuru to toy with Ozaki a lil more before biting him. That was quick.
And lol I find it hilarious when the old man was running through the streets for his dear life.
Nov 26, 2010 8:48 AM

May 2010

I don't know what to say anymore after those series of events..

LOL @ the poor girl who said that she dug her own grave.. >.<

But at the same time it was sad.. Knowing she was the only left from her family but surprisingly they didn't

show what happened to her brother..

I don't know what is Seishen thinking but I hope he has a plan after those countless


Ritsuko have to stroll with her dog even in case of emergency and in the end got bitten..

Lastly, Dr. Ozaki tries to kill Lady Gaga but her human husband is a pro shooter and stopped him..

I thought Dr. Ozaki might be spared just like last time but he let himself got bitten..


BTW, what's with Natsuno running around with those pink sneakers?? :D
StormViruzNov 26, 2010 9:12 AM
Nov 26, 2010 10:11 AM

Dec 2009
The part when Gaga bit Toshio was scary... poor guy ...
Except Sunako, this "main family" completely annoys me. The should die in a fire and let Shimizu rule the shiki.
Nov 26, 2010 12:19 PM

Dec 2009
BlackSnake56 said:
prismheart said:
I just want Natsuno to kill some shiki already.

same here .....

and the doc ...go down without a fight ... that is a sad ending >.>

I dunno. I just dont want to belive that Toshio just gave up.I think he and Natsuno made a plan.Remember they were talking? And we all know Toshio doesnt give up.He even killed his own wife. I am sure he wont die!

Nov 26, 2010 12:51 PM

Jul 2010
Sigh i exprected some more stabbing this episode :(
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