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Jul 18, 2010 11:18 PM

Jan 2010

I swear my heart stopped for a whole minute after a certain page. I don't think I've ever been so stunned by a manga panel in my life. And then after that came yet another huge plot twist. AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Jul 19, 2010 1:49 AM

Dec 2008
Cholisose said:

I swear my heart stopped for a whole minute after a certain page. I don't think I've ever been so stunned by a manga panel in my life. And then after that came yet another huge plot twist. AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!


Exactly what I thought as well. Surprised to see that Liam ended up in the situation he found himself to be in though, as well as how they easily spoke to each other. Curious to see what may happen next from there though, as well as what may everyone else may be doing at the moment.
Jul 19, 2010 2:02 AM

Jan 2009
At first I was like "Hmm maybe this Lily isn't all that bad..", 'cause she's actually kind of fun, and it seems like the Baskervilles are not simply ruthless murderers, but they actually act normal amongst themselves : o ..Actually, scrap that.

..O.O I did not see that coming.
B-But.. Why? D':
Oh .. Well.. Why is pretty obvious I guess >.>
..O.O Okay nevermind that, this was even more not seen coming O.o
Seriously holy shit, why does it have to be another month until the next chapter's out? x'D
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jul 19, 2010 2:30 AM

Feb 2009
kagene said:
Cholisose said:

I swear my heart stopped for a whole minute after a certain page. I don't think I've ever been so stunned by a manga panel in my life. And then after that came yet another huge plot twist. AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!


Exactly what I thought as well. Surprised to see that Liam ended up in the situation he found himself to be in though, as well as how they easily spoke to each other. Curious to see what may happen next from there though, as well as what may everyone else may be doing at the moment.

Lily just grew on me! Just love how wicked her personality is.
And LIAM of all people... Seriously, didn't see that one coming.
This manga never fails to amaze me...
At first I was like, (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ <--- Then I was like
In the end, I was \(▽ ̄\( ̄▽ ̄)/ ̄▽)/ヤッタァー!!
Jul 19, 2010 6:04 AM

Jul 2007
Holy crap!? What is going on?!

Looks like nothing but a waiting game now. Things seem to be getting much darker, with so many characters going nuts and becoming sadistic.

RIP Monty Oum - 02/01/15
Your inspirational influence won't soon be forgotten.
Jul 19, 2010 6:17 AM

Feb 2010
Lily = scary girl even scary than her dog :P
Jul 19, 2010 6:17 AM

Mar 2008
I really didn't see that coming. O__O
Never thought Liam could do something like that, especially here since Lily acted so cute and all. >_> I've always liked his character a lot, but now he's gotten much more interesting.

Jul 19, 2010 6:26 AM
Feb 2010
What a surprise that was, that was odd..
Liam is actually pretty damn awesome, and apparently full of surprises.
My gee, I can't wait for chapter 52! 8D
Jul 19, 2010 9:10 AM

Feb 2010
I gasped when I saw that certain page. I thought, there was gonna be like a forbidden friendship, but I guess not. -sigh- Arrrrghhhh I can't wait a whole other freakin' month for the next chapter to come out! AH NEEDS MAH PH!

Jul 19, 2010 9:20 AM

Nov 2007

Every chapter, my mind is exceptions
Jul 19, 2010 9:28 AM

Apr 2010
This manga just keeps getting better and better! It always just leaves me speechless!

Can't wait for chapter 52 <3
"I wish, just one more time to hear your voice. One more time, just one more time... Say my name..."
Jul 19, 2010 11:00 AM

Jan 2010
iKaity said:
This manga just keeps getting better and better! It always just leaves me speechless!

Can't wait for chapter 52 <3

Unrelated to the main events of this chapter, I found some of the other developments interesting.

Even more unrelated: Did anyone else find the chibi Gil opener absolutely adorable? XD Especially Alice crawling on top of him, LOL. And then Break and Oz's dogpile on top of him. (Poor Gil.)
Jul 19, 2010 11:12 AM

Jun 2009
I was so very impressed with Reim's trick, sorry when it backfired.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jul 19, 2010 11:42 AM

Apr 2010
Cholisose said:
Even more unrelated: Did anyone else find the chibi Gil opener absolutely adorable? XD Especially Alice crawling on top of him, LOL. And then Break and Oz's dogpile on top of him. (Poor Gil.)

That was so cute! xD
When ever it's a chibi Gil it's cute xD
"I wish, just one more time to hear your voice. One more time, just one more time... Say my name..."
Jul 19, 2010 1:54 PM

Apr 2009
Damn, I tend to intensely dislike characters who won't die in normal way. XD I hope there will be some explanation (and that at least one Baskerville dies during the story :p).

I'm sooo~ relieved Liam's Chain is March Hare >w< And I think it's totally cute. 8D Even with these strange pincers-like fangs. :D
Jul 19, 2010 3:31 PM

Apr 2010
Dhuaine said:
I'm sooo~ relieved Liam's Chain is March Hare >w< And I think it's totally cute. 8D Even with these strange pincers-like fangs. :D

Same, I can't picture him having a strong chain.. or one that can fight for that matter.. xD The march hare really suits him.. xD
"I wish, just one more time to hear your voice. One more time, just one more time... Say my name..."
Jul 19, 2010 11:25 PM

Jul 2008
Haha, I love the March Hare and Mad Hatter connection, very fitting for Liam.

I was pretty surprised when he shot her just like that. Then I was disappointed when she didn't die. Damn. :(

Jul 20, 2010 3:21 AM
Manga Moderator

Jul 2009
adamantine said:
Haha, I love the March Hare and Mad Hatter connection, very fitting for Liam.

I was pretty surprised when he shot her just like that. Then I was disappointed when she didn't die. Damn. :(

Well I doubt anyone could have predicted her getting back up, but it was cool how he tricked her lol.
Jul 20, 2010 5:46 AM
May 2010


jfc this is inhuman!
Jul 20, 2010 8:23 AM

Jan 2010
KuroDubZero said:
adamantine said:
Haha, I love the March Hare and Mad Hatter connection, very fitting for Liam.

I was pretty surprised when he shot her just like that. Then I was disappointed when she didn't die. Damn. :(

Well I doubt anyone could have predicted her getting back up, but it was cool how he tricked her lol.

Yeah, frankly it was the best course of action for Liam, considering how he'd have no chance against her chain in a straight up fight. I hope this isn't the end for Liam... Lily even stepped on his glasses, which is always a bad sign. >_>

As for her still being alive, I think it may have something to do with the light that went into Lily. I wonder if these particles of light go into everyone that becomes a Baskerville? If so, I wonder if the lights could be some sort of small essence of Glen or something, and he is using those that will support him or are desperate (like Lily) in order for them to find the pieces of his soul encased in the crystals.
I also recall in the early chapters of Pandora Hearts, when the Baskervilles were called gods of death. (Shinigami, right?) Perhaps that was a hint that they can't really die?
Jul 20, 2010 8:57 AM

Jan 2009
Cholisose said:
Perhaps that was a hint that they can't really die?
Well they probably can die, but not just that easy I guess.
It'd be somewhat annoying if they simply cannot die xD.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jul 20, 2010 10:59 AM

Aug 2007
adamantine said:
Haha, I love the March Hare and Mad Hatter connection, very fitting for Liam.

Oh wow, I didn't make that connection, for some reason. Nice touch, MochiJun.

You never expect characters to take the right course of action or to do what's needed in a tense moment, but the fact that Liam did exactly what he needed to do with Lily is just amazing. He may not be a fighter, but he's a strong person anyway. And I'm also interested as to what the March Hare actually does if it has no combat skills.
Jul 20, 2010 11:08 AM

Mar 2009
Jesus that last page. Lily got a bit of my sympathy after seeing her cry a bit that the end though.
Jul 20, 2010 3:55 PM

Sep 2009
YESS!! Awesome chapter! THIS is why I love Pandora Hearts. Beautifully dark and creepy! Finally some onscreen violence again - like a cold drink in the desert for me!
Jul 20, 2010 4:34 PM

Nov 2007
I actually yelled "Oh, f*ck!" at that page. Everyone's got surprises up here, don't they? I kinda felt sorry for Lily , despite her creepy face. I also can't believe how I didn't forsee Liam's chain being the March Hare. The clues were all around! Lily having Bandersnatch is really neat.
Jul 21, 2010 2:25 PM

Dec 2008
I was like this O.O?! after that certain page
Jul 22, 2010 9:08 PM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 23, 2010 1:46 AM

Jun 2009
A months wait is reasonable considering this was a very good chapter .

Just when I thought that the death was Lily was abrupt, she just has to suddenly to a plot twist. Cute at first, A monster at the end.
Jul 23, 2010 8:25 AM

Jul 2010
And to think we have to wait for another month before we can read chapter 52...Oh gawd, the long, long wait!
I enjoyed this chapter. Glad that Liam's chain was the timid March Hare just like I predictedXD And OOOOH THE TWISTS.
Also...Lily was in tears at the end, right? My heart totally went out to her! I'm starting to feel that she isn't all that cruel and evil, even though it seems as though she's gonna beat Liam up(because he shot her in the head, which was such a OMG moment).
I mean, I used to hate Lily (like what? four chapters ago?) but now I think she's innocent and kind of cute.
Damn; I want Liam and Lily to be friends, actually.
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Jul 24, 2010 12:36 PM

Jan 2009
Wow, I liked this chapter a lot. I didn't see this coming. What's up with the Baskervilles, though? So, they are not only "chosen ones" with special powers/chains, but they are also immortal and probably ageless or what? :O

I think it was obvious that Liam's chain would be the March Hare. With Break being the Mad Hatter and all. Also, Liam was the March Hare in the "Gilbert in Wonderland" special. :D
Jul 24, 2010 5:15 PM

Apr 2009
HOLY SHIT MAN, my respect for Liam just quintupled. This may sound weird, as what he did was blow a hole in a kid's skull, but this is the kind of thing that is necessary in those situations (when the kid is a a freaking serial killer thing), and also the kind of thing that nobody ever does. And too bad it backfired on him. I just hope he doesn't die, he's a really cool character D:

And the chibi Gil first page made me go AWWW, especially the Alice part. I'm telling you, she'll start calling him onii-chan at one point XD (Although I'm still sticking with them as my OTP in PH xP And not in a sibling-ish way)

(And if all the shit that's going on recently with the publishers means no more PH for me in a few weeks/months, I am going to be pissed. Seriously pissed. This manga is too good.)
CenedessJul 24, 2010 5:19 PM
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Jul 25, 2010 6:00 AM

Dec 2009
Wow , Liam really surprised me ... but he was awesome . Too bad Baskervilles aren't so easy to kill ..
Jul 25, 2010 3:43 PM

Apr 2010
I went from "NYAAW!!!" at the first page with chibi Gil, to "HOLY SHIT FFFFFFFFFF-!!!" at the end with crazy zombie-Lily XD (Yes I know that she isn't a zombie...but oh well. XD)

I honestly hated Lily before this chapter...Now I think she is just adorable and kick-ass. It's great we're learning more of the whole history and relationship between the Baskervilles.

This is kinda off-topic, but I hope that Alice gets more screen-time (Page-time? XD) soon. She was just kinda...forgotten as of recently. I'm sure it's all for a reason though, and while we're all so busy thinking of all the other characters, there will be yet another Alice-related plot twist...

ALSO, I love the color page with Gilu~~~!!! He looked so SEXY there! His expression reminded me a hell of a lot of Vince! :O
Jul 26, 2010 11:13 AM

Mar 2010
I love this chapter! :D:D:D PH is just awesome! And Liam never stop to amaze me :D:D Ahh And when I finally start to liking Lilly, she's another don't-dead-no-matter-what-char -.-'

Chibi Gil <3
Sorry for my English ^^' If you notice any mistakes, please tell me about it ^^ Thanks for corrections ^^
Aug 2, 2010 2:05 PM

Jul 2009
This chapter was so, so awesome. I loved Liam in it~ it was cute when he and Lily were talking and getting along, but you could just see that he wasn't going to make friends so nicely. And even though I just said that, it was a huge surprise when he pulled the gun. I jumped. And then, when Lily got back up... She's goin' a wabbit-hunting, it seems. I wonder if the Bandersnatch will kill the March Hare? And then we'll see what happens to legal contractors when their chain dies. Or can chains even die? Either way, I loved him so much more for it. And the March Hare was really cute! Actually, I kind of didn't like it, but it reminded me a lot of this one rabbit toy I used to have. I wonder what it does, if it's a nonviolent chain.

I didn't notice the March Hare/Mad Hatter connection until you guys said it! xD But, would that mean that Vincent is connected with those two more than we thought? Since he has the Dormouse, and there were the three of them at the tea party.

I think Yura is the Head Hunter. Does anyone agree? (Or am I posting this one the wrong chapter?)

Speaking of, Wooper134 has a point. Alice has just sorta faded into the background right now. Hell, everyone seems in the background right now! It's hard to connect to the characters that do show up now, I just connect with the story. You know? So many things are going on right now, it's hard to focus on what's happening when "wait, what about the Queen of Hearts? and the Head Hunter?" keeps popping into my head.

Woops, long post is long.
Aug 7, 2010 9:09 PM

Dec 2009

no, not really. Liam and lily where so cute, and then he did such an un-liam like thing ._. my heart totally went out to lily, but i felt for liam as well. Then lily got got back up and liam got clawed, and all i have to say to liam is "you bought this upon yourself silly rabbit"

and someone above me, sorry i forget who it was, said lily's goin wabbit hunting. I totally lol'd >.<
Aug 8, 2010 2:31 PM

Jul 2010
This chapter was awesome - and Lily was creepy from the very beginning. I think Liam's fear and thoughts made quite clear that they were going to be everything but friends. Seriously, I would've been freaked out, too (thinking that only some seconds ago my throat was in her monster's snout and she keeps talking about killing off plenty of people, if Glen wants her to).
And I thought it odd how he'd suddenly refer to his chain again. But that it was to distract and shoot Lily - never saw that one coming! And I seriously was like: "Yay, Liam, go for it! And now get the hell out of there!"
And then ... >.<
I really really hope he doesn't die but things don't look too good. Someone already mentioned the glasses and ... who should come to save Liam? Everyone else seems pretty busy Q.Q (And Liam and Break had this Break-being-an-idiot-about-not-telling-Sharon-that-he-was-blind-talk a few chapters ago - which could as well function as some last-words-talk - and I really don't want that.)
So please, Liam, don't die! I really like you and I'd be sooo sad!

Yura being the head hunter? Hm ... Now that you mention it ... But I don't know. Then what is the connection between the head hunter and the orphans? And now that I think of it - what the hell is Phillipe doing at this party?
Aug 9, 2010 12:17 AM

Jul 2009
Ah, -Keeper-, you make a really good point. When I look at it, they do seem like last words... I really hope he doesn't die!

Phillipe was at the party? Wow, I totally spaced that. I was under the assumption that it was just flashing to him as some kind of foreshadowing, and he was still in the orphanage... Well, do we really know the connection between Yura and the Nightrays, even? Maybe it's his connections to the Nightrays that connects him to the orphanage. What I'm really interested in is the way all of the orphans (Reo and Phillipe, at least) have some kind of mental instability.
Aug 10, 2010 5:24 PM

Dec 2009
WELL, yura being the head hunter could be possible if you think about it.

isn't he like, in love with jack? and wasn't the nightray family supposibly in on what the baskervilles were doing or something? maybe yura is one of those crazy people who are like "YOUR FAMILY BETRAYED THE FAMILY I ADMIRE! DIE!"

but i highly doubt it.

i dont want liam to die D': he wont die. *crosses fingers*
Aug 10, 2010 8:34 PM

Jan 2010
GennyMon said:

Then lily got got back up and liam got clawed, and all i have to say to liam is "you bought this upon yourself silly rabbit"

Well, Liam didn't have much choice given his situation. Lily's chain was drastically more powerful than his, and she made it clear she intended to kill him.

-Keeper- said:

And now that I think of it - what the hell is Phillipe doing at this party?

He's a choir boy it seems, along with the rest of the orphans. Apparently Yura puts those kids to work for his parties. =P

GennyMon said:
and wasn't the nightray family supposibly in on what the baskervilles were doing or something?

I vaguely recall reading that the duke of the Nightray house is working with the Baskervilles, just like Zai, but I can't remember when this was said. Maybe it was just the Nightray duke (have we seen him, btw?) is working with Zai, who is working with the Baskervilles. So many things to keep track of these days.

I'm still trying to piece together who the Headhunter is too, though. This is really driving me up a wall.

Edit: I've totally got a new theory for it, though. Could it be this woman, by any chance?
Cho_DesuAug 10, 2010 8:39 PM
Aug 11, 2010 7:16 AM

Jul 2010
I have to say that I am incredibly chained (pun intended) to this manga and the anime. This chapter is something really interesting. It gets us to see what exactly the Baskervilles are and how they do everything that they do.

It is nothing more than normal for this work to have someone who cannot die by a
. Really. Just imagine that people are going to the abyss pretty often when they die and return with superhuman abilities (of a sort). Why wouldn't there be someone who cannot die easily?

About Laim - way to go, boy! I loved it how he played this little scene. Greatly done. I think that is what should have been expected from him. After all, he is the (really) smart one. A game like this should have had him as a winner. However, due to unforeseen circumstances... We will have more to hang on to about this story. (nothing better than a twist ;) )

I still think that the Headhunter is someone of the old guys. Should be someone who has a grudge against the Nightrays and also, doesn't want the resurrection of the great Baskerville. Maybe he knew him? Maybe he is one of the heads of houses? Maybe he is Oz's father or (here is where my mind starts to blow from thinking) the real heir of the family (the one that they have supposedly exchanged with Oz?)... I am also thinking about what could be behind this story.

However, I am certain it is someone whose chain we haven't seen yet. Why?
If it were a great black dog - we would have seen it. If it were a Gryphon - too.

I am wondering about Gil's brother and how he could be very cunning and can be playing a game even with the Baskervilles.

EDIT: BTW: just a week until the next chapter :)

Aug 11, 2010 8:52 AM

Jul 2010
Now it gets confusing - a whole lot of new theories ... huh ... I like that^^
And I've got another one: Ada is the head hunter! At least she's used and/or manipulated by Vincent and ... oh okay, and at this point the theorie already doesn't make sense anymore. So I'll stick to yours ;)

Miranda, huh? Could be, 'cause she actually is missing and could have been dragged into the Abyss - and since everyone is coming back right now, it's possible that she made it out, too. And concerning this manga mysterious people who did mysterious things in the past tend to keep their mysterious behaviour in the present.
But ... we don't know her motive, do we? Why exactly did she show Vincent how to open the gate to Abyss?
And it's also strange that the head hunter appeared a few years ago - killing Elliot's brothers and attempting to kill Gil and then ... stopping. I don't see Miranda in this picture. It just doesn't make too much sense - but that could be because we just don't know her motive yet (or does anybody know?).

Therefore I would vote for Yura. He has this connection with the Nightray family - through the orphanage as already stated. And more important the conncetion with Leo. How is the timeline? Leo becoming Elliot's servant and the head hunter killing off Elliot's brothers - do they happen vaguely at the same time or is there a bigger gap between them?
Because ... Elliot thinks that Leo saw something which made his father accept him as Elliot's servant. And Yura knows that Leo knows something. Maybe there's a connection there that has something to do with the head hunter, too?

Cholisose said:
I vaguely recall reading that the duke of the Nightray house is working with the Baskervilles, just like Zai, but I can't remember when this was said. Maybe it was just the Nightray duke (have we seen him, btw?) is working with Zai, who is working with the Baskervilles. So many things to keep track of these days.

I don't know but ... Vincent is actually working with the Baskervilles (and he's still manipulating Ada and I don't really get why - ideas, anyone?).
But there's definitely something wrong with Elliot's father (and I don't think we have seen him yet) - the whole thing about the orphanage and children losing their memory of what really happened to them.

Ah, geez, that's just too confusing. And in the end ... we'll get a solution none of us would have expected. Something like: Leo is the head hunter but decided that he wanted to quit cutting heads after making friends with Elliot. But now the children in the orphanage die one after another and he thinks: "Damn you, duke Nightray! Back to bloody business!" Or something like that ...

I think the missing piece to confirme the head hunters identity is his motivation. As long as we don't know why the Nightray's are killed off (oh, but what about this killed guy, who wasn't a Nightray btw? He was protecting the sealing stone and was beheaded ... for that?), we don't get anywhere with this specualtion.

And now I'm really sorry. I made a post full of speculations and think I've raised more questions than I answered ...

And btw ... Yura forms a little boys choir and "puts those kids to work for his parties"? That's just ... no ... (sorry - again).
Aug 12, 2010 9:50 AM

Jul 2010
This is a great brainstorming. I really enjoy it. However, I am not exactly sure of something...

I just though another thing about Lily.

While she was not yet in the Abyss the headhunter was taking heads and attacking.
While she was in the abyss the headhunter was invisible and unnoticed.
When she returned form the abyss the headhunter restarted his hunt.

Then we have her puppy (heh) which loves to bite close to the victim's neck.

However, we still have my point that we see it when it attacks and we didn't see the attacker when the old guy dropped it

I think this would be the most obvious if it turns out to be her.

Aug 14, 2010 5:07 AM

Dec 2009
im betting that the head hunters a woman.

i dont think its Lily, the heads came of to clean for it to be her dog.

i dont think its the woman of barma either.

BUT! thats so weird, i came to post here after i had a speculation that the head hunter may be ada, for reasons unknown, and the person above me had the same idea ^.^

now i dont feel completely stupid :D
Aug 14, 2010 7:37 AM

Jul 2010
@ JustMyself: Yep, Lily being the head hunter would be the most obvious outcome.
And maybe her chain was just too fast to be seen while killing the old guy. Liam didn't see it, when his comrade was killed, too (and that would be Lily's doing 'cause she said so). Therefore it would make sense but - after all this speculation - would be kind of disappointing, too ...
And therefore I think (and hope) that Lily is there to set us on the wrong track. The wounds being too clean for a dog's bite is a good point, too - at least in the old man's case. With Liam's comrade ... We can't really see what kind of wound it is.
And another question: Where exactly is the head anyway ...?

And about the head hunter being a woman: Yeah, it's likely because of the head hunter obviously matching the "Queen of Hearts, who made same tarts, etc." from the Alice books.
But with Yura you can't be exactly sure, if he's male or female - seriously, who knows ;) Maybe he's just feminine enough to count as Queen^^

And Ada ... she's just suspiciously unsuspicous ... (and being manipulated and I still wanna know why)
Aug 14, 2010 7:16 PM

Apr 2009
Yaaaay Liam <3
Surprised me though.
Aug 16, 2010 2:06 AM

Jun 2009
OMG! What will happen to Liam?! O.o I can't wait for the next chapter! Grrr.. I shouldn't have read the whole pandora hearts' chapters up to the latest! Now I'm gonna wait for the rest to be scanlated! Waaaaahhhh!

Love Pandora Hearts! Totally into it! >.< I also think that Leo may be a part of Glenn... hmm... so many questions yet unanswered! O.o
Aug 16, 2010 9:00 AM

Jan 2010
The problem with Lily being the headhunter is that we saw her come back from the Abyss just recently. She wasn't around when Nightrays were first being killed a few years ago. She also was wondering herself who the headhunter was (during Vincent's meeting with the Baskervilles), and I don't think Lily is the type to be *that* manipulative. She's rather straightforward with her thoughts and feelings IMO. Her Bandersnatch does bite off people's heads, but I think that's just coincidence. (Well, it is the best way to make sure someone's dead... I keep telling villains this in every movie/book where they just assume the hero's dead.)

I'm curious how Phillip's dad ties into this (I just remembered his name was William West, I believe). He was apparently an important witness in the headhunter case, though we don't know exactly what it was he witnessed. Interestingly Vincent supposedly killed the guy in order to save Oz (as his cover) but likely to hide information William had from Pandora. It makes me wonder what it is precisely Vincent is hiding. Technically he's trying to find out who the headhunter is too, though... Vincent's always been a sneaky guy though... Yet he really did seem adamant to find and kill the headhunter himself...
Aug 24, 2010 9:58 AM

Sep 2008
My god Lotti is still stunning every time she appears in a panel.
Lily is adorable too. <3

Liam got what he deserved though. How could you trick and shoot an innocent little girl!?
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Aug 25, 2010 9:48 AM
Aug 2009
HawthorneKitty said:
My god Lotti is still stunning every time she appears in a panel.
Lily is adorable too. <3

Liam got what he deserved though. How could you trick and shoot an innocent little girl!?

Because she's not innocent? She had just killed all of his comrades...
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