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Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa
Jun 21, 2014 5:29 AM
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Saiyuuki Gaiden
Saiyuuki Gaiden
May 3, 2014 1:17 PM
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Feb 16, 2014 9:07 AM
Watching 16/25 · Scored -
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Aug 1, 2014 5:32 PM
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Jun 21, 2014 5:28 AM
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Pandora Hearts
Pandora Hearts
Feb 6, 2014 5:49 AM
Reading 90/107 · Scored 10

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extatix May 26, 2014 12:32 PM
extatix Feb 18, 2013 10:39 AM
Heya, sup?
HerrLoewenherz Jan 16, 2011 7:37 AM
boomchikawahwah suigetsus bruder ist nice! :D
hast du ja wieder ein bisschen was zu fressen gefunden, um seinen background lückenlos zu kriegen xDDD oder gab es von ihm schonmal ein bild? ich fühl mich un-nerdig (das ist nicht gut).

boaaah meine liebe! wenn du schon zu hause kränkelst guck doch wenigstens endlich mal cowboy bebop zu ende! das kann ich mir nicht länger angucken - zur not spritz ich dir koffein und wir gucken das mal zusammen. sobald ich wieder in der nähe bin. *hust* tja, franzi outto. muss da was schreiben. hab ich schon erwähnt wie lange ich nichts mehr geschrieben habe? das wird awe-some.
Sirrah Jan 9, 2011 9:17 AM
Ja, keine Ahnung? Vielleicht kriege ich ja auch erst eine Liste ab einer gewissen Anzahl an Animes? Vielleicht bin ich davor unwürdig! D:

Ist eine schöne Liste, gell? So by the by? *lacht* Vor allem mein abgeschlossenes Zeug. Sailor Moon, Heidi... na super. xD

Also, diese selbstdiskusssion klingt spannend xD Ich bin da noch ziemlich hirnlos dabei wirklich einfach drauf zu werfen. Notfalls muss eben meine dropplist wachsen. Ich schaue ja eh nicht mehr als 2 folgen, wenn ich es ganz schlimm finde. Also kann meine liste so lang sein wie sie mag. Wobei ... sie auch lange so lange bleiben wird. Weil ich einfach zu langsam bin und nahezu nie dazu komme mich wirklich hin zu setzen und mir irgendwas rein zu ziehen.
Sirrah Jan 6, 2011 1:32 PM
Awww, vielen dank :)
Ich bin noch immer dabei alles hier durch zu suchen und meine liste mit dingen vollzuknallen. ich hänge irgendwo mitten in "b" auf der animeliste fest. Ich bin so schockiert davon, wie lang meine liste schon ist. und ich habe immer gedacht ich habe es gar nicht so arg mit animes. *am kopf kratzt*
Ich glaube das ist auch der Grund warum MAL mir keine Liste zugestehen will :P
Aber ja, so lange ich aus meiner nicht vorhandene liste trotzdem noch random dinge zu sehen bekommen passt es *lacht*

Also, danke für dein Willkommen. Wir sind ganz schön Kompatibel, oder? :)
HerrLoewenherz Nov 19, 2010 10:03 AM
für die schwierigkeiten haste den inhalt aber doch ganz gut verstanden *pat pat* ich weißß auch nicht, wer da bilder wechselen darf/kann. dabei sind sogar viel bessere in der galerie...... :/

ich guck jetzt übrigens doch mal full metal. bisher geil. xD
Deactivated101 Nov 19, 2010 9:33 AM
Your Phantom review is too vague to be really helpful. Try to read my review about it to see what I mean.
HerrLoewenherz Nov 15, 2010 1:00 PM
*gasp* wie süß der show/hide spoiler balken ist :DDD
hast mich trotzdem gespoilert, weil ich mich noch auf das vorletzte chap bezogen hab und du schon das neueste gelesen hattest^^ aber ja, die szene ist wirklich lustig <3 wie....wie mach ich das jetzt mit dem spoiler? hgn. mal sehen..... äh ja, aber kick shikamaru nicht. er kann doch nichts dafür, dass sein bild so rosa ist, und cool ist er ja trotzdem. shame on you! wirst du auf deine alten jahre etwa oberflächlich?!?? xDD ne ne ne.
ach verdammt, ich find nix wegen der spoiler sache >__> kann ich jetzt trotzdem sagen, was ich sagen will? ich versuchs mal unauffällig. *hust* hrmkay. ich gebe dir erstmal recht. soweit. ich darf erwähnen, dass ich mich an einen bruder gar nicht mehr erinnern kann xDDDD muss ich gleich nochmal googlen. ach aber...jaaa, ich habe erinnerungen aber sie sind dunkel. der, den du lustig findest, ist sowieso lustig :D allerdings hat mich....die rückkehr der augsburger puppenkiste mehr gefreut^^ hach ja. und mein homopaar der ersten stunde! wenn du wüsstest wie sehr dieses pairing mich geprägt hat, haha^^ nagut, dann wäre dir vielleicht etwas schlecht.
so richtig an die ganze zzzzz----- äh, sache, das szenario gewöhnt habe ich mich aber immer noch nicht. es ist so... melodramatisch, das gzsz-häubchen auf dem hügel der drama-schande xDD ach vielleicht bin ich nur dran gewöhnt zu meckern, wenn mal wieder was einfach soooo aaaaaah man kann es gar nicht sagen unfassbar..... "oh nein, kishimoto wird doch nicht?"?? kishimoto kann doch nicht---! aaaahhhh kishimoto hat es GETAN!! kishimotoooooo" xDDDDD
wenn du verstehst was ich meine xD war ich dramatisch, haha^^ reicht auch. ich hoffe constantine war gut? mag den film auch. schöne teufels-interpretation <33
HerrLoewenherz Nov 4, 2010 2:36 PM
fuuuuuuuuuuck was geht denn mit dem letzten naruto chapter? xD
dieser verdammte pathos! ahh! hilf mir, ich will nerdig sein und du bist so gut im sachen durch denken..... das ist jetzt aber schon der finale finale showdown oder? mein gott, alle wieder da, das kann ja ewig dauern bis das vorüber geht.
und ich will prognosen von dir hören wer nochmal wem begegnet, wer wen umbringt und ob noch wer von den main charas den löffel abgibt :D halt warte, an der stelle kein smiley.
extatix Oct 6, 2010 12:49 AM
I have an opinion on non-filler Bleach which might contain some spoilers so I'm not going to comment on Bleach but it reaches a point where the main arc is just as boring as any fillerarc :)

Social life is overrated though, had a baseball tournament this weekend and I'm still feeling tired and a bit sore. Drinking is a bad thing during social events :)

You didn't try to persuade me no, but when people tip me I always want to check it out of course :)

We get a few German stations on basic cable so I've heard some German dubs. Not on anime but on live-action movies. It sounds horrible, especially when you know the movie they are airing.

German isn't a language I can speak, other than some basic words it's all a bit of a mystery to me, I do mostly understand it though. We get taught German at school :)
extatix Oct 1, 2010 7:44 AM
The Bount arc is the best filler they had imho. What comes later was just.. horrible. They should ban all filler. Just go on hiatus and come back when the manga is way ahead. Less troubling for the fans. Even One Piece has it's fair share of sucky fillers, altough there are some fun stories in there.

I'll watch the supernatural anime, I'm currently trying to keep up with the series I do watch and try not to pick up any new stuff. I do like to spend some time in a social context. Sitting in front of the tv isn't the best way to spend time. But that's common knowlegde of course :)

FMA Brotherhood rates higher as the original in my opion, after episode 14 or something they split ways and brotherhood was a rollercoaster ride. Well, a rollercoaster without much lows though, it has a relentless pace.

The Dutch va's were okay with the kiddies shows I saw as a kid. But I didn't know better so I can't really compare. I wish I could see the shows again in Japanese dubs, but the chances for that are slim to none.
German dubbed anime I've never seen, perhaps one of my dvd's has a german dub :)
extatix Sep 20, 2010 11:59 PM
You are in the Bount arc, right? I thought that one started nice but like most filler it kept on slowing down. Ichigo forgetting his bankai didn't help either. But complaining is okay, it's what we humans do most of the time :)
At least, some of us.

The complete collection:
I buy stuff to watch it later on, too bad I tend to watch fansubs a lot so the DVD's actually keep piling on. Might have to skip on social life one of the days to make more time to watch it.

There's no Dexter anime, I was talking about the live action show. Aside from anime I also tend to watch too much live action (House, How I Met Your Mother, Fringe, Dexter, Bones, Leverage, Stargate Universe, Eureka). Supernatural I don't watch, it was a victim of 'I watch too much already'. The anime will get a proper look though (I sample all new anime series).

I buy them in English, cheaper and somehow reading manga in Dutch make them look silly. On a side note: where are you from? :) I wouldn't call it annoying to read/watch the same thing twice, but I did get some weird tendencies during the Sanbi arc because I wanted to see how they would animate the whole destruction of Konoha arc. Manga has it's own momentum too, the pace is different and to be honest, the Naruto anime simply looks crap most of the time. The manga has some more details.
FMA: Brotherhood made me buy the FMA manga too, and I'm enjoying that one as much as I did with the series.
extatix Sep 17, 2010 1:23 AM
Escorting a princess is fun, especially when she's a a real whiner and gets inspired by Naruto. Which sounds like a plot they use every fillerarc (without the princess of course).

The art in One Piece doesn't bother me one bit, the humor in this series is great, the fights are often great but taking everything in account, it has the basic ingredient all this kind of series have: quirky characters, quirky opponents, power over 9000. I'm still some 300+ episodes behind on the regular schedule so it might take a while :)

I don't really like to read things on screen I suppose, I travel by train every workday for about 50 minutes so a book is the perfect way to kill time (apart from toying around with the phone and watching anime on a netbook). It's an expensive hobby though, but watching anime isn't cheap either (if you ever wondered why I have 140+ on my 'plan to watch' list, those are the titles I have on DVD).
I don't mind spoilers, but I do mind getting spoiled. This sounds weird, but when I look something up and see a spoiler the fun isn't gone, but I don't like it when I get spoiled without looking something up. A perfect example was the day (the live action series) Dexter had it's 4th season finale and when I woke up somebody twittered about the end, that I hate :)

I don't know anything what's going to happen in Naruto after the Pain Arc. It's all new to me. Manga v48 ended almost at the same point the anime ended before the Iruka filler.
extatix Sep 15, 2010 6:15 AM
Yeah, the Naruto manga I've last read ended right after the Pain-Arc. This whole Iruka business bores me already, but then again, I don't really like Iraku as a character. He was almost never fleshed out in the series and this flashback stuff doesn't really help either. I don't want to see OLD Naruto, I want to see NEW Naruto. Nothing is going to happen with this filler, I'm sure of it. Naruto doesn't develop a worthwhile technique until a few years later so I'm guessing this will go along the lines of 'Naruto's willpower rocks'. Those kind of storylines were the mainstay in fillers and movies and quite frankly, we already know.

The compensation anime is quite good, you can also add One Piece to the list. Great quirky show. (A bit heavy on the nakama stuff though.)

Yeah, manga release schedules are really terrible. I'm also reading 20th Century Boys, that will take a few years I'm afraid.
extatix Sep 8, 2010 1:22 AM
The Sanbi-Arc in Ships started okay but it took too long to finish. Since I read the manga I already knew how it would end, that didn't help either. The point where the series is now is actually new material for me (I don't read scanlations so I'm not up to date on that part) but filler is already there again.

The rasengan as an outboard motor was during a story about... err.. I can't recall. It was really really dumb.

You really should watch the compensation anime, they are truly the best of the crop. Even when you are spoiled about the the way Cowboy Bebop will end the journey up to that point is a great one. It's not all about destinations, it's sometimes about the travels :)

Pandora Hearts manga is licensed but seeing the release schedule it might take a while before they even reach the point where the anime ended. I liked the anime, it was inventive. Something not many anime can say nowadays.
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