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May 23, 2010 1:13 PM

Oct 2007
Awsome! Will there be a 3rd movie too? haha
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Aug 4, 2010 3:27 PM

Nov 2007
Raw out:

tsubasaloverAug 4, 2010 5:10 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Aug 4, 2010 8:33 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah this was indeed a good movie that want me to give it 10/10, awesome ^^

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Aug 6, 2010 7:47 AM
May 2009
I just watched it... it was certainly good but somehow it felt like it was lacking something. I guess they built up a story of so grand a scale that it was hard to find a satisfying ending...

oh welll... I certainly enjoyed it.
Aug 13, 2010 1:13 PM

Dec 2007
A good movie, but along with several others here I felt it was lacking the "oomph" the TV series had...

I guess I was expecting a more, how should I put it, explosive ending/climax.
Still good nonetheless...
Aug 14, 2010 1:12 PM
Mar 2010
Is this really the end of the end? Didn't get the feeling that it's over or wahtever I mean buhh... ;/ But still good movie
Aug 20, 2010 4:00 PM

Aug 2010
OMG!!! this was totally LAME.

I just finish watching the series + the two movies on one sitting. The 2nd movie added some nice elements to better understand the whole story; but at the end I felt like throwing myself in front of a car.

The series and the first movie were awesome in my book.
I really envy those of you that like this movie and/or the ending.
Aug 21, 2010 5:32 PM

Apr 2009
I was hoping that this would at least give me what the first movie lacked, entertainment. It's just too expected that he would wipe his memory in the end and still vaguely remember what happened. They should have at least closed the door on Akira x Saki, whether they ended up a couple or not. I think the only thing that's worse is that they left an opening for a sequel, though considering how much Production I.G. wasted on these movies I don't think there will be one, at least I hope there won't. I get the impression that most people who watch this will be left feeling empty and distraught. I'm not sure what rating would correlate to expected/10.
ReaperEXEAug 21, 2010 5:51 PM
Aug 25, 2010 11:04 AM

Aug 2009

After the TV series, my expectations where pretty high for this show... I lived through the first movie hoping that the second movie would fulfill all my expectations but sadly everything fell short.

In terms of comparing this series to others, it's above the standard; but the moves do not live up to the hype the TV series generated. The ending in no way matched the ending of the TV series either =|

Saddness! ;_;

But I guess that's what we get for placing our expectations so high =\
Aug 25, 2010 1:57 PM

May 2010
You think they could come up with something better? Not enough Saki and Takkun moments. Another example of why sequels never work out.
ddw1aAug 28, 2010 6:24 PM
Aug 26, 2010 1:41 AM
Dec 2008
i hope they continue the series until we get a satisfying ending! :D anyway, after the credits they obviously show space for a third movie or second series.

BTW, that was probably the best kiss of this anime season :P

i liked it, but since it hasnt lived up to my expectations im going to rate it with an 8... the first one i rated it with a 7 :P at least this one felt more complete..

P.S. the fansubs i watched where terrible... like i want to through myseld in a river and die terrible.
Aug 27, 2010 1:26 AM

Dec 2008
so, I watched this movie like around 1am....and my face was a WTH is happening? thru out the whole movie...sorta like this: (O_o)

maybe I need to rewatch everything for me to fully understand it....but i really dont feel like it...I mean... I did like the series...but obviously I am too lazy and I dont think is going to fulfill the emptiness I feel right now. Overall, I think it was an okay movie...(n_n);;

even thou i dont quite understand the ending...why is he even hidding, is it bc he is a terrorist?? if #1 forgot his memories...and possibly even is it possible for the gang to be free and clean out of charge?? that the REAL reason why Akira is hidding...wait he is w Mr. Outside...wait...WHAT?? I feel like my brain was just raped...

btw, I cant believe Akira's brain could stand a third memory wipe out...hahahahaha isnt that fortunately ironic???
Aug 27, 2010 1:55 AM

Jan 2008
Interesting take on modern Japanese society but that's it. No real tension, bland characters.

And Saki didn't die, meh.

Overall, slightly better than the first movie.


"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Aug 27, 2010 7:38 AM

Jul 2010
The movie answered some of the questions that i had from he series and the first movie. I really thought there be a better ending though =/ but it dose leave it open to the possablity of another film or a second season, but i dout that would happen and it prob wouldn't have the same kinda feel that the first series left me with.

The movie was deffo lacking something the series had, but i can't place what it is unless i rewatch it all which i'm to lazy to do
Aug 27, 2010 9:23 AM
Jul 2008
I hope the ending is a foreshadow to a 2nd season or 3rd movie. ^_^
Aug 27, 2010 2:06 PM

Jul 2010
I'm kinda unsatisfied... I think it was a bit.. yeah how should I say it.. it's like they had like 3 ideas for an ending and choose to put them all in the movie but in the end only "really end" with 1 of them, the other 2 letting vague.. I really hope there's gonna be a film 3 but I don't think so, if u think about it without liking/noy liking it's an ending. Not the best one, not what I expected -after the episodes and the first movie- but it's different xd

I was like 0.o not again, they're nót gonne wipe his memmories at the end after they all "won" the game! was so relieved that he still knew everything ^^
But, can somebody explain.. if that woman was really his mother, how come so that the PM isn't his real father? Or was his father just an unknown guy and was that picture of them showed to confuse us? xd

I would've loved if the anime was 24/26 episodes instead of 11, the storie is kinda rushed, even with 2 movies.. And am I the only one or did somebody else hoped/thought that he would be "king" and help everybody? I would've loved it if the would've ended up being king, lol ^^ (btw, when he hit Mr.Outside with that.. thing -lol can't come up with the name of that thing- that was so much win!-
Aug 27, 2010 6:21 PM

Sep 2009
As everyone here....the movie was not as satisfying as the series. The huge gap between the series and the movies made me forget few things which made the movies harder to understand.

Love the way Saki ran after Takizawa and the kiss scene was sort of cute.

The subs I watched was plain bad.....therefore could someone tell me what did Takizawa announce as his demand?
Aug 27, 2010 7:47 PM

Dec 2007
The movie overall was great aside from the ending. Really the ending leaves a slight of a cliff hanger, but also really doesn't leave much room for a third movie since all the former selaco lost their memory.

I wanted to see more SakixAkira action..... but the story was still good, glad to see alot of the gaps were filled
Aug 27, 2010 7:59 PM

Aug 2009
I was a little unsatisfied with this movie, but at least the game is finished.

Aug 27, 2010 8:13 PM

Jan 2010
I thought the first movie was better, but this one wasn't all that bad. The kiss was cute.
Aug 27, 2010 10:06 PM

Aug 2008
i'm still surprised all of this happened within 11 days
or maybe not. i didn't pay attention to the subs that much but i specifically recall Saki narrating at the end about 11 days
Aug 27, 2010 11:58 PM
Mar 2009
I don't get why Takizawa has to freaken be away from Saki. Why did he leave her AGAIN? Why can't they just stay together? This whole movie was confusing to me since I don't remember almost anything from the first movie. It needed more romance between Saki and Taki. Overall it was a disappointment. I would of liked it if they just gave Saki a happy ending and give us a 6 month time skip where they marry. the end. Now that would be good ending. And did Takizawa erase his memory in the end or something?
ZammyfighterAug 28, 2010 12:01 AM
Aug 28, 2010 9:42 AM
Dec 2008
Zammyfighter said:
I don't get why Takizawa has to freaken be away from Saki. Why did he leave her AGAIN? Why can't they just stay together? This whole movie was confusing to me since I don't remember almost anything from the first movie. It needed more romance between Saki and Taki. Overall it was a disappointment. I would of liked it if they just gave Saki a happy ending and give us a 6 month time skip where they marry. the end. Now that would be good ending. And did Takizawa erase his memory in the end or something?

Nah Takizawa didnt erase his memory due to him doing it 2 times already to the point that he was immune on the third time and I believe that there will be a second season seeing that the game might have restarted at the ending scene with the phone. But hey I really dont believe they are going to end it with a cliff hanger.
Aug 28, 2010 11:25 AM
Jul 2010
Zammyfighter said:
I don't get why Takizawa has to freaken be away from Saki. Why did he leave her AGAIN? Why can't they just stay together? This whole movie was confusing to me since I don't remember almost anything from the first movie. It needed more romance between Saki and Taki. Overall it was a disappointment. I would of liked it if they just gave Saki a happy ending and give us a 6 month time skip where they marry. the end. Now that would be good ending. And did Takizawa erase his memory in the end or something?

Too much of a typical romance ending. Also, Takizawa mentioned he had to do something, memory in tact.
Loved the kiss, though. Saki <3. Also, I couldn't help but laugh after the credits. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. No idea why people said it's boring, guess they just want moooar action.

/first post
Aug 28, 2010 12:52 PM

Nov 2009
Very disappointing; lacking in any tension or a real conflict. I was so-so on the first season. The first movie was what pushed this as a good series for me. However the final one was just a weird attempt to tie up the loose ends; which they didn't. Maybe i got the impression because the gap between movies... Perhaps more than a maybe. Plus there was little interaction between the characters from the first two parts.

However the ending was very unsatisfying. They do a flash forward but tell us Akira's plan has sort of failed after a while. O.o He essentially broke his promise since we don't know if he will return.
7/10. Average.
Edit: I will give a compliment to the kiss scene - bravo! Glad she grabbed him!
helurAug 28, 2010 12:55 PM
Aug 28, 2010 12:55 PM

Jun 2009
Wait, that...that's it? What the hell?

I waited the whole movie for something to happen but then it was just over. What happened anyway? WHAT WAS THE FRIGGIN POINT IN THIS?

This was lacking something. I can't put my finger on what it was, but it was something severe. I feel totally disappointed. I don't even know what I was expecting, but it was something completely different, that's for sure.
Aug 28, 2010 2:56 PM

Jun 2009
Rough subs are so bad.
But at least i got to watch the movie. I don't really get why Takizawa has to find Mr.Outside after the game ended, and I'm wondering if there will be another side story to this. Cliffhanger indead.
So in the end, he's not the president 's son? =_=..
Im so confused...
Aug 28, 2010 5:36 PM
Jul 2008
i think it ended well for what it was worth. the potential for this entire series was so much more but by the time the king of eden came around, with only one movie left to tie things up, i guess they did what they could. - anime | manga | reviews
Aug 28, 2010 7:13 PM
Nov 2008
Egh, I'd rather not watch the movie at all if it was going to be so anti-climatic.
Aug 29, 2010 4:42 AM

May 2010
kerobear said:
Rough subs are so bad.
But at least i got to watch the movie. I don't really get why Takizawa has to find Mr.Outside after the game ended, and I'm wondering if there will be another side story to this. Cliffhanger indead.
So in the end, he's not the president 's son? =_=..
Im so confused...

Hahaha, indeed!! The subs I watched were based on google translate and the English grammar was just horrible :D
Anyways, with a little basic knowledge of Japanese anyone would understand it but it's sad that I did not.

Since I kind of did not understand those heavily conversation based moments I am kind of confused so this does affect the rating i give to this movie. This was a good movie with a satisfying ending but it's just that I did not understand it all.....

Any East of the Eden fan (freak) care to sum the whole movie up?
Aug 29, 2010 7:10 AM

Jun 2009
Shinichi- said:

Any East of the Eden fan (freak) care to sum the whole movie up?

Mononobe tried to set Takizawa and the Eden gang up as the terrorists responsible for the missile attacks.
Takizawa went with the mood and declared himself responsible, stating that the old guys in charge of the country should give the younguns more rights or something worse would happen.
Saizo really liked that, declared everyone the winner of the game (because they had "given their best") and wiped everyone's memories (it didn't work with takizawa).
The NEETs really did get more rights but that didn't last long, so in the end nothing had changed.
The end.
Aug 29, 2010 6:48 PM

Aug 2008
The next story is going to be "The eleven days I spent with Takizawa." Wow, a sequel hook. But I can't not say that I wasn't excited at the end.
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Aug 29, 2010 7:59 PM

Mar 2010
The subs were fine. As for the movie itself.... meh. I expected much more, especially the ending. A giant cliffhanger after 1 season and 2 movies is sucky.
Aug 30, 2010 7:22 AM
Nov 2009
It was really a good movie but alot of questions were still unanswered!! Hopefully they won't really end it like this and make another sequel movie or season 2 -.- overall 9/10 for me. =)
Aug 30, 2010 3:28 PM
Nov 2009
Personally I liked this movie better then the 1st one it felt like it just had a lot more going on then the first one. It did confused me though.

I have some questions on it if people would be nice to clarify on it which confused me in the movie.


I did have a hard time understanding things though there was a lot of abbreviation of Japanese organization in the subs I was watching this movie in which confused me alittle.

1. Was something to do with some tax agency and another was some kind of Japanese cyber intelligence government agency and how the Eden group were getting pursued by them. I got it somewhat but I wouldn't mind some clarification on it.

2. The girls who were not part of the program but they new about it. They were talking about a grandpa which I'm guessing was Mr. Outside. Were they just the drivers for the trucks? Were they the voices for the Juizes, Did two of them die? since two missiles did blow up number XI and XII trucks?

3. I sort of got what Mononobe plans were he wanted to cause some kind of event that would shock Japan in over turning the government where individual rights were stripped. If anyone could clarify what exactly his plans were when he was talking to Takizawa please do it was really pretty hard to follow for me.

4. Takizawa's plan was to make a government where the young people/ NEETS would take the government and run it because all the older people in the power didn't feel that the younger generation knew how to run the country? Something about earning more rather then spending...

If anyone could clarify on these it would be much appreciated as I would like to understand what exactly Takizawa was trying to do.
Spykr_MagioAug 30, 2010 3:32 PM
Aug 30, 2010 4:51 PM

Jun 2009
So The Japanese always like this...They great with plot and story but always suck and fail with the ending...
Aug 30, 2010 7:01 PM

Sep 2009
I didn't like how it ended....
The series was definately amazing, and kept me guessing the entire time. It's just that type of anime that pulls you in. The first movie made me happy, wasn't as good as the series, but the second movie gave me more hope, you know?
It's true that the movies didn't live up to their expectations.
All that narrating at the end by Saki seemed like that's the only thing the producers could come up with. Once all the mysteries were solved that were probably, "Well what do we do now?"
"That's the last time we saw Takizawa."
"It's been (half a year or 1 year + 1/2?)."
Just in that period of time or forever?
I'd rather just in that period of time, so in my twisted imagination, I can imagine Takizawa coming back to Saki and the rest *-*
I think this anime could do with one more episode.
Because you know how anime's plots end on episode 23 and they're a 24 episode show? I really think this needs one of those aftermath episodes.
Or maybe I just want more *-*

Sep 1, 2010 11:15 AM

Oct 2009
Spykr_Magio said:

2. The girls who were not part of the program but they new about it. They were talking about a grandpa which I'm guessing was Mr. Outside. Were they just the drivers for the trucks? Were they the voices for the Juizes, Did two of them die? since two missiles did blow up number XI and XII trucks?

I think they were just the girls who carried out the plans, the ones who did the manual work.

Personally, I found the first movie lacking. It didn't have a clear ending, it felt like it just stopped halfway through. At least the second movie did, though that's not to say I felt entirely satisifed with the ending, but much more so. I do quite like this series though and from that ending I really hope they're planning a third movie because otherwise - Blergh.
Sep 3, 2010 2:03 PM

Mar 2008
It was alright, a nice somewhat relaxing end to the story.

And promise to come back?!

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Sep 3, 2010 3:55 PM
Jun 2009
K0S-M0S said:
I was a little unsatisfied with this movie, but at least the game is finished.

I just lost.
Sep 4, 2010 12:08 AM

Aug 2007
K0S-M0S said:
I was a little unsatisfied with this movie, but at least the game is finished.

i was glad that Akira's memory wasn't erased anymore, but my shoujo faggy self wanted Akira and Saki to end up together.
Sep 4, 2010 11:20 AM
Mar 2008
I won't say this was bad but they made up an epic plot and could have developed it way better than they did.
WishySep 4, 2010 11:43 AM
Sep 4, 2010 2:40 PM
Dec 2007
Anticlimactic, insightful and as perfectly directed as it gets.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Sep 4, 2010 5:38 PM
Mar 2008
The thing is most of the questions were not answered. Maybe because I watched the series when it aired, same with first movie, and now this one, I may be missing some stuff and maybe my questions actually were answered. But what I wanted to know was:

Who the hell is Mr. Outside? How did he have such power? I mean not everyone goes around giving 100 million dollars to random people he meets using as a basis what they answer to a question.
Sep 4, 2010 5:39 PM

Apr 2010
i absolutely loved it. i wish that Takizawa didn't have to end up a terrorist. its a real end to eden of the east. i wish that some how they could bring it back :( but it was absolutely amazing
Sep 4, 2010 11:26 PM

Jul 2007
I am disappoint.

Sep 5, 2010 11:13 AM

Jan 2010
I can't imagine a better ending, this was great.
Sep 5, 2010 11:40 AM

Sep 2008

Fuck you retarded story writer
Sep 5, 2010 2:56 PM

Feb 2009
It wasn't bad, but the ending just ruined alot for me. I had hoped for something more deep as an ending. This just feels like they were out of ideas for the story, and decided to end it with something this easy. >_> I expected a whole lot more. But maybe that's just me.
Sep 5, 2010 6:58 PM

Jan 2010
well... they spend the hole movie talking... but, it left a lot of questions D:
like, who was the 4 twins, or whatever e_e what they were doing there?
and the ending was lame. I loved the series and the first movie, but i disappointed with this one.
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