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Jul 26, 2010 11:23 AM

Jun 2007
Wow, Bunmei sucks. What a coward. Hopefully they'll develop him better before the show ends. Interesting to see that missing people were being turned into mothmen. Icky. Looking forward to the next episode.
starryskyJul 26, 2010 11:30 AM

Jul 26, 2010 11:28 AM

Aug 2009
So Bunmei was never this cool time-travelling badass but has always been a spineless coward and even lied about how he got to the past. That's quite an interesting take on things.

And again, every time he was in the car was fantastic.

They more than made up for not having Smile and JK not do anything last episode by having them kick mothmen ass this one. (Somehow the huge-ass screwdriver gives me Shizuo vibes)
Jul 26, 2010 11:29 AM

Aug 2009
Yea, Bunmei needs to grow a backbone or something :x

the mothmen part was a little weird, and unexpected.

the whole dynamite thing just seems suspicious. it makes me think that:

Let's see how the next episode does things :D


Kuro4735Jul 27, 2010 9:40 AM

Jul 26, 2010 11:30 AM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverAug 2, 2010 3:56 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 26, 2010 12:07 PM

Sep 2009
Cosmonaut said:
Wow, Bunmei sucks. What a coward. Hopefully they'll develop him better before the show ends.


I also thought he was some badass, but I guess I was wrong...anyways..All I can say is...Mothman!
Jul 26, 2010 12:23 PM

Dec 2009
I knew it! I told my friend when we were watching episode 2 that it was the total opposite. Bunmei came off as a total loser to me right from the start.

Anyway this was a hilarious episode and I can't wait to watch it with my friend~

Oh and that was a huge pile of crap and how did whatsherface get out of the cave? Maybe she went back the way she came or is she in on what the VP and man in black glasses are up to?

Jul 26, 2010 12:42 PM

Apr 2010
Bunmei is a real coward he really knows how to run when something happens.
That Porsche 996 owning waitress is a mystery as well behaving like that after he abandoned her in that cave.
Not to mention the fact that she can afford that car, and with the way she is driving tires must be a fortune as well not to mention springs and brakes.

And we had lots of Maya again, she makes watching this anime worth it.
The way she reacted to Bunmei's smell was funny as well, plus her facial expressions where awesome again.

And that scene where the Vice president said that she fell in love with Bunmei, the reaction of her henchmen was great.
Jul 26, 2010 1:02 PM

Jul 2008
liked the episode
needs more maya though ;p
Jul 26, 2010 1:08 PM

Sep 2008
Chihiro is too great about her love, amusing stuff.
Her hairstyle still kills me though.
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Jul 26, 2010 2:06 PM

Jul 2009
Cosmonaut said:
Wow, Bunmei sucks. What a coward. Hopefully they'll develop him better before the show ends. Interesting to see that missing people were being turned into mothmen. Icky. Looking forward to the next episode.

Lol, they shouldn't have needed to explicitly state it. It's been pretty implied that he was a coward all along.

Best part:




Jul 26, 2010 2:12 PM

Sep 2009
Smile & JK!! <3
And what's the deal with Mikaze? At that speed you don't "feel" seeing someone inside a shrine. Wonder who she'll turn out to be :)
Jul 26, 2010 2:24 PM
Nov 2009
remember the spell book thing. i think in a couple of episode bunmei might be the one using it and then kick ass
Jul 26, 2010 2:27 PM

Jan 2008
qvnsq said:
remember the spell book thing. i think in a couple of episode bunmei might be the one using it and then kick ass

The animators obvisouly are a bunch of faggots who decided to ruin this show by adding a pussy ass bitch with the name of bunmei.

Seriously the first episode looked promising but after 2 I started to think this isn't going to be as good as I first thought and after this episode this show is ruined.

The immens aura of fail that Bunmei produces makes mayas awesomeness dissapear into the abyss and makes this show fail so hard that even 13 years in the future you will still notice the aftermath of it.
TheUniqueReaperJul 26, 2010 2:34 PM
Jul 26, 2010 2:32 PM

Apr 2010
Inarius said:
Cosmonaut said:
Wow, Bunmei sucks. What a coward. Hopefully they'll develop him better before the show ends.


I also thought he was some badass, but I guess I was wrong...anyways..All I can say is...Mothman!

Agreed. The part where the rock clotheslined Bunmei was by far the best part of this episode ><
Jul 26, 2010 2:32 PM

Jan 2010
"But what's the point in seducing him?"
...a pause...
"Is it wrong for me to fall in love with someone?"

Bunmei is a creep, we need more awesome janitor guy.

I laughed so hard when he was explaining what really happened. And I was wondering why he seemed to be so much cooler in the future...

I think the Porche owner is working with the vice principal.
Jul 26, 2010 2:36 PM

Dec 2008
OMG! Bunmei is a cowardly, lying, sack of shit!!! I'm glad Maya treats him like something that one scrapes off the bottom of their shoe.

Smile, you are SO hot! I wanna date you! LMAO!!
Jul 26, 2010 2:50 PM

Jun 2010
As been said I knew Bunmei was comedic relief and somewhat cowardly and a pushover, but damn this was pathetic on another level. If anything it just bumps Maya up cause he deserves to be treated like that, honestly when he ran out I was expecting him to have a turn of character after looking at the setting.

Probably just me but Chihiro's assistant somewhat looks like the one who picked up Bunmei in the future. Yea the fact that Mikaze made it out of the cave so easily is odd, I hope she isnt a villain or the key herself, unfortunately in the OP, she is paired up with Chihiro so who knows how much stock to put in that.
Jul 26, 2010 3:05 PM

Aug 2009
Iisan-kun said:
Are they trying to make us utterly hate the lead male? It really seems like it.

Looks like it.

I think this is probably like "let's epic fail him first. Maybe redeem him later."

At least I hope that's what they're going for.
Jul 26, 2010 3:10 PM

Sep 2009
garfield15 said:
And again, every time he was in the car was fantastic.

....his facial expression was the best!

The waitress...there is something evil about her.

Maya elevates the episodes to excellence.
Jul 26, 2010 3:11 PM

Jul 2008
Lol, it seems that every character in this anime is awesome except for Bunmei, poor guy. The best part was the tunnel part with smiles and jk! xD
Jul 26, 2010 3:33 PM

Dec 2008
Mothra makes an appearance!

And LOL at all the Bunmei hate. I love him! I mean, he's a dickwad and a pussy, but he's one hell of a great addition to the cast. He's hilarious. "I'm lost, too." pffft XD

Great episode. Great show.

Jul 26, 2010 3:52 PM

Apr 2010
I hate guys that act tough, but turn out to be cowards =/
Jul 26, 2010 4:18 PM

Jan 2009
I love Bunmei. :'D
Jul 26, 2010 4:18 PM
Jun 2010
boring episode, Maya is getting irritating, number 6 turned out to be a random idiot from the future, who didn't figure that out already... I hope the next one is better.

Jul 26, 2010 4:27 PM

May 2008
This would be a good comedy if the male lead wasn't an annoying pussy

supersayen said:
random idiot from the future

Couldn't put it in better words.
Jul 26, 2010 4:29 PM

Jul 2009
Iisan-kun said:
Are they trying to make us utterly hate the lead male? It really seems like it.

It's for the sake of comedy. :)
Jul 26, 2010 4:29 PM

Apr 2010
Oh Bunmei, you have disappointed me. I no longer feel bad about the physical abuse Maya puts you through. What a coward! It might have been funny if he hadn't left Maya to die. And lied about it. But at least Smile and JK are real men :P I'm sure that he'll probably have the chance to redeem himself, but I don't know if I'll be able to warm up to him anymore. I know it's supposed to be funny, but...I don't know, it just annoys me.

Moving on...I thought this episode was a lot better than episode 3. I was happy to see Smile and JK, especially Smile. Those two just make me smile. And I was hoping we'd get to see Maya using some of those defensive spells, but oh well. Maybe next time? Also, I'm starting to feel kinda sorry for the Vice Principal who's crushing on Bunmei...the whole Mikaze thing seems to be too good to be true, so I wonder if they'll actually end up together in the end if the future is saved.
Jul 26, 2010 4:46 PM

Jul 2008
Soulstrider said:
This would be a good comedy if the male lead wasn't an annoying pussy

supersayen said:
random idiot from the future

Iisan-kun said:
Are they trying to make us utterly hate the lead male? It really seems like it.

This. Also, him completely lying about saving the day pisses me off too. I think there is something really suspicious about Mikaze though.
Gar_LoganJul 26, 2010 4:55 PM
Jul 26, 2010 5:06 PM

Mar 2009

Kenji, is that you O_o?
Jul 26, 2010 6:10 PM

Jul 2009
Usually, I grow bored on the Ice-Queen type characters, yet Maya I can understand, especially with a daft sidekick.
Love her facial expressions too, most tsundere's (male and female) are fairly vaccant.

What was funny/terrible was the girl with glasses going off on an adventure and her parents not worrying!

Bunmei is definatley going to be one of thoses characters who saves the day towards the end; proving valuable; a diamond in the rough.
He has some uses at the moment; he makes a sturdy chair/step.
(I think his girlfriend's a monster + he has a stalker now).:p

The caretaker and goth boy make me laugh, eyt now, they have proven great; they don't have a clue yet atleast they help.

Jul 26, 2010 6:26 PM

Jul 2009
Apparently not too many can take a joke very well....

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Jul 26, 2010 6:29 PM

Jul 2010
I hated this show at first but this episode and the one before it were actually pretty entertaining. I hope the rest of the series is like this.
Jul 26, 2010 6:31 PM
Jun 2010
How the hell did #5 lose to moths? He was a friggen pyrokinesis, thought the expression, "It's like moth going to a flame", isn't that meant that the moth gets pwnt by flame?!?!
Jul 26, 2010 6:33 PM

Jul 2010

Key word "Hugeness UNKO"

ep was 3/5
Jul 26, 2010 6:42 PM

May 2010

It's late here, so I'll keep this brief.

Good to see Bunmei's inconsistent character before was meant to be inconsistent. Still, it does seem a bit random now... all their other agents have failed, so they're sending some random douche in who just pretends to have psychic abilities, even if he did actually have them once, possibly? Yeah, on that note, this anime's going for a bit of a minimalistic approach when it comes to explaining things. I'll continue to give it the benefit of the doubt for now, but my list of plot holes is growing...

The comedy was probably the best bit of this episode. Good to see them developing some decent running gags without killing them. Oh, and slapstick's always nice when it involves stupid and/or cowardly characters: step right up, Uchida Bunmei!

I do hope this isn't the last we see of the mothmen... not so much because they're a good monster, because, well, they're average at best, but more because they've spent so much time building up to them beforehand; heck, they even put the silhouette of one in the bloody opening. If this is the end, it feels like an anti-climax.

Victims (apparently) turning into the mothmen was nice. They could've done more with it though... oh well. Maybe if the mothmen do come back they will. We'll see I guess.

Overall, 4/5, just. It's still got a fairly fresh feel to it, but it hasn't quite sold me on the integrity of its plot and on its characters. Still giving it the benefit of the doubt, as I said before, but my patience is beginning to slip away. That said, I'll probably keep watching for the comedy at least; despite it's apparently serious, even horror-like tone most of the time, it's actually one of the funniest anime this season. So I suppose at least that should keep me until the end to see if they're going anywhere with all this.
Jul 26, 2010 7:47 PM

Oct 2007
This anime is really random.. I don't know what's missing, but the first 2 episodes were awesome and the last 2 were just okay.. Also, Bunmei is getting annoying because he's so cowardly lol..
Jul 26, 2010 7:51 PM

Jun 2009
controlmajortom said:

Best part:





Jul 26, 2010 8:50 PM

Nov 2007
Haha, and so the truth is revealed! Fumiaki no longer has powers and made up that other scene, how interesting.

Wondering where this is gonna go next. Shame it's only 13eps. :/
Jul 26, 2010 9:34 PM

Jun 2009
lol Bunmei is a coward. This ep is better than the previous one. Yay I see the Janitor & JK <33

Jul 26, 2010 9:46 PM

May 2009
Fumiaki was beyond disappointing in this one. Calling him a loser would be giving real losers a bad name. Coward also doesn't adequately describe him, though it is definitely a part of who he is right now. In any case, it will be interesting to see how he'll redeem himself (and I'll be shocked if this doesn't happen). He's a sad, sad man. In hindsight, all that physical abuse by Maya was well deserved.
Jul 26, 2010 9:59 PM

Oct 2008
Can people here really dislike a character that easily just because he/she isn't exactly "ideal" or something? Due note, this isn't a criticism. I'm just asking.

Personally, I don't find any reason to outright hate him. I will however find just about every possible reason to pity him. It's like what, 2011/12? He's poor, can't seem to get anywhere in life, and out of nowhere he's suddenly dragged back in time to the year 1999 in order to save humanity against his will by a bunch of guys. And since he traveled back, he ends up naked and physically abused by an anti-occult woman and has gone on not-so-fun car rides. The only positive thing he seems to be getting out of all of this is nostalgia considering the 3rd episode with wanting to hear his mom again and taste some food at that restaurant.

Maybe it's just my imagination, but that show-off-like attitude makes me wonder if he miss his days as a kid where everyone adored him for being supposedly able to bend a spoon, even though he hated being called Bunmei. And speaking of possibly my imagination, wasn't the guy in the suit and shades who dragged Fumiaki from the streets the same guy that associates with that teacher who finds Maya as an obstacle?

Also some of the comic relief in this show just SCREAMS of Scooby-Doo vibes to me. From the Velma-like character to the whole running from one cave to another sequence from this episode after being chase by a moth a monster. Hell, with that shade of green on his shirt and his easily frightened attitude, he's beginning to make me think of Shaggy a little, which I find funny.
HypeathonJul 26, 2010 10:06 PM
Jul 26, 2010 10:12 PM

Jul 2009
kokoro_412 said:
controlmajortom said:

Best part:






Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Jul 26, 2010 10:20 PM
Dec 2008
Of all the people the could have gotten for the mission they had to pick up the wuss. I like Bunmei and all but this episode was pushing it. I hope he get some balls and actually become helpful.

Anyway, this Epsiode was good, at least better than the previous one.
Jul 26, 2010 10:26 PM

Jul 2009
Hypeathon said:

Also some of the comic relief in this show just SCREAMS of Scooby-Doo vibes to me. From the Velma-like character to the whole running from one cave to another sequence from this episode after being chase by a moth a monster. Hell, with that shade of green on his shirt and his easily frightened attitude, he's beginning to make me think of Shaggy a little, which I find funny.

Yeah, I agree. The whole series has almost a western cartoonish kind of feel, which really works in my opinion. I don't really find any reason to hate Bunmei either. I'm almost completely disregarding the plot and looking at the show solely as a comedy. And in that sense, Bunmei provides great comedic relief.
Jul 26, 2010 10:29 PM

Aug 2008
garfield15 said:
They more than made up for not having Smile and JK not do anything last episode by having them kick mothmen ass this one. (Somehow the huge-ass screwdriver gives me Shizuo vibes)

More like Graham Specter.

Anway, I loved the parts with Smile and JK in them. I hope Bunmei eventually grows a pair because this is painful watching him be such a wuss.


wheresthehandle said:
kokoro_412 said:
controlmajortom said:

Best part:







bendomolenaJul 26, 2010 10:34 PM
Jul 26, 2010 10:33 PM

Aug 2008
Oceko said:

Kenji, is that you O_o?


Even Kenji's in this..
Jul 26, 2010 11:27 PM

Sep 2009
This episode explains why Bunmei is incompetent...though I can understand his actions since he's just a regular guy put in a crazy situation.
Jul 26, 2010 11:35 PM
Feb 2010
Even regular guys would have more balls than Bunmei. Yes he is put in a crazy situation but running out of the cave leaving two girls behind to just basically die, then actually wildly shouting about his survival not feeling any guilt at all and then basically lying about the situation to another person makes his actions seem very cowardly. In fact right now I dislike him, he is a coward and it is possibly an insult to put him at the same level as a coward because he is even lower than that. He better redeem himself quick though I can see that happening and I can see what the anime producer trying to do that still doesn't change the fact that his actions made me dislike him. Sucks to have a pussy male lead like him.
Jul 27, 2010 12:08 AM

Aug 2009
bendomolena said:
garfield15 said:
They more than made up for not having Smile and JK not do anything last episode by having them kick mothmen ass this one. (Somehow the huge-ass screwdriver gives me Shizuo vibes)

More like Graham Specter.
THAT's who I was thinking of (Goddamn DRRR! ending making me forget Baccano)
wheresthehandle said:
kokoro_412 said:
controlmajortom said:

Best part:







Jul 27, 2010 2:46 AM

Oct 2007
saxophone15 said:
This episode explains why Bunmei is incompetent...though I can understand his actions since he's just a regular guy put in a crazy situation.

maybe, but that doesn't explain who the kid is in the tv, or was that all a hoax too?
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