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Jul 21, 2010 7:22 PM

Nov 2007
This time the episode focuses on Tsurugaya Otsuu, the maid. Which btw was extremely cute imo and Kawasumi Ayako does great voicing her.

I wont go into specifics but the episode shows her past and maybe why she is the way she is now (much like ep 3 did for Otohime), and while I found it pretty cliched, I thought it worked for what they wanted to convey.

Overall a good episode, personally not as good as the last one but Im still being entertained by this show more than most.

Oh and for Ryouko fans there is enough "trying to break the tsundere walls" moments as well.
Jul 21, 2010 9:28 PM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 22, 2010 1:12 AM

Apr 2009
tl;dr ~> D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww.
The episode was alright, but what direction exactly is this show going? Is there some kind of plot, or does it remain as loose bits of comedy and DEEP drama (LOL)?
Jul 22, 2010 1:33 AM

Feb 2009
Cute episode but the flashback was a buzzkill that was completely forced. They basically gave her a tragic past, introduced, and killed off a bro in 23 seconds.
Loli Otsuu was appreciated though.
Jul 22, 2010 1:43 AM

Sep 2008
lol.. Hansel and Gretel
Jul 22, 2010 1:49 AM

Jun 2009
Last episode was better compared to this one. Ryoko and her disguise:DD
lol @ 'An army of temporary maids' haha, even the guys wear maid outfitsxDD

But the flashback was really sad, poor Otsuu. Next episode is about...uh..who's Momo-senpai?

Jul 22, 2010 1:55 AM

Sep 2008
One thing this anime does right it make the child forms of each character adorable.
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Jul 22, 2010 2:33 AM

Aug 2009
Majolika looks insaaaaanely different without her glasses and hat. I thought she was a different character at first.

Also, I thought Otsuu's favor-returning obsession was originally somewhat sexual in nature. Her current bio on the site lists it as a (supposed) fetish, and I remember her getting a little too excited over the client's request in the first episode. That in mind, it kind of clashes with the tragic truth behind the behavior.
Jul 22, 2010 3:00 AM

Sep 2009
LightningRamiel said:
Majolika looks insaaaaanely different without her glasses and hat. I thought she was a different character at first.
Yeah I was like "holy crap, Majolika doesn't have her glasses on." Though now I wonder why she needed to take them off in the first place.

I like this show...the characters are fun to watch.
Jul 22, 2010 3:15 AM

Jul 2008
I think the show gets better with each episode. If it gets a plot soon, it might turn out to be really good.
Jul 22, 2010 4:01 AM

Sep 2008
This episode was kind of boring to me.

However, Ryouko as tsundere maid = WIN
Chicken + Dictionary + Dictionary = CMC. Eeyup.
Jul 22, 2010 4:09 AM

Dec 2008
Definitely loved this episode and as some ppl said, this anime might turn out great if it gets a plot soon. 5 out of 5 is what this episode deserves! :) also it seems like Ryouko has started to like Ryoushi even more! sweet!
Jul 22, 2010 5:57 AM

Feb 2010
'Twas a nice episode! Otsuu-san is great, but even more so when she's not wearing a maid outfit. In contrast, the "crazy-scientist" girl looks insanely good with a maid outfit on and no glasses.

Ookami-san though was the best in my opinion. Being the Tsundere she is... well, maid outfits would look good on her naturaly.

This sums up my thoughts on the episode:
Jul 22, 2010 6:21 AM

Dec 2009
I want a maid too. This show's a little more interesting of what I thought it would be...
Jul 22, 2010 6:28 AM

Apr 2009
Am I the only one who finds this show severely uninspired and predictable? I can't find anything good in it except from the chara design, and the intrusive narrator is just awful.
Jul 22, 2010 6:31 AM

Apr 2009
Majolika really needs to ditch those glasses, or at least get some better looking ones... Too bad Morino has that weird phobia, I'd love to have a hot maid serve me 8D
Jul 22, 2010 6:54 AM

Dec 2007
Great episode..
This is turning out to be one of my fav series this season if it continues like this :]
Jul 22, 2010 7:00 AM

Aug 2009
Kuroko was overkilling this episode.
ReaperEXE said:

The episode was alright, but what direction exactly is this show going? Is there some kind of plot, or does it remain as loose bits of comedy and DEEP drama (LOL)?
I doubt it. The passing rumor is that it's 13 episodes and 13 episode series based off light novels always put the DEEP plot in the last two-three episodes.

The part with the maid's onii-chan was rather...dark.
Jul 22, 2010 7:21 AM

Jun 2010
Yea wasnt expecting Otsuu's past to be so grim, kinda sad really. Still nice character introduction with Ryoushi's aunt Yukime. Plus Ryouko in a maid outfit, nice, and how hers is the only one to have the cleavage cut.
Jul 22, 2010 8:17 AM

Apr 2010
Words can not describe the brilliance of Arai Satomi as the narrator, the roll suites her perfectly!

And we got to see Ookami's soft side again, her love for girl's novel's seems to fit her.
Only thing funny about seeing her as a maid was her facial expression .
Jul 22, 2010 8:38 AM

Sep 2009
*insert one more complaint about narrator ruining the moment here*

I almost didn't recognize it was the mad scientist girl when she was in a maid costume like everyone else. A sad past is good, but I've seen this sort of set up before. Nice episode nonetheless, though if the show doesn't pick up some originality soon, it's dangerously close to being dropped.
Jul 22, 2010 8:42 AM

Nov 2008
Ookami as a maid=Brilliant

lol at the Hansel and Gretel incest love. How can anyone be so oblivious to ones' surroundings?

Poor Otsuu, good thing her favor returning problem was solved.

Jul 22, 2010 9:09 AM

Jul 2009
Otsuu-chan i'm coming!
Jul 22, 2010 9:12 AM

Oct 2009
This episode unbelievably was excellent.

The only thing however that's based out of fairy tales in this episode is Hansel and Gretel, which I haven't read weirdly.

Morino's near-phobia of maids...

Yup, there may NOT be originality, but the story is excellent. (I believe the plot follows Morino and Ookami... but on their way, the anime shows the past of the Otogi Bank.)

Jul 22, 2010 9:18 AM

Aug 2009
Actually, this episode is based on a Japanese folk tale, rather than a western fairy tale like the previous episodes, called Tsuru no Ongaeshi (roughly translates to “Crane’s repayment”).

Anyways, besides that, Ookami tsundere moments were awesome xD

lol at hansel and gretel.

Screenshots :D

The serious plot twist near the end totally killed it though. Would've been better off without it. Still a fun episode though ^.^

Jul 22, 2010 9:50 AM

Feb 2010
Ryoushi as maid lol
Jul 22, 2010 9:51 AM

Aug 2008
lol at 'hiding those novels like a boy hiding dirty magazines' :P
Jul 22, 2010 9:54 AM
Jun 2010
Lol it's kind of funny this show. Even with the voice in background is not so annoying !
Jul 22, 2010 9:56 AM

Jun 2010
His aunt Yukime really nailed Ryouko with her emotions about Ryoushi, plus funny how they reviewed episode 2 and his manly ways. She really didnt deny it either, so at least we might get a decent relationship closure at the end of this anime............its a longshot but still.
Jul 22, 2010 10:29 AM

Jan 2010
I think I'm in love with Ringo...
Jul 22, 2010 10:34 AM

Apr 2010
Ryouko as maid is cute and Hansel and Gretel is so epic made me laugh like crazy xD

Jul 22, 2010 10:56 AM

Feb 2009
Dunno why but I really enjoyed this episode. Maybe because of the stress of schoolwork but this episode, which is kinda all over the place with Ryouko's love of novels, the maids and the dark past of Ootsuu, is a real stress reliever right now. Kawasumi Ayako's voice as Ootsuu and Ryouko dressed as a maid made this even better. Predictable or not, I like this show.

Ryoushi though is such a jerk for not enjoying fully the maid service. Starting to wonder now if he's straight. And that maid dress........
Jul 22, 2010 10:56 AM

Nov 2009
I am getting a feeling this will be at least two cycles long, otherwise introducing all the bank members will feel like a waste of time if they don't get to anything else. Episode was just as good as the last one even though it had more Morino-kun and ookami-san.

I agree they should have spent more time on the past. I don't know if they were trying to cut the drama short but it did feel weird.
Jul 22, 2010 12:05 PM

May 2007
Hanzel and Gretel incest lulz.

Oh yeah, here's the gif of the episode.
TABJul 22, 2010 12:27 PM

Jul 22, 2010 1:12 PM

Jan 2010
"They have obviously gotten over the fact that they are siblings."

And lol at him freaking out when the maid passed out.
Jul 22, 2010 2:09 PM

Nov 2007
i feel absolutely retarded for liking that club president ( whose name i keep forgeting, HOW RETARDED CAN I GET ) i wish he used his trap form when he wore the maid outfit. ;n; & aahhh, good episode as always. one of my fave series this season so far. :3c
Jul 22, 2010 2:56 PM

Oct 2009
Imagine you're going to a cinema and there's this middle-aged woman sitting next to you who keeps making stupid, obvious comments throughout the movie.
That's how I felt while watching this episode. I couldn't even hear what the characters were saying half the time because of the damn narrator.
Jul 22, 2010 2:58 PM

Jan 2010
SurferDude said:
Imagine you're going to a cinema and there's this middle-aged woman sitting next to you who keeps making stupid, obvious comments throughout the movie.
That's how I felt while watching this episode. I couldn't even hear what the characters were saying half the time because of the damn narrator.

If it wasn't for the narrator, this would be so much more average than it already is. The narrator brings something fresh into the series.
Jul 22, 2010 3:02 PM

May 2008
It was a good episode, though indeed the tragic past of Otsuu was forced and completely ruined the mood.
Jul 22, 2010 3:39 PM

Jul 2009
I hope Hansel and Gretel (with her wonderful, wonderful hair =q=) show up again. They seem cute.
Jul 22, 2010 3:44 PM
Dec 2007
It's all in the narration and comedy moments. I really like the series overall and especially its characters.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jul 22, 2010 4:24 PM

Mar 2009
I'm guessing this episode was written by Jun Maeda?
Jul 22, 2010 4:27 PM

May 2010
This episode took itself way too seriously. Actually, so did previous episodes, but I was able to give it the benefit of the doubt before. Now, however... sigh...

I think this show's problem is that it initially presented itself as a parody but then didn't live up to that. If it had, I have a feeling it would've been excellent; but unfortunately, it's gone and tried to have its cake and eat it, trying to add moments of OTT drama alongside all the comedy. Now, that's not to say that parodies can't have their more serious moments, but firstly they need to be sparse and secondly they need to be original. This show does neither; it has drama at least once an episode and it's all pretty cliché stuff. Now that would still be alright if instead of taking it seriously, the show made an active effort to satirise it; yet it doesn't. It wants us to care about its characters, but forgets to make them anything more than the stale tropes we see everywhere. I'm a firm believer in 'no new ideas under the sun', and I believe anime exhibits this trait perhaps more than any other medium in modern culture; normally I'm fine with a story I've heard before provided it's still a story well told. But Ookami-san's problem is that it dragged me out of this mindset at the beginning by telling me it was going to take the mickey out of all that unoriginality, only to later down the line forget that when the time comes for some proper satire.

All of which leads neatly into my next point: the narrator. Now, I like Arai Satomi. I still reckon she's perfect for this part. Her performance is top-notch. The trouble is, her part is terribly written. Others have already noted the fact that she tends to point out the obvious and talk over characters; I won't dwell on that aspect. Rather, I'm going focus on the parts where the narrator should be present because she could actually inject some enjoyability into the scene. Otsuu's past in this episode was a prime example. Now, I won't mince words: her past was awful. Not awful in the sense that it was tragic and must have been extremely difficult to live through (though I dare say it was), but awful in the sense that it really had no artistic redemption. It was tired, forced, done far too many times before, all those nasty words. For me, it was the absolute nadir of the episode. But you know what would have made it utterly fantastic? If the show had just realised this and mocked itself for it: enter the narrator. I can't imagine how funny it would've been to have all that hyperbolic drama given an overlay of bored, sarcastic Kuroko 'gently' informing the show that, sorry dears, this has been done far too many times before; really, what are you, a fairy tale? Sure, that would've killed the tension, but that assumes that we the audience were ever giving a shit in the first place. We weren't; I certainly wasn't. I wasn't from the point I realised I was watching another god-damned anime child about to be run over by a guy driving through a red light only to be saved by her conveniently-placed best friend. I wasn't moved; I was bored. If Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi had been bored with me, I'd have loved it for it; instead, it seemed to expect me to shed a tear. Well sorry, but this would be contrived if it were on; even if it is an old Japanese fairy tale, couldn't you have chopped it up 'til it was unrecognisable like you did with the tale of the Tortoise and the Hare last week? I might've had fun if you'd shown a bit of originality...

Anyway. Overall, the impression I get from Ookami-san is that, rather than being a genuine parody, it's a big festival to celebrate all the creators' geekiness with an excuse at the beginning telling us, 'oh, it's all ironic really'. Trouble is, it soon becomes all too apparent how little time they gave over to indulging that excuse, instead opting to spend all their time revelling in their own otaku delights. They reference fairy tales from around the world without particularly parodying them as such; they include more deliberate anime allusions that I care to keep track of, and won't bother listing here. This is satire with a short attention span; if it doesn't pick up in weeks to come, it may actually end up going from one of my favourite anime of the season to one of the few anime I actually drop. Here's hoping it does improve soon.

Ok, rant over, you can all start paying attention again now.

Despite all that, this episode wasn't entirely horrible; there was enough good moments for me to give it a 2 rather than a 1. The character designs continue to be nice and pretty; loli-Otsuu was very cute. Yukime is an excellent character, even if she marks the second and more obvious Love Hina reference to grace this show (Haruka, much?); I look forward to seeing more of her. The Hansel and Gretel twincest was pure win, and one of the few places where the narrator's role was well-managed; am I the only one hoping we'll see more of this pair in episodes to come? Majo is possibly now my favourite character in the show ahead of Liszt - she does look pretty cute without her usual get-up, but I wouldn't have her any way other than in all her mad scientist glory, so I'm not too sad that we probably won't get to see her like that again any time soon.

Seems we're getting a new character next week, unless Momo-chan-senpai secretly refers to Majo or Alice or someone. If that's the case, weeeee, another initially interesting character to be ruined by taking too close a look at them... hopefully Alice rather than Majo, as Miss Soifon wasn't too interesting in the first place at least...

2/5. Don't make me drop you, Ookami-san.
OsricJul 22, 2010 4:41 PM
Jul 22, 2010 5:03 PM
Jun 2010
Otohime in maid outfit.
Jul 22, 2010 5:36 PM

Oct 2009
Nice episode, but very predictable however.
Jul 22, 2010 6:35 PM

Sep 2009
'Madetashi, madetashi'-----> this destroys the whole show.

Childhood flashback was depressing in a good way.....normal episode so far.

The best part of this show till now must be the characters.
Jul 22, 2010 6:50 PM

May 2009
This was the best episode so far, but it was still bad. I'm waiting for the main antogonist from the op to appear (yeah, I know he apperad in ep 2 for a moment), he might just bring some goodness to the show.
Jul 22, 2010 7:49 PM

May 2010
Ryouko and Majolika in maid uniforms = WIN!!
Jul 22, 2010 7:50 PM
Sep 2009
Maid Ryouko = :D
Jul 22, 2010 8:09 PM

May 2010
My favoriate character in this show is now Ringo.
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