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Jun 22, 2010 3:24 PM

Nov 2007
Just so everyone knows, it was indeed a fake spoiler. hints were 'tuberculosis', 'gym instructor' and 'actor'. i was a bit annoyed that they actually showed it in the preview that what was coming.

Good for the anime though since its following the original manga. it will get better from here on. you can trust me on this.

Due to loss of blood, Sakuragi wasn't in his senses, and kept the knife in his hand, and despite the Japanese police noticing that he was wounded, he couldn't stop the MPs who were provoked by Sasaki and fired several rounds. Sakuragi reminisces everyone before taking his last breath.

Mario returns with a K.O victory and meets Setsuko with a smile, and takes her to where An-chan is, breaking down midway in their way when Satsuko kept on insisting about Sakuragi's whereabouts.

Setsuko collapses on her knees and cries in front of the dead body. Mario returns to the tree where they made the promise all alone.

The day arrives when the remaining 4 are freed from Shonan. everyone meets Mario together who had been waiting for them beforehand.

Anyways, to make the long story short, Mario works in a bar now, Suppon still sells cigarettes from that American Officer, Baremoto works as a librarian, Cabbage works in a construction company, Heitai is a regular now, Joe has started a band with some of his friends and Setsuko still works in the hospital. Also, Setsuko looked more matured and beautiful with her longer hair <3

the six boys later found out that Sasaki has become a renowned figure by now. And decides to avenge Sakuragi. Mario decides to take on Ishihara on his own, and meets Setsuko before that. Setsuko slaps Mario for thinking about doing something Sakuragi would never allow him to do. Mario parts with Setsuko and goes to find Ishihara, but once he meets him by the seaside, he finds an Ishihara hard to recognize, drug addicted and waiting for the return of Sakuragi to kill him. It seems though he has been through this punishment ever since Sakuragi died.

Meanwhile, the six stop Sasaki and show him their faces, just giving him an indication that it is far from over. Sasaki feels doomed as the boys treated him with utmost respect. (this was the best part of the show)

Mario pulls out a dagger to finish off Ishihara. And thats that.

Next Episode: RECOLLECTION. A flashback episode with all the memories surrounding An-chan!
shanimebibJun 22, 2010 4:06 PM
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 22, 2010 4:56 PM

Aug 2009
*grumble grumble* I didn't even read the whole spoiler. Thought Ishihara was gonna die in this one *grumble grumble*

-I'm so glad the other guys didn't go into an intense crying session over Anchan like I thought they were going to do because that would have reeeeeeally killed the mood. Taking it and moving on (to screw over Sasaki/Ishihara) was a much better idea.

-Oh geez. I wanted Ishihara dead, but you know what? Just leave him like that. He'll kill himself off eventually. Shit. He looked like crap.

(Turtle looks funny with his hair)
Jun 22, 2010 7:46 PM

Jan 2010
...WOAH, THE FUCK? I definitely did not see it coming that he'd die this early.

I have so many questions. But the main one is why the hell did Mario have to turn out to be Rokurouta's clone?

I'm still confused as to what they're going to do for the rest of the anime, and how many episodes there will be.
Jun 22, 2010 9:46 PM

Sep 2009
I didn't see it coming that he'd die either... I was really looking forward to seeing them all meet under that tree eventually. I also didn't really like that huge time skip... although Setsuko looks better now :D

The series looks like it's about to become more interesting >:D
Jun 23, 2010 12:12 AM

Jul 2008
So the next episode is the end?
Jun 23, 2010 12:33 AM

Nov 2007
GarLogan78 said:
So the next episode is the end?

The next episode is the end of first part. The second part is less emo and smarter. i was waiting for this moment, the remaining 13 episodes (yeap, the next one is just a flashback) are bound to make rainbow an all time great anime.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 23, 2010 1:04 AM

Jul 2008
Ishihara died when Anchan died, I don't think he can recover, but he's probably dead soon anyways.
Jun 24, 2010 5:02 AM
Jun 2008
4443 that explain kamikaze.RIP (tear drop )
Don't Kill Ishihara!!!!NOOO
MorningGloryJun 24, 2010 5:48 AM
Jun 24, 2010 7:03 AM
Dec 2009
People who read the manga are saying that this is the point where the show really starts. I'm left wondering where it could possibly go from here.

Maybe it'll be like the second half of Gurren Lagann. Rainbow in space.
Jun 25, 2010 5:53 PM

Jun 2009
^ uh..... no.

Sakuragi's death only makes this show more realistic and historically accurate to post-war Japan. Often times the Americans abused and killed off Japanese without a second thought.

I think the show is just going superb.

savetherocks said:
Setsuko looks better now :D

The series looks like it's about to become more interesting >:D

^ this.

Did she get a new uniform as well as the hair? Whatever it is, it's working for me!

Wish I could read the manga... translations anyone?
Jun 25, 2010 6:48 PM

Dec 2009
Was a sick episode, something big is gonna happen, i have a feeling something is going to happen with mario, he might get caught or something.
Jun 26, 2010 2:36 AM

May 2008
Great episode, Sakuragi's death was sad, poor Setsuko.~
Anyway after the time leap I hope this is really gonna become more interesting, but I was wondering what kind of direction will it take? I loved how everyove changed a little, Setsuko is prettier with long hair. But damn Sasaki, go to hell!~
Jun 26, 2010 3:10 AM

Dec 2009
Could've done better.
Sakuragi's death was pathetic , all his coolness till now was for nothing? He could've just let the knife go and go to a hospital instead of dying just like that. Setsuko seems to be the only one who thinks a lil in this show , the guys think with their muscles . They scared Sasaki but they were also seen by that two guy who don't need much of a brain to figure out their intention , especially after Sasaki's reaction. Ishihara being so pathetic wasn't much of a surprise , he was like that since the beginning of the series , relying on Sasaki and with not too much of a brain.
Jun 26, 2010 4:08 AM

Nov 2009
shanimebib you got me buddy i readed the spoiler and im like wtf so they dont follow the manga....

Well it was okay episode but his death was so pathethic god damn anchan when someone tells you to drop the knife you fucking drop the knife.

So anyway it will be 26 episodes instead of 13 right???
Jun 26, 2010 4:45 AM

Feb 2008
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I expected this and believe that the show will get better as soon as I stop being upset that he's gone.
Plus really happy that there isn't a big old cry fest like some other animes.
Expect a flashback/recap episode next.
Jun 26, 2010 7:26 AM

Jul 2008
Aww I felt so bad for Setsuko! She even keeps a bullet that killed him with her.

So many time skips. I really liked how it showed them aging though.


Will the next episode just be a flashback, or will it show Mario killing Ishihara and the rest of Uncovered's plan to get back at Sasaki?
Jun 26, 2010 10:03 AM

Nov 2009
Know what I like about these series, huh? They get unpredictable when you least expect.
Finally some action ^_^
kickoffkidJun 27, 2010 11:59 AM
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle.
Then I realised God doesn’t work that way, so I stole one and prayed for forgiveness."
Emo Philips
Jun 26, 2010 11:13 AM

Feb 2009
Lol Rainbow in space.

So Anchan dies just like that? Didn't see that coming but it was pretty lame and stupid. And what's with the sudden time skip? So now we have the six looking like in the opening. Was expecting it to be further in the show. Setsuko looks awesome though. I've been wanting to ask this but why is Mario wearing that glove in his right hand? And lol, Ishihara went crazier than ever. Overall, not a good episode. So much happened here that could have been better if it was spread across two episodes to give more impact on the happenings. Bumped down to a 7.
Jun 26, 2010 4:02 PM
Dec 2007
As expected An-chan died and that's for the best of the script and characters' development. The second part of the episode was really good too. It's great to see the heroes all grown up and ready for the payback. Unfortunately, next episode sounds like a recap...

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jun 26, 2010 7:03 PM
Nov 2007
It doesn't matter to me where the show goes from here. The strength of these first twelve episodes is enough to keep me watching no matter what happens.
Jun 26, 2010 9:30 PM

Jul 2009

Omg, Sakuragi look alike!
Setsuko is woahhhh~
Sigh, what a lame death. I think his coolness went down a few notches.
Jun 27, 2010 4:55 AM

Dec 2007
Seriously, when Sakuragi died I yelled 'WHAT THE HELLLL"

There were no emotions in it at all. He died too soon. If the series is going to be 26 episodes, then had him die at like 20 or something. That would still leave enough space for the guys to avenge him.

It was way too rushed..
Jun 27, 2010 8:00 AM

Jan 2008
Perv in politics...nothing unusual then ^^ . Supposedly 14 episodes left. I wonder why so many but oh well, so far so good. At least it's not as teary and 'shounen ai' as before, exaggeration has its disadvantages in realistic shows.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Jun 27, 2010 3:55 PM

Aug 2008
Here's what I put in the 11 Discussion:
noteDhero said:
This was the worst episode the show has done. The whole emotional center of the show (Sakuragi's word to his raped friend) ends up being a token gesture so he can live a happy life. That's total bullshit.

Everyone needs to die.
Bumped down to a 3.

This episode wasn't much better. I wasn't a fan of the re-designs after the time skip, and I just have no reason to believe the show will be good. I even thought about dropping it. What bothers me most, though is how these children really have defined 'man' in the worst, most childish way. And I wonder how they would react knowing that Sakuragi was willing to throw away all of that just so he wouldn't be bothered with Sasaki and Ishihara.

Setsuko is the only one with any sense.
Jun 27, 2010 7:13 PM

Mar 2010
Sakuragi died, overall i hope Mario does kill ishihara although sakuragi didnt kill him.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jun 27, 2010 7:21 PM

Jun 2010
Damn Ishihara. RIP Sakuragi, you will always be my second favorite character with that name. Looks like Joe manned up quite a bit and Heitai might become a powerful figure as well.

Hopefully from this point we actually see proper character growth and depth, not just more awkwardness.
Jun 27, 2010 9:20 PM

Nov 2007
Well that was definitely expected. Come on, we all knew Anchan was gonna die pretty much from the first ep (just watch the OP) and it was obvious from the last ep that he was going to get killed in this one. It surprised me that we time-skipped so quickly, though.

The boys are idiots. Like others have pointed out, Setsuko is the only one who is thinking logically. Of course, murdering someone in a bout of revenge is a GREAT IDEA. Not. Fuck. How stupid. Anyway, am also wondering where the show is going to go. If people are saying it gets better, then I may stick around to see, but I'm not sure. I've been feeling the urge to drop this show for awhile now.
yamakasiJun 27, 2010 9:24 PM
Jun 27, 2010 10:16 PM

Aug 2007
Another dumb episode. "I have to do this as a man" may just be the most annoying phrase AND way of thinking ever. I honestly can't believe that people still like this show.
Jun 28, 2010 12:48 AM

Apr 2009
Finished 1~12 today and can't wait for more. Rainbow is amazing.
Jun 28, 2010 4:41 PM

Oct 2007
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 28, 2010 7:07 PM
Nov 2007
bwahahachick said:
Another dumb episode. "I have to do this as a man" may just be the most annoying phrase AND way of thinking ever. I honestly can't believe that people still like this show.

And yet you rate Gurren Lagann a perfect 10. Maybe your memory is more selective than you think...
Jun 28, 2010 7:28 PM

Aug 2007
dxInt said:
bwahahachick said:
Another dumb episode. "I have to do this as a man" may just be the most annoying phrase AND way of thinking ever. I honestly can't believe that people still like this show.

And yet you rate Gurren Lagann a perfect 10. Maybe your memory is more selective than you think...

We could compare each other's scores and scoff at them all day, but that won't make bringing up Gurren Lagann or any other anime relevant to this discussion.
Jun 29, 2010 3:11 AM
Nov 2007
bwahahachick said:
dxInt said:
bwahahachick said:
Another dumb episode. "I have to do this as a man" may just be the most annoying phrase AND way of thinking ever. I honestly can't believe that people still like this show.

And yet you rate Gurren Lagann a perfect 10. Maybe your memory is more selective than you think...

We could compare each other's scores and scoff at them all day, but that won't make bringing up Gurren Lagann or any other anime relevant to this discussion.

Credibility is very relevant. Gurren Lagann has the EXACT SAME conceit you're complaining about in this show, yet you don't complain about it in that one. I guess Rainbow doesn't have enough lame animation or bathhouse episodes for you...
youngerJun 29, 2010 3:17 AM
Jun 29, 2010 7:10 AM
Dec 2007
Pfffttt pathetic death... not even heroic... just plainly pathetic...

btw, Ishihara might turn out to be an ally >:D
Mario pities Ishihara.
Ishihara regretted all the things he has done to them specially on Sakuragi,
so he joined the 6 to take revenge on Sasaki...
hahahahaha, well you get the idea..

P.S.Baremoto (Nomoto) looks cool. And I expect he will keep looking good being the mastermind of this "retribution" plan. else, if he does something stupid, well he'll lose my vote.

but i mean seriously... that was a pathetic death
Jun 29, 2010 7:22 AM

Jun 2010
Jun 29, 2010 2:39 PM

Nov 2009
dxInt said:
Credibility is very relevant. Gurren Lagann has the EXACT SAME conceit you're complaining about in this show, yet you don't complain about it in that one. I guess Rainbow doesn't have enough lame animation or bathhouse episodes for you...

Yeah... It is true that they have the same concept in that perspective. One way to justify his difference in grading: TTGL was not anywhere as dark as this show is. No bathhouse scenes here, but we have Sasaki raping people in jail and suicide. The things that a "man has to do" are completely different; saving the universe compared to murdering scumbags. In the end everyone can rate how they feel.

Speaking of TTGL i got that same big brother death feel. They have to take over now. Of course i sided with setsuko on the whole revenge concept, because it was obvious thats not what Sakuragi wanted (tch... he didn't kill Ishihara). Looking forward to how this ends up, and hoping that they won't resort to killing sasaki too. Maybe just humiliate him.
Jun 29, 2010 3:51 PM

Aug 2007
dxInt said:
bwahahachick said:
dxInt said:
bwahahachick said:
Another dumb episode. "I have to do this as a man" may just be the most annoying phrase AND way of thinking ever. I honestly can't believe that people still like this show.

And yet you rate Gurren Lagann a perfect 10. Maybe your memory is more selective than you think...

We could compare each other's scores and scoff at them all day, but that won't make bringing up Gurren Lagann or any other anime relevant to this discussion.

Credibility is very relevant. Gurren Lagann has the EXACT SAME conceit you're complaining about in this show, yet you don't complain about it in that one. I guess Rainbow doesn't have enough lame animation or bathhouse episodes for you...

Well, firstly, I'm a girl, so I can't say I really care about bathhouse scenes. But my reasons for my rating of TTGL and any show for that matter are my own and not worth the time of going into. This, again, has nothing to do with Rainbow. People rate anime on very different scales. Also, TTGL and Rainbow are completely different genres and are quite incomparable. It seems like you want to argue about TTGL instead of the quality of the storytelling of this episode though, so this is going nowhere.
Jun 29, 2010 4:07 PM

Jun 2010
bwahahachick said:
dxInt said:
bwahahachick said:
dxInt said:
bwahahachick said:
Another dumb episode. "I have to do this as a man" may just be the most annoying phrase AND way of thinking ever. I honestly can't believe that people still like this show.

And yet you rate Gurren Lagann a perfect 10. Maybe your memory is more selective than you think...

We could compare each other's scores and scoff at them all day, but that won't make bringing up Gurren Lagann or any other anime relevant to this discussion.

Credibility is very relevant. Gurren Lagann has the EXACT SAME conceit you're complaining about in this show, yet you don't complain about it in that one. I guess Rainbow doesn't have enough lame animation or bathhouse episodes for you...

Well, firstly, I'm a girl, so I can't say I really care about bathhouse scenes. But my reasons for my rating of TTGL and any show for that matter are my own and not worth the time of going into. This, again, has nothing to do with Rainbow. People rate anime on very different scales. Also, TTGL and Rainbow are completely different genres and are quite incomparable. It seems like you want to argue about TTGL instead of the quality of the storytelling of this episode though, so this is going nowhere.

Yeah it simply is not the same
the rest of the series can still save this though
Jun 30, 2010 6:43 AM
Nov 2007
bwahahachick said:
dxInt said:
bwahahachick said:
dxInt said:
bwahahachick said:
Another dumb episode. "I have to do this as a man" may just be the most annoying phrase AND way of thinking ever. I honestly can't believe that people still like this show.

And yet you rate Gurren Lagann a perfect 10. Maybe your memory is more selective than you think...

We could compare each other's scores and scoff at them all day, but that won't make bringing up Gurren Lagann or any other anime relevant to this discussion.

Credibility is very relevant. Gurren Lagann has the EXACT SAME conceit you're complaining about in this show, yet you don't complain about it in that one. I guess Rainbow doesn't have enough lame animation or bathhouse episodes for you...

Well, firstly, I'm a girl, so I can't say I really care about bathhouse scenes. But my reasons for my rating of TTGL and any show for that matter are my own and not worth the time of going into. This, again, has nothing to do with Rainbow. People rate anime on very different scales. Also, TTGL and Rainbow are completely different genres and are quite incomparable. It seems like you want to argue about TTGL instead of the quality of the storytelling of this episode though, so this is going nowhere.

I don't know why you're so sure my point is unrelated. You're saying things like "this is an annoying way of thinking" and "I can't understand why anyone would like this show", and yet you like a show that contains the exact same way of thinking. Different genres sure, but are you really going to continue to claim you think it's impossible to like something that shares similarities with something you really like? Maybe if you had gone into more depth I would have shrugged your post off as a simple difference of opinion, but it honestly seems ridiculous to me how you don't mind a common storytelling element in one show, and claim it is a total deal breaker in another.

Most of the posts in this thread are quick two sentence responses to the episode. My posts (which you claim are off-topic and going nowhere), and your responses, are actually the closest thing to a discussion these Rainbow threads have actually had!
youngerJun 30, 2010 6:46 AM
Jun 30, 2010 9:17 PM

Aug 2008
It's not the exact same way of thinking. TTGL is a shounen that takes the idea purposefully over-the-top to absurdist levels, to be a comedy with good characters and enough heart to have episodes like Simon's reaction to the death of Kamina.

Rainbow is a drama. Plain and simple, and uses over-the-top violence and melodrama (in a milder manner than TTGL) to try and create some sense of strength in its wooden characters.

TTGL took the time to build characters like Simon and Rossiu, while understanding the nature of characters like Kamina and Viral, and dealing with them accordingly. Rainbow doesn't know how to do this, and that's why the show fails in comparison.
Jul 1, 2010 12:38 AM

Apr 2009
WTF at Sakuragi's death? That was really weak and his plan to just hand over the suicide note was the dumbest thing ever. Why? I just don't get the thought behind it. After all Ishihara and Sasaki has done to them and other inmates, I thought he'd at least try to bring them to justice.

The writers destroyed his character there in that last moment. He didn't go down fighting and broke just about every promise he made by dying.
Jul 1, 2010 3:33 AM
Nov 2007
noteDhero said:
TTGL took the time to build characters like Simon and Rossiu, while understanding the nature of characters like Kamina and Viral, and dealing with them accordingly. Rainbow doesn't know how to do this, and that's why the show fails in comparison.

Couldn't disagree more. TTGL works DESPITE it's ridiculous over-the-topness, precisely because it's hinting at something a little more realistic, emotional, and genuine than what you get in most super robot anime. Rainbow, while far from being documentary-level realistic, not only hints at something more genuine than what you usually see in anime, but goes further with it.

Short of becoming a criminal murderer, Sakuragi doesn't know how to stop Ishihara. The suicide letter is more symbolic than anything; there's little to nothing Sakuragi is capable of doing with it. He realizes this, and gives it to Ishihara because he's powerless to protect his friends, but desperately wants to. That surrender, while giving him the moral high ground, not only fails to stop Ishihara, but incenses him even more, which leads to Sakuragi's death. This isn't an anime where being a badass automatically means you win, nor is it an anime where being the most moral gives you superpowers. Sakuragi loses, and as the "kamikaze" character who embodies the noblest characteristics of traditional Japan, it's actually a brilliant commentary on that country post WW2, and the transformation that was necessary afterwards. These characters will be playing a much more sophisticated, much darker game from this point on out. They've already begun changing from innocent delinquents who love their bro into something else.

A little more genuine, realistic, and well-done than TTGL. You call these characters wooden, but they actually respond to and are changed by the harsh world that surrounds them, unlike TTGL where even the most dense characters do little more than say "I'm now acting this way despite everything around me!" That's not character development or richness.
Jul 2, 2010 3:11 PM
Mar 2009
They shouldn't of made it obvious that he dies. In the OP we only see 6 people, not including An-chan at the tree. Plus, in the preview for episode 12, it clearly shows that An-chan dies. They should of made it more epic and unpredictable but w/e.
Jul 3, 2010 11:29 AM

Apr 2010
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! They killed Sakuragi? NOOOO ;_;

Optime olere occisum hostem!
Jul 4, 2010 7:08 AM
Jul 2018
Great stuff, was expected that he'll die
Jul 4, 2010 2:20 PM

May 2009
Great episode.

I expected Sakuragi to die, but still got all teary; especially when Setsuko was crying. Crying women, my weakness. It'll be interesting to see where the anime and plot goes from now on...
Jul 4, 2010 5:56 PM

Jan 2009
Sakuragi death was weak because it was more down to his stupidity then anything and it felt like he killed himself in the end. If they were going to have him go out by a firing squad, they could of at least showed all the places where the bullets hit when they showed him after. But no, the only spot that had blood was the place where he got stabbed.

Sakuragi was the best character in the show and to have him die like that is a bit of a let down.
Jul 4, 2010 7:13 PM
Nov 2007
Alchemistx4 said:
Sakuragi death was weak because it was more down to his stupidity then anything and it felt like he killed himself in the end.

So when someone is unable to obey verbal commands because their body is in shock from getting stabbed, it makes it their fault that nervous police shoot them?

I know we all like anime, which isn't the most realistic medium, but it's okay when an anime takes a realistic route instead of a cartoony one...
Jul 5, 2010 9:28 AM
Aug 2009
People who really seriously can't get over the fact about Sakuragi dying so early have a wrong concept of what this show is actually focused on. This show isn't just about how he guided the 6 peeps, its about how the 6 peeps managing their lives after Sakuragi got his ass handed to him.

Look at the opening. The beginning of it where all six of them line up near the tree and all smiling. One can assume that by that, they would've made a difference in all of their lives, thanks to Sakuragi. And this is what Rainbow is actually about. With Sakuragi around, they would've spent the time even after their release just depending on him, and if that's the case Rainbow wouldn't be as worth the epicness as it is right now.

Certain parts of this episode do seem slightly bad, with them thinking of killing Ishihara and about how "its all about being a man". But as you can see, they stopped at Mario about to kill him with the knife, or that's what their depicting it to be. This moment is where all of us are going to witness whether the time that they spent inside the disciplinary school, the time they spent with Sakuragi will be wasted or not.

For those who still believe that the show will not pick up from here, that is your choice. If you watch Rainbow just to see Sakuragi show off all of his awesomeness, you will be right. If your watching Rainbow to look at each and every of their lives, and how they'll make it better, i can tell you that your extremely mistaken.

Basically, get over Sakuragi's death and look at the future. No point dwelling in the damn past.
Jul 6, 2010 8:28 AM

Jan 2009
dxInt said:
Alchemistx4 said:
Sakuragi death was weak because it was more down to his stupidity then anything and it felt like he killed himself in the end.

So when someone is unable to obey verbal commands because their body is in shock from getting stabbed, it makes it their fault that nervous police shoot them?

I know we all like anime, which isn't the most realistic medium, but it's okay when an anime takes a realistic route instead of a cartoony one...

For me, it was more the lead up to his death that killed him and that is what I was referring to. He gave the suicide letter to Ishihara thinking it would end everything and he would live happily ever after. The more logical choice would have been to give it to the police from the start and perhaps it might have caused the dirty scum to go to prison or maybe not but it would have been a better choice then handing over the letter in my opinion. And then he let himself get stabbed by Ishihara which would have killed him off most likely due to lose of blood if the soldiers didn't finish the job. He could have easily avoided getting stabbed.

Thus, I feel like his decisions caused his death in the end.
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