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Jun 6, 2010 6:03 AM

Apr 2008
Is 12/13 episodes enough for season 2?

Maybe they're gonna fill it with all slice-of-life episodes until the end. I want moar songs >< Pure Pure Heart (was it?) wasn't enough for me.

I hope they play live again...but sitll all the episodes were cute XD

Jun 6, 2010 7:28 AM

Oct 2009
I really liked it, this was a good episode for me.

Finally we have some music, some cute girls in kimono and Yui and Azu-nyan's performance was great.
Jun 6, 2010 11:00 AM

Apr 2010
Azusa looked so cute in Kimono!
Yui must be amazing to be able to sleep during a exam and still get such grades.

I really liked Yui and Azusa performing together was funny as well.
Jun 6, 2010 11:02 AM

Nov 2008
Liked the slapstick comedy attempt

YuiAzu is always the winning combination.

Jun 6, 2010 1:01 PM

Feb 2009
Super cute.

Jun 6, 2010 9:04 PM

Apr 2009
Did anyone recognize Yui's humming all the way at the beginning? I swear, it sounded like Sore ga Ai Desho from Fumoffu...

Jun 7, 2010 9:54 PM
Apr 2010
Kowal said:
The old lady had more screen time than Mio xD

It could just be me, but I think Mio has been relatively neglected this season...

EDIT: Oh yeah, the fanclub episode. Other than that, I mean.
Jun 8, 2010 11:33 AM
Dec 2007
A nice episode that managed to strike a good balance and managed to be both charming and heart-warming.

I agree with some of the posts above that we are getting some character development from Yui, and this episode served to illustrate it - although we could have done without her sleeping in the exams themselves, it did show how much Nodoka (during the exam), and the others (with the revision) care for her. The fact that Yui wanted to repay the old lady and was so determined to do so, illustrates a massive change from the completely ditsy, clueless and self-absorbed Yui we had in Series 1 Episode 1. A change for the better, and alongside the episode looking at Mio and Ritsu's childhood, we are getting a great look at their personalities. Hopefully Sawa-chan and then Mugi next!

Jun 8, 2010 12:57 PM

Nov 2008
Finland? 8D great xD
Tosi yst&auml;vyys ei j&auml;&auml;dy pakkasella! Thank you for your visit. Welcome again!
Jun 9, 2010 10:34 AM
Jul 2008
I want to see more enka remixes.
Jun 11, 2010 2:43 PM

Jan 2008
This was a cute episode!
it didn't all flow that well though because it really seemed to follow the 4 panel manga format more than what I've seen in the other episodes. The first half of the episode was like some talking and talking, then a joke. But repeated for 12 minutes. Still good :)
Jun 14, 2010 1:38 AM

Feb 2008
Why is Yui such a retard?
Jun 16, 2010 12:46 AM
Jun 2010
YuiAzu pics. Lots of it.
Jun 21, 2010 12:05 AM

Jun 2008
The old lady creped me out. When someone is always nice like that and never does anything strange also, i find it very weird and creepy.
Also it needs someone like Yui do be accepting with so much happiness all the food and staff. Maybe it's a problem with me but when someone offers me something just because of kindness i tent to avoid them because i don't want to feel like am exploiting them or feel i have to do something for them later like Yui ended up feeling in this episode.

BTW Yui is a genius. Sleeping and still getting high grates.
Jun 29, 2010 3:38 AM
Jul 2008
Ew, they cut off YuiAzu's remix...
Jul 10, 2010 1:31 AM

Sep 2007
The singing was cute. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying K-ON!

Jul 31, 2010 7:16 PM

Aug 2008
Iisan-kun said:
True to boring old me, the most interesting thing I found in the episode was when the old woman called Azu-nyan as Azunyan-san, thinking that Azunyan was her real name just as Yui introduced her.

I guess old people make obvious and amusing mistakes like that no matter where you live.
Often that's what makes them so cute themselves. At least that kind of old person, not the "get off my lawn", "turn down your noise", "I hate minorities" kind of old person.

I don't know what surprised me more this ep; Yui's great scores or Azunyan-san's participation in the comedy. Good, endearing episode, even if it wasn't terribly funny or exciting.

Aug 5, 2010 10:32 AM

Aug 2008
Ritsu is always cute~

YuiAzu's enka was amazinggg <3
Aug 9, 2010 8:13 PM
Apr 2010
LMFAO. Light and Fluffy Time Enka Remix was epic. Enka FTW!

Aug 11, 2010 7:57 AM

Jun 2009
Am I the only one who really love this episode?

Sure, the Kimono and stuff are cool, but am I the only one who actually like this story? The granny have taken care of Yui sooo much, it's almost like Yui is her grand-daughter... and Yui is trying to give back to one that is so kind to her.

I mean, from reading the comments on this topic, it seems to me that majority of the fans only watch this show for comedy, fashion(rare), music(rare) and moe... Which is kinda sad cuz this show "do" have some pretty nice message from time to time.

This episode would be awesome, with, or without the presence of the rest of the girls. Rarely can we see a K-On episode that contain such a nice purpose.

This season of K-On is pretty good. (IMHO)

5/5 for this lovely episode.
AirStylesAug 11, 2010 6:20 PM
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Aug 16, 2010 9:42 PM

Feb 2010
:D YuiAzu~
Aug 17, 2010 10:42 AM

May 2010
I got tricked into thinking that KyoAni intro was part of the show.

I can't believe Yui and Azusa got cut off!
Aug 18, 2010 3:44 AM

Jan 2010
the best part of the episode is the Manzai attempt ^^ I liked it !
Aug 18, 2010 7:07 PM

Jul 2010
That presentation was pretty lame. I'm sure they could've won if they presented as usual.
Sep 19, 2010 6:02 PM

Jul 2008
Didn't really like it. I love Yui, but my god she acted like a complete retard in this episode. She hit her head with her own guitar? WTF?
Nov 5, 2010 1:17 AM

Aug 2008
I do agree that Yui acted like a a retard a few times in this episode... ut seriously, those who say that they're not taking seriously this anime are stupid... Tell why do we watch a slice of life manga... 'Cause we expect a character development and a change in their lifes ne? Then it does make sense that personally love the fact that the girls are painfully slowly growing older and are finally getting to the point that they will break up and go their separate ways but still enjoy school and work hard...

IMO this was the best episode in the sense of character development since we got to see the evolution of Yui and how everyone else is growing too Yui might be a moeblob but she's slowly growing and being more mature.... sure she did lame things like forgetting what they neeeded for dinner or hitting her head with her guitar when bowing (which was cute by the way) but hey when she starts to give out all her attention to something she really manages to do it well... Yui is not an idiot, she's just a lazy ass xD If not then look at her notes, practicing hard with Guitah for the Festival and then Azusa helping her out... I bet Azunyan's help paid a lot! I guess she really helped Yui a lot!

The granny... when i watched the preview I thought granny was Ui's and Yui's grandma... but I guess I was wrong... is just a plain old neighbor... Dunno if I agree with ya Monad, but since its an old lady that they've known for years...that's not a problem.... In fact I found her so... wow awesome 'cause she has watched over the girls all this years... Granny is moe for sure!

YuiAzu festival participation was awesome! I loved the remix of that song... But definitely enka remix would have been much better... too bad they got cut off! That's not fair ¬¬ I wanted to hear more of the song ¬¬

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Jan 4, 2011 7:55 AM

Aug 2008
Pretty laidback episode. I was totally expecting Azusa to 'reprimand' Yui for multi-tasking.. it was unexpected she ended up helping Yui instead. That's really sweet of Azusa.
Oct 22, 2011 8:27 PM
Jun 2008
A fun episode, really enjoyed it.
Feb 24, 2012 1:02 AM

Jul 2011
awww Yui and Azunyan duet is sooo cute!!!!!!!

i think Yui is secretly smart if she gives some effort to it..
Mar 13, 2012 9:43 PM

Feb 2012
I love how Granny calls Azusa "Azunyan-san," which is somehow even cuter than just Azunyan.
Jun 6, 2012 1:26 AM

Sep 2011
Holy shit Yui and Azu-nyan looks so damn good in those kimonos! ;-;
Jul 19, 2012 11:51 AM

Jul 2010
"Soy sauce, soy sauce, yeah we ran out of sugar". Ughh... xD
Yui was actually really useful for once, well except the above mentioned of course.

Aug 21, 2012 11:14 AM

May 2012
Nice episode the ending was quite nice :D and great she did nice on her finals :D
Aug 30, 2012 5:45 PM

Nov 2011
YuiAzu fighting!!!!!

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Sep 7, 2012 12:26 PM

May 2012
I wasn't really expecting Yui to do so well on her finals. Also, I'm surprised she didn't win the competition! It was a cute episode, as always.
Oct 5, 2012 9:03 PM

May 2012
McRib said:
I was totally expecting the old lady to die.
I could not stop laughing at this.
11223344 said:
True to boring old me, the most interesting thing I found in the episode was when the old woman called Azu-nyan as Azunyan-san, thinking that Azunyan was her real name just as Yui introduced her.

I guess old people make obvious and amusing mistakes like that no matter where you live.
Old people are hilarious sometimes.
Apr 14, 2013 12:51 PM

Jan 2012
Cute grandma :3
Apr 21, 2013 1:45 PM

Feb 2012
Really liked this one.
Jun 28, 2013 2:30 PM

May 2011
I liked their manzai act on the stage. Though Yui might play the boke a bit too convincingly. :D
Jul 7, 2013 9:48 AM

Jun 2013
I feel this had many similarities to episode 5 (was it?) of Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad :P
Aug 1, 2013 9:11 AM

Apr 2013
I thought this episode has been a lot better than the previous few. I actually enjoyed this one, which is quite a change since I've disliked this series so much.

I like the new Yui; when she used to slack off, it was boring because nothing happened, but now (or at least in this episode) she was more focused and didn't get on my nerves as much ^^

Their teacher still pisses me off though; people aren't like that in real life, and in my opinion she is such a pathetic character.
Dec 23, 2013 4:30 PM

Feb 2013
pitman said:
I was expecting them to win since the prize was a trip to a "hot spring"...

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
Dec 7, 2014 9:02 AM

Jun 2014
I was expecting Yui to procrastinate and ask for help from Mio again.

Feb 5, 2015 1:12 PM

Nov 2013
This anime is too good and I don't want to finish it. This hasn't happened to me in forever.
Mar 30, 2015 1:10 PM

Apr 2010
The granny is so sweet. :)
Apr 10, 2015 11:31 AM
Nov 2014
Was a bit of a bummer when they didn't won the competition. But I guess she did scored some ridiculously high scores on her finals. A bit enjoyable than last ep.
Sep 1, 2015 7:30 PM

Jul 2014
Everytime anyone calls her Azu-nyan, I die a little inside.

As a Peruvian, I was offended by the Inca version of Fuwa-Fuwa Time.

Is it really necessary to ask for permission to pick up a dropped eraser in Japan?

Jan 27, 2017 2:41 AM

Sep 2015
I acknowledge she may have been pre established. But I don't remember if we've met this old lady before in the show. Still it was a simple enough concept to roll with. And I think it added up to a pretty good episode. Though it's so obviously telegraphed, and honestly not even particularly earned I always like seeing Yui accomplish things. Maybe it's because her character seemed so absolutely worthless at the beginning of the series. Maybe because it vindicates her poor sister's seemingly misplaced faith. I don't know. But also her and Azu-nyan were as always very cute together.
Feb 11, 2017 3:44 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
YuiAzu was so wonderfull this episode, and I enjoyed granny too, overall had a different feel from others but was as enjoyable as the rest~~
Feb 25, 2017 10:52 PM
Nov 2015
Where exactly is the plot for this season going at all? 9 episodes in and nothing exciting has happened so far, aside from the Kyoto trip but that was only one episode. I'm kind of dying of boredom so far this season.
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