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May 1, 2010 4:00 PM

Feb 2009
Tenshi ;________;
May 1, 2010 4:39 PM

Oct 2009
francismeunier said:
windy said:

I agree but I though we already got the attention with this=>

"Maybe I just take off the bottom half next time."

...or something like that.
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May 1, 2010 4:43 PM

May 2009
Divinity_123 said:
Yuri is seeming kinda bitchy as of late.

As of late? Where have you been the past 5 episodes?

This was best episode so far. Nice balance between comedy and drama.
I liked the comedy a lot in this episode. It was funny. Especially the whole confession to Tenshi.
Rocket Chairs for the win!

Yui concert was nice she is a great addition to the band <3
May 1, 2010 4:47 PM

Aug 2008
Excellent episode. The replay scenes were hysterical, and poor Angel :( even though it was only a meal ticket, I still felt sorry for her.
May 1, 2010 5:16 PM

Oct 2009
PepperedHam said:
Excellent episode. The replay scenes were hysterical, and poor Angel :( even though it was only a meal ticket, I still felt sorry for her.

And what about her "..." tests answers and demotion? :'(
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May 1, 2010 5:45 PM

Aug 2008
I didn't take any effort for me to feel sympathy for Kanade/Angel. It looks like everyone has real problems now. And I would've shot the ordinary students anyway. What exactly would be the problem with that?
May 1, 2010 6:02 PM

Feb 2010
Great episode.

Poor Tenshi :(

From being the main villain it now seems like she's the one who's being bullied.
May 1, 2010 6:08 PM

Feb 2009
this was my favorite episode so far, I reeaally really like Kanade, shes so cute =^o^=
May 1, 2010 6:09 PM
May 2010
One thing I liked about this episode is that they finally gave Angel's true name and that they proved that she isn't the bad guy. Though I still think the S.S.S went too far this time , especially what happens at end ;_;.

I liked Yui's performance though , but one thing came to mind... can it be possible that angel was forced to serve God because she was the Student President ? What I mean is that did'nt her human side show more after she lost her position as the Student President?
May 1, 2010 6:20 PM

Aug 2009
Just realized

Otonashi=no sound
Kanade=playing music

May 1, 2010 6:23 PM

Sep 2009
Wow, I've always felt kinda bad for Angel, since the beginning. But now I just feel even worse for her. D:

I hope Otonashi runs up and gives her a hug or something, she needs it. :<
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence...”
May 1, 2010 6:41 PM

Dec 2009
I loved this episode. The replays + the music= ROFL.

I have a feeling for some reason that Otanashi will befriend kanade(angel) thus making yuri and co. enemies

Probably not true but i guess me having this feeling is from me wanting this to happen.

What if Tenshi/Kanade Dissapears next episode!?!?
gerb234May 1, 2010 7:47 PM
May 1, 2010 6:41 PM

Nov 2007
Yay it's back to the original OP animation. I lol'd at the replay instances.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
May 1, 2010 7:16 PM

Oct 2009
DonKangolJones said:
I didn't take any effort for me to feel sympathy for Kanade/Angel. It looks like everyone has real problems now. And I would've shot the ordinary students anyway. What exactly would be the problem with that?

Normal students don't respawn, they die.
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May 1, 2010 7:39 PM

Jul 2008
DoubleDango said:

Normal students don't respawn, they die.

No they don't die, nobody in this world die.

Yurippe do not want to make people that are not involved into this suffer for nothing, afterall she think she is the good guy when it's obviously Tachibane.

Seriously since the start I never liked Yurippe's group, always trying to act like delinquant and giving trouble for Kanade. Seriously I feel sad for her character, all she wanted was to help so that people has the most pleasant stay in this world, she isn't energetic but care about people around her and act friendly even to people who stood against her, she is against violence since she use it only as a last resort.

This time it was low, all her hard work got destroyed in an instant because of some stupid bitches who want to act big though that it might be fun going against her with no basis, she couldn't even get the meal she wanted, seriously I would love to punch Yurippe in the face.

Go on Otonashi, betray the stupid tsundere who seek war and go for the nice kuudere that just want to live happily.

I hope they fast realise how nice Kanade was now that she got their new pres.

God I was in a very good mood with the flying chair replay witch made me laugh my ass off but the end was just low.
AlycenMay 1, 2010 7:43 PM
May 1, 2010 7:48 PM

Jul 2009
This episode made me LOL HARD.
But where did all the serious shit go...


New Woobie queen has risen
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
May 1, 2010 7:51 PM

Feb 2010
This time it was low, all her hard work got destroyed in an instant because of some stupid bitches who want to act big though that it might be fun going against her with no basis, she couldn't even get the meal she wanted, seriously I would love to punch Yurippe in the face.

I agree, however they weren't acting tough about it. They were only trying to destroy her "image" against the students and the teachers if she had gotten a zero on every test. This time I did felt guilty after I saw her getting stripped of her Student Council President and...getting her favorite meal to comfort her & being pushed back in the crowed unable to get her food ticket.
May 1, 2010 7:55 PM

May 2009
Looks like the plan backfired. Perhaps they'll end up being saved by Kanade/Tenshi.

LMAO when Yuri said "How did you like the feeling of being an astronaut?" and then smiled.
May 1, 2010 8:00 PM

Apr 2010
nyoah my god.
can it be???
hand sonic 2??

oh shit is going down. I repeat. Shit is going down.

bigger one
ShinrinMay 1, 2010 8:04 PM

May 1, 2010 8:14 PM
Jan 2010
Shinrin said:
nyoah my god.
hand sonic 2??

bigger one

Which sub group would that be? UTW?

Actually, on further inspection, it seems that someone, I think Tenshi, really does say "Hand Sonic Version 2" . It's even on [c177]. Mazui seems to have kept that out for some reason. Translated all they heard instead of all they showed I guess. Couldn't it be where she has a blade on each arm though? I wouldn't have a clue as to how she could improve it beyond what it is.
May 1, 2010 8:18 PM

Feb 2010
I ahte the truth that this anime only has 13 episodes T_T
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

May 1, 2010 8:19 PM

Jun 2008
The humor wasn't really funny for me. Wonder what people find so great. But the story took a nice turn showing what we all suspected after the indications on the 3rd episode.

The questions here are, what exactly is Angel, simply human and why did she wanted to keep the order in the school. How did she managed to build all those weapons for her self? If she's human why didn't she just talk to them and come to an understanding?

It looks like they shot themselves on the leg by changing the chairman. But if the new chairman is an NPC with no powers, then i suggest they just kill his ass.
May 1, 2010 8:21 PM

Jun 2007
Chao-Lingshen said:
DoubleDango said:

Normal students don't respawn, they die.

No they don't die, nobody in this world die.

Yurippe do not want to make people that are not involved into this suffer for nothing, afterall she think she is the good guy when it's obviously Tachibane.

Seriously since the start I never liked Yurippe's group, always trying to act like delinquant and giving trouble for Kanade. Seriously I feel sad for her character, all she wanted was to help so that people has the most pleasant stay in this world, she isn't energetic but care about people around her and act friendly even to people who stood against her, she is against violence since she use it only as a last resort.

This time it was low, all her hard work got destroyed in an instant because of some stupid bitches who want to act big though that it might be fun going against her with no basis, she couldn't even get the meal she wanted, seriously I would love to punch Yurippe in the face.

Go on Otonashi, betray the stupid tsundere who seek war and go for the nice kuudere that just want to live happily.

I hope they fast realise how nice Kanade was now that she got their new pres.

God I was in a very good mood with the flying chair replay witch made me laugh my ass off but the end was just low.

Her goal wasn't to make everyone's stay an enjoyable one. If that where the case she'd be less up tight about those random rock shows. Her goal was to enforce the rules and keep daily life the same as it was when everyone was alive. Her desire on the other hand seems to be something completely different. From episode 1 it seems like all she wants is a friend. Everyone in the series, including the normal students, seem to avoid her. Otonashi on the other hand seems to be the only one that willingly confronts her without hostile intentions.

On a completely different note, it would be pretty funny if Angel's ideology was the exact same as Yurippe and this battle between the two sides was actually a huge misunderstanding. What I mean is what if Angel thought Yurippe's group where put there to cause normal people to go to hell or something. Angel would obviously oppose Yurippe and start developing weapons exactly like how Yurippe's been developing weapons to stop Angel from making people disappear.
May 1, 2010 8:29 PM

Apr 2010
Y'know one point to consider is even though Angel is supposedly an exemplary student and all that jazz on top of being human... Why hasn't she passed on/disappeared? Does it mean she's still unsatisfied about something?

Angel probably has some kinda massive backstory to her. Though that's stating the obvious.

May 1, 2010 8:35 PM

Apr 2010
I think Kanade is a human who was trying to make herself disappear because she had some traumatic life that she is trying to escape, but unlike a few others, she can't accept it and move on (like the ex-lead singer/guitarist), and it's so strong that no matter how in depth she gets in the school system she won't disappear like the rest of them. That's probably why she became the student council president, and was so depressed when they kicked her out, because she may have seen her last chance of disappearing ironically disappearing in front of her.

Just a theooorry. I can't wait to see when Yuri is all shocked that Otonashi ditches her for Angel. I see it coming!! I bet Hinata is all freaked out at first and joins later. (typical best friend response in shows like these)

MegamanZen said:

Which sub group would that be? UTW?

Actually, on further inspection, it seems that someone, I think Tenshi, really does say "Hand Sonic Version 2" . It's even on [c177]. Mazui seems to have kept that out for some reason. Translated all they heard instead of all they showed I guess. Couldn't it be where she has a blade on each arm though? I wouldn't have a clue as to how she could improve it beyond what it is.

not sure on the sub group, just found it on a providers site that gets it from sub groups.

And yeah it's probably a two armed hand sonic, or maybe it's projectile. We will see, but I bet it's bad ass regardless.
ShinrinMay 1, 2010 8:39 PM

May 1, 2010 8:40 PM

Jul 2008
DeathfireD said:
Chao-Lingshen said:
DoubleDango said:

Normal students don't respawn, they die.

No they don't die, nobody in this world die.

Yurippe do not want to make people that are not involved into this suffer for nothing, afterall she think she is the good guy when it's obviously Tachibane.

Seriously since the start I never liked Yurippe's group, always trying to act like delinquant and giving trouble for Kanade. Seriously I feel sad for her character, all she wanted was to help so that people has the most pleasant stay in this world, she isn't energetic but care about people around her and act friendly even to people who stood against her, she is against violence since she use it only as a last resort.

This time it was low, all her hard work got destroyed in an instant because of some stupid bitches who want to act big though that it might be fun going against her with no basis, she couldn't even get the meal she wanted, seriously I would love to punch Yurippe in the face.

Go on Otonashi, betray the stupid tsundere who seek war and go for the nice kuudere that just want to live happily.

I hope they fast realise how nice Kanade was now that she got their new pres.

God I was in a very good mood with the flying chair replay witch made me laugh my ass off but the end was just low.

Her goal wasn't to make everyone's stay an enjoyable one. If that where the case she'd be less up tight about those random rock shows. Her goal was to enforce the rules and keep daily life the same as it was when everyone was alive. Her desire on the other hand seems to be something completely different. From episode 1 it seems like all she wants is a friend. Everyone in the series, including the normal students, seem to avoid her. Otonashi on the other hand seems to be the only one that willingly confronts her without hostile intentions.

On a completely different note, it would be pretty funny if Angel's ideology was the exact same as Yurippe and this battle between the two sides was actually a huge misunderstanding. What I mean is what if Angel thought Yurippe's group where put there to cause normal people to go to hell or something. Angel would obviously oppose Yurippe and start developing weapons exactly like how Yurippe's been developing weapons to stop Angel from making people disappear.

She enforce the rule to a certain level, she wasn't that strict. Being the studentl council president she hold a certain responsability, if she do not follow the rule then she would get fired.
When she was removing the flyer and the students told her that they really wanted to watch the show she stopped removing them, as to why the show still was stopped there is many possible reason. She cares about the student and do the best she can to give them the most liberty possible, still when they goes overboard (Like Yuri's group) she has to take her responsability and stop them.

If she would care so much about the rules she wouldn't need to be a student council president, I mean she could have stopped the concert anyway, she never cared about stopping it she just did it because it was her responsability as the president.

In contrast now the new president look like the rule nazi which will enforce the rule and will take everyone's liberty away to make the school like the army.

I still beleive that Tenshi once wanted to fight against god, gained power to do so and lost every of her friend realising that there was no god to fight. She couldn't leave this world because of her regret so she chosed to repent becoming the student counsil president.
May 1, 2010 9:13 PM

Jul 2009
Chao-Lingshen said:

I still beleive that Tenshi once wanted to fight against god, gained power to do so and lost every of her friend realising that there was no god to fight. She couldn't leave this world because of her regret so she chosed to repent becoming the student counsil president.
This theory reminds me of a certain person in TTGL that goes similar approach like that.

Kidding aside,it would be interesting if this theory is turn out to be true because it will be the battle of ideology between Tachibana & Yuri that have different way in deciding what kind of life they want in afterlife.Following rules because it's futile to oppose vs Oppose the rule even they might end up lose big time.
May 1, 2010 9:47 PM

Sep 2009
Kagura89 said:
Chao-Lingshen said:

I still beleive that Tenshi once wanted to fight against god, gained power to do so and lost every of her friend realising that there was no god to fight. She couldn't leave this world because of her regret so she chosed to repent becoming the student counsil president.
This theory reminds me of a certain person in TTGL that goes similar approach like that.

May 1, 2010 9:49 PM
Sep 2009
At the middle of the episode where Otonashi talked to Tenshi the second time in the classroom. They talked about two to three Hinata. Somehow that feel like a scene in Clannad where Fuko thought there's three Tomoya. Even more when Tenshi replied back to Otonashi asking if there's two or three.
May 1, 2010 10:21 PM

Aug 2009
God, this show is epic. I curse the fact that there are only 13 episodes. (There better be a second season or something D:<)

Looking forward to the Hand Sonic V2. I hope Tenshi becomes an ally... I've always liked her, even as an antagonist. :3
May 1, 2010 10:40 PM

Jul 2009
Lind_L_Tailor said:
Kagura89 said:
Chao-Lingshen said:

I still beleive that Tenshi once wanted to fight against god, gained power to do so and lost every of her friend realising that there was no god to fight. She couldn't leave this world because of her regret so she chosed to repent becoming the student counsil president.
This theory reminds me of a certain person in TTGL that goes similar approach like that.

Rossiu?'s Lord Genome :)
May 1, 2010 11:11 PM

May 2009
wow a lot changed in this episode... it seems now that Angel isn't that much of a bad person and that the new student council president might be even more of a worry than Angel.LOL at the guys when they epicly got smashed into the roof using a jet pack thing and Otonashi trying to explain what happened to them xD
May 1, 2010 11:18 PM

Apr 2009
Yuri is such a whore.

Anywho, I believe that the (ex) Vice President isn't an NPC and that Tenshi is a member of a previous version of an SSS.

Also, if we want to get religious;

Tachibana = Angel (trying to get them to be good, guiding them to a lighter path so they can move on from the school (aka Purgatory))
Yuri = Satan (tempting them, getting them to do what she wants without question, getting them to stay in the school and not disappear (reincarnate))
May 2, 2010 1:04 AM

Apr 2010
So...the replays were funny...I lol'd. Yuri obviously likes Otonashi. I actually didn't like it...and Yuri is getting on my nerves.
May 2, 2010 1:10 AM

Apr 2010
That new Stu Pres guy might not be an NPC, I mean he doesn't look generic XD

And now SSS know that they only were able to get away with the things they do cause Tenshi gave them (probably) massive leeway.

Which was something I'm pretty sure we all saw from the start. Which is why I hated Yuri and the SSS for bullying Tenshi

Just looking forward to the next ep, hopefully a lot of Tenshi and epic in it, like Hand Sonic Ver.2. That's just asking for kick ass

May 2, 2010 1:44 AM

Oct 2009
Shinrin said:
nyoah my god.
can it be???
hand sonic 2??

oh shit is going down. I repeat. Shit is going down.

bigger one

Oh dear.....more crazy weapons starting....I think this new weapon will be more amazing than anything so far so can't wait and I hope I am right in Tenshi saving Yuri's group. So they all change their minds somehow and fight that bad new president.
Divinity_123 said:
Yuri is seeming kinda bitchy as of late.

You must mean because of this=>

francismeunierMay 2, 2010 1:48 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
May 2, 2010 1:57 AM

Apr 2009
OtonashixKanade please.
May 2, 2010 2:42 AM

Mar 2008
Very nice episode. In many arears I thought.

Tenshi, well I didnt need this episode to tell me shes been all alone. I realized it at the end of the first episodes. Her lonelyness that is. This episode merly re-enforced it for me. Why do you think I was soooo frustrated with Tenshi the last baseball episode ? So frustrated how they portrayed her character. After this episode I really happy the writers are steering back in the right direction.

I somewhat disspointed than Tenshi isnt an angel. Because she looked the par of an arch angel. Both speed, combat tallent and silent stare.

Was also nice to hear Tenshi talk a bit more. Voice really matchers her.

As for Yui taking over Iwasawa, its nice to see the band continueing. But its just wierd how her singing voice and normal voice sound so different. How does a higher pitched voice sing like that O_O.

I enjoyed this episode. Nice touch with the music/traps again.
Coming soon!
May 2, 2010 3:18 AM

Feb 2010
The episode was excellent, it flew by really quickly.
It was very sad. I was depressed even after I finished the episode.

Looking forward to the next ep.
May 2, 2010 3:24 AM

Nov 2008
Hinata + Rocket chairs = ROFLMAO
May 2, 2010 3:31 AM

Dec 2008
I understand nothing anymore.
In the first episode tenshi impaled Otonashi and now She talks to him and even told him her name as if nothing ever happened.
Has tenshi a no long time memory or what.

hey we drop her grades to kill her student council president status XD

one of my favorite scenes was this
"Please go out with me"
"then pick place and time"

I also had expected that the new student council president would be more worse than tenshi
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May 2, 2010 4:02 AM
Jul 2008
Woo, more insert songs from Angel Beats! This was such a sad episode for Kanade... making enemies with students for doing her job and not able to find any comfort from friends (or any friends that were mentioned). At least the anti-God people will have a harder time with the new Student President for what they did to Kanade.
May 2, 2010 4:02 AM

Aug 2009
The 5th episode is very funny.
Mostly around the first 12 minutes (exclude op).
Couldnt stop laughing due to the unexpected but however...
After finishing it, I believe the real story is about to begin.
May 2, 2010 4:26 AM
Jan 2010
I just dnt get why oyama-kun will cry since tenshi accepted the confession.
May 2, 2010 4:26 AM

Mar 2009
I got a little teary at the end ;(
But what made me LOL'd was the ED.. Takamatsu --> *Kira* *kira*

May 2, 2010 4:26 AM
Mar 2009
I loved this episode.

This was hilarious. I was not expecting the jet seats, and the replay mode with the sad death whisper sort of song was excellent. Especially how they definitely died, the students only looked, and the roof wasn't already damaged when he hit it that second time.

Also, finally some Angel character development.

You know, before this episode, I was thinking that Yuri would turn out to be the real evil and just playing dumb, but it looks like it was the power behind the chair, which is kind of typical but in this case came out of nowhere because they invented a new character for it, so you'd forgotten a vice-president existed.

That's good storytelling for a villain hiding in the shadows.

May 2, 2010 4:45 AM

Feb 2010
ReaperEXE said:
OtonashixKanade please.

Please join the Otonashi X Tachibana Kanade club haha

Do you like or wish for the Otonashi X Tachibana Kanade pairing from Angel Beats? Or just love both characters?
Then Join the club ^^:The Otonashi X Tachibana Kanade Club

May 2, 2010 5:11 AM

Apr 2010
RinAngelki said:
I just dnt get why oyama-kun will cry since tenshi accepted the confession.

I don't think she really accepted, rather because Oyama said he knew this wasn't the right time and place to confess she told him to pick a proper time and place to confess then.

Still no guarantees XD

May 2, 2010 5:25 AM

Jan 2009
tokoharu said:
RinAngelki said:
I just dnt get why oyama-kun will cry since tenshi accepted the confession.
I don't think she really accepted, rather because Oyama said he knew this wasn't the right time and place to confess she told him to pick a proper time and place to confess then.

Still no guarantees XD
As to why he was crying, would probably be because it was an emotionally difficult thing for him to do. Seems pretty reasonable, seeing as how he seems to be as a person xD
Also, yeah, I think it's probably more likely that Tenshi told him to pick a time and place for another confession.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
May 2, 2010 5:29 AM

Jan 2010
Fuck, that was actually pretty good.
The end bit of this episode gave me a little bit of hope.
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