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Apr 16, 2010 11:17 AM

Nov 2007
oh wow...there goes the whole budget, the concert was just amazing! This isnt even supposed to be a music anime yet I doubt K-ON!! will ever show a concert like this lol

This is easily the best episode so far, and the ending was pretty damn good.

I am now starting enjoying Angel Beats more
Apr 16, 2010 11:23 AM
Feb 2010
Awesome episode...Song of Iwasawa...T______________________T
Apr 16, 2010 3:02 PM

Jun 2009
This episode was a real step forward.
They finally started concentrating on one of the shows aspects a bit more, the drama.
It really payed off, because compared to Yuri's rather lackluster insert-story in episode 2, Iwasawa built a frame around the whole episode.

The comedy aspects still aren't my cup of tea, but they were kept to a minimum this time.
So if they could manage to make every episode like this from now on, I would be a lot more pleased with this...

Sadly there wasn't enough time to give each character an episode in the first place.
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

Apr 16, 2010 3:41 PM

May 2009
That was amazing.
This is going way up.
It's getting better and better.
Apr 16, 2010 5:05 PM

Mar 2010
I felt like the concert wasn't needed, but whatever.

Pretty decent so far.
<img src="" border="0" />
Apr 16, 2010 5:41 PM

Oct 2009
Yeah the concert was not needed but the drama......euh O_O so shocking it gets.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 16, 2010 6:36 PM

Aug 2009
Great episode. The best of the three IMO.

Loved Yusa. I really hope she, Shiina and TK will get their own episodes. They seem most interesting out of all the sidecharacters for me.

ShibuyaRiver said:
I felt like the concert wasn't needed, but whatever.

What do you mean by the concert wasn't needed? The whole point of the episode was Iwasawa encouraging others through her songs and hoping music will eventually save someone the same way it saved her. The music played a big part in this episode so if you are saying the concert scene wasn't needed then I think you have missed the whole point/message of the episode.
Zero009Apr 16, 2010 6:56 PM
Apr 16, 2010 6:56 PM

Nov 2008
Iwasawa TwT
Apr 16, 2010 7:39 PM

Oct 2009
Holy crap! Iwasawa is........GONE! She is just vanished. OMG what the heck? I knew about it but like that? Ok so based on this last screen of her before she vanishes=>
My Theory stands as that she remembered her most precious memories and the object of her own guitar she found the first time......because he intense desire of that she vanished as part of what IRL is known as reincarnation and logically what is dead comes back to life when reincarnates.

So assuming all this Iwasawa came back to life as a normal human....I refuse to believe she vanished from all existence.....the light clearly shows that it is like going into another world based on some afterlife books I read of people experiencing it. I also have a message to drunk fathers......Stop drinking! Stop hurting and making you children suffer! Some of you cause their death like in Iwasawa's case! Anyone with me on this message? Anyone think my theory is not bad?
Nuzuky said:
Iwasawa TwT
Yeah me too! What the heck! T_T I liked her and then boom! She is no more there to like in the series. Maybe she will come back.
Zero009 said:
ShibuyaRiver said:
I felt like the concert wasn't needed, but whatever.

What do you mean by the concert wasn't needed? The whole point of the episode was Iwasawa encouraging others through her songs and hoping music will eventually save someone the same way it saved her. The music played a big part in this episode so if you are saying the concert scene wasn't needed then I think you have missed the whole point/message of the episode.
That is clear but what is not clear is why the big focus on the concert....they could showed more of that vanish thing or some action....concert was good as long as they did that to show Iwasawa's most inner desires of music.....if next episode there is more of that then it will be bad....what I am worried more about is Girls Dead Monster and how there might not anymore band Otonashi...join them!
francismeunierApr 16, 2010 7:42 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 16, 2010 7:43 PM

May 2008
Haaa thats more like it! =)

The Concert was simply amazing, nicely done.
That was for me the main point of the episode,

[EDIT} wtf with Iwasawa D: D: D: Nooooo
Apr 16, 2010 8:16 PM

Jul 2009
that was okay... eh.

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Apr 16, 2010 8:20 PM

Feb 2008
If Otonashi join Girls Dead Monster it wouldn't be Girls Dead Monster, but I doubt he will even join it thought.
We knew about Iwasawa and her pasts and yeah I'm also believed she going to reincarnates to a normal human that love music and good as her as singing, but of course not same person. ^^

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Apr 16, 2010 8:24 PM

Apr 2009
They're certainly pacing the mystery behind this whole situation very well. I'm just wondering if this is purgatory... There are just so many possibilities; it could even be a computer game (similar to a certain arc in TRC). That concert was something else! The animation was so fluid, it's a shame the rest of the show doesn't look that well animated. I guess we won't be seeing another one of those anytime soon, if at all. Their approach to rebellion seems rather trivial. Rather, everything they do seems almost trivial, synonymous with a prank, but it ends up escalating to a full scale battle. Basically the discrepancy I'm observing is Supernatural vs. Technology.
Apr 16, 2010 8:42 PM

Jul 2009
I'm actually kind of disappointed... expected more from the makers of Clannad..
The whole thing is kind of stupid to me, just seems like a bunch of idiots playing military. I mean the main characters gotta be questioning this right?!
Also I don't know why but I couldn't care less about Iwasawa's situation, I wish they'd just get on with the main story..
I'm sure it'll get better as stuff starts to get uncovered.. I hope.
Apr 16, 2010 8:53 PM

Dec 2008
she obviously reincarnated as a water flea
Apr 16, 2010 8:55 PM
Aug 2009
rific said:
I'm actually kind of disappointed... expected more from the makers of Clannad..
The whole thing is kind of stupid to me, just seems like a bunch of idiots playing military. I mean the main characters gotta be questioning this right?!
Also I don't know why but I couldn't care less about Iwasawa's situation, I wish they'd just get on with the main story..
I'm sure it'll get better as stuff starts to get uncovered.. I hope.


The episode was just ok, Iwasawa wasnt even important to start with.
Apr 16, 2010 9:03 PM

Aug 2009
"GET CHANCE AND LUCK!" (This episode did not have enough TK)

-Jeez, I thought everybody would be commenting on the Laputa and Howl's Moving Castle at the beginning of the episode.

-At first, I was like "Oh geez, a stroke? That's kind of lame" then they showed her getting smacked straight in the head with a bottle. Now, I'm not sure if any if you know this but that shit hurts like serious hell. I mean, that could really kill someone (well, it did but you know)

-This is one of the few times I actually really want a CD for a show. Especially for that Alchemy song. I thought that loli Yui girl was just making a FMA reference but then I'm like "Oh it's a song"

-"Call me Christ." Also, the ED was updated by taking out Imasawa and replacing her with Christ so yeah, she's really gone. Does that mean anybody can vanish? WILL TK VANISH IF HE GETS HIS OWN EPISODE? NOOOOOOO!

This episode was alright. It was kind of slow for an episode (though I liked the songs) but as a continuing setup to the mystery of the world, it was very good.
Apr 16, 2010 9:07 PM
Apr 2010
ok basically the story has only 13 episodes and its not about reincarnation. the actual story is that the afterlife world is for all those ppl who are unstaisfied with their life and its a place where they stay until they let go of any attachments or unfufilment they have on earth they can go to heaven read wiki for more info
Apr 16, 2010 9:14 PM

Aug 2008
I loved this episode.

Also does anyone else get Haibane Renmei vibes from what happened in this episode?

I mean after Imasawa was able to sing the one song she wanted to sing, a song about her own life, she disappears. So, after she fulfilled or came to accept her own life she was able to move on from the current world.

Oh, and Angel seems like she may also be a person who has died, the episode showed her wondering why everyone thought of her as the bad guy, when she's just doing her job as student council president. So I hope we get more of Angel's story later on.
Apr 16, 2010 9:38 PM

Feb 2008
Well yeah!
About Tenshi she really doing something good but still she feel like bad guy doing this, I guess she know a bit what is going and she is not the enemy.

The story plot was when between heaven and earth and she probably went to heaven or back to earth, after she accepted her own life like you said, well there is a lot of thought of this.

When Otonashi is regain his memories, Is Otonashi going to disappears like Iwasawa? Well he is the main character same goes for Yuri & Tenshi.

Otonashi could likely be in coma near dead experiences and his soul is stuck between earth and heaven becuase he can't remember, well there is many opionen here so only my thought here.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Apr 16, 2010 9:47 PM
Nov 2009
"Our weakness is that we are stupid."

I lol'd so hard right there, haha!

This is maybe a guess at best, but this is what I think:

Will more and more characters from the group disappear, accepting their life?
Apr 16, 2010 9:49 PM

Sep 2007
Does this mean... no more GirlDeMo!? What a travesty. Well it's nice to see that Iwasawa has made her peace and moved on.

Now that Tenshi is revealed to be developing her powers just like how Yuri and co. are doing with their weapons... is Tenshi really an angel or is she just like Yuri and the others? Then who is the actual "villain" in all of this, if there even is one.
Apr 16, 2010 9:50 PM
Dec 2008
This is where the real story starts
Apr 16, 2010 9:52 PM
Feb 2010
Love the episode, Iwasawa and Tenshi both gave us some hints about what is going on. Great concert scene.

What bothered me a little was Yuri conclusion (albeit not completely revealed) that Tenshi is "just like them" or something and there might not be a god. Not exactly sure how seeing her skills on the computer immediately leads to that conclusion. Especially since I didn't seem Guard Skills listed for her magical healing powers and ability to takes tons of punishment and not be incapacitated. Tenshi is obviously something else even if she is just another girl who came here and made herself this way. I just hope that wasn't some piece of bad plot we just have to swallow or something.

Still best show of the season and its not close, my opinion of course.
Apr 16, 2010 9:59 PM
Mar 2010
Wow. Easily the best episode so far. The first episode suffered from pacing problems and had little impact, the second was entertaining but not much otherwise. This episode focused a lot more on the drama and was better because of it. I hope this show continues this steep upward curve. From the first episode I didn't give much thought to this show... now I think it could be the best of the season.
Apr 16, 2010 10:04 PM

Jan 2008
Apr 16, 2010 10:06 PM

Nov 2007
wow she's gone already? right when she was getting interesting..... bah. Angels comment about them trying to make her the bad guy was interesting too. I take it she isn't their real enemy and something else is obviously going on.
Apr 16, 2010 10:07 PM

Nov 2006

wonder why he looked sad after this. :< if he disappears too i'm going to cry.
Apr 16, 2010 10:08 PM

Nov 2008
"Mr. Anderson. What did you think of this episode? Those humans with their emotions and their pitiful existence without meaning or purpose, since their mind is a prison. They are fighting a lost war. When they give in into the world pulled over their eyes, then they will see the truth. It's impressive also with the influence of NPCs are almost but a artificial construct to lure them into the "trap". It is... inevitable."

"Smith... WTF are you talking about? Anyway, this episode was sort of a disappointment. I mean, sure, the typical drama you'd expect but I didn't care about her. I want more action, comedy, suspense and a story with characters that's more fleshed out first."

"You have missed something Mr. Anderson. Seeing as little miss Tenshi is getting her powers, she knows more about the fabric of their world. From being an "Agent" in the "system", she can manipulate the world to her favor the longer she stays there."

"Sounds kind of sketchy but I highly doubt that. Oh well, we'll have wait and see."

"Yeah, it's fuckin' crazy."

Apr 16, 2010 10:21 PM

Dec 2008
I agree with a lot of you, this episode was much better than the previous ones. The drama was really good, and was unexpected. Iwasawa vanished ;_;

francismeunier said:
what I am worried more about is Girls Dead Monster and how there might not anymore band Otonashi...join them!

I'm pretty sure there will still be a the preview for the next episode, someone asked "This is Iwasawa's replacement?"

garfield15 said:
Also, the ED was updated by taking out Imasawa and replacing her with Christ so yeah, she's really gone. Does that mean anybody can vanish? WILL TK VANISH IF HE GETS HIS OWN EPISODE? NOOOOOOO!

I noticed that too.. I think there will be more characters they come to terms with themselves or whatever.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next episode already!
rabids0apApr 16, 2010 10:34 PM
Apr 16, 2010 10:25 PM

Apr 2009
I think I'm going to be picking up the guitar and learning that last song this weekend.
Apr 16, 2010 10:26 PM

Aug 2008
Tenshi is the cutest girl in this series, even if she is supposed to be the bad guy :)

As for this episode, I think it's just like every other episode so far to me. The individual stories were pretty good; I really felt for that band girl. The music, of course, is nice. However, the central plot of missions and trying to defeat God or w/e, is just plain boring and weird. This episode is no different.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Apr 16, 2010 10:32 PM

Jan 2010
So it's pretty much confirmed that they either disappear from Angel forcing them to conform or to realize their true calling in life and to do what they really want to do. The whole hospital scene and the inconclusive "did she die or what" hints that they aren't dead and just in some sort of computer program or something.
Apr 16, 2010 10:39 PM
Apr 2010
windy said:

wonder why he looked sad after this. :< if he disappears too i'm going to cry.

seriously don't let him disappear :(..

as for the episode.

best episode right now and..

got some hints about tenshi , the world and the disappearances

My Badge
Apr 16, 2010 10:41 PM

Aug 2009
Iwasawa got removed from the ending song if you have not noticed before.

I guess they'll remove characters from the ending as this show goes on.
Otaku_HikikomoriApr 16, 2010 10:48 PM
Sig iz in deh makingz

Still learningz

Apr 16, 2010 10:53 PM

Jan 2009
The episode made references to two of Studio Ghibli's works

first one "Castle in the Sky"

second "Howls Moving Castle"

This show just keeps getting better. Didn't expect someone to disappear.
Apr 16, 2010 10:55 PM

May 2008
ermmmmm ok episode i guess

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Apr 16, 2010 10:56 PM

Apr 2009
I can't really be overly sad over a character that got the majority of her character development in the same episode, but it was still a bit sad.
Apr 16, 2010 10:58 PM

Oct 2009
This was an amazing episode. It created so many possibliies on how the story can grow, simply amazing. As expected of Key!

The backstory for Iwasawa was amazing, and the fact that the episode progressed to the point where we could get this attached to the characthers is proof of that.

This episode made probably made everybody create one if not ten hypothesis about the plot -- I've got like 100 in my head right now o.o
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Apr 16, 2010 11:04 PM
Oct 2009
nice episode... i really like this anime for being fast paced. i mean 1 of the chars disappeared only in ep 3. you wouldn't see any other anime like that...

i'm guessing another one of the chars will disappear in ep 4....

tenshin developing her powers.. i'm kinda expecting that. since the first time i see her, i thought she was an android or something
Apr 16, 2010 11:14 PM

Oct 2009
coldground93 said:
nice episode... i really like this anime for being fast paced. i mean 1 of the chars disappeared only in ep 3. you wouldn't see any other anime like that...

i'm guessing another one of the chars will disappear in ep 4....

tenshin developing her powers.. i'm kinda expecting that. since the first time i see her, i thought she was an android or something

It's only 13 episode long, and with this huge of a cast things needs to be happen quickly >_<
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 16, 2010 11:18 PM

Nov 2009
I think you "disappear" and reborn as a new person when you finally accept the fate that you are truly dead. I think everyone there had some horrible accident or event that caused them to die with regret, and wish to live on. Then they go to that world, where they live their life that they missed out. They still have "the will to live", or something. This would explain why they can't die in this world. They do actually "die" for a few mins at a time, but then they resurrected because they still have a will to live. So once they accept there fate, they finally actually die like they were suppose to.
Apr 16, 2010 11:21 PM

Jun 2009
So, Iwasawa disappear? Its a little bit sad cause I kinda like her and I want her to be in the anime until the last episode. T_T

Anyways, kinda like the new guy, Christ or whatever his name is. He's a bit funny. And the concert was awesome! well animated. Oh, I don't like the Yui girl, she's abit annoying I guess?

And next episode is going to be about baseball! God, start with the real plot already=_='

Apr 16, 2010 11:28 PM

Mar 2010
Haha, loved the Ghibli references they threw in.

But dammit, why did Iwasawa have to go so soon?
I thought she was pretty cool.

This episode definitely hit the spot for me.
Sure Yuri & the gang were up to their typical shenanigans but the concert scenes were just amazing. I do agree that they should dwell a bit more than one episode to sympathize & relate to the characters but keep in mind, this isn't no 24 episode series (I wish it was though)

Either way, I'm very impressed.
It's obvious drama is AB's strong point & it was nice that they toned down the comedy a bit.
I'm definitely sticking to this series ♥
Apr 16, 2010 11:45 PM

Apr 2010
The story seems to move really fast. We get the back story for one of the characters and she goes poof and gets reincarnated. I get the feeling that they are trying to make the mystery of the Tenshi more murky. Kind of feel sorry for her when she says she's being portrayed as a villian

As a side note for those who have not lived in Asia and Japan, reincarnation is accepted as an afterlife. As advice from a traveller, open your mind when trying to understand something from another culture.
Apr 16, 2010 11:47 PM

Jan 2009
with only 13 episodes im sticking on seeing this series nice episode again i kinda like iwasawa but now she will be reborn on another life
Apr 16, 2010 11:49 PM

Nov 2008
ios said:
I kinda like iwasawa but now she will be reborn on another life
That's what you think.
Apr 16, 2010 11:54 PM

Oct 2009
Can't believe someone would rate this a 1
I loved the episode, and not particularly just for the graphics and emotions. I loved it because there was character development with someone other than the main character. It's nice to know who all the participating characters are, or to know at least some of them ^_^

But seriously, Iwasawa's story was sooooooooooo sad
And her epic come back was EPIC!

Apr 17, 2010 12:04 AM

Apr 2007
So since she's gone, no more concerts right? right?!
Apr 17, 2010 12:07 AM

Oct 2009
Blackbird said:
If Otonashi join Girls Dead Monster it wouldn't be Girls Dead Monster, but I doubt he will even join it thought.

At least there would be a band.
Blackbird said:
We knew about Iwasawa and her pasts and yeah I'm also believed she going to reincarnates to a normal human that love music and good as her as singing, but of course not same person. ^^

I was actually surprised by her past....I would never think of anything that would happen like's more IRL thing also that more people have as a problem.....alcohol but Yuri's was more really bad luck.....Yuri's was also IRL but less common is what I think.
ReaperEXE said:
They're certainly pacing the mystery behind this whole situation very well. I'm just wondering if this is purgatory... There are just so many possibilities; it could even be a computer game (similar to a certain arc in TRC).

It could be I also though up of a place before going to heaven where they have to find what they most wanted that was happiness for them and what was their pasts's misery. Before going to heaven.
ReaperEXE said:
Their approach to rebellion seems rather trivial. Rather, everything they do seems almost trivial, synonymous with a prank, but it ends up escalating to a full scale battle. Basically the discrepancy I'm observing is Supernatural vs. Technology.
Agree with approach the rebellion being trivial......I would more observe the vanishing element....
garfield15 said:
-At first, I was like "Oh geez, a stroke? That's kind of lame" then they showed her getting smacked straight in the head with a bottle. Now, I'm not sure if any if you know this but that shit hurts like serious hell. I mean, that could really kill someone (well, it did but you know)

Yeah concussion inside the head.....especially that of a girl which I think might be less ticker than a male's not sure but possible.
garfield15 said:
-"Call me Christ." Also, the ED was updated by taking out Imasawa and replacing her with Christ so yeah, she's really gone. Does that mean anybody can vanish? WILL TK VANISH IF HE GETS HIS OWN EPISODE? NOOOOOOO!
TK vanish? Oh nooooooooooo! I will miss him too if it happens. He is funny with his expressions.
Truth101 said:
I mean after Imasawa was able to sing the one song she wanted to sing, a song about her own life, she disappears. So, after she fulfilled or came to accept her own life she was able to move on from the current world.

That is a excellent though! I like it. Sounds almost like a test from God.....
Truth101 said:
Oh, and Angel seems like she may also be a person who has died, the episode showed her wondering why everyone thought of her as the bad guy, when she's just doing her job as student council president. So I hope we get more of Angel's story later on.
That is also interesting I never though of it like that.
CarLoZ said:
windy said:

wonder why he looked sad after this. :< if he disappears too i'm going to cry.

seriously don't let him disappear :(..
No please don't let anyone dissapear anymore....depending on their past...that's how my feelings will Yuri and Iwasawa's pasts so far got me emotional.
rabids0ap said:
francismeunier said:
what I am worried more about is Girls Dead Monster and how there might not anymore band Otonashi...join them!

I'm pretty sure there will still be a the preview for the next episode, someone asked "This is Iwasawa's replacement?"

Oh good now let's see who is it going to be.....Otonashi?
francismeunierApr 17, 2010 12:17 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
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