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Apr 2, 2010 1:25 PM

Jan 2010
well its better than what i expected

But art sucked like omamori himari

which means manga art is better

But its great after 2 years seeing the animation T_T
Apr 2, 2010 1:31 PM

Jan 2010
omg ending totally awesome! and so sexy! lol loved the part when usui first saw misaki in the maid outfit and starting doing some wierd loved the part in the ending when we saw misaki with her hair tied and headband, absolutely beautiful! <3 also was i the only one who saw the weird face on the punching bag ? O.O also loved the part whenusui said " dont pick on her just because she's cute!!!" xDDDDDD <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Apr 2, 2010 1:31 PM

Nov 2008
Eternal_Shield said:
But art sucked like omamori himari
Whoa, really? That's a harsh comparison.
Apr 2, 2010 1:33 PM

Jan 2010
sugarwonders said:
omg ending totally awesome! and so sexy! lol loved the part when usui first saw misaki in the maid outfit and starting doing some wierd loved the part in the ending when we saw misaki with her hair tied and headband, absolutely beautiful! <3 also was i the only one who saw the weird face on the punching bag ? O.O also loved the part whenusui said " dont pick on her just because she's cute!!!" xDDDDDD <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

yeah when that 3 idiots scared from usui

Like " agh USUI" backs off xD
Apr 2, 2010 1:34 PM

Nov 2008
Hmmm, I expected so much more of this. Was it the anticipation of all the fans, the good name the manga had, the production company J.C? Maybe I was just spoiled by them because of their work from last season. Immediately one minute in and I was already being bothered by the plain, simple, literally sketchy-looking backgrounds. Was this intentional, or is it just a lack of sources? (I know her house is supposed to be 'classless', but the school or anything else had no flavor at all. Two, could the main characters look any more generic? Nothing good stood out, though I guess the Prez does look pretty good in her outfit. (I really don't like those all-too-eager guys, especially when they have this 'tragic background'.)

Now on to the positive things, I did like the OP song though, yes yes, I like corny. But what the hell is up with that angsty ED animation? Urgh.

Oh well, I guess once the romance starts kicking in, I'll come around like the sucker I am.
desolatoApr 2, 2010 1:37 PM
Apr 2, 2010 1:34 PM

Jan 2010
It was seems like most of the Kimi ni Todoke bandwagon will hop onto this show.
Apr 2, 2010 1:37 PM

Oct 2009
namelissis said:
Orulyon said:
Nia9001 said:
Am I the only one who doesn't find this appealing(the anime I mean). Look at Usui. He's..dull-looking. He doesn't appeal to me unlike in the manga. So is Misaki.
I'm finding it hard to appreciate this adaptation. Help me, LOL.

well i only read one chapter from the manga long time ago, the story wasnt my type, but i remember clearly that i was so impressed by Usui. he´s absolutely outstanding in the manga, while in the anime, he seems to me like a kid. the art is so much better in the manga. so, yes, i understand you.
oh, and btw, the opening! i would prefer to see the ending in opening, its much better.

Nia, you are not alone.
No matter how I look at it, it really seems like a low budget anime >_>
I mean just look at how the previous shoujo anime (Kobato and KnT) was animated. Animation and Production was so poor =_=

*in tears*
Why does it have to be KWMS! on poor quality? >_<

I agree about the OP, damn it sucks. It's just like any old stereotypical anime OPs. They could've just made it more impressive.
If this goes on..I might drop it sooner than expected :<

and also..

WTF is with Misaki's house? It didn't look like that in the manga! It turns out that she's even poorer than Haruhi(Fujioka).

About the ED, the atmosphere isn't suitable to the storyline. LOL, but Usui's giving what the fangirls want, sexy looks. (;;>_>)
Apr 2, 2010 1:38 PM

Mar 2009
The music irritates me, but besides that it wasnt that bad. Might take awhile to get adjusted to the art.
Apr 2, 2010 1:47 PM

Nov 2008
namelissis said:

Nia, you are not alone.
No matter how I look at it, it really seems like a low budget anime >_>
I mean just look at how the previous shoujo anime (Kobato and KnT) was animated. Animation and Production was so poor =_=
Nia9001 said:

*in tears*
Why does it have to be KWMS! on poor quality? >_<

Seeing how much shows they did last year, and the quality of two that recently finished airing (Railgun and Nodame), I can see where all their money went.. They must have been completely sucked dry. Urgh. (I can only hope they'll do Ookami-san more justice, with the adorable Toradora! look-a-likes.)
Apr 2, 2010 1:49 PM

Aug 2008
Well, this certainly looks interesting. The first episode exceeded my expectations, especially for a shoujo anime. I'll keep watching :)

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Apr 2, 2010 1:49 PM

Aug 2009
i LOVED the opening/op song and i DIED over the ending!!! omg USUI IS JUST GAHHHH~~~

anyways, im kinda sad that there are no translations for the japanese words that are on the screen..but i guess that just means that i need to go learn how to read japanese ;D haha

also, even though i was totally blinded by my happiness towards the fact that the anime aired but i didnt lke the fact that the anime was drawn in a kiddish(?) way?? i dont really know how to say this but i felt like i was watching pokemon or something and not a romance anime...

other than EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING~~ and i cant wait till next week
aiwananiApr 2, 2010 1:54 PM
Apr 2, 2010 1:53 PM
Jul 2009
Is it just me or does the anime seem to be giving off Skip Beat! vibes? ^^' (yes i've read some of the manga)
The school uniform is... an intresting color but i'll get used it in an ep or 2.
So far pretty good looking forward to next week.
Apr 2, 2010 2:08 PM

Apr 2009
zoknimano said:

Well, some people even put it in their sigs, so it's not like it's gonna be a surprise to everyone >.> Although it's pretty obvious that they're
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If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

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Apr 2, 2010 3:02 PM

Jul 2008
I think my expectations were a little high. It wasn't bad, but I was expecting more. But then again, it's only the first episode, so I will wait and see what happens.
Apr 2, 2010 3:15 PM

Feb 2008
I thought this was pretty bad. The pacing sucked and the designs feel dated to me. I got serious Special A vibes, which is not a positive thing. Overall, very bland.

I really like Misaki in the manga but I feel that her character just hasn't translated well into anime form. Same with Usui. Hopefully the show improves in coming episodes but given what I watched just now this is something I can't see myself finishing. Probably going to drop.
Apr 2, 2010 3:31 PM
Mar 2010
it was ok, funny but nothing special for now.
she's cute but this isn't enough to make this series really awesome.
hope it will get better in the next episodes
Apr 2, 2010 3:32 PM

May 2008
One word: Usui <3 But the art in the anime kinda killed it, so I still prefer the art in the manga. :3

Also, he looked so HOT in the ending and loving his voice actor.
Apr 2, 2010 3:41 PM
Jul 2008
is it just me or teh main character is one of the prettiest anime girls eva? i really like the art, i cant stand people who arent pleased with anything. All of you just want what u desire anime lol. Leave with it, and give it a try
<img src="" border="0" />
Apr 2, 2010 4:01 PM
Nov 2008
Usui is a little different than in the manga but..all in all it was a pretty good start.
Apr 2, 2010 4:14 PM

Aug 2009
mel-hime said:
Usui is a little different than in the manga but..all in all it was a pretty good start.

yea and the voices to me seem a bit weird. Oh well I guess it will grow on me later on.
Apr 2, 2010 4:17 PM

Apr 2009
I must LOL at the ending.
Apr 2, 2010 4:26 PM

May 2009
It wass soooo cutee!! Usui <3333
Apr 2, 2010 4:42 PM

Aug 2009
Well, it was quite good, they stuck to the manga, but I think they could have drawn misaki better. In manga she appeared more funnier and appealing to me!^^
But all in all, it was quite good! *thumbsup* J.C.Staff mostly does good work.
Apr 2, 2010 4:52 PM

Mar 2009
Well its cute and funny... I like it. As for Misaki in the Maid Outifit... it is pure WIN. :D --- Randy
Apr 2, 2010 5:11 PM

Dec 2009
Since I enjoy reading the manga, I followed everyone into watching the first episode.

One thing a lot of you guys have already noted is the art. I'll join in and say that it certainly isn't up to my standards. When you read the manga and see Usui, you usually just say in your head "Wow, he is handsome!!!!!!" and just fangirl over him (which I will admit xD). While watching the anime, I never really got that thought in my head except for when the ED played along with the preview of the next episode. To my suprise I got quite used to Misaki so it wasn't as bad as I had originally thought. Hopefully, it will get better as the anime proceeds.

For voices, I'm actually satisfied with them. The one thing I worried about was Usui since when I heard the same voice actor in the drama cd, it sounded much too quite and had no emotion. I'm glad that he changed into a deeper and more suitable voice that I imagined Usui to have. Again, I had no problems with Misaki.

Did anyone else find the strange scratchy filler backgrounds out of place? >.>
They had it at each important moment and it really bothered me ._.
Maybe I'm still in my Kimi ni Todoke phase where all the backgrounds were just oh so beautiful but I can't help but be bothered. The hyperactive music in the beginning played longer than I liked also.

Plot-wise, I thought the change of events were quite appropriate. I loved the scene with Misaki's "maid" paranoia xD It did seem fast-paced but I'll just let it slide seeing as it is the first episode.

OP and ED music were okay I guess? They weren't notably great with the presence of Durarara's but I guess I'm not being impartial here. I do have to agree that Usui looked extremely good in the ED. And as said before, suprised to see the fireworks scene being sneaked into there.

Overall, it's definitely not the greatest adaptation that I hoped for but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. So I'll follow this anime as it goes ^^ (Wah, I wrote a lot again . . .)
LunarSpecterApr 2, 2010 5:16 PM
Apr 2, 2010 5:12 PM

Dec 2008
Pretty average, IMO. I was somehow expecting more going into this, seeing as I really enjoyed reading the first volume of the manga =/

First, I must agree with everyone about the animation - it sucks. There's really nothing going for it in this department. Even if you don't compare it to the manga and just compare it to the usual standards of anime nowadays, it's just not as good. And the colour scheme on this uniforms are...ew. I mean, light green blazers and yellow skirts/pants? And I thought our maroon and grey uniforms in high school were bad!

Second, music was sub-par, as well. Background music was forgettable (can't remember it now, actually, and I just finished the episode) and the OP and ED were as generic as you can get (even more on the annoying side in the OP's case).

Third, I agree with what someone said about Misaki's character not translating well from the manga to the anime. I remembered her leaping off the pages in the manga and her personality seemed so much more vibrant and strong - in other words, she left an impression on the reader - whereas here, she's just not as interesting. All she does is yell, which she does a lot in the manga too, admittedly, but it probably has to do with the art direction. There's too many oddly-placed super-deformed moments and little cute animated notes in Japanese bouncing around the screen that don't quite mesh well with whatever else is going on at the moment. Moreover, we haven't had the time to understand why she is like she is due to the rushed pace of this episode. We got glimpses of it, but nothing in-depth, and as a result, Misaki's character has come off as just annoying rather than a character with a true personality.

But it's only the first episode, and there is still LOTS of opportunity for growth in future episodes. I just hope the direction and overall quality gets better, especially since I know the manga to be very enjoyable from what I remember of what little I read. I mean, it wasn't bad, per se. It's just lacking that sparkle that the manga had. So, as of now, I'd rate this a tentative 7/10.
Apr 2, 2010 5:57 PM

Jun 2009
A hard shoujo, but i don't mind graphics(wich are bad in most of shoujos imo) this time. Overall, not bad.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Apr 2, 2010 6:00 PM
Jul 2009
desolato said:
namelissis said:

Nia, you are not alone.
No matter how I look at it, it really seems like a low budget anime >_>
I mean just look at how the previous shoujo anime (Kobato and KnT) was animated. Animation and Production was so poor =_=
Nia9001 said:

*in tears*
Why does it have to be KWMS! on poor quality? >_<

Seeing how much shows they did last year, and the quality of two that recently finished airing (Railgun and Nodame), I can see where all their money went..

The studio doesn't really finance these shows, so the problem is actually on the sponsor end. The problem is that most companies have low expectations for traditional shoujo, so they aren't willing to risk much money on a show.

You have a few exceptions like Kimi no Todoke, for which the manga is exceptionally popular and for which the production studio invests more of its own money. However, Maid-sama (which is still above average for the genre) is clearly the typical shoujo adaptation.
Apr 2, 2010 6:09 PM

Apr 2008
haha ... they look so cute xD

Apr 2, 2010 6:11 PM
Feb 2010
At least top 30 when it's finished.
Apr 2, 2010 6:17 PM

Jul 2008
Great episode^^ I have a feeling this anime is going to be quite good :D Takumi is just awesome^^
Apr 2, 2010 6:41 PM

Aug 2009
Misaki looks great in a maid uniform. ;]

Apr 2, 2010 6:52 PM

Jul 2009
Yes! Special A v2 is here!
I can't wait to see what happens!

As for the episode itself, it felt more like episode 3 than episode 1. 8/10 nonetheless.
Apr 2, 2010 7:26 PM

Feb 2010
usui and misaki are soo cute! >w<

although the seem EXACTLY like hikari and kei from S.A
Apr 2, 2010 7:45 PM

Jun 2009
tsubasalover said:
In the beginning of ED made me lol.

Me too! :D

I found the first episode enjoyable. I haven't read the manga since I'm not that big on shoujo, but the show seems really fun to watch and it has a lot of funny moments as well!
Apr 2, 2010 7:46 PM

Dec 2009
I'm thinking a 12 episode season?
Apr 2, 2010 7:48 PM

Aug 2009
jigglypuff said:
I'm thinking a 12 episode season?

12 wouldn't cover much unless they make a season 2.
Apr 2, 2010 8:24 PM

Jul 2009
Some people already mention about this series resemble Special A, to be frankly i found that vibe too XD

The background music in the first reminds me of a certain online game, dunno why..

Let's continued on Misaki is cute though i hate to admit it Kachou wa Maid-sama! FTW
LaevanteinApr 2, 2010 8:33 PM
Apr 2, 2010 9:08 PM
Dec 2009
I am someone who usually has to force themself to watch shoujo, but this actually seems really good. In fact I even started to read the manga... (I know it is weird for a guy to read shoujo but the maid uniform against her personality is funny... :P)
Apr 2, 2010 9:12 PM

Jul 2009
I liked this episode. Give me a couple of laugh and the romance isn't bad either. Pretty good for rom com genre.
As for the art i didn't read the manga and don't mind the art although i must admit the art compare to other j.c.staff work is quite bad.
Apr 2, 2010 9:34 PM

Dec 2009
Blackbird said:
Why does this anime remind me a bit of Special A? :S
I agree with everybody on this....
...another girl who won't be satisfied as number 2. she's a lot like Hikari, but Usui seems pretty different from Takashima...

...also, judging by the ED, looks like we may get a little action. i'm overdue for a new anime with a kiss!
Apr 2, 2010 9:35 PM

Dec 2009
It reminds me of Special A . Can't wait for the next episode
Apr 2, 2010 9:43 PM

Sep 2008
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! :D:D::DD I almost had a heart attack with the ending. Usui shirtless *major nosebleed* OOOOOOOMG! I LOVE IT!! I'm sooo happpy!!! XD
Yeah I agree that Usui is hotter in the manga but his voice is SMEEEEEEEXY!!! XD
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 2, 2010 9:48 PM

Jun 2007
Ugh I just hope the animation improves.

syd723 said:
It reminds me of Special A.

The horror...
Apr 2, 2010 9:58 PM

Aug 2008
Worst first episode I've seen this season so far... Doesn't seem like it will be going anywhere anytime soon either.

That said, it is nowhere near as terrible as a couple of the series from last season (Hanamaru Kindergarten...).

2/5 for this episode
Apr 2, 2010 10:06 PM
Dec 2008
M0nicka said:

Is it really Usui? And the girls schools uniform... um, how do you feel about the colors?

Usui was found outside the café, he was doing some funny-weird movement up and down for a while...
'The chibi-mode' is used quite often for this episode.

Scene from ending here:

Excuse my English ;)

Yea i definitely recognise that scene, really spoiler...

Usui doin that movement is really pointless, i thought he 's preparing to run or something...

The uniform is really...unexpected (i wouldnt say weird) but green?? O.o
Well the overall, its a good start, its not like CMI...its really funny in most part of the episodes haha, i enjoyed it. ^_^
KashiTora_DesuApr 2, 2010 10:10 PM
Apr 2, 2010 10:34 PM

Jan 2010
Awesome first episode :D
Usui is great in both the manga and anime ^^
Apr 2, 2010 10:36 PM

Oct 2009
I love Misaki! She totally rocks! &her hair resembles mine back when it's longer!
She's so gotta be in my Top 10 Favourites! :-D
Apr 2, 2010 10:38 PM

Nov 2009
omg .. and OMG
Apr 2, 2010 10:41 PM

Apr 2008
Was average. Read manga and the atmosphere was way better in my opinion :3.
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