Hi there!
I'm a 19-year-old girl from Germany who started watching anime and reading manga in 2009. Well actually... I used to watch some anime when I was like 12 years old. Those where Detective Conan, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Ranma 1/2. But I forgot them and how great the were in the years after that until last year. My favorite genres are shounen and boys love ♥.
My Thoughts on Some Currently Airing Anime:
(I'm too lazy to write reviews, so I just spam my profile with these outlines ;). )
► I know a lot of people will hate me for what I'm about to write. But, sorry, Durarara!! seems kind of boring to me. The story behind the anime surely is great, but the development in the anime is just too slow in my opinion, so I can't enjoy it a lot. I always ask myself: "Why the hell does anyone seem to love this anime so much?" If you read this and love Durarara!! feel free to tell me. Maybe I missed something -.-...
► I like this show, not a lot, but it's fine. The art is different and the characters are really funny; and some of them are deep as well (like the guy from the second episode who looked a little like Byakuya...). It's nice you watch something different like this once a month.
Denpa teki na Kanojo
► A very well-made thiller/horror/mystery anime. I'm a big fan of this genre but that doesn't mean anything that's thiller/horror/mystery will satisfy me. The two main characters are unique and complex and the art is beautiful and dark at times that ask for it. And the stories and motives behind the crimes are well thought-out as well. It's just a little weird that the main charcters just seems to stumble across corpses (not really, but you get the idea). But how could that bother me - a big fan of Detective Conan ;) . So yeah, I like this show a lot.
Anime I'm catching up with:
Detective Conan:
570 episodes have aired, I have watched 468
► 87 to go
Naruto: Shippuuden:
153 episodes have aired, I have watched 26
► 127 to go
One Piece:
444 episodes have aired, I have watched 52
► 392 to go
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!:
178 episodes have aired, I have watched 3
► 175 to go
So... that makes a total of 781 episodes. Puuuh...
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