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Mar 29, 2010 11:40 AM

Nov 2008

We finally got the kiss. It was not in the manga, I'm glad I decided to watch this. I'm sure that the fans are happy. This brings an end to a chapter of my early teenage years. I'll miss it.

I liked the part they added with Koga, I don't remember that from the manga. It was not there right? I'm also glad that they kept every line from the part where Sesshomoru passed them. LOL One of the best parts of the episode.

I almost cried but since I had know the end it just brought me some happiness. I'm glad its over.

One of the best animes ever. And this this Inuyasha season was the best anime that aired this season.
ClementIVMar 29, 2010 1:17 PM
Mar 29, 2010 1:45 PM

Jun 2008
I loved it too! As a stand alone episode I don't know that it was amazing, BUT as a final episode it wrapped everything up nicely and hit all the points on the checklist that I wanted to have taken care of to finish the story that I had been watching for so long.

I feel like it's harder and harder to find just a happy ending instead of the bittersweet slightly open-ended "anything can happen" endings with stories like this... they kind of lead you in that direction for a while after giving you that high point kiss, so you think - oh, well, maybe that's it - but then the last moments are total win. So A++++ and thank goodness for total closure with a happy and completely satisfactory ending!

Mar 29, 2010 1:46 PM

Apr 2009
I've waited almost 10 years for this! That part with Koga was certainly original. There was actually a kiss!! There's no other way I can put this but, that was certainly a good, happy ending; it was worth the wait. 8/10

The anime itself had a rough start, but it slowly started to pick up. I'm glad they didn't do something silly like follow the recent 'love transcends time and space' trend. For something that I have been waiting for more than half my life to see end, it feels like a chapter of my life has just come to a close. I think overall this ending will just leave viewers with a warm, satisfied feeling.
ReaperEXEMar 29, 2010 7:02 PM
Mar 29, 2010 2:04 PM

Feb 2010
To live is to die, to die is to live. Pure is impure, impure is pure. Good is evil, evil is good... or isn't?
Mar 29, 2010 2:33 PM

Jun 2008
I loved how the official subs left on 2 Japanese commercials after the ep for no reason (one for an Inuyasha DVD contest, and another for "Working!") XD

It hit all of the points that I could think of except one: Is it possible that KAgome can return to her world as she pleases, like before? Or is she just stuck on the feudal era side of the well?
Mar 29, 2010 2:45 PM

Feb 2008
ReaperEXE said:
I've waited almost 10 years for this!

My thoughts exactly. Nice ending though. Very nostalgic.
Mar 29, 2010 2:56 PM

Feb 2008
Nice ending. Waited so many years for this!

And the Onii-san at the end from Kagome was really funny too. xD

Mar 29, 2010 2:58 PM

Apr 2009
conankudo4 said:
It hit all of the points that I could think of except one: Is it possible that KAgome can return to her world as she pleases, like before? Or is she just stuck on the feudal era side of the well?

That probably doesn't matter, as long as she's with Inuyasha. Though it's likely that she can move back and forth as she so wishes.
Mar 29, 2010 3:21 PM

Feb 2009
Beautiful ending!!! The was the topping on the cake for me, SO glad they decided to add that in. :) I'm a little depressed that my favorite anime is over for good now but all good things come to an end sometime. 10+
Mar 29, 2010 3:38 PM

Feb 2008
5383 the whole thing or just skip to the end? after having suffered through the original i have second thoughts about this one.
Mar 29, 2010 3:39 PM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverMar 29, 2010 3:43 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 29, 2010 4:02 PM

Nov 2009
I have to say this wasn't a bad final episode at all, and as a matter of fact i was actually satisfied with it unlike how most series end. It was in a lot of ways a cliche happy ending but it was still good. I loved how Inyuasha was having his ears pulled by sango's and miroku's twin girls. Miroku finally got someone to bear his children, but it was kinda obvious that those two were eventually gonna get together. The part with koga made me laugh, but the best part had to be when kagome called sesshomoru onii-san because i almost fell over laughing at his reaction and inyuasha's to her saying that.

Honestly even though it was a good way to end it I completely predicted how the shikon no tama was going to be destroyed. Overall because of this great ending I have to say I'm gonna raise my rating of this series from a 8 to a 9 just because it was that great. I'm really gonna miss this show, but couldn't of really asked for a better ending.

Edit - Also I loved how for the ending credits it showed almost all of the best moments in this series, it was really nice.
Mar 29, 2010 4:18 PM

Dec 2008
I am so sad! 6 years I've watched Inuyasha, read Inuyasha, bought Inuyasha stuff and now it's all over.
Though I have to say, I'm happy about the kiss, I'm happy they're alittle older now too, and I'm happy that I got to be a part of this --> seeing the final episode.

Like everyone said, the 'onii-san' and their expressions was hilarious.

I'm still sad it's come to an end. It's not like I thought it would be around forever, but it's been in my life for so long, I'm going to miss it.
Mar 29, 2010 4:18 PM

Oct 2009
How emotional this was the only anime that i shed a tear for T_T How bittersweet:)
Mar 29, 2010 4:34 PM

Feb 2009
I was looking forward to this episode before, and I didn't even know about the kiss... Best filler moment of the series yet! It was just great, definitely worth the wait for an ending.
Mar 29, 2010 4:44 PM

Jun 2008
aww it's over...

I don't know if Kagome can go back and forth between the times, but by Souta's comment, I don't think she can freely travel anymore, and that she's stuck on Inuyasha's side, which she doesn't mind because she chose it. But I'm a little sad for her family for not being able to see her again, esp Souta and Gramps since they weren't even there to say goodbye... I guess in the end, the man is more important than the family ^^;

But Sango and Miroku got their happy ending, which I'm happy about 'cause my fave couples rarely get those >_<

The Kouga bit was anime-only, because Ayame is an anime-original character, remember? I'm kinda glad the anime wrapped that loose end up, because the manga pretty much forgot about Kouga after he left the group... (when they were facing off against Naraku and Inuyasha said "we're all here, not one person is missing", I was like "what about Kouga??" )
Mar 29, 2010 5:48 PM

Nov 2007
Wow! I am sooo satisfied with the ending. Pushed my rating from an 8 to 10 with the finale. I didn't read the manga, so I dunno much about it, but it has been like what, 10 years. It made me wait 6 years for this day (9 years since I started watching it) so I would have been really disappointed if the anime ended an 'open ended' ending.

best part, like everyone else said, "onii-san" followed by sessumaru and inuyasha's expressions. priceless. i know sessumaru will start calling her kagome-chan in a couple of years time. (lol, just kiddin')

miroku and sango started a family that will get bigger i can tell, i so remember miroku wanting to have like 8-10 children :D, so they are not even halfway to their goal. great to see my all time fav couple starting a happy family, so much love.

shippo going after his fox demon degree(!) was also great.
with kaede's guidance rin will grow up to become a lovely lady in 7-8 years time and finally onii-san will have a bride for him :D

great to see sota grown up, but seriously, in 3 years kohaku didn't grow much :/ well from what i felt. but good to see he is working his way to become a better demon slayer.

kouga getting his knots tied to ayame was also great.

it felt good to see naraku finally feeling the warmth he lacked, and midoriko is freed from the curse of shiko no tama.

and finally, kagome's decision to live with inu yasha made the anime, till this day, one of the best endings eva..

and for me, i will miss this anime T_T, one of the anime I grew up with, and learned to love the world of anime. <3
shanimebibMar 29, 2010 5:56 PM
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Mar 29, 2010 5:55 PM

Aug 2008
Ayame wasn't in the manga. So yes, it was anime original.
tsubasalover said:

Kouga with Ayane (is that anime original?).

Mar 29, 2010 6:48 PM
Mar 2010
My GOD! I've been waiting TOO long for this! My little brother was still in middle school when this came out, and now he's in college! I gave up on this show almost 5 years ago, when that horrible ending left me cold and lonely inside.

Now I feel like a piece of my childhood has been restored to me, and I can finally say "I like Inuyasha" again. Thank god Naraku is dead! Yay for happy endings!

My life is complete. :):):)
Mar 29, 2010 6:59 PM

Oct 2008
Jozjazz1952 said:
My GOD! I've been waiting TOO long for this! My little brother was still in middle school when this came out, and now he's in college!

Come to think of it, I'm right now I college, and I remember first seeing Inuyasha when it was on Adult Swim. And I was also in middle school! Freaky how all that time passed by in a blink of an eye, huh?
Mar 29, 2010 7:41 PM
Mar 2010
You can guess by my screen name this was far and away my favorite anime series of all time and will always be. I first started watching from day one nearly 9 years ago. After the first series ended with that awful open ending, I continued reading the Manga. I wanted to see the end of the manga brought to the TV screen as well. Last year after a five year wait finding out from my friends in Japan that it was going to happen, I was so happy and excited! These last 26 episodes were exactly what I had wanted. Every Monday I was waiting for the new episode again just like the first series. I'm so happy that this series finally got the ending it deserved. Now, although I'm sad it's over, I'm just incredibly happy at how everything was wrapped up. PLUS WE GOT THE KISS!!!!
Mar 29, 2010 7:48 PM
Jan 2010
They kissed!! (well I prefer Kikyo over Kagome, but I guess I kinda like Kagome now). apparently their kiss wasn't in the manga? Which means that they NEVER kissed in the manga, right?
oh btw, people keep saying how the Koga/Ayame scene wasn't in the manga, it's because Ayame is an anime ONLY character.
Funny how Koga wanted to defeat Naraku too but he never showed up in the final battle O_o.
I loved when Kagome called Seshoumaru "brother!" and both he and Inuyasha looked funny at her XD.
oh well, Inuyasha is finally over^^! I'm glad.
Mar 29, 2010 8:42 PM

Sep 2008
I'm still crying from the episode, it's so bittersweet! This anime definitely was a huge part of me through the years and it's sad to let it go, finally D: But I'm glad it got the great end it deserves. Awesome end to an awesome series!

Loved the little changes they made to the original end of the manga: the kiss and Kouga/Ayame. Because, come on! I'd been waiting almost 10 years for that freaking kiss! (LOL) And, Kouga is one of my favorite characters so I'm glad it wasn't completely ignored like in the manga O.o (Hilarious scene with the wolves btw xD). And I agree, the nii-san part was priceless! haha Kagome will always be Kagome, no matter how many years pass by xD.

I was completely satisfied with the conclusion of this anime :D (which is a lot, considering most ends are lame these days xD). And I hope that I can find another story that captivates me as much as this one did. Farewell, Inuyasha~

*^*Random Rant*^*
Mar 29, 2010 11:00 PM

Dec 2009
eaz51 said:
I have to say this wasn't a bad final episode at all, and as a matter of fact i was actually satisfied with it unlike how most series end. It was in a lot of ways a cliche happy ending but it was still good. I loved how Inyuasha was having his ears pulled by sango's and miroku's twin girls. Miroku finally got someone to bear his children, but it was kinda obvious that those two were eventually gonna get together. The part with koga made me laugh, but the best part had to be when kagome called sesshomoru onii-san because i almost fell over laughing at his reaction and inyuasha's to her saying that.
all this. seeing a really good conclusion that wraps up all the loose ends is sooooooooooooooo rare. ahhh closure.

i feel very satisfied.
Mar 29, 2010 11:22 PM
Jun 2009
Hehe. We got the kiss. I know everyone's been saying it, but it just makes me feel so giddy inside. I mean, I've read the manga and I knew how it ended before hand, but I'm so happy the anime delivered when the manga did not.

^_^ Hehehe

Bteng said:
Funny how Koga wanted to defeat Naraku too but he never showed up in the final battle O_o.

If you recall from the original run of the anime, Koga actually only had a grudge against Kagura for slaughtering his people with her dance of the dead, and after she died in Kanketsu-hen is when he departed. It's like he felt that retribution was paid in full, and he had no other scores to settle with Naraku. Correct me if I'm wrong?
Mar 30, 2010 12:18 AM

Aug 2009
Masterpiece! I'm glad this anime is a real close adaption to the manga. I wanted to cry when Inuyasha and Kagome reunited.

Mar 30, 2010 12:53 AM
Nov 2008
YES...they kissed [nice one producers,fans will forever be grateful]!Also...lots of babies for miroku...must be the happies man on earth. I loves the part with Ayame and Koga was hilarious but i'm glad that..although that's not in the manga,they did it,cause i always wanted to see them married [plus a kiss =)) poor koga]
Also..the part with Kagome shouting 'ONIISAN' to sesshomaru was EPIC =)))))
Great ending *sniff*
Mar 30, 2010 1:29 AM

Jan 2010
finally ended
was waiting so long for this~ ^^

gotta say it had a nice ending. not really similar to the manga but well.
inuyasha and kagome kissed for once in the anime
the whole series of 100+ eps and only once? -.-"

miroku & sango's kids are so cute X3
Rin's gotten pretty too.
love the high school uniform, the blue blazer and checked skirt XP
better than the previous white & green.

wish more happened though :{
Mar 30, 2010 1:42 AM

Sep 2008
I wished they never got to be together again.
(lol Sota's voice)
Grown-up Rin was the best part though, she looked so beautiful. <3
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Mar 30, 2010 2:58 AM

Jul 2009
It was an extremely cute end! I loved it!
It was so funny when Kagome said to Sesshoumaru "Onii-san" :D
And although it was only in the anime I liked the way Kouga and Ayame ended. They're a cute couple ^^
If I were the rain that binds together the Earth and the sky,
whom in all eternity will never mingle, would I be
able to bind two hearts together as well?

Mar 30, 2010 4:04 AM
Jun 2008
.....I missed Kikyo....
Mar 30, 2010 4:18 AM

Aug 2009
Sticked to the manga huh?
Great thing though.

Onii-san <333
Mar 30, 2010 5:27 AM

Dec 2009
The anime itself was awesome but the ending made it legendary ;-;.
Mar 30, 2010 7:18 AM

May 2008
Hypeathon said:
Jozjazz1952 said:
My GOD! I've been waiting TOO long for this! My little brother was still in middle school when this came out, and now he's in college!

Come to think of it, I'm right now I college, and I remember first seeing Inuyasha when it was on Adult Swim. And I was also in middle school! Freaky how all that time passed by in a blink of an eye, huh?

I was also in middle school when this started and am also in college. @_@ Wow.

...they have...THREE kids?! When Miroku said bear my child, he wasn't kidding...holy wow.

I was SO hoping they'd show Koga. FFS..he married Ayame? For real? I never thought I'd see the day Koga would accept

......But the best moment was..THE LOOK ON SESSHOMARU'S FACE. OH GOD THAT FACE....LMFAO. Totally priceless.'s actually over for real this time ;___; So sad..there's nothing left to see..

...*goes to emo now*

Episode 10/10

Series: 9/10

Mar 30, 2010 7:26 AM

Jan 2008
I am much more satisfied with this ending than the non ending we'd gotten the first time around with the last season. :P I can't believe it's been five years since the show finished the first time around.

Now if only they'd do the same thing with Ranma. :P
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Mar 30, 2010 8:28 AM

Aug 2008
Oh wow, i'm so glad they picked the anime up again. Even though it was only 26 episodes, it was still nice to watch. *sigh, and now it's all over!!!! D:

I will truly miss watching inuyasha!!! It was something i adored when i was in elementary school lol. Now as a High schooler, i feel a little dorky saying i love inuyasha! hahaha

I've read the manga, so i was constantly comparing the ending episode with the last chapter of the manga, and i was thoroughly happy with the outcome. It left me feeling all warm and tingly inside. Hooray for happy endings!!! ^_^
Mar 30, 2010 10:03 AM

May 2009
I was so satisfied with the ending. I bawled my eyes out when the episode ended because a lot of my high school memories were built around my love for anime and mostly Inuyasha so when it ended it kind of brought all those memories back all at once and that's what made me start crying.

The episode itself was so bittersweet especially with Sango, Miroku and their family X3 Koga and Ayame being together was a complete omg moment. I did not expect that to happen at all lol And finally, Inuyasha and Kagome... I'm just so happy for them. They've come a long way since episode one and I can't even imagine how they would look back at their relationship they had then.

I will always be a forever fan of this show (even though it's not my absolute favorite anymore) and the ending of this series has just revived my love for it even more so.
Mar 30, 2010 1:36 PM

Apr 2008
So this is the ending I have been waiting for, for over 2 years? Jeez, it kinda makes me feel empty inside. 3 years ago I never could have guessed that my hobby of waching 'cartoons' on youtube would develop into me investing this much time and emotion into anime.

InuyashaxKagome is like one of my oldest ships and now it's a cannon anime pairing!

Kagome calling Sesshoumaru 'Onii-san' was so awesome! I dunno what he wants with Rin though...
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Mar 30, 2010 1:49 PM

Oct 2008
Finally. One of my very first animes has come to a close. I'm happy to see this end so well. Of course I was absolutely amused to see a kiss between Inuyasha and Kagome (I went to fangirl heaven when I say that). Seriously, how long have I been shipping those two?

Loved Sesshoumaru's expression when Kagome called him, "Onii-san." Probably the best moment of the whole episode.
Mar 30, 2010 3:09 PM

Feb 2008
ok so after watching all the episodes this is what i concluded:

its basically a lets all get a our powers upgraded and then kill the bad evil demon.

poor flying fire dog didn't get a power up.

well at least its over.
Mar 30, 2010 3:34 PM

Apr 2009
on short...i just finished it...and i finally can say that it`s over, after the let down of the first series i was waiting for this for a long time now....this was great , one of my fav anime series.even tough i was kinda expecting on this kind of ending it still was heart-throbing and moved me to tears but anyway i`m really happy, it has the best ending for this series! ^___^

Later_edit: I forgot to mention that i loved too that line "onii-sama" it was really funny xDxD it threw me off chair xDxD
LadyEclairMar 31, 2010 9:21 AM
You can join too!!!

Mar 30, 2010 5:10 PM

Jun 2007
Never thought I'd live to see an ending to an InuYasha anime (long running joke that one was). I wouldn't go as far as calling it one of the all-time greatest anime series' (just far too much filler in the original run of the anime) but definitely an excellent romance/adventure.

ETA: The 'onii-san' line was great.
TheTsunamiMar 30, 2010 6:14 PM
Mar 31, 2010 8:56 AM

Feb 2009
Kouga married Ayame?

Sango had three kids!?

Sesshomaru is still in love with Rin? ...Vice-versa?

Kagome is now related to Sesshomaru through marriage, very funny the whole 'onee-sama!' thing.

What a great ending!

Mar 31, 2010 10:57 AM

May 2008
DarcyD said:
Kagome is now related to Sesshomaru through marriage, very funny the whole 'onee-sama!' thing.

onii-san =/= onee-sama

I am a banana.
Mar 31, 2010 6:07 PM
Jan 2010
For the very first time... I cried manly tears.
Mar 31, 2010 9:46 PM

May 2009
"Onii-san!" was so funny
Good that Koga appeared in the ending as well
Apr 1, 2010 10:03 AM
Feb 2010
Now that was a really good ending. Everything i wanted to know about the characters got resolved.
It was nice to see Inuyasha finally appreciating Kagome :D And i finally got the feeling that she was a lot more level-headed and observant than any of the other characters, which finally explained to me why she was even needed in the whole series. Loved the way she got rid of the Shikon no Tama :D

I finally got to see what happened with Koya and i got to say i am happy with the development. Miroku and Sango's kids were so cute :DD Playing with Inuyasha like that. It was nice seeing him living with everyone in the village as well.....

It was a surprise to see Rin there, but i guess it was to be expected. Though they hinted that Sessomaru was still watching over her.

The "oni-sama' line --> classic :DD Laughed for half an hour after hearing it :DD

And even though it's kind of sad, i think that Kagome can't travel anymore between the worlds. I think she had to choose and she chose to stay with InuYasha.

Definitely a nice way to end this series. :DD
Apr 1, 2010 1:21 PM

Dec 2009
The tale of the shikon jewel has finally ended. I still remember when I saw this show as a kid and I just loved it. Inuyasha is like alot of shounen series, where a guy starts being weak and he must get power ups and pals for finish the bad guy but it is still a great show nevertheless.
Loved the episode and I'm glad it has finally ended, gonna miss the old times though.
Apr 1, 2010 7:20 PM

Jul 2009
i loved it im sooooo happy they kissed finely ! :DDDD
i cant belive it was the last episode but every good thing has to come to an end
<img src="" />
Apr 2, 2010 4:12 AM

Oct 2008
i still think inuyasha should of became full human i mean he will live alot longer then kagome so he'll be alone later on right or only full demons can live like a thousand years?Ohwell still a good end....
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