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Feb 24, 3:58 AM
Aug 2024
I have tried part 4 a few times and just can't get into it. My Jojo journey began last year, I liked part 1 and 2, didn't like part 3 whatsoever, but I pushed through it as I am against skipping arcs in stories, but since 'part skipping' is such a big thing in this fanbase, I was wondering if I can just go to part 5 since I actually do want to get back into Jojo but having to watch part 4 really discourages me.

If I do skip, does it impact my comprehension of part 5? Or am I safe to just go in?

Again, I am against skipping stuff for all series (unless its filler) but I really cba with part 4.
Feb 24, 4:01 AM
Oct 2019
I say don't skip it because when you reach part 6 you won't understand why Jotaro is so op as we really see what he can do in part 4 not 3.
Feb 24, 4:03 AM
Aug 2024
Reply to Otakupervert890
I say don't skip it because when you reach part 6 you won't understand why Jotaro is so op as we really see what he can do in part 4 not 3.
@Otakupervert890 Ahhh okay
Feb 24, 4:14 AM
Jan 2020
that's not the only reason, there are some other reasons to watch part 4(that are spoilers) and characters a well(one in particular), if I may ask: how many episodes you watched till u thought to renounce?
Feb 24, 4:15 AM

Jul 2015
Not really. Part 4 throughly explains everything we need to know about
and without that knowledge you'll be very confused while watching part 5 because it's context is very important.

Feb 24, 4:17 AM
Aug 2024
Reply to aDamas_46
that's not the only reason, there are some other reasons to watch part 4(that are spoilers) and characters a well(one in particular), if I may ask: how many episodes you watched till u thought to renounce?
@aDamas_46 i watched 11 episodes and then decided it wasnt worth it, then i tried it again, and couldnt make it past the first episode
Feb 24, 4:17 AM
Aug 2024
Reply to aDamas_46
that's not the only reason, there are some other reasons to watch part 4(that are spoilers) and characters a well(one in particular), if I may ask: how many episodes you watched till u thought to renounce?
@aDamas_46 i watched 11 episodes and then decided it wasnt worth it, then i tried it again, and couldnt make it past the first episode
Feb 24, 4:21 AM
Jan 2020
ShohokuTensai said:
@aDamas_46 i watched 11 episodes and then decided it wasnt worth it, then i tried it again, and couldnt make it past the first episode

It's sad to hear that but I can say you didn't get into part 4 because, well.. It still hasn't got into it itself, there is about to be way more coming
Feb 24, 4:22 AM

Apr 2016
What did you like about parts 1 and 2, and what didn't you like in parts 3 and 4? The first 2 parts are really different from the rest of the series, maybe you won't like 5 and 6 either
Feb 24, 4:41 AM
Aug 2024
Reply to Kampos
What did you like about parts 1 and 2, and what didn't you like in parts 3 and 4? The first 2 parts are really different from the rest of the series, maybe you won't like 5 and 6 either
@Kampos Part 3 was very monster of the week, formulaic and predictable, every episode we had a new villain and it got old fast. It felt like we were getting to Dio at a snails pace, and then once we did find Dio, yeah it was a good fight but in all honesty, I didnt care because the episodes before were bad (imo) It felt like you could just skip those fights and go to the dio fight as like I said before, it was very formulaic

To this day, I still don't understand why people like part 3 so much. Is it because of that final fight?

So part 4, to its credit, I really like the scenery, but the slice of life everyday stuff gave me part 3 vibes again. Not to mention, I already had enough of the annoying antagonist around this point of the story.

Plot progession, arcs, structure, good villains that arent monster of the week, thats what I wanted, like in part 2, if anything, to me thats the best so far

I have an interest in Jojo's, its always something I have wanted to like, but part 3 and 4 ruined my momentum with the series

But you know what? I'm going to start back at part 1, and work my way up to part 4. Because I actually want to like this, and its been way too long so I dont remember the finer details of the early stuff. I will not be watching part 3
Feb 24, 4:49 AM
Jan 2024
It will continue as it is until you reach the 21st episode. The main villain comes in the 21st episode, that's where everything starts, if you can stand it, you should definitely watch it.
Feb 24, 4:51 AM
Jan 2024
Part 4 main villa has a very different atmosphere than the others, I think you should see it 🙏🏻
Feb 24, 4:52 AM

Oct 2023
watch it its good👍
Feb 24, 4:56 AM
Jan 2022
If you dont like Part 4 there's no reason to proceed watching further. Drop it.
Feb 24, 5:20 AM
Jan 2022
I know this, it happened to and almost everyone in my family that has watched Jojo's, now this does get better but yeah you do have to push through a little and you'll see this will be one of the parts that you are going to watch more clips of later
Feb 24, 5:23 AM
Jun 2023
why is this a post... this cant honestly be a question you need other people to answer to you if you are this far into the series... i dont see why you couldnt get into the one part where everything is more explored and alot of things come to light what you didnt know untill now, and i also cannot see how this is something you could despise, a part centered in a small town is the perfect thing to do, world building a whole land wouldnt be good for this part, focussing on a town : morio, is the best choice araki made period.
Feb 24, 5:29 AM
Aug 2024
Reply to PunGood020
why is this a post... this cant honestly be a question you need other people to answer to you if you are this far into the series... i dont see why you couldnt get into the one part where everything is more explored and alot of things come to light what you didnt know untill now, and i also cannot see how this is something you could despise, a part centered in a small town is the perfect thing to do, world building a whole land wouldnt be good for this part, focussing on a town : morio, is the best choice araki made period.
@PunGood020 I'll post whatever I want.
Feb 24, 5:43 AM

Apr 2016
@Kampos Part 3 was very monster of the week, formulaic and predictable, every episode we had a new villain and it got old fast. It felt like we were getting to Dio at a snails pace, and then once we did find Dio, yeah it was a good fight but in all honesty, I didnt care because the episodes before were bad (imo) It felt like you could just skip those fights and go to the dio fight as like I said before, it was very formulaic

To this day, I still don't understand why people like part 3 so much. Is it because of that final fight?

So part 4, to its credit, I really like the scenery, but the slice of life everyday stuff gave me part 3 vibes again. Not to mention, I already had enough of the annoying antagonist around this point of the story.

Plot progession, arcs, structure, good villains that arent monster of the week, thats what I wanted, like in part 2, if anything, to me thats the best so far

I have an interest in Jojo's, its always something I have wanted to like, but part 3 and 4 ruined my momentum with the series

But you know what? I'm going to start back at part 1, and work my way up to part 4. Because I actually want to like this, and its been way too long so I dont remember the finer details of the early stuff. I will not be watching part 3

Part 3 was very monster of the week, formulaic and predictable, every episode we had a new villain and it got old fast. It felt like we were getting to Dio at a snails pace, and then once we did find Dio, yeah it was a good fight but in all honesty, I didnt care because the episodes before were bad (imo) It felt like you could just skip those fights and go to the dio fight as like I said before, it was very formulaic

Part 3's pacing is indeed bad, every other part has better pacing. All the fights in Part 3 last for around 3-6 chapters, so they decided to adapt +/- 3 chapters per episode, this way the fights mostly start and end in the same episode. Parts 4-6 adapt 4-6 chapters per episode, so the pacing is really better. Unfortunately the entire series after Part 3 is also monster of the week, it's one of the major downsides in this series, but at least the story gets better and it's less repetitive. Part 3 also feels repetitive because Araki (the author) was experimenting with his new power system (stands), so there are too many different enemies.

To this day, I still don't understand why people like part 3 so much. Is it because of that final fight?

It's mostly because of the characters and the introduction to stands. This part has Joseph, Polnareff, Hol Horse, Vanilla Ice, DIO and Jotaro, they are some of my favorite characters from the entire series (although I don't like Jotaro very much in Part 3), and Kakyoin is also pretty popular. Some people also really like the monster of the week formula, for some reason

So part 4, to its credit, I really like the scenery, but the slice of life everyday stuff gave me part 3 vibes again. Not to mention, I already had enough of the annoying antagonist around this point of the story.

I actually love the slice of life stuff from Part 4, it's unique to this part. The Red Hot Chili Pepper stand user isn't the main villain, the actual main villain is properly introduced in episode 21 (but has a small introduction on ep 17) and he's one of the best villains of the series. Also, after he's introduced there's less slice of life, and in the anime they did great handling the monster of the week with something really interesting (I won't spoil it tho)

Plot progession, arcs, structure, good villains that arent monster of the week, thats what I wanted, like in part 2, if anything, to me thats the best so far

As I said, unfortulanety it will never stop being monster of the week, but it never feels as repetitive or dragging as Part 3, as the plot and pacing get really better

Feb 24, 5:45 AM
Aug 2019
part 4 is great in its own right for me personally, but it also shows how Jotaro has grown up and become WAY more likable in ~10 years, and we get to see how a couple of people’s lives were basically ruined by DIO if you’re looking for connection to the “main story” of 1-6.
Feb 24, 5:52 AM
Apr 2021
ShohokuTensai said:
@Kampos Part 3 was very monster of the week, formulaic and predictable, every episode we had a new villain and it got old fast. It felt like we were getting to Dio at a snails pace, and then once we did find Dio, yeah it was a good fight but in all honesty, I didnt care because the episodes before were bad (imo) It felt like you could just skip those fights and go to the dio fight as like I said before, it was very formulaic

To this day, I still don't understand why people like part 3 so much. Is it because of that final fight?

So part 4, to its credit, I really like the scenery, but the slice of life everyday stuff gave me part 3 vibes again. Not to mention, I already had enough of the annoying antagonist around this point of the story.

Plot progession, arcs, structure, good villains that arent monster of the week, thats what I wanted, like in part 2, if anything, to me thats the best so far

I have an interest in Jojo's, its always something I have wanted to like, but part 3 and 4 ruined my momentum with the series

But you know what? I'm going to start back at part 1, and work my way up to part 4. Because I actually want to like this, and its been way too long so I dont remember the finer details of the early stuff. I will not be watching part 3

No need to start over again. Part 4 is also like monster of the week until the half point where Kira is introduced. That's when it gets really really good.
Also part 3 had great characters so I didn't care what they were doing because they were just a joy to see. And the final fight sequence is one of the best in anime.
Feb 24, 5:52 AM
Aug 2019
ShohokuTensai said:
@Kampos Part 3 was very monster of the week, formulaic and predictable, every episode we had a new villain and it got old fast. It felt like we were getting to Dio at a snails pace, and then once we did find Dio, yeah it was a good fight but in all honesty, I didnt care because the episodes before were bad (imo) It felt like you could just skip those fights and go to the dio fight as like I said before, it was very formulaic

To this day, I still don't understand why people like part 3 so much. Is it because of that final fight?

So part 4, to its credit, I really like the scenery, but the slice of life everyday stuff gave me part 3 vibes again. Not to mention, I already had enough of the annoying antagonist around this point of the story.

Plot progession, arcs, structure, good villains that arent monster of the week, thats what I wanted, like in part 2, if anything, to me thats the best so far

I have an interest in Jojo's, its always something I have wanted to like, but part 3 and 4 ruined my momentum with the series

But you know what? I'm going to start back at part 1, and work my way up to part 4. Because I actually want to like this, and its been way too long so I dont remember the finer details of the early stuff. I will not be watching part 3

don’t worry about not liking the later parts if you didn’t like the monster of the week formula of Part 3 btw, you’re not alone in thinking it was a really rough transition to that style of storytelling.

personally i think parts 1 and 3 are the only ones in the whole series that are noticeably not as good as the rest. Araki improved the monster or the week style astronomically after 3 imo.

(PS, Part 8 is a good mix between these two writing styles and is the peak of the series imo ✌🏼)
Feb 24, 5:54 AM
Aug 2019
Ripperdoc said:
If you dont like Part 4 there's no reason to proceed watching further. Drop it.

me when i lie ‎ ‎ ‎
Feb 24, 5:56 AM
Aug 2019
DarkCentauri said:
ShohokuTensai said:
@Kampos Part 3 was very monster of the week, formulaic and predictable, every episode we had a new villain and it got old fast. It felt like we were getting to Dio at a snails pace, and then once we did find Dio, yeah it was a good fight but in all honesty, I didnt care because the episodes before were bad (imo) It felt like you could just skip those fights and go to the dio fight as like I said before, it was very formulaic

To this day, I still don't understand why people like part 3 so much. Is it because of that final fight?

So part 4, to its credit, I really like the scenery, but the slice of life everyday stuff gave me part 3 vibes again. Not to mention, I already had enough of the annoying antagonist around this point of the story.

Plot progession, arcs, structure, good villains that arent monster of the week, thats what I wanted, like in part 2, if anything, to me thats the best so far

I have an interest in Jojo's, its always something I have wanted to like, but part 3 and 4 ruined my momentum with the series

But you know what? I'm going to start back at part 1, and work my way up to part 4. Because I actually want to like this, and its been way too long so I dont remember the finer details of the early stuff. I will not be watching part 3

No need to start over again. Part 4 is also like monster of the week until the half point where Kira is introduced. That's when it gets really really good.
Also part 3 had great characters so I didn't care what they were doing because they were just a joy to see. And the final fight sequence is one of the best in anime.

this is pretty much how i feel about 3 verbatim lmao

(+Vanilla Ice tho)
Feb 24, 6:29 AM
Jan 2021
ShohokuTensai said:
I have tried part 4 a few times and just can't get into it. My Jojo journey began last year, I liked part 1 and 2, didn't like part 3 whatsoever, but I pushed through it as I am against skipping arcs in stories, but since 'part skipping' is such a big thing in this fanbase, I was wondering if I can just go to part 5 since I actually do want to get back into Jojo but having to watch part 4 really discourages me.

If I do skip, does it impact my comprehension of part 5? Or am I safe to just go in?

Again, I am against skipping stuff for all series (unless its filler) but I really cba with part 4.

I found it weird at the first too...and honestly part 4 is better than part 5 (at least to me)
Feb 24, 7:13 AM
Oct 2023
My opinion about this if you don't liked part 3 you won't like part 5 and further so I recommend to you try finish part 4 and don't go further because you will be disappointed
Feb 24, 7:33 AM
Dec 2019
what about reading the manga?
part 4 is also my least favourite. I didn't know what was happening until around ep 20 and Koichi really annoyed me.
the manga might be easier/faster to get through
Feb 24, 8:37 AM
Nov 2023
if you don't like the show to the extent that you want to skip season then don't watch it then, why would you force yourself?
Feb 24, 8:39 AM
Jun 2023
ShohokuTensai said:
@PunGood020 I'll post whatever I want.

sounds like a lost child trying to throw a fit, dont post if you cant grow up.
Feb 24, 9:10 AM
Jul 2024
from part 3 onwards jojo is pretty much just enemy of the week formula, tho the plot gets better
Feb 24, 9:11 AM

Oct 2021
Jojo from part 3 onwards has a lot of monster of the week filler content so I understand how you feel. Your experience sounds very similar to mine but I did start to enjoy part 4 once the main villain became actively involved in the story. If you do end up wanting to skip anything then I'd recommend skipping episodes rather than the part as a whole.

Also, if you ever decide to watch part 5, I wonder what you'll think about it because I don't really have anything positive to say about that one lol
Feb 24, 10:36 AM
Nov 2019
You can just go to Part 5 I guess but personally I’d really recommend continuing with Part 4. I understand that you won’t like how formulaic it is since the early start is pretty much a slice of life but for many people, Part 4 really picks up when the main villain gets introduced which is around the early 20 episodes. That’s when you get more of the main story. If not, you can always try the manga too. You’ll get through it faster and you might like it more.
thischeetobussinFeb 24, 10:40 AM
Feb 24, 11:45 AM
Aug 2023
Part 4 has the best villain in the entirety of JoJo's, so I wouldn't skip it
Feb 24, 5:02 PM
Jul 2020
Part 4 is my favorite, I wouldn’t skip. I can’t however get through Part 6.
Feb 24, 5:11 PM
Nov 2022
ShohokuTensai said:
I have tried part 4 a few times and just can't get into it. My Jojo journey began last year, I liked part 1 and 2, didn't like part 3 whatsoever, but I pushed through it as I am against skipping arcs in stories, but since 'part skipping' is such a big thing in this fanbase, I was wondering if I can just go to part 5 since I actually do want to get back into Jojo but having to watch part 4 really discourages me.

If I do skip, does it impact my comprehension of part 5? Or am I safe to just go in?

Again, I am against skipping stuff for all series (unless its filler) but I really cba with part 4.

I don't know what you didn't liked about the part 4, but that season is amazing! as always the anime gets very different, if you didn't liked the part 4, you may don't enjoy the next cuz it changes too much.

But give it a try, for sure you won't regret that, trust me.
Feb 24, 5:13 PM
Nov 2022
Ripperdoc said:
If you dont like Part 4 there's no reason to proceed watching further. Drop it.

bro hahaha, you saying that with this profile pic got me lol 😆
Feb 24, 5:51 PM
Jul 2018
You can literally skip part 4 and 5 and you won't notice a difference in part 6. And the 2nd JoJo will still remain likable in your eyes.
I am not advising you skip them yara-yara, just saying that Araki was experimenting with stand alone stories after part 3 concluded, and he fully commits to it for Part 7.
Feb 24, 5:57 PM
Feb 2020
First half of it really sucks, but after Kira appears it becomes engaging.
Feb 24, 6:28 PM

Apr 2022
i thought part 4 is the best part out of the 9 so you might as well not bother with the rest if you wanna skip it.
Feb 24, 6:32 PM

Apr 2023
Don't skip, enjoy the ride.

Part 4 is basically just a chill slice of life to take a break from all the death and bloodshed Part 3 had to offer...well...except for one sad scene. There are some things that tie in to later parts but I am not gonna spoil that.
If I had to choose between One Piece and a girlfriend...I think I'll go with One Piece
Feb 25, 7:58 AM
Aug 2020
If you don’t like part 3 and you don’t like part 4, what makes you think you’ll like part 5? Maybe the series just isn’t for you since the massive shift for part 3
Feb 25, 9:01 AM
Dec 2022
I would watch part 5 and then see if you like it enough to go back to part 4 to get the pieces you missed.
Feb 25, 12:44 PM
Oct 2022
ShohokuTensai said:
I have tried part 4 a few times and just can't get into it. My Jojo journey began last year, I liked part 1 and 2, didn't like part 3 whatsoever, but I pushed through it as I am against skipping arcs in stories, but since 'part skipping' is such a big thing in this fanbase, I was wondering if I can just go to part 5 since I actually do want to get back into Jojo but having to watch part 4 really discourages me.

If I do skip, does it impact my comprehension of part 5? Or am I safe to just go in?

Again, I am against skipping stuff for all series (unless its filler) but I really cba with part 4.

Bro just here me
part 4 is very good and for me he best part in jojo. Even I didn't like part 3 just for the reason you stated before. And didn't like part 4 at first but once the main villian is introduced you may love it . so just bear it for some time and see it
Feb 25, 1:12 PM
Aug 2024
Reply to akaivikram
ShohokuTensai said:
I have tried part 4 a few times and just can't get into it. My Jojo journey began last year, I liked part 1 and 2, didn't like part 3 whatsoever, but I pushed through it as I am against skipping arcs in stories, but since 'part skipping' is such a big thing in this fanbase, I was wondering if I can just go to part 5 since I actually do want to get back into Jojo but having to watch part 4 really discourages me.

If I do skip, does it impact my comprehension of part 5? Or am I safe to just go in?

Again, I am against skipping stuff for all series (unless its filler) but I really cba with part 4.

Bro just here me
part 4 is very good and for me he best part in jojo. Even I didn't like part 3 just for the reason you stated before. And didn't like part 4 at first but once the main villian is introduced you may love it . so just bear it for some time and see it
@akaivikram I just have a really hard time watching episodic, monster of the week stuff. I know I have samurai champloo and Mushishi on my list, but I was different back then. I really like a big story with an actual plot like One Piece

Actually, yesterday I tried to restart Jojo all the way back from part 1, and I really liked the first episode. But when Jojo turns into monster of the week battles, as someone who likes to binge watch, it becomes so boring.

The only way I can get into Jojo is to wholeheartedly accept the episodic nature of Jojo's.

I also think the dialogue is a bit fast. Just a personal gripe. I like shows that allow you to breathe.
Feb 25, 1:44 PM
Mar 2022
I felt the same way about part 4 at first, it was just too different from the rest of the series at the beginning and I didn't really like it. To me it felt too slice of life and low stakes.
Now though it might be my favorite season. A whole bunch all comes together as the story goes on and it's just all around really good.

We get to meet new characters(some of my favorite in the series), return to old characters, and we get world building that's important to parts 5 and 6 as well. You also get cool dynamics between the characters that I don't really remember in part 3.

There are some villain of the week things but there's a few different arcs across it that drive the story, and each one is better than the last.

Weak start, but amazing throughout the rest of it. Don't give up on it, I'm sure glad that I didn't.
Braydo_VolcanoFeb 25, 1:48 PM
Feb 26, 5:03 AM
Aug 2021
ShohokuTensai said:
I have tried part 4 a few times and just can't get into it. My Jojo journey began last year, I liked part 1 and 2, didn't like part 3 whatsoever, but I pushed through it as I am against skipping arcs in stories, but since 'part skipping' is such a big thing in this fanbase, I was wondering if I can just go to part 5 since I actually do want to get back into Jojo but having to watch part 4 really discourages me.

If I do skip, does it impact my comprehension of part 5? Or am I safe to just go in?

Again, I am against skipping stuff for all series (unless its filler) but I really cba with part 4.

Part 4 is amazing stick with it trust me
Mar 1, 11:47 AM
Feb 2022
I think you can skip if you realy don't want to waste your time and if you don't understand something you can probably just google it.
Mar 4, 12:14 PM
Aug 2021
how do u not like pt 3 & 4 but 1 & 2 😭
Mar 4, 12:24 PM
Aug 2024
Reply to Breeze_disrupt
how do u not like pt 3 & 4 but 1 & 2 😭
@Breeze_disrupt Because part 3 was monster of the week, it got so boring, every episode was basically the same, we were going towards dio at a snails pace

Miss me with that episodic stuff. I do like Samurai Champloo and Mushishi, but I would never rewatch those. Part 1 and 2 felt like I was making plot progression with each episode, similar to how other shounen do.

You could technically skip a lot of part 3 and you wouldnt have missed anything.

If all of Jojo didnt have this monster of the week style, then this would be my type of series.
And no, idc if the stands are cool, i want good story telling. Not fighting small fry after small fry knowing 100% that the main cast will win

By the time we got to the dio fight, it was cool, but it took you 40 episodes to get there? I'm all for a journey, after all, my favouries series is one piece, a journey that's predictable as hell isnt a journey i'd like to go on at all.

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