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Dragon Ball GT
Dragon Ball GT
Mar 2, 7:31 AM
On-Hold 21/64 · Scored -
Dragon Ball Daima
Dragon Ball Daima
Feb 28, 10:37 AM
Completed 20/20 · Scored 7
Ashita no Joe 2
Ashita no Joe 2
Feb 26, 11:46 AM
Completed 47/47 · Scored 8
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Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball
Aug 3, 2024 2:47 PM
Completed 520/520 · Scored 10
Slam Dunk
Slam Dunk
Aug 3, 2024 2:47 PM
Completed 276/276 · Scored 10

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Crixxus21 Feb 22, 4:40 PM
Thanks for the friend request, its amazing to see Kaiba in your top ten
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 11, 8:46 AM
Ooh. Yea I for sure didn't see the new ep yet. I'm not sure how much ep this series will have ,but one thing that still bothers me is the retcon for the dragonballs and how they were given only 1 wish, I thought that was rlly cheap and piccolo forgetting his native language lmaoo. He has kami inside of him and he was speaking in that language with kami. That's like 2 strikes for daima.

Lol I still got some hope for this show, but is the new ep rlly that bad ?

The universe is so big ,so it's bound to happen that there are enemies stronger than cell and frieza.

Lol nothing will ever be better than the OG dragonball. Daima hadn't even surpassed GT yet for me ,just super. That's why I don't have stuff like Twitter or in any communities. I get tir3d of hearing dumb comments everyday saying stupid stuff. Ppl actually think daima is connected to super
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 11, 6:10 AM
Lol it's more like an experiment tbh. Since there's nothing going I'd wanna see if your brain would be able to take it.

Yea that's right. It was about adventure and I'm glad daima is bringing that back bcuz super gave us no adventure

Right. She likes tien and we even see tien at get togethers where bulma is. Bulma ,her ,roshi ,goku were all friends so it is rlly weird. I actually liked her character and the sneezing thing was unique.

This is just my opinion but it was kind of weird how the women in db never fought. Bulma ,launch, chichi all are friends with the Z fighters they see them doing cool stuff like flying ,moving faster than light ,ki blast and they just sit there. Someone like chichi can easily learn to do those things since her dad is the ox king that trained her. I'm not asking them to be named arc tier ,but atleast be saibamen level to defend yourself....(somewhat)

Thats why I hate the 'dragon ball is all about power' its dismissive to characters of its series, as if the entire worth of your existence as a person is your physical strength

I mean it's somewhat true. There's a reason we don't see ppl like yamcha, tien and piccolo (he gets some spotlight, but it's mainly talking) get any spotlight like how they use too.

Tbh Dragon Balls world building is misleading, its big but actually tiny, very unexplored and under utilized

That's what I despise about super, there was just so much missed opportunities. This show could've been an adventure, but it all got messed up they focused too much on power
SaiteiDaOrette Jan 9, 4:28 AM
Yeah, I prefer Texhnolyze over Ergo Proxy as well (not saying that it’s WAY better; there are definitely some things I didn’t like about it). I was speaking to someone about that over at Anilist as well and we both felt Texhnolyze was good at building a foreboding atmosphere and was more consistent in what it set out to do, while Ergo Proxy was more action-focused, more experimental, but didn’t rely on world-building as much.

In a way, Ergo Proxy kinda reminded me of Cowboy Bebop. Not tonally of course, but structurally. Both had overarching plots but felt almost episodic and had kinda weird middle episodes where they experimented with their style. I guess both had amnesiac characters searching for their past haha.

I also have an opinion on Texhnolyze that no one I’ve talked to seems to care about but ehh I’ll share it. I always thought Texhnolyze is kind of an underrated political thriller. It was interesting for me to see all the different factions/leaders of Lux and how they interact/react to the events.

Have you ever seen ‘Haibane Renmei’? I know some people call Lain, Texhnolyze, and Haibane Renmei the ‘ABe trilogy’ (after the guy who did the character designs). Personally it didn’t really leave much of an impression on me. I felt that it was something girls would connect to more, although I have seen guys with it in their favourites before.

Is it true that Slam Dunk is free to watch subbed on YouTube? That actually kinda makes me want to watch it more (as well as you saying you got a buzz cut because of how good it was. I probably need a bit of motivation to go to the hairdressers haha). I know I can probably get Slam Dunk on… other sites, but I’m actually trying to be more legit nowadays. I think I’ve built up a bit of a guilty conscience over the years. YouTube will be very convenient for me.

As I said before, I thought that video you did on Rock Lee was really good. But if you enjoy making Slam Dunk videos more and think it will help grow your channel, I think that’s a worthwhile decision. Going back to Joey the Anime Man, I heard him say that the author of Slam Dunk took some inspiration from different NBA players/playing styles. As someone who knows a bit about the history of basketball, in the 1980-90s, the NBA was full of colourful characters with unique playing styles and each team had their own identity/rivalries… Jordan Bulls, Showtime Lakers, Bad Boy Pistons, Run-TMC Warriors (although nowadays, every team just chucks up 3s and plays zero defense xD). So it makes sense how the sport could be translated to such a successful manga/anime series.

(Sorry this message was kinda long. I just had to get my thoughts on Ergo Proxy out of my system xD)
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 7, 4:11 PM
You hate slice of life ,but it sounds like slice of anime would be what's best for you. Many SoL fans say they watch it to unwind and turn their brain off for a little bit. In SoL you won't miss anything special so it's a perfect fit and I think it's something you should give a try too. See how your brain works with it.

Yea that's crazy. That's kinda like me with reading books ,I can read it ,but my brain will turn off for majority of the book. Have you told them about how ur brain only activates during these certain subjects ?

The best dubs were from the 2000s tbh, so you not rlly missing out on nothing entirely.

Hmmm I wouldn't agree with keeping certain characters relevant after so many sagas afterwards, db is all about power and the humans can't provide much anymore even tho I love taopaipai, there's so much bigger and badder that has came along the way. Only villains I can see coming back and making an impact is frieza and cell
SaiteiDaOrette Jan 7, 7:36 AM
So sorry for the late reply! Yeah I've seen that you made those videos on JJK as well as Slam Dunk, which I must check out (I'm a basketball fan). Even though I don't watch him much, I heard Joey the Anime Man talk about Slam Dunk and how it got him into the sport so it's always been on my periphery. I guess I've got to check that out as well!

Sorry you got mixed likes/dislikes. Hopefully it hasn't got you down. Even if I disagree, I personally quite like hearing hot takes and I like to try and understand where they're coming from. I'm sure you articulated your thoughts well, those dislikes are probably just touchy fans who aren't willing to hear anything negative about JJK haha. I used to get very nervous about sharing any hot takes on the MAL forums but nowadays I don't really care, and even if someone does argue, I just ignore it knowing I've explained my side the best I can.

Yes I know some people in real life who got into One Piece and I can see how much the characters and the journey means to them. (Although I've heard other people say it only gets good until a certain arc xD). I think if I were to watch it, I'd kinda treat all the individual arcs as seasons as a way to not get too overwhelmed by its episode count. That seems like a good way to break it down... although I may end up loving it so much, I'll just binge it haha. As you rightly said, enjoying the journey is the key to watching it.

The only arc I've kinda been spoiled on is the 'Enies Lobby' Arc (mainly because of that very famous scene). Btw are you going to make any videos on Nana? And what happened to your old Naruto videos?

Right now, I'm watching 'Planetes', which I heard is made by the same guy who made Vinland Saga which I've heard is good. I also finished 'Ergo Proxy' which is another psychological anime that some Evangelion fans recommended me. It was okay but a lot of the dialogue seemed to go in one ear and out the other for me (and I don't even have ADHD!)
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 6, 5:32 PM
I find it very cringe nowadays that some ppl are sub and Japanese only ,but at the same time I get it bcuz anime dubs use the same voice actors and you'll hear them JRPGs as well along with other video games. Dubs have potential to be better ,but sometimes I think they just don't care.

Oh yea ,you can add subtitles to dub as well I believe if that'll help you. Heck you can do it for regular videos nowadays.

To be fair some of these characters are dead and alrdy filled their roles. The red ribbon army guys you mentioned technically their legacy still lives on since the red ribbon army still gets mentioned to this day, heck you can even say cell is also apart of the red ribbon in a sense. Taopaipai alrdy filled his role and can't rlly do much when his PL is still below demon king piccolo
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 5, 1:47 PM
Well if you know about dubs in general they often use to do this ,especially around the old days like the 90s. They don't always follow the script bcuz I don't think they ever realized anime would ever be this popular and widespread or ppl going this obsessed over things. In yyh I love the dub ,but allt of lines is changed for comedy purposes lol

I love launch ,but jeez even I forgot about her. It would most def be cool to see her again and idk the point of abandoning her from the story like that ,it's stupid dbs showed bulmas sister that no one probably remembers ,but they abandoned launch

CBR is horrible. I van do better than all of the ppl who write those crap blogs
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 5, 6:59 AM
I can only think of once or twice ,but that's more of taking advantage of gokus naiveness and kindness. Taopaipai gave up and try to throw a grenade at an off guard goku and raditz used gokus kindness against him so he can stop grabbing his tail.

Lol it's a filler ,but do you remember the ep where he met taopaipai again in Z ,instead of fighting him ,they gave him this puzzle to do and they tried to escape bcuz goku was there. They thought they got away from ,but this whole time goku had a lock on their ki and he instantly IT to them when he was done lmao.

Yea I addressed he's not a super hero like superman ,but it's not that bad tho. He forgives every strong villain no matter what they do bcuz he wanna fight them again. I love the classic goku, ppl forget that's how we all get into the show ,so I never understood why dubs got so much hate.

I forgot to mention, but do you know what CBR is ? I swear to God they make some of the stupidest blogs ever. I don't even think they watch the series they blog about, especially DB
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 4, 8:25 AM
Yea it was atrocious. If Z goku were as powerful as dbs goku ,you wouldn't ever see random fighters lay a finger on him. Where did they get the whole goku drops his guard thing? It never happened that frequently in db. Dbs just abuses it.

There's some ppl on MAL that love OP as well ,so you'd get along great with them.

I use anime planet as well to store my fav characters. You can make lists ,it's pretty cool

I just haven't rlly been feeling anime lately or even this site much. The whole internet just feels meh nowadays, I guess I'm craving something new and diff. I tried making threads tbh to atleast make some friends, but I admit I'm somewhat picky and don't just accept anyone's F.R

Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 3, 1:52 PM
I mean I get it, but db is all about power scaling. Db is about training ,fighting , getting stronger and etc so It's weird. Nobody wants to see ssj trunks dealing the same amount of damage as ssb goku to goku black when literally 3ep ago he wasn't getting spanked by a base goku black that didn't even grow from goku yet. Even if you don't powerscale ,you would know thus stuff isn't making any sense at all

Your favs in characters is a bunch OP characters? Lmao OP can't be THAT good
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 3, 10:34 AM
It's funny bcuz you can argue frieza was stronger than goku when they fought. The spirit bomb weakened frieza, so frieza could've been alot more powerful going into 100%. In DBS they should've made him train for like 4 years to be as strong as he was in the TOP, that for sure is more fair ,4months make no sense.

Frieza was still wayy too powerful to even care. The strongest saiyan at the time only had a PL of 18k ,so maybe for his men like dadoria and zarbon it's something to worry bout.

He might've been the strongest ,since toriyama didn't have any other ideas yet to create. Cell was made from the Z fighters and boo came entirely after.

The 2nd movie on how he lost was better ,but ki transfer is powerful tho.

Nowadays the festivity of American holidays has been on a decline compared to back then. Do you celebrate Ramadan? 🍾 the Muslims here for sure celebrate it and idk if all of them doo.

Lol for Thanksgiving you're around your family, not strangers.
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 2, 4:02 PM
Do you mean when popo sends his him back in time to train with master mutaito? If so ,then yea. The fights are great in db ,it rlly makes me miss the humans.

Yea I always thought the legendary ssj was something much more fierce and bizarre than just a saiyan with 50x Amp lol. A saiyan that prob keeps growing stronger and doesn't need to train at all. So yamoshi or broly are the true legendary ssj.

I always saw the frieza being afraid of the ssj to be a slight plot hole. If frieza were to have just trained his lazy ass ,there would've never been any need to be afraid, I don't think frieza from Z has the dbs potential as to where he can just train for 4 months and be incredibly powerful ,but he is an extremely rare mutant with alot of potential.

Idc bout holidays either which is funny. That's a great way to look at things tho. I don't even have a fav holiday rlly, but the closest would maybe be Halloween.
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 2, 12:52 PM
The og dragonball is amazing watch. I for sure recommend it ,even the fillers are pretty good to look at.

One thing I do miss is Japanese singing in anime when certain fights would start. The rogafufuken went hard when yamcha fought tien and that theme started to play. Tien and yamcha are such great martial artist that I miss their techniques and I loves how yamcha was always more hand to hand fighter than constantly doing ki blasts.

I love the fights. When I was Like 8 I mainly cared about the saiyan transformations ,but for ppl who can only watch super or Z just feel like kids to me. I even think kids might be aging slower nowadays as well

Isn't broly 1Dimensional ? He most def is but yall love him for some reason

What you gonna do new for the new years ?
Pre-OwnedWombs Jan 1, 5:11 AM
The ppl who hate the RRA and say it's trash are most likely kids that need their ssj transformations and other ssj transformations with their color hair dye and the big bang powers. RRA was amazing, Taopaipai was like gokus first real villain he experienced.

Best theme
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