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Feb 22, 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
I know this show has some fan service already but his one was asking for it. Plus, Teruaki and Kana has plenty of awkward moments.

Hina also tried help Teruaki in the best way she could although he got some funny imaginations. These kids are having way too much fun even in the car.
Feb 22, 8:34 AM

Apr 2010
I bit about the history of the two which was funny to watch.
The drive in certainly has a nice concept over there.

And when the locals where their clothing instead of swimwear when swimming it should serve as a warning.
Feb 22, 9:09 AM

Feb 2019
Weekly dose of Okinawan culture! This week we get to learn about the dangers of the sea. It’s pretty cool how everyone on the island is aware of the potential risks of going to the beach but they’re not letting it deter them. Getting stung by a Habukurage? No problem, just have some vinegar on hand lol. Really makes you realize how sheltered some of us have been

The yui rail trip was pretty cool too. There’s really no need for trains on Okinawa so I’m not surprised it doesn’t have any. Plus the environmental impact they could have. As a kid when I visited Sydney Australia for the first time I got sick so my mom and brother let me ride back and forth on the Sydney monorail for like 5 hours straight 😭 so I definitely relate to people wanting to ride the yui rail.

Kana and Kyan backstory is always appreciated. Very cute end to the ep ❤️
Marinate1016Feb 22, 12:39 PM
Feb 22, 10:54 AM

Apr 2014
oooof jellyfish sting 😱 btw, Katsuonoeboshi(Portuguese man o' war) is actually not a jellyfish. It's a species of siphonophore, a group of animals that are closely related to jellyfish.
Yui Rail is the nickname of Okinawa Urban Monorail which runs in the area of Naha and Urasoe.
Finally, A&W Restaurant was mentioned. Really missed their curly fries. Okinawa is the sole prefecture in Japan with this fast-food restaurant chain. The branch they visited in this episode is Makiminato.
I really hope they will also mention Steakhouse 88 in the upcoming episodes as well.
AkeZZZFeb 22, 10:57 AM
Feb 22, 11:00 AM

Mar 2021
Okinawan drive thru's look so good I love that they have one for pretty much everything. I really enjoyed seeing the adventures of Hina and Kana When they were Smol.
Feb 22, 11:37 AM

Jul 2024
Okinawa is a lot like Texas. Food, cars, hurricanes, beaches, farms, small towns, fishing, snakes, some banana trees, but the season is a bit short here, drive thrus, drive ins, lot of similar cultural and daily life elements. We even have a variety of folk festivals with stylized folk dancing. But, Texas has bathing suits! Bikinis galore! Tan lines!

"She's super shy, and he's as dense as a brick."
Where have I seen that story before in anime, hmmmm? Or Rather, where haven't I seen it.
I swear! I was nerd with relatively little interest in girls in high school in Texas, and I still got WAY more action than most shounen romance MMCs do.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 22, 11:38 AM
Sep 2015
I usually don't care if Okinawa facts presented in this anime is true or not because it's harmless, but I feel like if something stings you in the sea you should go to hospital immediately regardless of your knowledge.

The drive-in part reminds me that there's a channel in YouTube that post the sound of stomach rumble in anime, is this a fetish?
Feb 22, 11:38 AM
Jul 2024
This just reminds me of all the things that can sting you in the tropics. Him getting stung by the Box Jelly ended the beach episode for sure! Vinegar does work, but that one can certainly earn a trip to a hospital. I'm guessing not quite as serious as the Aussie version. My Family had one of those catfish in an aquarium back in the 60s-early 70s. Cute as babies, but yeah, venomous spines. I actually though the kid had bothered a lionfish at first.

Feb 22, 11:39 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
I guess that's why Okinawans don't swim in the beaches and if they did its with clothing because kinda dangerous out there with no lifeguard on duty. The A&W Drive In Restaurant in Okinawa was the one that surprised me the most because there is only a few of them left in the United States. It's kinda similar to Sonics in which you place your order when you pull up in your car and your food was given to you by an employee on roller skates while you were in the car, but now they give you your food on foot due to safety reasons.

The Yui monorail runs through a very popular shopping in Okinawa.
AddaeAkonoFeb 22, 11:45 AM
Feb 22, 11:40 AM
Jul 2024
Reply to Sheol01
This just reminds me of all the things that can sting you in the tropics. Him getting stung by the Box Jelly ended the beach episode for sure! Vinegar does work, but that one can certainly earn a trip to a hospital. I'm guessing not quite as serious as the Aussie version. My Family had one of those catfish in an aquarium back in the 60s-early 70s. Cute as babies, but yeah, venomous spines. I actually though the kid had bothered a lionfish at first.

@Sheol01 This is only the 2nd time I've seen A&W in an Anime'. The 1st was in A Sister is All You Need. Hmm, I think they were also in Okinawa. Might be from former US. Service bases there.
Feb 22, 11:40 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Do Okinawans really swim with their clothes on? Is that because of the poisonous fish or just some other tradition? Also, regarding them driving everywhere, couldn't they use a bike or something to get around? Maybe the landscape isn't suitable for that I guess. Good to see the wholesome childhood ending again.
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Feb 22, 11:57 AM

Jul 2024
phantomfandom said:
I usually don't care if Okinawa facts presented in this anime is true or not because it's harmless, but I feel like if something stings you in the sea you should go to hospital immediately regardless of your knowledge.
Texas waters have a lot of jellyfish of several varieties. Non will send you to the hospital unless you have a rare allergy, or you are a small person with a lot of stings. I have been stung a dozen or so times. It was just a nuisance, even the Portuguese Man O' War (actually a colony hydrozoan rather than a jellyfish) stings.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 22, 12:41 PM

Jan 2023
Another great episode, full of okinawan facts and hilarious moments.
Also, probably the most adorable Kana has ever been :)
Feb 22, 12:51 PM

Apr 2012
The more I watch this show, the less I can believe in that Kyan will ever have any chances.
Feb 22, 12:54 PM
Mar 2021
I love how sadistic this anime is with the beach episodes😆. The English name for the Katsubenobashi is the Portuguese Man O’ War. I did not know about vinegar and jellyfish stings.

The love triangle between these three is cute. Hadn’t really thought about Okinawa having no trains, but it makes sense given its history. That fast food place reminds me of Sonics in the USA.
Feb 22, 1:27 PM

Dec 2022
"Okinawa has the highest obesity rate in Japan."
Feb 22, 3:09 PM

Jun 2015
I guess for the natives swimming in the sea is something quite normal for them. Nice way to save on swimsuits though. You should always be aware of your surroundings when swimming. The monorail can be seen to be their rapid transit system i guess. Teru turned out to be the perfect cover for Kana's hunger pain there. This version of a drive thru is defo more convenient for the customer. It was so cute seeing Hina and Kana take the mono together by themselves when they were little.
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Feb 22, 3:09 PM

Feb 2025
Ok, note to self: If I ever go to Okinawa, I won't be swimming on the sea
Too dangerous, not worth it lol
Kana is cute as always

Imouto suki

Tsundere-Chuuni-Imoutos save me...

Feb 22, 3:48 PM

Dec 2018
Took us 8 episodes to get to a proper beach episode, kinda surprising but the first “beach episode” did explain that Okinawans often just hang out on the beach without swimming, so it makes sense. And it was a really fun one, I’m happy Teruaki got his swim in the ocean at long last, sadly the swimsuit clad Okinawan babes was just in his imagination but the swimming in clothes thing is interesting, but the fun couldn’t last forever since Teruaki got stung by a jellyfish, it’s never happened to me even tho I’ve swam in the ocean a few times, but thankfully he had Kyan there to hook him up with that sweet vinegar, good to know not to use it for Man O’ War stings tho lol.

And after it was just a can in one of the earlier episodes, this time we got a straight up A&W restaurant, very cool to see as an American viewer, although I’ve never been to a drive-in restaurant like that, it looks very cool tho, they were enjoying the hell out of that food lol. However, I have used a drive-in ATM before and I was surprised to see that is apparently a thing of old in Okinawa, I wonder why they quit using them over there, Teruaki had a funny reaction to that tho. And poor Higa, she was enjoying her food until Kyan brought up obesity in Okinawa lol, but that is an interesting statistic to learn.

And lastly we got another cute flashback scene of young Kyan and Higa, another prime example of why these two are so close to this day, Kyan doing that dance on the train was adorable too.
Feb 22, 4:00 PM
Nov 2023
kumorikami said:
Ok, note to self: If I ever go to Okinawa, I won't be swimming on the sea
Too dangerous, not worth it lol
Kana is cute as always

Handy hint, Chinen’s Sansan beach puts out nets to keep out jellyfish from April 1st onwards, that’s where first half of Aquatope on White Sand is set. Before then they put up no swimming signs.
Other useless trivia: if you don’t have vinegar, it’s effective to pee on jellyfish stings.
Feb 22, 4:09 PM
Nov 2023
@akeZZZ I loved the A&W at Toyosaki near the aquarium, great menu for getting fat! But I really hope they go to Jumbo Steak Han’s in Naha, it’s legendary. Great episode to reminisce today.
Feb 22, 4:23 PM

Feb 2025
Reply to FutoiOtaku
kumorikami said:
Ok, note to self: If I ever go to Okinawa, I won't be swimming on the sea
Too dangerous, not worth it lol
Kana is cute as always

Handy hint, Chinen’s Sansan beach puts out nets to keep out jellyfish from April 1st onwards, that’s where first half of Aquatope on White Sand is set. Before then they put up no swimming signs.
Other useless trivia: if you don’t have vinegar, it’s effective to pee on jellyfish stings.
FutoiOtaku said:
Other useless trivia: if you don’t have vinegar, it’s effective to pee on jellyfish stings.

Oh, I knew about the pee thing, tbh I got a bit scared when Kyan started to use the vinegar offscreen, for a moment I thought she was... anyway lol

Imouto suki

Tsundere-Chuuni-Imoutos save me...

Feb 22, 4:32 PM
Nov 2023
kumorikami said:
FutoiOtaku said:
Other useless trivia: if you don’t have vinegar, it’s effective to pee on jellyfish stings.

Oh, I knew about the pee thing, tbh I got a bit scared when Kyan started to use the vinegar offscreen, for a moment I thought she was... anyway lol

Apparently Uric acid and acetic acid work equally well, but one is a bit more embarrassing to apply…
Feb 22, 4:48 PM

Jun 2016
Great people quote, "She's super shy, and he's as dense as a brick.":)
Feb 22, 5:44 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to KM_31
I love how sadistic this anime is with the beach episodes😆. The English name for the Katsubenobashi is the Portuguese Man O’ War. I did not know about vinegar and jellyfish stings.

The love triangle between these three is cute. Hadn’t really thought about Okinawa having no trains, but it makes sense given its history. That fast food place reminds me of Sonics in the USA.
@KM_31 No, that is true. Or ammonia. It really works! But you have to be quick. It also works on fire coral & hydroid stings. Yes, personal experience from my SCUBA days. LOL
Feb 22, 5:50 PM

Jul 2022
Too bad it wasn't an actual beach episode, but at least Teru's imagination gave us a great panel of Kana, Hina, and Yae. Seeing all those sea creatures in Okinawa, though, I understand why they don't wear swimsuits. I panicked for a second when I thought Hina was going to suck the poison out of Teru's arm, then panicked even more when I saw a yellow liquid, only to laugh when it turned out to be vinegar.

It was really cute to see little Kana and Hina go on an adventure again, taking the monorail. They're adorable, and little Kana was totally right: Hina is too young for love.

And let's be honest, Yae perfectly represented all of us in that moment when Kana let another chance with Teru slip away. She's too shy, and he's too dumb.
Feb 22, 7:40 PM

Sep 2024
I'm all caught up now, and I have to say, all the tourist information is a bit of a drag on the story. Plus the subtitles are an absolute nightmare, having to pause and read all the time. It's interesting, but subbed anime is not the format best suited for this kind of info dump. It also bothers me slightly how Teeruu keeps getting invited to all this stuff. It's all kinda glossed over... One would think that Higa is inviting him, but she doesn't have the guts really, and Kyan is too oblivious to him and in her own world. So how does he keep ending up as one of the group as a newbie? It's a bit "Because... Reasons..."
Feb 22, 8:43 PM

Mar 2016
To me this felt like an anti commercial, like I don't wanna get intoxicated because some jellyfish in the water (actually that's a reason I don't go to the beach, and I have one two busses away from home).
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Feb 22, 8:57 PM
Oct 2018
They covered A&W Drive In, I wonder if they will get some Blue Seal Ice Cream in a future episode.

I like the Okinawa cultural education the show is giving us, but I think it’s a little too much, as there isn’t much else of a plot. I hope the ending of the episode foreshadows some romantic development with Hina, because I think that’s what all of us want.
Feb 22, 9:48 PM

Aug 2014
Reply to FutoiOtaku
kumorikami said:
FutoiOtaku said:
Other useless trivia: if you don’t have vinegar, it’s effective to pee on jellyfish stings.

Oh, I knew about the pee thing, tbh I got a bit scared when Kyan started to use the vinegar offscreen, for a moment I thought she was... anyway lol

Apparently Uric acid and acetic acid work equally well, but one is a bit more embarrassing to apply…
Feb 22, 11:09 PM

May 2016
Seems like they rehashed a lot of info in this one. There are no trains, just one monorail, Okinawans swim with their clothes on, and everyone uses drive thrus, Okinawans are the most out of shape.

Yae speaks for all of us......

My first thought of the liquid on Teru's sting was that it looked like pee......... :' )
"Genki is Life, Genki is Love"
Feb 23, 1:03 AM

Dec 2024
Idk but this episode kind of weirded me out, maybe its me being dirty minded but i swear there was alot of (boobs) on the screen most of the time. And the part where Teru is sad because they weren't in swimsuits kind of felt pervy if that makes sense. Also i don't know why i got annoyed at the part with Higa as a child wanting to go on the monorail, I thought it was like an emphasis on trying to make a toddler seem "Cute" but i just didn't find it amusing whatsoever. Also Higa was very real when she grabbed her stomach and it was "oh shit i gained weight" Like so real. I know i hated alot in this post but i did enjoy the episode i only really pointed out the parts that i didn't enjoy.
Feb 23, 2:46 AM

Feb 2014
We're able to get a beach episode of some sorts, although only Teru and the tourists were in swimwear. Hina, Kana and the others were in normal clothing which makes sense in a way. It was also educational about how dangerous the waters can be as well as dealing with people who got stung by the aquatic life in the shallow parts of the sea.

I'm used to using drive-thru restaurants, but this was the first time seeing a drive-in version. Considering how hot it can be in Okinawa, I can see why the obesity levels are higher here than anywhere else in Japan. Still, I did get a bit hungry in seeing the delicious burgers that Teru, Hina and Kana chomped down on! XD

As mentioned before, Okinawa doesn't have trains, but they do have one monorail line, which led to a cute backstory of how a younger Kana wanted to ride it, but was told no. Hina took it upon herself to use her savings so that she and Kana could ride on the monorail themselves. Once again, it shows how strong their friendship is, which is what I like about the both of them a lot.
Feb 23, 10:03 AM

Jan 2021
Swimming with all your clothes on sounds pretty amazing.
Feb 23, 10:33 AM

Jul 2024
Reply to Itto_x_Ei
Swimming with all your clothes on sounds pretty amazing.
@Itto_x_Ei Really adds to friction drag and mass. Racers wear speedo and such for a reason, to reduce drag. The extra mass and drag could even be dangerous if the swimmer were to become exhausted.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 23, 11:11 AM
Jul 2024
Reply to LordCrueltyV
phantomfandom said:
I usually don't care if Okinawa facts presented in this anime is true or not because it's harmless, but I feel like if something stings you in the sea you should go to hospital immediately regardless of your knowledge.
Texas waters have a lot of jellyfish of several varieties. Non will send you to the hospital unless you have a rare allergy, or you are a small person with a lot of stings. I have been stung a dozen or so times. It was just a nuisance, even the Portuguese Man O' War (actually a colony hydrozoan rather than a jellyfish) stings.
@LordCrueltyV He actually was stung by a box jellyfish. Which usually have more potent stings, even then Man-O-Wars. ( Which do send people to hospitals, it depends on how much you get hit!). Australia has a couple of species like the Sea Wasp that kill in a few minutes. They are not a joke. This was just a really small sting on his hand, but still, not something to fool with.
Feb 23, 11:17 AM
Jul 2024
This also explains why Vinegar didn't work when I got stung by a certain something in Maryland, USA. Man, that Bay is rotten with jellyfish & hydroids.
Feb 23, 11:49 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to LordCrueltyV
@Itto_x_Ei Really adds to friction drag and mass. Racers wear speedo and such for a reason, to reduce drag. The extra mass and drag could even be dangerous if the swimmer were to become exhausted.
@LordCrueltyV 😭
Feb 23, 7:49 PM

Mar 2008
Swimming with clothes on? Ive done this in a river and it makes me wonder what their drowning rate is there. So many wet t shirt mishap potentials uh let's call it even ...but I wonder wouldn't it be best to wear wetsuits in such conditions.

I find it both funny and sad the obvious American influence on Okinawa has made them more obese.

Little Kana-chan in the flashback obsessing over romance and trains was so cute

TheColonel76 said:
And after it was just a can in one of the earlier episodes, this time we got a straight up A&W restaurant, very cool to see as an American viewer, although I’ve never been to a drive-in restaurant like that, it looks very cool tho, they were enjoying the hell out of that food lol. However, I have used a drive-in ATM before and I was surprised to see that is apparently a thing of old in Okinawa, I wonder why they quit using them over there, Teruaki had a funny reaction to that tho. And poor Higa, she was enjoying her food until Kyan brought up obesity in Okinawa lol, but that is an interesting statistic to learn.

Drive-ins are pretty great if you're in a car with several people since it's easier to order and you dont feel rushed, since everyone can see the multiple menus and you call in when ready and you can order more food later if you want. Some places ive been to they come out on roller skates which is what they all used to do but obvious reasons they stopped lol Ive also been to a drive in cinema which are also cool but super rare these days.
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Feb 23, 9:25 PM
Feb 2024
Again, after the jellyfish sting, I feel like MC is going for a Darwin award.

The bit about drive-throughs was amusing, as was the whole thing about trains.

On the subject of Kana, with the progression of their relationship, I'm expecting MC to move back to Tokyo in episode 12 with Kana's attraction unrequited.
Feb 24, 3:40 AM

Jul 2013
When Kana was concerned about being fat, I immediately thought of Hibiki from Dumbbell. Both are tanned blondes and they are vocied by the same seiyuu haha
Feb 24, 3:57 AM

Dec 2018
traed said:
Drive-ins are pretty great if you're in a car with several people since it's easier to order and you dont feel rushed, since everyone can see the multiple menus and you call in when ready and you can order more food later if you want. Some places ive been to they come out on roller skates which is what they all used to do but obvious reasons they stopped lol Ive also been to a drive in cinema which are also cool but super rare these days.
Sounds pretty awesome, I’d love to check one out one day but I don’t know of any near me, I’ll have to look into it. I haven’t been to a Drive-In Cinema either but I know those are a thing of the past besides rare ones like you said, they’re something I think of when I hear 1950s or 1960s, The Beach Boys have a great song about them.
Feb 24, 1:06 PM
Jan 2022
eh A&W, I know it's technically American but the good version of it is Canadian 🙂

Yae's diatribe at the end was all of us 😅 we all sail that ship
Feb 25, 7:33 AM
Jul 2015
Very amusing to see something as common in the U.S. as a drive-in restaurant being explained as a foreign concept.

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