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Fire Force
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Aug 8, 2020 11:27 PM
Jun 2020
i hate that bitch inca for many reasons btw her name reminds me of an parakeet so she should chance her name from inca to inco that parakeet from toradora

i hope shindra kills that bitch
Aug 8, 2020 11:29 PM

Jun 2020
I'd let Inca ignite my ass if ykwim
This anime shit is addictive
Aug 9, 2020 12:04 AM

Jul 2016
Wonder what Arthur has been doing with Haumea this whole time. He could keep up with Shinra when he was being controlled by that blonde Hashira yet he let Haumea go even though she was always on the defensive with no intention of fighting back.

Anyways, well... it seems our girl Inca has picked her side now. Not gonna lie, I don't really hate her (not for now, at least) since it's kinda pointless to get mad at a psycho for not doing the "right" thing. She's a scummy bitch indeed but her "craziness" has some sort of basis (her lust for danger being the main one) to justify it so at this point, I'm more interested in knowing whether the author will try to redeem her character or make her embrace the antagonist role to the fullest. Hope it's the latter tho.
Aug 9, 2020 3:56 AM

May 2015
Man, Panda didn't deserve that. :(
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Aug 9, 2020 4:59 AM
Jul 2020
Is this the opening of a new arc? It seems like it.

I was annoyed like Shrina was trying to persuade her even though he knows she is a psychopath. She wants to be in the most danger so the White Clad is where it's at.

This new arc seems INTERESTING. I feel like we are going to learn A LOT. Excited.
Aug 9, 2020 5:17 AM

Jun 2013
This is why I fucking hate Inca. Aside her being like "I'm not like other girls" she killed Panda! That poor guy :( fuck that psychotic bitch! Haumea is way more tolerable than her. We can't even see Haumea's eyes but she's way more attractive than that pink-haired nutcase.

Also, Juggernaut makes another appearance. Another character who I really like. I'm glad they're going to another place, it'll be a nice change of scenery.
Aug 9, 2020 3:21 PM

Jul 2020
This season had an excellent start and now they are redirecting it to a potentially great adventure. Loved how they will develop Takeru, Ogun and Pan, and hopefully they add importance and utility to Tamaki instead of over-fanservicing her. A solid 9 up to now
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Check my latest web novel on Our Greatest Comeback🦊⛩️ and please drop a like or comment if you liked it!
Aug 9, 2020 4:18 PM

Mar 2019
Not a bad episode.. but felt incomplete/lacking of something...

Or simply not enought for a 5/5... so 4/5....

Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Aug 9, 2020 10:31 PM
Apr 2020
I'm not surprised that Inca joined the White-Clad, she's really troublesome after all. And NEW ARC!!!

Aug 10, 2020 6:06 AM

Jul 2017
I wonder the event that Inca saw in her foresight after joining the evangelist will happen to her later in this series. that would be great lol.
Aug 10, 2020 2:01 PM

Apr 2016
This new season has been very boring so far but the arc which is going to start seems interesting. Inca is a bit crazy.
Aug 10, 2020 8:12 PM

Feb 2020
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nice episode as always.
Aug 11, 2020 5:28 AM

May 2018
the fight is over. Lol Shinra should have been captured when he collapsed
Aug 11, 2020 5:04 PM

Feb 2020
I remember at the start, I was curious and interested about the pink hair girl. My regret is immeasurable.

Kyoto Animation rocks
Aug 11, 2020 7:09 PM

Jun 2017
Inca kinda proves that not everyone wants to be saved. I'm curious as to what Shinra would do as a hero in this senario.
Aug 12, 2020 11:22 AM

Mar 2019
Hated Inca the first time she showed up, do so even more now after seeing her actions. The bad part is i just dislike her character, not because she is a piece of trash human who you might empatize with and maybe still "like to hate", i just want the team to kill her right away, i reaaaally hope they don't turn her to the good guys, she is unredeemable already.

Anyway, liked the episode and i'm glad we got some overall scope catching up from captain Obi and finally moving to other parts of the world.
Aug 13, 2020 9:19 AM
Aug 2017
Pretty garbage episode in my opinion.
Shinra literally fainted in front of his opponent, could have been kidnapped easily, but nah they literally turn their back and walk away like a pedestrian when they see a homeless person in the street. Lame.

Also, why characters were dressed with their firearmor gear in the ship? was not they supposed to be dressing their normal fireforce outfits (orange ones).

And man, Inka evolved from a girl that blackmails people that are having their houses burning down to a "chaotic evil" character just by standing there watching shinra fighting for her lmao

Aug 13, 2020 10:56 PM
May 2018
Pretty garbage episode in my opinion.
Shinra literally fainted in front of his opponent, could have been kidnapped easily, but nah they literally turn their back and walk away like a pedestrian when they see a homeless person in the street. Lame.

Also, why characters were dressed with their firearmor gear in the ship? was not they supposed to be dressing their normal fireforce outfits (orange ones).

And man, Inka evolved from a girl that blackmails people that are having their houses burning down to a "chaotic evil" character just by standing there watching shinra fighting for her lmao

It looks like you watched this episode very inattentively. At the very beginning of the series, Haumea told Charon to take at least Inka. Obviously, they were in a hurry to leave, since the firefighters were outnumbered. White clads would have lost.
You probably don't understand that the characters are going to unknown territory, where there will definitely be a lot of dangerous things. That's why they put on their fireproof uniforms.
Aug 14, 2020 2:59 PM

Mar 2009
Mami needs to move aside. Inca is the true worst girl of the season.
Aug 14, 2020 8:56 PM

Feb 2020
Inka, and her decision. Maybe some people hate it. But for me, its still understandable. By knewing her positions, Shinra's condition, her future ability that got dissapeared. Her link of flames that gone too. Inka, somehow couldn't control it with her own mind, yet. So, with that shit, her hard decision to followed Charon's worked out as an understandable reason for me.

I still don't know how her ability worked out. Because until this rate, she just showed that the skill just came out of nowhere, and she just followed the intructions via her Adolla Burst. So, with her inner monologue, i believed, she just following the intructions to survived her own live. Surrender was the only choice she got after so much pressure she had. Oh, well, i found her to be so pity with her current situation. So i felt that this episode somehow okay, for bringing out the long journey into our hero, Shinra. However, yeah, the last shit was a bit exaggeration from her. And its just made my confussion of her ability grew up more than what i've imagined before!

Journey to the China. They just did not wasted any more time like before, since the previous event was a great failure for the Fire forces. Fortunately, Arthur had a nice information. 8 pillar revelations. Fourth Adora Burst owner revealed, the rest still hide around the world! A new journey to searched the great calamity from the past. Should this brought another entertaining move, or just a complete wasted of time again? Let just skipped the Introduction of some scene and move forward to the next episode!

But, oh, Tamaki! I forgot with her status on this series! Actually, its not to be bad at all. Her contribution made me believed that the next one should be way better than i've imagined before!
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Aug 14, 2020 10:03 PM

Mar 2014
Damn, seeing the before and after of the world continents after that cataclysm...

Really shows just how huge a scale disaster it was. Not only did it completely destroy society as we know it, but what was left of the world was warped into something completely dangerous and unknown. Even 250 years later there's still so much lost.
Aug 15, 2020 8:47 AM

Dec 2016
I couldn't believe my eyes when Inca murdered his friend to death o_o; that was low!

I'm glad Tamaki didn't loose all her clothes when she bumped into Vulcan this time. Good riddance! That girl is so unlucky >_>

Looking forward to see the next episode!

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Aug 16, 2020 2:17 PM

Jul 2019
I like how Inca stayed true to her colours. She is a perfect for the evangelists... for now. I guess she will struggle with being part of an organisation.

Shinra being knocked out was actually funny. This is where they draw the line with human punch bags. When it suits the plot even these tanking monsters go down and one of Charon's boys stands up after having taken a foot to the face.

Otherwise I am very glad I learned a thing or 2 about potatoes.
Aug 19, 2020 7:57 AM
Mar 2013
AivanK said:
Inca is definitely the most hated character in FF. Can't believe she actually doesn't realize that what she possesses is her power, not people's destiny... She with her own hands killed her friend who was trying to save me, omfg lmao

If she will join the FF squad, they better to the best redemption arc ever!

Finally, we have more details about their world and their mission.
And now they are heading to China to find out more clues about what happened.

Great episode, i just want to end this by saying that i hate Inca.
i hope she gets what she wants death i mean what else can cure her mental disorder? lol I think this show and manga could get better only if we se a shinra more on the devil side rather than the hero.
Aug 27, 2020 7:13 PM

Jul 2013
At the very least they're not half-assing Inca's evilness. Like if you're gonna be a villain, go hard or go home. Also, if the whole fire force or the tokyo empire whatever their country is called, won't do shit about the cult maybe the rest of the world would be more willing to help? This isn't gonna be like a typical holywood movie where americans, specifically new yorkers would prevent disasters on a global scale right?
Sep 8, 2020 7:15 PM
Oct 2019
"I love danger. I'll go with these weirdos. And I'll kill my former colleague." Wow, talk about dumb.

Then the whole boat ride was lame. Were they just trying to prolong the episode as much as possible?
Sep 14, 2020 11:35 PM

Dec 2013
I'm not surprised Inca went with the white clad. It would've been weird otherwise.

Poor Panda didn't deserve to die like that. All he wanted was to avenge his bro and protect his friend.

I'm glad that this new arc will be exploring more of this world.
Sep 17, 2020 10:55 AM

Jan 2020
Screw this Inca girl. I didn’t mind her being a psycho and going out of her way looking for danger, but after she betrayed Panda I want her dead. By far the most useless and annoying character in the series so far. Also, Tamaki’s fan service scenes are getting annoying af.
Sep 24, 2020 6:05 PM

Aug 2011
Farabeuf said:
As I expected, Inca is an imbecile of the highest order. Stupid, selfish, entitled and completely devoid of any charm. And a a backstabbing traitor. What a despicable character.

And I was so hyped waiting for her entrance listening to the panel, but man, am I disappointed. I don't need to repeat any sentiments, it's already been said by others, but... what a bitch.

Looking forward to the upcoming arch. I wanted to see more Maki, but we're stuck with Miss fanservice herself - Tamaki. Wow! I guess this mission requires more flashing of flesh than it needs powerful fighters. Now if it was Benimaru, he could handle both, sorry Capt Obi, I still love you too.
Sep 28, 2020 6:03 AM
Jul 2018
Shinra has been really annoying, it almost seemed as if Inca had made more sense than him. As for Inca herself, I don’t particularly like her or hate her, she’s just well an uninteresting character. She’s a psychopath with a tragic past, nothing about it really stands out or shows any potential for further development, because how do you redeem a freaking psycho? Remind her of the warmth of family or humanity which neither had she experienced? Well it’s true you can always fabricate some history prior to the fire she went through. However although it’d only make sense for her to stay villainous all the way through, I think it’s more likely that she changes and that sort of cliched crap. Never read the manga thou.
And shouldn’t it be really easy to retrieve Shinra, when he was alone and literally passed out?
removed-userSep 28, 2020 6:20 AM
Nov 23, 2020 5:15 PM

Apr 2013
Yeah it was obvious that Inca would join the evangelist, also no surprise to see that she kills one of her former companions, she already showed she does not care about them, or anyone not even herself included really... also that creepy smile of anticipation when she thought about how the evangelists would torture, or even tear her apart, what is this crazy Maso Bitch.

Joker appears for a brief moment neat. And they joke about him becoming a Fire Soldier, or not joke heh
just because I’ve gotten weaker, doesn’t mean that you got stronger, does it?
Nov 30, 2020 2:44 PM

Dec 2016
Wow, what a piece of shit she is.
Also, why didn't Charon take Shinra with him? If they know he is the 4th Pillar, they could have taken him with them when he's fainted and too weakened to fight back.
Dec 4, 2020 12:18 PM

Dec 2010
Whistle guy is on the ship, that's all I could ask for.

Ok, Tamaki is quite welcome too, not gonna lie.
Jan 7, 2021 3:50 AM

Aug 2018
When Shinra said "UMI DA" I thought it will be a low-key beach/sea episode since the last event was tense, but the circumstance wasn't comfy enough to have that too :(
Jan 24, 2021 5:50 PM

Aug 2017
They're setting up Inca as an antagonist so that explains her over-the-top personality. She even killed her friend lol.

This arc was pretty slow and needs less episodes, the Charon fight dragged a lot, the comedy aspect is terrible, Tamaki being stupid as always. Not a good start. It still has S1 bad quality.
NurguburuJan 24, 2021 5:55 PM
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Apr 29, 2021 5:27 PM
Nov 2010
Inca is damaged goods. I'm glad she joined the enemy side. I thought it'd be another cliche moment with her. She also looks nice in that white clad uniform.

My entire country disappeared in that great cataclysm. lol
May 30, 2021 2:04 PM
May 2020
so the gang are going to china to research the great cataclysm. lets see how this will turn out
Jan 30, 2022 1:03 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
"It's my life, I'm free!" Yeah? Bullshit, you're free? You mean freely controlled and manipulated by your own abilities!?
I know that Inca is a serious nut job from the moment when it was revealed that Inca found pleasure from the thrill of danger. Someone like that can only be offered a brash option instead of the usual offer of rescue. Not to mention how delusional she is, she wants to be free, she wanted to not be owned by anyone or anything, and yet she's shackled herself to her very own abilities. Her decisions and judgements are all based on whether or not she can see the combustion lines. As a matter of fact, this is exactly why she chose to kill her former friend by setting him up in flame because she saw those lines around him.

She's enslaved by her own powers, what a pathetic selfish bitch. Shinra better smacks her dumbass real hard the next time he meets her, damned wench.

For now I guess we'll set out on an adventure toward the Chinese peninsula, this is a great opportunity for some real worldbuilding because there's so litter we as the audience knows about their world.

4 Pillars found, 4 left to go, 8 pillars to either destroy the planet or save everything.
Jun 4, 2022 1:18 PM

May 2020
If there's one character I absolutely despise in this series, that would be this pink haired girl. Just don't want to see any more of her, not even for a second.

6 episodes in, and honestly at this point it feels like even S1 was atleast 10 times better than this.
Aug 4, 2022 8:49 AM

Apr 2013
Alright, seems like Inca is a bigger piece of shit than I thought, fucking psychopath. I'm glad Tamaki and Arthur are part of that expedition, should be good.
Jan 7, 2023 1:51 PM

Nov 2020
Common W Shinra Kusakabe
Feb 6, 2023 10:36 AM
Jan 2019
nice site with all of you want
Nov 1, 2023 3:42 AM

Jul 2023
Inca going with the White Clad wasn't surprising since she was incredibly twisted and clearly not right in the head, but damn, how she killed her former friend was beyond cruel.
I always love arcs where the main characters leave their normal setting to travel to an unknown, exotic place, I hope this new arc ends up being fun.
May 9, 2024 12:51 AM
Dec 2022
Shinra fights Charon over Inca but looks like it is a step too far. Will the 8th be able to investigate to get the answers about the pillars.
Feb 5, 5:48 PM

Dec 2022
I am going to kill you!
Feb 6, 3:23 AM

Feb 2020
Latom 😠🙏🙏😞
Mar 2, 3:18 AM

May 2015
Well Inca sided with the white clad, she loves her thrills. Even enough to kill a former friend...

Might not of been a win for the fire force, but they saved a lot of folks and learned how Charons power works. So it wasn't a total loss.
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