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Blue Lock
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Jan 10, 2:48 AM
Aug 2021
Omds Rin looked like a monster. His tongue and eyes were terrifying. Rin single-handedly dominated the field for a second I forgot there were other players. His making everyone use their best weapons just so he could crush it was ruthless. Isagi believing in him was a full-circle moment.
There was no reason for his brother to rub more salt into the wound "Isagi is a true striker" The animation styles were elite. Excited for next season especially since they teased the return of Kunigami and showed a whole new character. Good season finale.
Jan 10, 1:55 PM
May 2021
This U20 arc was so good ngl
Jan 11, 5:50 AM
Sep 2022
IzanaSolos said:
Always remember, this is a sports manga. So please explain to me WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??? We got this dude DROOLING ON THE FUCKING FIELD WITH HIS TONGUE OUT... bro. This show man... and this studio had the FUCKING NERVE TO PUT THE LICKING SOUND EFFECTS WHEN HE CAME FACE-TO-FACE WITH OLIVER... LIKE HELLO???

But yeah, again, we in a shounen, so Rin whipping his tongue out and drooling all over the field is all that it takes to make him untouchable... unless THIS DUDE SHIDOU JUST FOULS HIM???? But even with that foul, Rin LOCKS THE FUCK IN... and misses the shot and passes it straight to Sae... LMAOOOOOOOOOOO. Though, I gotta hand it to them, only a second into the second half of the episode AND GOD THEY MOVED... IN 2D??? NOT CGI??? HELLO???

And that kagenashi style part with Rin vs. Sae... god. 8bit man WHY COULDN'T YOU COOK LIKE THIS ALL SEASON??? No dialogue, good animation, AND THE MC ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING FOR ONCE??? NOW THIS IS A SPORTS MANGA. Was this payoff worth the tourment of the all the rest of the season? FUCK NO. I think in my head I remembered this arc to be better, but nah man. The constant talking was so tiring PLUS the animation... what a blunder of a season man.

But that post credit scene does get me scared. I mean, one, ANOTHER SEASON of this would be an embrassment PLUS, this next arc, well, isn't the best lmao.

put some respect to the animators and instead of hating on the anime hate on the directors instead who set the animators on a strict schedule.
Jan 11, 2:34 PM
Feb 2024
i never thought a football anime would make me so emotional i was jumping and cheering with joy and i was so sad for rin i love you forever rin </3333 oh my gosshh sae is sooooooo repulsive for thatttt
Jan 11, 5:55 PM
May 2021
I shed a few tears. Can't wait for season 3.
Jan 11, 9:25 PM
Feb 2015
the animation wasn't that bad imo, or i'm just used to this. Finally the mc shines, almost forgot isagi
Jan 12, 1:53 AM
May 2024
finally some good animation and rin and isagi were just way too goood
Jan 12, 4:09 AM
Oct 2019
i can't describe this ep
Jan 12, 9:16 PM
Mar 2013
This made the last 13 crappy episodes worth it . That epic
Jan 12, 10:14 PM
Jan 2021
Fire, Animation picked up drastically and every scene felt cinematic
Jan 13, 9:03 AM
Aug 2020
Jan 14, 12:16 AM
Feb 2020
"Luck" *Insert fire emojis here.*
Jan 14, 6:26 AM
Dec 2024
pretty goo but animation sucks
Jan 16, 1:49 PM
Jun 2024
It was great but i think its animations are still terrible
Jan 17, 4:09 PM
Nov 2023
felt so bad for rin :(
Jan 19, 3:17 AM
Apr 2023
This episode is the only thing bumping this season up from a 6 or 7 to an 8 for me (i beg season 3 has the animation style of the face off between rin and sae 💔)
(i changed my mind its lowkey a 7 the only saving grace for this season was the last like 3 or 4 episodes)
NicoIsCoolJan 20, 9:15 AM
Jan 19, 7:36 AM

Feb 2021
The final episode is here and it blew everyone away with it's animation. WHERE WAS IT FOR THE WHOLE SEASON??? (I'm not blaming the animators, it's always the fault of the producers and executives and other big wigs who botch it all. The animators aren't given enough time to cook properly) Also the pacing of this arc in the manga was atrocious. It felt so dragged and slow towards the end. Thank god the pacing was nicely done in the anime. We either get pacing or we either get art/animation. Also the sound effects in this season were extremely good from the crowd's game winning cheers to Rin's licking sounds everything was pretty crisp.

Rin's flow state was extremely well animated and his moment where he kind of out plays Sae is so well produced. The music, the monologue, the dream sequence, the 1v1 battle.

Isagi's hardwork of matching Rin for the whole match finally paid off. He took 'luck', he took his chance and scored the winning goal for Blue Lock. Although Rin wasn't too happy about it and has officially made Isagi his rival.

What pissed me off was Sae not complimenting Rin even one bit. Tbh Isagi's awakening was partially due to Rin piloting the Blue Lock team into performing so well in the 1st half. and Rin did save them from conceding 2 goals and countered Sae and others from U20 on so many different occasions. It's bs to say that Isagi was the one who played the key part. No doubt he had great contribution in the frontlines but still giving all the credit to him is nonsensical.

Ego's 2nd phase for blue lock has been teased. The Neo Egoist League is coming babyyy! In my opinion this is where we see the most drastic growth for Isagi by far.

Edgy-gami is back from the wild card training. God's Chosen Emperor has been teased. Can't wait to see him in action and his weapon !!! >:)

Also just some things I wanted to appreciate about this season (even though there isn't much) are,

1. the OST's, the were a banger
2. The sound effects were pretty good
3. I loved the little details they showcased so well like the bystanders. The girl who came on a date and wasn't much interested but by the end of the match she become enthralled by the game. The kid coming in excited and leaving super happy, probably even becoming inspired to become a striker. The 2 office goers who came for the bets (I think) but thoroughly enjoyed the game. And of course the announcers who had never seen such an exciting match unfold. They properly showed the feeling of a new 'hero' developing from this match or rather Japanese football slowly changing after this match.

Overall very weak season other than the final episode and some minor goal scoring moments. I'm praying for them to take a long ass break and properly animate the Neo Egoist League arc properly. They can also re-release the BL11 vs U20 arc as a long 2.5 hr or 3 hr movie with last episode's animation quality. It would do the arc justice.

5/10 for me
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
Jan 19, 8:11 PM

Nov 2016
if you turn off your brain this show is pretty awesome
tho i also hated how they try to sprinkle in 3d animation, itd be better if they just drew em all
anime/manga version of steam would be awesome -
Jan 20, 3:22 PM

Nov 2016
This last match was cool as fuck... the character's backstories, the last play being decided by "luck", Kunigami's reveal.... This 2nd season would have been so much better with good animation.

Blue lock is the first sports anime that gets me hooked
Jan 21, 10:34 AM
Mar 2017
really good last episode
Jan 23, 9:33 AM

May 2020
they really went out for this final episode
cant wait for the next season

Jan 25, 3:08 PM
Mar 2018
Beautiful masterpiece. I dont know why people hate the animation but its amazing.
Jan 26, 4:06 AM
Aug 2022
Nice going Ego.

I guess Neo Egoist hasn't been announced tho I won't be back, I can't take any more of Rin.
Jan 30, 8:13 PM
Oct 2022
Jan 30, 11:44 PM
Mar 2020
It was pretty cool, but god dangit, I just can't take Rin seriously running around with his tongue out lmao
Jan 31, 2:50 AM
Aug 2024
Good Story And Mid animation but still good tho im not hating it
Feb 1, 5:03 PM
Apr 2021
Lets all be honest here
We all expected this outcome from the moment they hit 3:3, the mc would mark a very dramatic end goal.

Idc that the start kf the season was a lil rough, from the moment the match start till it ended i was in the edge of my seat hyped af, this might be the best sports anime ive ever watched and i got a few on my list.
crazy animation, peak character design. Rly curious if theyll be able to top this off without feeling boring or repetitive. But ill def watch to judge. Cya
Feb 3, 1:49 PM
Sep 2024
the last ep animation was just so cold
Feb 5, 4:21 AM
Nov 2024
Isagi's goal and rin entering his flow was some crazy animation
Feb 6, 1:08 PM
Feb 2019
I dont have words for this ep
Feb 7, 2:55 AM

May 2020
With last two minutes left, both teams are at a draw, 3-3. Rin got super messed up and played solo and then faced off with Sae, only to break out of his leashes, and send the ball flying towards the goal. Isagi finally got a chance to score a goal. Blue Lock wins. In the interviews, Isagi says he’ll lead Japan to win the U20 World Cup 🤣🤣🤣.

Rin now considers Isagi as his rival. Ego Jinpachi makes everyone agree with his plans. Kunimiya seems to be a wild card. Who the hell was that last guy with blue flowers?
Feb 7, 9:06 AM
May 2018
I think I see where he's coming from with that tongue thing.

You know how the brothers' eyes are a very classic trait of beauty? The low eyelashes, the clear color... Beauty is supposed to be a theme here. That becomes clear in season 2, when Rin says his brother's style is "Beautiful destruction".

What's interesting is, Rin also has these eyes. So he has the theme of beauty too. But it doesn't work for him. It's his brother's style, not his.
His flow state is ugly, right? Everything about it is appalling. The twisted eyes, the tongue out. I think it's all meant to represent ugliness. I think, at this moment, Rin stops tying to copy his brother, and finds his own style, which pushes him in the opposite of his brother's direction.
Therefore, instead of going for the Beautiful Destruction, Rin goes for the Ugly Destruction.

That's how I see it.

Honestly, the last episode didn't look good for me. I see several comments about the """sakuga""" in that episode, I see what scene they mean, and I think it was atrocious too. Better than whatever was before, sure... but still unpolished, unfinished turd.
Everything changes. Even the happy and funny things eventually disappear. How can I still enjoy this place then?
- Furukawa Nagisa (Clannad)

You have to make a choice. Either you give up on your soul for the sake of science, or you give up on science to save your soul. In my case, the soul was already in pieces.
- Lloyd Asplund (Code Geass)

Do you understand the meaning behind Nunnaly's smile? She can't see or walk. So there are things in this world that she knows she can't do alone. Her smile... is her only way to show gratitude.
- Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass)

Death is part of Life.
- ... Me.
Feb 8, 7:35 PM
Dec 2024
There are no words to describe how stellar this episode was!!! Loved absolutely everything about this anime. Isagi finally proved to the world he's the MC. Blue lock's performance was great overall! Rooting for you egoists! (I know there's been ups and downs about this season but blue lock fans stay loyal till the end. Am I right blue lock fans?!?!)
Feb 9, 3:29 AM
Nov 2021
best top 1 better tha n naruto
Feb 9, 5:44 AM
Oct 2017
I actually enjoyed this season more than the first season. The whole game was very enjoyable to watch and I never really knew what was going to happen. A lot of tense moments this season. While the animation for this season wasn't the best, I think the story made up for it. That said, the final episode looked pretty damn cool to me; it looked like a movie! Guess they saved the budget for this last episode!

Overall, I would give Blue Lock season 2 a 8.5 rating :)
My Candies:
Feb 11, 10:23 AM
Apr 2021
Feb 13, 11:10 PM

Jan 2021
Feb 20, 7:21 AM
Mar 2024
Number of Frames in this episodes is equal to all episodes combined but it was great
Feb 20, 1:42 PM
Sep 2024
mt bom, só precisou de 8 ep pra animaçao ficar boa
Feb 24, 7:20 AM
Feb 2025
very nice ending but i was dissapointed bc isagi scored and not rin i felt bad for ring ngnl , i hate that its kinda related only to isagi
Mar 1, 2:08 AM
Feb 2025
Tôi nghĩ là nó OK hơn bình thường, khúc cuối animation mượt vcl ước gì tập nào cũng vậy thì Blue Lock mùa 2 9 điểm rồi. Đoạn cuối còn chơi quả phông nhìn như xem phim với Rin lè lưỡi a đùi vcl:)))
Mar 3, 11:09 AM

Jul 2021
clearly they saved up most of thier budget for this episode. the edgyness was off the chart with this one. happy that isagi was the one who scored the final goal. rin keeps on taking L's. that statement from sae after the match end just broke that poor dude.

and all this stuff was just phase 1. apparently real shit is yet to come. i hope they hold on and gather some good budget for 2-3 years and then start making season 3 with 24 episodes.

7/10 overall. it did get watchable and enjoyable at the end so.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

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