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[Oshi No Ko]
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Oct 16, 2024 10:32 AM

Jun 2022
(Seems like mal is broken, this topic posted twice. Someone pls delete this idk how to do it)

Okay seriously, this adaptation is amazing.
When i read the manga i remember tokyo blade arc is the least enjoyable for me (still good tho), so i dont have high expectation for this s2 since it adapted that arc.
But holy shit i really loves this adaptation. Doga Kobo really overdid it, the visuals, the voice actors, the directing, all brings the story into the next level.

What i love is that there are some adjustments in the story that didn’t fit the manga chronologically, but it works well bcz it made the anime’s pacing better than the manga
Also the anime brings akane’s personality more fleshed, i liked her more now than when i read the manga

The people working in this anime really did wonder adapting Oshi no Ko manga into anime, as good as what the OnK cast did when adapting Tokyo Blade into the stage play
yvonnessOct 16, 2024 10:40 AM
Oct 17, 2024 12:06 AM
Dec 2019
All anime is better than manga. You can like the art all you want. Anime is objectively is always gonna always be better. I don’t need to read this to tell you that. Especially since it’s oshi no ko.
Oct 17, 2024 2:22 AM
May 2024
God, I didn’t read the manga, but just going into this raw dog, I was excited from each scene. It really showcased the characters especially purple hair dude scene (forgot name) and went in depth with each characters background, and the history of their past which made them who they are.

And the ending scene with Aqua, I got chills from just the voice acting alone, not even the visuals. After that arc, it got slow until end of anime episode lol

Imma give the manga a try but I’m gonna stop at the end of season 2 just to compare. Overall, good flashies for my low attention span brain lol
Oct 17, 2024 8:10 AM
Jun 2022
INTJ_Ren said:
All anime is better than manga. You can like the art all you want. Anime is objectively is always gonna always be better. I don’t need to read this to tell you that. Especially since it’s oshi no ko.

you should read better manga...
Oct 17, 2024 12:44 PM
Dec 2019
Sickricky said:
INTJ_Ren said:
All anime is better than manga. You can like the art all you want. Anime is objectively is always gonna always be better. I don’t need to read this to tell you that. Especially since it’s oshi no ko.

you should read better manga...

Oh, you think I should read better manga? Sure, let me just call up the Manga God real quick and ask for their recommendations. clearly, the hundreds of chapters I’ve invested in are just garbage—guess I’ll just hide my manga list from now. You know what? While we’re at it, let’s just rewrite the entire industry to meet your standards. Maybe next time, I’ll just read the manga you like, so I can experience true enlightenment. Oh wait—no one asked you.

My first manga ever was Tokyo revengers, I’m not gonna go back and read all the popular stuff, I’ve already watched everything you could name that has a anime adaptation.
Oct 17, 2024 2:48 PM
Jun 2022
INTJ_Ren said:
Sickricky said:

you should read better manga...

Oh, you think I should read better manga? Sure, let me just call up the Manga God real quick and ask for their recommendations. clearly, the hundreds of chapters I’ve invested in are just garbage—guess I’ll just hide my manga list from now. You know what? While we’re at it, let’s just rewrite the entire industry to meet your standards. Maybe next time, I’ll just read the manga you like, so I can experience true enlightenment. Oh wait—no one asked you.

My first manga ever was Tokyo revengers, I’m not gonna go back and read all the popular stuff, I’ve already watched everything you could name that has a anime adaptation.

you don't need to be a Manga God to understand that not all anime are better than mangas.
There are some anime which, thanks to the production, have surpassed mangas expectation like demon Slayer, oshi no ko, erased... but something like Berserk, Tokyo ghoul, Slam dunk, Kingdom, Ao Ashi aren't even close.
There are some mangas that cannot be adapted cause it's too difficult to reflect their greatness in an animated form like Goodnight PunPun or 20th century. You have the example in this season (Uzumaki).
It's obvious that if you take oshi no ko as example anime is better cause the animation is pumped asf.
You watched a lot of anime but didn't read their manga, I'm sure if you read more your ideas will change
Oct 17, 2024 7:17 PM

Jun 2022
Calm down yall, i thought this topic already deleted since mal posted it twice

But really, only some anime are better than the manga. Only few top anime that got big budget and production effort each season that had the chance to be better than the manga. Either that or the manga is too trashy or low effort (for example some 4-koma adaptiation)

And if the manga is already very good (like oshi no ko), it’s even harder for an adaptation to surpass it.
This topic was posted as an appreciation for the OnK anime team for supassing that.
Dec 8, 2024 9:37 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to INTJ_Ren
All anime is better than manga. You can like the art all you want. Anime is objectively is always gonna always be better. I don’t need to read this to tell you that. Especially since it’s oshi no ko.
@INTJ_Ren Correction, Most (not all) GOOD (not bad) adaptations are better than the manga.
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Dec 8, 2024 9:50 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to APolygons2
@INTJ_Ren Correction, Most (not all) GOOD (not bad) adaptations are better than the manga.
@APolygons2 As the manga has shown in the long run, the adaptation is, in principle, noticeably better than Aka's writing, which tends to deteriorate sharply when he loses interest in further developing the story. What damage control already shows in the live action adaptation of later arcs.
Dec 8, 2024 11:43 AM
Dec 2019
APolygons2 said:
@INTJ_Ren Correction, Most (not all) GOOD (not bad) adaptations are better than the manga.

“Correction?” Oh, we’re doing corrections now? Whether it’s an anime like Oshi no Ko or a so-called “bad adaptation,” anime is always better than manga. Especially Oshi no Ko! Two seasons will prove that to you real quick. But oh no, here comes the “not all adaptations are better” argument. Yeah? And?

Let me break it down for you: The music. The voice acting. The animation. It’s an experience—something you cannot get from a static panel. Sure, manga art can be great, like in Oshi no Ko, but let’s be real: this isn’t a debate about art. It’s about the full package, and anime delivers that in a way manga never will.

“Oh, but the manga has speech bubbles!” Great, I don’t need to squint at text when I’ve got KANA ARIMA guilt-tripping me with a perfectly delivered monologue! You wanna argue with that? Fine. But guess what? I’m hitting replay on the opening theme while you’re still flipping pages.
Dec 9, 2024 1:28 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to INTJ_Ren
APolygons2 said:
@INTJ_Ren Correction, Most (not all) GOOD (not bad) adaptations are better than the manga.

“Correction?” Oh, we’re doing corrections now? Whether it’s an anime like Oshi no Ko or a so-called “bad adaptation,” anime is always better than manga. Especially Oshi no Ko! Two seasons will prove that to you real quick. But oh no, here comes the “not all adaptations are better” argument. Yeah? And?

Let me break it down for you: The music. The voice acting. The animation. It’s an experience—something you cannot get from a static panel. Sure, manga art can be great, like in Oshi no Ko, but let’s be real: this isn’t a debate about art. It’s about the full package, and anime delivers that in a way manga never will.

“Oh, but the manga has speech bubbles!” Great, I don’t need to squint at text when I’ve got KANA ARIMA guilt-tripping me with a perfectly delivered monologue! You wanna argue with that? Fine. But guess what? I’m hitting replay on the opening theme while you’re still flipping pages.
@INTJ_Ren No I agree with you, I added correction because your initial comment is incomplete.

I 100% agree that a good adaptation is better. Detailed art is nice, but movement is often better. and voice acting and for me personally specially music add SO MUCH.

So why did I correct you?

1. if the adaptation ruins or cuts the story, that can easily ruin it. Anime may be generally better than manga as an experience, but that is if the two are the same. If the adaptation hurts the story, then, yeah the manga can easily be better.

2. Sometimes the anime is particularly ugly or the manga is particularly great looking. Like, look at ex arm. When your show is that ugly then movement just isn't worth it. There are also cases were the anime is barely animated, so the manga would have a similar amount of frames just with better art. Clunky animation can also just straight up take you out of the experience.

3. And then there are the very rare exceptions like berserk, where even the "good" adaptations are probably worse than the manga due to it's art being beyond exceptional, but that is VERY rare.

Point is, if an adaptation is in anyway bad enough to ruin a substantial part of the experience, the manga could be better yes, anime is probably better than manga, but a great manga is better than a bad or ok anime.

I don't think anyone would argue berserk 2016 is the optimal berserk experience.

Again though, I generally agree with you, I don't even read that much manga, you can look at my profile.
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Dec 9, 2024 11:50 AM
Dec 2019
APolygons2 said:
@INTJ_Ren No I agree with you, I added correction because your initial comment is incomplete.

I 100% agree that a good adaptation is better. Detailed art is nice, but movement is often better. and voice acting and for me personally specially music add SO MUCH.

So why did I correct you?

1. if the adaptation ruins or cuts the story, that can easily ruin it. Anime may be generally better than manga as an experience, but that is if the two are the same. If the adaptation hurts the story, then, yeah the manga can easily be better.

2. Sometimes the anime is particularly ugly or the manga is particularly great looking. Like, look at ex arm. When your show is that ugly then movement just isn't worth it. There are also cases were the anime is barely animated, so the manga would have a similar amount of frames just with better art. Clunky animation can also just straight up take you out of the experience.

3. And then there are the very rare exceptions like berserk, where even the "good" adaptations are probably worse than the manga due to it's art being beyond exceptional, but that is VERY rare.

Point is, if an adaptation is in anyway bad enough to ruin a substantial part of the experience, the manga could be better yes, anime is probably better than manga, but a great manga is better than a bad or ok anime.

I don't think anyone would argue berserk 2016 is the optimal berserk experience.

Again though, I generally agree with you, I don't even read that much manga, you can look at my profile.

My point wasn’t about Ex-Arm or Berserk 2016. I’m talking about anime as a medium, not just any cherry picked but way more than fair examples.

Yes, a bad adaptation can ruin the experience. Clunky animation, ugly visuals, or butchered storytelling. Of course that’s going to drag things down. But that’s the exception, not the rule. (most adaptations are good, not always 1:1 with the source material but good which is why anime beats manga every time. In this case oshi no ko which feels like it was drawn to be animated)

We’re saying the same thing with different wording. Great anime beats great manga. Bad anime doesn’t. But let’s be real when real can be—static panels can have some of the best art work of recent times, I’ve read very little manga myself, but I’ve been around the block and seen plenty of anime-to-manga comparisons. However, people flock to anime 99 times out of 100 because, more often than not, it’s the superior experience. OP’s thread is a great example of this.

Now, I say 99 because there’s always that 1 time—like if Oshi no Ko weren’t animated by Doga Kobo but by, say, freaking Silverlink (not the worst studio; I just don’t like them) Maybe in that scenario, we wouldn’t get threads like this. but even then it would still be the superior experience because a medium like anime brings a world like ONK to life in ways that manga simply can’t.

TL;DR: Manga has one thing going for it while anime has that same one thing and then some. OP’s thread is a perfect example of this with ONK.
Dec 9, 2024 12:13 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to INTJ_Ren
APolygons2 said:
@INTJ_Ren No I agree with you, I added correction because your initial comment is incomplete.

I 100% agree that a good adaptation is better. Detailed art is nice, but movement is often better. and voice acting and for me personally specially music add SO MUCH.

So why did I correct you?

1. if the adaptation ruins or cuts the story, that can easily ruin it. Anime may be generally better than manga as an experience, but that is if the two are the same. If the adaptation hurts the story, then, yeah the manga can easily be better.

2. Sometimes the anime is particularly ugly or the manga is particularly great looking. Like, look at ex arm. When your show is that ugly then movement just isn't worth it. There are also cases were the anime is barely animated, so the manga would have a similar amount of frames just with better art. Clunky animation can also just straight up take you out of the experience.

3. And then there are the very rare exceptions like berserk, where even the "good" adaptations are probably worse than the manga due to it's art being beyond exceptional, but that is VERY rare.

Point is, if an adaptation is in anyway bad enough to ruin a substantial part of the experience, the manga could be better yes, anime is probably better than manga, but a great manga is better than a bad or ok anime.

I don't think anyone would argue berserk 2016 is the optimal berserk experience.

Again though, I generally agree with you, I don't even read that much manga, you can look at my profile.

My point wasn’t about Ex-Arm or Berserk 2016. I’m talking about anime as a medium, not just any cherry picked but way more than fair examples.

Yes, a bad adaptation can ruin the experience. Clunky animation, ugly visuals, or butchered storytelling. Of course that’s going to drag things down. But that’s the exception, not the rule. (most adaptations are good, not always 1:1 with the source material but good which is why anime beats manga every time. In this case oshi no ko which feels like it was drawn to be animated)

We’re saying the same thing with different wording. Great anime beats great manga. Bad anime doesn’t. But let’s be real when real can be—static panels can have some of the best art work of recent times, I’ve read very little manga myself, but I’ve been around the block and seen plenty of anime-to-manga comparisons. However, people flock to anime 99 times out of 100 because, more often than not, it’s the superior experience. OP’s thread is a great example of this.

Now, I say 99 because there’s always that 1 time—like if Oshi no Ko weren’t animated by Doga Kobo but by, say, freaking Silverlink (not the worst studio; I just don’t like them) Maybe in that scenario, we wouldn’t get threads like this. but even then it would still be the superior experience because a medium like anime brings a world like ONK to life in ways that manga simply can’t.

TL;DR: Manga has one thing going for it while anime has that same one thing and then some. OP’s thread is a perfect example of this with ONK.
@INTJ_Ren Yeah yeah, like i said I agree with you.

Again, as you said I was just changing the wording, because the way ypu worded it didn't account for straight up bad adaptations. That is all.

I do agree that anime is the stronger medium by nature.
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Dec 9, 2024 12:13 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to INTJ_Ren
APolygons2 said:
@INTJ_Ren No I agree with you, I added correction because your initial comment is incomplete.

I 100% agree that a good adaptation is better. Detailed art is nice, but movement is often better. and voice acting and for me personally specially music add SO MUCH.

So why did I correct you?

1. if the adaptation ruins or cuts the story, that can easily ruin it. Anime may be generally better than manga as an experience, but that is if the two are the same. If the adaptation hurts the story, then, yeah the manga can easily be better.

2. Sometimes the anime is particularly ugly or the manga is particularly great looking. Like, look at ex arm. When your show is that ugly then movement just isn't worth it. There are also cases were the anime is barely animated, so the manga would have a similar amount of frames just with better art. Clunky animation can also just straight up take you out of the experience.

3. And then there are the very rare exceptions like berserk, where even the "good" adaptations are probably worse than the manga due to it's art being beyond exceptional, but that is VERY rare.

Point is, if an adaptation is in anyway bad enough to ruin a substantial part of the experience, the manga could be better yes, anime is probably better than manga, but a great manga is better than a bad or ok anime.

I don't think anyone would argue berserk 2016 is the optimal berserk experience.

Again though, I generally agree with you, I don't even read that much manga, you can look at my profile.

My point wasn’t about Ex-Arm or Berserk 2016. I’m talking about anime as a medium, not just any cherry picked but way more than fair examples.

Yes, a bad adaptation can ruin the experience. Clunky animation, ugly visuals, or butchered storytelling. Of course that’s going to drag things down. But that’s the exception, not the rule. (most adaptations are good, not always 1:1 with the source material but good which is why anime beats manga every time. In this case oshi no ko which feels like it was drawn to be animated)

We’re saying the same thing with different wording. Great anime beats great manga. Bad anime doesn’t. But let’s be real when real can be—static panels can have some of the best art work of recent times, I’ve read very little manga myself, but I’ve been around the block and seen plenty of anime-to-manga comparisons. However, people flock to anime 99 times out of 100 because, more often than not, it’s the superior experience. OP’s thread is a great example of this.

Now, I say 99 because there’s always that 1 time—like if Oshi no Ko weren’t animated by Doga Kobo but by, say, freaking Silverlink (not the worst studio; I just don’t like them) Maybe in that scenario, we wouldn’t get threads like this. but even then it would still be the superior experience because a medium like anime brings a world like ONK to life in ways that manga simply can’t.

TL;DR: Manga has one thing going for it while anime has that same one thing and then some. OP’s thread is a perfect example of this with ONK.
@INTJ_Ren Yeah yeah, like i said I agree with you.

Again, as you said I was just changing the wording, because the way ypu worded it didn't account for straight up bad adaptations. That is all.

I do agree that anime is the stronger medium by nature.
Also available at:
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Dec 12, 2024 7:06 PM
Sep 2020
Reply to INTJ_Ren
Sickricky said:
INTJ_Ren said:
All anime is better than manga. You can like the art all you want. Anime is objectively is always gonna always be better. I don’t need to read this to tell you that. Especially since it’s oshi no ko.

you should read better manga...

Oh, you think I should read better manga? Sure, let me just call up the Manga God real quick and ask for their recommendations. clearly, the hundreds of chapters I’ve invested in are just garbage—guess I’ll just hide my manga list from now. You know what? While we’re at it, let’s just rewrite the entire industry to meet your standards. Maybe next time, I’ll just read the manga you like, so I can experience true enlightenment. Oh wait—no one asked you.

My first manga ever was Tokyo revengers, I’m not gonna go back and read all the popular stuff, I’ve already watched everything you could name that has a anime adaptation.
@INTJ_Ren you really can’t make a blanket statement like “all anime is better than manga” when that’s just plain not true. i can name countless shows that have failed to translate page to animation. don’t get mad when people call you out on your shit
Dec 12, 2024 9:37 PM
Dec 2019
MyOpinionsValid said:
@INTJ_Ren you really can’t make a blanket statement like “all anime is better than manga” when that’s just plain not true. i can name countless shows that have failed to translate page to animation. don’t get mad when people call you out on your shit

Thanks for the groundbreaking insight, Professor Media Studies. And let me guess, you’ve got your PowerPoint ready with countless anime that didn’t translate well? Adaptations are a case-by-case deal—more often than not I’m right so I guess I can make that blanket statement after all. But nice opinion, just didn’t translate well in this thread.
INTJ_RenDec 12, 2024 9:46 PM
Dec 12, 2024 9:51 PM
Sep 2020
INTJ_Ren said:
MyOpinionsValid said:
@INTJ_Ren you really can’t make a blanket statement like “all anime is better than manga” when that’s just plain not true. i can name countless shows that have failed to translate page to animation. don’t get mad when people call you out on your shit

Thanks for the groundbreaking insight, Professor Media Studies. And let me guess, you’ve got your PowerPoint ready with countless anime that didn’t translate well? Adaptations are a case-by-case deal—more often than not I’m right so I guess I can make that blanket statement after all. But nice opinion, just didn’t translate well in this thread.

I’ve read through the whole thread and see what you are trying to say about mediums in general, but then again i’d say each medium has its own strong points. You are trying to compare films to books (on a surface level) and how they correlate into adaptations. Still each medium has its own unique variables that make them drastically different, so to compare and contrast them would really be stupid. Then again, you really don’t care to be proven anything so I suppose this is where it’ll end.

All in all, source material and their respective adaptations are never the exact same experience. Plus it’s all subjective anyways. Not everyone agrees with what you say, that being all (in reality, you mean MOST) anime adaptations of manga are superior. In my opinion, which are always valid, the best adaptations are the ones that offer a completely unique retelling.

But hey, all i’m saying is it’s ridiculous to compare mediums. It’s even more ridiculous to say one is superior to the other when each holds its own branch of subjectivity, let alone how they differ in aspects alone. Nothing is “objectively” better than another. Hopefully you enjoyed my groundbreaking insight.
Dec 13, 2024 1:47 PM
Dec 2019
MyOpinionsValid said:
INTJ_Ren said:

Thanks for the groundbreaking insight, Professor Media Studies. And let me guess, you’ve got your PowerPoint ready with countless anime that didn’t translate well? Adaptations are a case-by-case deal—more often than not I’m right so I guess I can make that blanket statement after all. But nice opinion, just didn’t translate well in this thread.

I’ve read through the whole thread and see what you are trying to say about mediums in general, but then again i’d say each medium has its own strong points. You are trying to compare films to books (on a surface level) and how they correlate into adaptations. Still each medium has its own unique variables that make them drastically different, so to compare and contrast them would really be stupid. Then again, you really don’t care to be proven anything so I suppose this is where it’ll end.

All in all, source material and their respective adaptations are never the exact same experience. Plus it’s all subjective anyways. Not everyone agrees with what you say, that being all (in reality, you mean MOST) anime adaptations of manga are superior. In my opinion, which are always valid, the best adaptations are the ones that offer a completely unique retelling.

But hey, all i’m saying is it’s ridiculous to compare mediums. It’s even more ridiculous to say one is superior to the other when each holds its own branch of subjectivity, let alone how they differ in aspects alone. Nothing is “objectively” better than another. Hopefully you enjoyed my groundbreaking insight.

I have these conversations for the love of the game, so I’ve genuinely enjoyed the insights we’ve exchanged. I threw in a little spice to ensure you’d come back. That said, I do agree to some extent—it’s highly subjective to claim one medium is better than another. Without hard, ever-changing data to back it up, it’s tough to be definitive. However, if the numbers do favor one medium over the other, it’s reasonable to argue that medium might be superior, at least in certain aspects. As someone who’s only read a handful of light novels while working on one myself, I can understand why even relying on numbers wouldn’t be enough to settle this debate entirely.
Dec 15, 2024 3:43 PM
Sep 2020
Reply to INTJ_Ren
MyOpinionsValid said:
INTJ_Ren said:

Thanks for the groundbreaking insight, Professor Media Studies. And let me guess, you’ve got your PowerPoint ready with countless anime that didn’t translate well? Adaptations are a case-by-case deal—more often than not I’m right so I guess I can make that blanket statement after all. But nice opinion, just didn’t translate well in this thread.

I’ve read through the whole thread and see what you are trying to say about mediums in general, but then again i’d say each medium has its own strong points. You are trying to compare films to books (on a surface level) and how they correlate into adaptations. Still each medium has its own unique variables that make them drastically different, so to compare and contrast them would really be stupid. Then again, you really don’t care to be proven anything so I suppose this is where it’ll end.

All in all, source material and their respective adaptations are never the exact same experience. Plus it’s all subjective anyways. Not everyone agrees with what you say, that being all (in reality, you mean MOST) anime adaptations of manga are superior. In my opinion, which are always valid, the best adaptations are the ones that offer a completely unique retelling.

But hey, all i’m saying is it’s ridiculous to compare mediums. It’s even more ridiculous to say one is superior to the other when each holds its own branch of subjectivity, let alone how they differ in aspects alone. Nothing is “objectively” better than another. Hopefully you enjoyed my groundbreaking insight.

I have these conversations for the love of the game, so I’ve genuinely enjoyed the insights we’ve exchanged. I threw in a little spice to ensure you’d come back. That said, I do agree to some extent—it’s highly subjective to claim one medium is better than another. Without hard, ever-changing data to back it up, it’s tough to be definitive. However, if the numbers do favor one medium over the other, it’s reasonable to argue that medium might be superior, at least in certain aspects. As someone who’s only read a handful of light novels while working on one myself, I can understand why even relying on numbers wouldn’t be enough to settle this debate entirely.
@INTJ_Ren My personal take is relative to yours now thinking about it. While I don't view animation as the pinnacle form, mainly since studios aren't being innovative in their approaches to animation, I do think things like live-action films have a better ability to connect with us, much more than any other medium. Animation in general is a tough medium, one that incorporates short-cuts whenever it can. Even with the addition of sound, music, and movement, that can make or break a story. Vinland Saga for example, while it is exceptionally produced, I prefer the manga version for it's unflinching artwork and presentation. The anime tells the story in a complete different order, and the color added to the animation doesn't benefit the story. I personally feel the black and white art gives the already gritty story a much more dark feel, and excels the colorless nature of the story itself.

Adaptations are tricky, mainly since each medium is different in their productions. It's certainly a case-by-case basis, even more so when you add that person-by-person subjectivity onto it. Some people hate reading books, some people hate watching movies. Some mediums are a lot easier to get into than others, like how a majority of children hate the idea of reading, viewing those who do as a minority. It all comes back to culture, how we are raised, and whatnot.

Anyways, I came on a little too harsh thinking you don't accept discussion, and for that I apologize. Discussion and collaboration is what builds our world after all. If you want to read my review on the first season and this season of Oshi No Ko, I correlate this to how the show relates to the entertainment industry, that being a collaboration to make something greater. There is a major difference between these two seasons in that respect. Anyways, this was an insightful discussion that I didn't expect and it was good talking to you.
MyOpinionsValidDec 15, 2024 3:53 PM
Dec 15, 2024 4:13 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Sickricky
INTJ_Ren said:
All anime is better than manga. You can like the art all you want. Anime is objectively is always gonna always be better. I don’t need to read this to tell you that. Especially since it’s oshi no ko.

you should read better manga...

Why should he do that, when you can not even accept a different opinion?^^
Dec 30, 2024 4:17 PM

May 2009
Well, it doesn't have manga's shit ending, YET.

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