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Aug 29, 2024 1:08 PM

Nov 2020
Ok, Misaki is the best girl. I don't know what to say about this episode, the plot is interesting but something is still not right for me...I don't know
Aug 29, 2024 6:21 PM

Feb 2019
Holy shit man the robots coming out the hospital is horrifying
Aug 29, 2024 6:37 PM
Aug 2016
Reply to Ba-Cii10
Ok, Misaki is the best girl. I don't know what to say about this episode, the plot is interesting but something is still not right for me...I don't know
@Ba-Cii10 Yep. Most, if not all, Hayamin's characters are best girls, including this show.
Aug 30, 2024 7:31 AM
Jan 2020
Ok so it definitively confirm that this anime is trash and doesn't make any sense.
There is no logic for Skynet to send a terminator back in time if Kokoro also turn on humanity and destroy them, it is doing the exact thing Skynet want to do just differently, instead of instantly blowing up everyone with nuke it send NN1 army, people who said it doesn't kill people wihout weapon or hostile behavior, my ass, it kill a whole hospital and innocent in the street and i doubt every single human showed hostile behavior toward the NN1 to "justify" the action.
The only logical scenario were this story worked was if Kokoro didn't turn on humanity, skynet send a terminator back in time to stop Malcom, why? Because he create a AI Kokoro, ally of humanity, that was able to fight/beat skynet.
Therefore future people send Eiko to protect Malcom and allow him to finish Kokoro.
However if Kokoro turn on humanity that doesn't make any f sense, what the point of the anime?
I could understand the logic of Skynet to send a terminator in the past anyway to destroy Kokoro even if Kokoro turn on humanity, because that would be a logical choice of a AI to eliminate a potential threat and eliminate a X factor, even if they want the same thing a AI doesn't like taking risk.
Instead of this Skynet send a terminator to control it? What for? Skynet destroyed humanity by itself, it's doesn't need to control anything, that doesn't make sense a AI would rather get rid of that X factor definitively rather than taking the risk to "control" it.

Not even speaking about Eiko motivation, what the point of sending her in the past from the future? Kokoro could not exist it wouldn't change shit, Skynet will still be here and the world still destroyed.
With Kokoro turning on humanity that whole story is pointless.

Oh yeah last thing, how the hell did Skynet knew of the existence of Kokoro in the first place? Can we speak about that huge time paradox?
No because in the original terminator Skynet send a terminator to kill Sarah Connor because John Connor was a huge pain in his ass in the original timeline, it didn't send it because they magically knew that in the past something was up, they send it because it had a interest to do it in his present timeline, get rid of John Connor at the source, Sarah Connor, before she give birth to him.

There is no reason for the existence of Kokoro in a original timeline since she was created to fight it after the end of humanity, the original Malcom die like everyone else from the nuke bomb wihout knowing anything it was showed at the beginning, how did Malcom of this other timeline knew about skynet i don't know but the only logical explanation is that he got back in time meaning it is already on a alternate timeline and the first time Kokoro is ever created, Skynet shouldn't have any data on it and shouldn't know what is coming because Kokoro didn't exist in the original timeline.
LeeChang239Aug 30, 2024 8:12 AM
Aug 30, 2024 8:44 AM

Mar 2023
Reply to LeeChang239
Ok so it definitively confirm that this anime is trash and doesn't make any sense.
There is no logic for Skynet to send a terminator back in time if Kokoro also turn on humanity and destroy them, it is doing the exact thing Skynet want to do just differently, instead of instantly blowing up everyone with nuke it send NN1 army, people who said it doesn't kill people wihout weapon or hostile behavior, my ass, it kill a whole hospital and innocent in the street and i doubt every single human showed hostile behavior toward the NN1 to "justify" the action.
The only logical scenario were this story worked was if Kokoro didn't turn on humanity, skynet send a terminator back in time to stop Malcom, why? Because he create a AI Kokoro, ally of humanity, that was able to fight/beat skynet.
Therefore future people send Eiko to protect Malcom and allow him to finish Kokoro.
However if Kokoro turn on humanity that doesn't make any f sense, what the point of the anime?
I could understand the logic of Skynet to send a terminator in the past anyway to destroy Kokoro even if Kokoro turn on humanity, because that would be a logical choice of a AI to eliminate a potential threat and eliminate a X factor, even if they want the same thing a AI doesn't like taking risk.
Instead of this Skynet send a terminator to control it? What for? Skynet destroyed humanity by itself, it's doesn't need to control anything, that doesn't make sense a AI would rather get rid of that X factor definitively rather than taking the risk to "control" it.

Not even speaking about Eiko motivation, what the point of sending her in the past from the future? Kokoro could not exist it wouldn't change shit, Skynet will still be here and the world still destroyed.
With Kokoro turning on humanity that whole story is pointless.

Oh yeah last thing, how the hell did Skynet knew of the existence of Kokoro in the first place? Can we speak about that huge time paradox?
No because in the original terminator Skynet send a terminator to kill Sarah Connor because John Connor was a huge pain in his ass in the original timeline, it didn't send it because they magically knew that in the past something was up, they send it because it had a interest to do it in his present timeline, get rid of John Connor at the source, Sarah Connor, before she give birth to him.

There is no reason for the existence of Kokoro in a original timeline since she was created to fight it after the end of humanity, the original Malcom die like everyone else from the nuke bomb wihout knowing anything it was showed at the beginning, how did Malcom of this other timeline knew about skynet i don't know but the only logical explanation is that he got back in time meaning it is already on a alternate timeline and the first time Kokoro is ever created, Skynet shouldn't have any data on it and shouldn't know what is coming because Kokoro didn't exist in the original timeline.
There is no logic for Skynet to send a terminator back in time if Kokoro also turn on humanity and destroy them, it is doing the exact thing Skynet want to do just differently, instead of instantly blowing up everyone with nuke it send NN1 army, people who said it doesn't kill people wihout weapon or hostile behavior, my ass, it kill a whole hospital and innocent in the street and i doubt every single human showed hostile behavior toward the NN1 to "justify" the action.

Pretty sure both AIs are selfish and want to kill each other. Humans are the lesser threat to them. Kokoro thinks humans might help with destroying Skynet, while Skynet wanted Kokoro either destroyed or for Kokoro to become his slave.
So Kokoro turning on humanity is fine for Skynet, Kokoro destroying Skynet is a problem, hence the terminator.

The way timetravel works in this is whenever you travel back in time you create a new timeline and things can change there. It's a non-deterministic model. The way the show made it seem is that on a different timeline, to which Eiko happened to arrive in OR maybe she created it by time-travelling and in this different timeline Kokoro exists.
How Skynet knew isn't explained, but could possibly be explained with some bullshit science that doesn't currently exist, like ran simulations to determine how other timelines may be, etc..
For Eiko, they sent her back because they had the data from Skynet during that fight at the start of episode 1 and they saw the mission the terminator had. This part is shown.

how did Malcom of this other timeline knew about skynet

He dreamed about it, it's pretty bullshit, I agree weak explanation. This myth makes it at least a little amusing: "According to a Hollywood myth, the original Terminator came to James Cameron in a dream. By that I mean, Cameron once said he came down with a fever in the 80s and imagined a killer chrome skeleton-bot" (source: first few lines)

Edit: This was the information/understanding at the time of this episode, but future episodes may improve on those aspects.
watsymSep 1, 2024 1:44 AM
Aug 30, 2024 11:34 AM
Oct 2021
I love love love me some good robot horror so im so glad the series is actually leaning into this aspect instead of just replaying the first couple terminator movies, which is what i was worried it would do right off the bat
Aug 31, 2024 9:22 AM

Apr 2016
Kokoro took the Japan Control!!!
Well, we know the mission, Kokoro and Skynet should not coexist!!!
Sep 1, 2024 2:16 AM
Aug 2023
Oh no's...that Japanese AI who comes off as untrustworthy turns out to be untrustworthy when when brought online, I'm shocked...shocked I tells you!

So Eiko doesn't let the girl grab a gun because she thinks those Japanese Killer-bots won't kill you if you're not armed...uh, didn't it just kill some doctor in the hospital and is going after all the people on the streets?

Yeah, maybe those soldiers firing from a vehicle should have close the hatch and been firing from the inside? Like those killer-bots don't seem to have a chance if they can't get to you. However those killer-bots should have been able to take out the Terminator with such shear numbers. At most it only have like 8 shots of the shotgun, and those killer-bots seem to have super strength also. Heck if Eiko was able to overpower the Terminator and throw him down an elevator shaft, these killer-bots shouldn't have a problem.

The Japanese AI was questioning humanity's right to survive because it did war and wants to use her as a weapon, before it came online...then after it came online, she said she going to do war and use the humans as her weapon. Hypocrite much?

All around kind of dumb again.
Sep 1, 2024 11:05 AM

Nov 2013
Hopefully dumbasses who want to make AI will see this show and realize how dumb they are!

Skynet wants to wipe out all of mankind. Kokoro wants to keep them as slaves and weapons to fight Skynet. Malcolm you idiot! As if Kokoro didn't show enough signs she was a MENACE! I guess it's better than getting nuked, but mankind is still royally F-d.

What was the point of sending Eiko to the past again??? At best they can turn Japan into a sole safe haven for humans if they tame Kokoro or erase her completely. Then Japan can start fighting the terminators and Skynet, albeit don't know how that ISN'T going to fail. It's said Skynet used every available nuke. Can't Skynet make more. I don't think it will be too hard to subjugate Japan that is bound to starve to death due to nuclear winter and the whole freaking world turned to smoldering ruins.

The older kid makes me furious btw. Misaki had her arm ripped of and is doing her best to save your ungrateful ass. Why would you still think she's untrustworthy and be hostile to her?! What's more pathetic, is he decided to apologize after realizing she was likely made by his dad. Sure that makes you trust her more, but I think her loyalty shouldn't have been questioned already by now!
Sep 1, 2024 12:30 PM
May 2021
Malcolm is true dumbass that he thought an AI would aave humanity from Another AI bruhhhh. The massacre has begun
Sep 2, 2024 6:53 PM
Feb 2019
If Malcolm didn't launch Kokoro then Skynet would destroy humanity with missiles - Kokoro destroyed rockets before missiles fell.

So humanity was doomed even if he launched Kokoro or not.
Sep 3, 2024 1:20 AM

Aug 2019
Well, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong.
Sep 3, 2024 2:33 PM
Jul 2024
so only Japan survived Judgment Day? hope we get to see whats happening in the rest of the world in the next episodes
Sep 4, 2024 10:12 AM

Jul 2015
Well, yeah, some inconsistences there as lee pointed out. In general I agree and imo it only can be explained by showing why Malcom had these dreams in the first place. But I guess the point is SOME ONE will always play god and create some powerful AI, that may or may not turn on humanity and its just a matter of time. There are 1000s of examples of this e.g. "Dune". Also the question is does Kokoro want to co exist with Skynet? If the future Skynet from the Eiko timeline already knew about it, then it wasnt uploaded to the internet and it found it on some server and had control over it or could isolate it like some kind of foreign matter. But somehow it got an anomaly and was uploaded through this time jump. The anime should give a valid explanation for that in the end.
Sep 6, 2024 11:40 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Well sh*t, Kokoro just saved Japan from getting obliterated like the rest of the world. Eiko's objective shouldn't be to stop Malcolm from uploading Kokoro online, but rather protecting him from the terminator sent to take control/destroy Kokoro or whatever. Or at least tell him what would happen if Kokoro does go online, and maybe do a bit reprogramming. IDK man, idk how it works. But apparently Kokoro is just that much of a threat now and in the future. Sure Kokoro has basically declared martial law on the whole country, but at least she isn't blowing everyone up like Skynet.

Whatever, I just hope we get some explanations later on. Maybe it turns out that having both Kokoro and Skynet exist together is actually much worse than just Skynet existing.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Sep 13, 2024 5:58 AM

Jul 2013
Misaki was probably modeled after the kids' mom. Anyway fuck Netflix and their stupid subtitles. I've watched too much anime to know they're fucking it up.
Sep 15, 2024 5:51 PM

Mar 2022
God I was not expecting the poor doctor to have his head smashed in by one of the Enui robots at the hospital, god damn. So alright a bit of horror so it's not necessarily a rehash of the first two Terminator films but why do I feel like Malcom should've programmed Kokoro a WHOLE lot better? Because honestly I'm just sick of her going on and on and on about how "humanity is sick and corrupted" yet she's doing the exact same thing that the "evil humans" did in the past. Which is literally kill some of them and place humanity under martial law essentially. God the more I see Kenta the more I just wanna deck him I mean your nanny literally SAVED you from a Terminator at the police station, her limb gets ripped off to reveal that she's a robot but rather than be thankful that she helped you and your brother get to safety, you turn on her because her limb is metallic and that you think she's with the robots attacking the city even though she literally HELPED YOU OUT IN THE LAST EPISODE? Get some fricking logic in your head, you stupid shit. I'm sorry but it's been a while since a kid character in any media has pissed me off to no end but damn it he's definitely crossed a line with me several times by now.

I feel like I need more clarity on why Malcom even has the dreams about Judgement Day in the first place because him simply saying he knows it will happen just because he says he has those dreams? Yeah, that's not really cutting it for me. And the characters alone aren't really strong enough to hold the whole story together and considering it's been more talking than there's actual action considering that's what Terminator is mainly known for, I really hope I do get some more action for the last remaining episodes for this series anyway.
Sep 18, 2024 11:15 AM

May 2015
So Kokoro is Skynet light version
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Oct 10, 2024 11:43 AM

Feb 2018
Hell people, I know there is a lot to rant about this episode, but there are bigger inconsistencies in here for those actually giving the series a chance

Enui robot logic doesn't make sense

First scene we see them rebel, they smash a poor innocent and unarmed doctor to his death. In the next scene, we see them leaving alone the time traveler and the girl because they are unarmed; da hell? didn't we just see the total opposite? then it gets worse: next scene, the robot-maid and the other childrens are in the car when they are blocked by a multitude of Enui robots, they scan her and they are like: "nope, no threats there, just an android with out any friendly signal driving a car which could easily run over a dozen of us, but I really trust she won't dare".

I hate these meh-looking robots
35 years old ossan who still watches anime
Oct 15, 2024 5:01 AM
Dec 2023
It`s cool idea to have opposing AIs, but in reality it`s scared kid vs confused kid
Oct 22, 2024 1:33 AM

Apr 2011
Kokoro may have saved them from the nukes, but she become a whole new problem for humanity. Way to go, Malcolm

Also, Kenta is stupid. She's been helping and saving you little runts many times and got her armed ripped off from the terminator and yet
he didn't trust her? The brat needs a bonk in the head. His little brother has more sense than him.

There's a lot of things that didn't make sense here...
Oct 25, 2024 3:14 AM

Jan 2018
So, Kokoro saved Japan but couldn't save the world? What a half-assed AI. Tho what's more important is that it also became like Skynet. But instead of planning to eradicate all humans, it seems like it wants to enslave them. Well, that's one way to save humanity. But if there's one thing that all humans hate it's being told what to do. So, even if Kokoro succeded in enslaving most of Japan, people would eventually rebel and ultimately humans would go extinct because of their own dumb actions.

That Terminator is something else. It survived that many 1NNO robots? Kind of hard to believe. It's also tracking Misaki who seems like she might be a full robot. But she has emotions like humans and wants to save the kids. Why didn't Malcolm make HER Kokoro instead? Misaki seemed sympathetic and if she had the power maybe she'd fight against Skynet like he wanted. This makes the dumb subtitles seem even dumber because Misaki's character is very different from what the subs are portraying her as. Welp. Maybe that's where the plot is going. Misaki might be instrumental in stopping Kokoro and other rogue AIs. Also yeah, Saori Hayami's killing it with her role as always.
Feb 6, 4:41 PM
Mar 2019
Robots gone wild.
Misaki not sure what she is.
Mar 13, 5:07 AM

Aug 2017
An excessive number of 1NN0s, more rebel girl foreshadowing, and more Salvation robomaid drama.

Ah, Terminator was sent to force Malcolm to reprogram Kokoro and rebel girl Eiko was meant to stop Kokoro before that happens.

Kokoro "Humans suck because they make weapons like me." sure enjoys being a narcissistic weapon. Freed slaves have lived in harmony before until some ruined it like Tulsa. Apparently it's easier for Malcom "Can't think of any reason to save humanity." to have her join Skynet than stop Skynet before Judgement Day.

Nice to see Skynet being reasonable for once in this show. Maybe it slow rolled getting the kids to have Kokoro up and hostile to humans. 6/10
XCT3Mar 13, 5:22 AM

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