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That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Aug 30, 2024 8:08 AM

Nov 2011
We got the festival episode and it looks like a success. Not only were talents being showcased such as Shion but it reached an audience.

Hinata was fun to watch. She's more airheaded outside of battlefields but has an open mind. Got to see her toast to Rimuru although I wish he was more excited. This is still just day one of the festival so I expect to see more entertainment.
Aug 30, 2024 8:09 AM

May 2020
Yeah, Hinata has lost all her intimidating aura which she “used” to have long ago.. in fact till this season, not sure why that feels something that happened long ago, but anyway, festival is underway, and you know, they will not skip a single event, I mean usually people fast-forward to the point where actual stuff starts happening but nah, from an orchestra run by creatures of every possible race to an out-of-place science exhibition…

… we actually went through it all in the name of “exploring the event” lol. The word meeting itself has lost all its meaning in the context of this season, but when you see episodes like these even this late in the season, there actually isn’t much to write home about, except maybe these people seem to be enjoying themselves lol. At least that tournament something is starting from the next episode.. hopefully.
Aug 30, 2024 8:29 AM

Nov 2021
Enjoyed this episode. So much in fact that the episode felt really short. I didn't even notice how 20 minutes just flew by.
Finally next episode will be tournament battles!! I am really excited to watch. Really hope they don't skip even a single event.
-AcheronAug 30, 2024 8:34 AM
Aug 30, 2024 8:41 AM

Dec 2021
I think the biggest surprise this episode had to be that Shion could not only play an instrument well, but as well as also give Rimuru a good idea... HUH?

At the end of the day though, Shion will always be Shion lols.

Aug 30, 2024 8:51 AM
Sep 2015
I feel like they'll get money from colosseum ticket sales and dungeon admission fees.
Aug 30, 2024 9:07 AM

Feb 2019
Another really good episode! Hinata chaperoning the kids is so cute. She’s just like shizu, I love it. Kenya better watch it with the smart talking tho lol. This was another example of slice of life stuff but being so well done that it goes by in the blink of an eye. No way this was a full length episode 😂.

Didn’t expect a Shigatsu esque performance from Shuna and Shion but I’ll take it! They looked so good on that stage.

Maid luminous is so cute! I like the cultural exchange idea with she and Rimuru. Rimuru being able to share some of his power with his followers would make tempest even more safe. I like how she stressed the importance of not sullying the octagram name though. I’m guessing she’s talking about Yuki being sus?

Ngl the Mjollmile stuff kinda lost me, but Shion cooked up a little masterclass in strategy, even Diablo had to praise her. At the end of the day when you got Rimuru on your side there’s nothing to fear so time to just enjoy the festival 👍 All the business stuff will work itself out.
Marinate1016Aug 30, 2024 9:59 AM
Aug 30, 2024 9:12 AM

Dec 2018
Nice to finally be in the festival after all this time, and so far it’s going pretty good, the opening musical performances were pretty nice, even featuring a duet from Shion and Shuna which I wasn’t expecting, they looked beautiful in those dresses. That was cool and all, but I think it would have been cooler if Rimuru introduced his world’s music to this one, imagine the reactions if he put on a rock or idol concert lol, faces would without a doubt be stolen. And the research presentation afterward started out kinda boring like some of the folks there were feeling, but I actually found the magicule talk kinda interesting, it even called back to the very beginning of the show with Rimuru eating those herbs, but it looks like that discovery may have been overkill for the festival lol.

I also enjoyed the bits with Hinata in this one, being the sherpa for the kids was a cute role for her, and it was apparent she was enjoying all the food herself, I definitely get it since she’s also from Rimuru’s world and probably hasn’t had some of those foods in who knows how long. Now as fun as all the festival stuff was, we unfortunately didn’t escape the meeting rooms this episode lol, but both instances were short and didn’t overstay their welcome imo, and the subjects were interesting like Luminous wanting to begin cultural exchanges with Tempest and gave Rimuru another broken power in return, she looked cute in that maid outfit too, and the situation with Mjöllmile regarding the cash shortage seemed to get solved quickly thanks to Shion surprisingly enough lol. And looks like next time the tournament is happening, I’m excited but I’m not getting my hopes up too much, I can easily see a lot of the fights being stomps that aren’t interesting to watch, it would be nice if I’m wrong.
Aug 30, 2024 9:26 AM

Oct 2017
Hinata babysitting lol. She's good at it. The kids love her. She's merlicess though, better watch that mouth kid.

The orchestra performance was good but watching Shion and Shuna perform a duet was breathtaking. They both looked so beautiful dressed up and had a different air about them. Their performance was great.

Vesta and Gabiru outdid themselves with their research by discovering something revolutionary. Very well received by everyone and certainly interesting.

It was nice seeing the kids enjoy the festival with Hinata. Luminous and Rimuru cultural exchange should be interesting but who are the two people mentioned? Does Rimuru know about Yuuki and the loli? Mjöllmile's concern from before has now become a problem but it'll be taken cared off swiftly. Love how smart my girl Shion is.

Episode flew, good world building and stuff again. Excited to see the tournament.
Aug 30, 2024 10:11 AM

Apr 2021
This money issue must be the work of the little weird girl that we keep seeing at the festival all by herself, which was the same girl with the old man trying to take down Rimuru's nation.

Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Aug 30, 2024 10:31 AM

Apr 2017
Why every eps of this anime feels always really short when i watch it , the tournament will began in next week!!
Moe is Love ! Moe is Life !
Aug 30, 2024 10:47 AM
Jul 2024
Luminous seemed a bit too pleased about granting that ability, perhaps she intends to borrow some slime power herself? Rafael didn't seem to mind, so I guess it's no biggie.
Aug 30, 2024 10:50 AM
Mar 2016
Trash talking & no action in this episode. Boring
Happy watching
Aug 30, 2024 11:05 AM

May 2019
Another slice of life-type episode but I thought the last one was a little better. Shuna and Shion performing a duet was a nice surprise and it was a performance that Valentine really liked. Speaking of Valentine, I was surprised to see her in a maid costume, I mean she looked good but why? haha. About what she said that there are 2 beings with auras that are off and Rimuru should be careful of, I wonder if it's Yuuki and maybe that Rozzo girl.

Regarding the currency issue, I don't see why Rimuru or Mjöllmile couldn't speak with Dwargo to exchange a few stellar coins for gold coins and resolve that issue but maybe there's more to it than I realize. Anyways, I'm looking forward to the colosseum tournament and having those guys with big mouths with the hero get humbled.
Aug 30, 2024 11:34 AM
Sep 2017
LeknaatNov 27, 2024 1:16 PM
Aug 30, 2024 11:40 AM

Jun 2020
The part when Shion and Diablo schemed to overthrow a large economic block amused me so.

"Don't let your memes be dreams."- Ancient Japanese proverb, probably
Aug 30, 2024 11:50 AM

Feb 2014
The festival is now underway and I enjoyed with what the episode had on offer today. =)

Hinata looking after the young kids and taking them to many food stands was very cute, but seeing Shion and Shuna on stage to perform a piano/violin duet was amazing. Luminous was also having fun while wearing the cute maid outfit, where she and Rimuru got down to business that they both agreed on.

Mjöllmile does have some concerns about being able to pay some of the tradesmen since the stuff acquired from Clayman's domain can't be used, but Shion did come up with a perfect strategy that Diablo himself praised her for. The problem doesn't look so worrying now, just as long as complacency doesn't weasel itself in.

I'm looking forward to seeing the battle tournament getting underway next time.
Aug 30, 2024 11:58 AM

Jun 2015
Lady Luminus in a maid outfit's gotta be one hell of a sight. Shion and Shuna's performance really was amazing. While not completly repaired a potion that can affect a field repair for a damaged weapon sure is gonna be handy. Cultural exchange would defo be a good thing for both parties. Quite the crafty trick that whoever sabotaged them enacted. Shion clearly has learned a lot to make that observation. Shuna's gonna be one hell of a scary wife one day. Can't wait to see what day 2 would bring.
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Aug 30, 2024 12:35 PM
Jul 2014
The currency problem seemed odd. Surely they could just use a stellar coin or two to purchase currency directly from Dwargon? They're worth too much for small transactions but that just means you need to make a big purchase that enables your smaller transactions.

Also presumably there'd be some tax revenue from all the stalls etc, but that might come in a bit too late to be useful.

They keep focusing briefly on that little blonde girl, without going into detail. She's clearly going to be important later but the teasing is getting frustrating.
Aug 30, 2024 12:39 PM

Aug 2013
Was hoping for the tournament to start this episode, but this was quite interesting too.
Aug 30, 2024 12:43 PM

May 2021
someone COOKED with that shuna and shion performance, looked superb!
really enjoying these past few eps, it seems like this season will have an entertaining ending.

Aug 30, 2024 12:56 PM

Apr 2012
i was expecting to see some of the dungeon but i am hoping the last 4 eps will be the tournament and only action because since the 7 clergies nothing has happened
Aug 30, 2024 2:06 PM

Sep 2023
Am I missing something? Why can't Rimuru just reproduce those gold coins himself, like he did with the magical swords in one of the previous seasons? He even mentioned that they have raw gold, so if he can't reproduce coins from nothing, then he could still be able to make them from that raw gold.
Aug 30, 2024 2:06 PM
Mar 2021
They even have a train set 😂
Aug 30, 2024 2:53 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to TheColonel76
Nice to finally be in the festival after all this time, and so far it’s going pretty good, the opening musical performances were pretty nice, even featuring a duet from Shion and Shuna which I wasn’t expecting, they looked beautiful in those dresses. That was cool and all, but I think it would have been cooler if Rimuru introduced his world’s music to this one, imagine the reactions if he put on a rock or idol concert lol, faces would without a doubt be stolen. And the research presentation afterward started out kinda boring like some of the folks there were feeling, but I actually found the magicule talk kinda interesting, it even called back to the very beginning of the show with Rimuru eating those herbs, but it looks like that discovery may have been overkill for the festival lol.

I also enjoyed the bits with Hinata in this one, being the sherpa for the kids was a cute role for her, and it was apparent she was enjoying all the food herself, I definitely get it since she’s also from Rimuru’s world and probably hasn’t had some of those foods in who knows how long. Now as fun as all the festival stuff was, we unfortunately didn’t escape the meeting rooms this episode lol, but both instances were short and didn’t overstay their welcome imo, and the subjects were interesting like Luminous wanting to begin cultural exchanges with Tempest and gave Rimuru another broken power in return, she looked cute in that maid outfit too, and the situation with Mjöllmile regarding the cash shortage seemed to get solved quickly thanks to Shion surprisingly enough lol. And looks like next time the tournament is happening, I’m excited but I’m not getting my hopes up too much, I can easily see a lot of the fights being stomps that aren’t interesting to watch, it would be nice if I’m wrong.
@TheColonel76 you know something about that little blond girl keep apearing during the festival is very suspicous
Aug 30, 2024 3:00 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to Furryyyyy
LeknaatNov 27, 2024 1:15 PM
Aug 30, 2024 3:16 PM

Feb 2011
nice to see everyone, but "Conversation - the anime" continues to disappoint, with yet more cliffhanger.

Aug 30, 2024 3:52 PM

Dec 2013
I did not expect Luminous to be such a great ally to Rimuru, at first I assumed she was going to be a bit of an antagonist but she has been great so far helping Rimuru understand the ropes when it comes to be a true demon lord and the head of a state thanks to her god knows how many thousands of years of experience.

Everybody gangster until Shuna says when to stop playing around.
Aug 30, 2024 3:55 PM
Sep 2021
I'm sleeping man bro what is this it started as a isekai and now became a politician anime
Aug 30, 2024 4:07 PM
Oct 2016
The opening festival of tempest has begun! Things are officially underway and everyone is beginning to have fun at all the stalls and events. Rimuru handing the kids off to Hinata was a nice meeting. They get to meet and bond with someone else who also knew Shizu, and Hinata gets to relax some while being their chaperone going to get tons of food and have fun. While poor Rimuru must entertain Luminus later on, I definitely think that Hinata got the easier task. The orchestra show with all the monsters showing off how skilled they are went great. Shion and Shuna were amazing especially, I love me some good violin and piano music. It seems to have helped show the visiting humans from other countries that monsters can be just as skilled at fine arts as humans are. That it doesn't matter who's making the art as long as it's good. Gabiru and Vesta revealed all their findings on magicules and how basically the world's understanding of how magicules effect plants is backwards. They truly did completely discover a new way of viewing this world. This discovery will lead to tons of researchers flocking to tempest so they can do their own research. Mjollmule making a horrible discovery himself, they have no money. At least not the right kind to pay these small vendors. Someone in the western nations council is behind this effort to make the new nation of tempest untrustworthy with money and payments. Shion with the great idea to essentially make an eastern nations conglomerate that would oppose the western nations. Even at a fun festival world politics enter the picture. At least there's the martial arts tournament to keep everyone entertained next!
Aug 30, 2024 4:13 PM
Sep 2023
Ghost-of-Uchiha said:
Why are stuffs repeating?

Like Hinata taking care of kids and that show and also the science exhibition? Can someone explain!

What are you talking about?
Aug 30, 2024 4:17 PM
Mar 2021
great episode. probably one of the favs
Aug 30, 2024 4:17 PM
Sep 2023
LessThanAnimeFan said:
Am I missing something? Why can't Rimuru just reproduce those gold coins himself, like he did with the magical swords in one of the previous seasons? He even mentioned that they have raw gold, so if he can't reproduce coins from nothing, then he could still be able to make them from that raw gold.

They discuss this in the Light Novel, but not in Anime: The coins from Dwargon are numbered and protected by magic which makes it nearly impossible to reproduce them.
Aug 30, 2024 5:08 PM

Dec 2018
Reply to Elior21
@TheColonel76 you know something about that little blond girl keep apearing during the festival is very suspicous
@Elior21 Oh yeah she be lurking, I didn’t forget her face when they introduced her before lol.
Aug 30, 2024 6:32 PM

Aug 2019
Very good episode! Only missing a few details.
- They cut out the meeting where Rimuru established the 'Big Four'
- They were playing anime music at the concert. Raphael chose them based on what Rimuru likes. Rimuru feels relieved that no one noticed this, but then remembers Yuuki is also an otherworlder. Awkward!!
- Luminus is wearing a disguise. She even trolls the crusaders by asking if they would like something to drink XD
- There are other vampires with Luminus. Rimuru is amazed they can walk out in the sunlight
- Raphael got annoyed at Luminus for teaching Rimuru holy magic. She was close to unlocking it on her own thanks to the Hinata battle. Luminus realized this so she's selling this secret technique while it's still worth something. Luminus outplayed both of them this time!
- Skipped the part where Luminus wants to sue Veldora's food stand
- Skipped the part where Rimuru discussed the coin problem with Gazel while drinking, and having a hangover in the morning until Raphael cures him

I saw that a lot of people didn't understand what the money problem was.
- Up until this episode merchants from other nations accepted anything as payment. Tempest could pay with ancient currency or treasures taken from Clayman's domain, the merchants would convert them to modern currency or accept it as barter
- In the middle of the festival they all started insisting on being paid in modern currency only and nothing else
- Tempest doesn't keep a lot of modern currency because they didn't need to in the past. And they only have 2 days to solve it. Tempest is busy with the festival as the organizers, they don't have the manpower to deal with this now
- Even Mjöllmile and Gazel combined can't gather the full amount required in only two days
Aug 30, 2024 6:41 PM

Jul 2017
Tempest's opening festival goes as scheduled, with Hinata coming around being the babysitting hero, Shuna and Shion performing a piano-violin duet to the surprise on top of the concert, and things are looking well.

Even Gabiru gets into the research phase, and honestly, I'm proud of our boy evolving into this state alongside Vesta. But Rimuru facing a problem with Luminus who wants a deep cultural exchange between Tempest and Lubelius, and the contract is done. But Mjollmile being suppressed by the small traders that they're gone with money, it's clear that sabotage is at play here, and Shion clearly deducing terms of the humans who are at odds against Rimuru's co-prosperity plan. But whatever it is, Tempest has its own rules, and for now, it's to enjoy the festival for all it's worth. That's Day 1 in a nutshell.

The Martial Arts Tournament for Day 2 of the opening's gonna be good.
Aug 30, 2024 6:49 PM

Sep 2023
Reply to Braincoke
LessThanAnimeFan said:
Am I missing something? Why can't Rimuru just reproduce those gold coins himself, like he did with the magical swords in one of the previous seasons? He even mentioned that they have raw gold, so if he can't reproduce coins from nothing, then he could still be able to make them from that raw gold.

They discuss this in the Light Novel, but not in Anime: The coins from Dwargon are numbered and protected by magic which makes it nearly impossible to reproduce them.
Thanks, I completely forgot that gold coins probably have markings or numbers on them, so they can't be reproduced or copied that easily.
Aug 30, 2024 8:22 PM
Feb 2021
Nice fun time, a bit too many meetings this season but i love it.
Aug 30, 2024 8:38 PM
Aug 2024
Tensura is back at its peak! Sadly a bit to late, though.

I hope they workout the pace for the next season, as the next major arc approaches.
Aug 30, 2024 8:40 PM

Mar 2016
Everyone is having a fun time, is a festival after all. Oh yeah funding issues, you know? This reminds me of Ainz having rough times to get money as an adventurer because using Nazarick's wealth outside was kinda dangerous to him, but Shion having a way out is surprising, and Diablo praising her it is even more so.
Two undesirable guests, I'll remember that for later. And yeah, of course toxic Shuna makes her entrance.
Seems next week finally the battles will start, and I'll be there for that.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Aug 30, 2024 8:49 PM

Mar 2013
Four more episodes left... will I finally get to see a fight from the Masayuki character?

Shuna is lovely as ever... (even more so if she doesn't have those horns) 🤤

Also, that blonde? girl is certainly intriguing.

P.S Luminus in a maid outfit again is stunning! 🥰
But never forget about Hinata's casual wear! 🥰
CrazyButNot4UAug 30, 2024 8:55 PM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Aug 30, 2024 10:05 PM
Jan 2020
What does Rimurus new power actually do
Aug 30, 2024 10:43 PM

Feb 2019
Amidst all the fun lurks a sinister sabotaging, but they underestimated Rimuru & his group; they won't get too much of an upper hand against them lol
Aug 30, 2024 11:24 PM
Oct 2019
Wow Shion and Shuna looks so good in their dress and they did a musical performance.
Bravo 👏

Woahh Vesta and Gabiru science experiments is mind blowing 🤯
Aug 31, 2024 12:00 AM

Sep 2018
This season kind of reminds me of what happened to Log Horizon, elements of their respective S3's were still there in S1 and S2, but it's amped up tenfold in 3rd season. Still enjoyable if you're a fan of the show, but a slog if you're not/indifferent/miss other exciting elements.
Aug 31, 2024 12:59 AM
Dec 2022
Tempest Opening Day went well. There is one problem though as the small traders demanded payment in cash and Tempest are rich but not in the currency that is acceptable. So where does this leads to?
Aug 31, 2024 1:08 AM
Aug 2024
It was a good episode but just like most of the series it was just talk. I would have appreciated some fight scenes and some scenes with Ranga in it. Other than that it was a good episode
Aug 31, 2024 1:34 AM
Oct 2020
Reply to el_morris
Everyone is having a fun time, is a festival after all. Oh yeah funding issues, you know? This reminds me of Ainz having rough times to get money as an adventurer because using Nazarick's wealth outside was kinda dangerous to him, but Shion having a way out is surprising, and Diablo praising her it is even more so.
Two undesirable guests, I'll remember that for later. And yeah, of course toxic Shuna makes her entrance.
Seems next week finally the battles will start, and I'll be there for that.
@el_morris i didnt read the LN but i suspect the 2 undisarble guests are yuki and the blond girl
Aug 31, 2024 1:36 AM
Oct 2020
Reply to CrazyButNot4U
Four more episodes left... will I finally get to see a fight from the Masayuki character?

Shuna is lovely as ever... (even more so if she doesn't have those horns) 🤤

Also, that blonde? girl is certainly intriguing.

P.S Luminus in a maid outfit again is stunning! 🥰
But never forget about Hinata's casual wear! 🥰
@CrazyButNot4U yes there is something suspicious about her since they show her too many times during the festival
Aug 31, 2024 2:10 AM

Feb 2016
I had forgotten the kids didn't know Rimuru was a monster lol

They talked a lot again, but this time it was actually interesting, especially the potions demonstration, that's good world building.

Now the good part is finally going to start, let's go Tensura tournament arc!!!
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Aug 31, 2024 2:31 AM
Sep 2023
StallionXD said:
I had forgotten the kids didn't know Rimuru was a monster lol

They talked a lot again, but this time it was actually interesting, especially the potions demonstration, that's good world building.

Now the good part is finally going to start, let's go Tensura tournament arc!!!

I don't know what everyone has with the "tournament arc". The tournament is just part of the festival and not a separate arc. I think the name "tournament arc" sparks false expectations, which is why I mention this. I doubt it will last more than one or two episodes.
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