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A Condition Called Love
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May 9, 2024 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Ye, Hotaru is the type that has a hard type expressing her feelings. I mean, her personality always gave away her as a timid girl so no surprise there.

The chemistry between Sohei and Hotaru is kinda interesting to see. She knew him from her past and more confient around him.
May 9, 2024 8:23 AM

May 2020
She has found her “newfound” love, somehow someway, after being in continuous mental torture. I mean at this point it just feels like she has convinced herself that she’d have to believe that way, otherwise if not, guy would strangle her to death… that’s what it feels like.

But then they introduce a childhood friend who used to be everyone’s “cRuSh” back in the day. And of course our plain girl’s trauma stems from his very presence… someway to make him relevant. Anyways, how does it feel when your supposed girlfriend herself feels uncomfortable from your persistent stalking?!?!?!?!?! Lmaooooooooooo, and then they try to shrug it off by saying “he hides his pain behind his smile”. Lol.

Fuck this valentine and the joke that was making chocolates together. Would not somehow show they’ve a chemistry. Rather, I pray she stops visiting his house all alone. There’s just some really nasty feel around that.
Softhenic03May 9, 2024 8:27 AM
May 9, 2024 8:24 AM

Dec 2021
Uh-oh, looks like a potential "rival" is entering the scene...

Hinase realizes she has feelings for Hananoi. She tries to convey her feelings to him, but when she attempts to speak up, the words just won't come out. At that moment, Souhei Yao, a former elementary school classmate of Hinase's, starts working at the part-time job at the bookstore. As Souhei casually strikes up conversation, memories of a traumatic event from their childhood resurface for Hinase.

Here we go again. Annoying third wheel. I'm not dealing with this nonsense over and over. Feels like one of those "self-insert" anime. By that, I don't mean actual self-pleasure, but an anime where you can pretend to be the protagonist Hinase and feel good because this hot guy falls for you instantly. Hinase is so boring and barely a character. And Hananoi comes off as creepy. Honestly, I don't even know what this show is trying to be anymore, because it's just a bad romcom.

Hananoi can be pretty "intense," as he puts it, but I'm glad he's realized his behavior isn't normal.

May 9, 2024 8:51 AM

Apr 2016
Despite what this show tries to tell us, that Hotaru never really been in love before, she acts, and looks like exactly the kind of girl that falls in love with every second to third guy that has earrings, lmao.

But anyway, what's with all these seemingly random attractive boys falling out of nowhere, and falling for our heroine, this new guy really feels like a redundant addition ... that really is here only so that the psycho mc can go even more bonkers over xD
May 9, 2024 9:29 AM
Sep 2015
If a Japanese boy gives you a cholocate on Valentine's day (not White day) then he must be really love you.
May 9, 2024 10:34 AM
Aug 2017
This show is better than Failren. Sorry 😞 frieren
May 9, 2024 10:47 AM

Mar 2021
Am glad that Hananoi has finally realised his behaviour around Hotaru is not right and normal and that he needs to change that. It's so great to see Hotaru finally say she loves him even though she says she doesn't understand love she seems to grasp it quite quickly.
May 9, 2024 10:54 AM

Apr 2010
Seems to me the new character is only introduced to increase drama.
Maybe he can explain a bit about the history but other than that i don't really see much point to his character.
But maybe there will be more to him in the future who knows.
May 9, 2024 11:02 AM
May 2023
"Why do people in love have so much trouble controlling themselves?" It's easy to see why Hananoi is nervous though. Everyone he falls for always finds him too intense, he's worried that since they have history she'll end up picking Yao instead of him. In trying to show her how much he cares by showing up for her though, he ends up looking clingier than ever. He's scared of losing her. He's scared of not being enough for her and ends up going overboard. But at least he's aware of it and makes an effort to hear her out and adjust accordingly. "Why do people in love have so much trouble controlling themselves?"
May 9, 2024 11:04 AM

Jun 2015
Its unfortunate that Hotaru's nerves are sabotaging her efforts. Hananoi can get jealous too huh. It was nice to see Hotaru try to change things for Hananoi though. It was cute seeing the fact that both had the same idea when it came to valentines. Especially when they were working together. Have to say making cakes together with the one you like would certainly be a unique memory for both of them.
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May 9, 2024 11:25 AM
Aug 2017
Reply to Softhenic03
She has found her “newfound” love, somehow someway, after being in continuous mental torture. I mean at this point it just feels like she has convinced herself that she’d have to believe that way, otherwise if not, guy would strangle her to death… that’s what it feels like.

But then they introduce a childhood friend who used to be everyone’s “cRuSh” back in the day. And of course our plain girl’s trauma stems from his very presence… someway to make him relevant. Anyways, how does it feel when your supposed girlfriend herself feels uncomfortable from your persistent stalking?!?!?!?!?! Lmaooooooooooo, and then they try to shrug it off by saying “he hides his pain behind his smile”. Lol.

Fuck this valentine and the joke that was making chocolates together. Would not somehow show they’ve a chemistry. Rather, I pray she stops visiting his house all alone. There’s just some really nasty feel around that.
@Softhenic03 they got past the love bug! Now it's TIME TO FUCK!!! YEAHHHHH UWU UWU. DONKEY PUNCH. This show is so much better then frieren and FMA it's not even funny
May 9, 2024 11:27 AM

Jun 2022
she finally confessed half way in!!!
this episode is so wholesome and realistic almost, like hananoi being afraid of hotaru finding someone better and hotaru just cant get her words out on how she feels
i also wanna know more of her backstory like what happened to her friend and what shes doing now

*theory: i think she will try to steal hananoi away from her as revenge from elementary but then again its in elementary aka the past but she might be the type of person who cant let it go plus yao works in the same place as hotaru so her friend might get even more angrier if shes here :T

May 9, 2024 11:37 AM
Oct 2021
in my mind yao had the ikemen voice, not the class clown one 😭
May 9, 2024 11:53 AM

Aug 2022
“Don’t hide behind a fake smile until it’s too late” that line from Hotaru hit hard

This is seriously one of the best romances I’ve watched, it’s beyond criminally underrated

I swear the Yao mf was the most unnecessary addition to the show ever but as long as that mf don’t affect the dynamic Hananoi and Hotaru has then he’s okay
Phantom_Siren652May 9, 2024 12:06 PM
May 9, 2024 12:27 PM
Feb 2024
The way she hugged him (*≧∀≦*) they’re both really doing their best. I’m glad they they’re the type of people that value communication. If something happens, they talk about it.
Those flashbacks really went to show a lot, but I’m glad she told Hananoi what happened. It’s no wonder she was scared to say she likes Hananoi and distanced herself from Yao-kun after that.
It’s not like Hananoi to not be ready to hang out with her but the reason why was so stinkin’ adorable 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
AND SHE WAS ABLE TO SAY IT! I’M SO PROUD OF HERRRR! He looked so adorably flustered too! I’m glad they baked together instead of made stuff for each other, that was a really good scene.

“Why do people in love have so much trouble controlling themselves?”
It’s easy to see why Hananoi is nervous though. Everyone he falls for always finds him too intense, he’s worried that since they have history she’ll end up picking Yao instead of him. In trying to show her how much he cares by showing up for her though, he ends up looking clingier than ever. He’s scared of losing her. He’s scared of not being enough for her and ends up going overboard. But at least he’s aware of it and makes an effort to hear her out and adjust accordingly.
May 9, 2024 12:29 PM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
The first part we got some stalker vibes and the second part was kinda cute. Yeah pretty average romance. Animation is just boring, nothing to gain here.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
May 9, 2024 12:41 PM
Mar 2024
So cute how they made the cake together and she finally said it again to Hanoi. I realy love this manga/anime
May 9, 2024 2:12 PM
Oct 2022
I am so glad that Hotaru Hinase finally expressed her feelings toward Hananoi-kun. They are so cute together, they are meant to be together!

Although, Hananoi-kun is kinda jealous, he did not like when Yao talked to Hotaru. But it does not matter, because after their Valentine’s Day date, they hardened their love relationship and it is great.

It was awesome too the fact that Hananoi-kun is perfectionist and wants to do all the things right, so even if he did not succeed to bake the chocolate cake, Hotaru really appreciated it.
May 9, 2024 4:01 PM
Jan 2022
Horrible as always, until last week she had hundreds of doubts about their relationship and out of nowhere she loves him? Lol what a joke, that's too forced.
It's definitely the worst romance I've ever seen in my entire life, both in anime and manga or films/series.
May 9, 2024 4:05 PM
Jan 2024
For once, i dont wanna destroy hanaoi
aside from that, ADORABLE EPISODE hanaoi admitting hes been a little too "intense" on certain things, the chocolate making, hotaru confessing aaaahhhh my heart. Whatever this episode is, to me its actually making me like hanaoi more than i did (at least since episode 1)
Glasses hanaoi>>>>

May 9, 2024 4:26 PM
Dec 2023
Definitely not the best I’ve seen, but far from the worst. I might be biased though because of bad experiences with overbearing partners, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.🤷
May 9, 2024 6:08 PM

Apr 2015
I was getting creepy stalker vibes again in the beginning of the episode, but the rest of the episode was actually pretty wholesome. Glad no big drama stirred up with Hotaru's elementary school classmate, and Hananoi opened up about his insecurities with Hotaru. The two baking a cake together on Valentine's Day was cute. The romance is progressing a lot quicker than I thought...not sure how to feel about that tbh with Hananoi's obsessive tendencies, but at the very least I'm glad Hananoi recognizes it and is actively trying to work on his insecurities. Hope by the end of the season, we'll be able to see Hananoi interact well with people other than Hotaru.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
May 9, 2024 7:53 PM

Dec 2018
Once again, it’s a shame to see so much negativity torwards this show, but I am happy to see there were a lot of folks who loved this episode like I did. They introduced a childhood friend of Hotaru’s, being Yao, and he seemed like a chill guy but I could have easily seen things going sour with him quick, thankfully that didn’t happen as Yao quickly understood to back off and we got that scene later where Hananoi opened up to Hotaru on why he’s been acting weird since Yao arrived, Hotaru was smart with that hug move there, cute stuff, I like seeing Hotaru be the one to dish the love out lol.

And we got a very cute Valentine’s Day themed 2nd half of the episode, it seemed like things might get bad when Hananoi suddenly had to delay their meeting but Hotaru’s idea to visit Hananoi unannounced actually worked out since it was revealed that Hananoi was just making chocolate and failing miserably lol, normally I’d say don’t go to his house in this situation but I’m glad she did in this case. This led to the two of them making chocolate together instead, and afterward Hotaru opened more about her past with that friend she messed up with, it’s looking to me like Hotaru isn’t really to blame but it definitely helps explain the way she’s seen love all this time, and at the very end there Hotaru finally went and said she loves Hananoi, I’m glad she was finally able to do it, love that it’s just on episode 6 too.

And lastly I liked Hananoi’s glasses look, he pulls it off well.
May 9, 2024 8:35 PM

Apr 2019
With Yao's introduction i thought that guy would cause a divide between the two but it was resolved quickly after they talked it out, Hotaru chan finally told Hananoi kun that she loves him and its on Valentines day too.
May 9, 2024 9:48 PM
Jan 2022
Hananoi-kun is so attractive, but all the signs of being a toxic person are there as well. He's jealous, he "wants her all to herself", threatens her friends and isolates her... I find it worrying especially because Hotaru-chan doesn't have a lot of romantic experiences to understand that... I hope the story develops to warn about these toxic behaviors.
May 9, 2024 9:49 PM
Jan 2022
Xiao said:
I was getting creepy stalker vibes again in the beginning of the episode, but the rest of the episode was actually pretty wholesome. Glad no big drama stirred up with Hotaru's elementary school classmate, and Hananoi opened up about his insecurities with Hotaru. The two baking a cake together on Valentine's Day was cute. The romance is progressing a lot quicker than I thought...not sure how to feel about that tbh with Hananoi's obsessive tendencies, but at the very least I'm glad Hananoi recognizes it and is actively trying to work on his insecurities. Hope by the end of the season, we'll be able to see Hananoi interact well with people other than Hotaru.

yesss, I really get the creepy vibes as well. Let's see if this develops to show he matures in the relationship too :)
May 9, 2024 11:25 PM

Feb 2019
Nah man someone please get this man some help because wtf. The whole obsessed stalker phase with showing up to Hotaru work every day and not wanting her to even talk to guys.. so uncomfortable

But, credit where it’s due. He did own up to his actions and accepted that he was projecting his insecurities onto Hotaru, making her feel uncomfortable and smothering her. If he’s seriously going to take accountability and try to be better going forward then I’m ok with it. Dude obviously has some screws loose, but admitting you have a problem is the first step to changing it.

Second half of the episode was actually really cute. I honestly thought Hananoi was getting abused at home and that would explain some of his relationship issues, but nope, much more wholesome explanation that he just wanted to make something for Hotaru because of how she’s changed his perception on food. Cute. I really do hope love can change him for the better.

Speaking of which, finally a confession from Hotaru! I like that it came out naturally during a conversation instead of a forced stage scenario. Her giving the chocolates at the end was so cute too! Now that that’s out the way, the second stage of their relationship will be interesting to see play out.

Wonder how they’ll use Yao as well since they seemingly just introduced him for drama in this ep.
Marinate1016May 9, 2024 11:45 PM
May 10, 2024 1:55 AM

Feb 2020
Ngl this is so boring, felt asleep in the middle by how everything spread out so far, but then manage to finish since i am a diligent person. Also i don't even know if Hotaru genuinely love those boy, or its just a result of a forced behavior Hananoi always showing around. Since i don't even feel like a squee moment from this episode, half of season already, and idk if i have a mood to continue on. Perhaps 2x speed can make it more better?
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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May 10, 2024 2:04 AM
Jul 2022
I think the episode was pretty good, even if Hananoi's still ugly and the animation's cheap. I was confused at first because they skipped almost a whole chapter, where Hananoi invite Kei at his home and Hotaru and Kyo join them.
We see a creepy side of Hananoi again, but somehow I like how is it presented. Same for Hotaru's trauma. I feel bad for Hananoi ...He's obsessed with Hotaru and he's possessive. He looks really lonely.
(Even if I understand him and feel bad for him, his behavior is cringe asf. Honestly, without reading the manga and having met someone like him, I think I would hate him too )
For Yao, yeah it will be better if he was just a friend to Hotaru. Being the Second choice is useless. Just to have a love triangle which annoy everyone but whatever.


Hananoi with glasses... He's so damn cuuuuute !! He should wore them everytime🙏
May 10, 2024 2:28 AM
Oct 2019
Finally a Valentine episode.
Damn Glasses Hananoi.

She said it, she said the THING!!
May 10, 2024 3:58 AM
Mar 2018
This episode was pretty intense, what with the creepy flashbacks, the new colleague, and that misleading phone call at the end. Luckily, the last scene between Hananoi and Hotaru smoothed everything out.

I'm glad Hotaru had the guts to finally confess in the post credits scene!
May 10, 2024 7:13 AM
Mar 2024
She finally omitted her feelings, how can you not find that adorable!?
May 10, 2024 9:29 AM

Dec 2020
She finally said it lessss gooooo
Tnx to the author for not making it a "Confession in the end" series, really appreciate it. They made it out like this so the first half focuses on Hotaru's learning about love, fixing her past dilemmas and confessing in the half. They didn't focus on Hananoi that much, well understandable as itz a shōjo anime. Hope they focus more on Hananoi's character development from now on. He has a lot of scopes of development.

Looking forward on how they go lovey-dovey @~@
GeoXsf9May 10, 2024 9:32 AM
May 10, 2024 10:41 AM

Nov 2013
oh she said it, nice :D

another cute episode, this time with valentines chocolate, the best time for love confessions
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
May 10, 2024 10:50 AM

Jun 2008
And he's lovebombing again....
May 10, 2024 11:28 AM

Oct 2020
Hotaru finally confessed after putting in so much effort. And I like how Hotaru speaks her mind directly like when tells Hananoi that he's dropping by too much.
May 10, 2024 9:14 PM
Dec 2022
i’m staring to like this show more and more each week (≧▽≦)

i feel like a lot of people are quick to say it’s boring but are not realizing that they’re both new to the concept of love. and so when they spend time with each other and address the up and downs about themselves with each other, their feelings become more tender.

10/10 and show i love it sm (≧▽≦)

also hananoi-kun looks so cute with glasses ^o^
May 10, 2024 9:42 PM
Nov 2020
Reply to Softhenic03
She has found her “newfound” love, somehow someway, after being in continuous mental torture. I mean at this point it just feels like she has convinced herself that she’d have to believe that way, otherwise if not, guy would strangle her to death… that’s what it feels like.

But then they introduce a childhood friend who used to be everyone’s “cRuSh” back in the day. And of course our plain girl’s trauma stems from his very presence… someway to make him relevant. Anyways, how does it feel when your supposed girlfriend herself feels uncomfortable from your persistent stalking?!?!?!?!?! Lmaooooooooooo, and then they try to shrug it off by saying “he hides his pain behind his smile”. Lol.

Fuck this valentine and the joke that was making chocolates together. Would not somehow show they’ve a chemistry. Rather, I pray she stops visiting his house all alone. There’s just some really nasty feel around that.
@Softhenic03 if what we thinking did not happen in the end.
Then it would be the biggest cock-cut ever🫠🫠🫠🫠
May 10, 2024 10:00 PM

May 2013
Mmm show's gotten better the last couple weeks. Don't forget to watch through the ED for the after credit scene guys really important! ED's a jam anyways so you may as well.
May 11, 2024 7:05 AM
Apr 2024
The relationship started to develop, more backstory was delved into, very informative, emotional episode 👍
May 11, 2024 9:45 AM
Jan 2024
She finally confessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2024 10:09 AM
Sep 2021
Hotaru confessed her feelings to Hananoi during Valentine's Day. Nice to see it finally happen.
May 11, 2024 9:06 PM

Jul 2017
Hotaru wants to get her message out to Hananoi, but could not have the courage to do so. Even at her work, the childhood friend of Yao Sohei comes back to bite on her, knowing her by her nickname of Hotako, which got Hananoi all jealous, not that Hotaru is able to read his face. Of course, Hananoi would get all defensive and try to protect Hotaru as much as he can, but it became pressuring to the point that she's always in his view to be disturbed at work. Even then, Hotaru has already decided that she wants to love Hananoi, and pushing to hug him in the process, it may not be how love is expressed, but this is the best she knows how at the moment.

The first Valentine's, and that presents an opportunity for Hotaru to gift Hananoi something, though the relationship between her and Yao is rather awkward. And her showing up at Hananoi's place seeming rather worried, he's also making chocolate for the first time, and Hotaru doesn't find that annoying at all. It's also where she naturally makes her confession known, and this is rather natural making chocolates together. Despite Hotaru selling her best friend short for Yao, things with Hananoi will not be the same to her, and neither it will be for the latter.

Maybe this is what love is, natural feelings for one another.
May 12, 2024 12:17 AM
Mar 2018
This was by far the best development in this series so far.
May 12, 2024 12:40 AM

Oct 2020
Hannoi is the jealous one in this relationship, Hotaru thank you for learning what love is.

May 12, 2024 3:30 AM

Mar 2008
Ah so Hananoi can act a little scary when he interacts with other guys but at least he is aware of this kind of stuff when pointed out to him and he's trying not to. He's obviously not a bad guy.

That look Hotaru had when she was baking and told Hananoi how much she liked him ❤️
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May 12, 2024 6:20 AM

Jun 2013
Okay, Hananoi being open about his feelings, that's a huge improvement. Also Hotaru's past hit me hard. It sucks to drift apart from your friends because of "love".

This series is really picking up, ngl. I'm happy that I listened to the people who read the manga, they were yelling "JUST WAIT A FEW EPISODES IT GETS GOOD" lol
May 12, 2024 3:04 PM
Mar 2015
She finally got to tell him how she feels about him
May 12, 2024 11:03 PM
Aug 2015
I think both FL and ML are out of touch with reality. The lines are cringy, and I wonder why FL does not find ML creepy or sociopathic. ML claims that he wants to touch her and has a shrine of her that he worships. ML needs a therapist.
May 13, 2024 6:17 AM

Oct 2008
BOO!!! BOO!! thumbs-down! MC is paranoid!!!
i bet MC always reads p0rnhwa NTR Korean manhwa comics!

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