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Feb 28, 2024 8:21 AM

Nov 2011
It's pretty cool how technology can even examine memories of the past and connect them to the present.

Rogue's younger sister...souns that it's more complicate than it seems. Somewhat of a slower episode but nonetheless important imo. It gives more insight into stories of the past. It is however sad to see how violent their world has turned into. Machines and those mech suits are especially dangerous.
Feb 28, 2024 9:24 AM
Sep 2015
I'm wrong to expect the Pluto-level philosophy of debating what define human but at least it has Trigger-level action scenes.
Feb 28, 2024 9:39 AM
Jul 2023
The partial truth about Code Eve and the origin of the Immortal Nine revealed. That close around 3-4 plot threads.

Alters openly making their moves, a certain figure is missing the action, and the remaining Immortal Nine is not on the same page. There’s still larger plans brewing in the background.
Feb 28, 2024 9:51 AM

Feb 2021
This library appearing out of nowhere was random but okay
7:35 Wait, what is this? Really reminds me of Plants from Trigun Stampede. Are all Neans made like that? Interesting.

Everything about the Immortal Nine and Code Eve was revealed, finally. Tho I'm not sure how to feel about this being so late in the game.
So I was wondering why they are pronouncing id as "ido" instead of "aidii", so I searched around a bit, and apparently イド (ido) is id in Psychoanalysis. Not sure if this is what was intended, but here you go.
Noid noooooo T_T
Cool episode. I agree with Ash that both Rouge and Jean (Gene?) are both right. Honestly I'm not sure which side I would take.
EmbientFeb 28, 2024 7:02 PM
Feb 28, 2024 10:08 AM

Mar 2021
Love how intense the action is getting, it really does seem interesting to see how conflicted Rouge is about which side to take.
Feb 28, 2024 11:03 AM

Sep 2023
Really cool to get some backstory on Rouge and the Proto-Neans and Code Eve. I might have missed it earlier, but I wasn't expecting Rouge and Gene's 'parents' to be the ones that created the Neans. It seems that the Alters have finally begun their all-out war on humanity, and the remaining Immortal Nine have joined Rouge's side. My one complaint about this episode was that it felt a little rushed, especially in the second half. I had a little trouble following everything that was going on as it was happening.
Feb 28, 2024 11:29 AM
Aug 2017
For an episode that was fairly action packed, it was also very boring at the same time. Didn't think that was possible :(
Feb 28, 2024 11:41 AM

Nov 2023
This episode showcases best the reason I like Metallic Rouge. The plot of the anime is shrouded in mystery and when aspects of it are revealed, they are enough to make you question what you thought you knew, but also vague and up to interpretation. I can't wait to rewatch the season when it's done, to understand it better and catch all the little details I missed on my first watch through.

I'm surprised that the show has such a low rating. I understand that it's definitely not for everyone and everytime, sometimes you just want to relax, turn your brain off and watch some cool action and while Metallic Rouge does have some action, it's not the focus. So maybe a lot of people saw the action in the trailer and expected more of that.

One thing is almost certain, though, Metallic Rouge would be better binged. With weekly episodes you are very likely to forget things from previous episodes. Especially if you didn't pay much attention to them.
Feb 28, 2024 11:57 AM

Jul 2021
Lots of explaining and some decent action.

A few points I'm not clear on:

- Why did Cyan bother to show up in front of Rouge before simply walking away? It just feels like a character introduction that was shoehorned into the episode ("My name is __ and I want to __. Bye").

- So Gene/Aletheia ordered Rouge to kill the Immortal Nine and retrieve their id... without knowing about what Code Eve is or what the id's were actually for?

- This has been bugging me since the last episode, but why is the cop helping Rouge and following her around? As far as he's concerned, Rouge is the "suspect in red" for multiple murders, and Rouge's words of "that wasn't me" are the only evidence to believe otherwise. Giallon being able to mimic people does not prove that he was indeed the one who committed those murders. Besides, Rouge has been arrested by Ochrona and is an agent of Aletheia, the cop has no reason to help her go rogue.

Anyways, I hope Bones really pops off next episode with the 3-way (?) mecha (?) fight.

Embient said:
So I was wondering why they are pronoundcing id as "ido" instead of "aidii", so I searched around a bit, and apparently イド (ido) is id in Psychoanalysis. Not sure if this is what was intended, but here you go.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I think it was an intentional wordplay. Crunchyroll subtitles also spelled it "id", not capitalized as "ID", which is the more standard spelling for "identification", I think.
Feb 28, 2024 12:25 PM

Nov 2014
Why do neans have that much blood…
And why is the episode count still a mystery. 12 or 24 what’s the big secret?

Is studio Bones just waiting to see how the reception is or what?
Feb 28, 2024 12:39 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
I still don't know how to feel about the direction this anime is taking. They seem to promote the idea of robot uprising being a bad thing but at the same time they justify it by saying "because it's evil and would hinder the status quo". As a result Rouge's action are quite conflicting since she escaped Alethia but now wants to defend it. Oh and Cyan just pops up, says hi and fucks off, amazing.

I dunno, the dialogue doesn't help much and the fact that everyone from episode 2 is part of the immortal nine is starting to get a bit tiresome.
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Feb 28, 2024 2:22 PM
May 2020
Again Bones has given us the best show of the season!
There are a few shows this season that challenge the audience with the world view of the story.
I respect that this show doesn't chew your food for you and you need to figure it out for yourself.
Feb 28, 2024 4:03 PM
Jan 2024
Now we know more about the 9 immortals and Rouge's father and mother
Feb 28, 2024 4:20 PM

May 2019
Yeah freedom vs order, that's a tough one but I'd lean a bit more with order as having freedom with chaos doesn't sound appealing. On that note I believe Rouge mentioned that she's also leaning towards order while confronting/fighting the Alters.
Feb 28, 2024 4:29 PM

Nov 2020
The arrival of this sister Rouge was so accidental, so many characters appear so randomly, as if it was a theater performance and they were just going behind the curtains xD In the previous episode, White-haired was in the place where the "ball" cores were and she didn't take them. Everyone can enter this super important place as if nothing happened. The things that happen in this anime are simply unbelievable🫤
Feb 28, 2024 5:32 PM
May 2017
An excellent episode, packed with answers!
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Feb 28, 2024 5:41 PM
May 2017
Reply to Embient
This library appearing out of nowhere was random but okay
7:35 Wait, what is this? Really reminds me of Plants from Trigun Stampede. Are all Neans made like that? Interesting.

Everything about the Immortal Nine and Code Eve was revealed, finally. Tho I'm not sure how to feel about this being so late in the game.
So I was wondering why they are pronouncing id as "ido" instead of "aidii", so I searched around a bit, and apparently イド (ido) is id in Psychoanalysis. Not sure if this is what was intended, but here you go.
Noid noooooo T_T
Cool episode. I agree with Ash that both Rouge and Jean (Gene?) are both right. Honestly I'm not sure which side I would take.
@Embient April 26, 2017: scientists create artificial womb.

Is fiction preparing us for the already existing reality?

Is fiction preparing us for the reality still in the womb?
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Feb 28, 2024 5:46 PM

Nov 2023
This episode was a lot more intriguing and a lot more fun to watch.

I'm hyped for the next episode now.
Feb 28, 2024 6:13 PM
Apr 2021
Omg so much shit was happening in this during the second half of this episode, that random girl Cyan just appeared out of nowhere and Jill and that other dude is just wrecking havoc then you got Eden just pulling up out of nowhere to help Rouge was just so chaotic to me but cool as well🔥🔥

Ahhhhh so finally this episode answered a lot of questions that I have and now a lot of things are making sense, so you mean to tell me that the Asimov Code is the code that can release all the Neans from mindlessly obeying the humans and parts of the code was put into the Immortal Nine and Rouge was tricked into killing the Immortal Nine so that the Code can never be put together in one piece😮😮😮

I’m happy I stayed with this anime bc I knew more of the story was gonna get revealed as the episodes got released it’s a shame a lot of ppl are turned off by this anime all bc they don’t have the patience to let shit build up and see where the story goes bc this show was already good but this episode made it even more amazing🤩

The animation in this episode was actually amazing too like the 2D suits is just eye candy to me thank god Bones didn’t use CGI on the mecha suits
Feb 28, 2024 7:13 PM
Mar 2015
Rouge learns about her past, code eve and the origin of the immortal nine
Feb 28, 2024 9:19 PM

Jul 2008
Is it just me or did this episode feel crammed and rushed?
Feb 28, 2024 9:29 PM
Apr 2022
he looked at the piano sheet, just played a single C major on the piano and apparently that was enough to open a secret library...k
Feb 28, 2024 9:32 PM

Jul 2012
Bold move for them to make a show without a single likable character. Let's see how it plays out for them.
Feb 29, 2024 12:59 AM
Oct 2019
Things really get heating up.
Finally learning about the origin of Immortal Nine, Code Eve.

Noooo Noid-262
Feb 29, 2024 5:31 AM
Apr 2018
The story is completely mess up at this point
Feb 29, 2024 6:07 AM
Dec 2023
I guess future of both humans and neans will be decided in team battle of super neans
Feb 29, 2024 1:04 PM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Writing is horrible, animation is top level. WHY DOES BONES NOT ANIMATE OPM season 3 instead of this mediocre story-.-
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Feb 29, 2024 1:44 PM

Jul 2016
Glad this episode answered some important questions related to the main plot. That means less chances of this shitshow being 2-cour long.
Feb 29, 2024 7:57 PM
Pirate King
Feb 2021
Quite the episode. All out fights are happening now. I wonder how rouge will react to fighting her sister next episode
Mar 1, 2024 2:12 AM
Sep 2021
So the puzzles are finally coming together, so it's time to start the conclusion of all of these.
Mar 1, 2024 7:32 AM
Apr 2021
I'm starting to like this anime very much
Mar 1, 2024 2:46 PM

Jan 2011
Shit is getting real.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Mar 1, 2024 10:40 PM
Jul 2015
Fuck, still crying over the wasted potential. This could have been sooooo good. But it isn't. It's turning more and more into a shot show with the plot getting all messy while going full cringe ahead with stupid colourful robots fighting with fantasy weapons.
Mar 1, 2024 11:01 PM
Jul 2015
CorayyAnime said:
Writing is horrible, animation is top level

It's a shame. Speaking purely aesthetics, this is probably as toppest top tier prime grade late-90s / early-2000s high quality anime quality as it gets - in the very best way possible. The looks of it, the general way characters interact and talk, the sound and music, the whole vibe ... that part is just plain awesome.

But then, the show is also really dumb. They have all the basics they need for a good-enough story (and really, that was all they fucking needed ... tell a solid story, keep the plot together and well paced), but make a complete mess of it.
Mar 2, 2024 8:46 AM
Jul 2023
Those cops were so American.

I am just sad for the cute boy....
Mar 2, 2024 8:48 AM

May 2015
This show is just so random.
Mar 3, 2024 1:21 AM
Feb 2020

Mar 3, 2024 6:43 AM

Dec 2008
The usual bones problem, get everything right except for the story.
the beginning of the show was plain awesome, but then it's overflowing with ugly bling bling robots and a unnecessarily complicated multy layered story.
We need more Naomi again, I don't care about Rouge's rotten family backstory.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 3, 2024 9:27 AM

Oct 2016
There was so much context dropped in this episode, so the pieces are finally coming together. The Immortal 9 want the Eve Code to remove the Asimov Code, and Rouge’s mission was to stop that. There is still a lot that doesn’t make sense, but the picture is getting more clear. (8/10)
Mar 3, 2024 12:32 PM

Mar 2007
So after all the uber complicated stuff it is finally revealed in this episode that Rouge and her brother's mother, who created Neans, also created Code Eve which can be used to free Neans from the Asimov code. It resides in the Immortal Nine, those ones Rouge has basically been assassinating.

Seriously is anyone with me? If they got to this point way earlier, not as many people would have quit / dropped this series. It didn't need to be super complicated, this isn't exactly a difficult issue and should not have been hidden for so long only to be revealed two thirds of the way through the season when it doesn't even matter as much anymore, considering all the horrible things we've seen humans subject Neans to.

Her brother is against releasing Code Eve because it will cause disorder, Rouge is for it. Sure, like I'm going to believe she's all for freedom considering all her past actions have basically been blindly following ORDERS given by others without asking any questions. When the memory revealed her physical prowess came at the expense of emotional and mental development, well at least the story got that consistent. Rouge is pretty much the robot girl version of a dumb jock, all brawns no brains.

Another faction attacks, the detective's Nean is fatally shot by soldiers who don't care because he isn't human! His last words were to take care of your health and smoke less cigarettes? Damn that was sad. That took me to the whole "free the robots" side now.

Then despite everything Rogue fights against some members of the immortal 9, who aren't even united in their goals. Says she's doing it of her own free will but yeah, go go Pro Slavery Oppressive Order!!! At this point I've completely lost all sympathy with the dumb ass IQ of an egg Rouge.

Luckily the black power ranger Immortal Nine arrives, got to love him. He's crazy but such a cool distraction all is forgiven.

Stormy_77Mar 3, 2024 12:39 PM

Mar 4, 2024 2:45 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to Stormy_77
So after all the uber complicated stuff it is finally revealed in this episode that Rouge and her brother's mother, who created Neans, also created Code Eve which can be used to free Neans from the Asimov code. It resides in the Immortal Nine, those ones Rouge has basically been assassinating.

Seriously is anyone with me? If they got to this point way earlier, not as many people would have quit / dropped this series. It didn't need to be super complicated, this isn't exactly a difficult issue and should not have been hidden for so long only to be revealed two thirds of the way through the season when it doesn't even matter as much anymore, considering all the horrible things we've seen humans subject Neans to.

Her brother is against releasing Code Eve because it will cause disorder, Rouge is for it. Sure, like I'm going to believe she's all for freedom considering all her past actions have basically been blindly following ORDERS given by others without asking any questions. When the memory revealed her physical prowess came at the expense of emotional and mental development, well at least the story got that consistent. Rouge is pretty much the robot girl version of a dumb jock, all brawns no brains.

Another faction attacks, the detective's Nean is fatally shot by soldiers who don't care because he isn't human! His last words were to take care of your health and smoke less cigarettes? Damn that was sad. That took me to the whole "free the robots" side now.

Then despite everything Rogue fights against some members of the immortal 9, who aren't even united in their goals. Says she's doing it of her own free will but yeah, go go Pro Slavery Oppressive Order!!! At this point I've completely lost all sympathy with the dumb ass IQ of an egg Rouge.

Luckily the black power ranger Immortal Nine arrives, got to love him. He's crazy but such a cool distraction all is forgiven.

Stormy_77 said:
If they got to this point way earlier, not as many people would have quit / dropped this series. It didn't need to be super complicated, this isn't exactly a difficult issue and should not have been hidden for so long only to be revealed two thirds of the way through the season when it doesn't even matter as much anymore, considering all the horrible things we've seen humans subject Neans to.

I think the problem isn't that the answers came so late, but rather the question wasn't even presented properly.

Viewers are happy to wait all season (or seasons) for the "big reveal" if the mystery is intriguing and well-presented. But the Code Eve question was just a tiny part of an avalanche of information that the anime threw at us; we saw aliens, Martian mercenaries, a traveling circus, Nean slums, etc. The anime should have established that Code Eve and Rouge's origins are important, or at least made them more interesting so that people actually looked forward to them. As it is, "it doesn't even matter as much", like you said.

Stormy_77 said:
Says she's doing it of her own free will but yeah, go go Pro Slavery Oppressive Order!!! At this point I've completely lost all sympathy with the dumb ass IQ of an egg Rouge.
I'm pretty sure she hasn't made up her mind yet. At the moment she just doesn't want the Immortal Nine taking charge and murdering all the humans. And as you pointed out, she's a robot that is still "in progress" in terms of mental development. But she will be forced to make a decision soon.
Mar 5, 2024 12:04 AM

Jul 2017
Rouge reconvenes with Gene, as well as Ash and Noid, and her secrets are all encapsulated within one secret underground lair.

The underground memory library of Roy Junghardt, Gene wants to find memories of Rouge within their father's big library of memories, more than just a Proto-Nean who's fixated on chocolate. Aside from that, all the past instances, like the Carnval reminding her of Code Eve to stop the human-written Asimov Code that makes subservience to humans, and their mother Eva Kristella wrote the one Artificial Life program that was hidden in 9 IDs, which became the Immortal Nine, with the refusal to consent to humans having that critical data.

Despite that, despite Roy's complexity and Rouge avenging to destroy the Immortal Nine, if the CFN and Alter Neans are not making the situation hard enough, one resolution needs to take time to get to absolute freedom and order, with Gene approaching in order. And despite Naomi holding out the Ochrona forces to thwart the Junghardt home, one example of which is Cyan, who tested her of her resolve. With Jill getting back Sarah's id with Grauphon, the stance is pretty much clear that Rouge must stand against the Immoral Nine, the Alters, with the final Code Eve id in her to change the lives of Neans. It's pretty much a bloodbath between regardless of humans or Neans, with Noid losing his life, and Jet Black Noir coming in for the aid to Rouge.

At the very least, this is the episode that makes SO much sense now: the Immortal Nine aren't just normal people, they're either going for freedom or order.
Mar 6, 2024 6:17 AM

Nov 2020
"I'm your evil sister and I'm here to kill you hahaha! Fight me Rouge!"
"No I don't wanna."
"Ok then"

Mar 7, 2024 10:41 AM

Oct 2017
This is officially the dumbest shit this season and Rouge remained the most dumbest piece of shit mc as ever. After all that random build up or whatever she stays the same lmao, perfect. I like Jill and the others way more than her. Heck even the detective guy is a better character. Sucks that Ash died damn.
Mar 11, 2024 8:51 AM

Feb 2020
Once again another weird transitioning where Rouge and the rest manage to catch up Gene inside Jung's house and finally be able to learn more about Code Eve, Rouge clearer identity. But bruh refuse to elaborate how and why they manage to did that smh.

Besides that, its nice to see all the remaining immortal nine finally comes in one screen fighting like mad. Even the black jet Noir aka Varock Eden also be there, and the twins ice too. Except the disguise-master yellow-head tho, where's he? Oh also, that Cyan as well, a copy of Rouge from the puppetmaster doing before manage to be there. Cringe time, but i like those moments...

Oh forgot to mention, Rip to Ragna tho, i mean, Noid. He's staying loyal to his smoking addicted partner. Oh well whatever. Once again its all in Rouge hand to decide. Can she becomes a naive heroine there?
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 11, 2024 8:57 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to sociallyweird

sociallyweird said:
This is all the Immortal Nine. Rouge is in exception from them because she's the key or perhaps a link to combine all the ID's onto Code Eve. Her sister excluded them even, because she's a duplicate that serve to stole Rouge's key onto the puppeteer hands that hides in Venus for whatever reason there.

Or so that is what i understand so far....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 13, 2024 10:03 AM

Oct 2022
This show totally loses every opportunity to make character deaths impactful

This long haired Spike Spiegel looking dude, okay he's cool and all but he feels like a convenience, randomly introduced just to give Rouge another ally who can intervene at just the right moment...
Then there's the Naean sidekick to the detective.. we barely get to know him, and he's just WANDERING AROUND TALKING NORMALLY WITH BULLETS WHIZZING EVERYWHERE!!!
Like duh, there's bullets flying everywhere and he's like, "yeah imma go see if I can find Rouge" or something, of course you're gonna get hit you moron!
Then they try to make his death emotional by the military guys coming over and be like "Is he human or just a Naean?" and it's like- bruh HE GOT THE LINES ON HIS FACE he's obviously... geezus. That rang hollow. When detective pointed his gun at them and said "I'm fine" I thought it would be fitting if he just blew away the military guys as revenge but nothing happens. That would have been kind of WTF but at least would have made it interesting.
Everything with Cyan was like- "Oh look this guy's your brother and she has a sister too!" Another convenient enemy for her to fight that will probably lead to her winning and an emotional death- of another character we haven't been given a chance to get to know.
Mar 20, 2024 1:38 PM

Sep 2016
>Show up
>"I'm your little sister."
>Never elaborate
Wtf is going on!
Mar 20, 2024 1:40 PM

Sep 2016
>Show up
>"I'm your little sister."
>Never elaborate
Wtf is going on!
Mar 28, 2024 5:08 PM

Mar 2008
Cyan sure is few on words. Didn't even explain why she wants to kill Rouge.
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