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Feb 23, 2024 6:34 AM

Nov 2011
How interesting that Ivy encounters more adventurers. Lucky for Ivy, they helped after she gets caught into a trap.

Either way, this episode continues to show that despite how harmless their world seems at times, it's also very dangerous. Looks like one of the adventurers has the Tamer role so they can even tame slimes too.
Feb 23, 2024 6:57 AM
πŸ… Tomato πŸ…

Feb 2020
Ivy, Sora, and Ciel's exciting and occasionally dangerous adventure continues.

I really would like to pet Ciel. =^_^=

The Blazing Swords was a nice addition to the show. They are a very good people.

Seeing all that food made me hungry.

I didn't expect to see fireworks here. That was a beautiful scene.

SerafosFeb 23, 2024 8:49 AM
Feb 23, 2024 6:59 AM
Sep 2015
It's almost a nightmare forest. I kinda expect the area nearer to the capital city to has less monsters, or at least less dangerous monsters, since there's a lot of people. But at least there are a lot of adventures near capital city just as I expected.

Ciel is just too cute.
Feb 23, 2024 7:44 AM
Sep 2016
Was, this EP outsourced? The EP quality seems very different from previous EPs (as in lower quality).

Alright, we met Raltua & Co. this EP, so we've pretty much started the 1st arc of the series (if you didn't consider previous EPs as arc that is). Considering this is EP7 out of 12, it's safe to say that the season would end with
. Well, duh, ofc it'd end with that. I mean what else can it end on, right?
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
Feb 23, 2024 8:31 AM

Mar 2021
The Blazing Sword gang seem such nice people am so glad they managed to save Ivy and it was great to see more Ciel.
Those fireworks at the end were just beautiful.
Feb 23, 2024 8:32 AM

Jun 2008
Hmm. The first time I am slightly disappointed with an episode. I enjoyed it but there were a lot of changes that I did not particularly like. I will go over those in the LN comparison section.

Ominous presence and a watcher from afar... I have to wonder if the watcher even noticed the Adandala... would be hyper stupid to attack someone who seemed to be close to one...

We got some action that felt odd compared to the rest of the series animation. It was a little rough and choppy. This anime shines when it takes things a bit slower vs continuous action like we saw with the ogre chase. Short, precise action is better I think.

We finally get to meet the Flaming Sword members and Meela. They should be familiar from the OP as the dudes around her. Well intentioned if awkward dudes so far. Rattler/Ratlua especially feels like the impulsive one of the group.

One thing hinted at here was the lack of use of herbs to make food more palatable. I'm sure people with the cooking skill or similar do use herbs and spices but adventurers in the field probably stick to basic vegetables, meat, and salt/pepper. Roast it over the fire and done. If it is gamey meat, yeah, you get funky tastes. Big dudes eating funky meat for weeks at a time in the forest vs Ivy pulling out some cooking knowledge from her past life. Yeah, they gonna fall hard.

The ending scene with the group talking about Ivy is also welcome. This series continues to show that the adults just don't take things for granted and actually think about the events in that occur around them and Ivy's predicament.

For the aura/sense thing Ivy does, not really spoilers but not also information not explicitly stated in the anime yet either:

LN Differences time!
Feb 23, 2024 9:07 AM

Feb 2023
It's sad how everyone can tell just by a small interaction how F'ed up Ivy's life has been

Feb 23, 2024 9:14 AM

Jul 2014
Firestorm beats ogrestorm.
Feb 23, 2024 10:11 AM

Aug 2022
That beginning scene with Ciel and Ivy was so cute. I’m so glad Ciel survived

I wish I had a massive cat friend

I’m not gonna remember any of these new characters name πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Phantom_Siren652Feb 23, 2024 10:24 AM
Feb 23, 2024 10:20 AM

Nov 2013
Damn Ivy was so close to death how many times already?

This new party seems to be made of decent humans, similar to the guards in previous town. Despite all the horrors Ivy is a very lucky girl.
Feb 23, 2024 12:28 PM
Dec 2023
thank god, now i believe that ivy is in good hands
Girl Reincarnates With An Overpowered Taming Ability And A Slime Friend | Anime Recap
Feb 23, 2024 12:29 PM
Dec 2023
the overall episode was great, including Ciel biting one of the ogre and saving Ivy from it, Lattura casting fireworks in the sky, and Ivy cooking for the adventuerer's group. So, i loved it. Girl Reincarnates With An Overpowered Taming Ability And A Slime Friend | Anime Recap
Feb 23, 2024 1:05 PM

Nov 2013
ok that was a scary episode with all the ogres chasing her and she even got caught in a trap lol

Ciel as usual doing good at protecting Ivy, too bad Ciel couldn't beat all the ogres alone lol
we finally meet with the party from the opening song, they look like good people so far, specially after the nice food she cooked for them
just like the guards from last episode, the new members also talking about Ivy's insecurities and fear of the world

i wonder if there will be a time when she can tell people about ciel without fearing of people killing it
will she even try to tame it? i guess people would let her have the pets if she tames them, i mean she is still hiding little Sora, but the new adventurer has 2 big slimes and isn't afraid to use them lol
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Feb 23, 2024 2:00 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
"What?? What is this?? Is this a trap??!!!"

uh, yea

Cringe lines aside, this show continues to pretty good. The relaxing vibes not only come from the laid back moments themselves, but from the contrast of the dark past that Ivy has been through. And when we get to said laid-back, peaceful moments, yeah they're nice. The fireworks scene was definitely the highlight, but specifically for me it was seeing Ciel up in the mountains, looking at said fireworks going off over the camp in the distance.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Feb 23, 2024 3:35 PM

Mar 2021
Another delightful episode. It was even a little more action packed to start than usual.

There were a lot of things to like about the episode: the fireworks, the cooking, Ciel being awesome, etc. However, one thing I really like in this episode (and the last one) is how the adults are not completely oblivious to Ivy's situation. Even given the foreign nature of this world, I am happy to see that most reasonable adults know that if an 8 year old is traveling by themselves, it suggests a thoroughly abnormal situation. I really like the deductions they made about her situation and what she must have been through. They were both well reasoned based on their observations and more than little melancholy.
Feb 23, 2024 3:44 PM
Jun 2019
Reply to Callidin
Hmm. The first time I am slightly disappointed with an episode. I enjoyed it but there were a lot of changes that I did not particularly like. I will go over those in the LN comparison section.

Ominous presence and a watcher from afar... I have to wonder if the watcher even noticed the Adandala... would be hyper stupid to attack someone who seemed to be close to one...

We got some action that felt odd compared to the rest of the series animation. It was a little rough and choppy. This anime shines when it takes things a bit slower vs continuous action like we saw with the ogre chase. Short, precise action is better I think.

We finally get to meet the Flaming Sword members and Meela. They should be familiar from the OP as the dudes around her. Well intentioned if awkward dudes so far. Rattler/Ratlua especially feels like the impulsive one of the group.

One thing hinted at here was the lack of use of herbs to make food more palatable. I'm sure people with the cooking skill or similar do use herbs and spices but adventurers in the field probably stick to basic vegetables, meat, and salt/pepper. Roast it over the fire and done. If it is gamey meat, yeah, you get funky tastes. Big dudes eating funky meat for weeks at a time in the forest vs Ivy pulling out some cooking knowledge from her past life. Yeah, they gonna fall hard.

The ending scene with the group talking about Ivy is also welcome. This series continues to show that the adults just don't take things for granted and actually think about the events in that occur around them and Ivy's predicament.

For the aura/sense thing Ivy does, not really spoilers but not also information not explicitly stated in the anime yet either:

LN Differences time!

The changes seemed to be because they wanted to spend their budget on subpar action scenes rather than design the ~5 additional characters needed to explain everything happening. Which makes me a bit worried about the rest of the season, as this arc has a ton of minor but important characters.
Feb 23, 2024 4:17 PM
Oct 2012
I’m am absolutely loving this anime. Every episode I’m enjoying how she is growing and becoming stronger as a person. I just hope someday she can actually trust people. I really don’t feel the captaincy and his men would have hurt her and for that it makes me adore them.

I also can’t wait for her to officially tame Ceil.
Feb 23, 2024 5:11 PM
Apr 2022
not sure why those strawmans were there in the creepy forest, but glad the adventurers rescued Ivy from those ogres, I shudder to think what would have happened if they caught her
Feb 23, 2024 5:22 PM

May 2019
I wonder what that mysterious figure wrapped in fog/mist is? I'm guessing that figure will reappear later on. Also, while Ciel has been a great bodyguard/guardian for Ivy, Ciel fell off the cliff attacking an ogre and Ivy got trapped but luckily some adventurers were nearby and rescued her.

Like some posters mentioned, I too think Ivy is in good hands again and it was good to see the adventurers deduct Ivy's sad background with wanting to be useful for fear of being cast aside. Hopefully her path to the next village will be safer now but with that mysterious figure plus her being wanted from Latomi Village I'm sure she'll run into more trouble.
Feb 23, 2024 5:28 PM
Jul 2018
Aww... Only 5 episodes left?!
Feb 23, 2024 7:37 PM
Apr 2023
I think it was mentioned before but Ivy seems to be naming her tamed pets after the word 'sky' or 'heavens'
She named her slime 'sora' (nihongo)
She named the andrala (the panther thing) as 'ciel' (french)
I guess the next one she will tame might be named 'himmel' (deutsch) or probably 'oranos' (greek)
Feb 23, 2024 8:30 PM
Aug 2023
@Callidin Is it Ratlua or Lattura? English subs had it spelled the latter way, but hearing it sounded more like the former
Feb 23, 2024 8:52 PM
Oct 2019
the last few episodes have been pretty solid. after an interesting first episode, i definitely started losing interest over the next couple.

that suppression good being concerned for her/him was nice. they seem like good people. my only concern at the moment is that her panther stays out of danger from these groups/adventurers
Feb 23, 2024 8:55 PM
Mar 2015
tekkenshu7 said:
I think it was mentioned before but Ivy seems to be naming her tamed pets after the word 'sky' or 'heavens'
She named her slime 'sora' (nihongo)
She named the andrala (the panther thing) as 'ciel' (french)
I guess the next one she will tame might be named 'himmel' (deutsch) or probably 'oranos' (greek)

Why would you say “Japanese” in Japanese and not “French” in French? (Weeb)
Feb 23, 2024 9:03 PM

Mar 2013
Scary first half but we got a sweet last half.
Ivy finally reached another place with kind-hearted people.

Now, I wonder what the next episode will be, especially since, there's a mysterious character from the first half.

Someone hugged Ivy, and thankfully, he got some bonkers or I would've done it myself... πŸ˜–

I need more adventures of Ivy. πŸ₯²

P.S. The animation was kinda icky but still decent.
CrazyButNot4UFeb 23, 2024 9:39 PM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Feb 23, 2024 10:08 PM

Jun 2008
Reply to jpexists
@Callidin Is it Ratlua or Lattura? English subs had it spelled the latter way, but hearing it sounded more like the former
@jpexists I don't watch with subs so I am not sure how people are writing it out. In Japanese, it is Rattorua (γƒ©γƒƒγƒˆγƒ«γ‚’), which could be interpreted either way. Japanese doesn't have an "L" sound in it, which is why English/certain foreign words like "Light" sound like "Right (raito)" instead when spoken.

I am not sure how they translated it for the English books from Seven Seas but the Wikipedia article has it as Latroa. So, people are definitely having a lot of fun with trying to write out his name in English. If one is trying to be close without using the romanji version of the katakana name, it would be Latrua, Ratrua, Latlua, Ratlua, or some similar variation.

Then you have me randomly referring to him as Rattler here and there because that is how he initially come across when I first read the JP LN. You can ignore my Rattler as it is not correct and more of a fond name that I have for him.
Feb 24, 2024 12:00 AM

Feb 2019
did ivy finally find a party that she can adventure with or even stick around longer with? and it never fails, fireworks made an appearance in this episode too lol
Feb 24, 2024 12:41 AM

Jul 2017
Continuing the journey to Otolwa, Ivy gets a notification that Sora has 'evolved' after healing Ciel, but in what way? And the nonoshi...are they as fearsome as she thought?

Ivy's traps still fail to catch nonoshi, though an ominous presence catches to her and Ciel dispels the miasma, thus saving her. But the danger is not over, as ogres rage towards her, and a 'suppresion squad' adventurer party comes to her aid, and a seemingly powerful group at that as the Blazing Sword. Escorting her back to their campbase, they have a space for her, and one of them, Lattrua, despite having a 3-star cooking class, he cannot cook food, so that leaves the job to Ivy to cook a decent meal, to everyone's delight. Though Lattrua mistaking Ivy for a boy...he sure got his deserved beating.

Still though, it's up to Ivy to improve her skills, they can only guide her as much.
Feb 24, 2024 2:24 AM
Nov 2023
This is a gem of an episode.
Feb 24, 2024 4:20 AM

May 2015
Reply to KANLen09
Continuing the journey to Otolwa, Ivy gets a notification that Sora has 'evolved' after healing Ciel, but in what way? And the nonoshi...are they as fearsome as she thought?

Ivy's traps still fail to catch nonoshi, though an ominous presence catches to her and Ciel dispels the miasma, thus saving her. But the danger is not over, as ogres rage towards her, and a 'suppresion squad' adventurer party comes to her aid, and a seemingly powerful group at that as the Blazing Sword. Escorting her back to their campbase, they have a space for her, and one of them, Lattrua, despite having a 3-star cooking class, he cannot cook food, so that leaves the job to Ivy to cook a decent meal, to everyone's delight. Though Lattrua mistaking Ivy for a boy...he sure got his deserved beating.

Still though, it's up to Ivy to improve her skills, they can only guide her as much.

KANLen09 said:
Lattrua, despite having a 3-star cooking class, he cannot cook food, so that leaves the job to Ivy to cook a decent meal, to everyone's delight. Though Lattrua mistaking Ivy for a boy...he sure got his deserved beating.

Lattrua has a 3-star fire skill, not the cooking, that's why he can't cook, he only grills an burns everything. And Ivy is supposed to be mistaken for a boy... like that's the point and her preferred disguise, so it's good everyone sees her as such, the beating was for the entirely different reason, probably just for getting so touchy-feely.

Feb 24, 2024 7:10 AM
Aug 2017
Reply to Callidin
Hmm. The first time I am slightly disappointed with an episode. I enjoyed it but there were a lot of changes that I did not particularly like. I will go over those in the LN comparison section.

Ominous presence and a watcher from afar... I have to wonder if the watcher even noticed the Adandala... would be hyper stupid to attack someone who seemed to be close to one...

We got some action that felt odd compared to the rest of the series animation. It was a little rough and choppy. This anime shines when it takes things a bit slower vs continuous action like we saw with the ogre chase. Short, precise action is better I think.

We finally get to meet the Flaming Sword members and Meela. They should be familiar from the OP as the dudes around her. Well intentioned if awkward dudes so far. Rattler/Ratlua especially feels like the impulsive one of the group.

One thing hinted at here was the lack of use of herbs to make food more palatable. I'm sure people with the cooking skill or similar do use herbs and spices but adventurers in the field probably stick to basic vegetables, meat, and salt/pepper. Roast it over the fire and done. If it is gamey meat, yeah, you get funky tastes. Big dudes eating funky meat for weeks at a time in the forest vs Ivy pulling out some cooking knowledge from her past life. Yeah, they gonna fall hard.

The ending scene with the group talking about Ivy is also welcome. This series continues to show that the adults just don't take things for granted and actually think about the events in that occur around them and Ivy's predicament.

For the aura/sense thing Ivy does, not really spoilers but not also information not explicitly stated in the anime yet either:

LN Differences time!
@Callidin Yeah
Feb 24, 2024 8:29 AM

Jun 2013
Reply to Callidin
Hmm. The first time I am slightly disappointed with an episode. I enjoyed it but there were a lot of changes that I did not particularly like. I will go over those in the LN comparison section.

Ominous presence and a watcher from afar... I have to wonder if the watcher even noticed the Adandala... would be hyper stupid to attack someone who seemed to be close to one...

We got some action that felt odd compared to the rest of the series animation. It was a little rough and choppy. This anime shines when it takes things a bit slower vs continuous action like we saw with the ogre chase. Short, precise action is better I think.

We finally get to meet the Flaming Sword members and Meela. They should be familiar from the OP as the dudes around her. Well intentioned if awkward dudes so far. Rattler/Ratlua especially feels like the impulsive one of the group.

One thing hinted at here was the lack of use of herbs to make food more palatable. I'm sure people with the cooking skill or similar do use herbs and spices but adventurers in the field probably stick to basic vegetables, meat, and salt/pepper. Roast it over the fire and done. If it is gamey meat, yeah, you get funky tastes. Big dudes eating funky meat for weeks at a time in the forest vs Ivy pulling out some cooking knowledge from her past life. Yeah, they gonna fall hard.

The ending scene with the group talking about Ivy is also welcome. This series continues to show that the adults just don't take things for granted and actually think about the events in that occur around them and Ivy's predicament.

For the aura/sense thing Ivy does, not really spoilers but not also information not explicitly stated in the anime yet either:

LN Differences time!
@Callidin I have a question about one thing if you don't mind answering.

Feb 24, 2024 9:04 AM

Jun 2008
Reply to BrotherCoa
@Callidin I have a question about one thing if you don't mind answering.

@BrotherCoa Sure.
CallidinFeb 24, 2024 2:55 PM
Feb 24, 2024 2:45 PM

Jun 2013
Reply to Callidin
@BrotherCoa Sure.
@Callidin Thank you very much for explaining that. :)
Feb 24, 2024 8:51 PM
Mar 2021
more accompanies, good guy gladly
Feb 24, 2024 9:48 PM

Jul 2021
Animation felt a little rough this week, but still another great episode.

It hurt a little when the leader noticed how anxious Ivy got when she was told to leave the dishes to others. As nice it is to see Ivy work hard and become independent, I'm reminded that her attitude was necessary for survival and comes from a really painful experience.

Also it felt like Dungeon Meshi all of a sudden, which is welcome.
Feb 25, 2024 4:59 AM

Oct 2008
looks like the new adventurers who found Ivy is a much better folks that might become true loyal companions of Ivy! they even noticed that there's something going-on concerning Ivy's reactions/attitude to them (cuz of her harsh past y'know) ...very nice ep!
matias067Feb 25, 2024 5:07 AM

Feb 25, 2024 9:03 AM

Jan 2014
These episodes start of weird, like what the hell is that thing the spying on Ivy. The colour on that ogre forest looks weird too.

It looks like they're really concerned about Ivy's wellbeing. A child traveling would make anyone worried, really hope they let Ivy join their party.


Feb 25, 2024 4:12 PM

Mar 2021
Reply to Ahkrin
These episodes start of weird, like what the hell is that thing the spying on Ivy. The colour on that ogre forest looks weird too.

It looks like they're really concerned about Ivy's wellbeing. A child traveling would make anyone worried, really hope they let Ivy join their party.

One interesting thing I noticed about that thing (person?) that was stalking Ivy early in the episode: even though Ivy wanted nothing to do with it and its overwhelming aura, Sora didn't have his usual little freakout whenever danger is present. Sora will start going nuts when an alcohol smuggler passes by but was not phased by the intimidating entity? I cannot help but think that is not an accident. (I guess LN readers would know for sure.)
Feb 26, 2024 10:06 PM
Sep 2023
the new episode was nice and wholesome im enjoying the series
The adventures of Sora,ivg and ciel is quite entertaining and wholesome
one of the best animes this season
Feb 27, 2024 8:22 PM

Jun 2019
I started this series very late into the season, late last week around when episode seven was set to air, so almost two-thirds of the way through the season, but I've been enjoying much of it for the most part.

However, these past two episodes felt like the weakest ones so far to me. Especially this last one. This was pretty easily and handily my least favorite episode of the seven. I appreciated the semi-slower introduction to Femicia's/Ivy's world in episodes one and two when it was initially just her, then discovering her new rare slime, and the two of them surviving in the forest on the outskirts of civilization at the village's edge. Seemed oddly tranquil, mellow, and relaxing in a good way despite the quite precarious life or death situation she was in the whole time. A character in a newer fantasy series and especially one which is still technically an isekai actually being weak in practice instead of just in name and having to forage and essentially medieval dumpster dive in the woods just to eat and live, coupled with some novel use of the isekai concept (split consciousness of the past life nestled in her brain and/or soul making the isekai'd person feel like a secondary support character even faceless and offscreen instead of the main PoV character, whereas usually it feels like the new reincarnated person in the non-Earth world it's set in is just like a costume or skin for them to don while their core is still original Japanese person; Ivy is her own person).

Then the third episode came and that's the one which is of course going to divide the audience and drive some people away, but I loved it. Still thought it was the best one before or since, and I really unexpectedly thoroughly enjoyed those first two episodes, so that's saying something. It (the third episode) was maddening and disgusting, but it felt viscerally realistic and I always love that balance with the cute and snuggly elements, because it's true to life which always has both light and dark pervading everywhere in some way or another, so always makes the setting and characters of a series feel vivid and organic to me. Sure, the abrupt about-face and "heel turn" of immediate family members treating their own kin, the littlest and previously most protected and doted on daughter to boot, like vermin overnight can seem so extreme and out of left-field as to be too cartoonish/anime-ish, but where any subtle notes of characterization and minor beats scene by scene were missed out on or skipped over, I just chalk that up to unfortunate pacing issues and a need to cram a lot of these series into 11 - 13 episode one-cour packages which often create those artistic casualties. I would still rather have some of the drama and tumult portrayed than none at all even if the series in its current form isn't sufficiently long enough and/or they simply don't possess the writing chops to do it full and proper narrative justice. It's still interesting to include.

And then the next two episodes, while probably not as great as the first three, I thought were still proceeding in the right direction. I did in particular relish those lowlife thug scam artist faux-adventurers or corrupt adventurers being taken down toward the end of episode five. And the tent or new home was a nice acquisition and it's good to see the money and item management (magic bags).

But yeah, I just found these last two underwhelming and something of a letdown. As I said, mostly this episode seven. I think it has to do with starting to get the sense that she might be moving too many places too quickly and feeling like we're going to be introduced to some kind of one-off, one-note characters who mainly stick around for only like an episode or two. I'm never a fan of that structure. It started to remind me a little too much of By the Grace of the Gods season 2 (another isekai involving slimes and taming), and that's not good company to keep. The first season would be fine, but please show, don't go the route of the second. Also started to feel like things were quickly snowballing into becoming too easy - copious sums of money suddenly falling into her lap, in addition to the powerful and protective monster friends she's gained now increasingly every human - or the majority - being also protective of her and extremely nice, courteous, well-intentioned, etc. It started to feel like it was devolving a bit into another one of those isekai where the main character is just praised and worshipped by strangers left and right the second they encounter them. That's also one of the largest contributing factors behind what really soured me on the direction they went with By the Grace of the Gods.

WatchTillTandavaFeb 27, 2024 8:40 PM
Mar 24, 2024 2:13 PM

Jan 2008
Oh man, the animation choice for the first few seconds was weird. The warping of the background was making my eyes hurt.
Mar 30, 2024 1:12 AM
Aug 2023
That fortune teller was right on the money with telling Ivy to go to that place she's going to, she meeting so many nice caring people. I think the story made the right choice in having Ivy disguise herself as a boy, otherwise I would have been wondering if everybody was just being so nice to her because she was a girl, but since everybody believes she's a boy that doesn't apply.

I do think it's starting to get negligent that Ivy's not telling anybody about Ciel, since it could lead to random people encountering Ciel and getting into a fight because the humans don't know Ciel's not a threat to them. Like I don't know the harm in just telling people, and why she's being so secretive. Even if nobody believes her, should they actually encounter Ciel they'll know there's a possibility a fight might not be necessary. It may bring unwanted attention onto Ivy, but that's better than the possible alternative.
Mar 31, 2024 4:45 PM

Dec 2020
The group read her situation like a open book!

I don't understand why ciel is always left alone. People are aware of the tamer skill so wouldn't it make sense that tamers would have familiars around them? All he examples we've seen are just slimes.
Apr 7, 2024 4:39 AM

Jun 2016
Reply to uncleqrow
Was, this EP outsourced? The EP quality seems very different from previous EPs (as in lower quality).

Alright, we met Raltua & Co. this EP, so we've pretty much started the 1st arc of the series (if you didn't consider previous EPs as arc that is). Considering this is EP7 out of 12, it's safe to say that the season would end with
. Well, duh, ofc it'd end with that. I mean what else can it end on, right?
uncleqrow said:
Was, this EP outsourced? The EP quality seems very different from previous EPs (as in lower quality).

I noticed that too (that's why I came to check the episode discussion). The first episode went needlessly hard with the tumbling down the hills animation (why even bother animating that scene, if it was even in the source material at all), and then there's this episode which uses scrolling backgrounds for Ivy running. Not to mention that something constantly feels off visually in this episode.

I looked it up, and this is the only episode where there isn't an episode director credited. Which is weird but leads to more questions than answers.
Apr 9, 2024 4:57 AM

Jun 2022
Nice , More Normal Guys... That Firework Show Was Dope!
Apr 23, 2024 7:44 AM

Feb 2021
Lol She got into the traps that are intended for ogre XD
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May 30, 2024 10:16 AM
Jan 2023
This group of adventurers are surprisingly normal, and saved Ivy's life, so that's something.

Ivy made a bunch of awesome food, and coloured fireworks too. Awesome episode indeed. It seems more adventures are to come!

This show really has been nothing but perfect so far, really enjoying it!
Jun 1, 2024 2:06 AM

Nov 2019
Ciel saves Ivy from a mysterious foggy aura that approaches her in the forest; They encounter a large demon monster on the hillside and Ciel fights it while more descend on Ivy. Ivy runs away into a forest of dead trees and hanging scarecrows; The demon monsters are distracted by Lattrua's flame attack.

Lattrua's party is known as the suppression squad who are known to hunt down monsters. Seems like Ivy got caught in a trap they set for the demon monsters but all is well now that they welcome her into their party.

She begins a cooking lesson with Lattrua and they make a very good looking strew; The other adventurers in the Suppression squad are concerned for Ivy. - So far it's panning out more toward the adventure side so we are seeing many random encounters and this just so happened to be one of them. It's a light hearted on with bonding over cooking this episode
Sep 8, 2024 6:15 PM

Apr 2021
Sora is very happy. What sinister shadow was that that left Ivy so scared?.. Meeting new strong people.

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Poll: » Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita. Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Jan 12, 2024

119 by MordocKraxus »»
Dec 9, 2024 11:09 AM

» Question about her home village [spoilers]?

Tenderizer79 - Apr 2, 2024

9 by Kaydansnk »»
Nov 3, 2024 9:33 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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