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Jan 19, 2024 1:22 PM

Jul 2012
Aw, the music and action have such a great harmony. I love how they use magic in this story.

Frieren and Fern don't seem bothered at all though, which makes me believe they'll be fine. Let the mage battles begin!
Jan 19, 2024 1:36 PM

Jun 2015
I need the next episode now! Please T-T
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jan 19, 2024 1:37 PM
Feb 2021
Reply to Smilomaniac

1. There's no indication that any test is in relation to demons. This is all speculation and not provided context in relation to the test.
2. More speculation irrelevant to what I've said, there is no useful outcome to just weed out the best mages by luck.

I entirely reject the premise that anything about the test is in any way, at all relevant to demons or to find adequate squad leaders who must also lead other mages, at the expense of half the attendants, when leadership and magic prowess which has been shown to be a support role so far, have nothing to do with one another. This is not present in the story, it's a non-factor.

Here's the very simple premise:
You solve the test by hiding your presence. It's a trick solution. It's an important trick that the show has spent ~10 episodes explaining why it's impressive and important, but it's a trick. It's not magical prowess, it's not any amount of mana, it's not combat experience, it's just coincidental if you've happened to suppress your mana all your life.

Okay, so we have this really super important trick that is sussed out by this exam and that's how you find the best, right?
Except no, it allows low moral mages that you can't trust your lives with to out-luck or ambush the people who get the trick, who then get a title of being 'best'. Then what was the purpose of the trick in the first place? Why isn't this just a Battle Royale? Or a ladder system?

Because the test isn't well written.

Please spare me a third iteration of this being about demon slaying mages. It's a CERTIFICATE, which means it's to get a piece of paper that you live up to the standards of this academic institute and can present it to someone else for the purposes of getting a job. Which I guarantee you won't be on the front lines, but probably at the seat of nobility or royalty.
Smilomaniac said:
. There's no indication that any test is in relation to demons. This is all speculation and not provided context in relation to the test.

1)If you are not capable to deal with monsters (detect them, avoid their traps, etc) - you have zero chances against demons, which are more powerful and cunning
2)You call teamwork - "luck"? 1-st rank mage should be way more then just a pure strong mage. You should be good leader and quick thinker, know how to lern and adapt to situations. Otherwise you could live your whole life as strong 2-d rank mage (like Denken did - in raw power he reach 1-st rank mages lvl long time ago) and be fine with this
3)If you are capable to cover your mana from Stille - you would be able to do the same from demons (and they are far mor sensitive then humans). And to be able to accomplish this - you need a lot of hard training even if you are natural born talent like Fern. BUT you keep forgetting about second part of the test - PROTECT THE BIRD. If you just a low lvl mage with one trick in your sleeve - you will get crushed by other mages and you need at least some respectable lvl of power in order to protect yourself from others

So this is how exam is about your magic prowess. And dont forget - this is just first exam out 3
4)Why this is not a Battle Royal? Because frontline would not look like a Battle Royal or Combat Duel so it pointless to test mages in such way
5)You can guarantee everything you want, but here Demon threat is real and mages are your best weapon against them. If we speaking about Greater Demons (Aura lvl) - they are NATION LVL DISASTER and 1-st Rank mage is you only hope if not defeat them, then at least stop them and force to retreat
Jan 19, 2024 1:51 PM

Jun 2016
Reply to Mainnus
The only funny shot in the entire episode shows how tense and serious the situation really is.

@Mainnus Kanne and Lawine are so kawaii and funny and their chemistry with Frieren is perfect, it would be great if they join her party (but probably it will never happen)
Jan 19, 2024 1:52 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Reply to Fever1102
Awesome episode. Though I don't understand why people aren't more wary of elves? You're up against someone who has had possibly hundreds of years to hone their craft, but there is no extra precautions taken.
@Fever1102 yeah, I was thinking the same thing too. Elves have supposeddly become rare too, right?

I cannot wait to see some of these mages faces when Frieren takes her gloves off at some point.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 19, 2024 2:13 PM

Sep 2014
Do we know how Ferns team captured the Stille? Honestly they seem like a perfect test, but also not really all that spicy for THE highest class of mages. Still having third and second classes die like flies to the monsters seems like a bad idea for the country? I guess if they lose to monsters like that they are weak anyway.

Curious if there is a deeper reason for why magic is rarer now than Frieren remembers. Sounds like an important bit of lore.

This show gets labeled as SoL but the action is actually really good, so Im looking forward to a good fight next ep and maayyybe Frieren showing off a little, because everyone there seems like small fry and I think after she ended Aura first class mages should be better if demons ever come around.

PS: Only 9 eps left now. I hope we will be graced with a second season, the quality is just too good
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jan 19, 2024 2:29 PM
Nov 2023
Reply to LG545
Smilomaniac said:
. There's no indication that any test is in relation to demons. This is all speculation and not provided context in relation to the test.

1)If you are not capable to deal with monsters (detect them, avoid their traps, etc) - you have zero chances against demons, which are more powerful and cunning
2)You call teamwork - "luck"? 1-st rank mage should be way more then just a pure strong mage. You should be good leader and quick thinker, know how to lern and adapt to situations. Otherwise you could live your whole life as strong 2-d rank mage (like Denken did - in raw power he reach 1-st rank mages lvl long time ago) and be fine with this
3)If you are capable to cover your mana from Stille - you would be able to do the same from demons (and they are far mor sensitive then humans). And to be able to accomplish this - you need a lot of hard training even if you are natural born talent like Fern. BUT you keep forgetting about second part of the test - PROTECT THE BIRD. If you just a low lvl mage with one trick in your sleeve - you will get crushed by other mages and you need at least some respectable lvl of power in order to protect yourself from others

So this is how exam is about your magic prowess. And dont forget - this is just first exam out 3
4)Why this is not a Battle Royal? Because frontline would not look like a Battle Royal or Combat Duel so it pointless to test mages in such way
5)You can guarantee everything you want, but here Demon threat is real and mages are your best weapon against them. If we speaking about Greater Demons (Aura lvl) - they are NATION LVL DISASTER and 1-st Rank mage is you only hope if not defeat them, then at least stop them and force to retreat
@LG545 It's wild that you still think I don't understand what you've written and had to repeat your rationalizations a third time despite me asking you not to.

Do you know what a rationalization is? It's when you concoct an explanation for why something is, without any proof of such a reason being intended in the first place. A rationalization can be reasonable, it can be a plausible explanation, but it's not provable and most often it's not appropriate.

Understand that I reject your premises entirely. Have a good day.
Jan 19, 2024 2:54 PM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
A slower ep but still beautiful.

Also love the subtle fan service. The character designs are so good. Orange hair lady is HOT

Jan 19, 2024 2:57 PM

Aug 2022
Idk why but those birds moving at supersonic speed is really funny to me
Jan 19, 2024 2:57 PM
Feb 2021
Reply to Smilomaniac
@LG545 It's wild that you still think I don't understand what you've written and had to repeat your rationalizations a third time despite me asking you not to.

Do you know what a rationalization is? It's when you concoct an explanation for why something is, without any proof of such a reason being intended in the first place. A rationalization can be reasonable, it can be a plausible explanation, but it's not provable and most often it's not appropriate.

Understand that I reject your premises entirely. Have a good day.
@Smilomaniac I give you a lot of examples from anime to prove my point. If you decide to ignore them - this is completely on you
Jan 19, 2024 3:05 PM

Nov 2023
Frieren was able to catch the Stille but are now getting attacked by the other party.

This episode is building up to a all-out brawl between the parties and I'm excited for next week.
Jan 19, 2024 4:09 PM

Sep 2017
Kind of a funny line to end the episode lol. Guess this one was a little weird for them to plan out when considering manga chapters. They even used a pretty pointless like 10 second recap at the start to fill that last bit of time. Anyway was a pretty good ep. I'm looking forward to seeing all the different types of combat magic in action compared to what Fern and Frieren use. Before this episode I didn't even consider that the only offensive spells they cast are old school ordinary magic.
Jan 19, 2024 4:29 PM

Apr 2010
I'm looking forward to seeing some of this current era's mages see how Frieren, a mage with ancient credentials, compares them to mages of antiquity. Will she forfeit her First-class Mage certificate to prevent needless death of mages, an attitude seen at work in her hesitancy to take on Fern as an apprentice due to the low survival rate of mages in this era? Will such a forfeiture reflect badly on the current Mage's Guild's reputation when she says standards have fallen since she last checked in with them?

The short lifetimes of mage guilds compared to long history implies a fundamental lack of long-term planning. Perhaps Frieren will be invited to enforce long-term policy as a trusted long-term observing judge against which human laws could be built. I'm reminded of the centenarians and millenarians of Anathem by Neal Stephenson (see my notes). Because they do not take a leading role in human society outside their monastary walls, they simply call the governments outside as The Powers that Be since any label more specific than that would need to be updated after a century or two.
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Jan 19, 2024 4:44 PM
Oct 2019
Frieren with the 5D Chess move!!

This is getting more Intense!! I love every seconds of it.
Jan 19, 2024 4:53 PM
Mar 2015
Frieren caught a Stille by hiding her manna while forcing the Stille to come to her waterhole Now that she has antagonized the other mages she will have to fight them Fern is lucky sh is with the killer
Jan 19, 2024 4:55 PM
Oct 2016
Frieren team capturing the bird they need to pass this first test. A brilliant plan to limit where the bird can get water thus forcing it to come to you at a designated watering spot. Frieren knowing so much about those birds helped them formulate the perfect plan to lure one in. Freezing the entire lake was a bold move that forced any other team without their bird into changing their plan. Some teams knowing exactly what to Frieren team intentions were and others panicking trying to melt the ice. While some teams even still couldn't care less since their whole plan was to steal another team's bird no matter what. Fern team being attacked by another powerful mage team, both Fern and the girl Ubel blocking attacks meant to kill. This test truly is dangerous with participants trying to kill each other and monsters that could kill them lurking over head. Frieren sitting next to the water concealing her mana so much that the bird they need land on her shoulder. Lawine and Kanne did well helping Frieren plan to catch the bird. Will they be so useful in mage vs mage combat now that another team has descended upon them looking to steal the bird.
Jan 19, 2024 5:05 PM

Apr 2022
another nice episode and man the action scenes between the parties were so good, as expected.
Jan 19, 2024 5:15 PM

Mar 2007
Amazing episode! I can't wait to see the rest of the mage vs. mage fights.

Honestly this anime does everything well. Slice of Life. Emotional beats. Action. Fighting. Everything is so good it's hard to find flaws.

Jan 19, 2024 5:18 PM

May 2021
What a pointless test that measures exactly nothing. How is that suppose to test whether a single mage is good? More to the point, why the slayer of Demon King has to prove anything? And what kind of organization, knowing that elves and dwarfs are a thing, doesn't keep the old records and just decides to start anew every now and then without recognizing old achievements of multiple races that are well known to live longer than humans?

Whole past few episodes have been just pointless. Am only assuming old guy who recognized her amulet knew she's a badass but wanted to see her kick ass. So following the logic of this test, there will be at least 6 first class mages. Lucky for those third level mages that hitched a ride with experienced one. Did we really need this testing thing 5 episodes before the end?
MeanEYEJan 19, 2024 5:24 PM
Jan 19, 2024 5:26 PM

May 2021
Reply to Fever1102
Awesome episode. Though I don't understand why people aren't more wary of elves? You're up against someone who has had possibly hundreds of years to hone their craft, but there is no extra precautions taken.
@Fever1102 because writers forgot about that part. Same reason why every organization conveniently forgets mage certification after a while even though entire world knows there are races that live longer than humans.
Jan 19, 2024 5:27 PM

Apr 2016
Reply to a0i-kun
A slower ep but still beautiful.

Also love the subtle fan service. The character designs are so good. Orange hair lady is HOT

@AOD-san Agreed. Those ass shots were well appreciated
Jan 19, 2024 5:27 PM

Jul 2016
Gotta love how unintentionally smug Fern looks and sounds every time she fights someone. Also wonder if she used the same "mana concealment" trick to catch her Stille.

Fantastic episode. Looking forward to some cool Mage vs. Mage combats next week.
Jan 19, 2024 5:27 PM

Aug 2019
Damn it ended just when it was getting good lmao I was really excited to see Fern show these new era mages what's up T_T I want it to be friday already
Jan 19, 2024 5:28 PM

Nov 2021
Reply to Ba-Cii10
I got chills when I heard the new soundtrack, the next episode promises to be epic🔥
@Ba-Cii10 frr the soundtrack during the fight scene got me so hyped
Jan 19, 2024 5:36 PM

Mar 2020
They caught a stille!

Damn can't wait for next week for sure the fights gonna be fire.

I love this show so much.
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
Jan 19, 2024 5:36 PM
Apr 2022
Another W episode, Why does Madhouse always put cliffhangers when the episode is exciting? dang it, Fern is asking +her opponent, then they cut with "And I am alright, yeah I hear you" (Frieren Ending)😭
Jan 19, 2024 5:55 PM
Nov 2023
P_R said:
I think it's pointless to drop here just to say that it was another great episode, but... it was another great episode. The only downside is that they had to cut fights - it's going to be another long week waiting for next ep.

I'm pretty amazed that after 19 episodes I still find this anime perfect. No weak arc, episode or even scene. If this keeps up it will be my most deserved 10/10.

You need to go through your entire history and reduce all scores by 20% to balance with Frieren getting 10. It’s that good.
Jan 19, 2024 6:03 PM

Jul 2017
Good episode. Started a little slow but definitely picked up more towards the end with the music just being so awesome. Liked seeing the different approaches from different parties and how to tackle something a lot more complex than how it sounds. Like the previous episode, definitely a more traditional battle shounen feel mixed in with the fantasy but if it is executed well, shouldn't be too much of an issue. Like mentioned earlier, like how the test sounds simple but you need to be effective in multiple areas to be able to tackle catching a Stille whether with using clever traps or hiding your mana and controlling it from everyone as much as possible to be able to do that like what Frieren did. Again, wouldn't say this or the previous one is anywhere near the peak that Frieren has had to offer, but it was still good enough and the upcoming few should definitely deliver more intensity as a whole. Only standout negative for me was that the end felt somewhat abrupt. Maybe just needed a few more seconds of zooming out with some tense music to transition to the ending song.
Jan 19, 2024 6:18 PM
Apr 2023
I haven't read the manga too far, but I hope more people will get to know who Frieren was and is through this examination (i.e. I hope she makes a jaw-dropping performance soon)
Jan 19, 2024 6:31 PM

Oct 2012
So all that over sleeping training Frieren really does really helped her out with getting that bird
Jan 19, 2024 6:44 PM
Apr 2020
It feels like only 5 minutes.
Jan 19, 2024 6:52 PM

Aug 2014
With a little more fighting this could be best episode from recent ones. Maybe next one will be.
The plan and everything that other teams did was good for show.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Jan 19, 2024 6:55 PM
Dec 2023
Im just disapointed with Frieren cuz i understand so far that she is not able to imagine or create new magic like her master Flame. She only talks about learn existing magics.
Jan 19, 2024 7:07 PM
Oct 2021
Great strategy from group 2, but looks like they have some rival here.
Jan 19, 2024 7:21 PM
Jan 2022
Frieren has a truly great party
Jan 19, 2024 7:33 PM
May 2017
Reply to IzanaSolos
I can't help but wonder how Fern pulled off capturing the Stille so quickly.

The first test of the First Class Mage Exam involves dividing into groups of three. The task is to capture the meteoric iron bird called the Stille, inhabiting the examination area before sunset. Success requires all members of the party to be present. As capturing Stilles proves challenging, a competitive and survival-oriented atmosphere emerges among the candidates. The strategy devised by Frieren, consisting of Kanne, and Lawine, unfolds.

Denken understands the situation, but actually getting their hands on the bird is a whole different challenge. I can picture Frieren being able to outshine most of the other candidates easily. It's no wonder Frieren isn't a fan of Mage Guilds. How does it make sense to let mages die just because they aimed for rank one without being ready for it? One of the top candidates even thinks being a first-class mage is only about being a symbol. It's not surprising that the country is facing issues.

And using their corpses as bait in the Forest of Death is extremely hardcore.
@IzanaSolos Frieren said Fern is not the most powerful but she is fast!
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Jan 19, 2024 7:33 PM

Oct 2021
Wtf that ending was so abrupt.
Jan 19, 2024 7:40 PM
Oct 2010
Reply to Phantom_Siren652
Idk why but those birds moving at supersonic speed is really funny to me
@Phantom_373 It's a roadrunner and coyote moment. Meep-meepZIIIIIP!
Jan 19, 2024 8:00 PM
Pirate King
Feb 2021
What an incredible episode as always! This show never ceases to amaze me. Can’t wait for next Friday 😎
Jan 19, 2024 8:40 PM

Mar 2017
Reply to FarCritical
The fact that Fern just uses basic Zoltraaks and barriers and managed to take care of Lugner and his demonic blood magic while not finding an experienced rock mage to be a challenge really speaks to her talent. Kinda curious to see what kind of specialized mage she'd eventually become tho.

It would be hilarious if that one mage trio just spent the entire rest of the exam melting the lake lol
@FarCritical She will be a speed mage. She will be the mage who revolutionize spell casting to become like a gun with her speed.
Jan 19, 2024 8:43 PM

Mar 2017
Reply to tekalook
Wait if Kanne can control rain droplet wouldn't she be super OP if it was raining? NAHHHH THEY DID MY GIRL DIRTY WITH THE BARRIER
@tekalook Yes. She basically a storm caster. Lawine is the same, when there is rain, her spell could be dangerous as she basically can turn the whole rain drop to become a ice rock.
Shafwan_DitoJan 19, 2024 8:48 PM
Jan 19, 2024 8:54 PM

Jun 2021
These two girls have the luck to be in Frieren's group. Also Fern was really taught well. More action next episode.
Jan 19, 2024 9:05 PM

May 2015
This episode went by super fast in my book. Mage versus Mage battles are always exciting to see. I hope the other mages learned water purification magic or they might taste traces of mana.
Jan 19, 2024 9:07 PM
Nov 2019
I wonder if Frieren making it harder for all the other teams to get the birds is a way for her to test Fern.
Jan 19, 2024 9:16 PM

Apr 2012
Smilomaniac said:
...Put a 'Stille' in a high ceiling room with plenty of places where it can hide. "There's a bird in here, tell me where it is." "Okay, very good, now how would you go about capturing it? You have 20 minutes to devise a plan and execute it."...

You almost had me convinced that you were making sense until you said that. Now you've made it clear that you're just baiting.
Janethan23Jan 19, 2024 9:23 PM
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

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Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Jan 19, 2024 9:46 PM
Sep 2021
Reply to Smilomaniac
Easily the least interesting part of the show so far.

The idea of the 'Stille' itself is fine, it's a tricky bird with a comedic surprise element to it that sets up an interesting conundrum. For about half an episode. Dragging this on across multiple is unforgivable.

The exam seemed like a really fun idea, I'm sure most were looking forwards to the hidden power level elf showing everyone else how it's done or that there'd be something really challenging and interesting even for her to deal with, but then as it goes it keeps getting dumber and dumber.

Making it a group effort decides the results by luck.
Not only do you risk not having the actual best (on merit) complete the exam because the two others drag them down, but you get some of the worst mages passing because they happened to be with those who can do it by themselves (provided the group passes together).
Capturing the bird is an interesting premise, until you realize that this isn't about a mage proving their worth, it's about being able to figure out an esoteric puzzle with no practical value - Don't get me wrong, I understand the theme and importance of mana detection (which has now gone on for a bit much), but surely there has to be far better ways of testing this specific ability without even giving it away.

Put a 'Stille' in a high ceiling room with plenty of places where it can hide. "There's a bird in here, tell me where it is." "Okay, very good, now how would you go about capturing it? You have 20 minutes to devise a plan and execute it."

Ah but instead they put probably the single most important resource in this world, mages, at risk by pitting them against each other in a Battle Royale, only to get maybe the best, maybe the worst of them coming out of it.

Notice, by the way, how apart from a couple of people everyone looks like they're from a high school anime. Is anyone else feeling that the "rank 1" exam is only being taken by people who should not have any business doing so?

Until this point the story's been a joy, but not only is this a little too out there, the dialogue is mind numbingly boring and the edgy antagonistic blowhards that have been introduced feel incongruent. I just hope it's all resolved within a couple of minutes of the next episode and that it moves on fast.

Random grouping is used a lot during Special Force training irl as well. The idea is you need to be able to work with any stranger that you meet because there is no guarantee that you can always stay with your own squad during a real war.

"Best" people, as you put it, should still shine despite not having the best conditions possible. I figure you play videogames right? If you play a MOBA or a Battle Royale, and you start blaming the team the moment that you're losing, then you're no "Best" player.

Regarding the mage shortage issue, it's actually not an issue. The world has fewer mages now because people don't want that career anymore, not because mages stop being born. Mages are more or less like warriors, their profession is not really in high demand in a more peaceful era, so why spend your effort to try to become one when you can work other jobs that probably pay more in peace time like a trader or a builder?

Plus, since mages are rarer now, it actually encourages the few remaining mages to gatekeep the profession, because that will boost their status. If people don't see a lot of mages around and there is this group of 1st-class mages, obviously those 1st-class mages will be more revered and respected.

Sidenote: Mages being the single most important resource in Frieren's world is only your headcannon bruh.
VMPLJan 19, 2024 9:56 PM
Jan 19, 2024 10:12 PM

Mar 2020
The exam is in full swing, and it's all-out warfare to capture the Stilles...

This arc so far is certainly different than what we've seen in Frieren so far, as this seems more like a traditional battle shonen in some way, with the characters separated into teams, with the common goal of capturing a Stille, while strategizing how to eliminate other teams. Frieren's plan to pick a fight with the rest of the teams by freezing the main water supply was smart, but other characters like Denken caught on pretty quickly. I really enjoyed how the other teams had rather distinct personalities, and could end up being quite the problem for Frieren and Fern's respective teams. Hopefully the action picks up from here, as some of the scenes this episode along with the soundtrack made it a great experience.
Jan 19, 2024 10:46 PM
Apr 2023
a quiet but interesting episode...
Jan 19, 2024 11:05 PM
Feb 2021
these battles are getting better
Jan 19, 2024 11:21 PM
Nov 2023
Reply to VMPL

Random grouping is used a lot during Special Force training irl as well. The idea is you need to be able to work with any stranger that you meet because there is no guarantee that you can always stay with your own squad during a real war.

"Best" people, as you put it, should still shine despite not having the best conditions possible. I figure you play videogames right? If you play a MOBA or a Battle Royale, and you start blaming the team the moment that you're losing, then you're no "Best" player.

Regarding the mage shortage issue, it's actually not an issue. The world has fewer mages now because people don't want that career anymore, not because mages stop being born. Mages are more or less like warriors, their profession is not really in high demand in a more peaceful era, so why spend your effort to try to become one when you can work other jobs that probably pay more in peace time like a trader or a builder?

Plus, since mages are rarer now, it actually encourages the few remaining mages to gatekeep the profession, because that will boost their status. If people don't see a lot of mages around and there is this group of 1st-class mages, obviously those 1st-class mages will be more revered and respected.

Sidenote: Mages being the single most important resource in Frieren's world is only your headcannon bruh.
@VMPL "Random grouping is used a lot during Special Force training irl as well."

Which makes sense because these people will be working together as what they are. Let me know when mages are special forces wearing tactical gear and train every day.

"Mages being the single most important resource in Frieren's world is only your headcannon bruh."

It's an assumption that they probably are, yes, I'm not making a definitive statement and you should not claim people are. If you can't understand the basic concept of getting rid of some of the most powerful and useful people in this setting for no good reason then your level of charitability is zero, you have no business ever addressing anyone's point ever again.

"Regarding the mage shortage issue, it's actually not an issue."

Accuses me of headcannon and makes a statement like that. Brilliant.
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