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Aug 23, 2023 8:31 AM
Oct 2018
Well yeah, it's meant to make you feel uncomfortable. He's being a little shitlord, as he does, as he is. It's not portrayed as humorous either, not sure where you got that from.
Aug 23, 2023 8:47 AM

May 2015
ShadowUnown said:
mattik01 said:
And one more Thing, Its shocking to see how angry people reacted to your post. Why are you all getting so good damn ass mad? He just voiced his opinion, and asked if people felt similarly. Every show gets discussed, but leave it to anime fans to act socially retarded again. I dont get it.

I would be shocked if it was the first time, Ive seen worse toxic overreacted receptions out of nowhere here. I think MAL has been swamped by angry, tantrum teens who can't handle read a single negative point about their shows without literally insulting the OP. I have already given up interacting on this site.
Btw I totally agree with the OP. =D

Or it could be that posts like this are the equivalent of purposely going to eat at a fish restaurant, proceed to bitch to everyone around you that they don't serve steak. Then complain when people tell you to stfu and go eat somewhere else.
Aug 23, 2023 8:50 AM
Aug 2023
billybub said:
ShadowUnown said:

I would be shocked if it was the first time, Ive seen worse toxic overreacted receptions out of nowhere here. I think MAL has been swamped by angry, tantrum teens who can't handle read a single negative point about their shows without literally insulting the OP. I have already given up interacting on this site.
Btw I totally agree with the OP. =D

Or it could be that posts like this are the equivalent of purposely going to eat at a fish restaurant, proceed to bitch to everyone around you that they don't serve steak.  Then complain when people tell you to stfu and go eat somewhere else.

I hate when they don't serve steak whenever I go to a fish restaurant, they don't even have pizza
Aug 23, 2023 8:51 AM

Jul 2019
LostSpectre said:
Avicebrons said:
I never understood the response of "You can't separate fiction from reality?". It's such a dumb response. Obviously it's fiction, but even fictional things can make us have a varying array of emotions, such as the aforementioned discomfort that OP described. Imagine an emotional death scene in this show and I jump in to say "What you can't separate fiction from reality? These are just pixels on a screen so there's no reason for you to feel sad."
That phrase also means understanding how to "read" fiction and know when to view something realistically in the story or not. The majority of Rudy's immoral or sexual actions shouldn't be viewed with much realism, because these aspects just aren't portrayed in a serious way, and are often used for comedy, fanservice, and fetishization. Don't get me wrong, I think the majority of this stuff does nothing but drag the series down, but it is what it is. 
The problem here is that the show wants to have its cake and eat it too. So it's sending mixed signals of how you should consume the content. They have all these mature elements that is sometimes taken seriously and sometimes is taken as a complete and utter joke. What should/shouldn't be viewed with much realism is just a coinflip, whenever it's convenient for the author. Rudues's immoral actions aren't really shown as immoral. They are often lighthearted and played off as a joke. Not to mention he has cheerleaders encouraging his actions and his victims are often just fine with it. So the author makes it very clear that you aren't supposed to look at these things like they're wrong. But then the author also turns around and touch on the same/similar sensitive topics, except this time you are supposed to look at these things like they're wrong. 

I just wished the author would make up his mind. Either make it clear that we're supposed to view this as wrong and write the story accordingly. Or just embrace it and write it more lighthearted/jokingly, but then don't expect the audience to actually care when you try to make them take it seriously. 
Aug 23, 2023 10:36 AM
Sep 2022
VivavideoUser2x said:
vilsky said:
"Don't like it don't watch it" is a mean to avoid an argument, not engage in one.
Some people just have to make world know what they think about the show. But maybe world doesn't care.
If OP likes the show, they can continue watching. If it is a source of constant discomfort, they probably should stop. Regardless, what complaining on forums changes?
If you are really interested in what people think about the episode visit weekly post or anime subreddit and see people's feedback. It's there if you are interested to know. But I feel like OP is more interested in sticking his very important opinion out there for everyone to see and validate.
 that still doesnt make sense, i was expecting for people to react like " ok rudeus is cringe but I still like the show" not "just stop watching then lol". Encouraging people to stop watching a show based on a couple of things they dislike about it drives more people away from it and it makes the mushoku fanbase look immature.And to be honest, if people didnt care about the OP's opinions, they just wouldn't respond to them, its that easy lol.
The thing is, problem is not in "couple of things they dislike". The MC being strange perverted individual is whole point of the first couple of seasons. When people come and complain on that, you know, "there's gore in a horror movie", it only means that they didn't get a damn thing about the show they are watching, and it is season 2 already. It's like, if you are so clueless now there's no saving grace for you. It is just better for everyone if OP stops watching. People who like the show and actually get intent of the author won't have to deal with low iq stances, and dissatisfied customer stops being dissatisfied with a content. Win-win. People responding to such posts not for sake of OP or their opinions, but to make visible for everyone attitude towards such "opinions". Which is disregard. Even I'm here not discussing OPs opinion but the phenomena of braindead takes in general.
Aug 23, 2023 10:45 AM

Dec 2010
VivavideoUser2x said:
vilsky said:
"Don't like it don't watch it" is a mean to avoid an argument, not engage in one.
Some people just have to make world know what they think about the show. But maybe world doesn't care.
If OP likes the show, they can continue watching. If it is a source of constant discomfort, they probably should stop. Regardless, what complaining on forums changes?
If you are really interested in what people think about the episode visit weekly post or anime subreddit and see people's feedback. It's there if you are interested to know. But I feel like OP is more interested in sticking his very important opinion out there for everyone to see and validate.
 that still doesnt make sense, i was expecting for people to react like " ok rudeus is cringe but I still like the show" not "just stop watching then lol". Encouraging people to stop watching a show based on a couple of things they dislike about it drives more people away from it and it makes the mushoku fanbase look immature.And to be honest, if people didnt care about the OP's opinions, they just wouldn't respond to them, its that easy lol.
Just say it's cringe and move on. lmao MT fans are so immature.
MT:Mushoku Tensei
Aug 23, 2023 11:48 AM

Jan 2016
vilsky said:
VivavideoUser2x said:
 that still doesnt make sense, i was expecting for people to react like " ok rudeus is cringe but I still like the show" not "just stop watching then lol". Encouraging people to stop watching a show based on a couple of things they dislike about it drives more people away from it and it makes the mushoku fanbase look immature.And to be honest, if people didnt care about the OP's opinions, they just wouldn't respond to them, its that easy lol.
The thing is, problem is not in "couple of things they dislike". The MC being strange perverted individual is whole point of the first couple of seasons. When people come and complain on that, you know, "there's gore in a horror movie", it only means that they didn't get a damn thing about the show they are watching, and it is season 2 already. It's like, if you are so clueless now there's no saving grace for you. It is just better for everyone if OP stops watching. People who like the show and actually get intent of the author won't have to deal with low iq stances, and dissatisfied customer stops being dissatisfied with a content. Win-win. People responding to such posts not for sake of OP or their opinions, but to make visible for everyone attitude towards such "opinions". Which is disregard. Even I'm here not discussing OPs opinion but the phenomena of braindead takes in general.
but OP mentioned the humor of mushoku which isnt what the whole show is revolved around, and lets face it if the author did have intentions on the anime being about this perverted main character, they would focus more on why what he is doing and thinking is not okay, but instead its just like "lol rudeus is a perv" and thats the whole joke.  for an anime thats so well written, the humor really does drag it down immensly

"Get your tentacles off me or ill make calamari out of your manhood" -Mirai Nikki Dub
Aug 23, 2023 1:33 PM
Sep 2022
VivavideoUser2x said:
vilsky said:
The thing is, problem is not in "couple of things they dislike". The MC being strange perverted individual is whole point of the first couple of seasons. When people come and complain on that, you know, "there's gore in a horror movie", it only means that they didn't get a damn thing about the show they are watching, and it is season 2 already. It's like, if you are so clueless now there's no saving grace for you. It is just better for everyone if OP stops watching. People who like the show and actually get intent of the author won't have to deal with low iq stances, and dissatisfied customer stops being dissatisfied with a content. Win-win. People responding to such posts not for sake of OP or their opinions, but to make visible for everyone attitude towards such "opinions". Which is disregard. Even I'm here not discussing OPs opinion but the phenomena of braindead takes in general.
but OP mentioned the humor of mushoku which isnt what the whole show is revolved around, and lets face it if the author did have intentions on the anime being about this perverted main character, they would focus more on why what he is doing and thinking is not okay, but instead its just like "lol rudeus is a perv" and thats the whole joke.  for an anime thats so well written, the humor really does drag it down immensly
If it was considered ok behavior by an author, MC wouldn't change, ever. But he's changed already, a lot, in season 1. He probably will never stop being perv, which is a kink. Some people kinkshame, some don't give a damn. But the kink itself was never a problem. The problem was that he couldn't control his urges and risked harming people around him. Which is REAL problem. Not the fact that some viewer inconvenienced by what they see, but the real damage that such behavior may lead to. In my opinion this elephant in a room is long gone. What people are mad about in season 2 is laughable. Julie - saved. Beastgirls got lesson they deserved and now will behave. Peace and tranquility.
Aug 23, 2023 3:35 PM

Oct 2020
i think its fine, theres much worst stuff MCs have done plus she shouldnt of broken the roxy doll so it was well deserved 
Aug 24, 2023 4:56 AM
Feb 2022
billybub said:
Buddy ou gave Made in Abyss a 9. So in your view loli torture porn is fine but this somehow crossed a line. Spare me the fake outrage.
what kind of comparison is that? In MiA torturing kids isn't considered as funny.
Aug 24, 2023 6:03 AM
Jul 2021
What are you talking about?  He acts like a perfect gentleman should through the whole episode.
Aug 24, 2023 4:50 PM

Jan 2020
Let the dude express his opinion. If you're going at him because of his opinion, grow up.

Also to those who say "there is a difference between reality and fiction."

Ok, then are you ok with fictional pedophilia? If your answer is no, then don't ever say there is a difference. If yes, you're disgusting and should get help.
Aug 24, 2023 9:23 PM
Feb 2022
Isekaisaretrash said:
Ionliosite2 said:
Rudeus has been a sex offender ever since the first episode of the first season, what do you mean he crossed the line now?
who care about this garbage for simps anyways
MT is a chunny cringefest
Nothing like the greatest Manga in history 🐐Attack on TITAN🐐
greatest manga is berserk and aot isn't even in top50
Aug 26, 2023 3:18 PM
Oct 2016
what main character is maybe not good, if you have a problem with that dont watch breaking bad or deadpool or the godfather or many adult shows/movies
Aug 27, 2023 2:30 AM
Sep 2007
He cross the line before he started his second life, did you forget what he was masterbating to?
Aug 27, 2023 3:12 AM

Jun 2010
The only cringe is the whining and screeching from topics, comments and articles like this. Fiction =/= reality. Get over it!
Aug 27, 2023 10:56 AM

Jan 2016
al_vl said:
VivavideoUser2x said:
but OP mentioned the humor of mushoku which isnt what the whole show is revolved around, and lets face it if the author did have intentions on the anime being about this perverted main character, they would focus more on why what he is doing and thinking is not okay, but instead its just like "lol rudeus is a perv" and thats the whole joke.  for an anime thats so well written, the humor really does drag it down immensly
If it was considered ok behavior by an author, MC wouldn't change, ever. But he's changed already, a lot, in season 1. He probably will never stop being perv, which is a kink. Some people kinkshame, some don't give a damn. But the kink itself was never a problem. The problem was that he couldn't control his urges and risked harming people around him. Which is REAL problem. Not the fact that some viewer inconvenienced by what they see, but the real damage that such behavior may lead to. In my opinion this elephant in a room is long gone. What people are mad about in season 2 is laughable. Julie - saved. Beastgirls got lesson they deserved and now will behave. Peace and tranquility.

Bottom line, saying "if you dont like it don't watch it" is really dumb and childish way to approach a criticism about an anime. This response does nothing for no one. I bet when they say that, the op is going to do just that and then say the show sucks and the same people are going to be whining about how they didnt even finish it so they have no right to critique it.

"Get your tentacles off me or ill make calamari out of your manhood" -Mirai Nikki Dub
Aug 27, 2023 6:35 PM

Apr 2022
bro watched s1 with his eyes closed.
Aug 27, 2023 6:48 PM
May 2018
i was expecting this duel but i'm a little disappointed, i'm reading it in the manga and there, this fight wasn't as rushed, the demon lord didn't even seem to care that rudy survived against orsted
Dec 31, 2023 3:09 AM
Feb 2016
Reply to Ionliosite2
Rudeus has been a sex offender ever since the first episode of the first season, what do you mean he crossed the line now?
thing is : 2 princesses getting sequestrated (no food, no drink, gotta pee on themselves), get groped then instantly forgive everything and become best friend.
Woaw. Pure fanservice characters with no personality at all. It wasn't super interesting...

And the Demon king becoming teacher...
Feels like the author was high the whole season.
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