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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Dec 21, 2019 4:05 AM

Apr 2013
What a bunch of cowards, especially Asuka. Too afraid to take a side... Also the relationship between Kumiko and Reina seems kinda forced, like they don't even converse with each other a lot.
Jan 16, 2020 5:08 PM
Mar 2017
I have one thing to say
Mar 2, 2020 7:38 AM

Feb 2019
That episode was really intense. Although I expected Reina to get it, it was still sad to see Kaori-senpai failing to get the solo.

It's one of those cases where you can root for both sides. Reina for her skill and determination, Kaori-senpai for her kindness, selflessness, and also determination. Kaori-senpai is a really nice person and how seniority is the primary way to determine who should do what is horrible and takes away the chance for people like her. She's so selfless and kind that I can't just help but want her to be happy.

For all her annoying antics, I can respect Ribbons. After the audition, it seemed like everyone was too much of a coward to choose. Ribbons and the President both clapped for Kaori-senpai, while Kumiko and Hazuki clapped for Reina. The others are just sheep, following, or too detached and uncaring that I can't respect them for it. At least Ribbons had the courage to choose and stand up for her choice.

Lots of respect for Kaori-senpai, who really wanted the solo part but gave it up because she knew she wasn't the best. She really is a very good senpai and person. I hope she's at least satisfied and happy that she was given a second chance.

Great episode. Looking forward to the performance.
May 3, 2020 5:00 PM

Oct 2015
Can this girl just get over herself? Her waifu is still going to be in the ensemble, just not the solo parts. At least the object of her affections has integrity and won't be accepting it as her opponent deserved it more.
Jun 6, 2020 10:13 AM

Sep 2018
An episode with a really intense narration, it seems so truthful in certain moments that one gets involved in the context. Excellent drawings and great animations in certain passages. The figure of Yuuko, in a few episodes has gained so many nuances that from a simple outline figure it has become a very articulated personage. The character of Asuka does not fail to amuse again and also to present many facets. Even in this episode the drawings have their weight during the most intense moments and beyond.
Aug 7, 2020 5:03 AM
Apr 2019
KyoAni never fails to tease the audience ,
Kumiko seems to be in good terms with Reina ,their love confession is a bit hard for me to grasp but I can get it.

I liked this episode,though there were few things I didn't enjoy,including some stage direction,anyway it's nothing significant
Aug 17, 2020 3:07 PM
Jan 2020
I feel like that is one of the worst ways to handle a decision as important as this. Reina is already perceived as unworthy from nearly the entire class because of her already knowing Taki Sensei, making it so the chance of her winning by a vote from the class would be next to impossible. Also big FU to the ribbon girl and a big respect to Kaori for how she’s been acting these past couple episodes
Sep 6, 2020 3:44 AM

Jul 2015
For a second I really thought Kousaka and Kumiko were suddenly going to kiss there. Already thought the re-audition was going to end up with people being put on the spot who to choose, which could've been prevented if they did a blind test where they wouldn't know who played (just turning the audience around could do the job) and vote who was better: the First or Last. Respect to Kaori for rejecting the position, even though I don't think it's really that big of a deal to cry over (looking at you Yuko) since she still participates at the competition.

Sep 20, 2020 3:32 PM
Jul 2018
I like this anime a lot, but this is bait, isn't it? :(
Oct 24, 2020 2:32 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Way to make a rift in between your band players when they should all be mentally in unison. Awkward claps made me cringe man...

That aside, what a mature character. I keep forgetting names, but you know who I’m talking about. She just took one for the team

This was already mentioned above but a blind test would’ve been so much better. There’s just so much freaking bias going around. Which brings me to something that kind of ruins this already pretty good anime, while yes I know these guys have a passion for music, I feel it’s still taken a bit too seriously for the sake of some drama. Not a flaw, just a nitpick for me
BetaMaleUltraOct 24, 2020 2:36 PM

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jun 15, 2021 6:46 AM

Jul 2014
Hahaha, get fucked Yuko. Seeing her cry was immensely satisfying after she tried to make Kousaka throw the audition and caused all this needless drama in the first place with her hypocrisy.
Nov 20, 2021 9:51 AM
Aug 2021
Now I kinda understand Yuko, but making Kaori try for solo again is a terrible idea cause if she lost again (well she just did) she would've lost twice in a row which could lower her self-esteem. I'm so glad that Reina decided to just go by her own way, without being influenced by others.

Honestly I didn't really notice the differences between Reina's and Kaori's performance except that Reina's solo sounded slightly more fluid and passionate. Also why didn't the other students clap?
Was it just for the sake of building up some tension?

Time for another yuri fanservice scene but you know they aren't gonna get together:)

I swear both Natsuki and Kousaka could turn someone lesbian.
Feb 18, 2022 9:36 AM

Jul 2017
The yuri baiting is something else my god lmao. A very sweet moment tho.

This ain't that kinda series, but imma say it anyway. Yuuko needs to die. Deadass. Truck-kun needs to pull up at the very least and give her that Re:Zero treatment, rabbits and everything.

Anyway, gg Kaori. Maybe next ye- oh, wait...

Feb 18, 2022 9:38 AM

Dec 2012
I watched this scene in 2016 but since I saw this on the forums I feel complied to respond

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Feb 25, 2022 5:06 PM

Oct 2019
Like ppl said, Fuck Yuuko. Lil crybaby bitch. Someone needs to curb stomp her ass. Accusing the teacher of playing favorites but you over here wanting your favorite to win.
This show is making me tired cuz of how bored I am with this cast. Asuka the only best girl.
Was hoping there would be more music.
Lot of Yuri baiting going on
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

Jul 8, 2022 2:44 AM

May 2020
Every episode there is development between the two main female MCs, SURELY theres no way Kyoto pairs Kumeko with the guy she has shown 0 interest in all season right
Sep 23, 2022 8:59 AM

Apr 2018
The blond one is starting to get annoying with her Kaori obsession while even though they did the audition again with Kaori vs Reina, Reina obviously did better and in the end Kaori gave up to let Reina do it since Kaori is mature and knows it well, at least that was good to see them in the huge concert room
Sep 27, 2022 7:41 PM
Jun 2020
Dec 11, 2022 4:49 PM

Jan 2022
Jesus christ just f*ckin make out already. Mad respect for Senpai tho. She had the guts to fight for her spot but was principled enough to acknowledge her defeat. Real classy move. I also can't really blame Ribbon girl. Sure she had some shady af methods but she was just trying to right a previous wrong, tho Kousaka is right it has nothing to do with her.

Also shame on these cowards not clapping n shit. Especially disappointed in You Asuka. I know you probably have some issues getting close to others and as a result put up a front to avoid being honest with your emotions so you never need to get hurt...hey wait a second here...
-insert NGE meme here-
Aug 14, 2023 8:12 AM

May 2020
This series is so dramatic lol. I mean I don't see the point of last two episodes, except for the fact that they wanted to do some drama for the sake of drama.

Inevitability Reina succeeded or more like Kaori self-realized that she indeed isn't someone suitable to do the solo part. If it wasn't for that, I'm not sure if there were enough votes to name a clear cut winner. Bias was running high after all, people knew Reina was good enough but didn't want to vote though then again didn't want to vote an inferior performance too.

Ribbon crying and bawling her eyes out had me facepalmed, like lol what? FUCK YOU.

Also they need to dial down the baiting a bit.
Aug 16, 2023 6:31 PM
Feb 2022
cried, i love this anime so much
Aug 16, 2023 6:31 PM
Feb 2022
cried, i love this anime so much
Sep 16, 2023 3:03 PM

Nov 2018
Not really what I was expecting, but at least I'm at ease now. Seems that people can be reasonable after all. I would really love to see this more often in real life as well. 😅 I'm not sure if it's just me, but I sensed a certain emotion/feeling in Taki sensei's tone when he accentuated the results of the audition. I'm wondering if there's more to it than it seems.
"The me today will not ever make the future me to regret!"
(Emily Adachi from Air Gear: Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori - Break on the Sky)

Jan 13, 2024 11:01 AM
Nov 2023
It was good. I love trumpets:D
Feb 6, 2024 6:00 PM
Jul 2020
kappa kappakappa kappakappa kappakappa kappakappa kappa
Feb 16, 2024 7:13 AM

May 2021
Why not have blindfolds be used? I still think many would have refrained from voting but it would have been unquestionably unbiased that way.

Mar 11, 2024 2:03 AM

May 2015
Feels really sad for Kaori. She had the chance of her life and she lost it.

Realizing our dreams could sometimes mean ruining those of others.
Mar 24, 2024 6:28 PM
Mar 2018
That moment before the audition between Kumiko and Reina! <3 I want them together so bad, but I've been queerbaited before, especially in anime. :'-(

The audition proper was so freaking tense, I felt like I was about to blow up! I didn't really understand the voting, though; why did only two girls applaud for each challenger? Maybe the other students didn't want to pick a side... Kumiko's enthusiastic applause was so cute! x) I also didn't understand why the teacher chose Kaori, but I'm glad she gave up 'cause she just wasn't the best and that's FACTS.

I do feel a bit more sympathy toward bow girl compared to the previous episode, but she better not try Reina again.
Nov 18, 2024 5:43 PM

Jun 2020
Reply to Uguu_Tsukimiya
Feels really sad for Kaori. She had the chance of her life and she lost it.

Realizing our dreams could sometimes mean ruining those of others.
I'd say getting to nationals as a team, going for gold, beats getting to play a solo and losing.

I get why it's sad but she's still gonna get her name in the books as one of the best players on the team that finally made Kitauji a force to be reckoned with. I think she had that in mind.

Old is Gold

"Look, look, we can do spinning shots without wasting our entire budget"
"Did you see? Look, it's all smooth and everything !"
"You're not looking, please, it's SO AWESOME LOOK AT HOW SPINNY IT IS!!!!"

- All anime animators since the invention of CGI.
Nov 18, 2024 5:54 PM

Jun 2020
Can't believe they didn't do blind auditions! Unless Taki sensei did think Kaori as soloist might be better for the team as a whole...

I do think everyone came out of this affair looking good. No-one saw Reina being ruthless in the backrooms with Kumiko, only her graciously agreeing to a second round and showing her stuff. Yuuko showed her loyalty, Kaori got her chance to shine and ascended to sainthood by conceding defeat for the good of the band, and Taki-sensei showed he could be a man of the people when it really mattered. Most teachers would NOT take their judgement being questioned nearly so well. Just goes to show that what Taki-sensei does, he does for the band. Everyone was more likeable after this episode despite Yuuko's bitching and Reina's ruthlessness. Except Asuka. I hate Asuka.

Taki-sensei yelling brought back some bad memories of school... very authentic. One thing I've enjoyed about the show so far is that the school actually feels like a real school with real classmates all with their own lives!
Old is Gold

"Look, look, we can do spinning shots without wasting our entire budget"
"Did you see? Look, it's all smooth and everything !"
"You're not looking, please, it's SO AWESOME LOOK AT HOW SPINNY IT IS!!!!"

- All anime animators since the invention of CGI.
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