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Carole & Tuesday
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May 9, 2019 2:23 PM

Dec 2014
Pretty fun episode.

The robot was obviously a scam but damn did that robot act smug. XD

I didn't think the music video at the end was too bad, it was over the top crazy, would've come of as a funny little flick if they had decided to release it.
May 10, 2019 7:33 AM
Jan 2019
I can not describe in words how much I had fun and laughed with this episode, I loved it 😂❤. LOL.
1. I loved Carole's references to Michael Jackson's "Bad" and "Thriller" music videos.
2. I had hopes in the music video, but from the beginning the IDEA robot smelled like a scam, and above alcoholic xD.
3. Gus really cares and is interested in girls. He is a good guy 👍.
4. The team made up of Carole, Tuesday, Gus and Roddy, I love it. They have great optimism 😀.
5. Poor Gus, is a fallen soldier xD. Your ex-wife seems like a good person to me.
6. Roddy got the worst part in the music video. They destroyed their limited edition robots, destroyed Etergun's car and made him dance like crazy, but he still continued. What a nice subject. LOL 😂.

"The second strategic meeting to do it in a big way ended in a complete failure" ... I'm excited about what the next plan will be 😂.
May 10, 2019 10:52 AM

Jan 2015
heydaycapriccio said:
The "Do either of you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" line added 20 years to my lifespan. Bless this anime.

Totally this. Carole & Tuesday is so ahead from other anime
May 11, 2019 8:28 PM

Jun 2015
i love the tiny bit of the lgbt representation here. showed marie kissing her girlfriend with only a scene of carole & tuesday shocked, but not making any comment on it. also had her casually ask if they had a girlfriend or boyfriend with no comment on the girlfriend part. then they showed her ex-husband's reaction to her marriage with a woman but whilst he's shocked, he wishes her happiness and says nothing on the woman part. really enjoyed that, small and simple
May 12, 2019 10:35 AM

Apr 2009
saengdao said:
i love the tiny bit of the lgbt representation here. showed marie kissing her girlfriend with only a scene of carole & tuesday shocked, but not making any comment on it. also had her casually ask if they had a girlfriend or boyfriend with no comment on the girlfriend part. then they showed her ex-husband's reaction to her marriage with a woman but whilst he's shocked, he wishes her happiness and says nothing on the woman part. really enjoyed that, small and simple

Totally agree. There's quite the western feeling to this simple acceptance and tolerance without making a big deal out of it or fetishizing it. I know there are plenty of anime with gay couples and transpeople, but these anime are mostly targeted at a specific demographic with characters and their relationship being fetishized. The representation here feels therefore quite refreshing.
May 20, 2019 12:49 PM

Jun 2016
When they brought up the idea of running away from zombies and dancing with them at the end for the music video i could only think of Ohh Ahh from Twice, but it was most likely a reference to Thriller from Michael Jackson lol
Really liked the episode, it was pretty fun.
May 24, 2019 6:36 PM

Aug 2017
This episode was pretty much a filler but I really liked it. The AI robot director was hilarious lol. So, we know more about Gus' past...I hope Marie might appear regularly in the anime.
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May 27, 2019 1:51 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Oh my gosh. I LOVED this episode! I absolutely ADORED seeing everyone goof around and have fun! The video had me laughing so much! XD
These two are just so adorable and cute. ;o;

Also, I dunno but it kinda seems like Ertegun has a liiiiittle thing for Roddy and that's maybe why he kinda keeps letting him off easy. I forgot the exact words, but he did mention that he's only interested in pretty women and competent men, implying that he'd at least consider Roddy. That would definitely explain letting Roddy use one of his cars when all Roddy pretty much did was throw down some puppy dog eyes. Just thinking.

Edit: I went back to check what the actual phrasing was. "My love is only for capable dudes and great chicks," he damn near whispered into Roddy's ear as he kept his hand on his shoulder. Yeah. I thought maybe I was thinking too much into it, but as I look back on it, it seems like something might be up there. It seems like this world is relatively open, so I can see something like Ertegun maybe letting Roddy get away with some things because he had a little thing for him. Thing is, Roddy doesn't seem (?) to be incredibly interested in him...?? Like he seems pretty close to the guy but...??

One thing that I'm keeping an eye on is when Ertegun said, "I can't really say no to you, can I?" during this episode. Why can't he say no? Anyone asking to borrow MY car gets a big ol' "Hell no". No. NO. The only way I'm caving is if it's someone in my immediate family and I'll hesitantly let them use my car just so I won't be too much of a dick. My friends? I'd make something up and be like, "Look. My parents forbade that. No." SO I can only imagine that Roddy and Ertegun are pretty darn close. I'm, of course, editing this quite a few episodes later so I know what happens as a result of the car, but I'm just going to type this as if I don't know: If Roddy isn't fired, then yo... they're really close. I don't know what it is, but hopefully we can find out-- if he isn't fired from being Roddy's AI GUY.

It's ALSO possible, that Ertegun is just so self absorbed with himself that he thinks something like, "Ah, of course someone would ask for things from me. I'm Ertegun. And who would I be to not give it to them? Ertegun. That's who I am." But I dunno. Seems deeper than that just because he just seems a bit close to Roddy...
SwiggyJun 6, 2019 11:30 PM

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
May 28, 2019 6:35 AM
Jan 2019
the video clip was hilarious, great episode
May 30, 2019 6:01 AM
Aug 2018
Felt bad for Roddy
Jun 9, 2019 6:11 AM
Apr 2016
Well, the Al was rated 1 star, they should've read the reviews beforehand :( Well, this episode was funny and really happy. I'm surprised by how good this anime is, I love it!
Jun 13, 2019 11:03 AM
Jul 2016
shiroi-ookami said:
Poor Roddy suffered the most in this episode, lol. He's cute and I really like him.

sometimes the show feels quite japanese the way the characters act and talk, butit also has a western feeling to it, like when bisexual Marie casually asked them if they have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

Enjoyed it quite a bit, even though not much really happened. The MV though, lol. In the end it's revealed that the robot is a rip-off. Well, they should've been already suspicious when it got a 1 star rating on the site.

yeah poor Rudy also even if it's a filler episode it was really fun episode
Jun 24, 2019 1:57 PM

Dec 2016
The robot is a bully! What he did to that poor Owl wasn't nice -.-
The robot's behaviour was very suspicious. Never knew he could drink normal beer XD

Nice episode! At least they seem to had fun while making the video. I felt bad for Roddy and that DJ :(

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Jun 29, 2019 12:21 PM
Jul 2012
Lmao wasn't that QT from space dandy chilling with bikini girls in the video the AI director was watching? Pretty much confirms these two shows take place in the same universe!
Jul 4, 2019 12:38 AM

Jun 2017
Hilarious episode!

I’m surprised they didn’t find the requirements from the bot suspicious but good thing they managed to get rid of it before long. Got to say though, that MV was surely out of the world xD (and the girls looked great in those costumes during the MV and before) and it was nice to see the ED for it! Marie was a very interesting character but sadly this’ll probably be it for her, her ‘do you girls have any boyfriend or Girlfriend’ bit oddly enough impressed me and I don’t even know why lol. Lol @ Roddy this episode, having to chip in for 120 dancers and seeing him practice outside was hilarious! I see he’s a Animation and Mecha nerd too, I’ll definitely get along with him. But, that aside, I hope Ertegun will not be out to finish him off. Seriously though, I’m more curious regarding Roddy and Ertegun’s past endeavours.

Last but not least, Gus bids her happiness and we move on to the next phase, certainly looking forward to more from this show!
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Jul 13, 2019 10:44 AM

Mar 2014
That robot was cute.
Was that the same seiyuu as QT from Space Dancy?
Anyway, hope this isn't the last we've seen of him.
::End of Transmission::

Jul 28, 2019 1:24 PM

Jul 2016
Absolutely hilarious episode. I loved every single minute of it. The music video was great, though it was due to how ridiculous it ended up being xD So many good laughs.

Gus also received a bit more of insight, which was nice. He's starting to become a pretty likeable character.

Marie's character and interactions with Gus and co. were quite charming as well. I hope I can see her more often in the series.

P.S.: By the way, already loving Carole, secret Michael Jackson fan :D
Aug 7, 2019 4:17 PM

Nov 2018
This show said lesbian rights (more like lgbt+ but yeah)

And the PV was literally a disaster, I was both annoyed and laughing really hard.
Sep 17, 2019 2:11 PM

Mar 2010
Lol that music video was hilarious. Couldve worked for comedy

Whoa so she left gus for a woman. While as a bi myself i dont mind it but i felt sorry for gus..

Lol the robot owl jealous.. cute
Luckily for him robot scammer is gone
Sep 29, 2019 1:50 PM

Apr 2016
You know, if they actually checked the abysmal 1 star score the thing had, none of this would have happened. It makes them look stupid. On top of that, why is there only a lookout for its scams now? Maybe if it was a newer model that had good reception but ended up slowly being revealed as a shitty scam instead of a detail in the episode already showing that, this would have worked.
Oct 12, 2019 8:35 AM
Sep 2007
-Mahesvara said:
RisMax said:
Fucking Lesbian in this episode??
it like Western Cartoon than Anime :(
Except Lesbians exsist in anime too.

...Haruka & Michiru from "Sailor Moon", anyone? :)

Song after episode was titled is quite catchy (Buggles - "Video killed the Radio Star").

Carole apparently likes Michael Jackson, referring to his "Thriller" and "Bad" music videos.

Lesson for today - don't let alcoholic robot to do a job for you. Also, if something is too cheap to be good, likely it is.

Nov 23, 2019 1:11 PM

Jul 2015
I love how the alarm clock owl has shown some jealousy towards the lazy phony film robot

Interesting to see Gus and his ex-wife having the same kind of hairstyle

Roddy has suffered a lot, getting the car and it being destroyed, learning to dance, dancing 120 times, getting his limited edition robots getting destroyed, losing 50 years of his life in the process all for it to turn into scam, RIP

Dec 2, 2019 5:07 AM

Mar 2015
Lmao hilarious episode, the robot scammed them good, but some bits were actually good!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Dec 27, 2019 10:13 PM

May 2015
Poor Rody, he had to do the Michael Jackson dance so many times, got his limited edition mechas destroyed and will get scolded by the DJ real bad.
Dec 29, 2019 7:25 PM
Nov 2010
Omg, I'm so glad they showed what the final product of the AI was. That composite of Roddy, the stick figures, all of it was such a great comedic finale to that episode.
Jan 16, 2020 8:03 PM

Jun 2015
tsubasalover said:
Next plan. Miyu-Miyu's character suggesting to film PV. lol @ all of them have their own ideas about the PV, and the robot can list up with the ideas.

Manager asked his ex-wife for help.

Finally seeing Miyu-Miyu's character's descriptions came true (Miyu-Miyu said during the press conference that his character would be very otaku-sh shy and getting involved). I was like "he didn't get shy and getting involved?!" Until this ep. (His blushes, having his precious figures, and was forced to be one of the many dancers even if he doesn't want to)

Wow, Mamo's character accepted Miyu-Miyu's character's request and lend his expensive car!

Poor Miyu-Miyu's character for getting his precious figures broken by the robot. Wow, that robot... is evil?! Miyu-Miyu's character finally saw the news about it.

That ex-wife's friend was her girlfriend is lol.

The PV, except for seemingly incomplete "anime" part, was kind of well done. It is probably just my feeling, though. Too bad it didn't get used (with revise).

Can't you just say their actual names? The fuck is Miyu Miyu and Mamo?
Mar 24, 2021 2:54 AM

Apr 2014
lol what did they expect from that thing.... it even had a 1 star rating lol

but amazing ep

4 eps in and im in love with this series
"one step at a time"
Nov 16, 2022 6:57 AM

Oct 2022
I love that when the robot asks what kind of film they would want the scene becomes a game of "I understood that reference".
Jul 29, 2023 8:41 AM

Jan 2013
haha scamazon refund goes brrr!
Jan 25, 2024 8:23 PM
Feb 2015
Poor Roddy, he need to dance 120 times to replace people and Ertegun supercar. They should look at review before buying lol
Apr 17, 2024 8:04 AM

Feb 2019
I chuckled at Roddy dancing 120 times and the cliff being super windy lol
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