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Nov 28, 2012 11:25 AM

Nov 2011

This episode. Just, LOL. The bad fortune, the Engrish, etc

Hinagiku getting walked on by Hayate. I don't know that should be actually good or bad luck.

That demon in the latter half looks strange but the action there sure was amusing imo. Holy hell @ the ending. Oh God

Nov 28, 2012 12:09 PM

Oct 2007
What the actual fuck was going on here. This series makes very little sense and is trying to be something its not, and its faling badly.
Nov 28, 2012 12:34 PM
May 2012
sometimes i have to witness how bad anime can be...
... only watching it cause there isn't really anything else on wednesday to watch apart from jormungand...
Nov 28, 2012 12:44 PM

Jun 2010
I thought that the sword got his side and when only through the suit, but then his eyes went pale....

Nov 28, 2012 1:03 PM

Jan 2010
This is getting GOOD.
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Nov 28, 2012 1:10 PM

May 2011
WTH!? Shit just got real here.

Damn, Hayate...
Nov 28, 2012 1:12 PM

Nov 2007
So it really was a sword, looks like Athena was right after all.

While the plot on paper is not bad at all, the execution is not very good imo. I mean I was annoyed by Nagi nagging at Hayate knowing well that the damn clock was giving him bad luck.
Kuromii said:
What the actual fuck was going on here. This series makes very little sense and is trying to be something its not, and its faling badly.

Serious arcs like this one are nothing new to the series, but of course an anime only viewer wouldn't know this. Though to be fair, this is not being handled properly.
Nov 28, 2012 1:37 PM
Oct 2012
I really really really want Chiharu's glasses cleaning ability. Quite convenient that....
Nov 28, 2012 2:51 PM

Jul 2012
Well, that was interesting on what just transpired. Great fan service in the beginning. It was nice to finally see another ChiharuxHayate moment but the anime lacks IzumixHayate moments! Hayate being stabbed by the Black Carmelia was surprising actually. It's been a while since something serious had happened. Considering how the anime is kind of predictable, Hayate probably gets into a coma or something like a death-like state until the last episode. As the heroines try to save Nagi, Hayate reappears in the final episode to get back the Black Carmelia. (He'll probably reappear after they all get in a pinch) Happy ending! That's what I believe would happen. The next episode would probably have some drama and crying. Can't wait to see what happens next! I have a feeling Ruka would play a big part after Hayate gets stabbed. Or she only appears at the last episode, where she performs for her concert.
Nov 28, 2012 3:44 PM

Dec 2010
Pulling such a predictable scene with Hayate isn't enough to save this show...
Nov 28, 2012 4:19 PM

Nov 2007
lol @ the beginning part.

His unlucky / lucky part with Hina, etc. Wow, even that 3some are there!! lol @ English and Japanese not matching. And Hina's sister... "Kurotsubaki" and even one of the 3some...

New lady with weird eyes... she has power to control tree and caught Nagi as hostage. Isumi is pissed.

Hayate's luck... even without Kurotsubaki... and wow at Nagi's "sister".
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 28, 2012 4:47 PM
Mar 2008
I thought this was comedy. But it tries to be action. However to me it seems like it fails at both. And i only get more and more disappointed the more i watch. However i think Izumi looks more interesting than she did in the normal anime where she was rather dull. Thats at least the thing i found most exciting seeing her snap.
Nov 28, 2012 5:19 PM
Mar 2012
completely not surprised that the clock ends up being a
, just like what ends up happening in the manga with plots.

But this episode was poor and boring.
Too many forced events even though that's part of the clocking doing- they completely killed any cohesion there is to the anime
Nov 28, 2012 5:27 PM

Feb 2012
Oh so the sword IS the clock itself... lol
Nov 28, 2012 8:30 PM

Jan 2011
kanohistorm said:
completely not surprised that the clock ends up being a
, just like what ends up happening in the manga with plots.

But this episode was poor and boring.
Too many forced events even though that's part of the clocking doing- they completely killed any cohesion there is to the anime
don't see how that fits into spoilers was quite clear what it was by the end,though i agree with the rest of what you said

this just isn't hitting me as serious and whatnot guess that's mainly because of how badly it's being done.
Nov 28, 2012 8:40 PM
Mar 2012
katsu044 said:
kanohistorm said:
completely not surprised that the clock ends up being a
, just like what ends up happening in the manga with plots.

But this episode was poor and boring.
Too many forced events even though that's part of the clocking doing- they completely killed any cohesion there is to the anime
don't see how that fits into spoilers was quite clear what it was by the end,though i agree with the rest of what you said

this just isn't hitting me as serious and whatnot guess that's mainly because of how badly it's being done.

well- more of a just in case for people who havent watched the episode yet.
Nov 28, 2012 8:55 PM
Apr 2010
Stabby McStabberson. :D
Nov 28, 2012 9:11 PM

Sep 2011
Since when my HnG went shit just got real!? >O

My opinion on this season changed drastically. :O

Nov 28, 2012 9:16 PM

May 2011
I've never once broken my glasses, but it'd be pretty damn awesome to be able to fix them with a small shirt rub!
Nov 28, 2012 9:42 PM

Jun 2008
Hayate actually dying from that sword stab would be one hell of a depressing way to finish off the entire series. (Note that this show does seem to be canon and set in the future of the manga...) Of course, given his near invincibility as seen in many cases, I'm sure Hayate will just shrug it off, proceeding to beat the crap out of the dude with the ponytail and recover the watch before collapsing.

Really, I'm not sure what was going on in that scene at the beginning of the show, but with the manga raising the question of how Nagi would even survive on her own without Maria and Hayate's help, I'm really curious as to how this whole mess will turn out and what happened that resulted in Nagi being totally alone in the desert...

game8910 said:
While the plot on paper is not bad at all, the execution is not very good imo. I mean I was annoyed by Nagi nagging at Hayate knowing well that the damn clock was giving him bad luck.
Kuromii said:
What the actual fuck was going on here. This series makes very little sense and is trying to be something its not, and its faling badly.

Serious arcs like this one are nothing new to the series, but of course an anime only viewer wouldn't know this. Though to be fair, this is not being handled properly.

I totally agree. I like the basic premise of this season of the anime, as well as the story it's delving into. But the humor is generally bad and seems rather forced. Plus the action bits in this original story feel rather awkward, despite the manga having plenty of action scenes. Furthermore, while it's interesting how they revived some older manga chapters as episodes in this new anime, they really don't have anything to do with the underlying plot. Without any real synopsis giving viewers even a general idea of what this season is about, I felt rather annoyed that these side stories were all jumbled together at the beginning of the show and prolonged the actual story.

Taking all of these things into consideration, I feel like this season as a whole is just an incoherent mess. If they wanted to do an original, story-heavy season of the anime, then they should have focused on the plot properly throughout the show... Otherwise, I would have been fine with another 25 episode season that picked up at the point in the manga where the last season left off (naturally filled with all sorts of random stories involving comedy, action, and romance).
Nov 28, 2012 11:51 PM

Aug 2012
Finally it's getting more and more interesting.
Loved the BGM at the end.
Nov 29, 2012 1:26 AM

Oct 2010
OK this episode was really good and much of the fan service of Hinagiku was quite appreciated despite being only in towel format. Till the following,

Arrives! WTF? O_O OK STOP!

A) There is no way Hayate will die there.
B) If he does then the industry have some surprise for us to replace him.
C) Miracles are bound to happen!
D) I calculated that it’s still possible his vital were missed based out by the entry point.
E) Less the series dies out Hayate cannot die!

Conclusion? HAYATE WILL NOT DIE! So no despair please. He will not die.

However the Black Camellia transformation in the spoiler
WOW! JUST WOW! How is that even possible less it was 8:40am or another day being 8:40pm again? This is not possible. How can this even be? Could the Black Camellia be a weapon out of the fear feeding of their owners?

Got to admit Nagi:
Was quite kinky in the vine grab. Guess I’m a little perverted there.

Still can’t denie Isumi:
SERIOUS FACE! SERIOUS EYES! Not seen in a while like that. Quite a spectacle as was her character.

Hayate is really becoming serious and with its mature tone that much better for me and IMO. My proof is the spoiler
none of this was as serious in other Hayate series and I beg to be wrong in that aspect. If not then you all know I am right of such serious tone being there.
Yumekichi11Nov 29, 2012 1:49 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Nov 29, 2012 1:35 AM

Mar 2009
was hilarious.
was pretty funny too.

Wild theory: The sword will send Hayate back in time (sort of like what the touch of a Weeping Angel does in Doctor Who). It *is* a clock-sword after all, and time travel would not be a new thing to Hayate.
Nov 29, 2012 5:39 AM
Jan 2011
Whoa, no Maria panty shot?
Nov 29, 2012 6:07 AM

Sep 2012
Oh Hayate is dead. End of the season ? Are this anime finally over ? Please ?
Nov 29, 2012 6:54 AM

Dec 2010
Arlia said:
Oh Hayate is dead. End of the season ? Are this anime finally over ? Please ?

This, so much.
The series has been butchered enough already...
I don't care if it's "in the mangas", if it looks like THIS, then the artist should quickly abandon his work right now.
Nov 29, 2012 11:13 AM

May 2011
The Engirsh was almost unbearable.
Nov 29, 2012 4:50 PM

May 2011
Smoku said:
Arlia said:
Oh Hayate is dead. End of the season ? Are this anime finally over ? Please ?

This, so much.
The series has been butchered enough already...
I don't care if it's "in the mangas", if it looks like THIS, then the artist should quickly abandon his work right now.

This is a 100% original plot, no ties to the manga, so don't worry
Nov 29, 2012 10:00 PM

Jan 2008
My god, the genres are hurting my head too much. As I said in a previous episode thread, I never took the supernatural stuff seriously but this is getting way too off genre, even for something nothing following the manga or not.

Tsugumi's fight scene was like something from a foreign B movie,

Also, was anyone else bothered at the fact that they didn't bother to fill in Miki's eyes? As in she had no white in her eyes like everyone else. I honestly thought she had pink eye or was having eye issues.
Nov 30, 2012 8:34 AM

Jun 2010
Getting intense. I think it's supposed to be. The execution is far from perfect though. As an anime, it's pretty bad, but as a way of Hata telling us some of his ideas, it works nicely, I think. I just can't dislike Hayate, even when knowing it's bad. I guess it means... it's not bad. The characters and the franchise, I mean.
Nov 30, 2012 1:54 PM

Oct 2011
That was a damn sword!! never thought of that at all!! And Hayte is now....
Though I guess he won't die that easily!!
Dec 1, 2012 4:15 AM

Sep 2012
complicated feelings~ lol all the way until 2nd half.. just love to see Isumi gets serious! pretty sure Hayate wont die from the stab but... dafuq just happen? @@
Dec 1, 2012 4:28 AM

Aug 2012
I got a feeling that we might get trolled the next ep :P

Then again, this season is kinda different from the others
Dec 1, 2012 6:29 AM

Jan 2008
kenshin_sama said:
I've never once broken my glasses, but it'd be pretty damn awesome to be able to fix them with a small shirt rub!

It's more like she has a lot of spare eyeglasses somewhere with her , in case of emergencies . xP

But dayuum , this gotta be the best Hayate episode this season yet . I mean , my jaw was all dropped when ISUMI had those badass eyes , until the end .
Isumi : "No one messes with my Nagi ."

Dunno about you guys , but I was thoroughly entertained this episode . It was nice to see Hina fanservice again , and those Hayate misunderstandings aswell , which makes our HnG entertaining .Especially those Engrish . LOL

But seeing Nagi nagging more than usual was kinda annoying , she wants to protect Tsugumi but she will lose something important in return . Just like what Ruka said on one of her previous monologues , "She wants to gain/protect something , but it only meant her losing something much valuable in return(which is Hayate , looking back at the first episode)" , something along those lines .

Im not really used in seeing my HnG getting this different aura/mood from the past seasons/manga , but still , it's entertaining and I still have my hopes up for Hata-sensei .Please keep/improve this quality till the end pl0x . Looking forward for more .
Dec 1, 2012 9:05 PM

Apr 2011
This series is just bad. Any Hayate dedicated fan would just tell it like it is. This series is garbage. Every other post has stated what's wrong with it. No need to say anything else besides it's just a bad series tarnishing the good Hayate name.
"Ogon’ po gotovnosti!"
Dec 3, 2012 4:25 PM

Jan 2012
HnG with a recap?? Is this fake a video??
I wish they actually tried to get some native english speakers to achieve more credibility.
Hayate got poked but no blood. SHIT.
My Guitar Covers:

Dec 20, 2012 12:56 PM

Aug 2011
Nice cliffhanger. I hope the pocket watch turning into a sword wasn't the stroke of good luck people were referring to. It still took me by surprise though. Looks like Hayate's good deed might sway Tsugumi to reform.

Also loved the references to 24.
DakoDec 20, 2012 2:04 PM
Dec 28, 2012 10:01 AM

May 2012
Lol why the fuck is every character in Las Vegas, oh well it's funny either way, but damn finally we see the culprit behind this all the teacher with the money was just hilarious when she just won and than got robbed :p

But fuck Hayate :o I really hope he ain't dead... and what's up with that clock transforming in a sword all of the sudden O_O
Jan 7, 2013 1:01 PM

Jan 2011
Uhm... I thought this was a comedy that also used to have nice parodies of stuff... this doesn't fit the show at all... and if Hayate dies she show itself dies as well. This is probably some lame cliffhanger just to make sure that we watch more of this... if that's true I'll be really disappointed.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Apr 8, 2013 8:24 PM

Jun 2009
Jack Bauer made me laugh.
May 11, 2020 12:51 PM
Jul 2017
This episode should have been titled "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".
Jun 26, 2023 9:23 AM
Nov 2010
07:08 Jack Bauer from TV series 24. lmao!

Ah, I love Hinagiku fanservice. Oh man, her curves are so delicious. I want to gobble her up!
Hayate's "misfortunes" with the ladies were so funny. I wish there were more of it.

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