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Jun 11, 2023 7:04 AM

Dec 2015
OMG OMG OMG it's all coming togehter!!!!! So much things were revealed or hinted to in this episode, it's insane!

Kiruko's gun was originally a prototype weapon created within the facility!

The brain transplant surgery is something the people in the facility came up with!

And the director is planning to extend her own life by having her brain transplanted into the assistant director's body and then eventually into Tokio's child :O

Meaning the doc that performed that surgery on Kiruko must have been from the facility as well. And considering how old the guy was and the fact that the people at Usami's facility said Robin was a doctor (even tho he did not seem to have any medical knowledge during the time Kiruko was still a guy), I wouldn't be surprised if the doc transplanted his own brain into Robin's body to live longer.

More importantly tho, Mina has been giving birth to all the children! Meaning that the "babies" Tokio saw in an earlier episode truly were what all the children looked like at birth (that batch in particuliar must have been the new kids)

Even crazier however is that the children in the facility will turn into Hiruko one day :O

Heck Mina straight up calls the children Hiruko and tells them to go outside! She set those monsters loose on the world!

We even know what Hiruko some of the children will turn into!

Since Mimihime can see into the future we see what Hiruko Kona will turn into :O

And Ohma's ability?! That was the same ability the Hiruko in the underground parking lot had! In other words that's what Ohma turns into eventually.

And that vision Mimihime saw after she fainted looked like the place the Usami's wife ended up in! Assuming that was her own future, that means that lady was Mimihime!!!! And in turn, that means Usami who was with her is actually Shiro!! Those guys even have the same voice actor for crying out loud!!

Also considering how Ohma and Mimihime became friends this episode, it would explain why that Hiruko was just chilling down there not attacking anybody. She just wanted to be close to her friend :(

Oh yeah and we finally know why Maru is supposed to find somebody who looks like him, because Tokio gave birth to twins!!!! So Maru has a sister or brother somewhere out there and they are both children of two Hiruko (which explains why Maru can kill Hiruko I guess) :O

Damn, I really feel bad for the children from the facility. Knowing that they all will end up becoming man eating monsters is just too sad :( As bad as the goal of the director was to use them as vessels for her own immortality, Mina is the true villain here in my opinion!
Jun 11, 2023 9:53 AM

May 2021
Decent episode as well, Mimihime is unbearable to me for some reason, I liked her more as an almost dead body. Finally some kids are going to die, anyways 6/10.
Jun 11, 2023 11:17 AM

Jul 2016
What? Two babies? Now that's something I didn't anticipate. So the person Maru is searching for... is a supposed twin?

Mainly a buildup episode for what's to come. We got a glimpse of which kids will turn into the Hirukos that Maru and Kiruko have encountered throughout their journey and we also learned about the Director's true intentions.

So infamous Ch.32 comes next week, huh? To be frank, I got spoiled about it but still can't understand why manga readers are making such a huge fuss about it.
Jun 11, 2023 2:54 PM
May 2022
Ckea said:
OMG OMG OMG it's all coming togehter!!!!! So much things were revealed or hinted to in this episode, it's insane!

Kiruko's gun was originally a prototype weapon created within the facility!

The brain transplant surgery is something the people in the facility came up with!

And the director is planning to extend her own life by having her brain transplanted into the assistant director's body and then eventually into Tokio's child :O

Meaning the doc that performed that surgery on Kiruko must have been from the facility as well. And considering how old the guy was and the fact that the people at Usami's facility said Robin was a doctor (even tho he did not seem to have any medical knowledge during the time Kiruko was still a guy), I wouldn't be surprised if the doc transplanted his own brain into Robin's body to live longer.

More importantly tho, Mina has been giving birth to all the children! Meaning that the "babies" Tokio saw in an earlier episode truly were what all the children looked like at birth (that batch in particuliar must have been the new kids)

Even crazier however is that the children in the facility will turn into Hiruko one day :O

Heck Mina straight up calls the children Hiruko and tells them to go outside! She set those monsters loose on the world!

We even know what Hiruko some of the children will turn into!

Since Mimihime can see into the future we see what Hiruko Kona will turn into :O

And Ohma's ability?! That was the same ability the Hiruko in the underground parking lot had! In other words that's what Ohma turns into eventually.

And that vision Mimihime saw after she fainted looked like the place the Usami's wife ended up in! Assuming that was her own future, that means that lady was Mimihime!!!! And in turn, that means Usami who was with her is actually Shiro!! Those guys even have the same voice actor for crying out loud!!

Also considering how Ohma and Mimihime became friends this episode, it would explain why that Hiruko was just chilling down there not attacking anybody. She just wanted to be close to her friend :(

Oh yeah and we finally know why Maru is supposed to find somebody who looks like him, because Tokio gave birth to twins!!!! So Maru has a sister or brother somewhere out there and they are both children of two Hiruko (which explains why Maru can kill Hiruko I guess) :O

Damn, I really feel bad for the children from the facility. Knowing that they all will end up becoming man eating monsters is just too sad :( As bad as the goal of the director was to use them as vessels for her own immortality, Mina is the true villain here in my opinion!
I just want to know how the children became Hiruko. Were they infected by something? Is it a disease created by the facility? 
Jun 11, 2023 3:06 PM
May 2021
Okay, I am going to die. I am so confused...but i think i am starting to understand what is going on.
Jun 11, 2023 3:08 PM
Sep 2022
Another excellent episode. This title has only one major disadvantage - it tends to run out of :(
Definitely one of the best anime of 2023 year so far
Jun 11, 2023 3:30 PM

Dec 2015
Interesting. Didn't notice the connection between Mimihime and the girl that died few episode ago ... until  manga reader mentioned it. When only watching the anime ... I guess it is hard to miss. Checked again now and there really were some scenes where they showed the machines used to keep the girl alive that died episodes ago.
Jun 11, 2023 3:37 PM

Sep 2014
Yep those kids are definitely Maneaters in the future, I wonder why some turn and some dont like the doctor from a few eps ago? Maybe its the illness they talk about?

So those are Mimihimes ears, I thought it was just a weird anime hairstyle.

Huge calm before the storm vibes, with 2 eps left I bet the final will be huge.

I kinda hope there wont be a second season because I really want to dive into the manga now and I dont want to wait 2 years for S2, but the adaption is so good it would be a shame if this never got continued. I only very rarely see anime adaptions of this quality.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jun 11, 2023 6:36 PM

Jul 2017
Well, Tokio's pregnancy definitely set the facility ablaze...

With the Walled City mini-arc past, Juichi's car set with both his name together with Kiruko and Maru to God knows where. And the birth of Kona and Tokio's child, this is the first natural birth that could make or break Takahara Academy, and the Director lapses on life that she could very well not live to see the brain transplant. For now, having Aoshima be assisiant director to drive her way through to the Director's stage when time calls for it, this is Heaven in the making. Kiruko and Maru resting before they make another move, and seeing a smoke at night towards the Ibaraki factory, it's dangerous at night because of the potential of man-eaters.

One of the new 5th grader kids, Ohma, playing an accordion by her own, and Mimihime got mentally shocked by her Gojo Satoru-looking eyes, that the torture sequence was all a dream. But her hallucinations indeed surfaced in the world thereafter, like a futuristic premonition that both Kiruko and Maru would encounter in the dystopian world. Ohma, feeling bad for Mimihime, the latter forces her way out of Ohma's contraption for the 2nd time, indicating that she's fine, it's a force to be reckoned with. And not even the technical staff also know of this Heaven, but went through with the Director's plans, since they went in too deep, it's better not asking and executing the plan instead. Meanwhile, the kids thinking that they're going for swimming and Tokio recovered, but with the sudden test, this is the final confirmation that the kids are all in the process of becoming Hiruko a.k.a man-eaters, and they're not wrong in thinking that they had this bad feeling awaiting them.

The Test become a Hiruko.
Jun 11, 2023 8:40 PM

Feb 2021
Wait... That girl's eyes can summon a robot? and there are 2 babies with the same bodies? Is it a clone? Hmm... Need to think and see more episode to discover what it is :)
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Jun 11, 2023 11:24 PM

Apr 2021
Great episode, changing the chapters order was a good decision to allow first time viewers to focus on the details and pieces of information given here.
Glad to see the direction coming back to what I liked in this show: precise, detailed, well thought out, focused on delivering the story and the emotion in a subtle way.
Jun 12, 2023 12:11 AM

Oct 2013
This episode pretty resoundingly confirmed the children are hiruko, probably some of the same hiruko we've seen slain through the series, although the motives remain unclear. Every time it feels like we're getting an answer, ten more questions arise, to the point I don't even know if I remember all the questions.

I sure hope we're getting a 2nd season...

Jun 12, 2023 1:52 AM

Oct 2020
From the first episodes, the facial resemblance of Maru and Tokio caught my attention. What I think will come true.
Jun 12, 2023 6:47 AM

May 2021
Now the obvious conclusion would be that the children turn into the Man-Eaters but there's gotta be a twist to that. Though I would be fine with there being no twist.

Jun 12, 2023 10:48 AM
Oct 2020
This episode confirmed it that the hiruko that used illusion on kiruko was Ohma as they had same power...just a speculation but still it's quite sad if it's true. And Tokio got two child when!!...
Jun 12, 2023 11:21 AM
Jul 2015
Just if it wasn't absolutely and 110 % clear by now - yes, it is exactly that, feel free to cry ... like ... a lot.
For funsies you could go on and match superpowers or stuff.

Usually I thrash stories for getting off on making everyone suffer just because they can. But this? It's just soooo good. I'll take it and cry like a big boy, splattering everything with tears and snot.

With how thoroughly they mixed the plot from the manga, I'm not sure we get to see everything that happens there (of course, I'd prefer if they removed the those-in-the-know-know, same as anyone; but I'd be sad for everything else).
Jun 12, 2023 1:35 PM
Feb 2021
im just watch ing to have something in the bg at this point.... imma have to rewatch this fs :/
Jun 12, 2023 2:42 PM

Nov 2011
so many clues in this ep
Jun 12, 2023 5:58 PM
Oct 2016
Jun 12, 2023 8:06 PM
May 2022
My only problem with this show is how an episode will end on the most bone chilling, life questioning, morally concerning cliffhanger I've ever seen and then the goofy ahh outro starts playing i'm just overwhelmed with the silly lil tunes.
Jun 13, 2023 2:15 PM

Jul 2014
This anime is getting more and more out of context. Its like what I guessed, they probably are born with those hiruko genes
Jun 13, 2023 4:36 PM
Oct 2021
yasm said:
Man the details in this episode are brilliant (as usual).

So there are 2 babies - "the one with a face just like yours" didn't refer to Maru's mother, but his twin.

Something about the children and them recognising the name "hiruko" makes me think we may not be seeing the past, though, but perhaps the future (or the present). There are some other hints like (paraphrasing) "Permitted by who? Law? International public opinion? Those things are long gone!" that strongly support that. But the timeline doesn't make sense. I like how mysterious this is.

Also seems that brain transplants are something that can be done in this world. Interesting, maybe Kiruko did go exactly through what they said they did.

I feel sorry for Kona, he's definitely becoming a man-eater already.

And is the AI planning some sort of coup? Or was that Aoshima?

So many questions. I love it.
I think the director's spiel about law and international opinion wasn't really about the current state of affairs in the world (because nearly all other information corroborates the theory that the school scenes are from the past), but more that as an institution they've already infringed on so many societal rules and constructs that those kinds of principles are already "long gone" for them. What's one more taboo, after all?

EDIT: Most shocking part of this episode was MIMIHIME'S EAR REVEAL??? Crazy... I can't believe this show hid it from us for so long lol idk if it's just a cheeky troll from the writer or if it's important to the story but it made me jump lol
mimimosaJun 13, 2023 4:39 PM
Jun 13, 2023 10:09 PM
Apr 2023
This ep cleared up a lot of mysteries and some suspicions... (not a manga reader yet since I'm waiting for the anime to finish and hadn't heard of this series until the anime came out)

Confirmed that the kids from the facility are indeed the Hiruko that the current timeline have been dealing with (though ofc not all, since it can continue to spread or be passed on?)

Mimihime is the girl from the Immortal Order who died on the roof...Shiro is the Dr they met who was trying to save/salvage her and I'm assuming Ouhma was the Hiruko in the basement that could project hallucinations?

We also got to see a glimpse of another kids Hiruko form via Mimihime's foresight 👀 also it looks like Maru is indeed Tokio's child and the twin they're looking for is too!! 🫣

Kiruko is so close to finding the doctor who did the brain swap with their sister and it looks like the Facility was indeed the originator of that (though they have a mutiny afoot) 🤯 wondering if they were either a kid I don't recognize or a facility staff member who hasn't been shown? Deff still have a few questions waiting to see if there are some reveals for...

Shit is ramping UP and I'm so here for it this series is incredible and I can't wait 😮‍💨🔥

Deff gonna be reading the manga the moment the next 2 and final ep's air 💯
HoodwinksterJun 13, 2023 10:13 PM
Jun 14, 2023 12:27 AM

Oct 2022
What's up with those eyes of that girl is that what summons those machines out of nowhere.
Much better than the last episode and can't wait to see how the season is going to conclude as only two episodes are left for airing.
Jun 14, 2023 2:15 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
This is the kind of show that answers one question but leaves two more questions in its place, and I love it

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jun 14, 2023 5:18 AM
Mar 2019
Simply fantastic story building
Jun 14, 2023 9:31 AM
Dec 2021
Found some spoilers and hints about the story.

I guess this episode was more exciting and it also spoils for the next episode!

Can't wait to see the next episodes!
Jun 14, 2023 1:39 PM

Apr 2016
Twins? It was a surprise!!!

Well, the exam, seems a mortal exam, no? kekeke
Jun 14, 2023 1:39 PM

Apr 2016
Yes, with surprises and miteries in ever episode!!!! kekeke

Jun 14, 2023 1:40 PM

Apr 2016
The ears seems me out!!! kekeke

Jun 14, 2023 1:41 PM

Apr 2016
Very interesting, thanks for the info!!! ;)


Jun 14, 2023 1:42 PM

Apr 2016
Yes, and a way into the dark of this anime series!!! kekeke

Jun 14, 2023 1:42 PM

Apr 2016
I am with you, and full of mysteries too!!! kekeke

Jun 14, 2023 2:34 PM

Oct 2018
^ 6 different posts????

Next episode is going to be endless drama in these forums.
Jun 14, 2023 3:17 PM

Sep 2018
Etherius_ZS said:
^ 6 different posts????

Next episode is going to be endless drama in these forums.

You can see why their post count is so high...

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Jun 14, 2023 4:56 PM
Mar 2020
quer fazer um anime em duas partes com uma história nao linear e mistério?

assista isso.
Jun 14, 2023 8:17 PM

Nov 2012
HellBlasterz said:
dragynfaerie said:

I wonder if Tokio had twins or if one is a clone. 

I guess it's a clone, because the nametag of the second is 'Tokio Jr. C.'
I didn't even notice the 'C'. Now, don't I feel unobservant. 
Jun 14, 2023 9:14 PM
Oct 2014
Unkn0wnfear said:
Ah hah. So the kids in the facility are the same as the monsters outside, but bred several times over to turn them into humanoids with abilities like the monsters. Makes sense. They could've revealed this several episodes ago because thus far all the sequences about these random kids have been incredibly dull and boring.

Is that what it is?! I thought it was the other way around tbh
Jun 14, 2023 9:16 PM
Oct 2014
Sekiro94 said:
Thunder_1 said:

Hope we don't see that hell in anime!

unfortunately I watch on hulu so I read summeries and that's all ima say for ep 13
Jun 15, 2023 3:27 AM
Oct 2021
The characters is pretty uniques.
Jun 15, 2023 4:38 AM

May 2015
Poor Sunglasses-chan, she has a very frightening power.

Donkey-chan is such a good friend too.
Jun 15, 2023 5:25 AM

Dec 2020
LaFlame77 said:
GeoXsf9 said:
This episode cleared almost all the crucial things
Those kids being the man-eaters, Two different timelines, Mimihime being the girl that died 2 eps earlier, Maru being Tokio's son, The cloned child from Maru(or vice versa) being the one that Kiruko and Maru looking for etc.

Ep 11 gonna be fire

I’m so happy that I was correct about that being mimihime I deadass predicted that that was her by the end of the episode. So does that mean that shiro was usami?
Yeah, seems like I forgot to write about Usami being Shiro
Jun 15, 2023 10:20 AM
May 2021
GeoXsf9 said:
LaFlame77 said:

I’m so happy that I was correct about that being mimihime I deadass predicted that that was her by the end of the episode. So does that mean that shiro was usami?
Yeah, seems like I forgot to write about Usami being Shiro

You’re all good that’s what I assumed is that usami was shiro it only made sense but now that also answers the question that the two different parts of the story are indeed in separate timelines.
Jun 15, 2023 5:29 PM
Oct 2016
I like that Mimi = "ear" and hime = the type of haircut she has

Taking off Ohma's glasses the second time without hesitation at first had me like "why are you doing it again what the hell?" but when it became clear that Mimihime was actually being really selfless/cool at the same time I think it totally solidified her as one of the best characters in the show (and the fact that we basically know what her fate is by piecing the clues together just makes it all the sadder)
Jun 16, 2023 5:57 AM

Feb 2011
I wish we could get a better grasp on the kids' super powers, also neat to see mimihime can control those ears lol, that was random af

...wish i never spoiled myself, chapter 32 shouldn't have been made, god why
ScootboiJun 16, 2023 6:11 AM
Jun 16, 2023 11:25 AM

Apr 2016
Undoubtedly anime of the 2020s decade.
No need to wait for 2030 to ponder.
No appeal received. It's already been decided.
Jun 16, 2023 12:25 PM

Apr 2021
Radical_Orion said:
Undoubtedly anime of the 2020s decade.
No need to wait for 2030 to ponder.
No appeal received. It's already been decided.
To me, Wonder Egg Priority will come close. But definitely these two will be difficult to top from my chapel.
rvdboomJun 16, 2023 12:33 PM
Jun 17, 2023 3:31 AM

Nov 2021
The atmosphere in the second part of the episode is so incredibly creepy, I love it
Jun 17, 2023 10:58 AM

Feb 2018
Looks like Kiruko and Maru have had it relatively easy now, they've finally made it to one of the vital areas.
So now I guess we know where that ability to cause hallucinations comes from.
Mimihime had it rough in this one but she pushed through.
Wondering how this plan is going to go down now that they've told the students.
Jun 18, 2023 1:22 AM
Dec 2021
every episode just getting better and better, an episode feels like a 5 min eps for me its gettin too interesting
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